Australian Standard
Australian Standard
Australian Standard
ISO 10518:1991
Australian Standard
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AS 4057—1992
Australian Standard
This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee on Power Lawnmowers and
Edge Trimmers. It is identical with and has been reproduced from ISO 10518:1991, Powered walk-
behind and hand-held lawn trimmers and lawn edge trimmers—Mechanical safety requirements
and test methods.
Of the organizations represented on the Committee, the Australian Federation of Consumer
Organizations did not agree to the publication of this Standard. The Australian Federation of
Consumer Organizations had concerns about the battery stowage requirements, the marking of
controls and the determination of the permissible kinetic energy of the cutting element.
Under arrangements made between Standards Australia and the International Standards bodies,
ISO and IEC, as well as certain other Standards organizations, users of this Australian Standard
are advised of the following:
(a) Copyright is vested in Standards Australia.
(b) The number of this Standard is not reproduced on each page; its identity is shown only on the
cover and title pages.
(c) There may be occasional dual language sections, but English is always one of the languages
(d) Where any cross-references to page numbers appear within the test, these relate to page
numbering in the International Standard and are to be disregarded.
For the purpose of this Australian Standard, the ISO text should be modified as follows:
(i) Substitute a full point for a comma as a decimal point.
(ii) Replace the reference to another publication with reference to an Australian Standard as
Reference to International Standard Australian Standard
335 Safety of household and similar
electrical appliances
335.1 Part 1: General requirements 3100 Approval and test specification—
General requirements for electrical
3156 Approval and test specifications—
Electric lawnmowers
1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Normative references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4 General construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5 Marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6 Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
7 Cutting means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
8 Guarding of cutting means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
9 Mechanical strength and rigidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
A Safety instructions for walk-behind and hand-held lawn trimmers and lawn
edge trimmers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1 Scope 3 Definitions
This International Standard specifies mechanical For the purposes of this International Standard, the
safety requirements and test methods applicable to following definitions apply.
powered walk-behind and hand-held lawn trimmers
and lawn edge trimmers, with cutting element(s) of 3.1 hand-held: Supported by hand, possibly
non-metallic filament line or freely pivoting non- assisted by wheel(s), skids or harness, etc.
metallic cutter(s) with a kinetic energy of not more
than 10 J each, used by a standing operator primarily 3.2 walk-behind: Normally controlled by an
for cutting grass. operator walking behind a ground-supported unit.
It does not apply to scissor-type or rigid-bladed lawn 3.3 lawn trimmer: Grass-cutting machine where
trimmers or lawn edge trimmers. the cutting means operates in a plane approximately
parallel to the ground.
The electrical aspects of electrically powered lawn
trimmers and lawn edge trimmers having a voltage 3.4 lawn edge trimmer: Grass-cutting machine for
exceeding 42 V d.c. or mains-connected are not trimming lawn edges where the cutting means
operates in a plane approximately perpendicular to
covered by this International Standard.
the ground.
Hand-held lawn trimmers and lawn edge trimmers, correcting the observed temperature by the differ-
or the hand-held parts of such machines, with a ence between the specified ambient and the test
mass of more than 5 kg shall have two handles. The ambient temperature.
distance between the centre of the two handles shall
be at least 250 mm, when measured along the 4.3.3 Test acceptance for exhaust surfaces
length of the handle support shaft. This measure-
ment does not apply to two-handled lawn trimmers The tip or conical surface of the cone shown in
weighing 5 kg or less. The machine mass is deter- figure 1 shall not make contact with a hot surface of
mined with all accessories fitted and either with any the exhaust system greater than 10 cm 2 with a tem-
tanks needed for operation half-full, or with 1 m of perature greater than 80°C.
supply cable, as appropriate.
Dimensions in millimetr es
The gripping width of any handle required by this
International Standard shall be at least 100 mm.
— any part of a component functioning in contact All guards or shields required under 4.2 and 4.3
with the soil; shall be either permanently attached, or secured to
prevent removal without the use of tools, or the
— any axle of a ground wheel. construction of the machine shall be such that it
4.3.1 Temperature limits of exposed parts 4.5 Protection from exhaust fumes
A guard or shield shall be provided to prevent inad- Engine exhausts shall be directed away from the
vertent contact with any exposed engine exhaust operator.
component, greater than 10 cm 2 and with a hot
surface greater than 80°C, during normal starting and 4.6 Electrical requirements
operation of the machine.
4.6.1 Battery circuits
Handles and permanently held controls shall not
exceed 45 °C: other controls and surfaces which may These electrical requirements apply only to battery
be touched during normal operation shall not exceed circuits of less than 42 V. For the electrical require-
55 °C. ments for mains-connected electrically driven
machines, reference shall be made to IEC 335-1.
4.3.2 Test method Electrical cables
The test shall be conducted in the shade. The engine
shall be operated at its maximum no-load speed
Electrical cables shall be protected, or not located
until the temperatures stabilize. All measurements
near any hot surfaces or in potentially abrasive
shall be referred to an ambient temperature of
20°C ± 3°C. Temperatures shall be determined by contact with metal surfaces.
The wiring assembly shall, where possible, be 4.7 Engine stopping and starting
grouped together, be properly supported and be
located so that no portion is near the exhaust system 4.7.1 A shut-off control device shall be provided on
or in contact with the carburettor, metallic fuel lines, all battery-powered units and engine-powered units
moving parts or sharp edges. Any edges of metal with battery starters to stop the engine (motor). This
members likely to be in contact with the cables shall device shall require manual and intentional activation
be rounded or protected to prevent possible damage in order to restart the engine and shall be accessible
from the starting and operating positions.
to the cables by cutting or abrasion.
4.7.2 On internal combustion engine driven Battery installation machines, a means shall be provided to stop the
engine. The stopping device shall not depend on
The compartment for a vented storage battery shall sustained manual pressure. For those machines
have openings to provide ventilation and drainage. which have a harness, the stop control shall be in the
When the battery is in the operating position, handle area.
electrolyte shall not leak onto parts that would be
critically affected to the extent that a hazard would be 4.8 Controls
created from corrosion.
4.8.1 Requirement Overload protection
For electrically powered machines, a control shall
All circuits, except starter-motor and high-voltage be provided and this shall require two separate and
ignition circuits, shall be provided with overload dissimilar actions before the cutting elements can be
driven. There shall be no means of locking this
protection devices in the ungrounded line near the
control in the “on” position and the movement of the
battery terminal or starter cable. The overload cutting element shall stop when the control is
protection may be located in either wire of a two-wire released.
For internal combustion engine powered machines,
This requirement shall not, however, apply to the throttle trigger shall be operable without taking
battery-powered machines capable of passing the the hand off the handle. The throttle trigger shall
following test. return to the engine idle position after release. A
throttle lock-on (if required for engine starting) shall
With the motor shaft locked to prevent rotation, automatically disengage when the throttle trigger is
connect it to its fully charged integral battery and
leave it in that condition until the battery is
4.8.2 Identification of controls
discharged or failure of any component takes place.
The machine shall not emit flames or molten metal. Controls, other than those whose purpose is obvi-
Any internal explosion shall be contained so as not to ous, shall have the function, direction and method of
cause any material to be ejected from the machine. operation clearly identified with durable marking. Terminals and uninsulated electrical Easily understood detailed instructions on the
parts operation of all controls shall be provided in an
operator’s manual.
Terminals and uninsulated electrical parts and two-
wire non-grounded systems shall be protected
against short-circuiting by the fuel can, or tools, 5 Marking
during normal refuelling and lubrication servicing.
5.1 General
4.6.2 Ignition circuits
5.1.1 Every machine shall be marked to identify the Ignition interruption or short-circuiting shall manufacturer, model number and/or serial number
be provided and shall be fitted on the low-voltage together with appropriate warnings (e.g. fuel type and
mixture, recommendation to wear ear protection,
distance warning for bystanders, read the owner’s
manual, etc., as may be necessary). All high-voltage parts of the circuit including
spark-plug terminals shall be protected or insulated in 5.1.2 Every machine shall be prominently marked
such a manner that the operator cannot make with the warning “Wear eye protection ” or with the
accidental contact with them. appropriate ISO symbol.
5.1.3 If the drive unit is designed to be replaceable c) correct and safe operation and limitations of use;
or interchangeable, it shall be marked with the
manufacturer’s identification. d) method of changing cutting elements and drive
units (where necessary);
5.1.4 Every lawn trimmer guarded in accordance
with 8.1 only shall be permanently marked with a e) warning against injury from filament line length
warning, “Do not use for lawn edge trimming”. trimming blades (if applicable);
5.1.5 Marking shall be legible and durable (see 5.3). f) advice on wearing protective equipment (e.g.
gloves, trousers, substantial footwear, ear
5.2 Labels protection, etc.);
5.2.1 Labels provided for identification, and direc- g) where symbols are used in the marking, their
tional and cautionary information shall have a function shall be explained.
reasonable life for the anticipated machine operating
environment and satisfy the following requirements: The instructions for correct and safe operation and
limitations of use should be such as presented in
annex A.
a) the label shall have a durable bond with the
base surface material;
operating length after the line has been extended NOTES
and/or the machine is operated.
1 For reasons of clarit y, any skids or wheels are not
shown in fi gure 2. The figure is not intended to govern
7.3 A cutting element shall not be replaceable with design except as regards the dimensions and specific
metallic cutting elements available from the manu- requir ements prescribed below.
2 Figures are not to scale.
8 Guarding of cutting means The radius r of the guard shall not be smaller than
the major swept radius of the drive unit.
8.1 Lawn trimmers
The guard shall extend beyond the plane of the
Lawn trimmers shall be guarded on the operator’s cutting element by at least 3 mm.
side, as a minimum, to the extent shown in figure 2.
The guard shall extend at least 45° from the axis of
the handle shaft on the side where the cutting
Dimensions in millimetr es element is moving away from the operator and at
least 90° from the axis of the handle shaft on the side
where the cutting element is moving towards the
operator. The vertex of the angle is the axis of the
drive unit spindle.
Dimensions in millimetr es
45° from the vertical towards the ground on the side 0,45 kg. If the part being tested is at an angle of up
where the cutting element is moving downwards. The to 45° to the horizontal, allow the sphere to fall
vertex of the angle is the axis of the drive unit vertically from rest to strike the part. Otherwise,
spindle. suspend the sphere by means of a length of string
and allow it to fall from rest as a pendulum to strike
8.3 Guard fixing the part. In either case, the vertical travel of the
sphere shall be 1,3 m.
Guards shall not be detachable without the use of a
After the tests, the guard shall not have become
detached nor show any visible cracks. Screws and
retaining clips shall still be secure and the
9 Mechanical strength and rigidity
requirements of 8.1 or 8.2 shall still be met.
All the tests in clause 9 shall be carried out when the
temperature of parts to be tested has settled to an The strength of guards of hand-held lawn
ambient temperature of 25°C ± 5°C. trimmers and lawn edge trimmers shall be tested by
means of a drop test.
9.1 CuttIng means guard
Drop each of three samples of the complete machine
9.1.1 The mechanical strength and rigidity of cutting three times so that the guard falls through a
means guards of walk-behind and hand-held lawn vertical distance of 0,9 m onto a smooth horizontal
trimmers and lawn edge trimmers shall be checked concrete surface in such a manner as to test the
by the tests in, and or guard most severely. (See figure 4.)
steel plate. The drop height shall be 0,9 m for hand-
held lawn trimmers and lawn edge trimmers and
0,25 m for walk-behind lawn trimmers and lawn edge
trimmers. (See figure 5.)
The mechanical strength of the drive unit shall be If the machine is operable, then immediately follow-
checked by the following test.
ing this test, run the machine at its maximum speed
for 30 s both with and without cutting elements. No
Drop the complete machine so that the drive unit, in
parts shall become detached and no visible cracks
a horizontal plane falls through a vertical distance
shall develop.
to make contact with a rigidly supported horizontal
Annex A
A.1 The instructions for correct and safe 2) Refuel outdoors only and do not smoke while
operation and limitation of use should be such as refuelling or operating the machine.
those given below:
3) Ensure correct fuel or fuel/oil mixture is used.
a) Read the instructions carefully. Be familiar with Add fuel before starting work. Never operate the
the controls and proper use of the equipment. machine without the fuel cap securely in place.
Never remove the cap of the fuel tank or add
b) Wear eye protection. fuel when the engine is running or when the
engine is hot.
c) Never allow children or people unfamiliar with
these instructions to use the machine. 4) If petrol is spilled, do not attempt to start the
engine but move the machine away from the
d) Avoid using the machine while people, especially area of spill and avoid creating any source of
children, or pets are nearby. ignition until petrol vapours have dissipated.
e) Use the machine only in daylight or good k) Stop the engine whenever leaving the machine,
artificial light. before refuelling and when adjusting the cutting
f) Never operate the machine with damaged
guards or shields or without guards or shields in l) Stop the engine before checking, cleaning or
place. working on the machine.
g) Start the engine or switch on the motor carefully m) Allow the engine to cool before storing in any
with the hands and feet well away from the cutting enclosure.
n) Never store the machine with petrol in the tank
h) Never fit metal cutting elements. inside a building where fumes may reach an open
flame or spark.
j) WARNING — Petrol is highly flammable. Take A.4 In addition, for electric motor powered
the following precautions: machines:
1) Store fuel in containers specifically designed for j) Those instructions and warnings required to
this purpose. comply with IEC 335-1.
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