Effect of Music Therapy On Stress Among

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International Journal of Cur

urrent Advanced Research

ISSN: O: 2319-6475, ISSN: P: 2319-6505, Impact Factor: 6.614
Available Online at www.journalijcar.or
Volume 10; Issue 11 (A); Novemberr 2021
2021; Page No.25511-25513
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/ijcar.2021
Research Article


Shinganjude Shraddha Sudhir1., HardePornima Diliprao2., Arpana Grace George3 and Diker Dev Joshi4
1,2,3BPT, Padmashree Institute of Physiotherapy, Bangalore, Karnataka
4Padmashree Institute of Physiotherapy, Bangalore, Karnataka

Article History: Background: Stress in medical students is well est established. It may affect students’
Received 6th August, 2021 academic performance and lead to anxiety and depre ression. Stress not only affect their
Received in revised form 15th academics but also affect their mental health and prod roductivity. Music therapy seems to
September, 2021 ind out the effect of music therapy on
alleviate the stress thus this study was conducted to find
Accepted 12th October, 2021 stress among physiotherapy students in Bangalore.
Published online 28th November, 2021 Methodology: The primary data was collected from m the students studying in various
physiotherapy colleges in Bangalore. Google formss of Perceived Stress Scale were
distributed among 145 students of various colleges of Ba Bangalore, out of which 120 students
Key words: having moderate to severe stress were selected for this is study. 7 minutes of music therapy
Stress, Physiotherapy students, Music Therapy, was given for 1 month and its effect on stress was evalua luated.
Perceived Stress Scale Results: The results of this study showed that there was as significanteffect of music therapy
on stress among physiotherapy students.
Discussion: Music therapy seems to have a significan ant effect on physiology, associated
with stress reduction, pain management rehabilitation ion and behavior modification thus
helping the students to relieve their stress significantly..
Conclusion: From our study we conclude that music the therapy has significant effect on stress
among physiotherapy students and thus music therapy ca can be recommended for the same.

Copyright©2021 Shinganjude Shraddha Sudhir ir eet al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creativ
ative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andd re
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is prope operly cited.

INTRODUCTION confusion. For them, stress main

ainly comes from academic tests,
interpersonal relations, relation
ionship problems, financial, and
Stress is “any external event or any inte ternal drive which career exploration.
threaten to upset the organism equilibrium is stress". Stress is a
condition or feeling experienced when a pers erson perceives that use psychological, physical, and
Such stress may usually cause
demands exceed the personal and socia cial resources the behavioral problems. Taking all these factors into account an
tress among students
individual is able to mobilize. Academic stres effort is made to understan tand the stress and emotional
have long been researched on, and researche hers have identified adjustments of today’s youth.. T
The inference of this study may
stressors as too many assignments, compe petition with other nd academic performance of the
lead to better adjustment and
students, failures, lack of pocket money,, ppoor relationships students.1
roblems at home. In
with other students or lecturers, family or pro Environmental sounds that exisxist without controls for volume,
at young generation
the present competitive age it is reported that tions are perceived as noise. The
duration, or cause/effect relatio
are found to be more in stress. We got the in information related most well-known adverse effe ffects of exposure to excessive
to depression, attempt to suicide and som some psychological damage; noise also contributes to
noise are related to hearing dam
symptoms among the youth. Most of us are aware about the nia, and decreased appetite. In
fatigue, hyperalerting,insomnia
stressor which affects the college students ts and maintain the mice, exposure to noise le leads to physiological stress,
environment which induces positive thinkin king among youth. manifested as significantly in increased airway reactivity and
The measures have also been taken by the individuals and increased allergic reactions.
different organizations to conduct the vario arious programs to
reduce the stress. Adolescence is a dangero rous period of time man cultures and is listened to by
Music is ubiquitous in all huma
where young people experience self-organiza ization and role persons of all ages, races,, aand ethnic backgrounds. One
measure of the popularity of a topic is the number of Internet
sites devoted to that topic.2
*Corresponding author: HardePornima Dili
iliprao Stress in medical students is an established phenomenon
Padmashree Institute of Physiotherapy, Bangalore
lore, Bangalore, such students seem to be under all
encountered worldwide and suc
Karnataka reer, including pre clinical, para
stages of their academic caree
International Journal of Current Advanced Research Vol 10, Issue 11 (A), pp 25511-25513, November 2021
clinical, and clinical years. Their overall psychological distress Statitically Significant

is consistently higher than in the general population and may

impact on their academic performance. Stress may foster Table 2 shows the between group comparison of stress values
anxiety, substance abuse, burnouts leading to abandonment of were statistically significant as P value was less than 0.0
studies, depression, and even suicidal ideation. There are many
possible stressors to which medical students may be exposed. DISCUSSION
The pressure of a rigorous academic curriculum coupled with In previous study it was seen that there are changes in
frequent examination schedules is an obvious factor. Various physiology, cognition and brain chemistry and morphology
other perceived sources of stress include personal factors such induced by music when studied in animal models, providing
as staying away from family, adjustment to unfavorable hostel evidence that music may affectanimals to humans.7
conditions, parental expectations. 3,4,5.
In our study, there is reduction in stress among physiotherapy
The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is the most widely used students. This might be due to the fact that music therapy have
psychological instrument for measuring the perception of a significant effect on physiology and is widely used as an
stress. It is a measure of the degree to which situations in one’s effective therapeutic tool in stress and pain management,
life are appraised as stressful. Items were designed to tap how rehabilitation and behavior modification.8
unpredictable, uncontrollable, and overloaded respondents find
their lives. The scale also includes a number of direct queries Similar to our study results, music listening is strongly
about current levels of experienced stress. The PSS was associated with stress reduction by the decrease of
designed for use in community samples with at least a junior physiological arousal as indicated by reduced cortisol levels,
high school education. The items are easy to understand, and lowered heart rate and decrease in mean arterial pressure.9
the response alternatives are simple to grasp. Moreover, the It is also seen that music modulates activity in brain structures,
questions are of a general nature and hence are relatively free such as amydala and mesolimbic reward brain system, which
of content specific to any subpopulation group. The questions are known to be involved in emotional and motivational
in the PSS ask about feelings and thoughts during the last process.10
month. In each case, respondents are asked how often they felt
a certain way.6 Also, through music therapy there is would have been
amelioration of stress of the participants in the study,
Stress is quite common among physiotherapy students and it is improving the overall mental health of participants.In our
seen that music therapy may help in relieving the stress but the study, music therapy seems to decrease the stress which is
effect of it is not studied among physiotherapy students hence similar to previous research showing that music therapy can
there was a need to do this study improve mental health.11
METHODOLOGY As there was no regular follow up whether the subjects really
listened to the music daily for estimated amount of time, this
The main source of the data was taken from physiotherapy
might have limited the study findings. Future studies can
students studying in Bangalore. Students either studying
consider group therapy of music for more accurate results.
Bachelors and Masters or pursuing their internship were
included .For the collection of data perceived stress scale was CONCLUSION
circulated among the physiotherapy students of different age
ranging from 18 to 30 years .The responses to the This study established the efficiency of music therapy on the
questionnaire was however not forced and only willing reduction of stress among physiotherapy students. This
participants were taken and pre and post music therapy intervention programme produced a significant effect on
responses were recorded .out of 145 students who responded to management on stress among the participants. The researchers
the google form 120 students were found to have moderate and therefore arrived at a conclusion that music therapy plays a
high stress. These students were then made to listen to the major role in reducing stress among physiotherapy students.
music therapy of 7 minutes every day for 4 weeks between 1
July 2021 to 29 July 2021.The post data was than collected and
was analyzed. 1. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Stress, Anxiety and
Depression among Medical Students of a Private
RESULTS Medical University in Malaysia in 2015.
After obtaining 120 responses (post music therapy) through 2. Music as Therapy Kathi J. Kemper, MD, MPH, and
google forms, the statistical analysis was dine using SPSS Suzanne C. Danhauer, PHD
software version 20. 3. Dyrbye LN, Thomas MR, Shanafelt TD. Systematic
review of depression, anxiety, and other indicators of
The results obtained are shown in Table.1 psychological distress among U.S. and Canadian
Table 1 Demographic Data medical students.
4. Dahlin M, Nilsson C, Stotzer E, Runeson B. Mental
Sl. No. Characteristics Values
1. Age 22.43 ± 1.98 distress, alcohol use and help‑seeking among medical
2. Male/Female 35/85 and business students: A cross‑sectional comparative
Table 1 shows the demographic data study.
5. Jurkat HB, Richter L, Cramer M, Vetter A,Bedau S,
Table 2 Pre Post values of Perceived Stress Scale Leweke F, et al. Depression and stress management in
Scale Pre (Mean ± SD) Post(Mean ± SD) P Value medical students. A comparative study between
PSS 20.7 ± 3.58 17.65 ± 3.45 <0.05*

Effect of music Therapy on stress among Physiotherapy Students in Bangalore

freshman and advanced medical students. Nervenarzt 9. Burrai et al.,2016; koelsch et al.,2016; Kreutz et
2011. al.,2012; Linneman et al.,2015;
6. Perceived stress scale Sheldon Cohen, Tom Kamarck, 10. Blood and Zatorre,2001; Koelsch,2015; koelsch et
Robin Mermelstein Measuring stress: A guide for health al.,2016,2016; Levitin,2009;Moore,2013; Salimpoor et
and social scientists 10 (2), 1-2, 1994 al.,2013; Zatorre,11;
7. The effects of music on animal physiology, behavior 11. The effect of music therapy on executive function.
and welfare. Leanne C Alworth, Shawna C Buerkle. Elisha Ellis, 2014(3).
8. The music effect: Music physiology and clinical
applications. Daniel J Schneck, Dorita S Berger.

How to cite this article:

Shinganjude Shraddha Sudhir et al (2021) ‘Effect Of Music Therapy On Stress Among Physiotherapy Students In Bangalore',
International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 10(11), pp. 25511-25513. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/ijcar.2021.



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