Caan - Civil Level 7

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+qrf, il.Ttrr B-.s'gl{q vrBfi-{'t,
gdr sffiiF'rdlrT-o efrt
19o lqc.
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roqgR<-q{qr 6qqio srrgR<fl rc gnv i

Section oJ s<q

50 Marks
Section "A"
the STOL AirPort as
thatarethemajorstepsinsit.eevaluationandselectionprocessfor 5
x ICAO norms? Describe'
in Terminal
.:: is the use of Terminal area? What are the facilities to be provided of Terminal
-,:ings?Describeinbriefthe,Centralizecl,and,Decentralized'concept 2+3+5=10
ullding Planning. of
characteristics of STOL Port? How cio You judger the retevancY
Vhat are the physical lighting. Describe
the rjifferent elements of arrPort

TOL Ports in NePal? And, list out 3+2+3+ 2=l'0

axiway lighting in brief'
Des cr i be th e ste p-bY-ste
p p ro ce ss th a t i 1 .".t d f ",r..:1: flT :' :: -i:f :h'J ffi1liti; *':
3:: ?il :?-':;il:
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:l i':'1',n..,u,es fOr 1'.: ff :ffi
the :pranning
L of ',:the airports
aif to
,.ffi,.;,#ffi"i;;;::, ;;;;;;*;n, measures for planning Of
nrn.rrqq and SUggeSt imprOve*"nt
^r-nnino iC
be taken in the future'
and give reasons which is better
for plains of
Explain Rigid and Flexible Pavements 10

50 Marks
Section "B"
that are used on airports'
7. Describe the various types of drainage structures
Explain the typical failures in
8. what is the purpose of airport maintenance? 1+4=5
airPort Pavement'
reta!ning wall with sketches'10
3 Exprain the earth pressu!.es of surcharge o'r a counterfort GFS and
and rimitati,:ns oi rnstruments such as totar stations,
10. Discuss the advantages
in differeni survey scenarios'
explain how each is applied
levels, Also,
during the acrr^ninistration ctlnstruction contracts of
11. Describe the crrairenges faeecj 'foverrun and quality control
Examine critica*y the issues of tinre over*rn- cost
airports. 4+ 5=10
in the NePali context'
various methods
importance of econoniic anarysis of airport pr"ojects and
12. Describe the airports at
analysis' The cott.<tructicin of two international
employed to, ti,,u econornic
reason tor *,ese aiiports not
being function yet?
economic analysis what might bethe r '-'
-riticaliy problem with suggestions'
analyze the
- Th* End -

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