The Cybersecurity and Crime Act, 2021 - 25th November, 2021
The Cybersecurity and Crime Act, 2021 - 25th November, 2021
The Cybersecurity and Crime Act, 2021 - 25th November, 2021
l. Interpretation.
33. Unautborised access.
34_ Unauthorised access to protected system
35. Unauthorised data interception.
ia. Unauthorised data interference.
37. Unauthorised system interference.
38_ Misuse of divice.
39. Unauthorised disclosure of password.
40. Computer related forgery.
41. Computer Aaud.
Identiry theft and impersonation.
43. Elecaonic signature.
4. Cyber statking and bullying.
45. Cyber Squatting.
4. Infiingement ofcoplright and related rights.
47. Online child sexuat abuse.
.18. Online adult sexual abuse.
49. Attempting and Aiding or Abetting.
50. Registration of cyber cafes.
51. Cyber Tenorism.
52. Racist Xenophobic Offences.
53. Reporting c).ber tkeats.
g. Breach ofconfidence by service provider.
55. Employees responsibiliry
56. Corporae liability.
57. Acts by children.
58. Regulations.
SToNED this l5th day of November,202l
No. 7 2021
tl Date of com-
Ex,lcrm by the President and Members ofParliament in this
prese[t Parliament assembled.
2 No.7 The Cyber Security qnd Crine Act 2021
lfiterpretation l. tn this Act, unless the contrary intention appea$ -
(b) bestialityi
(c) masturbationi
Audil and
Inspcction of
E. A Presidential Order made under subsection ( I ) ofsection
Critical 7 may require the National Computer Security lncidence Response
National Team established under section (2) to audit and inspect any Critical
lnformation National Information Infrastructure at atly time to ensure compliance
with the provisions ofthis Act.
the Judge may issue a warrant which shall authorise the enforcement
officer or other authorised person, with such assistance as may be
necessary, to access, seize or secure a specified computer system,
program, dala or computer data storage medium.
11, (l) Where a computer system or data has been removed Record oland
or rendered inaccessible, following a search or seizure, the person 1"f... to
s"i^o o"'
who made the search or seiztre shall. at the time of the .""."h o,
seizure or as soon as practicable after the search -
to access and copy computer data on the system orgive strch person
a copy of the computer data.
(t) prejudice-
O an inYestigation; or
(i) evidencereporting.
O in Sierra [€one; or
Real-Ti e
Collection of
14. (l) Where there are reasonable grounds to believe that
rraffic Data. taffic data associated with specified communications is reasonably
required for the purposes ofa specific criminal investigation, a Judge
ofthe High Court may, on an application by an enforcement officer
or other authorised person, order a service provider rvith the capacitv
to monitor, coliect and record to-
lnterccption 15. (l) Where there are reasonable grounds to believe that
of content
the content ofa specifically identified electronic communications is
reasonably required for the purposes of a specific investigation in
respect ofa felonious offence, a Judge ofthe High Cout may, on an
application by an enforcement ofiicer or other authoris€d person,
order a service provider to-
18. Subj ect to the powers of the Attomey-General and Minister Paoseculion of
of Justicg law enforcement agencies shall haye power to prosecute Exrraditable
offences under this Act. ln lhe case of offences cornmitted under offcnces.
section 24 and 26 of this Acq the approval of the Attomey-General
must be obtained before prosecution.
19. (l)
The Court in imposing sentence on any person Fodeilure to
convicted ofan offence under thisAct, may order that the convicted the State.
person forfeits to the Republic ofSien-a Leone-
Rcstitution 20, In addition to any other penalty prescribed under this Act,
the Court may order a person convicted ofan offence under this Act
to make restitution to the victim of the false presence or fraud by
directing that the person -
(a) where the property involved is money, pay
to the victim an anoulrt equivalent to the loss
sustained; in any other case to-
24. (l) This Act complements the Exhadition Ac! 1974 (Act Extradirion
No- I I of 1974) which makes provision for the exlradition ofpersons
accused or convicted ofan offence in another country.
Expedited 26. (l) A foreign state may request or obtain the expeditious
preservation preservation ofdata stored by means ofa computer system, located
of stored
computer within Sierra kone, in respect ofwhich it intends to submit a request
date. for mutual assistance, for the search, access. seizure, security or
disclosure of the data.
27. (l) Where during the coune ofexecuting a request under Expedited
wift respect to a specified communication, it is discovered disclosure
section 26, of
that a service provider in another state was involved in the traffic data.
transmission of the communication, the Attorney-General shall
expeditiously disclose to th€ foreign state, sufficient amount oftraffic
data to identiry that sarvice provider and the path through which the
comrmmication was transmitled.
(2) Exiedited disclosure ofpreserved tramc data under
subsection ( I ) may only be withheld where the -
No.7 The Cyber Security and Ciae Act 2021
Mutual 28. (l) A foreign state may request the search, access, secure
assistmce or disclosure ofdata stored by means ofa cornputer system located
accessing of within Sierra Leone, including data that has been preserved under
stored section 26.
(2) When making a request undel subsection (l), the
foreign state shall provide adequate information on the following-
&ceess to
29, Subject to this Act, an enforcement omcer or other
stored atthorized person may, without authorisation-
data (a) access pubticly available (open source)
stored computer data, regardless of where
the data is located geographically; or
Provided that any such access shall be without prejudice to fte rights
to privacy of persons and may be rescinded upon an application try
a person affected to a Judge ofthe High Court.
The absence of authority to secure access to the
whole or any part of any computer system under subsection (l)
includes instances where there may exist general authority to access
a computer system but a specilic t)?e, nature or method of access
may not be authorised-
36. A person, including a corporation, partnership. or
interfer€nce. association, who intentionally or without authorisation does an act
in relation to a computer system which-
50. (l) No person shall engage in the operation ofa business Regisrarion
of providing computers for accessing the intemet, playing e""t*, ll;]l"t
chatting or doing other computer-related task unless the business.
6 No. 7 The Cyber Secutity ahd Crime Act 2021
provided that the cybercafC owner ot manager shall not be liable for
such an offence unless there is evidence to the effect that he or she
or it were complicit in the commission ofthe oflence.
No. 7 The Cybet Security and Crirne Act 202t 67
offenders, order that the body corporate shall be wound up and all its
assets and properties forfeit€d to the state, without prejudice to any
Iiability owing from the said body corporate being first satisfied.
and fails to exercise reasonable and proper conrol over such legal
person comrnits an offence underthisAct, and is liable on conviction
to a fine ltot less than L€ 10,000,000 and not more than Le 30,000,000
or to a term of imprisonment not less than I year and not exceeding 3
yea6 or to both such fine and imprisonment and in the case of a
corporation, parheBhip, or association, to a fine nol less than Le
I 00,000,000 and not exceeding f€ 250,000,000.
Act and subject to the provisions ofthe Children and Young P"oon. "hild*n
Act Cap.44 and the Child Rights Act 2007, where an act done by a
child would be deemed to be an offence under this Act such child
shall be treated as ajuvenile and dealt with accordingly
Passed in Parliament this 23rd day o/Juue, in the year ofour Lord two thousand
and twenty one.
Tlus PRTNTED IMpREssroN has been carefu[y compared by me with the Bill
which has passed Parliament and found by me to be a true and correct printed copy
ofthe said Bill.
Pnorreo eNo Pusl-tsgEo av rrE GovERNtr$r PRTNrNG DEp rrMEar, SrERr LEoNE,
G,EnF, No.7l or 25r, Novt,BEi, 2021.