D 6227 - 99 Rdyymjctotk
D 6227 - 99 Rdyymjctotk
D 6227 - 99 Rdyymjctotk
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 6227
D 5599 Test Method for Determination of Oxygenates in total concentration not to exceed 12 mg of inhibitor (not
Gasoline by Gas Chromatography and Oxygen Selective including weight of solvent) per litre of fuel.
Flame Ionization Detection6 2,6 - ditertiary-butyl-phenol.
D 5845 Test Method for Determination of MTBE, ETBE, 2,6 - ditertiary-butyl-4-methyl-phenol.
TAME, DIPE, Methanol, Ethanol, and tert-Butanol in 2,4 - dimethyl - 6 - tertiary-butyl - phenol.
Gasoline by Infrared Spectroscopy6 2,6 - ditertiary - butyl - phenol, 75 % min.
D 5983 Specification for Methyl tertiary-Butyl Ether Tertiary and tritertiary - butyl - phenols, 25 % max.
(MTBE) for Downstream Blending for Use in Automotive 2,4-dimethyl-6-tertiary-butyl-phenol, 55 % min;
Spark-ignition Engine Fuel6 4-methyl-2,6-ditertiary-butyl phenol 15 % min; the remainder
E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to as a mixture of monomethyl and dimethyl-tertiary-butyl-
Determine Conformance with Specifications7 phenols.
2.2 Military Standard:8 2,4 - dimethyl-6-tertiary-butyl-phenol, 72 % min.
MIL-PRF-25017F Performance Specification for Inhibitor, Mixture of tertiary-butyl-methyl-phenols and tertiary-butyl-
Corrosion/Lubricity Improver, Fuel Soluble dimethyl-phenols, 28 % max.
QPL-25017 Qualified Products List of Products Qualified 2,6-ditertiary-butyl-4-methyl-phenol, 35 % min.
Under Performance Specification MIL-PRF-25017F Mixed methyl, ethyl, and dimethyl tertiary-butyl-phenols,
65 % max
3. Terminology 2,4-di-tertiary butyl-phenol, 60 % min.
3.1 Definitions: Mixed tertiary-butyl-phenol, 40 % max.
3.1.1 aviation gasoline, n—gasoline possessing specific Butylated ethyl-phenols, 55 % min.
properties suitable for fueling aircraft powered by reciprocat- Butylated methyl and dimethyl-phenols, 45 % max.
ing spark ignition engines. Mixture of a di- and tri-isopropyl-phenols, 75 % Discussion—The principal properties of aviation min.
gasoline include volatility limits, stability, detonation-free Mixture of di- and tri-tertiary butyl-phenols, 25 % max.
performance in the engine for which it is intended, and N,N’ di-secondary butyl-para phenylene diamine.
suitability for low temperature performance. N,N’ di-isopropyl-para-phenylene-diamine. N-secondary butyl, N’- phenyl ortho - phenylene-
4. Grades diamine.
4.1 The specification covers one grade of unleaded aviation 6.2.2 Metal Deactivators—A metal deactivator, N,N’ -
gasoline designated Grade 82 UL. Grade 82 UL is the only disalicylidene - 1,2- propane diamine may be added to the
aviation gasoline defined by this specification and the grade gasoline in an amount not to exceed 3.0 mg/L.
shows the minimum motor octane rating. 6.2.3 Corrosion Inhibitors—Corrosion inhibitors that con-
form to MIL-PRF-25017F may be added to the gasoline in
5. General
amounts not exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations
5.1 This specification, unless otherwise provided, prescribes listed in the latest revision of QPL-25017.
the required properties of unleaded aviation gasoline at the 6.2.4 Fuel System Icing Inhibitor:
time and place of delivery. Diethylene glycol monomethyl ether, conforming to
6. Material the requirements of Specification D 4171 (Type III), may be
used in concentrations of 0.10 to 0.15 volume %.
6.1 Aviation gasoline, except as otherwise specified in this Isopropyl alcohol conforming to the requirements of
specification, shall consist of blends of refined hydrocarbons Specification D 4171 (Type II) may be used in concentrations
derived from crude petroleum, natural gasoline or blends, recommended by the aircraft manufacturers when required by
thereof, with specific aliphatic ethers, synthetic hydrocarbons, the aircraft owner operator.
or aromatic hydrocarbons. When applicable, methyl tertiary-
butyl ether (MTBE) shall conform to the requirements of 7. Detailed Requirements
Specification D 5983. Types and quantities of trace alcohols
7.1 The aviation gasoline shall conform to the requirements
shall meet the requirements of Table 1 and
in Table 1.
6.2 Only additives approved by this specification are per-
mitted. In addition to identification dyes, corrosion inhibitors,
8. Workmanship
antioxidants, and metal deactivators, fuel system icing inhibitor
additives are permitted under 6.2.4. Permitted additives may be 8.1 The finished fuel shall be visually free of water, sedi-
added to aviation gasoline in the amount and of the composi- ment, and suspended matter.
tion specified in the following list of approved materials. NOTE 1—See Practice D 4057 for appropriate sampling procedures.
6.2.1 Antioxidants— The following oxidation inhibitors
may be added to the gasoline separately or in combination in 9. Reports
9.1 The type and number of reports to ensure conformance
7 with the requirements of this specification shall be mutually
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
Available from Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Ave., agreed to by the purchaser and the supplier of the aviation
Bldg. 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111–5094 Attn: NPODS. gasoline.
D 6227
TABLE 1 Requirements for Grade 82 UL Aviation GasolineA
Property Requirement ASTM Test MethodB
Knock value, lean mixture D 2700
Motor method octane number, min 82.0
Color purple D 2392
Dye contentC
Blue dyeD, mg/L, max 7.5
Red dyeE, mg/L, max 1.9
Distillation temperature,° C (°F) at % evaporated D 86
10 volume %, max 70 (158)
50 volume % 66 (150)-
121 (250)
90 volume %, max 190 (374)
End point, max 225 (437)
Residue, volume % max 2
Distillation recovery, volume %, min 95
Distillation loss, volume %, max 3.0
Net heat of combustion, min MJ/kg (BTU/lb) 40.8 (17 540) D 3338F, D 4529F, or D 4809G
Freezing point, °C (°F), max –58 (–72) D 2386
Vapor pressure, kPa (psi), max 62 (9.0)H D 4953, D 5190, D 5191, or
kPa (psi), min 38 (5.5) D 5482
Lead content, g/L (g/U.S. gal), maxI 0.013 (0.05) D 3237 or D 5059
Copper strip corrosion, 3 h at 50°C (122°F), max No. 1 D 130
Sulfur, mass %, max 0.07 D 1266, D 2622, D 3120,
D 4294, or D 5453
Potential gum (5-h aging), max, mg/100mLJ 6 D 873
Alcohols and ether contentK,L D 4815, D 5599, or D 5845
Total combined methanol and ethanol, mass %, max 0.3
Combined aliphatic ethers, methanol, and ethanol, as mass % oxygen, max 2.7
The requirements stated herein are subject to rounding in accordance with Practice E 29 and are not subject to correction for tolerance of the test method.
The test methods indicated in this table are referred to in Section 10.
The maximum dye concentrations shown do not include solvent in dyes supplied in liquid form.
Essentially 1,4- dialkylamino - anthraquinone.
Essentially alkyl derivatives of azobenzene - 4 - azo - 2 - naphthol.
Use either Eq 1 or Table 1 in Test Method D 4529, or Eq 2 in Test Method D 3338. See X2.7.2 for limitations and oxygen corrections required when Test Methods D 3338
and D 4529 are applied to fuels blended with aliphatic ethers.
Test Method D 4809 may be used as an alternative. In case of dispute, Test Method D 4809 shall be used.
Fuel with a vapor pressure greater than 62 kPa (9.0 psi) but not exceeding 93 kPa (13.5 psi) is permissible, if the ambient temperature is not more than 29°C (85°F)
at the time and place of delivery and all federal and local regulations are met. The vapor pressure of permissible fuel exceeding 62 kPa (9.0 psi) shall be shown on all
product transfer documents, including the delivery document to the aircraft.
See X2.10.1 for maximum limits for lead and phosphorus in unleaded gasoline.
D 381 existent gum test can provide a means of detecting deteriorated quality or contamination, or both, with heavier products following distribution from refinery to
airport; refer to X2.9.1.
No deliberate addition of alcohols is allowed except for isopropyl alcohol which is allowed as an additive (see
For additional information and limitations, see X2.8
D 6227
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Introduction—Aviation gasoline defined by this speci- X1.2 To ensure ready identification of fuel meeting this
fication is for use only in engines and associated aircraft specification, it is dyed purple.
specifically designed to operate on Grade 82 UL defined by this
X2.1 Introduction: engines certified for low octane fuels. Rich mixture ratings by
X2.1.1 This specification was developed to identify broad Test Method D 909 were developed for older large displace-
distillation range refinery products, including refined hydrocar- ment, high output engines for which this fuel is not suitable.
bons derived from crude petroleum or blends, thereof, with X2.2.3 The motor Test Method D 2700 is an engine method
synthetic hydrocarbons, and specific aliphatic ether blends, for determining the knock characteristics at a lean fuel-air ratio
suitable for low octane unleaded aviation gasoline applications. of fuels for use in spark-ignition engines. It was originally
The requirements of Table 1 are quality limits established on developed (as Test Method D 357) to test motor gasolines for
the basis of development and certification tests performed on motor octane number, but an extensive program revealed that
airframes and engines specifically designed to use these fuels. the octane number rating of current aviation gasolines could
X2.1.2 Engines certified for low octane fuels and their also be determined by the motor method. Knock characteristics
associated aircraft operate within a variety of mechanical, of a test fuel are established by comparing its knocking
physical, and chemical environments. The properties of un- tendency with those for blends of ASTM reference fuels of
leaded aviation gasoline (Table 1) must be properly balanced to known octane number under prescribed operating conditions.
give satisfactory engine performance over a wide range of X2.3 Fuel Metering and Vaporization - General Comments:
X2.3.1 In most spark-ignition engines, the aviation gasoline
X2.2 Antiknock Quality: is metered in liquid form through carburetors or low pressure
injectors. Fuel vaporization starts in the carburetor or down-
X2.2.1 The fuel-air mixture in the cylinder of a spark-
stream of the injector and continues in the intake manifold
ignition engine will, under certain conditions, spontaneously
from which the fuel-air enters the cylinders of the engine. The
ignite ahead of the flame front. This will cause a knock, which
volatility, the tendency to evaporate or change from a liquid to
is usually inaudible in aircraft engines. This knock, if permitted
a gaseous state, is an extremely important characteristic of
to continue, may result in serious loss of power and damage to
aviation fuel.
the aircraft engine.
X2.3.2 Gasolines that vaporize too readily may boil in fuel
X2.2.2 Traditional leaded aviation gasolines have been
lines or in fuel metering devices, particularly as altitude
defined by both lean and rich mixture ratings. A minimum lean
increases, and cause vapor lock with resultant power loss.
mixture rating of 82.0 determined by the motor method (Test
Conversely, fuels that do not completely vaporize may cause
Method D 2700) provides satisfactory antiknock properties on
engine malfunctioning of other sorts. Therefore, a proper
balance of the volatility of the various hydrocarbon compo-
TABLE X2.1 Significant Factors for Unleaded Aviation Gasoline nents is essential to satisfactory performance of the finished
Factors of Significance Test Method Sections fuel.
Introduction X2.1
Antiknock quality motor method X2.2
X2.4 Volatility:
Fuel metering and volatility vapor pressure X2.4.1 X2.4.1 Vapor Pressure— The vapor pressure of an aviation
distillation X2.4.2
Corrosion of fuel system and engine copper strip X2.5.1 gasoline is the measure of the tendency of the more volatile
parts components to evaporate. Fuels having a vapor pressure no
sulfur X2.5.2 higher than 93 kPa (13.5 psi) will be free of vapor locking
Low temperature performance fuel icing inhibitor X2.6.1
fuel freezing point X2.6.2 tendencies under operating conditions of the aircraft developed
Heat of combustion net heat of combustion X2.7 for such fuels. The minimum vapor pressure of 38 kPa (5.5 psi)
Oxygenates ethers X2.8.2 adopted in this specification is consistent with the requirements
alcohols X2.8.3
Cleanliness, handling and storage existent gum X2.9.1 of other aviation gasolines.
stability X2.4.2 Distillation— Gasoline is made up of a broad range
potential gum X2.9.2 of hydrocarbon components. Distillation temperatures are a
dyes X2.9.3
Miscellaneous lead content X2.10.1 measure of a fuel’s volatility. The method of measuring
distillation temperatures is useful in comparing fuels, but is not
D 6227
intended to separate or identify quantitatively the individual X2.7.1 The net heat of combustion provides a knowledge of
hydrocarbons present. the amount of energy obtainable from a given fuel for the
X2.4.2.1 A maximum value is set on the 10 % evaporated performance of useful work, in this instance, power. Aircraft
point to ensure ease of starting and a reasonable degree of design and operation are dependent upon the availability of a
flexibility during the warm-up period. certain predetermined minimum amount of energy as heat.
X2.4.2.2 To guard against too high a volatility which might Consequently, reductions in heat energy are accompanied by an
lead to carburetor icing or vapor lock, or both, (also protected increase in fuel consumption with corresponding loss of range.
against by the vapor pressure) a minimum value is set for the Therefore, a minimum net heat of combustion requirement is
50 % evaporated points. incorporated in the specification.
X2.4.2.3 A maximum value is specified for the 50 % evapo- X2.7.2 The calculation method presented here provides a
rated temperature to ensure average volatility sufficient to correction for oxygen content when Test Methods D 3338 and
permit adequate evaporation of the fuel in the engine induction D 4529 are adopted to determine the net heat of combustion of
system. Insufficient evaporation may lead to loss of power. oxygenated blends.
X2.4.2.4 A maximum temperature is prescribed for the Q 5 W1 ~QP1! 1 W2~QP2! 1 W 3~QP3! 1 W4 ~QP4! 1 W5 ~QP 5!
90 % evaporated point to prevent too much liquid fuel being (X2.1)
delivered to the cylinders, resulting in power loss, and to
prevent poor distribution to the various cylinders. Such a where:
condition might lead to engine roughness, perhaps accompa- Q 5 net heat of combustion, MJ/kg (BTU/lb) of the
nied by knocking and damage to the engine. Excessive dilution gasoline - ether blend,
W1 5 oxygenate-free hydrocarbon mass fraction (or mass
of the lubricating oil may result from too high a 90 %
% 4 100),
evaporated point.
QP 1 5 net heat of combustion, MJ/kg (BTU/lb) of
X2.4.2.5 A maximum is placed on the final boiling point
oxygenate-free hydrocarbon fraction, calculated
(end point), which together with the maximum prescribed for
from measured properties of the fuel,
the 90 % evaporated point, is used to prevent incorporation of W2 5 MTBE mass fraction (or mass % 4 100),
excessively high boiling components in the fuel, which may QP2 5 net heat of combustion of MTBE listed in the
lead to mal-distribution, spark plug fouling, power loss, and research report9 is 35.12 MJ/kg (15 100 BTU/lb),
lubricating oil dilution. W3 5 TAME mass fraction (or mass % 4 100),
X2.4.2.6 A maximum value is specified for the distillation QP3 5 net heat of combustion of TAME listed in the
residue to prevent the inclusion of undesirable high-boiling research report9 is 36.49 MJ/kg (15 690 BTU/lb),
components essentially impossible to burn in the chamber. The W4 5 ETBE mass fraction (or mass % 4 100),
presence of such residue may reflect the degree of care with QP4 5 net heat of combustion of ETBE listed in the
which the product is refined or handled. The amount of residue, research report9 is 36.36 MJ/kg (15 635 BTU/lb),
along with the end-point temperature, can be used as an W5 5 DIPE mass fraction (or mass % 4 100), and
indication of contamination with high-boiling materials. QP5 5 net heat of combustion of DIPE listed in the
X2.4.2.7 The stipulation of a minimum recovery and a research report is 38.13 mJ/kg (16 393 BTU/lb).
maximum loss in this specification in conjunction with the and where:
vapor pressure requirement is intended to protect against W1 + W2 + W3 + W4 + W5 5 1
excessive losses by evaporation in storage, handling, and in the X2.7.3 If the properties of the oxygenate-free hydrocarbon
aircraft tank. It is also a check on the distillation test technique. fraction of the fuel are not known or if only the gasoline-ether
blend properties are available, it is not possible to calculate the
X2.5 Corrosion of Fuel System and Engine Parts:
net heat of combustion of the gasoline-ether blend using Test
X2.5.1 Copper Strip— The requirement that aviation gaso- Method D 3338 or D 4529. Under these circumstances, the net
line must pass the copper strip corrosion test provides assur- heat of combustion should be measured using Test Method D
ance that copper components of the fuel system will not be 4809. See SAE J1498, for further discussion.10
corroded by sulfur compounds in the fuel. X2.7.4 The research report9 establishes the practical mini-
X2.5.2 Sulfur—Total sulfur content of aviation fuels is mum value of net heat of combustion of 40.8 MJ/kg (17 540
significant because the products of combustion of sulfur can BTU/lb) adopted in this specification. However, the value
cause corrosive wear of engine parts. includes the maximum anticipated ether concentrations, and in
X2.6 Low Temperature Performance: most cases, actual net heating values will exceed this mini-
X2.6.1 Fuel System Icing Inhibitor—Diethylene glycol mum.
monomethyl ether, approved in, and isopropyl alcohol, X2.8 Oxygenates:
approved in, shall conform to the requirements shown X2.8.1 Oxygenates are oxygen-containing, ashless com-
in Specification D 4171. pounds, such as alcohols and ethers, which can be used as a
X2.6.2 Fuel Freezing Point—A freezing point requirement fuel supplement.
is specified to preclude solidification of any of the materials
cited in 6.1 and 6.2, at extremely low temperatures with the
consequent interference with fuel flow to the engine. Available from ASTM Headquarters. Request RR: D02–1427.
Heating Value of Fuels, February 1998. Available from Society of Automotive
X2.7 Heat of Combustion: Engineers, 400 Commonwealth Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096–0001.
D 6227
X2.8.2 Aliphatic ethers allowed up to the specification limit of oxidation inhibitors. If the fuel is to be stored under
include methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), tertiary-amyl relatively mild conditions for short periods, an oxidation period
methyl ether (TAME), ethyl tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE), and of 5 h is generally considered sufficient to indicate if the
diisopropyl ether (DIPE). desired stability has been obtained.
X2.8.3 The deliberate addition of alcohols is prohibited by X2.9.3 Dyes—Colors are used in aviation fuels to differen-
this specification, except that isopropyl alcohol is allowed as a tiate between grades. Service experience has indicated that
fuel system icing inhibitor field additive (see and is only certain dyes and only certain amounts of dye can be
limited by aircraft manufacturers to a maximum concentration tolerated without manifestation of induction system deposition.
of 1.0 volume %. Alcohols are prohibited because of their The composition of the approved dyes as well as the maximum
excessive water solubility, increase in vapor pressure, material quantity of each permissible dye is specified in Table 1. The
incompatibility, and in addition for methanol, corrosivity. Low allowable color levels are established by Test Method D 2392.
concentrations of methanol and ethanol are only permitted by The color purple was selected for this grade because the former
this specification because they are unreacted components from purple grade, Grade 115/145, has been removed from Specifi-
the manufacturing of aliphatic ethers. The total of the combi- cation D 910 and is no longer widely available.
nation of methanol and ethanol shall not exceed 0.3 mass %
oxygenate as determined by Test Method D 4815, D 5599, or X2.10 Miscellaneous:
D 5845.
X2.10.1 Lead Content— A number of analytical test meth-
X2.9 Fuel Cleanliness, Handling and Storage Stability: ods are permitted to cover the unintentional presence of lead in
X2.9.1 Existent Gum— The amount of non-volatile residue unleaded fuel. The intentional addition of lead or phosporus
remaining after evaporation by a high temperature air jet. This compounds to unleaded fuel is not permitted. Industry practice
residue may represent solid or heavy liquid contaminants or currently limits maximum concentrations to 0.013 g of lead per
insoluble residue formed by oxidation in storage. litre (0.05 g/U.S. gal) and 0.0013 g of phosphorus per litre
X2.9.2 Potential Gum— Fuel must be usable after storage (0.005 g/U.S. gal) (see Test Method D 3231), respectively.
for variable periods under a variety of climatic conditions. The X2.10.2 Aromatic Content—Low boiling aromatics, which
potential gum test, which is an accelerated oxidation method, is are common constituents of aviation gasolines, are known to
used to estimate fuel stability in storage and the effectiveness affect elastomers to a greater extent than other components.
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual
reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585
(phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (http://www.astm.org).