2015 - Nursal - Thesis - DSS For Building Information Modelling Software Selection
2015 - Nursal - Thesis - DSS For Building Information Modelling Software Selection
2015 - Nursal - Thesis - DSS For Building Information Modelling Software Selection
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I would first like to thank the Almighty God (Allah) for His blessing bestowed upon
me throughout the course of my Master study. I wish to take this opportunity to
thank my family especially my mother for her encouragement, without her support,
this master journey would not have been fulfilled. I would like to thank Dr. Mohd
Faizal Omar and Sr. Dr. Mohd Nasrun Mohd Nawi who undertook the crucial role as
supervisors and for they constant invaluable guidance, assistance, emotional support
and encouragement throughout of my master study.
I would also like to thank both of my senior Adam Shariff Adli Aminuddin and Tisya
Farida Abdul Halim for their continuous invaluable advice. I would also wish to
express my appreciation to academic and non-academic staff in School of Science
Quantitative (SQS) UUM for any assistance whatsoever renderer toward the
production of this thesis. I would also like to thank all respondent who involved in
this study. Last, many warm thanks to all my friends who have supported me through
every step of the way.
Table of Contents
4.2.1 Case Study: Dewan Sultan Ibrahim Result ....................................................... 67
4.3 The Implementation of topsis4BIM ..................................................................... 76
4.3.1 Decision Model Development ................................................................... 77
4.3.2 The Architecture of topsis4BIM ................................................................ 80
4.4 Chapter Summary................................................................................................. 84
List of Tables
List of Figures
Figure 2.1. Task of BIM used in the USA (Gerber & Rice, 2010) ....................................... 16
Figure 2.3. Example of Decision Hierarchy of MADM ........................................................ 28
Figure 2.4. Standard Model of DSS ...................................................................................... 45
(Turban et al. 2005)................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 2.5. Hierarchical Database Model .............................................................................. 46
(Rob & Coronel, 2009) .......................................................................................................... 46
Figure 3.1. Research Process Framework .............................................................................. 56
Figure 3.2. The Validation Framework for topsis4BIM ........................................................ 62
Figure 4.1. Dewan Sultan Ibrahim ......................................................................................... 66
Figure 4.2. Frequency Attributes found in some Literature ................................................... 68
Figure 4.3. Hierarchical of Selection Attributes .................................................................... 69
Figure 4.4. Decision Hierarchy for BIM Software Selection................................................. 74
Figure 4.5. Fuzzy TOPSIS in topsis4BIM DSS ..................................................................... 77
Figure 4.6. Linguistic Variables for the Importance of Weight ............................................. 78
Figure 4.7. Linguistic Variables for the Rating ..................................................................... 78
Figure 4.8. Linguistic Inputs for Weight Assessment ............................................................ 79
Figure 4.9. Linguistic Inputs for Software Rating ................................................................. 80
Figure 4.10. The Architecture of topsis4BIM ........................................................................ 81
Figure 4.11. Hierarchical database model for profiling BIM software .................................. 83
Figure 5.1 Result of Face Validation in 1st Iteration and 2nd Iteration ................................... 96
Figure 5.2. Attributes for BIM Software Selection in Malaysia .......................................... 103
Figure 5.3. Decision Making of BIM Software Selection in Malaysia ................................ 105
Figure 5.4. Platform for Developing Web based DSS in BIM Software Selection ............. 110
Figure 5.5. A New Framework for Development of Web based DSS through Web 2.0 in
Construction MCDM Related Problem................................................................................ 112
List of Appendices
List of Abbreviations
DB : Design Build
ES : Enterprise System
MCDM : Multi Criteria Decision Making
of Evaluations
Product (GDP) within the years of 1991 to 2010 with average of 4.09 % GDP, and 3
% to 5.7 % of national economy (Khan, Liew, & Ghazali, 2014). This is due to the
role of construction sector who provide initial infrastructure and building for other
sector such as manufacturing, industrial and even tourism sectors (Yong & Mustaffa,
development in Malaysia.
Ministry of Work, the Contractor Service Centre (PKK), the Board of Engineer, the
Board of Architect and the Board of Surveyors (Kamal, Haron, Ulang, & Baharum,
2012). Numerous efforts have been taken by these agencies in order to enhance the
development of construction sector. Since 2007, CIDB has been actively promoting
the use of a new technology which is Building Information Modelling (BIM) via
project management.
This new technology has gained much attention from the construction players around
the world. Most of the past studies were focused on the adoption of BIM (Arayici et
al., 2011), benefit, risk and challenge (Azhar, Hein, & Sketo, 2011), barriers in BIM
(Eastman, Teicholz, Sacks, & Liston, 2011), but there is a limited study on BIM
software selection. From the construction literature and industry report, BIM has
reducing error in design phase, providing important analysis function such as clash
detection before the construction process in site, among others (Hergunsel, 2011;
As a result, various BIM software have been developed in order to cater to the
demand of BIM from the construction players (Eastman et al., 2011; Ruiz, 2009).
This situation has created a decision problem for construction player in choosing the
appropriate BIM software that can fulfils the company and project needs (Eastman et
al., 2011). Each of the BIM software offers different function, features and cost.
Moreover, the adoption of BIM required high involvement not only for the hardware
and software, but also include expensive training expenses (Olatunji, 2011).
According to Ruiz (2009), the wrong selection of software package can affect
company investment and performance. In his study, he mentioned that there is a case
where companies in Texas are losing money due software selection without a proper
Thus, due to these reasons, the decision aid in BIM software selection is significant
in order to fulfil the project needs and minimize investment risk in BIM adoption.
Literature has proven the ability of Multi Attributes Decision Making MADM
including software selection (Ahmad, Azhar, & Lukauskis, 2004; Cebeci, 2009;
Chen, Liu, Li, & Lin, 2011; Hendi, 2007; Safa, Shahi, Haas, & Hipel, 2014; Taroun,
supporting tools in extending the abilities of decision makers but not replacing their
decision making process that also involved high degree of inherent uncertainty (Goh,
2011) .
The need of effective decision making approach becomes more prevalent in this
illustrates the need of decision aid. Thus, with the existence of decision support tools
selection. Moreover, DSS has gained much attention from researcher in construction
domain due to its benefits during the decision making process (Banias, Achillas,
Vlachokostas, Moussiopoulos, & Papaioannou, 2011; M. C. Ruiz & Fernández,
As a result, literature has shown a rapid development in DSS technology (Shim et al.,
2002). Furthermore, the existence of a new concept in web development called Web
2.0 has offers an effective and simple framework for the development of web based
DSS. According to Aghei et al. (2012), Web 2.0 provide features that beyond the
ability of previous generation of web tools such as mass participant ease of use and
interactive interface. However, the development of web based DSS through Web 2.0
Recent development in DSS has integrated a decision model called Multi Attribute
DSS development has significantly improved the ability of DSS in enhancing and
structuring the decision making process (Kou, Shi, & Wang, 2011). MADM is a
mathematical technique that can assist decision makers in order to making decision
over the available decision alternative (Büyüközkan & Çifçi, 2011; Moravveju,
Research suggests that software selection can be assisted to be more efficient and
effective through the MADM techniques (Ayağ & Özdemİr, 2007; Büyüközkan &
Ruan, 2008; Pekin, Ozkan, Eski, & Karaarslan, 2006). However, MADM method has
been criticised because of the vagueness of the judgment from decision maker. Based
on aforementioned issues, this research aims to develop a web based DSS which is
not only simple, effective and capable of assisting decision makers in uncertainty
players to gain more complex problem, a lot of research on DSS in construction has
been conducted such as a web based DSS for optimal management of construction
in construction (Ruiz & Fernández, 2009) and risk analysis (Tang, Leung, & Wong,
2010). However, in the context of BIM software selection, most of the construction
companies or simply selecting the most popular software in market (Ruiz, 2009).
There is no available tool such as DSS to support decision making process. The
unavailability of tools for software selection can increase the probability of choosing
significant to avoid loss in company investment. Only Ruiz (2009) has proposed an
the development of decision model alone is not practical and unused as they are
complicated or difficult for a layman such as project management to use it (Peters &
the significant of decision model rather than the usability and practical usage of DSS
towards real world (Omar, 2012). In addition, most of DSS development in such as
Web based DSS required high technical skill in programming language, high cost
and duration for development (Aghaei, Nematbakhsh, & Farsani, 2012). In order to
deal with construction issues such as BIM software selection, decision model in DSS
is developed through contemporary web technology which can lead to a more simple
“The lack of decision support framework to assist BIM software selection for
construction project”.
decision support BIM software selection. In pursuing this objective, the author has
3. Lack of utilty and usability evaluation DSS for BIM software selection.
Based on literature, all the adoption of BIM led to the minimization of cost and time
of project, avoiding error and increasing safety and the quality of project outcome
(Bryde, Broquetas, & Volm, 2013; Chelson, 2010; Kumar & Mukherjee, 2009;
Rohena, 2011; Wong & Fan, 2013). The importance of BIM software selection has
been addressed by Eastman et al. (2011) and Ruiz (2009). The selection of the most
suitable software is significant in order to fulfill the project needs. However, there is
limited study attempt to investigate the attributes for BIM software selection. From
literature, there are only a few authors who have listed the general attributes for BIM
construction companies in choosing the most suitable BIM software that can fulfill a
project needs and avoid loss of investment in BIM adoption particularly in Malaysia
have been addressed by many authors (Chau, Cao, Anson, & Zhang, 2002; Hendi,
2007; Kahkonen, 1995; Marwan, 1986; M. C. Ruiz & Fernández, 2009). However, in
However, according to Ruiz (2009) most of the companies tend to purchase BIM
on the best software in the market. Even though Ruiz (2009) has proposed an
evaluation model, yet according to Peter and Zalewski (2008) the development of
decision model alone without DSS is not practical in real world and unused due to
complicated or difficult for a layman such as project management to use it. Past
research has shown that there is no available DSS for BIM software selection (Ruiz,
1.2.3 Lack of Utility and Usability Evaluation DSS
researches neglected user evaluation on how well the system has been implemented
(Kinzli et al., 2010; Omar, 2012; Taroun, 2012). This evaluation is significant in
order to measure the usability and effectiveness of DSS in real life situation (Hung,
The research questions dervived from the main problem statement are as follows:
2. How to support complex decision making for BIM software selection for specific
project needs?
3. How to assess the user acceptance of overall decision process and the tool for
The aim of this research is to develop a decision support framework to assist BIM
software selection for construction players. To achieve the research aim, three
To achieve this objective, this study involves activities such as exploring and
In order to achieve the second objective, this study involves activities such as
developing of DSS component such as decision models and user interface for web
based DSS.
After the development of DSS in this study, this study involves activities such as
conducting and performing a validation process of DSS in term of sub system and
face validation among the decision makers through qualitative approach. This
process is significant in order to measure the utility and usability of the proposed
This study is limited to the development of DSS prototype in order to enhance the
Data is collected from stakeholders who are directly involved in the decision making
process in case study project which is UTHM Multi Proposed Hall as known as
2. Due to the significant of the BIM software selection in BIM adoption, this study
aims to provide the decision makers with an efficient and effective Web based
3. This study is focused on BIM software selection in Malaysia. However, the DSS
can be generalized to support other MADM problems with some changes in decision
how Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) through Decision Support System
(DSS) technology could enhance the decision process in the selection of BIM
2. Provide simple framework to develop a web based DSS in MCDM problem such
4. Minimised the assessment time taken for BIM software evaluation and selection.
1.7 Organisation of the Thesis
This study is divided into six chapters starting with an introduction of research
project that consist of problem statement, research objectives and questions, scope of
which focus on the adoption of BIM software. Thus, a decision problem is identified
in BIM software selection and web based DSS is proposed as a solution. This chapter
also covers the investigation into decision making techniques and DSS area in
Chapter Three describes the research methodology in this research in detail such as
the research methodology, data collection and research process framework. Chapter
Four describes the design based on case study result and implementation of proposed
DSS (decision model, the architecture of topsis4BIM and its features) in this
research. Chapter Four illustrates the design and implementation of topsis4BIM. For
This process has been conducted during case study among the decision makers. This
chapter also discusses background Dewan Sultan Ibrahim project and a brief profile
Chapter Five illustrates the validation process of topsis4BIM in detail such as sub
system validation and face validation. This validation process has been conducted in
quantitative and qualitative nature among the decision maker involved in this study.
A discussion on the research finding is presented at the end of this chapter. Finally,
Chapter Six describes the conclusion of the research. This chapter reviews the
research objective and questions with findings and summarised the contribution of
this study towards body of knowledge and construction area. This chapter ends with
2.1 Introduction
This chapter describes an intensive literature review for the research. The literature
review covers two different areas. These are Building Information Modeling (BIM)
The first area is focused on the adoption of BIM in construction particularly in BIM
software selection process. The second area is focused on the integration of Multi
Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) with web based DSS as a solution to BIM
undertaken to create a unique product, service or result”. The word “temporary” refer
to characteristics of the project that has a beginning and end. Meanwhile, according
a project is involved in doing something different that has not been done before.
There might be some similarity to the previous project but there are slightly
Project Life Cycle (PLC) is generally known as the overall process in a project due to
design stage.
2.2.1 Construction Project Stakeholders at Design Stage
A project stakeholder refers to any individual or organisation that is involved and has
an interest in the project completion (Taylan, Bafail, Abdulaal, & Kabli, 2014). Each
construction the stakeholder collaborations is one of the factors that would determine
significant in project management to achieve the project goal (Bourne & Walker,
their project stakeholders (Azhar et al., 2011). Moreover, any stakeholder such as
client or contractor who does not fully understand 2D drawing may cause problem
during the project construction. There are several of project deliveries available to
carry out construction project. Each of project delivery offers different procurement
Project Delivery Method (PDM) is significant issues of interest for many researchers,
mostly in terms of comparison and selection of the appropriate PDM (Chen et al.,
2011; Ibbs & Chih, 2011; Konchar & Sanvido, 1998). Each PDM offers different
advantages and disadvantages in the achieving project objectives (Ibbs & Chih,
2011). Design Bid Build (DBB) is generally known as a „traditional‟ project delivery
system that contains three participants of project; the owner, designer and contractor.
DBB is specifically designed for the public construction project. However, DBB
In order to deal with the fragmentation issues in Project Delivery, Design and Build
(DB) was introduced in the 1990s which is a more flexible and cost efficient type of
project delivery. The purpose of this approach is to enable owner to have a direct
contact with single firm that is capable of performing designing process and
construction process (Chen et al., 2011; Ibbs & Chih, 2011). The implementation of
schedule and quality of project outcomes over traditional delivery method (Eastman
et al., 2011).
reducing time and cost of the project have been frequently addressed in the
AutoCAD, which has been considered as a drawback (Eastman et al., 2011). This
concept can increase error and omission that can cause the construction problems
such as project delay, overrun and so forth (Rohena, 2011; Sebastian, 2011). In a
nutshell, the traditional method such as 2D (CAD) that is mostly used in current
practice for design process has become inadequate to cater to the current demand of
alternative solution in order to deal with this problem (Eastman et al., 2011). From
literature, cost and time reduction and increasing the collaboration and quality of
project outcomes are the most significant advantages of BIM adoption ( Bryde,
Broquetas, & Volm, 2013). Figure 2.1 illustrate 16 purpose of BIM used in the
United State.
BIM Task
70.00% Visualisation
Clash Detection
60.00% Builidng Design
As-Built Model
Builidng Assembly
Construction Sequencing
Program/Massing Studies
Model Based Estimating
Feasibility Studies
30.00% Alternative Development
Direct Fabrication
As shown in Figure 2.1, BIM has been utilised for numerous tasks in construction
industry. As mentioned in previous research, BIM has been mostly used in design
phases such as visualisation, clash detection, and building design. Thus, the adoption
of BIM has been proven beneficial towards increasing productivity and quality of
BIM is generally applied throughout the project life cycle, from planning through
technology such as BIM would mostly influence the design phase (Chelson, 2010;
Rohena, 2011; Ruiz, 2009). The existence of BIM can extend the ability of 2D CAD
into 3D in order to improve the design process (Gu & London, 2010). The 3D
visualisation, enable the designer to develop a more accurate and detailed built-in
model virtually in design phases. Tasks such as drawing, energy analysis, and
Most of the advantages of BIM in design phases mainly emerged from the 3D
visualisation and virtual model function (Eastman et al., 2011; Hergunsel, 2011). For
it enables the designer to provide early and more accurate cost estimation. Moreover,
the ability of linking 3D built in model of a real project with analysis tools allows the
designer to evaluate energy use in design phases (Eastman et al., 2011; Hergunsel,
2011). One of the significant analyses that BIM contribute most is the clash detection
Currently, with the traditional method, Clash analysis can only be conducted at the
construction site during or after construction process that can lead to the overrun of
cost and time of a project (Haron, 2013). Meanwhile, BIM system allows the user to
conduct clash detection analysis in early planning and design phases via 3D virtual
model to avoid all possible conflicts during the construction process (Hannele et al.,
(Sebastian, 2011).
This is beneficial towards increasing the understanding of each stakeholder and also
minimises the probability of error in the future (Chelson, 2010). Other than that, it
also allows the user to make changes to the project and all documentation and
building design simultaneously rather than in serially phases. In addition, one of the
order to provide a reliable basic for decision making in the PLC (Sebastian, 2011).
Most importantly BIM also provides automatic coordination that can improve the
overall quality of work during the design phase (Azhar et al., 2011).
The benefits of BIM characteristic in the design phase can significantly affect other
phases in a project. For example, in the execution phase, with BIM, a detailed 3D
model of the building will give a most positive influence during onsite construction
work (Hannele et al., 2012). This function will encourage most of the fabricated
processes take place onsite of construction project with poor environment. Most of
the onsite work can increase the cost and time of project and lessen the quality
(Rohena, 2011)
Figure 2.2 shows the BIM application throughout a building lifecycle. From this
figure, it shows that BIM application is capable of assisting all process of a project
life cycles starting form planning phases until operate phases. According to Eastman
et al., (2011), their research has highlighted three main contributions of BIM in post
construction phases:
that BIM is capable of providing and keeping all information about installed material
and maintenance information for the system of the building. This advantage of
sharing information can be valuable for the owner to use in their facility management
system. BIM has gained much attention from the Malaysian government due to its
to the Public Work Department (PWD) (2011) government has been attempting to
introduce the BIM among the construction companies in Malaysia since 2007
(Department, 2011).
software for their construction project. Currently, there are numerous software tools
available in the market such as Revit, Bentley, Archicad 12, Innovaya, Synchro,
Vico, Tekla, Onuma, and Solibri. Each of these software offered different function,
features and cost. It is vital to select the appropriate BIM software due to the
variability of cost and features as these can affect the overall construction project
execution throughout PLC. Ruiz (2009) has highlighted a list of BIM software that is
In literature, there is limited study attempt to investigate the attributes and significant
of BIM software selection. The selection of BIM software has been considered as
one of the crucial process in BIM adoption (Eastman et al., 2011). However, most of
the companies choose software by following market trend, software package that
they are familiar, and choose software that is more popular in industry, without first
having a proper analysis of decision making (Kumar & Mukherjee, 2009; Ruiz,
Due to the increasing various types of BIM software in the market, construction
companies are facing problem in choosing the appropriate BIM software that suit the
and futures) regarding of BIM software that are currently available. The selection of
BIM software that suit project needs is not an easy process and there are several
factors that need to be consider. In addition, each BIM required different hardware,
software cost and training cost based on BIM features and purposed of use (Arayici
The adoption of BIM for administration features is much lower than technical
features in terms of hardware requirement, software cost and training expenses. For
example, technical features required higher hard drive of up to 320 GB and RAM
attributes for BIM software selection. The general attributes for the selection of BIM
Table 2.1 shown summarizes of the attributes gathered from several literature in
software selection. From the table, it is clearly shown the importance of attributes
for software selection. Till date, there is limited study in identification of attributes in
software selection. Table 2.1 illustrates the domination of few attributes of software
selection in past studies such as usability, performance, technical aspect, and cost.
Table 2.1
Ayag and Buyukozkan Otamendi,
Attributes Altug, et Lai, et al., Moreira, Broek,
Ozdemir Duran (2011) & Ruan Soni, 2012 Pastor, &
al., 2006 1999 & Pimentel,
(2007) (2008) Garcia, 2008
Decision Support
Connect (connectivity issues
with external software)
User Interface
Data file support
System reliability
Ease of customization
Methodology system
Vendor support
Table 2.1 Continued
Ayag and Duran (2011) Buyukozkan Altug, et Lai, et al., Soni, Otamendi, Ribeiro,
Attributes Ozdemir (2007) & Ruan al., (2006) (1999) (2012) Pastor, & Moreira, Broek,
(2008) Garcia, (2008) & Pimentel,
Market position of the
Better fit with
organization system
Domain knowledge of
the vendor
Reference of the vendor
Fit with parent/ allied
organization system
2.3.4 BIM Usage in Malaysia
Malaysia was introduced to BIM in 2007, with the Multipurpose Hall of UTHM as
the first project that implement BIM (Public Work Department, 2011). BIM has been
implemented in two pilot project; HealthCare Center Type 5 at Sri Jaya Maran,
(SPRM) at Shah Alam, Selangor. Both projects used of BIM software which was
Revit software from Autodesk. Another pilot project is the Malaysia National Cancer
Institute. These pilot projects were alternatives from the government in order to
Overall BIM project in Malaysia was developed through the Design Built (DB)
project delivery. This is due to the concept of BIM which required high collaboration
among the project stakeholders. This situation is different in other countries that has
already utilised Integrate Project Delivery (IPD) as a project delivery in BIM project.
According to Ruiz (2009), BIM software selection process that fulfils the project
This is due to the numerous of BIM software available on market. In addition, the
selection process also involved a number of criteria to make sure all the project needs
is fulfil by the software (Ruiz, 2009). Furthermore, as mentioned before the adoption
of BIM software is also involved high cost, not only in software and hardware, yet
also training expenses (Kumar & Mukherjee, 2009). This problem is worsen in
construction industry, but the adoption of BIM still is low in Malaysia. One of the
In Malaysia, the cost is the most influential factor in the adoption of BIM among the
largely neglected in industry. Most of the company tend to select BIM based on
analysis. Thus all of the issue illustrates the significant of decision aid in BIM
software selection.
fall under multi criteria decision making problem. Research suggests the decision
technique called Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is proven effective to deal
2.4 Multi Criteria Decision Making Techniques for BIM Software Selection
Numerous decision techniques have been proposed such as decision tree analysis,
statistical approach, data mining, and system dynamic in order to support decision
making process. One of the popular decision techniques is Multi Criteria Decision
Making (MCDM). MCDM technique acted as decision making tools in multi criteria
problems that lead the user to make an effective decision. This type of decision
analysis has been used since 1960 as a result of rapid growth in operation research
Most researchers agreed that the general purpose of MCDM is to help the decision
makers determine the best alternative that involve process such evaluation and
comparison between the alternatives (Ozturk & Ozcelik, 2014; Tan, Lee, & Goh,
2012; Vijayvagy, 2012). MCDM can be divided into two basic approaches, they are
Multi Objective Decision Making (MODM) and Multi Attribute Decision Making
(MADM) (Alias, Zaiton, Hashim, & Samsudin, 2008; Kabli, 2009). In generally,
decision alternative which is not given. On the other hand, MADM is decision
in advance.
In order to answer the research objective, this study would focus on MADM instead
of MODM for solving the BIM software selection problem. Research suggests
MODM methods (Durán, 2011). In past, a few study has been carried out for
software selection by deploying MODM method (Durán, 2011; Otamendi, Pastor, &
Garcı´a, 2008; Ribeiro, Moreira, van den Broek, & Pimentel, 2011; Soni, 2008).
Figure 2.3 illustrates the example of a decision hierarchy for MADM which consist
MADM is a decision support tools that would assisted decision makers in order to
make decision over the available alternative (Kabli, 2009; Mateu, 2002). The
solution based on decision makers preference (Roh, 2012). There are several MADM
Simple Addictive Weighting Method (SAW) is probably the most widely known and
used method in MADM problem due to its simplicity advantages. SAW was utilized
for the first time by Churchman and Ackoff (1954) in the portfolio selection
problem. In literature, a substantial work of the MADM problem through SAW has
been performed in the past (Afshari, Mojahed, & Yusuff, 2010; Chou, Chang, &
(1968). There are four version of Electre method; (1) Electre I, (2) Electre II, (3)
Electre III and (4) Electre IV. Various version of Electre model have been developed
based on the nature of the problem statement, the degree of significance of the
the researcher to choose the most suitable alternative in practical decision making
context (Tzeng & Huang, 2011). From MADM literature, numerous of studies have
been done through Electre methods (Devi & Yadav, 2012; Montazer, Saremi, &
The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was developed by Saaty (1980). Since then,
it has been proven as usefully decision analysis to overcome MADM problem and
has been successfully applied in many research including software selection research
(Durán, 2011; Lai, Wong, & Cheung, 2002; Pekin et al., 2006). The purpose of
problem. The advantages of AHP are that it easier to understand and it can
effectively deal with both quantitative and qualitative data (Abdullah & Egbu, 2011;
Ertu & Karaka, 2008). AHP involves pairwise comparison, priority vector generation
and synthesis.
29 Analytical Network Process (ANP)
Analytical Network Process (ANP) was proposed by Saaty (1996). It was proposed
which indicates that criteria are independent from each other (Tzeng & Huang,
due to the interaction of higher level and low level elements (Saaty, 2011).
In a nutshell, the advantages of ANP it is not only suitable for both qualitative and
quantitative data types, but it also enable the decision makers to deal with problem of
independency and feedback between all features (Tzeng & Huang, 2011). From
literature, ANP has been used widely in solving MADM problems (Chang, Wey, &
Tseng, 2009; Huang, Tzeng, & Ong, 2005; Yang & Tzeng, 2011).
TOPSIS has been proposed by Hwang and Yoon (1981) to determine the alternative
that is closest to an ideal solution (Chu & Lin, 2009; Ertu & Karaka, 2008; Saremi,
Mousavi, & Sanayei, 2009; Wang, Cheng, & Huang, 2009). The basic concept of
TOPSIS is to choose the alternative that has the shortest distance from Positive Ideal
Solution (PIS) and the farthest from the Negative Ideal Solution (NIS) (Chen, 2000).
30 Rank Order Centroid (ROC)
ROC is one of the methods that available for the purpose of giving a weight to a
number of items ranked according to their importance. In this method, item ranks are
assumed as inputs in order to convert those ranks into weights. The formulation of
( )∑
This method is frequently used in MADM studies in the past, for example using the
(McCaffrey, 2009), and the lean improvement of the chemical of motor vehicles
problem have been performed in the past. For example, the selection of multimedia
authoring system through AHP (Lai, Trueblood, & Wong, 1999), application of the
AHP for selection of forecasting software (Pekin et al., 2006), and a case study using
AHP in software selection (Lai et al., 2002). Yet, limited study has been done in the
area to evaluate BIM software using MADM technique. Table 2.2 describes related
Table 2.2
the strengths and weaknesses of the mostly used technique for BIM software
selection problem. For instance, simple technique such as Weighted Sum Method
(WSM) and Weighted Product Method (WPM) are an example of methods that have
always been considered for solving selection problem. However, literature reveals
the limitation of these methods, where it required all the criteria to be of the same
Based on this concept, it seems that this method is not suitable for the selection of
BIM that involve different criteria and variable. On the other hand, TOPSIS is
capable of managing each kind of judgment criteria and variable. Instead of TOPSIS,
ELECTRE can also be easily applied to solve this type of problem (Caterino et al.,
However, it is not possible in this study, due to some of the limitation in ELECTRE,
which is that it is not able to give a complete ranking of alternative. From this
limitation, Caterino et al (2008) has concluded that ELECTRE is more suitable for
decision problem which consist of several alternatives and fewer criteria involve.
The other method that has been considered is Simple Additive Weighting (SAW).
Due to the ranking and priorities of TOPSIS, SAW and VIKOR are the same, but
TOPSIS and VIKOR are better in term of distinguishing ability (Chu, Shyu, Tzeng,
& Khosla, 2007). The priority setting is the same between TOPSIS and SAW, but
SAW values all extremely close and it is very hard to identify the different.
AHP is the most popular MCDM methods that is widely used as a decision analysis
in this type of problem. Unlike TOPSIS, AHP work through pair wise comparison
for criteria and alternative instead of utilizing weight value (Ertugrul & Karakasoglu,
2008). According to Shih, Shyur, and Lee (2007) TOPSIS is better in term of
Process (ANP) is the extension of AHP. Thorough ANP, it not only allows decision
According to Belton and Gear (1983), ANP is better at representing reality in
decision making compare to AHP. However, when the problem involves high
number of criteria and alternatives and also reliability is not considered as much,
then the use of ANP should be avoided (Chang et al., 2009). Moreover, mathematical
demand in ANP often cause an uncomfortable issue among the decision makers
(Peters & Zelewski, 2008). The development of DSS might be influenced and
disrupted by these weakness (Omar, 2012). TOPSIS, on the other hand provides a
better technique to help decision makers in order to select the best alternative. From
literatures it has been proved that TOPSIS is more capable in dealing with more
Compared to others MADM methods, TOPSIS has been chosen as the decision
analysis in this study due to its promising advantages that suit the objective of the
proposed DSS. Generally, TOPSIS method involve crisp value in the evaluation
process (Ertugrul & Karakasoglu, 2008; Opricovic & Tzeng, 2007; Shih et al., 2007).
Under many chances crisp data are inadequate to model real life situation
(Buyukozkan & Ruan, 2008). Therefore there is a need to integrate TOPSIS method
effective analytical technique for BIM software selection due to its promising
advantages as follows: (1) its concept easier to understand, (2) compared to other
TOPSIS which is suit the criteria of DSS development. Review from literature
evidence the benefits of utilizing TOPSIS in MADM problems (Chen, 2000; Chu &
Lin, 2009; Saremi et al., 2009; Taylan, Bafail, Abdulaal, & Kabli, 2014; Wang et al.,
Fuzzy set was introduced by Zadeh (1965), a fuzzy set is a class of object with grade
of memberships ranking between zero and one. The main contribution of Fuzzy set
it is the ability of fuzzy set in term of representing vagueness and ambiguity data
through mathematical operator and programming for the more convincing and
effective evaluation process (Buyukozkan & Ruan, 2008). TOPSIS is one of the
MCDM methods that has been widely implemented under fuzzy environment. The
traditional TOPSIS has been proven as effective method to deal with MADM
problem. This is due to the evaluation in TOPSIS process involved crisp value
(Ertugrul & Karakasoglu, 2008; Opricovic & Tzeng, 2007; Shih et al., 2007).
However, under many conditions, crisp data are inadequate to model real-life
situations. Therefore, Chen (2000) has proposed the extension of TOPSIS method
under fuzzy environment to overcome these issues. Through his model, linguistic
term has been deployed to describe the rating alternative and weight of attributes
compare with other method, the vertex method is the easier ways to measure the
distance between two triangular fuzzy numbers. Table 2.3 shown several integration
Table 2.3
Chen (2000) has proposed an extension of TOPSIS for group decision making under
fuzzy environment. This method has been chosen as for the selection of BIM
criteria and the ratings of qualitative criteria are recognized as linguistic variable
(Chen, 2000).
of in ̃ .
Definition 2.2. A triangular fuzzy number n can be defined by triplet (n1,n2,n3)
̃ (2.1)
If , then and
Then the vertex method is defined to calculated the distance between them as
[ ]. (2.2)
The concept of linguistic variable is very useful in dealing with situations which are
example “expertise” is linguistic variable and its values are very low, low, medium,
high, and very high. These linguistic values can also be represented by fuzzy
respect to criterion q. The rating of criteria and weight with respect to each criterion
Step 1:
Construct a fuzzy weight matrix, W and fuzzy decision matrix, D where and
are linguistic variables that can be shown by triangular fuzzy number as the
( ) (2.5)
( ) (2.6)
Step 2:
transform into comparable scale. The normalization approach preserves the property
̃ [ ̃ ] (2.7)
where B and C are the set of benefit attributes and cost attributes, respectively and
̃ [ ] (2.8)
̃ [ ] (2.9)
Step 3:
̃ [̃] (3.2)
where ̃ ̃
Step 4
This step attempts to determine distance measurement between the Fuzzy Positive
Ideal Solution (FPIS), and Fuzzy Negative Ideal Solution (FNIS), . Having ̃
as a normalized positive triangular fuzzy that ranges from 0 to 1, we can easily group
(̃ ̃ ̃ ) (3.4)
(̃ ̃ ̃ ) (3.5)
where ̃ = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) and ̃ = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). Thus, the distance measurement
∑ (̃ ̃ ) (3.6)
∑ (̃ ̃ ) (3.7)
Step 5
( )
With the assumption that topsis4BIM will be used by group decision making, the
application, but with the current technology available, it has successfully extend the
Taghezout, & Saidi, 2012; Bhargava, Power, & Sun, 2007; Sheng, Lei-shan, & Yi-
xiang, 2010). According to Power (2007) , DSS can be categorised into five
Types of DSS that provide the user with a summary of information from database
that use different application. It enables user to analyse mostly using OLAP (Online
2. Model- driven DSS
A system built for the use of accounting and financial models, representation models
3. Knowledge-driven DSS
This type of DSS was built for specialized problem solving which based on artificial
4. Document-driven DSS
The system builds for the use of communication, collaboration and decision support
The evolution in DSS keep continues through the emergence of data warehouse,
executive information system, OLAP and business intelligent. In early 2000‟s, the
DSS and the implementation of web DSS (Power & Sharda, 2007).
In recent trend, most of the studies in development of DSS are more focus on current
technology of Information Technology (IT) such as Web 2.0 platform (Barassi &
Trere, 2012; Reilly & Media, 2007). Table 2.4 list the type of problems that DSS and
other AI technique deal with. Research indicates, DSS enables user to evaluate goals,
Therefore, DSS has a great contribution to support decision makers in numerous of
overrun cost, and scheduling. BIM software selection is also one of the unstructured
Moreover, the numerous number of BIM software available on market, high cost of
BIM software, and a number of attributes involved in BIM software selection has
increase the complexity of BIM software selection process (Eastman et al., 2011;
Ruiz, 2009). Therefore in order to deal with this issue, the need of decision tools
MCDM method as a decision analysis in DSS can increase the abilities of DSS in
Table 2.4
According to Turban et al. (2005) a standard model of DSS contains four basic
subsystem, user interface, and knowledge base management subsystem. Figure 2.4
1. Data Management
development of DSS. Data based acted as storage for data, information and
knowledge data that have been organized in a manner to provide the user with
something that user know and also enable the user to reveal unknown value. The
literature showed several database modelling techniques. One of the commonly used
techniques is the Hierarchical model. Hierarchical model is a second model after the
upside-down tree. Hierarchical tree can be formed based on top layer (as a level or
root) and the existence of segment as children below top layer. Figure 2.5 illustrates
2. Model Management
management in DSS. According to Power and Sharda (2007), spread sheet is a major
technology for development of model driven DSS. This is due to the abilities of
spread sheet packages such as Microsoft Excel which is capable of handling data and
graphic capability, enable user to run “What if” analysis, and the high potential in
3. User Interface
The innovation of DSS towards the World Wide Web (WWW) technology has
technology has not only provided interactive user interface but also expended the
features of DSS (Power & Sharda, 2007). In addition, the development of web-based
DSS costly less, there is no requirement for specific software on the user is computer
in order to run it, it would work on a web browser and internet connection to deliver
the DSS support functionality to the user (Power & Sharda, 2007).
Furthermore, all type of DSS can be implement through the web technology (Banias
et al., 2011; Samuel, Omisore, & Ojokoh, 2013). However, due to the rapid
called Web 2.0 in 2004 has simplified the development of web based DSS.
Theoretically, the development of web based DSS through Web 2.0 is more simple,
In year 2004, a new concept has emerged in web development which is Web 2.0. It
existence of Web 2.0 was based on user oriented, mass participant, and large of data
scale and network effect (Anderson, 2007). Web 2.0 has also been addressed as a set
of tools for individual to publish, share information and collaborate through web
(Lee & Lan, 2007). Web 2.0 also has been known as the “read/write Web”, which
allows online individual to have control over their own data and information through
web (Anderson, 2007). Even through Web 2.0 has been addressed in numerous of
definition in literature, there is still no clear definition of Web 2.0. Previous study
only focused on Web 2.0 principle (Bessedik et al., 2012). Table 2.5 below which
compare the differences between Web 1.0 and 2.0 generation. Furthermore, Web 2.0
generation was established with web MashupsAPI features (Reilly & Media, 2007).
Through this feature, user can access or connect to other information from multiple
An example is Google Map, which allows user to drag selected map to view to see
any information available (such as coordinated, weathers, distance etc.) of the region.
Web 2.0 also offered flexible web design, creative reuse, and update (Aghaei et al.,
2012). Web 2.0 also provides several development tools such as blog software and
Wiki engines. This kind of tools allows user to create and manage their own without
requiring any technical knowledge such as programming language. These tools make
the web design to become easier, quicker and cheaper (Aghaei et al., 2012).
Table 2.5
2.5.3 Decision Support System and Web 2.0
Due to the characteristics and concept of Web 2.0 which is to enable the exchange
and sharing of experience it could provide new idea and useful information that has
high potential to extent the ability of (Bessedik et al., 2012). According to Power
(2007) Web 2.0 is an evolving technology that seems to promise full potential and
useful platform for a new generation of DSS. To date, there are several research that
has been done to investigate the influence of web 2.0 towards DSS development
(Aghaei et al., 2012; Bessedik et al., 2012; Chua, Goh, & Ang, 2012; Lee & Lan,
design, decision methodology and decision result. In parallel with his study,
Borenstein (1998) also highly stressed that the validation of DSS should be focused
in two main components of DSS such as subsystem validation and face validation.
The main idea behind sub system validation process is to ensure the quality of
component in DSS. Thus, to measure the quality in the sub system of proposed DSS
which is fuzzy TOPSIS, a comparison of decision result from DMs through DSS and
without DSS will be conducted. In this study, DMs were asked to rank BIM software
Meanwhile, face validation can achieve consistency between designer view and user
view in a timely and cost effective way (Omar, 2012). Validation of DSS is not only
satisfaction and acceptance (Hung et al., 2007; Lu et al., 2001). From literature in
DSS field, a substantial work of DSS evaluation criteria has been performed in past.
Table 2.6 gathered the common criteria used for DSS evaluation in the previous
Table 2.6
System Quality Overall system quality that include (Bharati & Chaudhury,
the methodology and design 2004; Borenstein, 1998;
approach Taroun, 2012)
DSS validation approach can be divided into three categories, they are quantitative,
effective during the development of a prototype (O‟Leary, Goul, Moffitt, & Radwan,
1990). As mentioned by Nielson (2000), through qualitative validation such as
the repetition of same behaviour at the first three to five users (Nielson, 2000).
One of the qualitative approaches is validation of DSS through case study evaluation
(Taroun, 2012). As mentioned by Taroun (2012), DSS validation through case study
require two steps; the first is comparing result between proposed DSS with current
practice method, and the second is external validation for purposed of evaluating the
DSS design and methodology rather than its result. From DSS validation literature,
several of studies has been utilized case study approach as medium for DSS
Decision making is the most crucial process in management in many fields including
making caused by vagueness and bias. Thus, a lot of tools have been developed in
order to assist human decision making in this field. However, from literature, the
need of decision aid in BIM software selection has been largely neglected. There is
Thus, this chapter has highlighted the motivation which leads to the research gaps
and the approach to address the problem through the integration of Fuzzy Multi
Criteria Decision Making techniques (FMCDM) and DSS for BIM software
selection. This chapter also discussed the emerging technology of Web 2.0 in order
to foster a better DSS development. It is identified that limited study attempt to
3.1 Introduction
contemporary real-life phenomenon that enable this study method to provide a better
insight into detail behaviour of the research problem (Zainal, 2007). The adoption of
this research methodology has been decided due to its advantages in allows
employing multiple methods for data collection purpose whether from one or more
case study are not only limited to assist the researcher to describe the data in real-life
Furthermore, case study is also capable in dealing with numerous evident such as
documents, interview and observation (Baxter & Jack, 2008). It is suitable in case of
attributes, selection process, and validation of proposed DSS. Baxter and Jack (2008)
also highlighted that the case study is also suitable for a study that has small sample
size. This is in line with current situation of BIM in Malaysia. Although, BIM has
been introduced in Malaysia since 2007, but the adoption of BIM among the
construction players BIM is still far from matured (Haron, 2013). In addition, the
used of the case study is in line with the research objective which is to develop a
Web based DSS prototype for BIM software selection problem in industry. Thus, an
adoption of are real case study is significant in order to developed, demonstrate and
evaluate the usability of the proposed DSS. Thus, case study method has been chosen
A real case project which is Dewan Sultan Ibrahim project has been selected to
demonstrate the proposed decision support tool. In Malaysia, there are several of
Primary school of Meru Raya project in Perak, National Cancer Institute of Malaysia
project, Educity Sport Complex in Nusajaya project in Johor and Ancasa Hotel in
Pahang (Latiffi, Mohd, Kasim, & Fathi, 2013). However, Multi-Purpose Hall project
as known as Dewan Sultan Ibrahim project in Johor has been selected to demonstrate
the proposed decision support tool in this study. This is due to its project
considered Dewan Sultan Ibrahim project as fast track BIM with Design Built
project. Thus, this project has been expected can be used as a guide for government,
In literature, the selection of software through case study has been widely used from
literature in the past (Gencer & Gürpinar, 2007; Mulebeke & Zheng, 2006; Ziaee,
Fathian, & Sadjadi, 2006). There are four steps in the case study research method as
3.3 Research Process Framework
The following Figure 3.1 illustrates each phase and its research activities.
Level of detail,
Conceptual Decision example of To achieve 2nd
preference from the objective of this
Two Model development study
user (Test decision
model in MS Excel)
Web base
DSS development development
Conclusion and
Conclusion, finding
findings and
future research
This research framework consists of four main phases in order to complete:
All these phases will be briefly discussed in the next sub section.
1. Literature Review
There are two sections in chapter two. Section one is more on BIM and its related
topics. This is where the gap in this research was found. Extensive analyses of
literature of BIM in construction led to identifying the need of decision aid in BIM
software selection.
Since the adoption of BIM through the project life cycle, the investigation starts with
next sub-section focuses on the BIM related issue. The literature review has revealed
numerous of BIM software available and much of the advantages of BIM in the
in order to identify the attribute for BIM software selection and retrieve the software
information (function, features, and system requirement) have also been conducted.
Section two was the literature review on proposed methods for the selection of BIM
software which is the integration of DSS and MCDM. Literature showed that a
sustainable work of MCDM of general software selection has been done in the past.
This is significant in order to prove the effectiveness of MCDM method to deal with
this type of problem. The literatures also review numerous DSS applications that
have been implemented in construction field in the past. This has identified that the
2. Data collection
In this study, there are two types of data involved in data collection. The primary
data would be obtained from semi structured interview among the BIM users within
the company and organization document procedure. The semi structured interview
has been chosen due its characteristics. Semi structured interview enable the
ended question (Hove & Anda, 2005). This study has utilized case study protocol by
Yin (2003) which consists of design case study, conduct case study, analyse the
The protocol involves an overview of case study project, data collection and its
instrument and a guide for the case study report. The purpose of case study protocol
2. Conduct the case study
Due to the advantages of the case study methodology, the data used in this research
software manual and website. Regarding the research objectives, three respondents
who were involved directly with selection of BIM software in Dewan Sultan Ibrahim
project were chosen as decision makers (DMs). For the first objective, the DMs were
asked to validate and suggest any attributes for BIM software selection that are
relevant in Malaysia.
The semi-structured interview has been conducted with the purpose of acquiring
primary data (real attributes) which is significant in solving BIM software selection
for further enquiries by asking open-ended questions. The selection process of BIM
software has been be discussed during the interview. In addition, DMs were asked
regarding the attributes and decision criteria on BIM software selection (Appendix
research, the data gathered has been transformed into decision hierarchy for the
development of subsystem.
4. Case Study Report
The purpose of case study report is to develop the conclusion, recommendations and
Result from case study was utilized in development of conceptual model for the
BIM related issues from the company perspective for development conceptual
model. This will link up with the first objective of this study, which is to identify
attributes for BIM software selection. All attributes of the BIM gathered from
MCDM method which was Fuzzy TOPSIS. Decision model was built in Google
Spread sheet.
MCDM in web DSS has been deployed in this study. Due to the emergence of Web
2.0 through cloud technology, the web based DSS is designed and developed. In
and system requirement. This phase addressed the second objective of this study,
which is to develop DSS prototype namely topsis4BIM for BIM software selection.
The topsis4BIM does not only provide analytical decision tools, yet it also provides a
and system requirement. The development of database in this study was conducted
gathered through document analysis such as software brochure, literature and vendor
validated by the DMs in order to measure the effectiveness and usability of the DSS
which is the third objective in this research. The significant of DSS validation has
From literature, the integration of case study and user tester has been widely used in
DSS validation. For example, Taroun (2012) used case study and user tester in
qualitative approach in DSS validation. The instruments for data collection are user
tester and semi structured interview. The framework of DSS validation in this study
involved two level of validation; these are sub system validation and face validation
Validation DSS
Topsis4BIM User
development Validation Acceptance
The same DMs in phase 1 are involved in this phase. Before the evaluation of
topsis4BIM, they are debriefed orally and with some questionnaire due to the
purpose and procedure of DSS evaluation. Thus, DMs acted as evaluators in this
The evaluation process of case study started with subsystem validation and continued
Subsystem validation: This evaluation is important to test the logic of the decision
model. A real construction project namely Dewan Sultan Ibrahim were analysed. The
evaluators were asked to fill assessment of BIM software selection by using DSS.
design approach of proposed DSS rather than measurement of result efficiency. This
face validation has been conducted in quantitative approach and qualitative approach.
For quantitative, user evaluation forms were distributed to evaluators in two phase,
the first one in first iteration (Pre design) and second iteration (Post design)
(Appendix F). The evaluators were asked to rate the DSS based on a few criteria
provided in the form. According to Borenstein (1998), the rating of each criterion is
between Very Good (VG), Good (G), Fair (F) and Poor (P).
collect additional input from evaluators regarding the design approach of this DSS
through qualitative approach such as content analysis. The evaluators were asked to
answers subjectively. In this validation, the evaluators are also free to browse the
Subsystem validation:
The result based on Fuzzy TOPSIS decision model revealed the pattern of decision
among DMs. Group decision ranking of BIM software from DMs were analysed and
compared with the result of DMs from the current practice. Then, the evaluators were
asked to rank the alternative software based on their experience and judgement
without the DSS. Simple calculation such as Rank Order Centroid (ROC) has been
done to determine weight from result. Then, a comparison of group decision rank
Face Validation:
For the quantitative approach in face validation, results from the first iteration and
second iteration have been calculated by percentage. On the other hand, result in
The final activities for this propose study is the conclusion and finding. All activities
This chapter focuses on the research methodology used in this study. The research
study carried out here is based on case study. From literature, case study has been
recognised as the most approach to present and understand a real world problem.
There are four phases which consist of literature review and data collection,
conceptual model, DSS development, and evaluation DSS and conclusion. This
case study. Each phase and research activities will link to research questions and
4.1 Introduction
This chapter is focused on phase two of the research process which covers on the
detail, it also represents the implementation of result from data collection for the
development of decision model and web based DSS for BIM software selection.
As mentioned in the Chapter three, in order to demonstrate our approach, a real case
project, which is Dewan Sultan Ibrahim has been chosen as a case study. This is due
to the project background and project result through implementation of BIM. This
project is the is the first government project through BIM (Latiffi, Mohd, & Brahim,
Malaysia (CREAM, 2012) considered Dewan Sultan Ibrahim project as fast track
BIM with Design Built project. Thus, this project has been expected can be used as a
guide for government, higher education and institute project BIM by CREAM. The
selection of BIM has been done through current practice which is more on
This section will describe the background of this project as a case study in this study
and related issues on the BIM system in the project. Dewan Sultan Ibrahim, is
located at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor,
Malaysia. Table 4.1 illustrates the details of the case study project.
Table 4.1
4.2.1 Case Study: Dewan Sultan Ibrahim Result
Semi structured interview has been carried out with a few decision makers who were
involved as decision makers in this project whom are Consultant, Architect and BIM
Coordinator. The interview aim is to identify the real attributes for BIM software
give their opinion for classification of BIM software that may be relevant to
There are three decision makers namely DM1, DM2 and DM3 involved in this study.
They possess vast experience (at least involved in four or more BIM project in
coordinator). Throughout this thesis, all decision makers will take part in decision of
Table 4.2
Respondent Profile
Work Number of involvement
Makers Position
experience in BIM project
DM 1 Consultant 12 years 8
DM 2 BIM Coordinator 16 years 12
DM 3 Architect 25 years 5
As mentioned in previous chapter, before conducting a semi-structured interview
with the BIM expertise and decision makers, an intensive literature review has been
done by filtering and categorizing software selection attribute using MCDM from 8
journals. As a result, there are 58 attributes found and only 50 were related to
selection of BIM software. From those journals, 35 attributes fall under technical, 11
management and 4 under cost. It also has been identified that there were a few
illustrated in Appendix A.
Figure 4.2 shown the graph indicating the frequency of criteria found and filtered in
hierarchies for software selection based on attributes that have been collected from
Appendix C. There are three main attributes i.e. technical with 15 sub criteria,
managerial with 8 sub criteria, and cost. In addition, an alternative is denoted as BIM
software An.
Criteria Filtered
Criteria Found
Technical Managerial Cost
Category of Criteria
Goal: BIM Software Selection
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 M4
M5 M6 M7 M8
T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12
A set attributes of software selection was gathered and filtered from literature for the
decision makers. During the session, decision makers were asked to select attributes
that are relevant to BIM software selection in Malaysia. They were also asked to
suggest any additional attributes that relevant to BIM software selection in Malaysian
construction project. Table 4.3 summarize the attributes selection from the
Table 4.3
In the Table 4.3, there are ten attributes selected by the decision makers namely as
A1, A2, A3 and A4 are from technical attributes, A5, A6, A7 are from managerial
attributes, and A8 is from cost attribute. In addition, two attributes namely A9 and
A10 have been suggested by decision makers fall under technical categories. The
Table 4.3 shows that respondents are more focused on the technical categories. The
table also shows that there are differences in attributes selection while accomplishing
the assessment. The preferences among the decision makers varied and are mostly
based on their background, existing knowledge and skills. However, they agreed that
the suggested two additional attributes such as collaboration and facility management
were mostly used for BIM software selection in Malaysia. The reason behind these
two attributes is due to the most of the BIM vendor in Malaysia such as Autodesk
and Bentley categorised their entire product according to these attributes. Table 4.4
Table 4.4
Apart from decision attributes used in BIM software selection, it is also important to
identify the available BIM software in Malaysia. Table 4.5 summarized brief profile
software vendor that is available within the construction industry in considered for
the UTHM project. There are five BIM software that has been suggested by decision
makers which Autodesk Revit (S1), eMRIS (S2), Autodesk Naviswork (S3), TEKLA
structures (S4) and AECOsim Building Designer (S5). All the information in the
Table 4.5 was gathered from software vendor website, brochure and literature.
Table 4.5
As a result, there were ten attributes were used in the evaluation and a decision
hierarchy is established accordingly. There are three level in the decision hierarchy
structured for BIM software selection. The overall goal of the decision process
determined as “BIM software selection” is in the first level of the hierarchy. Next is
the attributes in the second level (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, and A10)
while third level is for the alternative BIM software (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5). Decision
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
Within the interview session, instead of selection attributes (Q1) and additional
attributes (Q2) in BIM software selection questions, decision makers were also asked
a few additional questions (Q3, Q4 and Q5) regarding BIM software within their
organization. Table 4.6 illustrates the semi structure interview results among the
decision makers.
Table 4.6
Semi-structured Result
Based on this semi-structured result, the decision makers in this study have similar
purpose when using BIM which is for modelling, design and building analysis. For
software usually came from architecture or contractor, but the final decision is up to
the owner of the company. On the other hand, DM 1 addressed that the one who are
responsible for decision making in BIM software are the architect and project
manager. This is due to the fact that most of the BIM features are related with
architect and project manager line of work. The decision makers in this study have
This section continued with the implementation of Fuzzy TOPSIS and Web based
DSS. The purpose of this section is to address the second objective in this study. As
been mentioned in Chapter Two, MCDM techniques such as TOPSIS have been
proven to yield a reliable decision making output. However, the original TOPSIS
have been developed by Hwang & Yoon (1981) consist of crisp data in evaluation
By considering this, a fuzzy TOPSIS model has been developed to handle the issue
of crisp value, linguistics variable has been used in fuzzy TOPSIS assessment. The
used of linguistics variables such as very high, high, fair, poor, can help decision
maker to give a precise judgement in weighting and rating process of BIM software
4.3.1 Decision Model Development
this study, Fuzzy TOPSIS algorithm has been developed based on formal definition
in section 2.4.4. Figure 4.5 shows the overall TOPSIS process for BIM software
Calculate closeness
Determine distance coefficient (cc) each
measurement for alternatives software
Fuzzy Positive Ideal
Solution FPIS and
Fuzzy Negative Ideal Result: Final rank
Solution (FNIS)
In this study, DSS is designed through fuzzy environment in order to deal with the
input. This membership function is used to store the linguistic input from user. The
fuzzy numbers are generated as input for the purpose of weight and rating as shown
Table 4.7
Table 4.8
The above abstraction can be depicted into user interface as follows. In Figure 4.8,
decision makers are required to assign linguistic weight for each attributes such as
Figure 4.9 depicts the linguistic input for rating assessment. Each of BIM software is
assigned variable VP, P, MP, F, MG, G, or VG. During this assessment, software
details (such as features and function) are viewed to access software with respect to
each attribute.
Figure 4.9. Linguistic Inputs for Software Rating
After the development of the decision model Fuzzy TOPSIS, the next phase is the
was developed by using cloud computing technology. Figure 4.10 has shown the
architecture of topsis4BIM that are involved in the main component; they are Model
PC/ Notebook
Cloud Storage
(Decision Analysis‟s
Database (Cloud Storage),
Techniques Fuzzy TOPSIS
The development of DSS through Web 2.0 provides numerous of advantages such as
easy to developed, light programming language, interactive user interface and remote
access. As a sub-system in this DSS, a fuzzy TOPSIS decision model has been
developed through one of the product from Google product called Google Spread
generator in the past. This is due to the ability of MS Excel in handling data, graphic,
and enabling user to performed “what is analysis” and etc. However, in order to
increase the usability and utility of topsis4BIM DSS, Google Spread sheet offered
Unlike traditional DSS, topsis4BIM can be easily access through web. In order to
enhance the decision making process for decision makers during BIM software
software profile such as its features, function and system requirement. Document
Profiling BIM Tools
Level 1:
Autodesk Ascension Technology Tekla Bentley
4.4 Chapter Summary
This chapter reported the result from phase two of the research process that involves
documental analysis, interview session, the design of decision model and the
architecture of tospis4BIM. Interview session has been conducted among the three
decision makers (DM 1, DM 2 and DM 3) through case study project. All the
decision makers who are involved in this study are directly related to the Dewan
Sultan Ibrahim project. They have at least four years of experience in BIM project
As a result, ten attributes have been identified from the case study result. These
attributes have been categorised into three groups. The first group was technical
(Usability (A1), Performance (A2), Connect (A3), Data File Support (A4),
Collaboration (A9) and Facility Management (A10). Two of these attributes (A9 and
A10) were suggested by the DMs. The next group was managerial (Update (A5),
Vendor Support (A6), Domain Knowledge of the vendor (A7). The third group of
In addition, there were five BIM software, namely Autodesk Revit (S1), eMCRIS
(S2), Autodesk Naviswork (S3), TEKLA structures (S4), and AECOsim Building
among the decision makers. Based on these findings, a decision hierarchy for BIM
software selection has been developed and discussed in section 4.2.1. Finally, section
5.1 Introduction
The design aspect of topsis4BIM has been discussed and presented in previous
chapter. Thus, there is a need to measure the performance the DSS that has been
terms of its logic, effectiveness, usability and utility, which will address the third
research objective “To evaluate utility and usability of the decision support tool”.
The topsis4BIM process evaluation has been conducted in two phase, first is
validation of the sub-system of the DSS which is fuzzy TOPSIS. In this phase, the
comparison between the result yield from topsis4BIM and without the proposed DSS
Next, for the purpose of validation of the level of satisfaction and preference of
decision maker towards this web based DSS, evaluators were asked to use decision
model through Google spread sheet and with web based topsis4Bim. Then, the face
utility of the system. Meanwhile, the evaluation process in this phase is more on the
physical side of the DSS, regardless of the result evaluation. Hence, the evaluation
application. This chapter ends with a discussion and interpretation on the findings of
Sub-system evaluation involves an observation of DSS utilization during the decision
making process by the decision makers based on UTHM case study in chapter 5. The
results were collected from user input and sample set of questionnaire in the system
design in Chapter Five (section 5.2). Similar attributes described in section 5.12
(Chapter 5) were used. They included usability (A1), performance (A2), connect
(A3), data file support (A4), update (A5), vendor support (A6), domain knowledge
of the vendor (A7), cost (A8) and two suggestions attributes namely collaboration
(A9) and facility management (A10). The same alternatives were used in the
development of this sub system i.e. Autodesk Revit (S1), eMCRIS (S2), Autodesk
Nawiswork (S3), Tekla Structures (S4), and AECOsim Building Designer (S5). The
As stated before, the decision model in topsis4BIM was developed based on the ten
attributes and five alternatives in BIM software. Initially, the assessment in fuzzy
TOPSIS decision model requires a set of linguistic input from the decision makers
Then, decision makers were required to enter the rating for each BIM software
alternatives. Result for weight and rating assignment were presented in Table 5.1 and
Table 5.2. Once all the assessment was completed by the decision maker,
topsis4BIM activates the decision model that utilized fuzzy TOPSIS procedure as
3. Develop fuzzy weighted normalized decision matrix.
The final result for Dewan Sultan Ibrahim is shown in Table 5.3.
weight attributes and rate alternative via linguistic variable. For example, Very Low
(VL), Low (L), Medium Low (ML), Medium (M), Medium High (ML), High (H),
and Very High (VH) and rate alternative (Very Poor (VP), Poor (P), Medium Poor
(MP), Fair (F), Medium Good (MG), Good (G), and Very Good (VG) as follows;
Table 5.1
Linguistic Variables
A3 H - VH
A5 - - MH
A7 M - -
A10 M M M
Table 5.2
Software Rating
alternatives DM 1 DM 2 DM 3
A1 S1 F G MG
S3 G F G
S5 G G G
S2 F F G
S3 F F G
A3 S1 G - F
S2 F - F
S3 G - MP
S4 G - G
S5 MG - VG
A4 S1 G G G
S2 F F F
S3 G F F
S4 G G G
S5 G G G
A5 S1 - - MG
S2 - - MG
S3 - - F
S4 - - MG
S5 - - G
A6 S1 G P MG
S2 F P F
S3 G P F
S4 G P F
Table 5.2 continued
S5 G P F
A7 S1 G - -
S2 F - -
S3 G - -
S4 G - -
S5 F - -
A8 S1 G F F
S2 P F F
S4 G G G
S2 F F F
S5 G G F
A10 S1 G F F
S3 G G G
S4 F P P
Table 5.3
DM 1 DM 2 DM 3
illustrates the differences of ranking obtained between the decision makers. For DM
1, it is identified that S3 ranked the highest CC valued followed by S1, S4, S2, and
followed by S5, S3, S4 and S2. On the other hand, for DM3, S5 has the highest CC
These differences resulted due to the differences of decision maker background and
result of decision makers, with S2 score the least. This is due to the fact that S2 is
still new in the market leading to less implementation evident from industry. Next,
Table 5.4
DM 1 DM 2 DM3 Group
Alternatives closeness
Closeness coefficient for each DMs Rank
S1 0.69 0.68 0.63 0.666 1
S2 0.44 0.33 0.49 0.42 5
S3 0.76 0.46 0.58 0.6 3
S4 0.65 0.41 0.63 0.5633 4
S5 0.66 0.57 0.69 0.64 2
This group aggregation result shows that; Software S1> Software S5> Software S3>
Software S4> Software S5. The group rank result yield software S1 as the best
software for this case study. Software 1 is the same software that has been used in the
actions. Its main purpose is assisting the decision makers in organizing the decision
making problem and doing the required calculation. Although some of the DMs are
using the same attributes, it is may still yield a different result when using different
weighting for each attribute and rating assessment. Moreover, each DMs in this study
came from different background in construction that has different needs of BIM
application. For these reasons, topsis4BIM has been validated by comparing the
It is significant to perform a comparison between the current practice (without DSS)
and topsis4BIM. The results of current practice were obtained during the interview
session with the decision makers. The decision makers were asked to rank BIM
determined weight from DMs, Rank Order Centroid (ROC) has been utilized. Table
5.5 below illustrates the result from DMs without DSS, followed by Table 5.6 which
demonstrated the comparison between the decision making result without DSS and
Table 5.5
Table 5.6
S1 0.33 1
S2 0.056 5
S4 0.24 3
S5 0.27 2
S1 0.66 1
S2 0.42 5
topsis4BIM S3 0.6 3
S4 0.56 4
S5 0.64 2
Table 5.6 shows the comparison of pattern of decision making output among the
decision makers without DSS and with DSS. The comparison table shows that
topsis4BIM yield almost similar result compare to current practice. Therefore, this
The comparison result between topsis4BIM and current practice were presented in
the previous section. Next, topsis4BIM it is validated through face validation. The
5.4.1 Quantitative Result
through four level of satisfaction there are Very Good (VG), Good (G), Fair (F) and
Poor (P). Four criteria were adopted from literature for this purpose (Perceive ease of
2. Perceived usefulness
3. Preferences
4. Willingness
- 4.1: I accept the procedure of this decision model for future decisions
- 4.2: I will apply this model for hard decisions in the future
Table 5.7 illustrates the decision maker‟s response to assess the ability of
Table 5.7
0 33.4 66.666 0 0 100 0 0
Easy to learn
0 100 0 0 0 100 0 0
C2 Decision
control 0 66.6 33.4 0 0 66.6 33.4 0
process easier 0 66.66 33.4 0 0 100 0 0
0 66.66 33.4 0 0 100 0 0
C3 Like to make
decision 0 66.66 33.4 0 0 66.66 33.4 0
Like to analyse
0 66.66 33.4 0 0 66.66 33.4 0
Like to judge
0 66.66 33.4 0 66.6 33.4 0 0
C4 Accept the
procedure 0 66.66 33.4 0 0 66.66 33.4 0
Will apply
0 33.4 66.66 0 0 33.4 66.66 0
0 33.4 66.6 0 0 100 0 0
Figure 5.1 Result of Face Validation in 1st Iteration and 2nd Iteration
In Figure 5.1, the result shows the satisfaction of decision making process among the
evaluators. In the post design, several of sub questions criteria show significant
The semi structured interview focused on the other dimension in topsis4BIM. The
1. System Quality
2. Information Presentation
Evaluators were asked to give their feedback and responds towards their perception
of topsis4BIM usability. The interview session results are briefly transcribed in Table
Table 5.8
System Quality - “The development of this DSS is quiet practical, straight forward, and also convenient to access. What important is
we really need to know what to input. I really interest to seen what value this DSS would generated. Moreover, as
a user I can access this DSS with any device that connect to internet and all data are store through could storage.
That is pretty update technology used. In term of decision used Fuzzy TOPSIS has a potential as for structuring
problem and worth of trying as decision tools for BIM software selection in future”...DM1
- “This DSS and its methodology behind it is easy to understand, easy to learn, remote, plus it help you structured
your problem, and do the calculation, it‟s interesting and got potential, but I still need time to build confident on
the Fuzzy TOPSIS, coz I am not familiar with this kind of decision techniques. The design approach of this DSS is
interesting, accessible and form it not required high cost”...DM2
- “It is simple DSS, easy to learn and used, plus the integration with social network is interesting. For the decision
process methodology, before using this DSS, a few more things need to be set first. For example, for example, I
need to know all the alternative software before using this method. The problem is, not all the user has experience
variety of BIM software in Malaysia. I mean, I cannot simply evaluated each of the alternative software without
has experience it first, right? This issue, I think it would affect the result of this decision model. Other than that, I
think this DSS has a potential”...DM3.
Table 5.8 Continued
Validation Answer
Information - “It is good to see a web based that user friendly, simple, informative and not to colourful. For me, I like the way of
Presentation this web based presented. The interface look simple but interesting, the portion of each option is nicely organized. I
don‟t know what other people think, for me the information presentation in this DSS was good”...DM1.
- “For the information presentation I think this DSS still lack of something. The idea of using and display information
thorough Google Doc is interesting. For example the way of this DSS present all information on BIM software. This
section is good, however the way decision model presented in this DSS, the user interface of Google spread sheet is
not impress me. It would be better if try to hide the Google spread sheet interface. Other than that, it quite good”...
- “All the information presented (display format, graphic, interface) in this DSS for me it‟s clear, simple yet
interesting and suit it purposed. However, there still has space for improvement. It would be better if this DSS come
out with login form, instead of log in in Google account its self”...DM3.
System Quality
making process. The topsis4BIM offers web decision approach that is simple,
accessible and capable of dealing with uncertainty environment. Thus, each of the
DMs agreed that the topsis4BIM is easy to use and convenient to access, and the
tool for BIM software selection. However, beside DM1, DM2 and DM3 have
Even though they believed that fuzzy TOPSIS is capable of structuring the problem,
but they required more time to have the confident in it. This due to the risk involved
in BIM software selection such as high investment. DM3 also adds if the evaluator
has already experience all the alternatives, and evaluate them wisely, then the
Information Presentation
adoption Web 2.0 tools in web DSS. In conclusion, DM1 and DM3 gave positive
answers regarding the design of web based interface, display format and graphics in
this topsis4BIM. However, DM3 also came out with the suggestion to add login form
as one of the web based features. On the other hand, DM2 seemed not satisfied with
the way the decision model was presented. He argued that the decision model
5.5 Discussion of Research Finding
This section provides discussions of the results and findings based on the
accomplishment of research framework in this study. The analysis and discussion are
focus point on the clarification of the quantitative and qualitative data contained in
Chapter Five (design and implementation of DSS) and Chapter Six (the validation of
DSS) and understanding of the concept identified in the literature review. The
answer research objectives in this study which is to develop decision support for
BIM software selection in Construction Project Management. This section has been
organized as follows:
Three phases of this study have been conducted in order to achieve research
objectives and also to answer research questions. Phase one was divided into two
activities which were literature review and data collection. The literature review
this study has managed to identify 26 attributes related to software selection (see
Figure 4.3). The data collection in this phase through case study was to identify and
Result from previous phase was used in phase two for further development of
conceptual model and DSS for BIM software selection. Phase three in this study
The discussion and clarification in this achievement was based on the interview
The discussion and interpretation involved the integration of quantitative data and
second objective)
From the literature, it is suggested that developing a decision model for BIM
literature from DSS and MCDM domain have shown the potential of Web based as a
5.5.1 Identify attributes for BIM software selection in Malaysia
Due to the complexity in BIM software selection decision making, this study has
employed simple questionnaire to identify and validate the critical attributes for BIM
software selection is the most important element that can affects the software
crucial attributes for BIM software selection in literature. Figure 5.2 below shows the
Usability Performance
Collaboration Connect
BIM software
Update Data file support
Result from semi-structured and questionnaire in this study has expanded the general
identified that most DMs in this study are more concern and critical with technical
attributes in BIM software selection decision making. This is consistent with Ruiz
(2009) who found that the importance of technical attributes to be included in the
BIM adoption and decision process. Moreover, result yield another significant
In line with work by Ruiz (2009), cost has also been highly rated by DMs in this
study as the most important attribute that can influence decision making in BIM
software selection in Malaysia. This is due to the involvement of high cost in BIM
adoption, in term of the software and hardware and training cost. This finding is
supported by Enegbuma and Ali (2011) who found that cost has strong relationship
DMs in this study. These attributes are usually considered as less of a priority in BIM
selection. Two out of three decision makers in this study believed that managerial is
a less important attribute influencing their choice. This study also revealed two
additional attributes that were suggested by decision makers which are collaboration
These attributes are significant in order to provide a guide for construction players in
BIM software selection and enhance the adoption of BIM in Malaysia in the future.
This finding has answered the first objective which is to identify the critical attributes
for BIM software selection. Besides that, this finding is significant to further develop
5.5.2 An Alternatives Approach for BIM Software Selection
Selection of BIM software for project needs is one of the crucial parts in BIM
adoption. In contrast, result from interview in this study has found that Malaysia
software vendors, and the most popular software in BIM software selection process
without any proper decision making process. In some cases, the company are not
aware of the other software that the market is offering, making the company spend
money on software that may not fulfil all the company needs. Making a wrong
selection of BIM software may also cause investment losses in a company. Figure
Software vendor
Decision: BIM
The deficiency of decision aid among the construction companies in BIM software
selection has also been mentioned by Ruiz (2007). This issue has led to the
motivation of the research to solve BIM software selection problem through the
and usable DSS, this study has expand the work on TOPSIS by Hwang and Yoon
however MCDM method such as TOPSIS has been addressed as inadequate to model
dealing with the vagueness of human in decision making for BIM software selection.
Moreover, there is no other study that has proposed Fuzzy TOPSIS as a decision
model for BIM software selection problem. Result from interview shows that the
fuzzy TOPSIS decision model in this study has helped the decision makers to set
DSS. Unlike other studies, this study has not only developed a decision model that
through web technology. Validation result shown the increased in users satisfaction
and acceptance of topsis4BIM as a decision making support through web based DSS.
This is supported by work of Shim et al. (2002), web technology has improved the
usability of decision model in DSS. Based on result from literature review and
interview, this study has managed to demonstrate the application of web based DSS
development of topsis4BIM.
Table 5.9 that show the features of topsis4BIM in BIM software selection. In
comparing to the current practice, topsis4BIM has offered more interesting features
Table 5.9
Recently, the emergence of a new concept web development called Web 2.0 has
many relationship, cost effective scalability, and interactive user interface. All these
characteristic have increased the popularity of Web 2.0 among the users compared to
web 1.0 (Hsu, 2010; Isfandyari-Moghaddam & Hosseini-Shoar, 2014; Murugesan,
2007; Reilly & Media, 2007). However, there is no study that attempt to develop a
DSS particularly in MCDM type of application through Web 2.0 platform in the
construction domain.
Thus, this study has presented an implementation of MCDM DSS through cloud
and easy access to any devices that can connect to the internet. This is in line with
the finding by Aghaei et al. (2012) that highlighted the advantages of Web 2.0
towards developing a web based DSS that is easier, quicker and cheaper compared to
previous web generation. Instead of analytical features, topsis4BIM has also offered
other features such as database, search button and utilization of Google application in
Philips et al. (2011) argued that the Web 2.0 technology is capable in enhancing the
rationality and effectiveness of decision making while at same time can also
negatively impact the decision making. Thus, the face validation of topsis4BIM has
been done in this study among the DMs (See chapter 6, section 6.3). Result from the
questionnaire and interview shows that, the adoption of Web 2.0 in the development
This is supported by work of Basssedik et al (2012) which shows that the existence
of Web 2.0 has extend the ability of DSS toward decision making process. Table
Table 5.10
Based on the findings discussed above relating to the development of topsis4BIM for
Data Collection Result and Findings
Arithmetic Algorithm
Attributes for BIM software
Development and validation of
Technical Fuzzy MCDM decision model for
BIM software selection
Decision making under uncertainty
Performance situation
Connect Increase the awareness of
companies toward MCDM
Data file support
Facility Management Web based DSS
Figure 5.4. Platform for Developing Web based DSS in BIM Software Selection
The framework in Figure 5.4 summarises the linkages of the attributes of BIM
software selection, arithmetic algorithm and Web 2.0 platform in the development of
BIM software. Result from case study has revealed the attributes for BIM software
selection within the Dewan Sultan Ibrahim project. Thus, the identification of
attributes for BIM software selection in this study can be considered as guidance to
arithmetic algorithm which is fuzzy TOPSIS enable decision maker to evaluate BIM
software more systematically. Due the integration of fuzzy and TOPSIS, topsis4BIM
In order to increase the accessibility and usability of decision model in this study,
topsis4BIM was developed and tested with the application in Dewan Sultan Ibrahim
alternative for BIM software selection in this project. This is not only answer the
objectives of this study, but it has also contributes to the knowledge of DSS
through Web 2.0 technology. Figure 5.5 describes the approach for overall DSS
Develop Conceptual Conduct semi-structured interview to
Decision Model identify and validate BIM software
attributes through real case project
Support decision making under
Figure 5.5. A New Framework for Development of Web based DSS through Web
2.0 in Construction MCDM Related Problem
Result from semi-structured interview and questionnaire in validation of DSS
1. Theoretically valid in terms of its sub-system, the decision model in this study
yields almost similar ranking result without DSS. This shows the DSS is efficient in
2. Based on the face validation result, the methodology and design approach in
3. The ability of the model to provide alternative and innovative solution was also
Result from the evaluation process in this study provides attributes for BIM software
Furthermore, semi structured interview and face validation indicates that decision
maker‟s acknowledge that the existence of topsis4BIM could enhance BIM software
The methodology of fuzzy TOPSIS in decision making process has gained decision
makers attention. The systematic nature of evaluation process and the ability of fuzzy
TOPSIS in dealing with vagueness of human decision making have shown the ability
and rating assessments in topsis4BIM have assist decision makers in setting their
priority in BIM software selection to select BIM software that fulfill a project needs.
Furthermore, the development of topsis4BIM through Web 2.0 has increased the
5.7 Chapter Summary
This chapter has represented the result of topsis4BIM in terms of sub-system and
face validation. In addition, the chapter also discussed research findings of this study.
6.1 Introduction
As the used of BIM become more prevalent, construction companies facing a market
full of option in BIM software that available. Due to the variety of BIM software on
the market, the selection of the right BIM software for a certain construction project
becoming more apparent. However, the needs to aid the decision making often
overlooked. The use of IT such as DSS offered high potential as decision support
tools particularly for BIM software selection is proposed. DSS called topsis4BIM is
developed to cater the BIM software selection problems within the Malaysia
construction industry.
This chapter concludes the achievement of the reserach. A list of work performed in
order to completed the thesis is presented in section 6.2. Then, the primary findings
and conclusion discovered as a result of this research has been illustrated in section
The study lies between the area of Construction Project Management and Decision
1. Identification of research gaps for BIM software selection in construction project
A review in construction field revealed the needs of aided decision making for BIM
software selection. Till date there is limited study attempt to guide decision to select
the right software for construction project that utilized BIM. In contrast, there are
some of companies tend to make decision making on BIM software selection base on
2. Case study: Identification and validation of critical attributes for BIM software
The proposed of case study is identified and validates attributes by BIM expert who
directly involved with Dewan Sultan Ibrahim. The data used in this research were
A fuzzy TOPSIS as a decision model was developed based on the case study result.
Then a web based DSS for a BIM software selection is implemented. Moreover,
4. Case study: Performed sub-system validation to validate fuzzy TOPSIS decision
A case study is utilized for the validation of decision model. In this study, DSS was
validated using sub system validation and face validation. For the subsystem
validation, the result from DSS was presented and compared with current practice
(without DSS).
quantitative and qualitative nature. In term of quantitative, decision makers were ask
the decision makers were asked to evaluate the DSS based on system quality and
information quality.
6.3 Conclusion
Based on this research, the conclusion was discovered with each of this research
Literature reviews reveal some deficiencies in BIM software selection. Most research
in BIM is focused on the advantages and barriers, risk and challenge, acceptance,
effect of BIM toward construction management process and others. The BIM
identify the right attributes to foster better implementation of BIM that fulfill the
This study identifies the critical attributes of BIM software selection based on case
study approaches (Dewan Sultan Ibrahim) Ten attributes were identified i.e.
usability, performance, connect, data file support, update, vendor support, cost,
collaboration and facility management. Two of them (i.e. collaboration and facility
Research indicates there is limited study attempt to develop a DSS particularly for
BIM software selection. Driven by this gap, topsis4BIM was design to efficiency
assist BIM software selection. The topsis4BIM offer web based DSS with advance
features such as decision model under uncertainty i.e. fuzzy TOPSIS and database
facilities. In comparison with current practice in case study, this DSS effectively
3. Research objective 3: To evaluate utility and usability of the decision support tool.
evaluation on how well the system been implemented. Thus, instead of evaluation of
decision models for BIM software selection, an evaluation of DSS is also important
sub system validation and face validation. As a result, it is identified that decision
model (fuzzy TOPSIS) is valid in term of its logic. The level of satisfaction has
increase of the level of usability. Positive feedback was identified from the users in
Selection the right BIM software is not only significant to fulfill the company and
project needs, but also important to fully utilized the software features in order to
increase the project successful. However, research shown there is limited study that
attempt to investigate the attributes for evaluation of BIM software. Thus, this study
has outline of the main attributes such as technical, cost and managerial in BIM
2. A new fuzzy TOPSIS decision model that support uncertainty environment for
making such as bias and vagueness. Thus, this study has developed and validated a
reliable decision technique through Fuzzy TOPSIS for BIM software selection. This
The explanation of decision analysis technique such as Fuzzy TOPSIS in this study is
perhaps useful for construction companies to enhance their decision making. This
selection and others. The proposed model has increase the awareness of MADM
web based DSS for BIM software selection. The existence of topsis4BIM allows
result to select the most suitable BIM software for decision maker.
Unlike other study of DSS for MCDM problem, topsis4BIM was developed through
contemporary web technology through cloud technology in Web 2.0. This new
concept of web development platform has offered more advanced features in DSS
6.5 Limitations of the Research
This research has developed a prototype of Web based DSS with the ability to assist
decision making process in BIM software selection. However, there are several of
reflective of BIM software selection in one case study only which is Dewan
2. Decision model in this study was developed based on one decision technique
1. The findings in this study could be more flexible by conducting multiple case
studies in Malaysia.
2. This study has utilised only on basic features of Web 2.0. It can be more valuable
for futures researchers to explore the other advanced features of Web 2.0
function. It can promote more reliable Web DSS for BIM software selection.
further conduct comparison result between these techniques may yield different
result during sub system evaluation. This is more suitable for a theoretical
research of MCDM.
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Appendix A
Filtering and Categories the Attributes
Graphics support Technical Within T8 context
Lai, et al., 1999 Multi-media
Technical Within T8 context
Data file support Technical T11
Cost effectiveness Cost Similar to T5
Vendor support Managerial M1
Data preparation Technical Within T11 context
Method selection
Method evaluation
Altug, et al., 2006
Assessment of
Ease of use Technical Within T1 context
Related BIM Software
Author Assessment Criteria Category Variables Notes
Functionality Technical Similar to T10
Technical aspect Technical Similar to T10
Cost Cost Similar to T5
Buyukozkan & Ruan, Service and Support Managerial Similar to M1
2008 Vision
System reliability Technical T12
Compatibility with
Technical Similar to T7
other system
Ease of
Technical T13
Market position of
Managerial M2
the vendor
Better fit with
organizational Managerial M3
Domain knowledge
Managerial M4
of the vendor
References of the
Managerial M5
Methodology of
Technical T14
Fit with
Managerial M6
Cross module
Technical Within T4 context
Technical Within T2 context
Functionality Technical Within T10 context
Flexibility Technical
Friendliness Technical Within T1 context
Duran (2011) Implementation Technical T15
Technic capability Technical Similar to T10
Reputation Managerial M7
Service Managerial M8
Ayag and Ozdemir System cost Cost Similar to T5
(2007) Vendor support Managerial Similar to M1
Similar to T7. T7 is
suggested to change to
Flexibility Technical
“flexibility” to be
more representative
Functionality Technical Within T10 context
Reliability Technical Similar to T12
Ease to use Technical Within T1 context
Technical Within T10 context
Appendix B
BIM Software Vendor (Ruiz, 2009)
Vendor BIM Tools Explanation
VICO Vico Constructor The company offer complete set
software Vico Estimator of program from design,
Vico Control planning modeling, controlling
Vico 5D Presenter and analysis.
Vico Cost Explore
Vico Change Manager
Gehry Digital Project Software Design view 2D and 3D model.
s (GT)
Tekla Tekla Structure, Full Detailing Offer a division of Building and
Corporation Tekla, Structure Construction Construction where it more
Management. focuses on structure area.
Tekla Structure, Steel
Tekla Structure, Precast
Concrete Detailing.
Tekla Structure, Reinforced
Concrete Detailing.
Tekla Structure Engineering.
Onuma Onuma Planning System It main strength is Onuma
(OPS) Planning System, an internet
servers that allows several of
users is able to interact during
the modeling process. Onuma
basically more to design tools.
Appendix C
Letter of Permission
Dear Sir/Madam,
In order to have some information regarding the issue, your relevant experience and
expertise in the BIM software selection is required. The opinion and data collected
will be confidential without mentioning to a specific person.
Should you have any question regarding this research, you may contact me or my
supervisor Dr Faizal Omar at [email protected]
Appendix D
Sample of Questionnaire to Determine BIM Software Attributes
construction project‟s life cycle to ensure the quality and productivity of a project.
Due to the effectiveness of BIM, there are numerous BIM software available in the
market. Each of this software has a different function, price and features. Moreover,
the BIM adoption requires high investment not only for the hardware and software,
but also involves training expenses. Hence, the decision on selection of BIM is
selection. Hence, this study aims to develop a Decision Support System that enables
the decision makers to select the appropriate BIM software that fulfill the project and
company needs. It will increase the effectiveness of decision maker in BIM software
selection process.
Objective: This Questionnaire aims to identify the necessary attributes used during
BIM software selection process.
Private and Confidential: All responses will be kept strictly confidential and will
only be used for research purposes.
1. Please choose the BIM software selection attribute that match with
2. Please suggest any other criteria that were not listed above which relevant to
the department (if any).
3. Please state what is the main purpose BIM use in your project?
Appendix E
Fuzzy TOPSIS Assessment
Software A1 A2 A9 A10 A4 A3 A6 A7 A8
S1 3,5,7 9,10,10 7,9,10 7,9,10 7,9,10 7,9,10 7,9,10 7,9,10 7,9,10
S2 3,5,7 3,5,7 3,5,7 3,5,7 3,5,7 3,5,7 3,5,7 3,5,7 0,1,3
S3 7,9,10 3,5,7 7,9,10 7,9,10 7,9,10 7,9,10 7,9,10 7,9,10 0,1,3
S4 7,9,10 9,10,10 3,5,7 3,5,7 7,9,10 7,9,10 7,9,10 7,9,10 7,9,10
S5 7,9,10 7,9,10 7,9,10 5,7,9 7,9,10 5,7,9 7,9,10 3,5,7 7,9,10
Weight 0.9,1,1 0.7,0.9,1 0.9,1,1 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.7,0.9,1 0.7,0.9,1 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.5,0.7,0.9
Software A1 A2 A9 A10 A4 A3 A6 A7 A8
S1 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.9,1.0,1.0 0.7,0.9,1 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.7,0.9,1 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.7,0.9,1.0
S2 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.3, 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.,0.1,0.3
S3 0.7,0.9,1 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.7,0.9,1 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.7,0.9,1 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.0,0.1,0.3
S4 0.7,0.9,1 0.9,1.0,1.0 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.7,0.9,1.00 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.7,0.9,1 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.7,0.9,1.0
S5 0.7,0.9,1 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.7,0.9,1 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.7,0.9,1 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.7,0.9,1.0
Weight 0.9,1,1 0.7,0.9,1 0.9,1,1 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.7,0.9,1 0.7,0.9,1 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.5,0.7,0.9
Step 3: Weighted Normalize Decision Matric
Software A1 A2 A9 A10 A4 A3 A6 A7 A8
S1 0.27,0.5,0.7 0.63,0.9,1.0 0.63,0.9,1 0.2,0.5,0.7 0.49,0.81,1 0.49,0.81,1 0.35,0.63,0.9 0.21,0.45,0.7 0.35,0.63,0.9
0.15,0.35,0.6 0.09,0.25,0.4
0.27,0.5,0.7 0.21,0.45,0.7 0.27,0.5,0.7 0.1,0.3,0.5 0.21,0.45,0.7 0.21,0.45,0.7 3 9 0,0.07,0.27
S3 0.63,0.9,1 0.21,0.45,0.7 0.63,0.9,1 0.2,0.5,0.7 0.49,0.81,1 0.49,0.81,1 0.35,0.63,0.9 0.21,0.45,0.7 0,0.07,0.27
S4 0.63,0.9,1 0.63,0.9,1.0 0.27,0.5,0.7 0.1,0.3,0.5 0.49,0.81,1 0.49,0.81,1 0.35,0.63,0.9 0.21,0.45,0.7 0.35,0.63,0.9
0.63,0.9,1 0.49,0.81,1.0 0.63,0.9,1 0.2,0.4,0.6 0.49,0.81,1 0.35,0.63,0.9 0.35,0.63,0.9 9 0.35,0.63,0.9
Software A+ A-
S1 0.9485167 2.08185
S2 1.5761167 1.2327833
S3 0.7638667 2.3572
S4 1.0542 1.9942
S5 1.0478333 2.0478333
Step 5: Coefficient Closeness
Software A1 A2 A9 A10 A4 A8 A6
S1 7,9,10 9,10,10 9,10,10 3,5,7 7,9,10 3,5,7 0,1,3
S2 3,5,7 3,5,7 3,5,7 0,1,3 3,5,7 3,5,7 0,1,3
S3 3,5,7 3,5,7 9,10,10 7,9,10 3,5,7 5,7,9 0,1,3
S4 7,9,10 9,10,10 0,0,1 0,1,3 7,9,10 7,9,10 0,1,3
S5 7,9,10 9,10,10 7,9,10 3,5,7 7,9,10 9,10,10 0,1,3
Weight 0.7,0.9,1 0.7,0.9,1 0.7,0.9,1 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.9,1,1 0.9,1,1 0.3,0.5,0.7
Step 2: Normalize Decision Matrix
Software A1 A2 A9 A10 A4 A8 A6
S1 0.7,0.9,1 0.9,1.0,1.0 0.9,1,1 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.3,0.5,0.7 0,0.33,1
S2 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.0,0.1,0.3 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.3,0.5,0.7 0,0.33,1
S3 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.9,1,1 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.5,0.7,0.9 0,0.33,1
S4 0.7,0.9,1 0.9,1.0,1.0 0,0,0.1 0.0,0.1,0.3 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.7,0.9,1.0 0,0.33,1
S5 0.7,0.9,1 0.9,1.0,1.0 0.7,0.9,1 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.9,1.0,1.0 0,0.33,1
Weight 0.7,0.9,1 0.7,0.9,1 0.7,0.9,1 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.9,1,1 0.9,1,1 0.3,0.5,0.7
Software A1 A2 A9 A10 A4 A8 A6
S1 0.49, 0.81,1 0.63,0.9,1 0.63,0.9,1 0.09,0.25,0.49 0.63,0.9,1 0.25,0.5,0.7 0,0.17,0.7
S2 0.21,0.45,0.7 0.21,0.45,0.7 0.21,0.45,0.7 0,0.05,0.21 0.27,0.5,0.7 0.27,0.5,0.7 0,0.17,0.7
S3 0.21,0.45,0.7 0.21,0.45,0.7 0.63,0.9,1 0.21,0.45,0.7 0.27,0.5,0.7 0.45,0.7,0.9 0,0.17,0.7
S4 0.49,0.81,1 0.63,0.9,1 0,0,01 0,0.5,0.21 0.63,0.9,1 0.63,0.9,1 0,0.17,0.7
S5 0.49,0.81,1 0.63,0.9,1 0.49,0.81,1 0.09,0.25,0.49 0.63,0.9,1 0.81,1,1 0,0.17,0.7
Step4: Distance Measurement
Software A+ A-
S1 0.830824074 1.78637963
S2 1.507774074 0.74332963
S3 1.226090741 1.02497963
S4 1.652990741 1.17187963
S5 1.162907407 1.511796296
Decision Maker: DM3
Software A1 A2 A9 A10 A4 A3 A6 A5 A8
S1 5,7,9 3,5,7 5,7,9 3,5,7 7,9,10 3,5,7 5,7,9 5,7,9 3,5,7
S2 1,3,5 7,9,10 3,5,7 1,3,5 3,5,7 3,5,7 3,5,7 5,7,9 3,5,7
S3 7,9,10 7,9,10 5,7,9 7,9,10 3,5,7 1,3,5 3,5,7 3,5,7 3,5,7
S4 5,7,9 5,7,9 5,7,9 0,1,3 7,9,10 7,9,10 3,5,7 5,7,9 5,79
S5 7,9,10 7,9,10 3,5,7 3,5,7 7,9,10 9,10,10 3,5,7 7,9,10 7,9,10
Weight 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.9,1,1 0.9,1,1 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.9,1,1 0.9,1,1 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.3,0.5, 0.7
Software A1 A2 A9 A10 A4 A3 A6 A5 A8
S1 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.56,0.78,1.00 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.56,0.78,1.0 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.3,0.5,0.7
S2 0.1,0.3,0.5 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.33,0.56,0.78 0.1,0.3,0.5 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.33,0.56,0.78 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.3,0.5,0.7
S3 0.7,0.9,1 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.56,0.78,1.0 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.1,0.3,0.5 0.33,0.56,0.78 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.3,0.5,0.7
S4 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.56,0.78,1.0 0.0,0.1,0.3 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.33,0.56,0.78 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.5,0.7,0.9
S5 0.7,0.9,1 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.33,0.56,0.78 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.9,1.0,1.0 0.33,0.56,0.78 0.7,0.9,1.0 0.7,0.9,1.0
Weight 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.9,1,1 0.9,1,1 0.3,0.5,0.7 0.9,1,1 0.9,1,1 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.5,0.7,0.9 0.3,0.5,0.7
Step 3: Weighted Normalize Matrix
Software A1 A2 A9 A10 A4 A3 A6 A5 A8
S1 0.25,0.49,0.81 0.27,0.5,0.7 0.5,0.78,1.0 0.1,0.3,0.5 0.63,0.9,1 0.27,0.5,0.7 0.28,0.54,0.9 0.25,0.49,0.81 0.09,0.25,0.49
S2 0.05,0.21,0.45 0.63,0.9,1.0 0.3,0.56,0.78 0.0,0.2,0.4 0.27,0.5,0.7 0.27,0.5,0.7 0.17,0.39,0.7 0.25,0.49,0.81 0.09,0.25,0.49
S3 0.35,0.63,0.9 0.63,0.9,1.0 0.5,0.78,1.0 0.2,0.5,0.7 0.27,0.5,0.7 0.09,0.3,0.5 0.17,0.39,0.7 0.15,0.35,0.63 0.09,0.25,0.49
S4 0.25,0.49,0.81 0.45,0.7,0.9 0.5,0.78,1.0 0.0,0.1,0.2 0.63,0.9,1 0.63,0.9,1 0.17,0.39,0.7 0.25,0.49,0.81 0.15,0.35,0.63
S5 0.35,0.63,0.9 0.63,0.9,1.0 0.3,0.56,0.78 0.1,0.3,0.5 0.63,0.9,1 0.81,1,1 0.17,0.39,0.7 0.35,0.63,0.90 0.21,0.45,0.7
Software A+ A-
S1 1.10167 1.875003
S2 1.478652 1.418282
S3 1.203964 1.691742
S4 1.156581 1.947692
S5 0.958469 2.121432
Appendix F
Sample of Validation Form
This section focused on the evaluation of the decision making between spread sheet
Aspect Very
Good Fair Poor
Perceive ease of use
It easy to use
The process in understandable
It is easy to learn
Perceived usefulness
This model helps me control the whole
decision process
It makes the decision process easier
It is useful to me in making a decision
I like to make a decision with this model
I like to analyse information with this
I like to judge in this way
I accept the procedure of this decision
model for future decisions
I will apply this model for hard decisions
in the future
It is worthwhile to use this model in the
Attributes Comment
System Quality
Information Presentation
a) Model
3. If you do not trust the decision made by this model, explain the reason:
Appendix G
Snapshot from topsis4BIM System
Front Page
BIM System Requirement
Weight assessment
Introduction of BIM page