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Agarju Lpa Bri H Ya J

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N a ga rj un - Kalpa brik c hhy a J V

Balaj u, Kathmandu, Nepa l

PHONE NO: - 4428656, FAX NO: 4429639

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Independent Auditor's Report

The Shareholders
Mis Nagarjun Kalpa Brikshya J. V.

We have audited the Accompanying Balance Sheets, Income & expenditu re Account & Cash Flow
Statement of Mis Nagarjun Kalpa Brikshya J. V.31st Ashard 2074 for the year t he n ended. These
Financial Statements are the responsibility of the management of the organization . We have obtained
all information & explanations , which to the best of our knowledge & belief were considered necessary
for propose of our Audit.
We Conducted our Audit in accordance with Nepal Standards on Auditin g or relevant
practices. Those Standards or relevant practices require th at we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assuran ce about wh er e the finan cial st ateme nts are free of material
misstat ement. An audit includes examining on a test basis, evide nce supporting th e amounts and
discl osure in th e financial sta te me nts . An audit also includ es assessing the accounting principles
used and significant estimate s mad e by managem ent as well as evalua ting th e ove rall finan cial
statement presentation . We believe that our audit pr ovides a reason able basis for our opinion.

We Report:

, The statement of Account has been pr epared from th e books of account and othe r required
docum ents pr ovide by th e Man agem ent and are in agr eem ent with sam e.
2. The statem ents of Account have been pr epar ed in Accordance with the Requirement of the
law .
3. We have found that th e firm has kep t th e Accounts in accor da nce of the law an d is
maintain ed as required by law unt il till dat e.
4. The sta te me nt of Accounts rea d with th e not es give a tr ue & fair view to pro vide the
mana gem ent data.
5. In our opinion,w e have found that all tr ansa ction of the organization is done prop erly and
no misu sed is seen.

The Finan cial positi on of the Firm as 31st Ashadh 2074 an d of th e res ult of its operat ions for th e year
.h en ende d in acco rdance with Nepal Account ing Sta ndards or rel evant pr acti ces .
Nagarjun Kalpa Brikshya J. V
Balance Sheet
As on 31st Ashadh, 2074

Particu lars Annex Current Year Previous Year

Source of Funds
1 Share Capital 1 2,200,000.00 2,200,000.00
Researv e & Surplus 2 7,423,572.70 4,478,52 5.61
2 Loansfunds 3
a. Secured Loan
b. Unsecured Loan 14,000,000.00
Total Sources of Funds 23,623,572.70 6,678,525.61
Uses of Funds
1 Fixed Assets 4 48,054.20 64,072.25
2 Investment
3 Current Assets, Loans & Advances
a. Inventories 5 36,890,672.00 1,745,372.00
b Sundry Debtors 6
c. Cash & Bank Balanc e 7 1,178,679.93 587,204.35
d Advances, Receivable and Deposits 8 17,739,485.21 9,544,120.43
Total 55,808,837.13 11,876,696.78
4 Current Liabilities & Provisions
a. Sundry Creditors 9 9,630,008.65 4,145,633.75
b Accoun t Payable 10 21,621,627.61 406,6 10.60
c. Provis ion 11 981,682.36 709,999.08
Total 32,233,318.63 5,262,243.43
5 Net CurrentAssets 23,575,518.50 6,614,453.35
6 a. Preliminary Expenses not written off
b. Loss during the Year (Dr.)
Total Uses of Funds 23,623,572.70 6,678,525.61
Contingent Liabities
As per our report of ev en dat e.
Notes to account- Annex 14 v 0 .00 0 .00
Nagarjun Ka/pa Brikshya J. V
Income Statement
Period covering 2073/04/01 to 2074/03/31

Particulars Annex Current Year Previous Year

Sales 132,761,933 .00 66,832,622 .00
Less: Cost of sales 12 (126,949,994.49) (62,212 ,006.69)
Gross Profit 5,811,938.51 4,620,615.31
Add: l\JonOperation allncome
Add: Other Incom e
Total Income 5,811,938.51 4,620,615.31
Less : Interest Exp
Less : Repair & Ma intenan ce Exp. (7,3 52 .00) (7,352.00)
Less: Depreciation Exp . 4 (16,018.07) (21,357.42)
Less: Preliminare exp written off
Less: Administrative Exp 13 (1,861/838.99) (1,751,909.56)
Net Profit & Loss 3,926,729.45 2,839,996.34
Profit And Loss Appropriation Account
Profit &Loss transferred from PIL Account 3,926,729.45 2,839,996.34
Income Tax Provi sion (981 ,6 82.36) (709 ,999.08)
Profit & Loss after Income Tax 2,945,047.09 2,129,997.25
Profit & Loss upto Previou s Year 4,478,52 5.61 2,348,528.36
Profit & Loss upto This Year 7,423,572.70 4,478,525.61
As per our report of even date.
Not es to account- Anne x 14
Nagarjun Ka/pa Brikshya J. V
Cash/low Statement

S. No. Particular Current Year Previous Year

A. Cash Flow From Operating Activities
Profit (Loss) From Business Operation 2,945,047.09 2,129,997.25
Add: Non Cash Expenditure
Depreciation on Fixed Assets 16,018.07 21,357.42
Written off
Financial Charge
Increase or Decreas in Working Capital:
Invento ries (35,145,300.00) 1,019,998.00
Sundry Debtors
Advances, Receivable and Deposits (8,195,364.78) (7,138,546.96)
Sundry Creditors 5,484,374.90 3,473,970.46
Account Payable 21,215,017.01 56,584.04
Provision 271,683.28 584,853.72
Total Flow From Operating Activities (13,408,524.42) 148,213.93
B. Cash Flow From Investing Activities
Fixed Assets Purchase
SaIe of Fixed assets
Total Flow From Investing Activity
c. Cash Flow From Financing Activities
Increas or Decreas In Loa n 14,000,000.00
Interest Paid on Loan
Issue of Share Capita I
Use of resea rve & Surplus
Total Flow From Financing Activities 14,000,000.00
Net Cash Flow During the Year (A+B+C) 591,475.58 148,213.93
Add: Opening Cash and Bank Balance 587,204.35 438,990.42
Closing Cash and Bank Balance 1,178,679.93 587,204.35
As per our report of even date
Notes to account- Annex 14

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