Unmanned Systems Roadmap.2007-2032
Unmanned Systems Roadmap.2007-2032
Unmanned Systems Roadmap.2007-2032
Executive Summary
Today’s military has seen an evolution in technology that is creating an entirely new capability
to project power through the use of unmanned systems while reducing the risk to human life.
The contributions of unmanned systems continue to increase. As of October 2006, coalition
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs), exclusive of hand-launched systems, had flown almost
400,000 flight hours in support of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, Unmanned
Ground Vehicles (UGVs) had responded to over 11,000 Improvised Explosive Device (IED)
situations, and Unmanned Maritime Systems (UMSs) had provided security to ports. As a result
of these successes, the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) emphasized the importance of
unmanned systems in the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT).
Unmanned systems are highly desired by combatant commanders (COCOMs) for the many roles
these systems can fulfill. Tasks such as mine detection; signals intelligence; precision target
designation; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosive (CBRNE) reconnaissance; and
communications and data relay rank high among the COCOMs’ interests. These unmanned
capabilities have helped reduce the complexity and time lag in the “sensor” component of the
sensor-to-shooter chain for prosecuting “actionable intelligence.” Unmanned systems are
changing the conduct of military operations in the GWOT by providing unrelenting pursuit
combined with the elimination of threats to friendly forces; including injury, capture, or death.
As the Department of Defense (DoD) develops and employs an increasingly sophisticated force
of unmanned systems over the next 25 years (2007 to 2032), technologists, acquisition officials,
and operational planners require a clear, coordinated plan for the evolution and transition of
unmanned systems technology. With the publication of this document, individual roadmaps and
master plans for UASs, UGVs, and UMSs (defined as Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (UUVs)
and Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs)) have been incorporated into a comprehensive DoD
Unmanned Systems Roadmap. This integrated Unmanned Systems Roadmap is the plan for
future prioritization and funding of these systems development and technology, thus ensuring an
effective return on the Department’s investment. Its overarching goal, in accordance with the
Strategic Planning Guidance (SPG), is to guide military departments and defense agencies
toward logically and systematically migrating applicable mission capabilities to this new class of
military tools. This Roadmap highlights the most urgent mission needs that are supported both
technologically and operationally by various unmanned systems. These needs, listed below,
should be considered when prioritizing future research, development, and procurement of
unmanned systems technology to ensure an effective return on the Department’s investment.
2. Target Identification and Designation. The ability to positively identify and precisely
locate military targets in real-time is a current shortfall with DOD UAS. Reducing latency
and increasing precision for GPS guided weapons is required. The ability to operate in high-
threat environments without putting warfighters at risk is not only safer but potentially more
effective than the use of current manned systems.
Executive Summary
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Unmanned Systems Roadmap 2007-2032
3. Counter-Mine Warfare. Since World War II, sea mines have caused more damage to US
warships than all other weapons systems combined. Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs)
are the number one cause of of coalition casualties in Operation Iraqi Freedom. A significant
amount of effort is already being expended to improve the military’s ability to find, tag, and
destroy both land and sea mines. Unmanned Systems are a natural fit for this dangerous
Some of these missions can be supported by the current state-of-the-art unmanned technology
where the capabilities of current or near-term assets are sufficient and the risk to warfighters is
relatively low. Other mission areas, however, are in urgent need of additional capability.
Current unmanned capabilities must evolve into the future DoD acquisition and operational
vision. Current support to the warfighter must be sustained while making the transition, but
every effort must be made to accommodate these evolving unmanned technologies along with
more traditional technologies as soon as possible. The activities the Department is undertaking
to address these mission areas are detailed within this Roadmap.
The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) is responsible for ensuring unmanned systems
support the Department’s larger goals of fielding transformational capabilities, establishing joint
standards, and controlling costs. OSD has established the following broad goals to steer the
Department in that direction. It is anticipated that future versions of the Roadmap will include
specific methodology, metrics, and assignments to achieve the stated goals.
Goal 1. Improve the effectiveness of COCOM and coalition unmanned systems through
improved integration and Joint Services collaboration.
Goal 3. Foster the development of policies, standards, and procedures that enable safe and
timely operations and the effective integration of manned and unmanned systems.
Goal 4. Implement standardized and protected positive control measures for unmanned systems
and their associated armament.
The long-term plan is to publish a truly integrated Unmanned Systems Roadmap in January 2009
that builds on this effort and increases focus on manned and unmanned systems interoperability
to achieve our future vision.
Executive Summary
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Unmanned Systems Roadmap 2007-2032
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... i
Table of Contents ...........................................................................................................................iii
List of Figures ..............................................................................................................................viii
List of Tables................................................................................................................................viii
List of Abbreviations...................................................................................................................... ix
Chapter 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Purpose................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Scope .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Vision ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4. Goals and Objectives ........................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2. Strategic Planning and Policy........................................................................................ 6
2.1. Background .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.2. Congressional Direction....................................................................................................... 6
2.3. Acquisition Policies ............................................................................................................. 7
2.3.1. General .......................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.2. Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) ................................ 8
2.3.3. DoD 5000 series ............................................................................................................ 8
2.4. Unmanned Systems Funding ............................................................................................. 10
2.5. Departmental Responsibilities ........................................................................................... 11
2.5.1. Naval Warfare ............................................................................................................. 11
2.5.2. Ground Warfare........................................................................................................... 12
2.5.3. Air Warfare ................................................................................................................. 12
Chapter 3. Interoperability and Standards..................................................................................... 13
3.1. Interoperability Requirements............................................................................................ 13
3.2. Unmanned Systems Standards ........................................................................................... 13
3.2.1. UAS Standards ............................................................................................................ 15
3.2.2. UGV Standards ........................................................................................................... 16
3.2.3. UMS Standards ........................................................................................................... 16
3.2.4. Media Standards.......................................................................................................... 16
3.3. Roadmap Interoperability Objectives ................................................................................ 17
Chapter 4. COCOM Mission and Capability Needs ..................................................................... 19
4.1. Why Unmanned Systems? ................................................................................................. 19
4.2. Capability Requirements.................................................................................................... 19
4.2.1. User Priorities Across COCOMs and Military Departments ...................................... 20
4.2.2. UASs Priorities............................................................................................................ 20
4.2.3. UGV Priorities............................................................................................................. 21
4.2.4. UMS Priorities............................................................................................................. 22
4.2.5. DoD Priorities ............................................................................................................. 23 Reconnaissance .................................................................................................... 23 Target Identification, and Designation................................................................. 23 Counter Mine Warfare ......................................................................................... 23 Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive (CBRNE)
Reconnaissance ........................................................................................................... 23
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List of Figures
Figure 1.1 DoD Unmanned Systems, Present and Future Roles..................................................... 2
Figure 1.2 Joint Services Roadmap for Achieving DoD Vision for Unmanned Systems .............. 3
Figure 2.1 DoD Annual Funding Profile for Unmanned Systems ($M)....................................... 10
Figure 2.2 OSD Organizational Support for Unmanned Systems ................................................ 11
Figure 5.1 ONR Unmanned System Efforts ................................................................................. 31
Figure 5.2 Example ARL Unmanned System Efforts................................................................... 32
Figure 5.3 ARL MAST research................................................................................................... 33
Figure 5.4 Robotic Combat Casualty Extraction and Evacuation TAGS-CX & BEAR .............. 34
Figure 5.5 Unmanned Vehicles – The Increasing Challenge of Autonomy ................................. 35
Figure 5.6 The Winner of DARPA Grand Challenge 2005: Stanford University’s “Stanley”.... 36
Figure 5.7 Artist Depiction of NOAA/Altair UAS Over the Channel Islands National Marine
Sanctuary............................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 6.1 Trend in Processor Speed ............................................................................................ 46
Figure 6.2 Relationship of Processor Speed and Memory ............................................................ 46
Figure A.1 Joint FAA/OSD Approach to Regulating UASs....................................................... 104
Figure A.2 U.S. Military Aircraft and UAS Class A Mishap Rates (Lifetime), 1986–2006...... 105
Figure A.3 UASs and Airspace Classes of the NAS................................................................... 107
Figure A.4 JUAS COE’s Categories of UASs ............................................................................ 109
Figure A.5 JIPT Functional Organization................................................................................... 118
Figure A.6 Track 1 and Track 2 Strategy.................................................................................... 120
Figure A.7 Track 1, Track 2, and SC-203................................................................................... 121
Figure A.8 Proposed UAS Airspace Integration Roadmap ........................................................ 123
List of Tables
Table 2.1 FY2007–13 President’s Budget for Unmanned Systems.............................................. 10
Table 3.1 Organizations Developing Standards for Unmanned Systems ..................................... 15
Table 4.1 COCOM and Military Department UAS Needs Prioritized By Aircraft Class ............ 21
Table 4.2 COCOM and Military Department UGV Needs Prioritized By Echelon ..................... 21
Table 4.3 COCOM and Military Department UUV/USV Needs Prioritized By Class ................ 22
Table 5.1 DHS Capability Requirements Applicable to UASs..................................................... 37
Table 5.2 DHS-Sponsored Unmanned Aircraft Demonstrations .................................................. 38
Table 6.1 Selected Enabling Technologies for Unmanned System Applications......................... 47
Table A.1 Alignment of UAS Categories with FAA Regulations .............................................. 108
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List of Abbreviations
AAFL Advanced Airship Flying Laboratory CBA Capabilities-Based Assessment
ABCI Arizona Border Control Initiative CBP Customs and Border Protection
ABV Assault Breacher Vehicle CBRN chemical, biological, radiological,
ACADA automatic chemical agent detector nuclear
alarm CBRNE chemical, biological, radiological,
ACAT acquisition category nuclear, explosive
ACC Air Combat Command CCD charge-coupled device (camera);
ACD&P Advanced Component Development camouflage, concealment, and
and Prototypes deception (mission area)
ACOMM acoustic communication CDL common data link
ACR area coverage rate CENTAF U.S. Central Command Air Force
ACTD advanced concept technology CENTCOM U.S. Central Command
demonstration CFE Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces
ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance- in Europe
Broadcast CFR Code of Federal Regulations
ADUUV advanced development unmanned CIO chief information officer
undersea vehicle CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
AFDD Air Force Doctrine Document CN3 communication/navigation network
AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory node
AGL above ground level CNMAWC Commander, Naval Mine and Anti-
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and submarine Warfare Command
Astronautics CNO Chief of Naval Operations
AMCM airborne mine countermeasures COA certificate of authorization
AMO air and marine operations COCOM combatant commander
AMRDEC Aviation and Missile Research, CONOPS concept of operations
Development, and Engineering Center CONUS Continental United States
ANS Autonomous Navigation System COS Committee on Standards
ANSI American National Standards Institute COTS commercial off-the-shelf
ARDEC Armaments Research, Development, CRRC combat rubber raiding craft
and Engineering Center CSD contaminated surface detector
ARL Army Research Laboratory C-SWAP cost, size, weight, and power
ARO Army Research Office CTA Collaborative Technology Alliance
ARTS All-Purpose Remote Transport System CUGR CBRN Unmanned Ground
ARV Armed Robotic Vehicle Reconnaissance
ASC Aeronautical Systems Center CUGV CBRN unmanned ground
ASD Assistant Secretary of Defense [reconnaissance] vehicle
ASIP Advanced Signals Intelligence Program DACP Defense Acquisition Challenge
ASTM American Society of Testing and Program
Materials DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects
ASW anti-submarine warfare Agency
AT&L Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics DEA data exchange agreement
ATC Air Traffic Control DFU dry filter unit
ATO Army Technology Objective or Air DHS Department of Homeland Security
Tasking Order DoD Department of Defense
AVGAS aviation gasoline DSPO Defense Standardization Program
BAMS broad area maritime surveillance Office
BAWS biological aerosol warning sensor DVL Doppler velocity log
BCT brigade combat team EDM Engineering Development Model
BEAR battlefield extraction-assist robot ELOS equivalent level of safety
BLOS beyond-line-of-sight EMD Engineering and Manufacturing
BPAUV battlespace preparation autonomous
undersea vehicle EOD explosive ordnance disposal
BULS bottom UUV localization system EO/IR electro-optical/infrared
C2 command and control ERAST Environmental Research Aircraft and
List of Abbreviations
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Unmanned Systems Roadmap 2007-2032
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
This Unmanned Systems Roadmap provides a strategy to guide the future development of
military unmanned systems and related technologies in a manner that leverages across their
various forms while meeting joint warfighter needs. It also prioritizes the funding and
development of unmanned systems technology within the Department of Defense (DoD) to
ensure an effective return on the Department’s investment.
As each Military Department develops a wide range of unmanned capabilities for its unique roles
and missions, an unprecedented level of coordination and collaboration is possible to meet the
identified capability needs of the COCOMs and reduce acquisition costs by requiring greater
standardization and modularity across the Military Departments. Individual Military Department
planning documents for unmanned aircraft, ground, and maritime systems have been
incorporated into this comprehensive, integrated Unmanned Systems Roadmap. By 2009, this
Roadmap will become a single, joint-coordinated, acquisition and technology deployment
strategy that will encompass all the Department’s unmanned systems efforts.
1.2. Scope
This document covers all U.S. defense unmanned systems. The definition below is modified
from the existing Joint Publication (JP) 1-02 definition of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to
provide a working definition of an “unmanned system.”
Unmanned Vehicle. A powered vehicle that does not carry a human operator, can be operated
autonomously or remotely, can be expendable or recoverable, and can carry a lethal or
nonlethal payload. Ballistic or semi-ballistic vehicles, cruise missiles, artillery projectiles,
torpedoes, mines, satellites, and unattended sensors (with no form of propulsion) are not
considered unmanned vehicles. Unmanned vehicles are the primary component of unmanned
This Unmanned Systems Roadmap is focused on the future. All science and technology efforts,
future acquisition, and research projects should be consistent with the tenets of this document.
While there is a risk of stifling innovation if all future unmanned systems conform to strict
requirements, there is a balance between innovation and standardization that each individual
effort must consider. Existing acquisition programs are not expected to make significant
changes, especially at the expense of delaying delivery of critical capabilities to the warfighter or
at a significant increase to development costs. However, each Military Department should
consider the direction the DoD is heading and implement changes into existing programs
consistent with the goals, when practical.
1.3. Vision
The DoD will develop and employ an increasingly sophisticated force of unmanned systems over
the next 25 years (2007 to 2032). This force must evolve to become seamlessly integrated with
manned systems as well as with other unmanned systems. The Department will pursue greater
autonomy in order to improve the ability of unmanned systems to operate independently, either
individually or collaboratively, to execute complex missions in a dynamic environment.
Chapter 1 Introduction
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Unmanned Systems Roadmap 2007-2032
Figure 1.1 illustrates how unmanned systems are already employed in a significant number of
roles. The systems are broken out by Military Department to illustrate areas with current and
potential future collaboration. Reconnaissance, strike, force protection, and signals collection
are already being conducted by fielded systems, and acquisition programs are developing
systems to support the warfighter in even broader roles.
Future Vision OPERATIONS
COCOMs’ warfighting missions and capability needs are the focus of this Roadmap, as
illustrated in Figure 1.2. The Roadmap emphasizes missions and capabilities in terms of their
air/sea/land domains without regard to Military Department. The vision for these systems is that,
regardless of originating Military Department, they will quickly evolve to the point where
various classes of unmanned systems operate within and between these domains in a cooperative
and collaborative manner to meet the joint warfighers’ needs. The ultimate vision is for a UAS
to be teamed with a UGV over land and with a UMS over water in combined arms roles and to
be integrated with manned systems to extend and augment warfighter manned capabilities.
Chapter 1 Introduction
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Unmanned Systems Roadmap 2007-2032
Figure 1.2 Joint Services Roadmap for Achieving DoD Vision for Unmanned Systems
The DoD is developing a wide range of unmanned system capabilities across each domain. The
Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) is responsible for ensuring that these capabilities
support the Department’s larger goals of fielding transformational capabilities, establishing and
implementing joint standards, ensuring interoperability, balancing the portfolio, and controlling
costs. To this end, the following broad goals are intended to achieve key unmanned system
Goal 1. Improve the effectiveness of COCOM and coalition unmanned systems through
improved integration and Joint Services collaboration.
Objective 1.1. Conduct concept demonstration/warfighter experimentation with
promising technologies. This step would allow for early assessment to help define
realistic requirements underpinned by sound operational concepts.
Objective 1.2. Conduct risk reduction to mature technologies. This step allows the
Military Departments to finalize capability requirements and to establish funding for
formal program initiation while overcoming the technology transfer challenges.
Chapter 1 Introduction
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Unmanned Systems Roadmap 2007-2032
Goal 3. Foster the development of policies, standards, and procedures that enable safe and
timely operations and the effective integration of manned and unmanned systems.
Objective 3.1. Promote the development, adoption, and enforcement of Government and
commercial standards for the design, manufacturing, and testing of unmanned systems.
Objective 3.2. Coordinate with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other
applicable Federal transportation organizations to ensure the operations of DoD
unmanned systems adhere to collision avoidance requirements (airspace, waterspace, and
ground) comparable to the requirements of their manned counterparts.
Objective 3.3. Develop and field unmanned systems that can “sense” and autonomously
avoid other objects in order to provide a level of safety equivalent to comparable manned
Goal 4. Implement standardized and protected positive control measures for unmanned systems
and their associated armament.
Objective 4.1. Develop a standard unmanned systems architecture and associated
standards for all appropriate unmanned systems.
Chapter 1 Introduction
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Chapter 1 Introduction
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2.1. Background
Unmanned systems are currently serving in key operational roles in the GWOT and routinely
garner enthusiastic support from the warfighters who employ them. The operational utility and
potential of unmanned systems are growing at an accelerating rate throughout DoD to the extent
that unmanned systems will inevitably have a continued and greater presence within the force
structure over the foreseeable future. The Department is, therefore, committed and is
organizationally postured to shape and capitalize on unmanned systems technology advances to
better serve the warfighters.
This Roadmap is focused on providing capability to the warfighter and fostering interoperability
of air, ground, and sea systems — both unmanned and manned. The Roadmap describes
unmanned systems in the current force structure as well as systems currently in development.
The combination of these efforts into a single document with a common vision represents the
initial strategy and schedule by which the Department intends to capitalize on unmanned systems
to execute missions that today are largely conducted with manned systems. Elements such as the
vision, strategy, schedules, and technology investments will be further refined when the 2009
publication of the Unmanned Systems Roadmap is prepared.
In Section 220 of the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year (FY)
2001 (Public Law 106-398), 1 Congress stated two key, overall goals for the DoD with respect to
UAS and UGV development:
¾ By 2010, one third of the aircraft in the operational deep strike force should be unmanned,
¾ By 2015, one third of the Army’s Future Combat Systems (FCS) operational ground combat
vehicles should be unmanned.
Since this 2001 expression of Congressional intent to advance the introduction of unmanned
systems into the Joint Forces, the DoD has taken positive steps toward achieving those goals.
Congress assisted the continued accelerated fielding of existing UASs by amending Section 142
of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY2006, which contained a provision limiting the
initiation of new UASs. Section 141 of the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for
FY 2007 makes it clear that the limitations contained in the 2006 authorization act do not apply
to systems under contract, previously procured, or for which funds have been appropriated but
not yet obligated. 2
These goals and associated reporting requirements are found in section 220 of the Floyd D. Spence National
Defense Authorization Act for FY2001 (Public Law 106-398; 114 Stat 1654A-38).
Section 141 of the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2007 (Public Law 109-364, 120 Stat
2116) amending Section 142 of National Defense Authorization Act for FY2006 (Public Law 109-163; 119 Stat.
In response to Section 941 of the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2007
an interim report was provided by DoD to address unmanned systems requirement generation
and acquisition processes. The assessment of the Department in the report is that current policies
for capabilities generation, acquisition and sustainment processes, and DoD organizational
structures for unmanned systems development are very much aligned with Congressional intent
without additional policy development. By recognizing and pursuing the potential of unmanned
systems to provide improved capability to the Nation’s warfighters, the Department oversees and
manages the focused development of unmanned systems from a single, centralized,
organizational vantage point within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Acquisition,
Technology, and Logistics (OUSD(AT&L)). This Roadmap enables the Department to take
deliberate, appropriate, operationally effective steps toward fulfilling the goals of having one
third of the aircraft in the operational deep strike force be unmanned by 2010 and having one
third of the Army’s FCSs operational ground combat vehicles be unmanned by 2015.
2.3.1. General
Development and acquisition of UASs, UMSs, and UGVs are governed by a myriad of DoD
directives that provide policy and direction for specific developments or classes of development
activities. Because unmanned systems are really “systems of systems,” including components
such as platforms, sensors, weapons, command and control architectures, computers, and
communications, the Military Departments and program managers must integrate the policy of
multiple documents into their program plans. The following is a partial reference list of key
DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO) directives of interest to the unmanned systems
As part of the JCIDS policy and implementation, rigorous assessment and analysis are required
before a decision can be made about which (materiel or nonmateriel) approach to pursue in
resolving identified capability gaps or redundancies. Performing a Capabilities-Based
Assessment (CBA) results in the specific identification of a viable, affordable military solution.
A CBA comprises four types of analysis: Functional Area Analysis (FAA), Functional Needs
Analysis (FNA), Functional Solutions Analysis (FSA), and Post-Independent Analysis (PIA).
A FAA identifies the operational tasks, conditions, and standards needed to achieve military
objectives. A FNA assesses the ability of the current and programmed warfighting systems to
deliver needed capabilities, produces a list of capability gaps that require solutions, and indicates
the time frame in which those solutions are needed. A FSA identifies potential approaches to
satisfying the capability needs including product improvements to existing materiel, adoption of
interagency or foreign materiel solutions, and initiation of new materiel programs. A PIA
independently reviews the FSA to ensure the latter was thorough and the recommended
approaches are reasonable possibilities to deliver the capability identified in the FNA. 3
Each of the above analyses affords DoD the opportunity to identify and examine rigorously
capability gaps and potential materiel or nonmaterial solutions, both manned and unmanned, to
those requirements. The policies and implementation of JCIDS via these analyses are how
unmanned systems will be assessed for their ability to meet the capability gaps and potential for
greater integration with, and/or replacement of, manned systems in the future. Furthermore, the
JCIDS analyses also take into consideration the additional factors of timing, affordability,
technical soundness, and sustainability associated with potential unmanned system solutions in
order to maximize the investment return in all domains of unmanned systems.
CJCSI 3170.01E, Enclosure A, p. A-5.
Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 5000.1, The Defense Acquisition System, 12 May 2003, and
Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 5000.2, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, 12 May 2003.
in a timely manner, and at a fair and reasonable price.” 5 DoDD 5000.1 further states, “Advanced
technology shall be integrated into producible systems and deployed in the shortest time
practicable.” 6 DoDI 5000.2 requires the preparation of an analysis of alternatives for potential
and designated acquisition category (ACAT) I programs. 7 The purpose of the analysis of
alternatives is “an analytical comparison of the operational effectiveness, suitability, and life
cycle cost of alternatives that satisfy established capability needs.” 8
As with JCIDS, DoDD 5000.1 and DoDI 5000.2 direct that rigorous analysis be undertaken to
assess the ability of the potential materiel solution to meet validated requirements in the context
of other considerations such as affordability, timeliness, and suitability. Because the Defense
acquisition system deliberately seeks affordable advanced technology solutions and JCIDS
identifies the mission requirements and the associated time frame in which those requirements
should be met, existing policies position the Department to satisfy departmental needs and meet
Congressional intent with regard to unmanned systems policy and development. When a
materiel solution is deemed as the appropriate path for satisfying a capability need, preference is
given to advanced technology in accordance with DoDD 5000.1. Unmanned systems are
considered as potential solutions because they are considered advanced technology and are
assessed for feasibility as part of the PIA.
DoDD 5000.1, Section 4.2, p. 2.
DoDD 5000.1, Section 4.3.2, p. 2.
DoDI 5000.2, Enclosure 6, Resource Estimation, paragraph E6.1.5.
“Defense Acquisition Guidebook,” 16 December 2004, paragraph 3.3, Analysis of Alternatives.
PORs Funding
FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 TOTAL
FY08PB ($M) Source
UGV RDT&E* $198.2 $215.4 $199.8 $167.5 $129.3 $58.5 $20.0 $989
PROC* $106.5 $39.3 $29.7 $18.3 $17.9 $156.3 $481.5 $849
O&M* $156.0 $5.7 $8.8 $10.3 $11.0 $12.1 $12.7 $217
UAS RDT&E $760.8 $814.8 $1246.7 $1334.9 $1181.8 $859.1 $839.5 $7,038
PROC $878.4 $1370.3 $2025.1 $2010.5 $1725.7 $1750.8 $1585.7 $11,346
O&M $590.0 $352.3 $367.7 $421.2 $458.8 $501.5 $552.0 $3,244
UMS RDT&E $43.8 $22.7 $34.5 $77.0 $86.0 $101.9 $131.9 $498
PROC $1.7 $2.7 $3.2 $4.8 $40.8 $25.0 $25.1 $103
O&M $4.3 $3.1 $2.8 $2.3 $3.9 $5.9 $6.9 $29
TOTAL $2731.5 $2825.4 $3949.6 $4041.6 $3657.3 $3461.3 $3643.5 $24,310
* RDT&E = Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation; PROC = Procurement; O&M = Operations and Maintenance
$3,461.3 $3,643.5
FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13
Figure 2.1 DoD Annual Funding Profile for Unmanned Systems ($M)
DoD has a well-established organization for effective management, coordination, and budgeting
for the development and procurement of unmanned systems. The Portfolio System Acquisition
(PSA) Directorate within OUSD(AT&L) is responsible for executing strategic direction that
shapes and governs capability and product line portfolios through insight and oversight and
horizontal integration across the OSD, Military Departments, and Joint Staff. Within PSA,
unmanned systems are recognized both as elements of a product line portfolio, and thus
supported by this Unmanned Systems Roadmap, and as contributors to multiple-capability
portfolios, given the significant variety of missions that unmanned systems perform.
The JGRE approach involves additional direction and prioritization and takes into account near-
term emerging requirements and GWOT needs; mid-term and long-term technology maturation;
and greater collaboration between warfighters, laboratories, and program managers to link
doctrine, technology, and capability needs.
As a management tool for UGV development coordination, the JGRE has instituted the Joint
Ground Robotics (JGR) Technical Advisory Board (TAB), which coordinates across the Joint
Staff and Military Departments the ground robotics acquisition and the efforts to map technology
developments (from DoD labs, industry, and academia) to the most pressing military issues and
joint priorities. The JGR 06 Council prioritizes and allocates Advanced Component
Development and Prototypes (ACD&P) and System Development and Demonstration (SDD)
investments based on assessments of technology maturity and feasibility associated with
technologies recommended by the TAB. These efforts ensure technologies are assessed,
matured, and transitioned to programs of record (PORs) to satisfy validated requirements for
ground applications across all the Military Departments. Examples of success include the joint
development, upgrade, and sustainment of explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) robots that are
used by all Military Departments in theater to counter Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs).
Interoperability is the ability to operate in synergy in the execution of assigned tasks (JP1-02).
Properly implemented, it can serve as a force multiplier and can simplify logistics.
DoDD 5000.1 establishes the requirement to acquire systems and families of systems that are
interoperable. 9 DoD’s unmanned systems will need to demonstrate interoperability on a number
of levels:
¾ Among different systems of the same modality. The Army’s OneSystem common ground
control station (GCS) for its MQ-5 Hunter, RQ-7 Shadow, and MQ-1 Warrior UASs is an
example of this level of existing interoperability.
¾ Among systems of different modalities. The planned ability of ground and air vehicles of the
Army’s FCS to work cooperatively is an example of this level of future interoperability.
¾ Among systems operated by different Military Departments under various concepts of
operations (CONOPSs) and tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP), i.e., in joint
operations. An example of this is the Joint Forces Air Component Commanders’ Air
Tasking Order (ATO).
¾ Among military systems and systems operated by other entities in a common environment.
The ability of military UASs to share the National Airspace System (NAS) and international
airspace with commercial airliners and general aviation is an example of this level of future
¾ Among systems operated by non-DoD organizations, allies, and coalition partners, i.e., in
combined operations. The MQ-9 Reapers of the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and
the Air Force and the RQ-1/MQ-1 Predators of the Italian Air Force and U.S. Air Force are
limited (same modality, same model), existing examples of this level of interoperability.
Standards (formal agreements for the design, manufacture, testing, and performance of
technologies) are a key enabler of interoperability. PL104-113 10 requires Federal organizations
to adopt commercial standards where practical rather than expending its resources to create or
maintain similar ones, specifically in the case of military standards. Where needed standards do
not exist or prove insufficient, OMB Circular A-119 11 directs Federal employees to work within
consensus-based standards development organizations (SDOs) to create such standards. SDOs
are domestic or international organizations that plan, develop, establish, or coordinate voluntary
DoDD 5000.1, Enclosure 1, paragraph E1.10.
Public Law (PL) 104-113, National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995.
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-119, Federal Participation in the Development and Use of
Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities, 1998.
consensus standards using agreed upon procedures that define openness, consensus, balance, due
process, and appeals. DoD 4120.24-M 12 requires that DoD first consider using non-Government
standards (NGSs), or support revising or developing a NGS to meet DoD needs, in preference to
using Federal documents whenever feasible. In addition to interoperability, using standards also
promotes product quality assurance, furthers DoD commercial acquisition goals, conserves DoD
resources, supports the U.S. industrial base, promotes dual-use technology, and improves DoD’s
mobilization capabilities.
Recognizing the relationship between interoperability and standards, the Secretary of Defense
delegated responsibility to the Under Secretary for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, who
assigned the Defense Standardization Program Office (DSPO) as the executive agent to
encourage and coordinate DoD’s role in standards development and use. DSPO is the DoD
representative on the Congressionally mandated Interagency Committee for Standards Policy,
which is chaired by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) and consists of
representatives from most Federal agencies. DoD’s unmanned community, represented by Naval
Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) PMA-263, began developing UAS standards for NATO in
the mid-1990s as a participant in NATO’s Planning Group 35 (PG-35). Beginning in 2002, a
number of SDOs began creating committees within their ranks to address the needs of the
unmanned community across the spectrum of U.S. and international, as well as military, civil,
and commercial, users of unmanned systems (see Table 3.1). DSPO reviews and coordinates
standards developed by these SDO committees for adoption by DoD.
DoD personnel are actively participating within these SDOs in the following roles to develop
standards for unmanned systems:
This last role is important because the practices of individual industry often provide the starting
point of community-wide standards and make the participation of industry experts, which is
largely voluntary, crucial in creating worthwhile standards; therefore, it becomes important to
not squander industry’s voluntary support to these SDOs. Through their consensus-based
processes, SDOs help protect the proprietary concerns of their commercial participants yet draw
on the expertise of these participants to produce standards for the good of the unmanned
community. DoD personnel should encourage and complement, not supplant, the participation
of commercial industries in SDOs. Table 3.1 describes the organizations with which DoD
members are now involved in developing standards for unmanned systems.
The DoD unmanned community participates in standards development through three avenues:
¾ NATO Standardization Agency, through the work of its Joint Capability Group on
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (JCGUAV),
¾ OSD JGRE, through its Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS), and
DoD 4120.24-M, Defense Standardization Program Policies and Procedures.
¾ Military Department UAS program offices, through their UAS Airspace Integration Joint
Integrated Product Team (JIPT).
Each coordinates (or should coordinate) its products with DSPO. A fourth, Federal venue for
unmanned standards, NIST, has, with DoD participation, worked primarily to establish
terminology for autonomous capabilities.
Category of information
Certification ANSI ANSI/ISO ANSI
UAS Committee UAV COS* F38 SC-203 AS-4, others
- Formed Oct 2002 Jul 2003 Dec 2004 Aug 2004
- No. of Members ~15 ~200 ~200 ~120
No. of Standards
- Produced 60 15,000 152 8300
- On Aviation 7 200+ 152 4000+
- Adopted by DoD 3 2572 0 3240
- Recognized by FAA 0 30+ 152 Numerous
- Produced on Unmanned Systems 1 8 0 1
- In Work on Unmanned Systems 0 12 3 4
* AIAA = American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; ASTM = American Society of Testing and Materials; COS = Committee on
Standards; RTCA = Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics; SAE = Society of Automotive Engineers
The JIPT is organized into issue-focused subteams and support-focused activity centers (see
Figure A.5), one of which is a standards development activity center. Its first activity has been to
perform a standards gap analysis to identify airworthiness, operations, and crew certification
topics for which standards are lacking or insufficient. The initial survey identified gaps for
catapults, recovery wires/nets, auto-takeoff and auto-land, and weapons security, among others,
to be worked by SDOs. One such SDO, ASTM International and its F-38 UAS Committee,
published a limited standards gap analysis for unmanned airworthiness in 2005 (ASTM F2501),
and its recent F2585 standard for pneumatic and hydraulic catapults was adopted for DoD use by
DSPO in 2006. The organization of JIPT is depicted in A.3.
In addition to the JIPT’s standards activities, PMA-263 continues to support NATO JCGUAV’s
interoperability efforts in unmanned aviation. JCGUAV subsumed NATO’s three Military
Department UAS-related groups (PG-35, Air Group 7, and Task Group 2) in 2006. Its major
accomplishments to date have been Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 4586 for UAS
message formats and data protocols, STANAG 4660 for interoperable command and control
links, STANAG 4670 for training UAS operators, and STANAG 7085 for the CDL
communication system, which has been mandated by OSD since 1991. It has also drafted
STANAG 4671 for UAS airworthiness.
KLV is defined in SMPTE 336M-2001. 13 The key indicates what kind or type of data will be
presented in the payload. The length describes how many bytes are expected in this set of data.
The value yields the actual payload of the length previously described. The KLV protocol
provides a common interchange for all compliant applications irrespective of the method of
implementation or transport. 14 KLV is the standard that the Department is implementing.
The benefit of KLV lies in its use with MXF. It was designed and implemented to improve file-
based interoperability among servers, workstations, and other content-creation devices. These
should result in improved workflows and in more efficient working practices than is possible
with mixed and proprietary file formats. It is not compression-scheme-specific; it simplifies the
integration of systems using Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) and digital video formats as
well as future compression strategies. In other words, the transportation of these different files
will be independent of content and will not dictate the use of specific manufacturers’ equipment.
Any required processing can simply be achieved by automatically invoking the appropriate
hardware or software codec. However, MXF is designed for operational use; therefore, all the
handling processes are seamless to the user.
To provide future, seamless interoperability by DoD UASs with its UGVs and UMSs, a single
standard for message formats and data protocols is needed where two such standards,
STANAG 4586 and JAUS, exist today. Currently, some level of overlap exists between these
two standards in that both are being applied to UASs [JAUS/SAE to smaller tactical unmanned
aerial vehicles (TUAVs)] and some initiatives are underway that are attempting to apply and
demonstrate STANAG 4586 for USVs and potentially other platform types. The long-term goal
within DoD is the evolution to a unified standard where practical. An effort to integrate or
combine these two standards is being pursued by the Joint Unmanned Systems Common Control
(JUSC2) advanced concept technology demonstration (ACTD), with the placing of an engineer
in both SAE-4 and PG-35 working groups as a fully participating and voting member of both
groups. This initiative has led to the identification of a common approach that both groups are
now pursuing that will lead to one interoperability standard that can be applied for development
of all unmanned systems types in the future. SAE-4 and PG-35 are starting to converge on
identification of a set of Internet Protocol-based development schemas [Extensible Markup
Language (XML) is an example] and open-source software development and certification tool
sets that promise to blur the current distinction between the two standards. This work is
documented in a Navy technical report, “Standardization of Unmanned Systems Technical
Standards,” from Naval Surface Warfare Center, Panama City, published in July 2007.
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) 336M-2001, Television-Data Encoding Protocol
Using Key-Length Value, 28 March 2001, http://www.smpte.org or http://en.allexperts.com/e/s/so/society_of_
International Standard IEC 62261-2, International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, Switzerland, 2005,
pg. 6.
The familiar saying that unmanned systems are better suited for “dull, dirty, or dangerous”
missions rather than manned systems presupposes that man is the limiting factor in performing
certain warfighting missions. Although most missions can be dull or dangerous at times, humans
continue to execute them, whether as a matter of tradition or as a substitute for technology
¾ The Dull. Air warfare’s long-duration sorties represent one of the most pronounced
examples of “dull” mission roles. The longest Operation Enduring Freedom B-2 sortie was
just over 44 hours, and the longest Operation Iraqi Freedom B-2 sortie was 39 hours. Fatigue
management of the two-person crew is a serious concern of unit commanders during long-
duration sorties. Contrast this relatively short-term imposition on crew endurance with the
nearly continuous string of nearly day-long MQ-1 missions over Afghanistan and Iraq that
have been flown by stateside crews rotating through four-hour duty cycle for over four years.
¾ The Dirty. The Air Force and Navy used unmanned B-17s and F6Fs, respectively, from
1946 to 1948 to fly into nuclear clouds within minutes after bomb detonation to collect
radioactive samples, clearly a dirty mission. Unmanned surface drone boats, early USVs,
were also sent into the blast zone during Operation Crossroads to obtain early samples of
radioactive water after each of the nuclear blasts. In 1948, the Air Force decided the risk to
aircrews was “manageable” and replaced the unmanned aircraft with manned F-84s whose
pilots wore 60-pound lead suits. Some of these pilots subsequently died due to being trapped
by their lead suits after crashing or to long-term radiation effects.
¾ The Dangerous. EOD is a prime example of dangerous missions. Coalition forces in Iraq
have neutralized over 11,100 IEDs since 2003. Ground robots have been used in a large
percentage of these instances. The number of UGVs deployed in Iraq in the EOD role has
increased from 162 in 2004 to 1600 in 2005 to over 4000 in 2006.
In the above three roles, the attributes that make the use of unmanned systems preferable to
manned platforms include the following:
¾ For the dull, allows the ability to give operators normal mission cycles and crew rest.
¾ For the dirty, increases the probability of a successful mission and minimizes human
¾ For the dangerous, lowers the political and human cost if the mission is lost.
Lower downside risk and higher confidence in mission success are two strong motivators for
continued expansion of unmanned systems across a broad spectrum of warfighting and
peacetime missions.
Unmanned systems provide additional advantages and contributions beyond replacing humans in
dull, dirty, and dangerous roles. For example, higher survivability, increased endurance, and the
achievement of higher G-forces, as well as smaller sizes and thus signatures, in UASs are all
made possible by removing the human from the aircraft. As another example, Sea Power 21
specifies the use of unmanned systems as force multipliers and risk reduction agents for the
Navy of the future: indeed 20 percent of the Navy’s 2020 surface fleet will be littoral combat
ships (LCSs). LCSs are the first ship class fielded with a significant portion of its warfighting
capability tied to reconfigurable “mission modules,” many of which are made up of unmanned
systems serving as “force multipliers” that provide critical standoff. UMSs extend the reach of
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and other mission monitoring capabilities
into denied areas and into waters too shallow or otherwise inaccessible for conventional
platforms. Similarly, the JGRE sees UGVs as proving to be essential force multipliers in today’s
operations, particularly in the area of IED defeat, and promising to provide advanced warfighting
capabilities and reduce risk levels to warfighters.
The COCOMs submitted 112 capability gaps in their FY2008–13 IPLs. These 112 capability
gaps when combined with Military Department-identified gaps, CONPLAN 7500, and other
lessons learned in the GWOT resulted in a total of 526 gaps. These 526 gaps were synthesized
into 99 prioritized capability gaps. Of the 99 synthesized gaps, 17 are capabilities that are
currently, or could potentially be, addressed by unmanned systems, including 2 of the top 10. In
addition, 8 of the 9 COCOMs submitted gaps that could be addressed by unmanned systems.
This summary demonstrates the growing role of unmanned systems in meeting critical
warfighting capabilities.
In the summer of 2006, OSD, through the Joint Staff, requested COCOM and Military
Department input to prioritize DoD’s unmanned mission needs. Each COCOM and Military
Department was afforded an opportunity to rank predetermined mission areas across various
types and classes of unmanned systems. The priority lists below represent a best fit of the data
received, with all inputs receiving equal weight. Future versions of this Unmanned Systems
Roadmap will more succinctly define and categorize mission areas to enable a broader definition
and standardization of terms. Prior to publication of the 2009 update to this Roadmap, a standard
set of mission areas and unmanned systems classes will be developed. This standardization will
help facilitate increased joint interoperability and understanding of mission needs that can be
filled by unmanned systems. Mission area definitions can be found in Appendix E.
Table 4.1 COCOM and Military Department UAS Needs Prioritized By Aircraft Class
Table 4.2 COCOM and Military Department UGV Needs Prioritized By Echelon
Reconnaissance 1 1 1
Mine Detection/Countermeasures 2 2 2
Precision Target Location and Designation 3 3 5
CBRNE Reconnaissance 6 4 3
Weaponization/Strike 4 6 6
Battle Management 8 5 4
Communications/Data Relay 5 7 7
Signals Intelligence 7 8 8
Covert Sensor Insertion 9 9 10
Littoral Warfare 13 10 9
Counter CCD 10 11 11
Table 4.3 COCOM and Military Department UUV/USV Needs Prioritized By Class
ISR 1 1 1 1
Inspection/Identification 2 2 2 2
MCM 3 3 3 3
Payload Delivery 8 7 4 7
CBRNE Reconnaissance 4 5 8 12
Covert Sensor Insertion 5 4 10 11
Littoral Surface Warfare 12 9 5 5
SOF Resupply 6 10 9 6
Strike 14 8 7 8
CN3 7 6 12 13
Open Ocean ASW 13 17 6 4
Information Operations 11 11 13 10
Time Critical Strike 15 13 11 9
Digital Mapping 9 12 15 14
Oceanography 10 16 16 15
Decoy/Pathfinder 16 15 14 17
Bottom Topography 17 14 17 16 Reconnaissance
All three domains, across all classes of unmanned systems, listed some form of reconnaissance
(electronic and visual) as the number one priority. Information is the key enabler to today’s joint
warfighter. Persistent surveillance was emphasized in the 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review
(QDR) and epitomizes the dull mission. Being able to surveil hostile areas while maintaining a
degree of covertness is highly desirable. The reconnaissance mission that is currently being
conducted by unmanned systems needs increased standardization and interoperability to gain
capability and economic efficiencies across the classes and domains. Satellites, manned aircraft
and submarines, and unattended sensors all have limitations that can be addressed by unmanned
systems. Certain efficiencies can be realized when unmanned systems operate together to
improve capability with lower costs.
Unmanned systems are performing many dull, dangerous, and dirty jobs today. Reviews of
existing and draft capability documents reveal a wide range of requirements and capabilities
being filled or developed. Parameters to consider include the following:
The ability of unmanned systems to meet key warfighter needs is growing every day.
There are currently hundreds of efforts underway within DoD, academia, and private industry to
advance unmanned systems development across the spectrum of military and nonmilitary
operations. Until recently, the majority of these efforts have been undertaken within a narrow
scope of a single platform type, Military Department, or technology. This chapter summarizes
and provides links to the major efforts underway specifically related to the advancement of DoD-
related unmanned systems. Through education and possible consolidation of the various
ongoing activities, economies of effort and funding may be possible.
5.1.1. Studies
¾ Investing in new equipment, technology, and platforms for the forces, including advanced
combat capabilities such as unmanned vehicles.
¾ Strengthening forces to defeat terrorist networks, including establishing an UAS squadron
under Special Operations Command (SOCOM) to provide organic capabilities to locate and
target enemy capabilities in denied or contested areas.
¾ Increasing procurement of UASs to increase persistent surveillance to nearly double today’s
¾ Expanding maritime aviation to include unmanned aircraft for both surveillance and strike.
¾ Optimizing Air Force reserve component personnel for new missions that can be performed
from the United States, including UAS operations.
¾ Restructuring the Joint Unmanned Combat Air Systems (J-UCAS) program and developing
an unmanned longer range, carrier-based aircraft capable of being air-refueled to provide
greater standoff capability, to expand payload and launch options, and to increase naval reach
and persistence.
¾ Increasing investment in UASs to provide more flexible capabilities to identify and track
moving targets in denied areas.
The recommendations presented in this study put greater emphasis on the more immediate
actions that can be taken by the joint UAS community to achieve interoperability through
currently accepted and proven standards and processes. The recommendations also include the
necessary first steps to posture the joint UAS community to take advantage of early joint UAS
information or data flow definition and requirements to meet the evolving Global Information
Grid (GIG) and network-centric operational warfare environment. Coupled with a lack of
proactive, enforceable measures, a gap involving joint capabilities stakeholder definition,
application, and oversight exists in recent UAS acquisitions. Key areas of concern, discussed in
this study, involve standards definition, acceptance, and implementation for the greater good of
joint interoperability. Standards determination and implementation, when well informed with
effective Government stakeholder oversight and proactive measures, lead to valid results.
Properly enforced, the standards discussed within the study can strengthen UAS developed and
integrated subsystems, systems, and systems of systems for greater interoperability. A balanced,
well-governed joint process is capable of producing greater benefits for the Joint Forces.
Additionally, in 2005, the ONR Future Naval Capability (FNC) program was restructured to
align with the pillars of the Navy’s vision for the future, Sea Power 21, and to focus on providing
enabling capabilities to close warfighting gaps. The FNC program provides the best technology
solutions to stated OPNAV requirements by bundling discrete but interrelated science and
technology products that deliver a distinctly measurable improvement within a five-year time
frame. A three-star Navy and Marine Corps Board of Directors, the technical oversight group,
approves the FNC recommendations based on their contribution to closing a warfighting
capability gap, rather than on individual products. Thirty-five ongoing enabling capabilities are
dedicated to the FNC. For more details on FNC program studies, visit www.onr.navy.mil.
recommend a solution or even establish requirements, but will serve as a good definition of the
implications associated with each of the options for common control of unmanned systems. The
study is expected to be completed by end of FY2007.
In another study, the Unmanned Systems Safety Precepts Policy Study, safety precepts
developed by the Unmanned Systems Safety Workshops were mapped to existing DoD policy to
determine whether the safety precepts were already addressed as policy or needed to be
instantiated in policy as a means of providing needed guidance for achieving safety certifications
for unmanned systems. The study identified which policy already addressed each precept and/or
gave recommendations for how to incorporate the precept into the policy so that DoD has a
comprehensive set of policy guidance that enables consistent, robust safety certification for
unmanned systems.
The SSG advises on funding priorities and allocations and provides senior-level guidance for
shaping DoD ground robotics development while serving as a direct link to the warfighter
community at the flag officer level. The SSG is chaired by the Deputy Director of Land Warfare
and Munitions, Portfolio Systems Acquisition, OUSD(AT&L). The Council is chaired by the
Enterprise Director of JGR and consists of Military Department representation from both the
combat development and material development communities. The group’s membership will act
as the ground proponents for an ongoing DoD UGV roadmapping effort and will function to
refine the DoD strategy for advancing ground robotics to include addressing Program Objective
Memorandum (POM) development for funding ground robotics acquisitions. At the technical
level, JGR TAB is composed of Military Department members who will execute the JGRE
technology priorities through their ground robotics technology development programs and
activities. The TAB will provide membership for various working groups to assess and
recommend proposed JGRE technology development and warfighter experimentation based on
assessments of robotics technology maturity and criticality to satisfying warfighter capability
needs as identified by the COCOMs and Joint Staff.
JAUS is the messaging architecture potentially supporting not only UGVs but also UUVs, USVs,
and some UASs. One of the JGRE’s goals has been to sponsor the transition of JAUS toward
becoming a commercial, international standard. To that end, the JGRE is partnering with the
SAE’s Aerospace Council, which chartered an Unmanned Systems Committee in 2004 that
remains active in transitioning JAUS into an aerospace standard and fostering activities to
expand the architecture’s utility to users and developers. For more details on JAUS, visit
www.jauswg.org. Joint Unmanned Aircraft Systems Material Review Board (JUAS MRB)
The JUAS MRB’s mission was to provide a UAS forum to identify or resolve requirements and
corresponding material issues regarding interoperability and commonality, to prioritize potential
solutions, to assess the focus of current and future programs, and to seek strategies common to
all military departments. Primary goals included the following:
¾ Facilitating the JCIDS process by coordinating with and making recommendations to the
appropriate functional capability board(s), the Joint Capability Board, and the JROC;
¾ Improving commonality of payloads and GCSs;
¾ Improving interoperability through adoption of common standards;
¾ Improving data dissemination through adoption of a common communication architecture;
¾ Providing a corporate body of knowledge composed of subject matter experts from all
Military Departments and relevant defense agencies to facilitate the JCIDS process.
The issues the MRB was working to resolve will be continued by the new UAS Task Force.
The focus of the JIPT is on gaining access to the NAS for DoD UASs; however, other Federal
and State public-use UASs should also benefit greatly from this effort. A strong effort will be
made to coordinate the alignment of resources and activities among internal DoD (at the Military
Department, National Guard, and OSD levels) as well as interagency (DHS and FAA) activities.
Such activities could include modeling and simulation (M&S), technology development,
acquisition, demonstrations, and flight tests.
more joint integration and to accelerate introduction of unmanned vehicles into the fleet. The
executive steering group members (OPNAV Staff) chair individual vehicle teams.
¾ To understand the safety concerns, including legal issues, associated with the rapid
development and use of a diverse family of unmanned systems both within, and external to,
the DoD JGRE,
¾ To establish and agree upon a standardized set of safety precepts to address the safety
concerns associated with the design, operation, and programmatic oversight of all unmanned
systems, and
¾ To develop safety guidance, such as hazard controls and mitigators, for the design,
development, and acquisition of unmanned systems.
The last workshop, held in March 2006, resulted in the publication of the OSD Unmanned
Systems Safety Guide for DoD Acquisition (http://www.acq.osd.mil/atptf/).
In the area of UAS operator interfaces, research areas include the use of synthetic vision overlays
to augment real-world video imagery, speech-recognition control, tactile alert cues, levels-of-
automation research, intuitive operator interactions with the GIG, dynamic mission replanning
enhancements, transition aids for multi-UAV task switching, and tools to facilitate the
simultaneous inspection of multiple streams of video imagery. The overall goals of this research
are improved operator situation awareness, increased mission effectiveness, and a migration
toward human supervisory control of multiple (possibly heterogeneous) UASs, allowing the ratio
of operators/vehicles to decrease dramatically. AFRL works closely with the Air Combat
Command (ACC), Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC), and industry to define capability
requirements for the next generation of tactical UASs.
Additionally, through its Robotics Research Group (AFRL/MLQF) at Tyndall Air Force Base,
Florida, the AFRL conducts UGV research and development through the Robotics for Agile
Combat Support (RACS) program. The primary focus of RACS is on vehicle mobility, speed,
and control, as well as multivehicle operations and marsupial control in conformance with the
evolving JAUS/SAE Committee AS-4 standard. Upon program completion, mature technologies
are to be transitioned to designated fielding project offices within the Air Force or DoD.
ARL’s research activities include basic and applied research conducted by the Robotics
Collaborative Technology Alliance (CTA), a consortium of academic and industrial partners
collaborating with ARL and focusing on perception, intelligent control architectures, and human-
robot interface (HRI) technologies (see Figure 5.2). The current program is scheduled to
conclude at the end of FY2009. It has developed and transitioned technology, notably
technology underpinning the primary autonomous mobility sensor for FCS UGVs, perception
and planning algorithms, and human-machine interface technology to the Army’s FCS and
Mobile Detection, Assessment, and Response System (MDARS) as well as to other Army and
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) (and more recently Navy) science and
technology programs for UGVs, UASs, and UMSs.
Additional applied research tasks are part of the Near Autonomous Unmanned Systems (NAUS)
Army Technology Objective (ATO) and the Robotics Collaboration ATO, which are sponsored
by the Research, Development, and Engineering Command (RDECOM). The NAUS ATO is a
joint undertaking of three RDECOM organizations: ARL, Tank-Automotive Research,
Development & Engineering Center (TARDEC), and Armaments Research, Development, and
Engineering Center (ARDEC). This ATO will develop, integrate, and demonstrate risk
mitigation technologies for FCS. The ARL portion of this effort focuses on applied research to
develop advanced perception, planning and control, and HRI technology. The Robotics
Collaboration ATO is also a joint undertaking of three RDECOM organizations: TARDEC,
AMRDEC, and ARL. This ATO will develop advanced tools and technologies that reduce the
requirement for soldier control and accelerate the fielding of soldier-robot teams. ARL research
for HRI focuses on soldier-robot teaming, scalability requirements for robotic interfaces, and
adaptive automation. The advances in the technology areas pursued by the Robotics CTA and
the anticipated results from research associated with the NAUS and Robotics Collaboration
ATOs are having a direct impact on FCS and UGV development for the modular force and will
ultimately enable the FCS to achieve their objective performance goals. For example, these
programs have already successfully transitioned sensor technology as well as perception and
planning algorithms to the FCS Autonomous Navigation System (ANS) SDD program.
ARL has significant in-house efforts in sensors, communications, and networking directly related
to autonomous sensing for unmanned vehicles and unattended ground sensors. Specific areas of
research include image processing for mobility and surveillance, nonimaging sensors (acoustic,
magnetic, seismic, E-field) for threat localization, miniature radar sensors for moving target
detection, and electronic devices aimed at lowering overall system weight and power needs for
sensors and radios. Communications work includes highly efficient radios for low bandwidth,
high reliability communications near the ground, and mobile ad hoc networking protocols that
will enable high reliability command and control of autonomous assets. All of this work is
aimed at providing key enabling technologies for energy-efficient, reliable operation.
ARL also has a growing in-house research program focused on developing the underpinning
science and enabling technologies for sensor integration, data fusion, and algorithms to improve
the command and control for a heterogeneous mix of small robots. ARL in-house basic research
for unmanned systems is greatly enhanced through CTAs. The Advanced Decision
Architectures CTA has as its principal domain HRI, specifically, human-robot team
communication and collaboration; mixed initiative system control; and displays, controls, and
mobile software agents that compensate for any negative effects of information lag induced by
bandwidth limitations. To help facilitate micro-sized unmanned systems research and
experimental efforts, ARL has also formulated the Micro Autonomous Systems and Technology
(MAST) CTA (see Figure 5.3).
ARL also conducts extramural basic research that provides underpinning science for future
unmanned system capabilities through its Army Research Office (ARO). This includes
Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) programs such as Language for
Intelligent Machines (LIMES) and Micro Hovering Air Vehicles.
More information about the above described programs and others can be found at
www.arl.army.mil. U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC) Telemedicine
and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC)
The Army is the executive agent for medical research, and USAMRMC is the Army’s execution
command. TATRC is the USAMRMC’s center for medical information technologies research
and development in areas such as telemedicine, medical informatics, and robotics. Based on user
guidance and documented capability gaps from the Army’s Medical Combat Developer and in
collaboration with DARPA, ARL, RDECOM, TARDEC, National Center for Defense Robotics
(NCDR), JGRE, and Robotic Systems Joint Program Office (RSJPO), TATRC executes a
robotics program that includes Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business
Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR), Congressionally-funded efforts, and core research projects
in robotic surgery, robotic patient intervention and treatment, and unmanned ground and air
systems for combat casualty extraction, evacuation, medical logistics, and force health
protection. See Figure 5.4, Appendix A, and Appendix B. Additional information can be found
at www.tatrc.org.
Figure 5.4 Robotic Combat Casualty Extraction and Evacuation TAGS-CX & BEAR
DARPA is working with the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and SOCOM toward a
vision of a strategic and tactical battlespace filled with networked manned and unmanned air,
ground, and maritime systems and the technologies they need to navigate and fight. Unmanned
systems provide autonomous and semi-autonomous capabilities that free warfighters from the
dull, dirty, and dangerous missions that might now be better executed robotically and enable
entirely new design concepts unlimited by the endurance and performance of human crews. The
use of UAVs in Afghanistan and Iraq is the first step in demonstrating the transformational
potential of such an approach.
DARPA’s efforts have been focused in two areas. First, DARPA seeks to improve individual
platforms so that they provide new or improved capabilities, such as unprecedented endurance or
survivability. Second, DARPA is expanding the level of autonomy and robustness of robotic
systems. Progress is measured in how well unmanned systems can handle increasingly complex
missions in ever more complicated environments (see Figure 5.5). Autonomy and robustness are
improved by networking manned and unmanned systems into a more tightly coupled combat
system that will improve our knowledge of the battlespace, enhance our targeting speed and
accuracy, increase survivability, and allow greater mission flexibility.
DARPA’s A160 Hummingbird program (see A.1.16) is developing an unmanned helicopter for
ISR missions with long endurance (up to 20 hours). The A160 Hummingbird concept is being
evaluated for surveillance and targeting, communications and data relay, crew recovery, resupply
of forces in the field, and special operations missions in support of Army, Navy, Marine Corps,
and other needs.
The Oblique Flying Wing program is demonstrating a transformational design concept for a new
class of efficient supersonic aircraft. The oblique flying wing concept flies supersonically with
one wing swept forward and the other swept backward. At low speeds, the wing changes to an
unswept design for better subsonic efficiency. The oblique flying wing is known to have lower
supersonic wave drag than conventionally designed symmetrically swept wings. In addition,
when flying at low speeds, the unswept wing design has higher efficiency than swept wing
designs. This combination of performance attributes will enable improved range, response time,
fuel efficiency, and endurance for supersonic strike, ISR, and transport missions. The goal of
the program is to prove out the stability and control technologies required to enable the oblique
wing concept by flying an unmanned X-plane that will demonstrate an asymmetric, variable-
sweep, tailless, supersonic flying wing.
The micro air vehicle (MAV) ACTD (see A.1.30) developed a backpackable, fully autonomous,
vertically launched-and-landed ducted fan UAV capable of providing electro-optical or infrared
hover-and-stare support to the dismounted soldier. The MAV air vehicle is small (less than
14-inch duct outer diameter), flies autonomously, has an endurance of 55 minutes at sea level,
and can operate at altitudes over 10,000 feet. These capabilities make it ideal for operations in
the complex/urban terrain and extreme conditions typical of restricted military environments.
Now part of the Army’s FCS program, the MAV ACTD program demonstrated important
military capabilities through experimentation and flight tests.
The Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicle/PerceptOR Integration (UPI) program is increasing the
capabilities of unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) to navigate in mission-relevant, cross-country
environments. The program uses two highly mobile 6.5 ton, 6×6 wheeled, skid-steered, hybrid
electric Crusher UGVs (see B.21). Crusher is integrated with a state-of–the-art perception and
sensor system. The UPI program is demonstrating how these platforms can perform reliably and
autonomously in obstacle-rich terrain and is also developing tools to allow the vehicles to plan
their path using terrain data.
The DARPA Grand Challenge 2005, held in October 2005, accelerated the development of
autonomous ground vehicles to replace manned military vehicles in dangerous missions. It
demonstrated that autonomous ground vehicles can travel significant distances, such as from one
city to the next, at militarily relevant speeds. The 132-mile Grand Challenge course consisted of
rugged desert roads typical of the terrain found in operational environments, and vehicles could
use only onboard sensors and navigation equipment to find and follow the route and avoid
obstacles. Five teams completed the course, and four finished under the required 10-hour time
limit, with Stanford University’s “Stanley” the winner at 6 hours, 53 minutes (see Figure 5.6).
One team’s vehicle remained in autonomous mode overnight on the desert route and completed
the route the next day without any human intervention other than to give the vehicle permission
to move.
The next step is the Urban Challenge, which is designed to accelerate the development of
autonomous ground vehicles capable of operating safely in traffic. The final event in November
2007 will demonstrate whether autonomous vehicles can travel 60 miles in under 6 hours
through urban traffic.
DHS and DoD’s Northern Command share responsibility for defending the United States against
terrorist attacks. In addition, DHS has a number of law enforcement functions not shared with
Northern Command. DHS identified unmanned aircraft as a high-interest enabler for its
homeland security and law enforcement functions within months of its formation in November
2002. In May 2003, the Secretary of Homeland Security directed that a demonstration for
evaluating UAS utility in border surveillance be conducted, and as a result, Operation Safeguard
was started that fall. DHS’s Directorate for Science and Technology established an internal UAS
working group in 2003 to explore roles and define requirements that UASs could potentially
support throughout DHS. Its first study 15 addressed the potential applicability of UASs to border
security, Coast Guard missions, critical infrastructure security, and monitoring transportation of
hazardous materials.
Subsequently, the internal UAS working group examined the cost effectiveness of various sizes
of UASs compared to the effectiveness of manned aircraft and ground sensor networks in
selected DHS environments. In performing this analysis, 45 functional capabilities that DHS is
required to perform were examined in the nine environments in which DHS operates; UASs were
assessed to be potential contributors in ten of the 45 capabilities (see Table 5.1).
Functional Capability
Functional Area
for Unmanned Aircraft
Surveillance and Monitoring Visual Monitoring
Nonvisual Monitoring
Suspect/Item Geolocation
Communications Interception
Communications and Information Management Tactical Situational Awareness
Apprehension/Detection/Seizure/Removal Pursuit Management and Prevention
Targeting and Intelligence Intelligence Support to Command
Deterrence Visible Security Systems
Specialized Enforcement Operations
Officer Safety Use of Safety and Emergency Equipment
The U.S. Border Patrol (USBP), an agency organic to US Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
since March 2003, had been gaining experience with UASs since the 1990s through cooperative
use of Navy and Marine Corps Pioneers and Army Hunters during their units’ deployments in
support of Joint Task Force 6. These 2-week deployments occurred one or more times annually
“Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Applications to Homeland Security Missions,” March 2004.
to provide added night surveillance capability along the U.S. southern and northern borders.
USBP officers were integrated into these operations, with an officer sitting in the UAS GCS
during missions and directing fellow agents to activities found by the UAS sensors. In April
1999, USBP sponsored an evaluation of four types of unmanned aircraft (fixed-wing, helicopter,
hand-launched, and powered parafoil) near Laredo, Texas. The results of the 36 sorties flown
convinced the USBP that small UASs did not fully meet their needs, although cooperation with
the Pioneer deployments continued. Use of a medium-altitude endurance UAS (Hermes 450)
during the 2004 Arizona Border Control Initiative (ABCI) proved more successful and led to
follow-on use of a similar UAS (Hunter) to patrol the southern border at night.
Sponsor Sorties Hours
Demonstration Location Aircraft Dates
(Support) Flown Flown
Operation Safeguard Gila Bend, Predator B ICE Oct–Nov 03 15 106
AZ (Air Force)
Alaska Demo 1 King Salmon, Predator USCG Nov 03 5 35
AK (Navy)
Alaska Demo 2 King Salmon, Altair USCG Aug 04 3 36
Wallops Island, Aerosonde USCG Nov–Dec 04
ABCI Sierra Vista, Hermes 450 CBP Jun–Sep 04 65 590.1
AZ (Navy)
ABCI Follow-on Sierra Vista, Hunter CBP Nov 04– 41 329.1
AZ (Army) Jan 05
Coastal Areas Borinquen, PR Aerosonde USCG Feb 05
CBP Air and Marine will determine the total number of UAS required to secure the borders
through mission experience in their mission areas of responsibility, including the Southwest,
Northern, Southeast, Coastal, and transit zone environments. CBP has successfully proven that
UASs augment manned law enforcement aircraft and ground interdiction agents along the
Southwest Border, but still needs to evaluate missions in other areas of responsibility. Within
each geographic region, CBP Air and Marine envisions three tactical launch and recovery (L&R)
centers with strategic Ku-band satellite command and control provided by the CBP AMO Center.
Each UAS center supports a geographic region in a “hub and spoke” concept. CBP Air and
Marine will assign sufficient aircraft to provide persistent and systematic border surveillance
with the CBP AMO Center having constant coverage.
Two existing testbed vehicles were used to study the feasibility of unmanned, untethered robots
for underwater inspection missions. The University of New Hampshire testbed, EAVE-East,
evaluated acoustic navigation and communications. The robot is an open-frame, clump-shaped
vehicle able to maneuver in three dimensions. It has undergone in-water testing around and
through a simulated offshore structure. The Naval Ocean Systems Center testbed, EAVE-West,
is torpedo-shaped for high running speeds, such as pipeline following. It navigates by
magnetometers and communicates using fiber optics telemetry. These testbeds can perform
basic underwater tasks. Because of independent interest in EAVE-West technology, the Center
has fabricated and assembled a similar testbed system in an enclosed hydro-dynamically fared
Carrying a scientific payload developed by NOAA, NASA’s Altair UAS (from Dryden Flight
Research Center in California) flew five demonstration missions over the Santa Barbara Channel
between April and November 2005 (see Figure 5.7). These demonstration flights marked the
first time NOAA had funded an UAS mission aimed at filling critical research and operational
data gaps in several areas, including climate, weather and water, ecosystem monitoring and
management, and coastal mapping. NOAA collaborated with NASA and industry to develop the
A primary goal of this first demonstration was to evaluate UASs for future scientific and
operational requirements related to NOAA’s oceanic and atmospheric research, climate research,
marine sanctuary mapping and enforcement, nautical charting, and fisheries assessment and
enforcement. Altair can carry an internal 660-pound payload to 52,000 feet and fly for over
30 hours. It further demonstrated the capability to safely integrate into the NAS down to
altitudes of 7000 feet. Its endurance, reliability, and payload capacity could provide the
capability to improve mapping, charting, and other vital environmental forecasting in remote
areas, such as the Northwest Hawaiian Islands and Alaska. In California, the aircraft’s
capabilities could improve forecasts and warnings of natural disasters, such as winter flash floods
and related fatal mudslides. The payload included the following sensors:
altitudes for propeller-driven aircraft. Access 5 focused on creating the regulatory path forward
for routine UAS access into the NAS. Today, NASA operates a small fleet of AAI Aerosonde
mini-aircraft from its Wallops Island Flight Facility in Virginia on a lease-to-fly basis for
researchers and a General Atomics Altair UAS from its Dryden Flight Research Center in
California, which recently supported NOAA research payload flights.
Although this chapter is largely based on one study of national technology trends, 16 the first such
report prepared after 9/11, that study built on eight other studies of trends in U.S. technology and
industry published within two years of it. The organizations conducting these studies were the
Council on Competitiveness, National Intelligence Council, U.S. Commission on National
Security, RAND, the Industrial Research Institute, and Battelle show a cross-section of
Government, industry, and academia in their composition. There was a high degree of
correlation among the forecast technology trends in each study.
The single most important near-term technical challenge facing unmanned systems is to develop
an autonomous capability to assess and respond appropriately to near-field objects in their path
of travel. For an aircraft, that near field could extend to many nautical miles all around it,
whereas for a ground or sea vehicle, near field could mean the next few yards directly in front of
it, or as much as 100 meters for “high speed ground vehicles.” This is the UAS community’s
S&A requirement17 to provide an autonomous ability to avoid midair collisions in lieu of having
a pilot on board. The situation is also critical for UGVs, whose inability to distinguish between a
wall of grass or a wall of granite in order to decide whether to go through or around it can thwart
or unnecessarily delay mission accomplishment. Whether in an air, ground, or sea
implementation, the technology for detecting near-field objects and for maneuvering with respect
to them is well in hand. However, significant technical challenges remain in developing
assessment tools and logic for maneuver, including a UGV’s ability to rapidly and accurately
assess detected stationary obstacles protruding above the ground, conducting pathway
trafficability assessments, and performing continuous classification of obstacles, e.g., humans,
which could impact mission and path planning.
Securing command links to unmanned systems is an equally daunting challenge for all
modalities of unmanned systems. Less than fully secure command links can result in the vehicle
being delayed or diverted, destroyed, or even captured.
UGVs and UMSs often depend on a combination of a camera and a teleoperated manipulator
(arm and claw) to perform certain tasks, such as de-arming explosive devices or removing mines.
Requiring a human in the loop generally necessitates having the operator in the local vicinity due
to Line of Sight (LOS) constraints, and this close proximity potentially brings the human into the
threat zone of which the robot was meant to keep him clear. Autonomous robotic manipulators,
or smart arms, capable of conducting scalable grasp, twist, release, and other such functions
independent of human command, are needed to increase the mission flexibility and effectiveness
of UGVs and UMSs. Smart arm technology is being tested in space on the DARPA Orbital
Express and subsequent Air Force missions.
Future R&D Environments, National Academy Press, 2002, http://www.nap.edu.
7 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91.113.
In its 2002 report for NIST, the National Research Council examined current trends and probable
developments in emergent technologies. The report contains two sections dedicated to
unmanned systems, “Trend 5: The Maturation of Autonomous Machines” (Appendix G) and
“Robot Engineering” (Appendix H), and numerous sections on the varied technologies (power,
computing, materials, sensing) required to enable unmanned systems. The report stresses the
growing interplay between the traditional robotics disciplines (engineering, computer science)
and biological ones, as expanded in the following paragraph from its Appendix H:
Although the foregoing extract seems focused on UGVs, it can be made equally applicable to
robotic aircraft or sea vehicles by replacing “dog” with “bird” (fly, hover, swoop, perch) or
“porpoise” (swim, dive), respectively. The question it raises for DoD robotics technologists and
Military Department laboratory directors is whether the biological disciplines are sufficiently
represented within their ranks.
The report examines technology development in terms of “push,” “contextual,” and “pull”
factors. Push factors arise from the advance of technology itself; in other words, they are the
results of the steady march and the occasional breakthroughs of research. Mapping the human
genome is a recent example of push factors. Contextual factors are organizational, economic,
legal, and regulatory issues that affect technology development. Quotas on foreign students and
Federal policy on allowing them to participate in federally funded R&D are examples of
contextual factors. Pull factors are social and cultural issues that shape which, how much, and
how quickly technology is accepted into society. Internet use (fast, uncontested) and genetically
engineered foods entering the food chain (slow, controversial) are two examples of pull factors.
The push, contextual, and pull factors surrounding technologies for unmanned systems are
discussed in 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5, respectively.
The NIST study focused on three specific fields of technology because the study’s authors
judged it likely that most of the important technological advances over the next 10 years would
come from within or at the intersection of these fields: biological science and engineering,
materials science, and computer and information science. The report states, “Each is
characterized by an extremely rapid rate of change of knowledge; has obvious and wide utility;
and will benefit from advances in the others, so the potential for synergy among them is
particularly great.” Unmanned systems are deeply dependent on advances in each of the three
fields, as shown from the following selected summaries from the study:
¾ Transgenic biopolymers fall at the intersection of biological and materials sciences and offer
the prospect of ultra-lightweight, ultra-strong, flexible, and low-observable skins (airframes,
cowlings) for unmanned systems. As an example, the silk-producing gene of spiders has
been spliced into the mammary gland gene of sheep, from whose subsequent milk the silk
protein can be extracted. Breeding herds of such sheep enable spider silk, known for its light
weight and high strength, to be produced on an industrial scale. The Army’s Natick
Laboratory is investigating this same protein for use as an anti-nerve agent drug.
¾ In materials science, nanoparticles, which are single-element materials built on the order of a
few hundred to a few atoms in size (1 to 100 nanometers), possess significantly different
properties than larger size devices of the same material. One form of nanoparticles, carbon
nanotubes, could provide mechanical devices with very high resonant frequencies for use in
unmanned system communication links. Surface coatings of combinations of nanoparticles
and electrically conducting polymers have been demonstrated that convert from transparent
to opaque, change color, and heat or cool with an electrical command and offer an option for
camouflaging unmanned vehicles. The thermoelectric performance of bismuth nanoparticles
offers the potential for developing high-efficiency, solid-state energy-conversion devices that
could significantly reduce their size and weight in unmanned systems.
¾ Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) offer the prospect of radically reducing the size of
all modalities of unmanned systems. Fingernail-size turbines and pinhead-size actuators on
future, miniature aircraft could make today’s MAV prototypes appear unnecessarily large
and bulky. MEMS-enabled UGVs could be deposited like unnoticed insects. Their UMS
counterparts could be released in an underwater cloud to attach themselves to any mines into
which they drift. A major challenge with MEMS will be communicating with them.
¾ Proton exchange membrane fuel cells now offer power densities equivalent to internal
combustion engines (1 horsepower per pound of engine weight) with the added advantages of
quiet operation (low acoustic signature) and being mechanically less complex (lower
maintenance cost). Fuel-cell-powered cars are now commercially available (Toyota) or
about to be introduced (General Motors), yet only a handful of fuel-cell-powered aircraft
have been flown experimentally. Current membrane materials are expensive and have
thermal limitations that compromise operating efficiency. Materials research is focused on
membranes that can conduct protons in the absence of water.
¾ Smart materials and their constructs (smart structures) combine the sensing, control, and
actuation functions into one entity and allow synchronization with the changing environment
and self repair of damage. For unmanned aircraft, the concept of a morphing wing, one that
optimizes its camber based on flight regime, is a rudimentary form of smart structure being
developed by DARPA. Operationally, such a wing would eliminate bulky actuators,
jackscrews, and hydraulic pumps used in current aircraft control surfaces, with the resultant
weight savings becoming available for additional payload or fuel (in other words, range
and/or endurance).
¾ On the border of materials and computer sciences, magnetic nanoparticles may provide the
next leap in magnetic storage devices, greatly expanding the memory capacities of the
“brains” of unmanned systems. They have the potential to increase storage density to
1000 gigabits per square inch using nanoparticles of 10 to 20 nanometers.
The dominant trend in computational technology remains Moore’s Law, the computer
industry’s doubling of processor speed (via halving of transistor size) every 18 months or a
100-fold increase per decade (see Figure 6.1). Storage density (memory) is increasing at an
equal or even faster rate (see Figure 6.2). Both have been accompanied by declining costs,
but the limits of ultraviolet lithography, key to fabricating silicon microprocessors, will be
reached in the next 10 years (2015 to 2020). The third ingredient to computational power,
software, at $200 per equivalent line of A-level code, remains the most costly component,
and over 50 percent of software is for quality assurance. Successors to the silicon chip may
be based on biological (“moletronics”), optical, or quantum computing, but the commercial
appearance of any of these technologies is probably at least two decades away, perhaps
sooner for some hybrid solutions.
Intel 4004
IBM 1620
10-6 ENIAC
10 12
10 9
Cray Red Storm
Monkey Hum an
IBM Deep Blue
Optical Fiber
10 6
Speed (MIPS)
Lizard Mouse
10 3
1995 PC
Video Channel
Audio Channel 1985 PC
10 -3
Library of Congress
Book CD
10 -6
10 -6 10 -3 1 10 3 10 6 10 9 10 12
Memory (Megabytes)
Interestingly, none of the above technologies is being driven primarily by military requirements.
Although initiatives in these areas are being pursued at government laboratories, the driving
industries include entertainment (computer speed and memory capacity), pharmaceutical
(biopolymers), automotive (fuel cells), personal use (wireless communication), banking (data
security), and other nonmilitary users. See Table 6.1.
Contextual factors, such as funding sources, Government policies, and education, define the
environment that supports technology R&D. Before 1980, the Federal Government (largely
DoD) was the dominant funding source for new technology; in the 1980s, industry assumed the
lead and now funds some 70 percent of U.S. R&D. Within the Government R&D spending,
defense R&D funding was dominant until 1995; nondefense expenditures have held the lead
since then, with health research, the most rapidly growing sector, accounting for half of this
budget. The impact will be that defense unmanned technologies will increasingly become driven
by commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technology versus driven by defense-specific research.
This trend will force the capabilities of defense unmanned technologies to conform with what
becomes commercially available.
For unmanned aviation, Federal regulations are a major contextual factor and not only for
airspace access. First, spectrum availability is becoming increasingly unavailable or shared,
whether in the Continental United States (CONUS) or in overseas theaters. Many UAS types,
from Global Hawk to Scan Eagle, have lost at least one aircraft to frequency interference or
misuse. UASs must compete for spectrum in this crowded market through its national (Federal
Communication Commission) and international (World Telecommunication Organization)
regulators. Second, studies mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency are impacting
where and when UASs can operate. UASs must operate usually over desert and away from
urban concentrations or other environmentally or culturally sensitive areas. Third, existing
airspace regulations are unfocused and interpretable with regard to unmanned aviation, a
situation which is recognized and being addressed by the FAA.
Pull factors are market and societal influences affecting technology adoption. For defense-
related unmanned systems, the series of regional conflicts in which the United States has been
engaged since the end of the Cold War has served to introduce and expand the capabilities of
unmanned systems technology to warfighters. This conflict-driven demand has ensured the
technology’s evolution and continued funding, with each new conflict reinforcing the interest in
such systems. Global Hawk owes its appearance over Afghanistan to the performance of
Predator over Bosnia and Kosovo, which in turn owes its start to the record established by
Pioneer in the Persian Gulf War. CONUS use of unmanned systems includes crawling through
collapsed buildings looking for 9/11 survivors, helping locate lost mountain climbers, and
serving as robot astronauts on Mars. The attention such systems have received in the news
media acts to increase public acceptance of these systems and to allay concerns over privacy
issues raised in some quarters. Societal acceptance typically leads to market growth, which
stimulates R&D that can lead to more capable, less costly unmanned systems for defense.
Current unmanned systems capabilities must evolve into the future DoD acquisition and
operational vision. Current support to the warfighter must be sustained while making the
transition, but every effort must be made to accommodate unmanned systems technologies along
with more traditional technologies as soon as possible. This section provides a summary of
direction for future investments intended to produce common hardware and software to facilitate
mechanisms across unmanned systems. A body of written DoD direction already exists with
which the unmanned systems community must comply while designing, building, fielding, and
sustaining such systems. In 6.6.1 through 6.6.17, the summary of direction to the Military
Departments and to industry is intended to guide the unmanned systems community’s investment
COCOMs’ warfighting missions and capability needs are the focus of the technology way ahead,
as illustrated in Figure 1.2. This Unmanned Systems Roadmap emphasizes missions and
capabilities in terms of their air/sea/land domains without regard to a specific Military
Department. The vision for these systems is that, regardless of originating Military Department,
they will quickly evolve to the point where various classes of unmanned systems operate
together in a cooperative and collaborative manner to meet the joint warfighers’ needs. UASs
will be teamed with UGVs over land and with UMSs over water in combined arms roles that will
augment and extend manned capabilities.
Obstacle avoidance, threat avoidance, and mine search and neutralization are a few of the
missions that automatic target recognition facilitates. All of the missions described for
unmanned systems depend on the effective use of sensors, most particularly the MCM, ISR, and
ASW capabilities. The sensor arena needs to concentrate on increasing area coverage rate
(ACR), improving classification and identification capabilities, developing nontraditional
tracking techniques, and developing CBRNE sensors.
6.6.1. Autonomy
The area of autonomy and control is a major research area for all unmanned systems, whether
military, commercial, or academic in origin. It offers the benefit of minimizing manning and
bandwidth requirements while extending the tactical range of operations beyond the LOS. A
number of system mission support technologies must be advanced before we can achieve
autonomous collaboration among multiple unmanned systems. For example, substantial research
must still be undertaken in perception to enable small UASs working at low altitude, UGVs, and
USVs to achieve forecast potential for working in three-dimensional terrain. Adaptability and
learning from past experience are still at early stages of capability. Advances in these
technologies for individual systems will go a long way toward enhancing the capabilities and
utilization of unmanned systems collaboratively or in teamed applications with manned systems.
understanding, reasoning, and decision making in mission environments. Second, there are
human capabilities that can be captured in software algorithms or computational approaches that
would be beneficial to host directly on an unmanned system. For example, the human ability to
identify objects is highly robust across viewing angles, lighting conditions, etc., and is very
efficient. Such a capability would be useful to unmanned systems, both in terms of added
functionality and in a potential reduction in computer requirements.
¾ To allow ready transfer of control of an unmanned vehicle from one operator to another,
¾ To allow control of multiple types of vehicles from a single control station,
¾ To minimize training across host platforms, operators, and vehicle types due to the resulting
standardization in controls across the unmanned systems community, and
¾ To minimize logistics requirements due to the resulting common hardware, spare parts, and
maintenance practices across the unmanned systems community.
6.6.5. Communications
Communication is required between the vehicle and support platform for transmission of
commands and data. Primary issues to be considered when evaluating a mode of communication
for an unmanned systems task include available bandwidth, range between source and receiver,
detectability, and the required network infrastructure. These issues are of particular concern for
the ISR mission when communication is desired without exposing either the sender or receiver to
possible hostile interception. An expansion of bandwidth capability is desired for the more
stealthy methods, such as acoustic communications (ACOMMs) and low-probability-of-intercept
RF communications. Communication challenges are also associated with multiple vehicles
operating together. Reliable communication between vehicles working in a network must be
established and proven.
Future unmanned systems will need to be optimized to perform collaboratively with both
manned and unmanned team members to accomplish military missions and will require an
increasingly complex exchange and fusion of data from individual systems to inform operator
decision making processes in real time. With the introduction of unmanned systems to the force,
the definition of team member has been expanded to include unmanned systems. There are two
components to this effort: teaming between the unmanned systems and teaming between the
human and the unmanned systems. Human-robot teams provide a unique challenge, that is, how
to develop unmanned systems technologies to enable the human to predict, collaborate, and
develop trust with the unmanned system. Additional considerations are the coordination
between mounted and dismounted soldiers with respect to the exchange and hand-off of
information from, and control over, unmanned assets from one operator to the other.
The first step to achieving network-centricity involves network-enabling the interfaces. In other
words, Internet Protocol-based network connections and routers between unmanned subsystems
and the on-board data link must be created with corresponding network interfaces between the
control station data link, control station subsystems, and the GIG. This changes the paradigm
from a closed circuit to a network node. Functions and products of unmanned systems
implemented as network nodes would be accessible to other authorized nodes on the GIG, not
just to the control station. The unmanned system itself becomes an edge device on the GIG.
The second step involves unmanned systems that can connect directly to more than one node on
the GIG. During times when the demand on the data links is low, such as during cruise portions
of the mission, unmanned systems capable of connecting to more than one node can act as
network routers, passing Internet data packets between the multiple connected nodes. In this
way, unmanned systems can contribute their unused bandwidth to the overall carrying capacity
of the GIG.
Because the human must interact with the unmanned system using some form of system interface
and because that interaction is clearly mission critical, it is essential that system design
accommodate the human user. This requires attention to all elements of HSI when developing,
acquiring, and operating unmanned systems. This includes optimizing design of the human-
machine interface and consideration of how the operators and maintainers are selected and
trained, how many will be required or are available to operate the system, and how their
performance may be degraded by elements of the operational environment. For example, the
presence and availability of information within these unmanned systems does not automatically
equate to situation awareness on the part of the human operators. It does little good to develop a
world-class sensor system if the human operator cannot easily perceive and interpret the
information or if the operator is unable to put the information into the overall contextual
framework of the mission.
For many platforms that will be deployed and dependent on the utility of multiple unmanned
systems, satisfying these issues as well as automating portions of the process will provide
enhanced operational capability. Developmental goals for unmanned system L&R should
include operations at higher speeds and higher sea states.
endurance. Long endurance, payload power, and high speed are all factors that require increased
energy capacity on the unmanned system. It is important to note that energy source selection
cannot be completed without consideration to the impact on vehicle design, size, and type. There
is no clear-cut choice of energy system that meets all mission needs and all vehicle design
6.6.14. Reliability
Reliability is the probability that an item will perform its intended function for a specified time
under stated conditions. Unmanned systems reliability is important because it underlies their
affordability, availability, and acceptance and must be addressed earlier in the development
process. Design changes are significantly more costly during low-rate initial production (LRIP)
and final production phases than during product design. High reliability is critical to warfighter
acceptance of and confidence in a platform and is the first hurdle in airspace considerations as it
underlies UAS acceptance into civil airspace. To achieve the goals outlined in this Roadmap,
validation and verification of on-board software will become more critical, while also becoming
more complex and less deterministic.
6.6.15. Sensors
All unmanned systems missions depend on the effective use of sensors, most particularly the
battlespace access and survivability, mine countermeasures (MCM), ISR, and ASW capabilities.
Development in the sensor arena needs to concentrate on increasing area coverage rate (ACR),
improving classification and identification capabilities, developing nontraditional tracking
techniques, and developing CBRNE sensors. Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) is the current
leading candidate to best meet the requirements of the MCM mission. SAS promises to provide
both increased ACR and increased resolution. However, the real breakthrough ASW sensor, for
example, may be nonacoustic. This technology is not as strongly aperture-dependent as acoustic
sensors and can, therefore, be exploited in smaller systems. Sensor processing and the
automated decision making associated with the processing remain a developmental area for both
MCM and ASW. For MCMs, the principal risk will be the autonomous processing of sonar and
optical images to classify mine-like objects and identify mines. The biggest challenges are
associated with autonomous processing, target recognition, countermeasure rejection, target
motion analysis, and tactics.
6.6.16. Survivability
As unmanned systems use proliferates into an ever-increasing sphere of combat applications and
becomes progressively more important to the warfighter, mission effectiveness and, by
extension, combat survivability become increasingly critical. It is imperative that the
survivability of an unmanned system be a key consideration during the system design process.
The unmanned platform is but one component within the unmanned system. Addressing the
survivability of simply the platform only partially addresses the survivability of the total system
as the components operate within a collaborative multiplatform environment. Future efforts
should concentrate on reducing the total system susceptibility and vulnerability.
6.6.17. Weapons
Weaponizing unmanned systems is a highly controversial issue that will require a patient “crawl-
walk-run” approach as each application’s reliability and performance is proved. This approach
will require starting with the vehicle itself to ensure its performance within and adherence to
appropriate operational regulations. Initial applications of weaponizing any unmanned systems
may require a “man in the loop” (e.g., MQ-1B Predator, MQ-1C Sky Warrior, and MQ-5 Hunter
UASs) to ensure positive control of the vehicle and its weapon. For weaponized unmanned
systems operations during war or other categories of hostile action, rules of engagement will
likely follow the precedence from other weapon release doctrine. Guns, missiles, torpedoes, and
nonlethal projectiles can “hang up” and create a potentially dangerous condition for unmanned
systems recovery personnel and other platforms within the operating area. The challenge is the
ability to remotely render unmanned weapon systems safe (with verification) or face the choice
of having to destroy or scuttle the system. As confidence in system reliability, function, and
targeting algorithms grows, more autonomous operations with weapons may be considered.
Primary technical challenges for weapon release from unmanned systems include the ability to
reliably target the right objective and achieve proper tracking under all conditions where the
system is likely to be employed. Maintaining communications for man-in-the-loop operations
will be a challenge, particularly over the horizon (OTH).
In general, U.S. capabilities, research, and technologies are leading the way for the international
efforts. However, Japan’s effort with HRI is comparable, while the humanoid-like robotic
technology may be somewhat ahead of efforts in the United States at present. South Korea
began investing heavily in HRI and may partner with the United States in the future. Canada is
increasing its investing efforts with platforms and may be considered comparable to U.S.
platform technology.
A number of U.S. allies currently conduct R&D activities directed toward developing military
capabilities for robotics and UGVs. Canada conducts research in the areas of autonomous
systems with a focus on sensors and integration for robotic systems, control systems for robotic
applications, data communications systems, robotic vehicle platforms, artificial intelligence for
robotic systems, and the ergonomic aspects of human-machine interface. Germany has
sponsored science and technology efforts directed toward the development of critical
technologies for UGVs including perception, intelligent control, and autonomous robotic vehicle
platforms as well as human interface and planning. Recently, Germany began to focus on the
development of small (i.e., man-packable) robots. Australia is concentrating on the areas of
platform-related technologies and weapons, man-unmanned systems, control theory, and control
France is focusing on the areas of system collaboration, weapons, level of autonomy, and night
vision and electronic sensors to include countermine and demining technologies. The United
Kingdom is primarily working on navigation, mobility, communication, and ground vehicle
integration. Israel is conducting work on tank systems dealing with laser rangefinders and the
design and fabrication of tank systems. South Korea recently initiated research focused on the
development of a platform similar to multifunction utility/logistics equipment (MULE) as well as
on real-time tracking and HRI efforts, which they hope will ultimately result in a vehicle that can
be used to monitor the Demilitarization Zone. Other international efforts include HRI by
Switzerland and systems for mine clearing and mobility by Denmark. In summary, these
countries are concentrating on capabilities for urban operation and combat application, as
opposed to Japan, where defense applications for robotic technologies are their primary goal.
The current population and societal structure in China create an environment in which
requirements for use of robotics do not necessarily parallel those of the United States. As a
broad generalization, work appears to be primarily directed toward functions where human
operators cannot function, as opposed to replacing human operators in hazardous military
environments. One of the few references to military robotics found, an abstract from a thesis
posted by the Institute for Intelligent Machines of the National Academy of Sciences, makes
reference to Chinese developments in military robotics as “very late compared with other
developed countries.” The thesis is aimed at teleoperation for ordnance disposal and represents a
modest state of the art. Biomimetics, including serpentine, swimming, and human/quadrupedal
approaches, are the primary focus in terms of R&D efforts in locomotion. Space robotics is an
area of focus in several institutions, and there are reports of joint developments of intelligent
multirobot (leader/host with four “followers”) at the Beijing University of Aerospace and
Aeronautics and the Polytechnic University of Milan. Work at Tsinghua University’s Robotics
and Automation Laboratory focuses on what are referred to as “Special Mobile Robots” for such
applications as humanoid/multipedal locomotion, pipe crawling, and biochip manufacturing.
Other work at Tsinghua University and other institutes reflects an emphasis on intelligent
systems for robotics. In this area, China has a number of apparent interests and infrastructure
strengths. Much of the effort is directed toward sensing, perception, and information
technologies, including multi-agent systems that would be applicable to advanced robotic
concepts. Work in mobile ad hoc networking and intelligent agents is also widespread and
addresses one of the key enabling technologies for advanced multirobot systems. To summarize,
while Chinese efforts in robotic military systems may currently trail efforts of the United States
and other western countries (notably France, Germany, and the United Kingdom), they have
strong infrastructure capabilities. On-going research is addressing a number of enabling
technologies that will be required for future robotics. Their ability to pursue and develop
military robotics, should they choose that route, should be taken as a given.
The United States is sharing R&D information on unmanned systems with the United Kingdom,
Australia, Sweden, France, Israel, Germany, Canada, Singapore, Norway, Italy, Japan, and South
Korea. There are also active or planned cooperative efforts on unmanned systems with
Singapore, France, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Australia, Sweden, and Italy.
Key efforts include the Air Force’s high-altitude long-endurance UAS flight demonstration
(performing Global Hawk flight trials with Germany), the SPARTAN SCOUT advanced concept
technology demonstrations with participation from France and Singapore (demonstrating the
military utility of UMSs for assured access and force protection in the littorals), and the NATO
airborne ground surveillance program (whose concept includes the use of Global Hawk UASs).
The following terminology and abbreviations are used in 7.2.1 through 7.2.4:
¾ Data Exchange Agreement (DEA). An international agreement that allows for the
exchange of R&D information in a technical area under the auspices of a master information
exchange agreement. DEAs are the same as information exchange program annexes (IEAs).
¾ Memorandum of Understanding/Agreement (MOU/MOA). Either a framework
international agreement to allow for cooperative R&D project arrangements or agreements
(PAs) to be placed or large cooperative agreements for large programs or phases of
¾ Project Arrangement or Agreement (PA). An international agreement for a specific
project under the auspices of an MOU or MOA.
5. Project Title: Refractive Turbulence, the Surveillance Mission, and Transient Propagation
Disturbances (PA)
Country: Australia
Agreement Dates: 10/16/2006 – 10/15/2009
Description: AFRL/VS (Space Vehicle Directorate) and Defense Science and Technology
Organization intend to demonstrate increased ability to measure, analyze, and predict the
severity, duration, and location of the refractive turbulence events that lead to transient
electronic disconnectivity and fluctuating surveillance image degradation within the same
global environment in which manned and unmanned systems are required to operate.
6. Project Title: Operator Functional State Assessment and Adaptive Aiding Implementation
Country: Sweden
Agreement Dates: 2/16/2007 – 2/16/2011
Description: This PA will develop accurate methods of on-line assessment of the operator’s
cognitive state and investigate methods by which intelligent agents tailor, in real time, the
system’s demands upon the operator. This PA will also demonstrate how adaptive systems
can aid and support the human operator during situations of high mental load.
7.2.3. Army
1. Project Title: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (DEA)
Country: UK
Agreement Dates: 12/1999 – 11/2009
Description: This DEA provides for the exchange of scientific and technical information on
the research and development of UASs and remotely piloted vehicles in support of land
technologies of missiles, guided weapons, rockets, smart weapons and munitions, UASs, and
remotely piloted vehicles in support of land combat. The DEA specifically relates to the
integration of reconnaissance, surveillance, target acquisition, and engagement technology
into unmanned systems.
7.2.4. Navy
1. Project Title: Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (BAMS) Unmanned Aircraft System
(UAS) Cooperative Development Program (MOU)
Country: Australia
Agreement Dates: 01/13/2007 – 7/13/2008
Description: The SDD phase for multimission maritime aircraft (MMA) and BAMS UAS
(Framework MOU) encompasses either or both the MMA and the BAMS UAS and
potentially associated technologies or cooperative projects leading to full-scale development
of the MMA and/or BAMS system.
5. Project Title: Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) for Mine Countermeasures (MCM)
Country: UK
Agreement Dates: 08/09/2002 – 08/09/2007
Description: Currently, both nations have MCM capability requirements and similar
concepts for application of autonomous platform systems to address the capability
requirements. Leveraging the experience from the past investments and coordinating the
planned resources and efforts of each, the collaboration will investigate different approaches
within the key technology areas cost effectively.
7. Project Title: Information Exchange Program Annex Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (IEA)
Country: France
Agreement Dates: 5/16/2003 – 5/16/2008
Description: This project is a reciprocal government-to-government exchange of R&D
information on UASs with France.
9. Project Title: Information Exchange Program Annex Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems
Country: Germany
Agreement Dates: 8/30/2004 – 8/30/2009
Description: This project is a reciprocal government-to-government exchange of R&D
information on UASs with Germany.
10. Project Title: Information Exchange Program Annex Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (IEA)
Country: Italy
Agreement Dates: 3/22/2004 – 3/22/2009
Description: This project is a reciprocal government-to-government exchange of R&D
information on UASs with Italy.
11. Project Title: Information Exchange Program Annex Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (IEA)
Country: Canada
Agreement Dates: 6/13/1995 – 3/14/2007
Description: This project is a reciprocal government-to-government exchange of R&D
information on UASs with Canada.
12. Project Title: Information Exchange Program Annex Unmanned Air Vehicles (IEA)
Country: Korea
Agreement Dates: 3/14/1997 – 3/14/2007
Description: This project is a reciprocal government-to-government exchange of R&D
information on UASs with Korea.
13. Project Title: Information Exchange Program Annex Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (IEA)
Country: Israel
Agreement Dates: 1/16/1996 – 1/16/2011
Description: This project is a reciprocal government-to-government exchange of R&D
information on UASs with Israel.
14. Project Title: Information Exchange Program Annex Unmanned Aircraft Systems (IEA)
Country: Singapore
Agreement Dates: Proposed in development
Description: This project is a reciprocal government-to-government exchange of R&D
information on UASs with Singapore.
15. Project Title: Information Exchange Program Annex Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
Country: UK
Agreement Dates: 8/2/2004 – 8/2/2009
Description: This project is a reciprocal government-to-government exchange of R&D
information on UUVs with the United Kingdom.
16. Project Title: Information Exchange Program Annex Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (IEA)
Country: UK
Agreement Dates: 06/06/1995 – 6/6/2010
Description: This project is a reciprocal government-to-government exchange of R&D
information on UASs with the United Kingdom.
18. Project Title: Information Exchange Program Annex Mine Warfare and Unmanned
Vehicles (IEA)
Country: Norway
Agreement Dates: 3/18/2005 – 3/18/2010
Description: This project is a reciprocal government-to-government exchange of R&D
information on mine warfare and UUVs with Norway.
19. Project Title: Project Churchill, agreement with UK as part of the Navy-led Unmanned
Combat Air Systems (UCAS) Program
Country: UK
Dates: 12/21/2004 – 07/31/2009
Description: The United States and United Kingdom will jointly create a distributed
simulation environment capability using Navy, Air Force, and U.K. Defence Science and
Technology Laboratory M&S capabilities. They will then select portions of the U.K.
unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) demonstration results of efforts functionality already
completed; jointly participate in modeling, simulation, tests, and demonstrations; and
conduct additional tests using U.S. J-UCAS and U.K. UCAV assets to gather further
information regarding coalition employment and interoperability of UCAV.
DoDD 2060.1 directs that “all DoD activities shall be fully compliant with arms control
agreements of the U.S. Government.” 17 Additionally, DoDD 5000.1 directs that the “acquisition
and procurement of DoD weapons and weapon systems shall be consistent with all applicable
domestic law and treaties and international agreements” and that “an attorney authorized to
conduct such legal reviews in the Department shall conduct the legal review of the intended
acquisition of weapons or weapons systems.” 18 U.S. Government arms control agreements
concerning unmanned systems include the Wassenaar Arrangement (WA), the Missile
Technology Control Regime (MTCR), the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe
(CFE), the Vienna Document 1999 (VDOC), the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
(INF), the Global Exchange of Military Information (GEMI), and the United Nations
Transparency in Armaments Resolution (UNTIA). Conventional arms agreements that do not
name unmanned systems, but mention military air and ground vehicles include the CFE, VDOC,
INF, GEMI, and UNTIA. Conventional arms agreements that address unmanned systems
directly include the WA and MTCR.
WA-controlled dual-use items include unmanned systems in item ML 10I munitions list in
section 9.A.12 and technology applicable to unmanned systems in sections 9.D.1, 9.E.3, and
9.D.2. MTCR restricts unmanned systems as a Category I item in section 1.A.2, provided that
the UAS can carry a 1100-pound payload for 162 nautical miles. MTCR Category II items,
under sections 19.A.2 and 19.A.3, include technology and equipment that may be used in
Category I unmanned systems.
CFE articles I and II obligate participant adherence and define conventional weapons that, within
the area of application, are subject to terms of reduction and limits outlined in articles IV–VI.
Unmanned systems may, subject to review, meet the definitions of conventional armaments and
equipment subject to the CFE treaty. Also subject to review, VDOC may require the U.S.
Government to report combat equipment and/or new weapons systems as they fall under article I,
paragraphs 10.2.5, 10.5, and 11.2, and follow-on items of the VDOC. Ground-launched cruise
missiles are restricted by INF in article II, paragraph 2; however, air-to-surface weapons are not
considered under the INF treaty. Unmanned systems that are not ground launched, or take off
without the aid of launching equipment, and are designed to return from mission, do not fall
within the definition of a ground-launched cruise missile. GEMI requires the U.S. Government
to share information on holdings of major weapons and equipment systems listed under
paragraph 3. Air and ground vehicles, irrespective of manned or unmanned, may, upon review,
fall under the categories of major weapon and equipment systems subject to information sharing
under paragraph 3 of GEMI. Under the UNTIA Annex, Register of Conventional Arms,
unmanned systems, subject to review, may meet the definitions of items defined in
paragraph 2.a., “concerning international arms transfers.”
DoDD 2060.1, paragraph 3.3.1, June 9, 2001.
DoDD 5000.1, paragraph E1.1.15, Legal Compliance, 12 May 2003.
Background: The Air Force MQ-1 Predator was one of the initial ACTDs in 1994 and transitioned to an Air Force
program in 1997. Since 1995, Predator has flown surveillance missions over Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo, and
Afghanistan. In 2001, the Air Force added a laser designator for use with precision-guided munitions and the ability
to employ Hellfire missiles from the Predator; these additions led to the change in the Predator’s designation from
RQ-1 to MQ-1 to reflect its multimission capability. The Air Force operates three Active component Predator
squadrons and three Air National Guard Predator squadrons. The MQ-1 fleet reached the 170,000 flight hour mark
in July 2006 with over 80 percent of the hours in combat. It was declared operationally capable (initial operational
capability (IOC)) in March 2005. The Navy purchased three RQ-1As for R&D as well as training that currently
support lead-in training for the Air Force MQ-9 Reaper and Army Extended Range/Multipurpose (ER/MP) crews.
MQ-1 B
Length 27 ft Wing Span 55 ft
Gross Weight 2250 lb Payload Capacity 450 lb
Fuel Capacity 640 lb Fuel Type AVGAS
Engine Make Rotax 914F Power 115 hp
Data Link(s) BLOS Frequency Ku-band
LOS C-band
Length 28 ft Wing Span 56 ft
Gross Weight 3200 lb Payload Capacity 800 lb/500 lb external
Fuel Capacity 600 lb Fuel Type JP-8
Engine Make Thielert diesel Power 135 hp
Data Link(s) BLOS Frequency Ku-band
LOS C-band
Background: The Navy/Marine Corps RQ-2 Pioneer has served with Navy, Marine Corps, and Army units and has
been deployed aboard ship and ashore since 1986. Initially deployed aboard battleships to provide gunnery spotting,
its mission evolved into reconnaissance and surveillance, primarily for amphibious forces. Launched by rocket
assist, by pneumatic launcher, or from a runway, it recovers on a runway with arresting gear after flying up to
5 hours with a 75-pound payload. It currently flies with a gimbaled EO/IR sensor and relays analog video in real
time via a C-band LOS data link. Since 1991, the Pioneer has flown reconnaissance missions during the Persian
Gulf, Bosnia, and Kosovo conflicts. It is currently flying in support of Marine Corps forces in Operation Iraqi
Freedom. The Navy ceased Pioneer operations at the end of FY2002 and transferred assets to the Marine Corps.
The Marine Corps is sustaining the Pioneer to extend their operations with it until replaced by the RQ-7 Shadow.
Length 14 ft Wing Span 17 ft
Gross Weight 452 lb Payload Capacity 75 lb
Fuel Capacity 76 lb Fuel Type AVGAS
Engine Make Sachs SF 350 Power 26 hp
Data Link(s) LOS Frequency C-band
Background: The RQ-5 Hunter originated as a Joint Army/Navy/Marine Corps UAS program. It was terminated
in 1996, but through the procurement of a limited number of LRIP systems, Hunter exists today. It is currently
fielded to III, XVIII, and V Corps. The modernization from the RQ-5A to the MQ-5B was initiated in FY2004. The
MQ-5Bs are modified with heavy fuel engines (HFEs) and are capable of carrying the Viper Strike and BLU 108
munitions. Hunter deployed to Macedonia to support NATO Balkan operations in 1999 and to Iraq in 2002 where it
continues to support combat operations today.
Background: The Army selected the RQ-7 Shadow 200 (formerly TUAV) in December 1999 to meet the Brigade-
level unmanned aircraft requirement for support to ground maneuver commanders. The Shadow either is catapulted
from a rail or takes off from a strip. It is operated via the Army’s OneSystem GCS and lands via an automated
takeoff and landing system (recovering with the aid of arresting gear) and net. Its gimbaled upgraded plug-in optical
payload (POP) 300 EO/IR sensor relays video in real time via a C-band LOS data link and has the capability for IR
illumination (laser pointing). The first upgraded B model was delivered in August 2004. The RQ-7B can now
accommodate the high bandwidth TCDL and features a 16-inch longer wingspan, endurance of 5+ hours (greater
fuel capacity), upgraded engine, and improved flight computer. Full-rate production and IOC occurred in
September 2002. Future upgrades include complete TCDL modernizations and laser designation technology
(POP 400). Current funding allows the Army to procure 85 complete systems of four aircraft each for the active
duty and reserve forces. The Army’s acquisition objective, with the inclusion of the Army Reserve component, is
85 total systems, with potential for increase. Shadow systems have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in
support of the GWOT. The Marine Corps selected Shadow to replace its Pioneer UASs in 2006 and fielding of
13 systems (52 aircraft) to USMC UAS squadrons began in May 2007.
Length 11.2 ft Wing Span 14 ft
Gross Weight 375 lb Payload Capacity 60 lb
Fuel Capacity 73 lb Fuel Type MOGAS
Engine Make UEL AR-741 Power 38 hp
Data Link(s) LOS C2 Frequency S-band; UHF
LOS video C-band
Background: The VTOL Tactical UAV (VTUAV) program is currently in EMD. The MQ-8B Fire Scout is the
aircraft segment of the system. Two RQ-8A air vehicles and four GCSs were used for risk reduction testing prior to
commencement of MQ-8B flight testing. Over 210 successful test flights have been accomplished during the risk
reduction phase, demonstrating autonomous shipboard operations, autonomous flight, and GCS operations. The
Army selected the four-bladed MQ-8B model as its Category IV unmanned aircraft for its FCS in 2003. The Navy
has selected the MQ-8B to support the LCS class of surface vessels. The Navy’s VTUAV system includes tactical
control system (TCS) software within its GCS and supports standards-based interoperability through implementation
of STANAG 4586 and TCDL. http://uav.navair.navy.mil/.
Length 22.9 ft Wing Span 27.5 ft
Gross Weight 3150 lb Payload Capacity 600 lb
Fuel Capacity 1292 lb Fuel Type JP-5/JP-8
Engine Make Rolls Royce 250-C20W Power 320 shp continuous
Data Link(s) LOS C2 Frequency Ku-band/UHF
LOS video Ku-band
Background: The MQ-9 is a medium- to high-altitude, long-endurance UAS. Its primary mission is to act as a
persistent hunter-killer for critical time-sensitive targets and secondarily to act as an intelligence collection asset.
The integrated sensor suite includes a SAR/MTI capability and a turret containing electro-optical and midwave IR
sensors, a laser rangefinder, and a laser target designator. The crew for the MQ-9 is one pilot and one sensor
operator. The Air Force proposed the MQ-9 system in response to the DoD request for GWOT initiatives in
October 2001. In June 2003, ACC approved the MQ-9 CONOPS, and, in February 2004, it approved the final
basing decision to put the MQ-9 squadron at Creech Air Force Base, Nevada. The Air Force activated the first
Reaper Squadron (42d Attack Squadron) at Creech Air Force Base on 9 November 2006 with the first MQ-9 aircraft
arriving 13 March 2007. As an R&D project, the Navy is acquiring one Reaper for demonstrating sensor
capabilities and related tactics, techniques, and procedures. AMO of DHS operates its own MQ-9s for border
surveillance from Ft Huachuca, Arizona. http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=6405
Length 36 ft Wing Span 66 ft
Gross Weight 10,500 lb Payload Capacity *3750 lb
Fuel Capacity 4000 lb Fuel Type JP
Engine Make Honeywell TPE 331-10Y Power 900 SHP
Data Link(s) BLOS Frequency Ku-band
LOS C-band
* Up to 3000 lb total externally on wing hard points, 750 lb internal.
Background: The program originated as a prototype development for the Air Force (Boeing) and the Navy
(Northrop Grumman). The two demonstrator programs combined into a joint program (J-UCAS) under Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency management in FY2004 and subsequently transferred responsibility to the Air
Force in FY2006. A PDM III and a QDR decision resulted in J-UCAS program management and technologies
transitioning to the Navy UCAS demonstration program, which was restructured as the UCAS-Carrier
Demonstration (UCAS-D). Northrop Grumman was awarded the UCAS-D contract in August 2007. The UCAS-D
will not include any mission systems or sensors. First flight is planned for 2010, with sea trials following in 2011
and a first attempt at a carrier landing in 2012.
X47B X47B
Length 38 ft Wing Span 62 ft
Gross Weight 46,000 lb Payload 4500 lb
Fuel Capacity 17,000 lb Fuel Type JP-8
Engine Make F100-PW-220U Power (SLS) 7600 lb
Data Link(s) Link 16 Frequency Ku, Ka
Length 27 ft Wing Span 49 ft
Gross Weight 2300 lb Payload Capacity 450 lb
Fuel Capacity 625 lb Fuel Type AVGAS
Engine Make Rotax 914F Power 115 hp
Data Link(s) LOS/SATCOM Frequency C-band
Background: The purpose of this research project is to design, develop, and demonstrate enabling technologies for
delivery of medical supplies and Life Support for Trauma and Transport (LSTAT) systems by UAS platforms to
combat medics for treatment, stabilization, and subsequent evacuation of combat casualties from hostile situations.
The key research foci are advanced technologies for (a) autonomous UAS takeoff, landing, and navigation in urban
and wooded terrain and (b) collaboration and coordination between human combat medics and UAS ground
controllers so that appropriate first responder care and evacuation can be performed during the so-called “golden
hour” of combat casualty care. Five Phase I SBIR contracts were awarded in FY2007 in which notional concepts of
operations will be developed as well as technical models that identify and translate functional requirements into
implementable UAS system designs. Only limited technology demonstrations are envisioned in Phase I. Phase II
down-select is tentatively scheduled for early FY2008. This phase includes the development and demonstration of
prototypes that are expected to demonstrate the following tasks: (1) Navigate through urban or wooded terrain to a
site of combat injury; (2) Select a suitable site for autonomous landing and takeoff with minimal human team
member/operator guidance; (3) Safely land and take off autonomously; (4) Communicate with human medic team
members; and (5) Carry a payload of medical supplies, including an LSTAT system, to the site of injury. This is
currently a Joint (OSD-sponsored) SBIR effort being administered by the Army but in coordination with the Navy
and Marine Corps. This concept involves a VTOL aircraft that can carry or ride on the ground on a ground
CASEVAC vehicle. Both vehicles (air and ground) will be capable of either manned or unmanned operation.
Background: Neptune is a new tactical unmanned aircraft design optimized for at-sea L&R. Carried in a
72″ × 30″ × 20″ case that transforms into a pneumatic launcher, it can be launched from small vessels and recovered
in open water. It can carry IR or color video sensors or can be used to drop small payloads. Its digital data link is
designed to minimize multipath effects over water. First flight occurred in January 2002, and an initial production
contract was awarded to DRS Unmanned Technologies in March 2002.
Length 6 ft Wing Span 7 ft
Gross Weight 130 lb Payload Capacity 20 lb
Fuel Capacity 18 lb Fuel Type MOGAS
Engine Make 2 stroke Power 15 hp
Data Link(s) LOS C2 Frequency UHF
LOS video UHF
A.1.15. Maverick
User Service: DARPA, Army, and Navy
Manufacturer: Boeing, Frontier, and Robinson
Inventory: 6 Delivered/6 Planned
Status: NPOR
Background: Maverick is an unmanned version of the Robinson R22 helicopter. Frontier modified it in 1999 to
serve as a testbed for developing the control logic for their DARPA A-160 unmanned aircraft effort. Subsequently,
the Navy decided to acquire four Mavericks in 2003.
Length 28.8 ft Rotorspan 25.2 ft
Gross Weight 1370 lb Payload Capacity 400 lb
Fuel Capacity 100 lb Fuel Type AVGAS
Engine Make Lycoming 0-360-J2A Power 145 hp
Data Link(s) TBD Frequency TBD
Background: A160 Hummingbird is a long endurance VTOL UAV using a revolutionary Optimum Speed Rotor
(OSR), low drag configuration, and high fuel fraction to enable much longer endurance than conventional
helicopters. In addition, it uses a stiff-in-plane rotor to enable fast reaction to gust loads.
A160 Hummingbird
Length 35 ft Rotorspan 36 ft
Gross Weight 5600 lb Payload Capacity 300–1000 lb
Fuel Capacity 2700 lb Fuel Type JP
Engine Make Pratt& Whitney PW207D Power 572 hp
Data Link(s) Boeing Frequency Ku
Background: Originally, an Army testbed for a fiber optic guided unmanned aircraft, Tern was completely retooled
in late 2001 to give it a larger, steerable nose gear and main gear fitted with tires suitable for rough terrain with
electronically actuated disc brakes to aid short-field recovery that enabled the aircraft to carry a belly-mounted
dispensing mechanism. Tern was operated in support of SOF by Navy personnel from Fleet Composite Squadron
Six (VC-6, previously the Navy’s Pioneer Unmanned Aircraft Squadron) in Afghanistan to perform force protection
missions and to dispense an unattended ground sensor weighing over 20 pounds. Over 225 combat hours were
flown during two 3-month long deployments. In early 2004, a Tern variant was developed that eliminated the
landing gear and incorporated skids and a tail-hook. A marinized control station was developed, and the system was
successfully demonstrated onboard the USS Denver. The reduced drag of the skid/tailhook recovery system
improved the vehicle’s mission endurance from 4 to over 6 hours.
Length 9.0 ft Wing Span 11.4 ft
Gross Weight 130 lb Payload Capacity 25 lb
Fuel Capacity 28 lb Fuel Type MOGAS/oil
Engine Make 3W 100 cc Power 12 hp
Data Link(s) LOS C2 Frequency L/S-band
LOS video UHF
Background: Mako is a lightweight, long-endurance, versatile unmanned aircraft capable of a variety of missions,
yet of sufficiently low cost to be discarded after actual battle, if necessary. It is a single-engine, high-wing, radio-
controlled or computer-assisted autopilot unmanned aircraft capable of daylight or IR reconnaissance and other
related missions. Although it is a relatively new aircraft, the recent modifications, which included the addition of
navigation/strobe lights, a Mode C transponder, dual GCS operational capability, and a new high-resolution digital
camera, made it a success during support to Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Length 9.11 ft Wing Span 12.8 ft
Gross Weight 130 lb Payload Capacity 30 lb
Fuel Capacity 5 gal Fuel Type MOGAS/oil
Engine Make 3W 100cc Power 9.5 hp
Data Link(s) C2 Frequency VHF/UHF
Video L-band video downlink
Length 45 ft Wing Span 38 ft
Gross Weight 2300 lb Payload Capacity 2200 lb
Fuel Capacity N/A Fuel Type N/A
Engine Make N/A Power N/A
Global Observer-2
Length 83ft Wing Span 259 ft
Gross Weight 9098 lb Payload Capacity >1000 lb
Fuel Capacity 2100 lb Fuel Type LH2
Engine Number/Make Internal combustion/fuel cell Power
Data Link(s) LOS/BLOS C2 Frequency Ku/Ka-band
LOS video UHF
Aqua/Terra Puma
Weight 14 lb Payload Capacity 2–4 lb
Length 5.9 ft Engine Type Battery
Wingspan 8.5 ft
RQ-11 Raven
Weight 4 lb Payload Capacity 1 lb
Length 3.4 ft Engine Type Battery
Wingspan 4.3 ft
Silver Fox
Weight 20 lb Payload Capacity 5 lb
Length 4.8 ft Engine Type Diesel/gasoline
Wingspan 7.8 ft
A.1.26. ScanEagle
User Service: Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force
Manufacturer: Insitu Group and Boeing
Inventory: 2 Systems (8 aircraft per system)
Status: NPOR; Systems Under Lease
Background: ScanEagle is a long-endurance SUAS. Six systems are deployed
in Iraq to provide force protection under lease to the Marine Corps, seven are
deployed on Navy ships, and two have been acquired by the Air Force.
ScanEagle carries an inertially stabilized camera turret for EO/IR imagery. Its
sensor data links have integrated cursor-on-target capability, which allows it to
integrate operations with larger UASs such as Predator through the GCS. Its
Skyhook (near-vertical recovery system) and pneumatic catapult launcher allow
operations from ships or from remote, unimproved areas. ScanEagle has
demonstrated an endurance of 28.7 hours.
Weight 37.9 lb Payload Capacity 13.2 lb
Length 3.9 ft Engine Type Gasoline
Wingspan 10.2 ft
A.1.27. Aerosonde
User Service: Air Force
Manufacturer: AAI Corporation
Inventory: 1 System Planned (5 to 8 aircraft per system)
Status: NPOR; System Under Lease
Background: Aerosonde is a long-endurance (38 hour) SUAS. Aerosonde
can carry a family of compact payloads including television cameras,
IR cameras, ESM, or jammer electronics. Aerosonde is currently operating
at NASA’s Wallops Island Flight Facility; at an arctic facility in Barrow,
Alaska; and at two locations in Australia. The ONR purchased several
aircraft along with services for instrument and payload development.
Aerosonde flies from Guam under the Air Force Weather Scout Foreign Cooperative Test.
Weight 33 lb Payload Capacity 12 lb
Length 5.7 ft Engine Type Gasoline
Wingspan 9.4 ft
A.1.28. Buster
User Service: SOCOM and Army
Manufacturer: Mission Technologies
Inventory: 5 Planned (4 aircraft per system)
Status: NPOR; Under Evaluation
Background: BUSTER is a SUAS on contract with the Army Night
Vision Laboratories, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, which is using BUSTER as a
testbed for sensors. Nine systems are being delivered through the
remainder of 2007. Other current contracts are with the U.K. Ministry of
Defense Joint UAV Experimentation Programme (JUEP), with BUSTER
training being conducted for the Royal Artillery, the Royal Air Force, and
the SOF.
Weight 10 lb Payload Capacity 3.0 lb
Length 41 in Engine Type Gasoline/JP-5 & JP-8
Wingspan 49.5 in
Weight 15 lb Payload 2 lb
Length 15 in Engine Type Heavy fuel piston
Wingspan 13-in duct diameter
A.1.31. Wasp
User Service: Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force
Manufacturer: AeroVironment
Inventory: 56 (14 systems) Delivered/440 (135 systems) Planned
Status: POR; Under Evaluation
Background: DARPA’s Wasp MAV is a small, quiet, portable, reliable,
and rugged unmanned air platform designed for front-line reconnaissance
and surveillance over land or sea. Wasp serves as a reconnaissance
platform for the company level and below by virtue of its extremely small
size and quiet propulsion system. DARPA has developed both land and
waterproofed versions of Wasp. The air vehicle’s operational range is
typically 1 to 2 nautical miles, with a typical operational altitude of
50 to 500 feet above ground level. Wasp’s GCS is common to the Raven,
Pointer, and other small unmanned aircraft. Wasp is hand- or bungee-
launched. Prototypes are currently under extended evaluation in theater by the Marine Corps and Navy, flying from
the USS Philippine Sea in theatre. The Air Force selected Wasp for its BATMAV program.
Wasp Block II
Weight 0.7 lb Payload 0.25 lb
Length 11 in Engine Type Electric (battery)
Wingspan 16 in
The TACMAV uses flexible wings, which fold around its fuselage, allowing
the entire UAV to be stored in a 22-inch long, 5-inch diameter tube and
carried in the user’s backpack. The TACMAV uses a payload pod containing
two color Charge Couple Device cameras and a video transmitter. The user
can select a forward- or side-looking camera. The GCU uses the standard Air
Force Portable Flight Planning System interface for mission planning, in-
flight updates, and manual control.
Platoon, squad, and fire team elements employed the TACMAV for real-time
reconnaissance and surveillance support. Operational feedback was either neutral or negative. Soldiers complained
about the poor image and lack of stability, grid coordinates, and IR capability. Use of the TACMAV is very
dependent on weather conditions (wind). Following REF involvement, newer configurations made by ARA
included an IR camera and longer flight time.
Weight 0.8 lb Payload Capacity 0.1 lb
Length 19.7 in Engine Type Electric (Li battery)
Wingspan 20.9 in
Length 200 ft Tail Span 55 ft
Volume 275,000 ft3 Payload Capacity 1000 lb
Length 208 ft Tail Span 100 ft
Volume 275,000/420,000 ft3 Payload Capacity 1200 lb
Length 233 ft Tail Span 75 ft
Volume 590,000 ft3 Payload Capacity 5000 lb
Length 49 ft Tail Span 21 ft
Volume 10,200 ft3 Payload Capacity 200 lb
Length 31 ft Tail Span 17 ft
Volume 2600 ft Payload Capacity 35 lb
Length 114 ft Tail Span 36 ft
Volume 64,000 ft Payload Capacity 500 lb
A.3.1. Overview
The OSD vision is to have “File and Fly” access for appropriately equipped UASs by the end of
2012 while maintaining an equivalent level of safety (ELOS) to aircraft with a pilot onboard.
For military operations, UASs will operate with manned aircraft in civil airspace, including in
and around airfields, using concepts of operation that make on- or off-board distinctions
transparent to ATC authorities and airspace regulators. The operations tempo at mixed airfields
will not be diminished by the integration of unmanned aviation.
In the past, UASs were predominately operated by the DoD for combat operations in military-
controlled airspace; however, there is a growing desire to employ UAS in support of homeland
defense and civil authorities, e.g., DHS. To be effective, UASs will need routine access to the
NAS outside of restricted and warning areas, both over land and over water.
A.3.2. Background
Because the current UASs do not have the same capabilities as manned aircraft to safely and
efficiently integrate into the NAS, military UAS requirements to operate outside of restricted and
warning areas are accommodated on a case-by-case basis. A process used to gain NAS access
was jointly developed and agreed to by the DoD and FAA in 1999. Military operators of UASs
are required to obtain a COA from the FAA. The process can take up to 60 days and, because
UASs do not have an S&A capability, may require such additional and costly measures as
providing chase planes and/or primary radar coverage. COAs are typically issued for a specific
UAS, limited to specific routes or areas, and are valid for no more than one year. Exceptions are
the National COA that was issued to the Air Force for Global Hawk operations in the NAS and
the Disaster Relief COA that was issued to NORTHCOM’s Joint Force Air Component
Commander for the Predator UAS.
With a COA, the UAS is accommodated into the system when mission needs dictate; however,
because the UAS lacks the ability to meet the same regulator requirements as a manned aircraft,
it is frequently segregated from manned aviation rather than integrated with it, an exception
being the integration of UASs flying on Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight plans. As the DoD
CONOPS for UASs matures and as we ensure the airworthiness of our UASs, we will look
toward developing new procedures to gain access to the NAS. Toward that end, the DoD is
working with the FAA to refine and/or replace the COA process to enable more ready access to
the NAS for qualified UASs.
From the DoD perspective, three critical issues must be addressed in order to supplant the COA
process: UAS reliability, FAA regulations, and an S&A capability. Each is discussed here.
OSD and FAA, working through the DoD Policy Board on Federal Aviation (PBFA), are
engaged in establishing the air traffic regulatory infrastructure for integrating military UASs into
the NAS. By limiting this effort’s focus to traffic management of domestic flight operations by
military UASs, the hope is to establish a solid precedent that can be extended to other public and
civil UASs domestically and to civil and military flights in international and non-U.S. airspace.
OSD Airspace Integration Plan for Unmanned Aviation, November 2004, provides a more comprehensive
discussion of this topic. It is the source of much of the information contained in this appendix.
As depicted in Figure A.1, this initiative (shown by the lower-left block in the figure) is intended
to serve as the first brick in the larger, interwoven wall of regulations governing worldwide
aviation. Precepts include the following:
¾ Do no harm. Avoid new initiatives, e.g., enacting regulations for the military user that
would adversely impact the Military Departments’ right to self-certify aircraft and aircrews,
ATC practices or procedures, or manned aviation CONOPS or TTPs or that would
unnecessarily restrict civilian or commercial flights. Where feasible, leave “hooks” in place
to facilitate the adaptation of these regulations for civil use. This also applies to recognizing
that “one size does NOT fit all” when it comes to establishing regulations for the wide range
in size and performance of DoD UASs.
¾ Conform rather than create. Apply the existing Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) (formerly known as Federal Aviation Regulations, or FARs) to also cover unmanned
aviation and avoid the creation of dedicated UAS regulations as much as possible. The goal
is to achieve transparent flight operations in the NAS.
¾ Establish the precedent. Although focused on domestic use, any regulations enacted will
likely lead, or certainly have to conform to, similar regulations governing UAS flight in
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and foreign domestic (specific countries’)
UAS Flight in
Foreign Airspace
UAS Flight in
International Airspace
Civil UAS Civil UAS Civil UAS
Traffic Ops Airworthiness Crew Qualifications
Before the vision of “file and fly” can occur, significant work must be accomplished in the
mutually dependent areas of UAS reliability, regulation, and an S&A capability.
A.3.2.1. Reliability
UAS reliability is the first hurdle in airspace considerations because it underlies UAS acceptance
into civil airspace—whether domestic, international, or foreign. Historically, UASs have
suffered mishaps at one to two orders of magnitude greater than the rate (per 100,000 hours)
incurred by manned military aircraft. In recent years, however, flight experience and improved
technologies have enabled UASs to continue to track the reliability of early manned military
aircraft with their reliability approaching an equivalent level of reliability to their manned
military counterparts (see Figure A.2). Further improvements in reliability will be seen as
airworthiness teams develop rigorous standards, and greater redundancy is designed into the
systems, e.g., the MQ-1C Sky Warrior and MQ-9A Reaper flight management systems.
Hunter Pioneer
Class A or B Mishaps per 100,000 Hours
500 Shadow
I-Gnat U-2
100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000
Cumulative Flight Hours
Figure A.2 U.S. Military Aircraft and UAS Class A Mishap Rates (Lifetime), 1986–2006
A.3.2.2. Regulation
Six classes of airspace are defined in the United States, each requiring varying levels of user
performance (aircrew/aircraft). Aircraft are controlled to varying degrees by the ATC
infrastructure in the different classes of airspace. Because these classes are referenced
throughout this discussion, a brief description is useful.
¾ Class A airspace exists from Flight Level (FL) 180 (18,000 feet MSL) to FL600 (60,000 feet
MSL). Flights within Class A airspace must be under IFR and under the control of ATC at
all times.
¾ Class B airspace generally surrounds major airports (generally up to 10,000 feet MSL) to
reduce mid-air collision potential by requiring ATC control of IFR and Visual Flight Rules
(VFR) flights in that airspace.
¾ Class C airspace surrounds busy airports (generally up to 4000 feet AGL) that do not need
Class B airspace protection and requires flights to establish and maintain two-way
communications with ATC while in that airspace. ATC provides radar separation service to
flights in Class C airspace.
¾ Class D airspace surrounds airports (generally up to 2500 feet AGL) that have an operating
control tower. Flights in Class D airspace must establish and maintain communications with
ATC, but VFR flights do not receive separation service.
¾ Class E airspace is all other airspace in which IFR and VFR flights are allowed. Although
Class E airspace can extend to the surface, it generally begins at 1200 feet AGL, or
14,500 feet MSL, and extends upward until it meets a higher class of airspace (A–D). It is
also above FL600.
¾ Class G airspace (there is no Class F airspace in the United States) is also called
“uncontrolled airspace” because ATC does not control aircraft there. (ATC will provide
advisories upon request, workload dependent.) Class G airspace can extend to 14,499 feet
MSL, but generally exists below 1200 feet AGL and below Class E airspace.
60,000 ft MSL Global Hawk
Class A
45,000 ft MSL Operating Rules-IFR
Pilot/ Equipment
Requirements are
Reaper Jet Routes 91.167-91.193
(Class A)
FL180 – FL 450
18,000 ft MSL
ER/MP Federal Airways
(Class E)
Predator I-GNAT 1,200’ AGL– 17,999’ MSL
Class G
SFC – 14,500’ MSL
Fire Scout SFC
Class B
Class B
- 10,000 ’ MSL
SFC - 10,000’ MSL
Class C
Class C
SFC - 4,000
SFC - 4,000’ AGL
Class D
Class D
SFC - 2,500’
- 2,5000
’ MS
Class G Airspace
Class G SFC
SFC – 700’ or 1,200’ AGL
- 700 ’ or 1,200 L
It is clear that some taxonomy for UASs is needed to define their operating privileges,
airworthiness standards, operator training and certification requirements, and place in the right-
of-way rules. Although public (e.g., U.S. military) aircraft are to some degree exempt from a
number of FAA regulations such as airworthiness and pilot certification, certain responsibilities
still exist.
¾ Meeting equivalent airworthiness and operator qualification standards to operate in the NAS,
¾ Conforming to FAA traffic regulations (S&A, lighting, yielding right-of-way) when
operating outside of restricted airspace, and
¾ Complying with international (oceanic and foreign domestic) regulations when transiting that
airspace, regulations which often take those of the FAA as precedents.
Military UASs with a need to routinely operate outside of restricted airspace or in international
airspace must, therefore, make themselves transparent to air traffic management authorities. In
large part, this means conforming by waiver to 14 CFR 91 for the larger UASs, such as the Air
Force’s Global Hawk and Predator. This plan calls for these UASs (Cat III) to be treated
similarly to manned aircraft.
The FAA has approved a Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) category in the regulations and does not
require either airworthiness or pilot certification (similar to Part 103 aircraft) for certain uses and
limited operations. These aircraft achieve an equivalent level of safety to certificated aircraft
The FAA is moving toward a two-class structure for the NAS, “terminal” and “en route.” Terminal will subsume
Class B, C, and D airspace, and en route will include Class A, E, and G airspace.
with a slightly lower level of reliability. There are also many restricted category aircraft that
perform special purpose operations. A number of U.S. military UASs (e.g., Army’s RQ-7
Shadow and MQ-5 Hunter) share similar characteristics and performance. This plan calls for
these UASs (Cat II) to be treated similarly to ultralights, LSA, or restricted category aircraft.
As a final case with application to UASs, the FAA has chosen not to explicitly regulate certain
other aircraft, such as model rockets, fireworks, and radio-controlled (RC) model aircraft.
14 CFR 101 specifically exempts smaller balloons, rockets, and kites from the regulation; and
AC 91-57 addresses RC model airplanes, but is advisory only. These systems are omitted from
the regulations. All three military departments currently employ UASs in the same size, weight,
and performance regimes as those of RC models (e.g., Raven for the Army, Air Force, and
Marine Corps). This plan calls for small UASs similar to RC model aircraft (and operated
similarly) (UAS (Cat I )) to be treated similarly to RC model aircraft. This discussion provides
divisions, based on the existing regulatory FAA infrastructure, into which all current military
UASs can be placed and is depicted with example UAS types in Table A.1.
¾ UAS (Cat III). Capable of flying throughout all categories of airspace and conforms to
Part 91 (i.e., all the things a regulated manned aircraft must do including the ability to S&A).
Airworthiness certification and operator qualification are required. UASs are generally built
for beyond LOS operations. Examples: Global Hawk, Predator
¾ UAS (Cat II). Nonstandard aircraft that perform special purpose operations. Operators must
provide evidence of airworthiness and operator qualification. Cat II UASs may perform
routine operations within a specific set of restrictions. Example: Shadow
¾ UAS (Cat I). Analogous to RC models as covered in AC 91-57. Operators must provide
evidence of airworthiness and operator qualification. Small UASs are generally limited to
visual LOS operations. Examples: Raven, Dragon Eye
The JUAS COE has since further divided these three categories into six categories, as shown in
Figure A.4.
T1 - Tactical 1
Special Hornet, BATCAM,
Operations Raven, Dragon
Forces (SOF) Hand Eye, FPASS,
≤ 1,000 ≤ 20 ≤ 60 <4 < 10
Team launched Pointer, Wasp,
Small Unit BUSTER (rail-
Company & launched), MAV
below or Comm
Neptune, Tern,
T2 - Tactical 2
Mako, OAV-II,
Battalion/Brigade Mobile
≤ 5,000 20 - 450 ≤ 100 < 24 < 100 Shadow, Silver Fox,
Regiment launched
SOF Group/Flight
Maverick, Pioneer,
Conventional Hunter, Snow
or Vertical Goose, I-Gnat-ER,
T3 - Tactical 3 ≤ 10,000 Take-off and 450 – 5,000 ≤ 250 ER/MP, Dragonfly,
Division/Corps Landing Eagle Eye,
MEF/Squadron/S Above, (VTOL) Firescout, BAMS,
trike Group plus SAR, Hummingbird, Onyx
< 2,000
(MTI), < 36
≤ 40,000 ≤ 15,000 Predator, N-UCAS,
O - Operational Reaper
Conventional > 250
S - Strategic Theater
> 40,000 plus > 15,000 Global Hawk
National wide
Note: This chart is meant to be evolutionary in nature. It reflects current capability/technology and is likely to evolve. As an example, although not a
separate JUAS category, airships are recognized as having capabilities and attributes similar to other UAS. As their utility becomes more operational,
they will be included in appropriate JUAS categories. The data presented represents typical parameters for the systems that fall in each category;
there are several exceptions.
- Operational Altitude: The normal altitude range for systems based on payload capabilities, airspace management requirements, & aircraft
- Endurance: Includes the time from launch to recovery, based on single aircraft capability without refueling
- Radius: The radial distance from a launch site to the operating area, limited by C2 linkage and/or endurance and desired time on station
- Exceptions: Aerosonde endurance - 30 hrs; radius - 1,000 nm; Silver Fox airspeed - 105 kts; Predator airspeed - 118 kts; N-UCAS weight - 46,000
- UA operating within an operational theater must comply with existing ACO / SPINS
- Airspeed: 250 kts is the upper airspeed limit for operations below 10,000 ft MSL
- Weight: 1,320 lbs is the upper MGTOW limit for FAA light sport aircraft, 12,500 is the upper limit for normal, utility, and acrobatic aircraft
- Altitude: -- 1,200 ft AGL is upper altitude limit for Class G uncontrolled airspace
-- 3,000 ft AGL is the lower limit for VFR en-route altitudes
-- 18,000 ft MSL is the lower altitude limit of Class A airspace, (Predator is an exception as it operates above 18,000 ft.)
- Design: FAA standards also vary for winged aircraft, rotorcraft, and airships
Raven, Dragon Eye,
Systems under 20 lbs,
Level 1 2 - 20 ≤ 3,000 FPASS, Pointer, BUSTER,
operating below VFR
Scan Eagle
Silver Fox, FINDER,
Aerosonde, MARTS
Systems under 1,320
ScanEagle, Neptune,
lbs fall under light
Level 2 21 – 1,320 OAV-II, Tern, Mako,
sport aircraft
≤ 250 Shadow, Pioneer, REAP, Shadow
Systems operating at
Reaper, Global Hawk or above 18,000 ft
Level 5 Any > 12,500 ≥ 18,000
N-UCAS, HAA, NSMV MSL fall under Class
A airspace standards
RQ-4/Global Hawk
Note: This chart is meant to be evolutionary in nature. It reflects current capability/technology and is likely to evolve. As an example, although not a
separate JUAS category, airships are recognized as having capabilities and attributes similar to other UAS. As their utility becomes more operational,
they will be included in appropriate JUAS categories. The data presented represents typical parameters for the systems that fall in each category; there
are several exceptions.
- Operational Altitude: The normal altitude range for systems based on payload capabilities, airspace management requirements, & aircraft
- Endurance: Includes the time from launch to recovery, based on single aircraft capability without refueling
- Radius: The radial distance from a launch site to the operating area, limited by C2 linkage and/or endurance and desired time on station
- Exceptions: Aerosonde endurance - 30 hrs; radius - 1,000 nm; Silver Fox airspeed - 105 kts; Predator airspeed - 118 kts; N-UCAS weight - 46,000
- UA operating within an operational theater must comply with existing ACO / SPINS
- Airspeed: 250 kts is the upper airspeed limit for operations below 10,000 ft MSL
- Weight: 1,320 lbs is the upper MGTOW limit for FAA light sport aircraft, 12,500 is the upper limit for normal, utility, and acrobatic aircraft
- Altitude: -- 1,200 ft AGL is upper altitude limit for Class G uncontrolled airspace
-- 3,000 ft AGL is the lower limit for VFR en-route altitudes
-- 18,000 ft MSL is the lower altitude limit of Class A airspace, (Predator is an exception as it operates above 18,000 ft.)
- Design: FAA standards also vary for winged aircraft, rotorcraft, and airships
It is important to note that the FAA uses the term “category” in two different ways (14 CFR 1).
As used with respect to the certification, ratings, privileges, and limitations of airmen, the term
“category” means a broad classification of aircraft. Examples include airplane, rotorcraft, glider,
and lighter-than-air. As used with respect to the certification of aircraft, the term “category”
means a grouping of aircraft based upon intended use or operating limitations. Examples include
transport, normal, utility, acrobatic, limited, restricted, and provisional. When discussing right-
of-way rules in 14 CFR 91.113, however, the FAA uses nonmutually exclusive categories such
as balloon, glider, airship, airplane, rotorcraft, and engine-driven aircraft for determining which
flight has the right of way. 14 CFR 103 requires ultralights to yield the right of way to all other
manned aircraft. Similarly, the FAA provides avoidance (right-of-way) advice for RC model
aircraft in an Advisory Circular.
It is envisioned, then, that UASs could be assigned their own category in order to facilitate the
development of regulations for air operations, airworthiness, operator certification, and right-of-
way rules. The UAS category may be exclusive of certain UASs in the same way that model
airplanes are omitted from current regulations; and some UASs may be regulated separately, as
ultralights, light-sport, or restricted category aircraft are currently.
In addition to regulatory changes necessary for routine operation of military UASs in civil
airspace, changes to several other documents, such as Advisory Circulars and FAA Joint Order
7610.4M (Special Operations), will be required.
Similarly to manned military aircraft, unmanned military aircraft will also be subject to the
airworthiness certification/flight release process. The Global Hawk has completed this process
and has been granted an airworthiness certificate.
Under the international doctrine for public aircraft, the FAA does not have to agree with DoD
training or accept military ratings; the Military Departments are entitled to make these judgments
independently. Each Military Department identifies what and how it will operate and create the
training programs necessary to safely accomplish its missions. Some of the UAS-related training
is a fundamental shift away from the skills needed to fly a manned aircraft (e.g., ground-based
visual landing). These differences can relate to the means of landing: visual remote, aided
visual, or fully autonomous. They may also relate to different interface designs for the UAS
functions or the level of control needed to exercise authority over an aircraft based on its
autonomous capability. As a result, the Military Departments will have minimum standards for
knowledge skills required of UAS operators operating in the NAS; this minimum standard may
differ for given classes of UAS. UAS operators 21 will be expected to conform to these
NOTE: UAS operators may, or may not, be “rated pilots.” For the OSD Airspace Integration Plan, “operator” is
the generic term to describe the individual with the appropriate training and Service certification for the type of UAS
being operated and, as such, is responsible for the aircraft’s operations and safety.
submission to the FAA. Their white paper, “See and Avoid Requirement for Remotely Operated
Aircraft,” was released in June 2004.
Relying simply on human vision results in mid-air collisions accounting for an average of
0.8 percent of all mishaps and 2.4 percent of all aviation fatalities incurring annually (based on
the 3-year average from 1998 to 2000). 22 Meaningful S&A performance must alert the UAS
operator to local air traffic at ranges sufficient for reaction time and avoidance actions by safe
margins. Furthermore, UAS operations BLOS may require an automated S&A system due to
potential communications latencies or failures.
The FAA does not provide a quantitative definition of S&A, largely due to the number of
combinations of pilot vision, collision vectors, sky background, and aircraft paint schemes
involved in seeing oncoming traffic. Having a sufficient field of regard for a UAS S&A system,
however, is fundamental to meeting the goal of assured air traffic separation.
Although an elusive issue, one fact is apparent. The challenge with the S&A issue is both a
capability constraint and a regulatory one. Given the discussions in this and other analyses, a
possible definition for S&A systems emerges: S&A is the onboard, self-contained ability to
The key to providing the “equivalent level of safety” required by FAA Order 7610.4M, “Special
Operations,” Chapter 12, Section 9, “UAS Operations in the NAS,” is the provision of some
comparable means of S&A to that provided by pilots on board manned aircraft. The purpose of
S&A is to avoid mid-air collisions, and this should be the focus of technological efforts to
automate this capability, rather than trying to mechanize human vision.
From a technical perspective, the S&A capability can be divided into the detection of oncoming
traffic and the execution of a maneuver to avoid a mid-air collision. The detection aspect can be
further subdivided into passive or active techniques applicable in cooperative or noncooperative
traffic environments.
The active cooperative scenario involves an interrogator monitoring a sector ahead of the UAS to
detect oncoming traffic by interrogating the transponder on the other aircraft. Its advantages are
that it provides both range and bearing to the traffic and can function in both visual and
instrument meteorological conditions (VMC and IMC). Its disadvantages are its relative cost.
Current systems available in this category include the various TCASs.
The active noncooperative scenario relies on a radar- or laser-like sensor scanning a sector ahead
of the UAS to detect all traffic, whether transponder-equipped or not. The returned signal
provides range, bearing, and closure rate and allows prioritization of oncoming traffic for
avoidance, in either VMC or IMC. Its potential drawbacks are its relative cost, the bandwidth
requirement to route its imagery (for nonautonomous systems), and its weight. An example of
National Transportation Safety Board aviation statistics.
an active, noncooperative system that is currently available is a combined microwave radar and
infrared sensor originally developed to enable helicopters to avoid power lines.
The passive cooperative scenario, like the active cooperative one, relies on everyone having a
transponder, but with everyone’s transponder broadcasting position, altitude, and velocity data.
Its advantages are its lower relative cost (no onboard interrogator required to activate
transponders) and its ability to provide S&A information in both VMC and IMC. Its
disadvantage is its dependence on all traffic carrying and continuously operating transponders.
In this scenario, UASs should have the capability to change transponder settings while in flight.
The passive noncooperative scenario is the most demanding one. It is also the most analogous to
the human eye. An S&A system in this scenario relies on a sensor to detect and provide azimuth
and elevation to the oncoming traffic. Its advantages are its moderate relative cost and ability to
detect non-transponder-equipped traffic. Its disadvantages are its lack of direct range or closure
rate information, potentially high bandwidth requirement (if not autonomous), and its probable
inability to penetrate weather. The gimbaled EO/IR sensors currently carried by reconnaissance
UASs are examples of such systems; however, if they are looking at the ground for
reconnaissance, then they are not available to perform S&A. An emerging approach that would
negate the high bandwidth requirement of any active system is optical flow technology, which
reports only when it detects an object showing a lack of movement against the sky, instead of
sending a continuous video stream to the ground controller. Imagery from one or more
inexpensive optical sensors on the UAS is continuously compared to the last image by an
onboard processor to detect minute changes in pixels, indicating traffic of potential interest.
Only when such objects are detected is their bearing relayed to the ground.
Once the “detect and sense” portion of S&A is satisfied, the UAS must use this information to
execute an avoidance maneuver. The latency between seeing and avoiding for the pilot of a
manned aircraft ranges from 10 to 12.5 seconds according to FAA and DoD studies. 23 If relying
on a ground operator to S&A, the UAS incurs the same human latency, but adds the latency of
the data link bringing the image to the ground for a decision and the avoidance command back to
the UAS. This added latency can range from less than a second for LOS links to more time for
satellite links.
An alternative is to empower the UAS to autonomously decide whether and which way to react
to avoid a collision once it detects oncoming traffic, thereby removing the latency imposed by
data links. This approach has been considered for implementation on TCAS II-equipped manned
aircraft since TCAS II already recommends a vertical direction to the pilot, but simulations have
found the automated maneuver worsens the situation in a fraction of the scenarios. For this
reason, the FAA has not certified automated collision avoidance algorithms based on TCAS
resolution advisories; doing so would set a significant precedent for UAS S&A capabilities.
The long-term FAA plan is “to move away from infrastructure-based systems towards a more
autonomous, aircraft-based system” for collision avoidance. 24 Installation of TCAS is increasing
across the aviation community, and TCAS functionality supports increased operator autonomy.
Research and testing of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) may afford an
Tyndall Air Force Base Mid-Air Collision Avoidance Study; FAA P-8740-51; see also Krause, Avoiding Mid-Air
Collisions, p. 13.
2001 Federal Radionavigation Systems Plan.
even greater capability and affirms the intent of the aviation community to support and continue
down this path. Such equipment complements basic S&A, adds to the situational awareness, and
helps provide separation from close traffic in all meteorological conditions.
While navigation accuracy and reliability pertain to military operations and traffic management,
current systems are achieving the necessary standard without redundancy and without reliance on
ground-based navigation aids. The Federal Radionavigation Plan, signed January 2006,
establishes the following national policies:
¾ Properly certified GPS is approved as a supplemental system for domestic en route and
terminal navigation, and for nonprecision approach and landing operations.
¾ The FAA’s phase-down plan for ground-based navigation aid systems (NAVAIDS) retains at
least a minimum operational network of ground-based NAVAIDS for the foreseeable future.
¾ Sufficient ground-based NAVAIDS will be maintained to provide the FAA and the airspace
users with a safe recovery and sustained operations capability in the event of a disruption in
satellite navigation service.
These policies apply, as a minimum, to all aircraft flying in civil airspace. With GPS, the
prospect for relief of some redundancy requirements in manned aviation may be an option in the
future. However, UASs have a diminished prospect for relief since, unlike manned aircraft, a
UAS without communication links cannot readily fall back on dead reckoning, contact
navigation, and map reading in the same sense that a manned aircraft can.
A.3.3.3. Autonomy
Advances in computer and communications technologies have enabled the development of
autonomous unmanned systems. With the increase in computational power available,
developmental UASs are able to achieve much more sophisticated subsystem, guidance,
navigation and control, sensor, and communications autonomy than previous systems. For
example, Global Hawk’s airborne systems are designed to identify, isolate, and compensate for a
wide range of possible system/subsystem failures and autonomously take actions to ensure
system safety. Preprogrammed decision trees are built to address each possible failure during
each part of the mission.
One of the most difficult aspects of high levels of autonomy is ensuring that all elements remain
synchronized. Verifying that 1) all messages are received, 2) all aircraft have correctly
interpreted the messages, and 3) the entire squadron has a single set of mission plans to execute
will be a key accomplishment.
No Radio (NORDO) requirements are well documented in 14 CFR 91.185. Remarkably, most
lost C2 link situations bear a striking resemblance to NORDO, and UASs would enhance their
predictability by autonomously following the guidance. The one exception to this case is the
Visual Flight Rules (VFR) conditions clause. UASs, even with an autonomous S&A system,
would enhance overall safety by continuing to fly IFR. Should normal ATC-voice
communications fail, the FAA also has the capability to patch airspace users through to the
controlling ATC authority by phone at any time.
Finally, the pejorative perception that UASs are by nature more dangerous than manned aircraft
needs to be countered by recognizing that UASs can provide an equivalent level of safety to that
of manned aircraft and possess the following inherent attributes that contribute to flying safety:
¾ Many manned aircraft mishaps occur during the takeoff and landing phases of flight, when
human decisions and control inputs are substantial factors. Robotic aircraft are not
programmed to take chances; either preprogrammed conditions are met or the system goes
around. This will likely reduce the incidence of mishaps during these phases of flight.
¾ Since human support systems are not carried, mishaps from failed life support systems (e.g.,
Payne Stewart, Helios Airways 522) will not occur.
¾ An automated takeoff and landing capability reduces the need for pattern work and results in
reduced exposure to mishaps, particularly in the area surrounding main operating bases.
¾ UAS control stations can access resources not available in the traditional cockpit and thus
increase the operator’s situational awareness.
¾ A greater percentage of UAS operator training can be performed through simulation given
the nature of GCSs. Using simulations reduces the need to actually fly the aircraft and the
related exposure to mishaps.
DoDD 5030.19 25 directs the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information
Integration) (ASD(NII)) to chair the DoD Policy Board on Federal Aviation (PBFA). The PBFA
shall advise and assist the ASD(NII) on ATC, airspace management, NAS matters, joint systems
acquisition, and aviation-related international affairs. Supporting the PBFA are the PBFA
Working Group and the UAS Subgroup.
¾ The former JUAS Material Review Board (MRB), to provide an UAS forum to identify or
resolve requirements and corresponding materiel issues (July 5, 2005), and
¾ The JUAS Center of Excellence (COE), to pursue solutions to optimize UAS capabilities and
utilization (including concepts of operation).
DoDD 5030.19, DoD Responsibilities on Federal Aviation and National Airspace System Matters.
The JUAS MRB was tasked to determine if the current DoD organizations working the UAS
airspace integration issue were adequately resourced, both in funding and personnel. The
JUAS COE has published a Joint UAS CONOPS, which includes a CONOPS for UAS providing
domestic support to civil authorities.
Modeling &
Activity Centers
Test &
The JIPT is the primary DoD organization working on developing standards for the testing and
operation of UASs in the NAS. A summary of the JIPT’s mission, scope, and two-track strategy
for integrating UASs into the NAS follows.
The second track will build upon the approach used in Track 1 by using a disciplined systems
engineering approach to generate performance standards for UAS enabling technologies, as well
as the operational procedures, that will provide UASs with an appropriate level of safety for the
airspace in which they will operate. Track 2 should address the long-term needs that each of the
Military Departments has by ensuring that the necessary standards and procedures are in place
and that there is a clear path defined for development of the enabling technologies needed to
ensure safe UAS operations in civil airspace. Figure A.6 depicts this two-track approach.
Recognizing the criticality of gaining FAA and industry consensus on the approach and rigor for
developing and validating an integrated materiel/nonmateriel solution, including standards
needed to operate safely in the NAS, the JIPT has closely aligned its activities with those of
RTCA Special Committee (SC) 203 (see Figure A.7). The SC-203 is chartered by the FAA to
develop civil Minimum Aviation Safety Performance Standards (MASPS) and Minimum
Operating Performance Standards (MOPS) for UASs, S&A, and communications and control.
The JIPT ensures subject matter experts are engaged in the work activities of SC-203 and
conducts critical planning activities with SC-203 leadership to ensure synergy of effort. It is the
intent of the JIPT to conduct, or otherwise influence, necessary studies, analysis, and technology
development activities within the DoD to fill critical knowledge gaps within SC-203 that could
not be met by other means. This close coupling with a key civil UAS Airspace Integration SDO
that is recognized and supported by the FAA should increase the probability that the DoD will
achieve its goals and objectives and should reduce the risk that the DoD standards will be on a
divergent path from those of the civil community. However, the current SC-203 schedule does
not meet the timelines of many DoD UAS programs.
To facilitate a standardized Track 1 approach, the JIPT will work with the FAA’s Unmanned
Aircraft Program Office to establish a mutually agreeable process in which to evaluate DoD
requests for expanded airspace access. Based on this integrated approach with the FAA, the
JIPT will provide the requesting Military Department with the appropriate information to
conduct the safety study and submit a complete package to the FAA for final approval. Once a
sufficient body of data has been collected, the JIPT will expand the Track 1 efforts beyond a
single installation with a specific UAS CONOP and move toward an integrated approach for
increased UAS access. This will be accomplished through additional analysis and data collected
from ongoing operations to substantiate the ability to safely operate a given UAS outside DoD-
controlled airfields, or alternatively, multiple UAS platforms out of a single DoD-controlled
airfield. The compilation of the individual installation efforts into an integrated NAS-level
analysis should support the performance standards development effort in Track 2.
The incremental approach to airspace integration in Track 1 should result in two key outcomes:
¾ DoD will have an avenue to meet near- to mid-term operational needs to operate in the NAS,
¾ It will provide a forum for other airspace users, regulators, and the general public to become
comfortable with the level of safety demonstrated by DoD UAS operations.
Once initial results from the M&S activity are produced, an initial evaluation of the overall UAS
performance can be determined, and appropriate modifications can be made to the performance
standards until the appropriate level of safety is achieved for the UASs. These performance
standards will then be validated through an appropriate test and evaluation phase that will
validate the M&S assumptions and performance characteristics and provide the needed real-
world data to substantiate and validate the standards themselves. These validated performance
standards will then be provided to the appropriate SDOs for developing certified regulatory
guidance for the FAA. In addition, the JIPT intends to coordinate this work (technology
development, acquisition, demonstrations, flight test) through the individual Military
Departments’ UAS program offices, which will be responsible for meeting the finalized set of
standards and procedures. The JIPT will then refine the Track 1 analysis and data collection
activities to improve the fidelity of the validation process. These refinements will be made in
close coordination with the FAA’s Unmanned Aircraft Program Office to continuously align our
process with their analysis requirements.
¾ The key stakeholders organizations and communities must reach consensus on a common
path forward, and
¾ The effort must be prioritized in terms of expertise applied to the effort along with the
appropriate level of funding to execute on the timeline provided.
Initial DoD SME Standards M&S Standard Tool Kit DoD Standards
Activity FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
6-mnth Spirals
Modeling and
Test and Standards JCTD
Implement’n 1 Track 1 Sites
Annual Spirals
Modeling and
Implement’n 1
Implement’n 2 Track 2 Sites
Implementation JCTD
Track 1 Track 2 Completed Deliverable Interim Deliverable Milestone
The JIPT is proposing a Joint Capability Technology Demonstration for FY2009 to advance the
standards and technology work inside the FY2010 Program Objective Memorandum timeline.
The JIPT, chartered by the Military Departments’ UAS program managers in 2005, has taken
action to develop a comprehensive strategy and programmatic roadmap to meet short-, mid-, and
long-term Military Department UAS operational and training airspace access needs. To enhance
the probability of success, the JIPT is working closely with the FAA’s Unmanned Aircraft
Program Office and the FAA-chartered RTCA SC-203 on unmanned aviation and with other
DoD UAS stakeholders to gain consensus and support for a single DoD roadmap that addresses
the broad materiel/nonmateriel solution set.
A.3.6. Summary
To maximize the operational effectiveness of UASs, unmanned aircraft must be able to integrate
with manned and unmanned operations, both in the NAS and oceanic and foreign domestic
airspace. To attain this goal the DoD must accomplish the following:
1. Foster an airspace regulatory environment that encourages the safe use of UASs in
nonsegregated airspace,
2. Improve the flight reliability of UASs to equal or better that of their manned counterparts,
3. Secure the control and sensor/relay communications sent to and from UASs,
4. Implement the JIPT’s two-track strategy to gain increased access to the NAS for all UASs
under the current COA process and attain a level of access for UAS (Cat III) equivalent to
that of manned aircraft, and
5. Work with the FAA to define appropriate conditions and requirements under which a single
pilot would be allowed to control multiple airborne UASs simultaneously.
Size 113 in × 64 in × 78 in
Weight 8100 lb
Payload Capacity 3500 lb
Endurance 6–8 hr
Control – Radio 1.5-mi radius
Control – Teleoperation 1.5-nm radius
Interoperability Planned JAUS compatibility
Mission Package Payloads Current:
Blade and shield assembly
Robotic backhoe
Improved water cannon mount
Submunitions clearance system
Data feedback system
Box rake
Improved operator control station
ARTS laser ordnance neutralization system
Size 176 in × 99 in × 96.5 in
Weight 18,600 lb
Payload Capacity Mission packages
Endurance 216 nm
Control MGV crew station or centralized controller; semi-autonomous/teleoperated
Interoperability JAUS-compliant
Mission Package Payloads ANS with GPS with INS, perception sensors for obstacle detection and avoidance, and
autonomous navigation algorithms
Unmanned ground sensors, hazard clear lane marker, and remote chemical detection
Medium-range EO/IR with 16 ft mast Medium-range EO/IR
M240 ROK weapon 7.62 mm, 2400 rounds MK44 primary weapon 30 mm, 120 rounds
Ammunition mix: 4/1 ball/tracer Ammunition mix: 90 armor-piercing
fin-stabilized discarding sabot and
30 high-explosive air burst
LOS launcher
Javelin Blk I (mounted), 2 missiles
M240 ROK secondary weapon 7.62 mm,
coaxial to MK44, 600 rounds
Ammunition mix: 4/1 ball/tracer
Size M1A1 tank chassis
Weight 63 T
Payload Capacity N/A
Endurance N/A
Control Teleoperated
Interoperability N/A
Mission Package Payloads Current:
Full-width mine plow
Combat dozer blade
Two Mk 155 linear demolition charges
Remote control system
Lane marketing system
Laser rangefinder
Smoke grenade system
Weapon platform station
Size 20 in × 18 in × 12 in
Weight 17 lb
Payload Capacity 15 lb
B.5. MV-4
User Service: Army
Manufacturer: DOK-ing Co. (Croatia)
Inventory: 21 Fielded
Status: POR
Background: The MV-4 system is a mechanical antipersonnel mine
clearing system that uses a chain flail and hammers to mechanically defeat
antipersonnel mines. This system has been procured by the Army to meet
the robotic combat support system requirement as a formal Army acquisition
program to provide current mine-clearing capability. Systems are currently
deployed in Afghanistan to perform countermine operations and in Iraq to
perform Army engineer route clearance missions.
Size 209 in × 79 in × 55 in (with arms out)
Weight 12,600 lb
Payload Capacity N/A
Endurance N/A
Control Teleoperated
Interoperability N/A
Mission Package Payloads Current:
Mini-flail system
Anti-tank mine rollers
Large gripper
Dragon Runner
Size 16.6 in × 12.2 in × 6 in
Weight 17 lb
Payload Capacity N/A
Size 80 in × 51 in × 60 in
Weight 2800 lb
Payload Capacity 400 lb
Size 8.8 ft × 27.9 ft × 9.2 ft
Weight 39,600 lb
Payload Capacity N/A
Endurance 8+ hr
Control Assisted teleoperation
Interoperability JAUS
Mission Package Payloads Current:
Mine-clearing flail
Size 98 in × 62.5 in × 46 in
Weight 3140 lb
Payload Capacity 300 lb
Endurance 12 hr
Control – Ethernet Local: up to 6.2 mi with relays; using VPN secure connection
demonstrated control from multiple locations remote from the
MDARS vehicles
Control – Teleoperation Same as above
Interoperability Planned JAUS compatibility
Mission Package Payloads Current:
Barrier assessment
Product assessment
Nonlethal response
Size 24.5 in × 18.5 in × 13.5 in
Weight 25 lb
Payload Capacity N/A
Endurance 4 hr
Control Teleoperated
Interoperability N/A
Mission Package Payloads Current:
Retractable pan and tilt color camera
FIDO explosive “sniffer”
Endurance 189 nm
Control MGV crew station or centralized controller
Interoperability JAUS
Mission Package ANS ANS ANS
Articulating arm suspension Articulating arm suspension Articulating arm suspension
Hybrid skid steering Hybrid skid steering Hybrid skid steering
JTRS GMR four-channel radio JTRS GMR four-channel radio JTRS GMR four-channel radio
Acoustic sensors Acoustic sensors Acoustic sensors
JCAD chemical point detection JCAD chemical point detection JCAD chemical point detection
system system system
PSMRS supply status monitors PSMRS supply status monitors PSMRS supply status monitors
Embedded TESS training Embedded TESS training Embedded TESS training
GSTAMIDS: Anti-tank mine Two Javelin missiles
detection, lane marking, mine M240 machine gun
neutralization EO/IR rangefinder/target
Size 26 in × 24 in × 4 in
Weight 40 lb
Payload Capacity 40 lb
Size 36 in × 29 in × 61 in
Weight 700 lb
Payload Capacity 60 lb on arm
B.15. Robo-Trencher
User Service: Air Force
Manufacturer: Tractor – Ditch Witch Inc.; Robotic Kit –
Applied Research Associates, Vertek Division
Inventory: 2 Fielded
Status: NPOR
Background: The Air Force Robo-Trencher is a fielded,
converted Ditch Witch 7610 trencher used by engineering
installation squadrons for communications installations. The
trencher has been modified using previously developed modular,
fielded ARTS robotic components. Robo-Trencher is able to provide a standoff capability to perform cable
trenching and excavation mission in hazardous areas. There are two Robo-Trenchers currently fielded with no more
Size 8 ft × 11 ft × 6 ft
Weight 12,000 lb maximum
Payload Capacity N/A
Endurance 8+ hr
Control Teleoperated up to 1.5 nm LOS
Interoperability Proprietary OCU control, compatible with ARTS
Mission Package Payloads Current:
Trencher tools
Backhoe tool
Size 23.9 in × 16.7 in × 6.5 in
Weight < 30 lb
Payload Capacity 6 lb
Endurance 6 hr
Control Teleoperated
Interoperability FCS network, JAUS
Mission Package Payloads Current:
Manipulator arm
Fiber optic tether
Laser target designator
Chemical/radiological/nuclear detector
Mine detector
Sense-through-the-wall sensor
B.17. Throwbot
User Service: Army and Marine Corps
Manufacturer: Recon Robotics
Inventory: 30 Prototypes
Status: NPOR
Background: Throwbot is a small, throwable robot designed for building
clearing and short-range reconnaissance missions. It has a daylight-only
camera and is capable of righting itself upon deployment. Throwbot was
designed at the University of Minnesota and is produced by Recon Robotics in
Minneapolis. There are 30 units procured and fielded for assessment.
Size 5.9 in × 2.5 in
Weight 12 oz
Payload Capacity N/A
Endurance 2 hr
Control Teleoperated
Interoperability N/A
Mission Package Payloads N/A
B.18. Toughbot
User Service: Army
Manufacturer: Omnitech
Inventory: 51 Fielded
Status: NPOR
Background: Toughbot is a small, throwable robot designed for building
clearing and short-range reconnaissance missions. It contains a driving
camera, an omnidirectional camera, and an audio sensor.
Size 6 in × 8 in
Weight 2.1 lb
Payload Capacity N/A
Endurance 2 hr
Control Teleoperated
Interoperability N/A
Mission Package Payloads N/A
Work continues supported by TATRC and TARDEC to develop patient transport and driver/attendant payloads for
the TAGS-CX platform that are modular and removable by two men. Both modules are being fitted with
lightweight removable armor. The objective is to demonstrate that the generic TAGS-CX platform can be rapidly
configured or reconfigured for multiple missions including patient evacuation. JAUS communications with and
among the UGVs, their force protection sensors, and medical payloads are being implemented via a secure tri-band
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ultra-wide band mesh network developed and implemented by ARL.
Endurance 108 nm
Control JAUS, teleoperated, semi-autonomous
Interoperability JAUS, modular JAUS payloads
Mission Package Payloads Current: gunfire detection system; pan/tilt unit with FLIR and color cameras; Picatinny
lightweight remote weapon station; long-range, high-resolution laser scanner
Under development: TATRC medical transport pods, driver/medic control module
Background: This highly agile and powerful mobile robot is capable of lifting and carrying a combat casualty from
hazardous areas including multistory buildings or from under fire to a safe area where medical assessment and
treatment can be performed by a combat medic prior to evacuation. Three successive prototypes have been built.
The initial laboratory prototype was built on a two-wheeled Segway base. The subsequent robot prototype uses a
hybrid wheeled/tracked base with a Segway-type dynamic balancing (gyro-based) system. The dynamic balancing
system and variable-geometry hybrid base give the robot a high degree of mobility over rough, uneven terrain and
dynamic balancing behaviors for high-speed mobility when speed is needed. The mobility base is tightly integrated
with a powerful but sensitive upper body with arms, capable of gently cradling a load of up to 500 pounds. The
operational prototype BEAR will include a mobility base composed of independently controlled tracked and
wheeled “legs” tightly integrated with a powerful but sensitive upper body with robotic manipulator “arms.” The
track array will be segmented in two places allowing the robot to tilt forward or backward and bend down on its
“knees” to pick up a casualty and maintain a low profile on the battlefield. The segmented design approach will
enable the robot to recover from falling or being knocked over from any position. When conditions permit, the
prototype has demonstrated the ability to travel at high speed in a fully erect posture with and without a casualty.
Also, the prototype can scale stairs and negotiate the narrow passages common to urban warfare. Future operational
capabilities include an interface that will allow the BEAR to be carried on the exterior of military vehicles, allowing
the BEAR to be present and ready when needed. Current and planned payloads include casualty assessment and
diagnostic instruments and chemical, biological agent, and IED detection systems. Four user-friendly OCUs have
been developed by ARL and are being adapted by TATRC to the BEAR: (1) isometric controller grip mounted on
front of M4 rifle to control robots with rifle in ready position; (2) instrumented glove (iGlove) tactile glove robot
controller (can use hand and arm signals as do small unit infantry leaders); (3) tactile armband and belt (for feedback
to operator); and (4) three-dimensional viewer.
Size 24 in wide × 10 in deep × 63 in tall at full height
< 10 in tall at minimum height (“kneeling position”)
Weight 240 lb
Payload Capacity 500 lb
Endurance 6 hr of active use on battery; indefinite with solid oxide fuel cell and reformer
Control JAUS, teleoperated, semi-autonomous
Interoperability JAUS
Mission Package Payloads Current: Casualty assessment and rescue
Planned: Chemical/biological/nuclear agent and IED explosive detection
Size 201 in long × 102 in wide × 60 in high
Weight 13,200 lb
Payload Capacity 8000 lb (includes armor)
Service: Army
Manufacturer: iRobot
Inventory: 4–5 Prototypes/2 Operational Units (95th Chemical Co)
Status: NPOR
Background: The CUGR objective is to integrate CBRN
sensors/detectors and chemical/biological air and surface sampling
onto UGVs for demonstration and determination of military utility.
The CUGV will then be integrated with the Joint Service Light
Nuclear Biological Chemical Reconnaissance System (JSLNBCRS)
to provide a total reconnaissance package capable of performing
manned (JSLNBCRS) or unmanned (CUGV) reconnaissance
Size 20.5 in × 33 in × 16 in (robot)
18 in × 14.5 in × 8.75 in (OCU)
Weight <120 lb robot, payloads, and OCU
Payload Capacity 35 lb
Endurance 2–4 hr
Control – Teleoperation 1000–2600 ft range
Interoperability CREW, stand-alone system
Mission Package Payloads Current:
1) Chemical detection/identification
a) RAE Systems: Multi-RAE Plus
b) Smith’s Detection: LCD3.2E
2) Radiological detection
a) Canberra: AN/UDR-14
3) A sorbent tube sampling system was also integrated. The sampling
system gives warfighters the ability to collect chemical vapors for later
analysis or use as evidence.
1) Chemical detection/identification
a) CSD
b) ACADA *
c) JCAD *
2) Biological detection/identification
a) DFU *
b) BAWS *
3) Radiological detection
a) AN/UDR-13 Pocket RADIAC
b) ADM-300A multifunction survey meter
c) ADM 606M multipurpose radiation meter
Length 20 ft Draft/Operating Depth 40 ft minimum
Diameter 1.75 ft Payload Capacity 5 ft3, 350 lb
Displacement 2750 lb Energy Section Silver Zinc (Ag-Zn) or
lithium thionyl chloride
Gross Weight 2720 lb maximum Delivery Platform Impulse launched (standard
SSN torpedo tubes)
Propulsion Type 2 hp electric motor, propeller Frequency(s) Classified
Data Link(s) ACOMMs, RF communications,
Length 20 ft Draft/Operating Depth 40 ft minimum
Diameter 1.75 ft Payload Capacity 5 ft3, 350 lb
Displacement 3000 lb Delivery Platform SSN 688, 688I, 774
standard torpedo tubes
Propulsion Type 2–3 hp electric motor Energy Section Batteries
Data Link(s) HF ACOMMs, Frequency(s) Classified
RF communications
Endurance 40–50 hr (primary battery) MCM Area Coverage Classified
10–20 hr (renewable battery)
Maximum Operational Classified MCM Localization Accuracy Classified
Sensors, ISR Electronics, communications, Radius Classified
and imagery intelligence
Sensors, MCM Synthetic aperture sonar array Maximum/Loiter Speeds 0–8 kt
Sensors, Common LPUMA, integrated navigation Recovery Method External arm,
and DVL undersea host vehicle
Background: The SMCM UUV Increment 3 is the acquisition POR heavyweight class UUV for the LCS to detect
buried and proud mines with high probability of detection and low false alarm rate. The SMCM UUV Increment 3
has the capability to identify certain mines. SMCM UUV Increment 3 SDD begins in FY2008, and IOC and
production approval should be achieved in FY2011.
Background: BPAUV vehicles have been employed in ONR Science and Technology experiments since 1999.
BPAUV provides minehunting and Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace capability. The LCS BPAUV is a
demonstration system to mitigate ship integration risk of heavyweight UUVs (especially launch and recovery). The
BPAUV system consists of 2 vehicles, support equipment, spares, and a transportation van. The BPAUV system
will be shipped and stored in a Seaframe Type 1 module. BPAUV has completed integration testing with the
Unmanned Vehicle Management System (UVMS) command and control system.
Length 11 ft Batteries 2X 3.5 KWhr
Lithium Ion Polymer
Diameter 21" Data Link(s) Freewave HF
Iridium SATCOM
Endurance 18 hr Speed 3 kt
Operating Depth 40-300 ft Sonar Klein 5400
Launch and Recovery RHIB assisted crane Resolution 3" x 3"
Environmental Data Gathering Bathymetry Swath 150 m w 8% nadir gap
Optical Backscatter
Developing a single UUV capable of supporting a series of unrelated missions presents several technical risks. Prior
to pursuing a formal acquisition program, the Navy must appropriately reduce risks relating to open system
architecture, common system interfaces, autonomy, modularity, and reconfigurability. LPUMA imaging and use of
the LPUMA design to facilitate robust homing and docking are additional key risk reduction areas that are required
to meet the MRUUVS operational requirements. The ADUUV provides the platform to properly address key risks
and support development of a technical data package for the MRUUVS program. No future procurements are
Length 240 in Draft/Operating Depth 40/* ft
Diameter 21 in Payload Capacity 5 ft3
Gross Weight 3000 lb maximum Energy Source Lead-acid secondary batteries
Propulsion Type 2–3 hp electric motor, Delivery Platform Surface platform
propeller driven
Data Link(s) RF ACOMMs Frequency (none)
Background: The SMCM UUV Increment 1 is a user-operational evaluation system (UOES) employed by the
Commander of the Naval Mine and Anti-submarine Warfare Command (CNMAWC) UUV Platoon from MCMs
and crafts of opportunity. The SMCM UUV Increment 1 is being used to mitigate SMCM UUV program risk and to
study MCM mission tactics, ship integration, and the human-system interface.
The SMCM UUV Increment 1 was successfully employed during various exercises. These vehicles will be retired
when Increment 2 systems are accepted and demonstrate reliable performance (second quarter FY2008).
Background: The MK 18 MOD 1 SWORDFISH is part of the “toolbox approach” to equipping NSCT ONE and
EOD forces. It is capable of performing low-visible exploration and reconnaissance in support of amphibious
landing, MCM operations, and hydrographic mapping in the very shallow water (VSW) zone (10 to 40 feet of
seawater (FSW)) and the seaward approaches. It is small (two-person portable), has a low unit cost (so that
inadvertent loss is not mission-catastrophic), and is deliverable via multiple platforms. The production decision was
reached 27 July 2005. IOC was reached in January 2007 following first article test in December 2006. Full
operational capability was reached in May 2007, following delivery of the second and third of three systems to
NSCT ONE. Additional systems will be used to establish a preliminary operational capability and for evaluation of
Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) supportability at EOD units. It is capable of navigating via
acoustic transponders in long-baseline or ultra-short-baseline mode or via P-coded GPS. Upward- and downward-
looking acoustic digital velocity log improves dead-reckoning accuracy. Onboard sensors include water turbidity,
water temperature and conductivity, side-scan sonar, and downward-looking camera.
MK 18 MOD 1
Vehicle Size 7.5 in diameter × 62 in long Operating Depth 10–40 FSW (300 ft maximum)
Vehicle Weight 94 lb maximum Energy Source 1 kWh Li-ion battery
Vehicle Buoyancy Adjustable 0–45 ppt Delivery Platform Various small boats
Propulsion Type Electric motor/propeller Frequency (acoustic) 900 kHz sonar, 1200 kHz DVL
Data Link RS-232/USB/Ethernet
Background: Potentially a variant of the MK 18 MOD 1 (SWORDFISH), the R-I UUV will be modified to provide
higher resolution imagery than the SWORDFISH system currently fielded for the S-C-M mission. The R-I UUV
will provide the capability to perform mine reacquisition, limited area search, and mine identification to a high level
of confidence, in support of amphibious landing, MCM operations, and hydrographic mapping in the VSW zone
(10 to 40 FSW). The system will remain a small, two-person portable vehicle with relatively low cost so that
inadvertent loss is not mission-catastrophic. The R-I UUV will be interoperable with the S-C-M UUV, MK 8
Marine Mammal System, and Underwater Imaging System. Formal mine warfare tactics to address non-optic-based
mine identification will be developed. A new generation dual-frequency (900/1800 kHz) side-scan sonar is being
evaluated for potential to reach R-I capability. A production decision is anticipated for fourth quarter FY2007 with
IOC planned for first quarter FY2009 and full operational capability anticipated for second quarter FY2009.
Vehicle Size 7.5 in diameter × 62 in long Operating Depth 10–40 FSW
Vehicle Weight 94 lb (2-person portable) Energy Source Li-polymer battery
Vehicle Buoyancy Adjustable 0–45 ppt Delivery Platform Various small boats
Propulsion Type Electric motor/propeller Frequency (acoustic) TBD900/1800 kHz sonar 1200 kHz DVL
Data Link RS-232/USB/Ethernet
Background: BULS is part of the “toolbox approach” to equipping EOD forces via spiral development of UUVs.
It will be capable of detecting and localizing threat objects on the seafloor of harbors and open areas and will
support MCM operations from 10 to 300 feet. The system is small (two-person portable) with a low unit cost so that
inadvertent loss is not mission-catastrophic. It will be deployable via multiple platforms and from shore. The
program is leveraging a previous, limited-deployment capability UUV and the S-C-M UUV program, and it has
provided UOES to two operational units for use in tactics development and requirements and in specification
refinement. Two MK 18 MOD 1 (SWORDFISH) systems (perhaps upgraded from the current configuration) will
be fielded in fourth quarter FY2007 to establish a preliminary operational capability at NSCT ONE and MDSU
TWO. An additional MK 18 MOD 1 will be provided to EODMU EIGHT in second quarter FY2008 as an
OCONUS UOES to evaluate overseas basing issues. Current UOES configuration includes dual-frequency side-
scan sonar, enhanced navigation [GPS, INS, ultra-short baseline (USBL)], low-light CCD camera, and enhanced
ACOMMs. IOC is anticipated in second quarter FY2009, and full operational capability is anticipated for first
quarter FY2011. Future spirals are envisioned to support more complex capabilities, such as detailed intelligence
gathering and chemical and biological detection.
Vehicle Size 7.5 in diameter × 62 in long Operating Depth 10–300 ft
Vehicle Weight 94 lb maximum Energy Source 1 kWh Li-ion battery
Vehicle Buoyancy Adjustable 0–45 ppt Delivery Platform Various small boats
Propulsion Type Electric motor/propeller Frequency (acoustic) 900/1800 kHz sonar, 1200 kHz DVL
Data Link RS-232/USB/Ethernet
Background: HULS will be a relatively low-cost, two-person portable system with a small shipboard logistic
footprint and will be capable of being deployed and recovered from a small boat and from shore. The program will
leverage a previous Defense Acquisition Challenge Program and limited-deployment capability effort as well as
developmental programs by NAVAIR and Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division. The purpose of
HULS is to decrease the operational timeline and reduce personnel hazards associated with searching ship hulls,
piers, pilings, and other underwater structures. It will be interoperable with the diver hull inspection navigation
system. A competitive acquisition of a prototype first-generation system is currently in process. IOC is planned for
FY2012. A spiral acquisition process for successively adding capability is planned over ensuing years. Long-term,
end-state capability is envisioned to support both search and in-situ neutralization of limpet mines and underwater
Vehicle Size TBD Operating Depth Surface to 200 ft
Vehicle Weight 100 lb maximum Energy Source TBD
Vehicle Displacement TBD Delivery Platform Various small boats and shore
Propulsion Type TBD Frequency (acoustic) TBD
Data Link TBD
Torpedo GPS
Background: This effort is intended to field unmanned systems to support the MCM mission at NSCT ONE in
order to get the warfighter out of the minefield and to reacquire and neutralize previously identified mines in the
VSW zone. Tactical integration will be achieved with the S-C-M and R-I UUVs. Concept employs a guided small
torpedo design with directed energy shape charge neutralizer; reacquisition using forward-looking sonar; and closed-
circuit television camera for target prosecution and firing decision. The DACP effort will adapt an airborne mine
countermeasures (AMCM) neutralizer from current inventory for deployment from a small boat. Far-term
NSCT ONE requirement for extended station keeping, standoff command detonation, and autonomous
neutralization will affect ability to use common neutralizer form factor to meet the end-state requirement. An
integrated technology development strategy will be initiated between PMS-EOD, PMS 495, and ONR to address this
issue. IOC is anticipated during third quarter FY2016.
System Size TBD Operating Depth 10–40 FSW
System Weight TBD (2-person portable) Energy Source Li-polymer battery
Vehicle Buoyancy TBD Delivery Platform Various small boat
Propulsion Type Electric motor/propeller Frequency (acoustic) 675/975 kHz sonar
Data Link Fiber optic tether
C.2.1.1. SPARTAN
User Service: Navy
Manufacturer: Northrop Grumman Corporation
Inventory: TBD
Status: NPOR
Background: The SPARTAN SCOUT ACTD program aims at demonstrating USVs as a realistic and low-cost
force multiplier that could address joint warfighting needs in the increasing complex and contested littorals. Within
that program, France is specifically developing the ASW mission module. Thales Underwater Systems has been
selected to provide and integrate the FLASH dipping sonar on board the USV. Eventually, the potential applications
of the ASW SPARTAN in the field of ASW and amphibious operations in littoral waters are envisioned.
Length 36 ft Draft/Operating Depth 200 ft
Gross Weight 3690 lb Payload Capacity TBD
Displacement TBD Energy Source Primary electrical power
Propulsion Type TBD Delivery Platform TBD
Data Link(s) UHF/VHF uplink with Ethernet Frequency 4 kHz for the FLASH
host for command and status
Background: The ONR has designed and built two prototype USSVs: one optimized for high tow force (USSV-
HTF) and one optimized for high speed (USSV-HS). These vehicles were designed from a clean sheet of paper to
support littoral missions. The USSV-HTF design will be used as a prototype on the LCS. Besides high tow force,
the USSV-HTF is designed to have a high payload capacity and long endurance. The USSV-HS is optimized for
high speed and to maintain its top speed in rough water. The vehicles were designed by Naval Surface Warfare
Center, Carderock Division, and they were built by the Maritime Applied Physics Corporation of Baltimore,
Maryland. The two prototypes are being used to test various technologies including autonomous control, advanced
payloads, advanced power systems, and L&R. The results of these tests will be incorporated into the specifications
of the future production vehicles.
Length 39 ft 36 ft
Full-Load Displacement 18,000 lb 21,000 lb
Lightship Displacement 9050 lb 15,000 lb
Hullform Semi-planing monohull Hydrofoil
Engines Twin diesel Twin diesel
Length 39 ft
Full-Load Displacement 22,500 lb
Payload 4000 lb without fuel
Hullform Semi-planing monohull
Engines Twin diesel (540 mph each)
Tow 2500 lb @ 25 knots
The Government’s EDM is based on open ocean racing and RHIB high-speed vehicles technology that can be fitted
with modular ASW payloads and operated remotely. The core subsystems will include surface search radar and
advanced communications. The surface search radar, required for navigation, can also detect incoming threats.
USV is capable of extended-duration (24+ hours) operations with a high-payload (5000 pounds) capacity supporting
multiple mission sensor systems enabling high-speed transits (35+ knots) to operational areas.
Length 40 ft Beam 11.2 ft
Max Wt (w/o payload): Deck Space Compliant with ASW payload
Lightship 17,248 lb requirements, interfaces
coordinated with ASW
Load ready 21,120 lb payloads
(includes 1096 lb margins;
2288 lb fuel for MS-OBS
24-hr mission)
Payload 5000 lb
Length 23 ft Draft/Surfaced 6 ft 10 in
Height 22 ft Draft/Submerged 14 ft 10 in
Weight 14,000 lb Data Link(s) UHF LOS – data and video
VHF OTH – data and video
Propulsion Type 370B Cummins marine Frequencies 1.7–2.0 GHz (LOS)
diesel engine 30–40 MHz (OTH)
Fuel Capacity 289 gal Delivery Platform DDG/LCS
Tow Cable Capacity 1800 ft Sensor AN/AQS-20A
Length 30–36 ft Payload Forward-looking infrared:
Propulsion Water jet CCD camera (black-and-white or color),
Engine Diesel eye safe laser rangefinder,
Speed 40 kt laser designator (optional),
Payload 2200 lb advanced correlation tracker
Background: This class of USVs includes small and experimental systems (see Navy’s USV Master Plan). There
are currently no existing acquisition programs in this class, but a number of prototypes and technology
demonstration models have been built. The primary mission need for this class is the support of SOF conducting
missions in riverine-type environments. In these types of missions, stealth, modularity, expendability, light weight,
and low cost are critical. Support of maritime interdiction operations is also an application for X Class USVs.
Air Warfare – (AFDD 2-1) Military operations conducted by airplanes, helicopters, or other
aircraft against aircraft or targets on the ground and in the water. Air warfare is a set of offensive
and defensive aerial operations carried out using the Air Force with the intention of imposing
one’s will on the adversary by achieving a sufficient degree of aerial superiority.
Battle Management
Battle – A set of related engagements that last longer and involve larger forces than an
engagement. Battles can affect the course of a campaign or major operation. An
engagement is a small tactical conflict between opposing maneuver forces, usually
conducted at brigade level and below. Engagements are usually short: minutes, hours, or
a day (FM 3-0).
Combat Search and Rescue – (JP1-02) A specific task performed by rescue forces to effect the
recovery of distressed personnel during war or military operations other than war.
Node – (JP1-02) In communications and computer systems, the physical location that
provides terminating, switching, and gateway access services to support information
exchange. (JP6-0)
Covert Sensor Insertion – (JP1-02) An operation (in this case, sensor insertion) that is planned
and executed to conceal the identity of or permit plausible denial by the sponsor. A covert
operation differs from a clandestine operation in that emphasis is placed on concealment of
sponsor identity rather than on concealment of the operation.
Decoy/Pathfinder – (JP1-02)
Pathfinder – 1. Experienced aircraft crews who lead a formation to the drop zone,
release point, or target. 2. Teams dropped or air landed at an objective to establish and
operate navigational aids for the purpose of guiding aircraft to drop and landing zones.
3. A radar device used for navigating or homing to an objective when visibility precludes
accurate visual navigation. 4. Teams air delivered into enemy territory for the purpose
of determining the best approach and withdrawal lanes, landing zones, and sites for
helicopter-borne forces.
Electronic Warfare – (JP1-02) Any military action involving the use of electromagnetic and
directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy. The three major
subdivisions within electronic warfare are electronic attack, electronic protection, and electronic
warfare support.
Electronic Protection – The division of electronic warfare involving passive and active
means taken to protect personnel, facilities, and equipment from any effects of friendly or
enemy employment of electronic warfare that degrade, neutralize, or destroy friendly
combat capability.
EOD/IED Defeat
Firefighting – The act of carrying out procedures to extinguish an unwanted fire. Firefighting
may require evacuation (removal of personnel from a dangerous area, in particular, a hazardous
material incident, burning building, or other emergency) and recovery (location and removal of
deceased victims). Also, the time needed for a firefighter to spend in rehabilitation before being
considered ready to continue working the incident.
Force Protection – (JP1-02) Actions taken to prevent or mitigate hostile actions against
Department of Defense personnel (to include family members), resources, facilities, and critical
information. Force protection does not include actions to defeat the enemy or protect against
accidents, weather, or disease. (JP3-07.2)
GPS Pseudolite – Ground-based transmitters that mimic a global positioning system satellite.
GPS pseudolite is intended to improve geometric solutions in a local area and could be used
around airports for precision instrument landings.
Littoral Warfare – (JP1-02) A battlespace that is composed of two segments: Seaward, the area
from the open ocean to the shore, which must be controlled to support operations ashore, and
landward, the area inland from the shore that can be supported and defended directly from the
Logistics – The science of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of forces.
In its most comprehensive sense, logistics includes the aspects of military operations that deal
with the following:
Medical logistics is a subset of the above definition, i.e., the science of planning and carrying out
the movement and maintenance of medical forces. In its most comprehensive sense, medical
logistics includes the aspects of military operations that deal with the following:
Meteorological/Oceanography/Digital Mapping
Mapping – The function of creating visualization tools for spatial data. Current trends
are moving away from analog methods of mapmaking toward the creation of increasingly
dynamic, interactive maps that can be manipulated digitally.
Mine Detection – The ability to detect various types of explosives, distinguish them from
background clutter, and detect mines regardless of shape, depth of burial, or type of
casing. Mine detection is to be accomplished at a good standoff distance with a detection
probability of almost 100% and a near-zero false-negative alarm rate, at an acceptable
operational speed, and preferably with a viewing (imaging) capability.
Precision –The closeness with which repeated measurements made under similar
conditions are grouped together.
Strike – (JP1-02) An attack that is intended to inflict damage on, seize, or destroy an objective.
Special Operations Forces (SOF) (Support to) – (JP1-02) (Support to) Operations conducted
in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments to achieve military, diplomatic,
informational, and/or economic objectives and employing military capabilities for which there is
no broad conventional force requirement. These operations often require covert, clandestine, or
low-visibility capabilities. Special operations are applicable across the range of military
operations. They can be conducted independently or in conjunction with operations of
conventional forces or other Government agencies and may include operations through, with, or
by indigenous or surrogate forces. Special operations differ from conventional operations in
degree of physical and political risk, operational techniques, mode of employment, independence
from friendly support, and dependence on detailed operational intelligence and indigenous
Resupply – The act of replenishing stocks in order to maintain required levels of supply.
Surface Warfare – (JP1-02) Maritime warfare in which operations are conducted to destroy or
neutralize enemy naval surface forces and merchant vessels. (JP3-33)
Target Designation – (JP3-60) Effective targeting is the ability to generate the type and extent
of effects necessary to achieve the commander’s objectives. Identification of centers of gravity
(COGs) and decisive points (DPs) is essential to achieving the commander’s objectives in
accordance with guidance and intent through Joint Forces efforts. There normally will be more
DPs in an operational area than the commander can control, destroy, or neutralize with available
resources. Accordingly, planners must analyze potential DPs and determine which points enable
eventual attack of the adversary’s COGs.
Decisive Point (DP) – A geographic place, specific key event, or critical system or
function that allows commanders to gain a marked advantage over an enemy and greatly
influence the outcome of an attack.
Targeting – (JP1-02) (DoD) The process of selecting and prioritizing targets and matching the
appropriate response to them while taking account of operational requirements and capabilities.
Target Services (Acquisition) – (JP1-02) The detection, identification, and location of a target
in sufficient detail to permit the effective employment of weapons.
Weaponization – The process of using something as, making something into, or causing
something to change into a weapon or a potential weapon.
Weapons Delivery – The process of transporting a weapon. A weapon is a tool that is intended
to or is used to injure, kill, or incapacitate a person; damage or destroy property; or otherwise
render resources nonfunctional or unavailable. Weapons may be used to attack and defend and
consequently also to threaten or protect.