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Improving City Travel Utilizing Big Data and IoT

to Enhance Urban Mobility

Kawsar Ahmed Bhuiyan
dept of Computer science and Engineering
Daffodil International University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
ID: 212-15-4134

Abstract—This case study examines the incorporation of on public transportation, and interactive maps. By utilising
cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI algorithms, these applications may provide customised trip
Internet of Things (IoT), and Big Data to optimise urban transit suggestions based on user preferences and real-time traffic
networks and promote consumer satisfaction. By employing
cutting-edge strategies like customised traffic control algorithms conditions, enhancing consumer happiness and loyalty.
and interactive consumer engagement systems, cities can enhance To summarise, the incorporation of cutting-edge technology
mobility, reduce congestion, and offer smooth transportation like artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and
experiences for both residents and tourists. Through the utilisa- Big Data analytics has the potential to completely transform
tion of AI-generated knowledge obtained from IoT sensors and urban transportation networks. Through the utilisation of data-
extensive data analysis, in conjunction with customised mobile
applications, cities have the ability to revolutionise their trans- driven analysis and customised applications, cities can enhance
portation systems, resulting in improved efficiency, convenience, the efficiency, convenience, and enjoyment of travel experi-
and pleasurable travel experiences. Ultimately, this will have a ences, thereby influencing the future of urban mobility.
significant impact on the future of urban mobility.
The rapid progress in technology, namely in Artificial
Urban transport plays a crucial role in contemporary city Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and Big Data
living, impacting various aspects such as economic efficiency analytics, has revolutionised urban transportation systems.
and overall well-being. Nevertheless, due to the swift growth Several research studies (2,3,4,5) have emphasised the crucial
of urban populations, conventional transport systems are en- significance of these technologies in tackling diverse diffi-
countering unparalleled difficulties, such as traffic congestion, culties encountered by contemporary cities. Big Data ana-
ineffective routing, and insufficient infrastructure. In order to lytics are essential for deriving practical insights from large
tackle these problems, cities worldwide are adopting cutting- datasets, allowing cities to create focused plans for enhancing
edge technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet transportation efficiency and consumer happiness. Cities may
of Things (IoT), and Big Data analytics. enhance traffic flow and reduce travel durations by examining
This case study examines the effective incorporation of these current traffic data, congestion trends, and public transporta-
technologies to enhance urban transit networks and promote tion utilisation. AI-powered algorithms [3] provide cutting-
consumer satisfaction. This study showcases the application edge solutions for customised traffic management, enabling
of AI-driven algorithms, IoT sensor networks, and Big Data cities to adapt traffic lights, routing, and public transportation
analytics in cities to enhance mobility, alleviate congestion, schedules in real-time based on live data. These algorithms
and offer smooth transportation experiences for both residents improve the efficiency of transportation, minimise traffic con-
and visitors, drawing on insights from recent research articles gestion, and enhance the entire transportation experience for
[2,3,5]. both residents and visitors. IoT sensor networks [4] offer vital
Cities can optimise traffic flow, reduce travel times, and information regarding traffic conditions, road infrastructure,
alleviate congestion hotspots by using personalised traffic and public transportation use. Through the strategic place-
management algorithms [3]. The city has put IoT sensors ment of sensors throughout urban areas, municipalities can
around its area to gather real-time data on traffic patterns, road acquire up-to-the-minute data on traffic flow, road quality, and
conditions, and public transportation usage. This data is highly public transportation utilisation. This information empowers
beneficial for city planners and transportation authorities, since authorities to make well-informed decisions and take proactive
it offers significant insights. The data is subsequently analysed measures in effectively managing transportation networks.
using Big Data analytics [2] to produce actionable insights and In addition, the creation of customised mobile applications
guide decision-making processes. [5] improves the mobility experience for users by offering
In addition, the creation of customised mobile applications up-to-date transit information, personalised suggestions for
[5] improves the transportation experience for users by offer- routes, and interactive maps. By utilising AI algorithms, these
ing personalised suggestions for routes, real-time information applications provide customised trip suggestions based on
user preferences and real-time traffic circumstances, ultimately IV. D ISCUSSION
enhancing consumer satisfaction and loyalty. Overall, the The case study emphasises the potential for transformation
incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things by incorporating cutting-edge technology, such as Artificial
(IoT), and Big Data analytics has completely transformed Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and Big Data an-
urban transportation systems, providing inventive methods alytics, into urban transportation networks. By utilising these
for improving mobility, decreasing traffic congestion, and technologies, cities can optimise mobility, alleviate conges-
increasing consumer contentment. tion, and enhance consumer happiness. Nevertheless, the case
study reveals numerous crucial aspects that require additional
III. C ASE S TUDY analysis.
Although the deployment of personalised traffic manage-
In a bustling metropolis grappling with increasing traffic
ment algorithms [3] has resulted in significant enhancements in
congestion and inefficient transportation systems, the local
traffic flow and trip times, there are still difficulties in creating
government embarked on a transformative journey to enhance
smooth interoperability among various transportation systems.
urban mobility and customer satisfaction. Drawing insights
It is essential to address this issue in order to maximise the
from recent research papers (Papers 2, 3, 4, 5), city plan-
efficiency of the entire transportation network and guarantee
ners and transportation authorities devised a comprehensive
a smooth travel experience for commuters.
strategy to leverage advanced technologies, including Artificial
Furthermore, the implementation of Internet of Things (IoT)
Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and Big Data ana-
sensor networks, as discussed in [4], has yielded significant
lytics. The implementation of personalized traffic management
knowledge regarding urban mobility. Nevertheless, obstacles
algorithms (Paper 3) marked a significant milestone in the
of considerable magnitude arise due to factors such as sen-
city’s transportation overhaul. By dynamically adjusting traffic
sor breakdown, data privacy concerns, and the substantial
signals and public transportation schedules based on real-time
expenses associated with deployment. To overcome these
data, these algorithms optimized traffic flow and minimized
challenges, it will be necessary to establish strong data gover-
travel times for commuters. However, despite these advance-
nance frameworks, improve the dependability of sensors, and
ments, challenges persisted, including the need for greater
develop creative finance mechanisms to ensure the widespread
interoperability between different transportation systems and
implementation and upkeep of IoT infrastructure.
potential biases in algorithmic decision-making.
Furthermore, although personalised mobile applications
IoT sensor networks (Paper 4) were deployed across the city
[5] provide real-time transit information and personalised route
to gather real-time data on traffic patterns, road conditions,
recommendations, the broad use of these programmes has been
and public transportation usage. While these sensors provided
impeded due to issues regarding data privacy and accessibility.
valuable insights into urban mobility, their effectiveness was
In order to tackle these concerns, it is imperative for cities
limited by issues such as sensor malfunction, data privacy
to give utmost importance to transparent data practices and
concerns, and the high cost of deployment and maintenance.
guarantee that mobile applications are available to all people,
The introduction of personalized mobile applications (Paper irrespective of their socioeconomic level or technological
5) aimed to enhance the transportation experience for residents knowledge.
and visitors alike. These applications provided real-time transit Ultimately, biases in algorithmic decision-making give rise
updates, personalized route recommendations, and interactive to problems regarding the fairness and equality of access
maps, leveraging AI algorithms to tailor recommendations to transport services. In order to address these biases, cities
based on user preferences and traffic conditions. However, should implement ethical AI methodologies and actively in-
challenges arose in ensuring widespread adoption of these volve different populations to guarantee that transit systems
applications, with concerns over data privacy and accessibility are fair and inclusive for all inhabitants.
hindering user uptake. .
Despite the strides made in improving urban mobility,
significant drawbacks remained. The lack of seamless inte- V. C ONCLUSION
gration between different transportation systems hindered the In summary, there are a lot of exciting prospects to im-
efficiency of the overall transportation network. Moreover, prove urban transportation systems and customer happiness
biases in algorithmic decision-making raised concerns about through the integration of modern technologies like AI, IoT,
fairness and equity in access to transportation services. and Big Data. Cities can create seamless travel experiences,
In conclusion, while the integration of advanced technolo- optimize mobility, and lessen congestion by utilizing mobile
gies has undoubtedly improved urban transportation systems, applications, IoT sensor networks, and individualized traffic
challenges persist in achieving seamless interoperability, ad- control algorithms. However, in order to guarantee fair and
dressing data privacy concerns, and ensuring equitable access accessible transportation options, issues like interoperability,
to transportation services. Moving forward, cities must con- data privacy, and algorithmic biases must be resolved. Going
tinue to innovate and collaborate with stakeholders to over- forward, it is critical that all parties involved work together,
come these challenges and create more sustainable, efficient, give ethical AI practices top priority, and make investments
and inclusive transportation systems for all residents. in creative solutions that put sustainability and inclusion first.
Urban transportation can be made more efficient, convenient,
and pleasurable for both locals and visitors by utilizing the
revolutionary potential of sophisticated technologies.
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