Byaturo Irrigation - RRL - Salyan - Sharada

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NCCSP II TA DPR Review, Recommendation and QA Log Sheet

Province: Karnali Fiscal Year: 2023-24 Source of Funds

District: Salyan Project Start Date: ⁠Jan 15, 2024 NCCSP (88%) - 2,500,000 NPR
Municipality: Saradha Project End Date: Jul 10, 2024 Palika (---) - --- NPR
Scheme Number: 42 Project Status: Approved Province (---) - --- NPR
Scheme Name: Byutaro Irrigation canal DPR Status: Approved Community (12%) - 356,430 NPR
Scheme Type: Irrigation Scheme DPR Draft Date: ⁠Jan 1, 2024 Other Matching Funds (---) - --- NPR
Beneficiary Population: 145 high intensity, 0 DPR Finalised Date: Jan 4, 2024 Budget Surplus / Deficit (---) - --- NPR
medium intensity Recommended procurement strategy: User Total (100%) - 2,856,430 NPR
Beneficiary Households: 26 high intensity, 0 Committee
medium intensity Final Recommendation: ---⁠

Comments / Recommendations
Comment Response/ Action Taken by NCCSP II Residual Needs
# NCCSP TA Comments
Type Municipality Comment Revision

The GPS coordinates of the study area were obtained through a survey and
entered into GIS. The watershed of the Paatu River was delineated using GIS and
the catchment area of the stream was estimated. The mean monthly flow of the Municipality will follow and
stream was determined using different methods such as Hydest method, MHSP, implement the projects in Procurement should adhere
Modified Hydest and MIP methods. The MIP method was chosen as it gave the coordination with local with Public Procurement Act
lowest discharge value. The water balance for 11-hectare of command area was community and NCCSP 2 and Regulation of Nepal. TA
calculated based on the data of monthly temperature, crop coefficient, crop TA. The scheme is to adhere is not responsible for any
1 Design & Accepted
calendar, ETO, land preparation, deep percolation losses, rainfall, and crop water to the design and estimate changes mase in design
requirement. The water balance was used as the water discharge for designing provided by the DPR. Any and estimate without their
the canal. The RCC canal was designed with a flow velocity of 1 m/s, a bed width changes or variation must be consent and consolation
to depth ratio of 1.5, and a flow depth that was computed accordingly. Similarly, recorded in a note to file in and proper documentation.
the main canal was designed with a width of 0.4 m and a depth of 0.3 m, resulting consultation with TA team.
in an overall size of 0.45 m * 0.4 m toral length of the canal will be 780 meters for
main canal and distribution.

Municipality should follow

regular maintenance of the
project for longer term life
Any extreme event more
Return The design of the proposed irrigation canal is based on the flood estimation of 20 span and functionality and
than 20 years return period
2 Period / years of return period. Floods of higher return period might have adverse impacts sustainability of the scheme Accepted
might have adverse effects
Lifespan on the intervention measures. Municipality should work on
in the structure.
the given designed in order
to make structure climate

Municipality will launch

awareness campaign on
Source Source protection activities should also be promoted in the catchment area to
3 sustainable use of water and Accepted
Protection increase water discharge in the streams
forest protection through
community mobilization.

Municipality will monitor and

Resilience Climate resilience features like designed based structure, Bioengineering works orient users committee for
4 Accepted
Features should be promoted to build climate resilient structure climate friendly and
resilience structure
Comment NCCSP II Residual Needs
# NCCSP TA Comments Response/ Action Taken by Municipality
Type Comment Revision

Quality of workmanship and materials needs to be

Standard procurement
checked on frequent basis during the construction
process should be strictly
phase. The payment will made based on the actual Regular monitoring will be conducted by the
followed, transparent
measurement bills with required supporting documents municipality with limited support from TA. The
project account with actual
5 QA/QC and after the recommendation from the TA team. TA User committee will be paid for actual work Accepted
bills and vouchers will be
team is not responsible for verifying the actual bills of the completion only after verification of all the
maintained, and Project
procured materials (non-local and local). All the required documents.
Implementation Guideline
constructed structures must meet the desired quality
must be adhered.

Palika should support for the robust operation If the UC fail to take the
and maintenance guideline for UC. This actions in line to establish
Systematic operation & maintenance procedure & fund
support for the operation and maintenance O/M mechanism after the
O&M / will strengthen the sustainability and functionality of the Action
6 guideline will be done in a timely manner proper facilitation from
Sustainability project. Operation and Maintenance fund establishment Recommended
before the final payment to the UC. The Palika palika, the allocated
has been suggested in the DPR as a startup money.
level O/M guideline will be crucial for this budget of O/M will be
support to UC. reverted to municipality.

This project targets the Janajati ethnic communities who

have had low access to irrigation facilities. The project
Municipality will promote GESI sensitive
will adhere to more participation, benefit and
approaches and provisions like; implication of
empowerment of men, women and marginalized groups
gender sensitive behaviour, equal/fair wage to
including PwD, single women, the poorest of the poor,
Social both men and women labour workers, equal
etc. through scheme interventions. Also, it will
7 Inclusion / opportunity and capacity building for UCs and Accepted
encourage for meaningful leadership roles of women in
GESI provide necessary incentives and monitoring
UCs and ensure inclusive decision making. For that, TA
for proper execution of project. Male and
will provide GESI orientation and regular engagement to
female will have equal opportunities and will be
UCs and communities. GESI sensitive environment will
paid with equal wages.
be focused during the project intervention and entire

Palika will facilitate the UC for proper safety

gear procurement and distribution,
Ensuring the safety of construction workers is crucial. procurement of relevant group insurance and
UC and Palika have a prime responsibility for ensuring conducting safety training before the project
safety. Any incident and accident related to the project is commences. Regular safety audits and reviews
Municipality will support for
the responsibility of UC and palika. Initial cost of PPE will be done by the palika with the suggestive
8 H&S early reimbursement of Accepted
and group accidental insurance is envisioned by measure of post construction safety. Post
insurance claim.
estimate. It is suggested that any administration and use construction safety is the role of UC in close
of medicine by workers at the project site should be coordination with palika. Palika will ensure and
properly guided by the health personnel. aware about the health implication of drugs
administration and uses without consultation of
health personnel.

In order to full utilization of the proposed scheme, Palika

Full utilzation will further mobilize its agriculture unit to engage with Action
of the scheme and to support small holder farmers for increased Recommended
agriculture production and livelihood opportunities.
Narrative and final comments from NCCSP II

Project Background: The aim of Byutaro irrigation Canal is to supply water for 11 ha of farmland in ward number 07 of Sarada Municipality. The project
will upgrade an old earthen irrigation canal to an RCC one. The funding sources are NCCSP 2 and the municipality, and the beneficiaries are 26
households from diverse communities. The project is expected to last for 20 years, with the community responsible for the operation and maintenance
costs. The project will enable year-round irrigation for a large area that suffers from drought. This will allow people to grow and sell various vegetables
in the nearby market area and improve their livelihoods. The project duration is 4 months, and it will be finished in this fiscal year. The users’ committee
will implement the project, and the municipality, NCCSP 2 and the local people will monitor it to ensure its resilience and productivity. Climate
Consideration: According to the Observed Climate Trend Analysis Report 2017 of MoFE. Salyan district has an average annual precipitation of 1162.9
mm, annual maximum temperature is 25.5 0C and minimum average annual temperature is 13.4 0C. The VRA report 2021 of MoFE shows the district
under very high vulnerability rank (0.778-1) and municipality has a vulnerability rank of 0.545. The study shows that in the near future the average
annual maximum, minimum temperature and precipitation will be in increasing trend and will not following the seasonal pattern. There will be less
rainfall during the winter and winter getting drier. The consecutive dry days will be increasing, and the number of cold days will be decreasing. The
rainfall will be more intense and erratic rainfall will be more frequent. TA recommendation: The project has been sensitively analysed and found to be
socio- economically & environmentally feasible. Thus, the TA recommends for the implementation of the project. The cost estimation of the project is
NPRs. 28,56,430.24 which includes NPRs. 16,44,328.85 (57.56%) for materials, NPRs.9,92,121.89 (34.73%) for labour, NPRs. 1,21,559.50 (4.26%) for
transportation and NPRs.98,420.00 (3.45%) for others. Where the others cost includes health & safety, O&M cost, UC management cost, hoarding
board and insurance of the workers. The technical feasibility is critically analysed by surveyors and rate analysis of estimate items has been adopted
from the DoLI norms. The land and portion of labour input for excavation, earth filling in all structures are agreed to be contributed by the beneficiaries.
The funds allocated by NCCSP2, is NPR 25,00,000 and the rest 356,430 will be managed by users.

Disclaimer: NCCSP2 is a government flagship program on climate change adaptation, hence the government (Palikas) take the responsibility of
project and schemes selection, design, and implementation including transparent utilization of climate finance under this programme. Thus, this is an
advisory review of the scheme based on the limited information provided and it does not constitute a full approval of the design and implementation. TA
(Mott MacDonald) does not take responsibility for the design by providing these advisory review comments.

Note: The above comment and narratives are the summary of DPR. For detail, please refer to the scheme DPR.

NCCSP II TA Quality Assurance

Recomendation Drafted by: Recommendation Reviewed by: Recomendation Approved by:

Digitally signed by Shirish Adhikari
CCC: Dinesh Ghimire Shirish
Senior Climate and WaterDN:
Adhikari, c=NP, Team Leader: --- Digitally signed by Kiran C.

Cluster Engineer: Dipen Khadka⁠ Date: ---

o=Mott MacDonald Ltd., ou=IDS,
[email protected]
Kiran C. Wagle
DN: cn=Kiran C. Wagle , c=NP,

Adhikari Reason: Recommended o=Mott MacDonald,

Date: 2024.03.06 19:49:01 +05'45' [email protected]
Date: 2024.03.10 16:02:49
Date: Feb 13, 2024 Regional Climate Coordinator: Date: --- +05'45'

Digitally signed by Sandeep
DN: cn=Sandeep, o=Mott MacDonald Limited,

Date: Nepal Branch, ou=International Development,

[email protected], c=NP
Date: 2024.03.10 15:32:48 +05'45'

Acknowledgement of TA recommendation and confirmation of DPR approval from Municipality:





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