Developing Learning Material For Animation 2D Instruction in Vocational High Schools
Developing Learning Material For Animation 2D Instruction in Vocational High Schools
Developing Learning Material For Animation 2D Instruction in Vocational High Schools
Jurnal Mantik
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Article history:
Changes in information and communication technology
Received Oct 7, 2022 necessitate rapid adaptation in the application of technology to
Revised Oct 26, 2022 the learning process in education. As participants in learning
Accepted Nov 9, 2022 activities, teachers are required to be able to develop engaging,
technology-based learning models, one of which is the use of
interactive multimedia learning resources. In vocational high
Keywords: school learning, there are 2D animation courses that teach the
Technology Adaptation in fundamentals of creating 2D animation. This subject is
Learning interesting because it can be a forum for students' creative skills;
Interactive Learning therefore, it is highly appropriate to use Interactive Learning
Interactive Multimedia media, which can reduce a static atmosphere and create an
Model Development Life Cycle effective, interesting, interactive, and enjoyable learning process.
In this study, interactive multimedia learning is implemented in
2D animation classes in vocational high schools by modifying the
2D animation learning curriculum. The approach of application
development employs the Multimedia Development Life Cycle
model, which comprises of the steps of concept, design, material
collecting, assembly, and testing. The concept of multimedia
design employs the notion of simplicity, which tries to make the
material's content not overly complex, concise, clear, instructive,
and convincing in order to pique students' interest. Testing the
program utilizing a blackbox technique that demonstrates the
application has functioned properly and is in compliance with
the user needs analysis.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license.
Corresponding Author:
Septian Rheno Widianto,
Program Study of Information System
Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika Kampus Pontianak,
Abdul Rahman Saleh No.18 Street, Bangka Belitung Laut, Southeast Pontianak District, Pontianak
City, 78124, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
The development of the digital age is presently generating a new learning pattern, which is
also occurring in the sphere of education. The existence of changes in information and
communication technology encourages education to be able to adapt quickly to the
application of technology in the learning process (Paramansyah & SE, 2020), including at
the level of Vocational High School education, which is primarily intended to prepare
middle-level skilled workers to support the development of a sector of the national economy
(Pandansari & Gafur, 2016). Due to the ease with which internet facilities (Dewantara et
al., 2022) facilitate the transmission of knowledge and the application of technology-based
learning media (Aditya et al., 2020), it is crucial to develop a learning experience that is
both engaging and enjoyable. The instructors are the driving factor behind digital
learning5] (Arifin, 2021). This indicates that teachers have the necessary abilities and are
familiar with the use of digital-based media to research and acquire the necessary material
to support the learning process. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the instructor to be
able to construct enjoyable learning based on the needs of the students, including the
selection of fascinating learning models or approaches that are compatible with technology,
such as interactive multimedia learning material.
Interactive learning media will provide direct visualization of students so that they
can engage directly with the media; for instance, the media will deliver correct or incorrect
responses as students answer practice questions contained within the media (Bernarducci,
2017). Interactive multimedia is the combination of many media, such as mixing audio and
visual elements in a presentation that induces user interaction. There are 2D animation
classes at the vocational high school level that teach the fundamentals of creating 2D
animation. This is an intriguing subject because it allows pupils to express their creativity
(Arifin et al., 2022)(Kandouw et al., 2022). Because the 2D animation subject focuses on
the practice of students, the learning process does not rely solely on lecture techniques.
However, there are obstacles to adding material if only verbal, learning media in the form
of interactive multimedia, so that learning materials become interesting, interactive, and
enjoyable for students to comprehend. acquiring (De Vega & Arifin, 2022) from the
instructor through interactive multimedia (Walangadi & Pratama, 2020)(Arifin et al., n.d.).
This Interactive Learning Media may create a dynamic, engaging, interactive, and enjoyable
learning environment. In addition to the aforementioned uses, further uses of diverse
learning aids will generate variances in learning so as to prevent boredom among students
(Novita & Harahap, 2020).
Various forms of interactive multimedia learning media have been developed to aid
teachers and students in the learning process at the Vocational High School level (Suyitno,
2016)(Arif & Mukhaiyar, 2020)(Pandansari & Gafur, 2016), so the objective of this research
is to develop 2D animation learning media for the 2013 curriculum in Vocational High
Schools. As an alternative, interactive media can be presented in the form of two-
dimensional animation that can leave an engaging impact on pupils who view it. In
addition, learning materials can be made more engaging and simple to comprehend,
challenging content objectives become simple, and a stressful learning environment
becomes enjoyable.
Septian Rheno Widianto, Developing Learning Material for Animation 2D Instruction in Vocational
High Schools
3448 ISSN 2685-4236 (Online)
learning videos obtained from the internet, Audio in the form of Sound Effects and
Backsound, which the author downloads from the website and which is free
from copyright restrictions. As for the content of 2D animation learning materials based
on the 2013 curriculum syllabus for 2D animation subjects in vocational high
schools(Yordyansyah & Mariono, n.d.), there are 2D animation book references.
Septian Rheno Widianto, Developing Learning Material for Animation 2D Instruction in Vocational
High Schools
3450 ISSN 2685-4236 (Online)
The study's conclusion is that interactive multimedia applications for 2D animation lessons
have been effectively developed in order to help teachers with teaching activities. These
applications were developed based on the adaption of the K13 syllabus for 2D animation
lessons. multimodal, interactive learning In order to promote knowledge and interaction in
the teaching and learning process, 2D animation employs the simplicity principle to
produce engaging and interactive technology-based learning for students. The interactive
multimedia application was created utilizing the Multimedia Development Life Cycle
approach, and after undergoing the application functionality testing stage using blackbox
testing, it was determined that the app was functioning properly and meeting the needs of
the user analysis.The study's conclusion is that interactive multimedia applications for 2D
animation lessons have been effectively developed in order to help teachers with teaching
activities. These applications were developed based on the adaption of the K13 syllabus for
2D animation lessons. multimodal, interactive learning In order to promote knowledge and
interaction in the teaching and learning process, 2D animation employs the simplicity
principle to produce engaging and interactive technology-based learning for students. The
interactive multimedia application was created utilizing the Multimedia Development Life
Cycle approach, and after undergoing the application functionality testing stage using
blackbox testing, it was determined that the app was functioning properly and meeting the
needs of the user analysis.
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