F041171005 - Skripsi 1-2
F041171005 - Skripsi 1-2
F041171005 - Skripsi 1-2
Alhamdullillah. First, the writer would like to express the praise to the
Almighty Allah, due to the blessing, the chance, and the spirits, the writer could
In writing this thesis, the writer is assisted and encouraged by many people.
Therefore, the writer would like to express her great appreciation and special
thanks to:
writer’s grandmother, and for the brothers, Rama and Yayat. The
writer expresses the grateful feelings for their loves and prays, their
motivation, and their patience so that the writer has a spirit, both
Hum., as the supervisors of the writer. The writer would like to give a
in sharing the time and the guidance so that the writer could be able to
Thank you for all the knowledge, motivation, guidance, and patience in
4. Celengan Club. Big loves for Cece, Lilis, Oda, Atul, Firda, Rinta,
addition, Cempaka Squad, for Elel, Hael, Indah, Batara, Pute, and
the writer’s bestfriend Qonita and Daya who have always been loyal
since high school until now. The writer may not be able to be in this
phase without their supports. Thanks for always being there in the
happy and the sad times, the bright and the dark times, and all of the
5. Sasing 2017, the college friends who had been gathering for several
English Department. Thank you for the wonderful experiences and the
best moment during college time. The writer hopes for another
This thesis is obviously still far from the perfection. However, the writer
hopes that this thesis could be helpful for the next writer and the reader. Critics,
suggestions, and corrections are welcome in order to make a better result in the
Nur Iftitah
D. Data Analysis ...................................................................................................... 32
CHAPTER IV ................................................................................................................ 33
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................... 33
A. Findings............................................................................................................... 33
1. Person Deixis................................................................................................... 33
2. Spatial Deixis .................................................................................................. 42
3. Temporal Deixis ............................................................................................. 45
B. Discussion............................................................................................................ 48
1. Ocean Eyes ...................................................................................................... 49
2. Bad Guy .......................................................................................................... 50
3. 8 ....................................................................................................................... 53
4. idontwannabeyouanymore............................................................................. 55
5. I Love You....................................................................................................... 56
6. Everything I Wanted ...................................................................................... 58
7. Bellyache ......................................................................................................... 61
8. Dominant Type of Deixis................................................................................ 62
CHAPTER V .................................................................................................................. 64
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .......................................................................... 64
A. Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 64
B. Suggestions.......................................................................................................... 66
BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................... 67
APPENDIX..................................................................................................................... 70
Everything I Wanted.................................................................................................. 70
8 ................................................................................................................................... 71
I Love You .................................................................................................................. 72
Bellyache ..................................................................................................................... 73
Ocean Eyes.................................................................................................................. 75
Bad Guy ...................................................................................................................... 76
idontwannabeyouanymore ........................................................................................ 77
Table 1. Ocean Eyes ....................................................................................................... 34
Table 2. Bad Guy ........................................................................................................... 35
Table 3. 8 ........................................................................................................................ 37
Table 4. idontwannabeyouanymore .............................................................................. 38
Table 5. I Love You........................................................................................................ 39
Table 6. Everything I Wanted ....................................................................................... 40
Table 7. Bellyache .......................................................................................................... 41
Table 8. Ocean Eyes ....................................................................................................... 42
Table 9. Bad Guy ........................................................................................................... 43
Table 10. 8 ...................................................................................................................... 43
Table 11. I Love You...................................................................................................... 44
Table 12. Everything I Wanted ..................................................................................... 44
Table 13. Bellyache ........................................................................................................ 45
Table 14. Ocean Eyes ..................................................................................................... 45
Table 15. Bad Guy ......................................................................................................... 46
Table 16. 8 ...................................................................................................................... 46
Table 17. idontwannabeyouanymore ............................................................................ 47
Table 18. I Love You...................................................................................................... 47
Table 19. Everything I Wanted ..................................................................................... 48
Table 20. Bellyache ........................................................................................................ 48
Table 21. Frequency of Deixis in Songs ........................................................................ 63
Nur Iftitah. 2021. A Pragmatic Study of Deixis Used in Song Lyrics of
Billie Eilish’s Selected Songs. Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Cultural
Sciences. Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar. (Supervised by Sitti Sahraeny and
Ainun Fatimah)
This research aims to 1) describe the type of deixis used in several selected
songs by Billie Eilish, 2) describe the reference of deixis used in the song Billie
Eilish, 3) find the dominant type of deixis in Billie Eilish's song. This research is
designed using George Yule's theory. Yule in his theory argues that deixis is
divided into three parts, namely person deixis, place deixis, and time deixis.
This research uses a pragmatic approach with a qualitative descriptive
method as the research design. The data in this research comes from several
selected song lyrics belong to Billie Eilish. There are seven songs used in this
research, which are Everything I Wanted, I Love You, 8, Bad Guy, Bellyache,
idontwannabeyouanymore, and Ocean Eyes. The data was obtained by
downloading the song of Billie Eilish along with the song lyrics. The data is then
analyzed by reading the lyrics of the song thoroughly and then sorting out the
lyrics that contain the deictic words in it.
This research shows result that all of Billie Eilish's songs used various type
of deixis such as person deixis, place deixis, and time deixis. Personal deixis is
divided into first, second, and third person. Personal deixis is a deixis that shows
the person who utters the utterances. Spatial deixis is a deixis that shows the place
or location where the utterance is spoken. Time deixis is a deixis that shows the
point or distance in time where the utterance is spoken. Based on the seven Billie
Eilish songs which have been analyzed, only one song does not have the three
types of deixis in it, titled idontwannabeyouanymore which does not have spatial
deixis. This research also shows that the dominant type of deixis used in Billie
Eilish's song is person deixis. There are 321 words of person deixis, 33 words of
space deixis, and 29 words of time deixis.
Nur Iftitah.2021. Studi Pragmatik Mengenai Deiksis yang Digunakan
dalam Lirik Lagu dari Lagu-Lagu Terpilih Milik Billie Eilish. Skripsi.
Departemen Sastra Inggris. Fakultas Ilmu Budaya. (dibimbing oleh Sitti Sahraeny,
S.S., M. AppLing dan Ainun Fatimah, S.S., M.Hum)
Language also involved in other fields such as language and arts. It can be found
usually make music becomes one of the important things in their lives whether for
proof that music brings an immense worth for society. Language can be used to
musicians. They put their feelings, experiences, and ideas into songs.
Some composers also wrote instrumental pieces, or musical works without words
that mimic the quality of a singing voice. The words which appear on a song are
called lyrics. Lyrics can include a series of verses, the longer sections of the song
that tell the story, and refrain which is a short phrase repeated at the end of every
verse. Most of music will be liked by the listeners if the content of the song has its
own meaning for the listener, so that’s why the song creator isn’t carelessly in
making the lyric (Deby, Gunawan, & Shena, 2018). Songs itself have some
functions such as to tell stories, express emotions, or convey a belief in faith. They
also can make a difficult work a little less tiresome because it serves to provide a
the meaning of lyric itself, but also the meaning of the speaker (the writer) means.
The study of what speakers mean or speaker meaning is called pragmatics. Yule
communicated by the speaker (or writer) and interpreted by listener (or reader).
To draw the meaning, we should take into consideration how speakers come up to
express what they want to say regarding who they are talking to, where, when, and
under what circumstances. Some scopes of pragmatics include the study of deixis,
presupposition, reference, entailment and speech acts. In this research, the writer
The word Deixis borrowed from the Greek word for pointing or
situational context. First and second person pronouns such as my, mine, you,
your, yours, we, ours and us are always deictic because their reference is entirely
dependent on context. Demonstrative articles like this, that, these and those and
expressions of time and place are always deictic as well. In order to understand
what specific times or places such expressions refer to, we also need to know
This research focuses on the study of deixis in song lyrics by Billie Eilish
because recently there are many people are becoming a fan of Billie Eilish’s
songs. Nevertheless, almost all of the people do not know about the real lyric of
the song. They just listened for several time and memorize it without knowing
the meaning or the message that delivered in the song. One way to find out the
meaning of a song is with knowing the reference of words used in song lyrics.
When the listener knows the reference of the word, the meaning will become
perceptible. This thing makes the writer want to analyse the deictic word used in
song lyrics in order to make the reader more understand about the meaning on
Billie’s songs.
There are several reasons why the writer chooses Billie’s songs to be
analyzed. First, Billie Eilish is a very famous singer in this era. At a very young
age, 18 years old, she has won so many achievements, including by holding the #
1 position on the Billboard 200. She is also noted as the first youngest singer to
get a series of GRAMMY 2020 awards. The five trophies won by Billie Eilish
include the Best Vocal Pop Album category, Album of the Year, Record of the
Year, Song of the Year and Best New Artist for her debut album in 2019 "When
We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?", and still many other awards she has
achieved. Second, Billie has a unique character in every song of hers. The style of
her music is arguably not popular: alt-pop, which is sometimes experimented with
electro-pop, indie-pop and folk-pop yet this makes many people like the song
because of the unusual genre. Last, Billie tends to have a dark impression in each
her songs, such as Bad Guy, Bury a Friend, All the Good Girls Go to Hell, which
sometimes makes it difficult for the listener to understand the meaning of the song.
Those three reasons above make the writer decides to do a research about deixis in
In this study, the writer focuses on the types of deixis, the reference of
deixis, and what is the dominant type of deixis used in song lyrics by Billie
Eilish’s songs.
1. What are the types of Deixis used in the song lyrics of Billie Eilish’s
selected songs?
3. What is the dominant type of Deixis used in the song lyrics of Billie
1. To identify the types of Deixis used in the song lyrics of Billie Eilish’s
selected song.
3. To analyze the dominant Deixis used in the song lyrics of Billie
the writer will give the limitation on this study in order to get a focused
writer has chosen seven songs of Billie Eilish which popular among her
many songs. Those are Everything I Wanted (2019), Bad Guy, I Love You,
study can become a contribution to the other writer who wants to study the
Analysis in Song Lyric of Maher Zein’s Album. This research deals with
based on Goerge Yule theory (1996). The data are taken from Maher Zein’s song
in Thank You Allah album. The objects of this research are to identify the kinds
and reference of person deixis in song lyrics of Maher Zain’s album and analyze
the reference meaning of person deixis on song lyrics in Maher Zein’s Album. He
used qualitative method in his research. The first technique of data analysis is
reading the song lyrics. The second is identifying the person deixis in song lyrics.
Third, classifying the person deixis. The result of this research shows that there
are three kinds of person deixis which are first person deixis, second person deixis
and third person deixis used in Maher Zain Album. The reference meaning of first
personal deixis I and We refers to the singer and second personal deixis You refers
to a woman, Allah, Muhammad and people as the hearer. While the third personal
In contrast, the research above only identified the person deixis by using
George Yule theory in the Maher Zein's songs, while the current study focused on
the three types of deixis based on George Yule theory in the different subject
Next, a research about deixis has been conducted by Hazat S (2018) with a
used qualitative method in his research. The aim of the research is to analyze the
kinds of deixis, the function of deixis, and the effect of the deixis to the meaning
of song lyrics by Ed Sheeran by using Cruse’s theory. The first technique of data
analysis is listening the songs for several times. The second is searching the script
of the lyrics. The third, determining some words that includes as deictic
expression. Last, marking the deictic word in song lyrics based on Cruse’s theory
of deixis. The result of the research shows that there are five types of deixis in
Ed’s song. There are person, spatial, temporal, social, and discourse deixis. Those
five types of deixis have their own effect to the meaning of songs.
The study of deixis has been also conducted by Kartika Anggraeny (2018)
entitled Deixis Used by Adeline in The Age of Adeline Movie. This study focuses
identify the kinds of deixis and the referent meaning of deixis used by Adeline
Bowman as a main character in the The Age of Adeline movie. The result of the
study shows that Adeline’s utterances contain five major types of deixis by
Levinson. The most dominant type of deixis in this study is first singular person
To compare, those three previous studies above have different things with
the current study. The previous study used Cruse’s and Levinson’s theory, while
the current study focused on the theory of George Yule. The objects of the study
are also different. The study conducted by Hazat S used Ed Sheeran’s songs as his
object and Kartika A used The Age of Adeline movie as her object. Moreover, the
study by Hazat focuses on the effect of deixes used in song lyrics, while the
current study focuses on the dominant types of deixis in song lyrics and its
referent meaning.
1. Pragmatics
context and meaning. Context is the elements outside the language which studied
in pragmatic. This study learns how the meaning can be delivered not only on
linguistic knowledge (grammar, lexicon, etc) from the speaker and listener but
also from the context of the speech, knowledge of anyone that involved in
conversation, and the implied meaning of the speaker. There are several
pragmatics is the study of the ability of language users to pair sentences with the
contexts in which they would be appropriate. Besides, Leech (1983: 6) states that
human language uses as these are determined by the context of society. Addition,
Griffiths (2006: 1) states that pragmatics is concerned with the use of knowledge
paying attention to the use of context. As well as, Yule (1996: 3) points out
(or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader). In communication, people
have to recognize the meaning of words in utterance and also what speakers or
(1) “pragmatics is the study of the speaker meaning”, it means pragmatics analyse
what people mean by their utterances rather than what the words or phrases means
pragmatics study what people mean in a particular context and how the context
“pragmatics is the study of how more gets communicated than is said”. Yule said
that listener can make inferences about what is said in order to arrive at
much to be said in paying attention to how close or distant the listener is.
From the definition above, mostly of them point out “context” as a part in
Pragmatics can convey about people’s intended meanings, their purposes or goal, and
2. Deixis
The word Deixis borrowed from the Greek word for pointing or
indicating. However, some linguists have their own opinion in defining and
explaining deixis. Yule (1996: 9) writes deixis is derived from Greek word means
“pointing Via language”. Levinson (1983:54) deixis is the single obvious way in
which the relationship between language and context is reflected in the structures
of language themselves. Levinson added that deixis concerns the ways in which
event, and thus also concerns ways in which the interpretation of utterances
depends on the analysis of that context of utterance. Next, deixis is the relation of
All languages have their own deictic words which ‘point’ to ‘things’ in the
physical social context from the speakers and addressees then whose referents can
only be determined by knowing the context in which they are used. These are
examples of deictic words: (1) pronouns I, you, and we, which point to
participants in any speech act then she, he it and they are used when they refer to
that/those, and there, which designated space of the speaker. (3) temporal
expressions now, then, yesterday, today, tomorrow, last week, next month and so
on, it relatives to the time when they are used (Kreidler, 1998).
There are several types of deixis. Some linguist has different opinion about
the types of deixis. Based on Yule (1996: 9), there are three types of deixis. They
are person deixis, spatial deixis, and temporal deixis. Furthermore, Levinson
(1983) advanced deixis into 5 types, those are person deixis, place deixis and time
deixis which are belongs to the traditional categories and then he expanded deixis
types which are discourse and social deixis. From the statements above, it is clear
that deixis is indicating or pointing person, place, time the context of utterances.
We will know who the speaker or listener is, when, and where the sentence is
3. Types of Deixis
use deixis to point to things (it, this, these boxes) and people (him, them, those
idiots), sometimes called person deixis. Words and phrases used to point to a
location (here,there, near that) are examples of spatial deixis, and those used to
point to a time (now, then, last week) are examples of temporal deixis. In this
research, the discussion is focused only on three parts of deixis based on Yule’s
distinctions here are the categories of first, second and third person. Based on
Yule (1996;9), first person is I, second person is you, and third person are he, she,
or it. The function of person deixis is to indicate a person who utters the utterance
or sentence. Person deixis concern the person involved in an utterance, such as; (1)
the persons directly involved e.g. the speaker and the addressee, (2) the person not
directly involved e.g. those who hear the utterance but are not being directly
Addition, Cruse mentioned that person deictic words include pronouns (I,
You, him, mine, yours, hers, myself, yourself, herself), possessive adjectives (my,
your, her) and verb inflection (I love, You love, he or she loves). Nevertheless, the
form of plural and singular is used to analyze the deictic expressions of person
The underline deictic word of the example above (I) is the first person and
as a person who utters the sentence. In short, deictic word (I) refers to a speaker
speaker’s perspective can be fixed mentally as well as physically (Yule, 1996: 12).
Spatial deixis has two types of deictic words which are proximal deixis, which is
known as near from the speaker, using this, these, here and distal deixis, known as
away from the speaker or both speaker and addressee , using that, those, there.
The deictic word “the path” is indicating location of person who utters
the utterance or sentence. It also indicates that place or location of speaker. The
writer concludes from explanation above if spatial deixis pointed the location of
speaker’s said.
3.3. Temporal Deixis
Temporal deixis has a function to locate points or intervals on the time deixis,
Temporal deixis concerns itself with the various times involved in and
referred to in an utterance, such as, tonight, last week, yesterday, before, after, and
so on. It also includes time adverbs like now, then, soon, and so forth. Yule (1996:
14) states the distal term “then” for temporal deixis applies to both past and future
These forms of temporal reference can be learned a lot later than the
examples tells that it is important to know the relevant utterance time. From the
explanation above, the writer conclude that temporal deixis is indicating the
4. Context
Context is the central aspect in doing the interpretation of the meaning in
and misinterpreting. Leech (1983:13) explains that the context is focused on the
in which a referring expression is used. Addition, Mey (1993: 3) said that context
is more than just a reference and of understanding what things are about, it gave a
Finally, the writer concludes that context is any information that needed
for interpreting the utterance or sentence which consists of person, place or thing
although in the spoken or written forms. It the important factor to complete the
Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell (born December 18th, 2001), better
known by her stage name Billie Eilish, is an American singer and songwriter
signed to Interscope Records. She is best known for her successful debut single,
‘Ocean Eyes.’ She was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Belonging
She joined a choir at the age of 8, and by the time she turned 11, she had
begun writing and singing her own songs. Her elder brother, Finneas
O’Connell, was the biggest influence in her life while she was grewing up. He
had written a song named ‘Ocean Eyes’ and asked his sister to record it in her
voice. This accidental song turned out to be the breakthrough success for
Billie and boosted her career. The song was uploaded on ‘SoundCloud’ in
early 2016, and by March, the music video was released. The song shot up
and registered more than 10 million hits within a short period of time. This
success was unexpected and made way for many more versions. In November
2016, a music video with Billie dancing on the song was released. It turned
produced and co-written by her brother. The music video for the song,
directed by Miles and AJ, was released in March 2017. She also collaborated
with famous American singer Khalid and worked with him on a single titled
Later that year she issued a pair of singles, "You Should See Me in a
Crown" and "When the Party's Over," which both landed on her full-length
debut, When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?. Issued in March 2019, the
breakthrough effort showcased her hybrid blend of pop, electronic, and hip-hop
textures with a rock edge. Debuting at number one on the Billboard 200, the LP
quickly became a worldwide smash and one of the most critically lauded efforts of
2019. While an international tour kept her on the road into 2020, she released a
meteoric rise to fame -- and became the youngest artist to be nominated in the four
major Grammy categories (Record and Song of the Year for "Bad Guy," Album
of the Year, and Best New Artist). At the award ceremony in 2020, she made
history by sweeping those main fields, becoming the second person -- and first
ethereal indie electro-pop with dark thematic tones. She is also being famous for
her distinctive quirky style. This young and talented artist managed to bring a
song that many people like. Interestingly, various fantastic achievements of his
work occurred in a relatively short time. As it has been said, she usually made
One of her songs, for instance, titled Bad Guy. This song has an upbeat
rhytym such as happy vibes which people may want to dance into. Bad Guy is a
song written by Billie and Finneas, released in 2018 from album When We All
Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go. In contrast with the upbeat rhytym, the meaning of
this song is quite pathetic and terrify. This song is about abusive relationship that
sometimes happen around people who have been a couple. Billie starts the song
with the lyric white shirt, now red my bloody nose. The song told the listener
indirectly from the lyrics about the man who has tortured his girlfriend physically.
At a glance, people may think that the Bad Guy is the man, but it turns out that
Billie, as a girlfriend, is a bad guy instead. In the refrain part of the song, there is
lyric sounds I’m the bad guy, duh. It stated the real situation where Billie is the
man’s mistress. As a mistress, she obliquely takes control of him and he finally
can not let Billie away from him. So, the subject pronoun I in the lyric refers to
understand the meaning properly. Therefore, the writer decided to analyse the