Greenbaum 2002
Greenbaum 2002
Greenbaum 2002
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are the target molecules that undergo the amount of TAF10, which probably forms the R. G. Roeder, Science 292, 1153 (2001); published
online 12 April 2001 (10.1126/science.1059188).
additional poly(A) extension by TPAP in functional TFIID complex, seems to be still
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mRNAs coding for the synaptonemal complex between the deficiency of a cytoplasmic 19. S. R. Albright, R. Tjian, Gene 242, 1 (2000).
proteins SCP1 and SCP3 are unaffected by the poly(A) polymerase, TPAP, and the arrest of 20. Z. Chen, J. L. Manley, Mol. Cell. Biol. 20, 5064 (2000).
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in length, and the protein products are missing in on the regulation of haploid-specific genes by Dev. 15, 1021 (2001).
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mRNAs in Tpap–/– testes were similar to those (1975).
in Tpap⫹/⫹ and Tpap⫹/– testes (Fig. 3B). More- 25. We thank L. Tora, I. Davidson, and T. Tamura for
over, no significant difference of the poly(A) tail References and Notes providing antibodies. This study was partly supported
1. A. B. Sachs, P. Sarnow, M. W. Hentze, Cell 89, 831 by Grant-in-Aids for Scientific Research on Priority
size of SCP3 mRNA in pachytene spermato- (1997). Areas (A) and (B), Scientific Research (A), and Explor-
cytes was found between Tpap⫹/⫹ and Tpap–/– 2. M. Wickens, P. Anderson, R. J. Jackson, Curr. Opin. atory Research from the Japan Society for the Pro-
mice. These data suggest that CPEB is not in- Genet. Dev. 7, 220 (1997). motion of Science and the Ministry of Education,
3. N. B. Hecht, BioEssays 20, 555 (1998). Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan.
volved in the TPAP-mediated cytoplasmic poly-
4. K. Steger, Anat. Embryol. 199, 471 (1999). Supporting Online Material
adenylation. The null mutation of the TPAP 5. S. Kashiwabara et al., Dev. Biol. 228, 106 (2000).
gene does not affect the size or expression level 6. Materials and methods are available as supporting DC1
of mRNAs encoding ovary-specific zona pellu- material on Science Online. Materials and Methods
7. F. Nantel et al., Nature 380, 159 (1996). Figs S1 to S4
cida 1 (ZP1) and ZP2 (6) (fig. S3), verifying the 8. J. A. Blendy et al., Nature 380, 162 (1996). References and Notes
testis-specific function of TPAP. 9. I. Martianov et al., Mol. Cell 7, 509 (2001).
Westen blot analysis of cytoplasmic and 10. D. Zhang, T.-L. Penttila, P. L. Morris, M. Teichmann, 3 June 2002; accepted 16 October 2002
nuclear protein extracts from testicular tis-
sues revealed that the level of TAF10 was
reduced only in the nuclear fraction of
Tpap–/– testes, whereas TBP, TAF12,
A Role for the Protease
TAF13, and TRF2 (16) were equally present
in the cytoplasmic or nuclear fractions of
Falcipain 1 in Host Cell Invasion
Tpap⫹/⫹ and Tpap–/– testes (Fig. 3C). The
specific reduction of TAF10 was verified by by the Human Malaria Parasite
immunoprecipitation analysis of the nuclear
extracts with antibody to TBP (Fig. 3D). Doron C. Greenbaum,1* Amos Baruch,2 Munira Grainger,4
These data demonstrate that TPAP affects the Zbynek Bozdech,2 Katlin F. Medzihradszky,1 Juan Engel,3
transport of at least TAF10 into the nucleus, Joseph DeRisi,2 Anthony A. Holder,4 Matthew Bogyo2*
possibly by additional polyadenylation-de-
pendent translational activation of dormant Cysteine proteases of Plasmodium falciparum are required for survival of the
mRNA encoding a transporter protein or pos- malaria parasite, yet their specific cellular functions remain unclear. We used a
sibly by TPAP itself. Moreover, the poly(A) chemical proteomic screen with a small-molecule probe to characterize the pre-
tails of TAF10, TAF12, and TAF13 mRNAs dominant cysteine proteases throughout the parasite life cycle. Only one protease,
are unlikely to contribute to stability and falcipain 1, was active during the invasive merozoite stage. Falcipain 1–specific
translational control, because the levels of inhibitors, identified by screening of chemical libraries, blocked parasite invasion of
these three mRNAs and cytoplasmic proteins host erythrocytes, yet had no effect on normal parasite processes such as hemo-
in Tpap–/– testes are comparable to those in globin degradation. These results demonstrate a specific role for falcipain 1 in host
Tpap⫹/⫹ testes, despite the incomplete elon- cell invasion and establish a potential new target for antimalarial therapeutics.
gation of poly(A) tails (Fig. 3, A and C).
Several TAFs, including TAF10, as a com- Malaria is a devastating disease that affects lines and antifolates are the most common
ponent of the TFIID complex have been dem- 300 to 500 million people and kills about 2 drugs for disease prevention and cure.
onstrated to be dispensable for general RNA million people per year. Currently, quino- However, multidrug resistance is a major
polymerase II–mediated transcription and to be issue, highlighting the need for new anti-
essential for selective expression of specific malarial drugs to combat this parasite. Pro-
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 2Depart-
genes (14, 18 –22). Because the TFIID complex ment of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 3Department of teases represent one of the largest families
containing TAF10 is severely impaired in Pathology, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Universi- of potential therapeutic targets, and cys-
Tpap–/– testes by insufficient transport of ty of California, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA. 4Di- teine proteases have been shown to be es-
TAF10 into the nucleus (Fig. 3, C and D), it is vision of Parasitology, National Institute for Medical sential for the survival of several human
Research, Mill Hill, London NW7 1AA, UK.
conceivable that TAF10 may play an important parasites (1–3). Cysteine proteases have
role in the expression of a subset of haploid- *To whom correspondence should be addressed at M. been specifically implicated in several cel-
Bogyo, University of California, San Francisco, 513
specific genes, possibly as a CREM coactivator Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94043, USA.
lular functions during the P. falciparum life
(23), required for the morphogenetic program E-mail: [email protected] (D.C.G.) and mbogyo@ cycle, including hemoglobin degradation
during spermatogenesis. However, a small (M.B.) (4–5), cleavage of red blood cell ankyrin to
Fig. 3. Identification of
falcipain 1–specific in-
hibitors by screening
peptide epoxide posi-
tional scanning libraries
(PSLs) in crude cell ex-
tracts. (A) Structures of
the general inhibitor
scaffolds used for
screening. A single ami-
no acid position (P2)
was held constant
whereas the remaining
positions contained an
isokinetic mixture of natural amino ac-
ids (Mix positions). A set of 19 natural
and 41 nonnatural amino acids were
used at the P2 position to generate the
libraries. A second set of P2 diverse
sublibraries were generated with the
enantiomeric form (2R, 3R in place of
2S, 3S) of the epoxide building block.
(B) Colorimetric cluster display of inhi-
bition data. PSLs were screened against
P. falciparum lysates by pretreatment
of samples with individual constant P2
libraries followed by labeling with 125I-
DCG-04. Labeling intensity of each tar-
get relative to the control untreated
sample was used to generate percent
competition values. The resulting data
were clustered and visualized with pro-
grams designed for analysis of microar-
ray data. Proteases are arrayed along
the y axis and inhibitors are arrayed
along the x axis. Natural amino acids
are indicated by standard one-letter
codes and nonnatural amino acids are
labeled with the NN prefix [for struc-
tures and corresponding number as-
signment see (12, 13)]. Libraries generated with natural amino acids in the P2 and YAH-Eps(S,S)] identified from library screening. Compounds were added to
position using the (R, R) scaffold are indicated by the single-letter code followed total parasite extract for 30 min followed by labeling with 125I-DCG-04 for 1
by (R, R). (C) Competition analysis of a negative control compound [YAG- hour. Samples were separated on a 15% SDS-PAGE gel. Comp, compound; Conc,
Eps(S,S)] and three falcipain 1–specific compounds [YA2-Eps(S,S), YA29-Eps(S,S), concentration; Falc, falcipain; hCalp, human calpain.
The Wnt proteins are secreted signaling pro- tion (10 –14). The Rfz2 receptor, by itself, 1
Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Diabetes
teins that play diverse roles in cell polarity, transduces binding of Wnt-5A to increases in and Metabolic Diseases Research Center, University
cell proliferation, and specification of cell intracellular calcium release (15) and activa- Medical Center, SUNY–Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY
11794 – 8651, USA. 2Department of Biological Scienc-
fate (1–3). Wnt proteins signal through friz- tion of calcium-calmodulin– dependent pro- es, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA.
zled (Fz) gene products (4, 5), members of tein kinase II (16, 17) and protein kinase C 3
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of
the superfamily of G-protein–coupled recep- (18) without appreciably activating the ca- Pharmacology and Center for Developmental Biology,
tors (GPCRs) (6 – 8). Wnt-Fz family mem- nonical Wnt–-catenin pathway. Because pu- University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle,
WA 98195, USA. 4Department of Physiology and
bers can be grouped into functionally distinct rified, active Wnt proteins are not available Biophysics, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases Research
classes. Activation of the Wnt–-catenin for analysis of Rfz2 receptor function, we Center, University Medical Center, SUNY–Stony
pathway increases nuclear accumulation of engineered a chimeric receptor to substitute Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794 – 8661, USA.
the Lef-Tcf transcriptional coactivator the three cytoplasmic loops and the COOH- *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-
-catenin (1, 2, 9), thus activating transcrip- terminal tail of the Rfz2 receptor for the mail: [email protected]