LG Smart Inverter Ductless Wall Mounted Mini Split Supply and Installation
LG Smart Inverter Ductless Wall Mounted Mini Split Supply and Installation
LG Smart Inverter Ductless Wall Mounted Mini Split Supply and Installation
Estimate# EST-000069
Subject :
LG Smart Inverter Ductless Wall Mounted Mini Split Supply and Installation
# Item & Description Qty Rate Tax Amount
1 1.5 Ton LG Smart Inverter Mini Split Supply 5.00 2,290.00 11,450.00 1,717.50 13,167.50
from LG 15.00%
2 2.0 Ton LG Smart Inverter Mini Split Supply 2.00 2,740.00 5,480.00 822.00 6,302.00
from LG 15.00%
3 3.0 Ton LG Smart Inverter Mini Split Supply 1.00 5,170.00 5,170.00 775.50 5,945.50
from LG 15.00%
4 1.5 and 2.0 Ton unit installation up to 4m 7.00 275.00 1,925.00 288.75 2,213.75
copper piping (included from factory) with 15.00%
proper vacuum, unit outdoor/indoor
wiring, piping insulation and leak checking.
5 3.0 Ton unit installation up to 6m copper 1.00 600.00 600.00 90.00 690.00
piping (Not included from factory, supplied 15.00%
by us) with proper vacuum, unit outdoor
/indoor wiring, piping insulation and leak
Note: Additional Piping will be 60SR per meter before VAT.