Judgement2023 05 05
Judgement2023 05 05
Judgement2023 05 05
Review Application No. 40 of 2022
(herein after referred to as the ‘C.P. Act’). wherein the main relief is
4. Hon’ble State Commission has while passing of the order in para-5 of the
judgment observed that: the advocate for the opponent has argued that
Commission has the power to review any of the order passed by if there
any error apparent on the face of the record then present review
4. Scope of Review:
It will be beneficial to refer following provisions of law:
5. Considering the section 50 of the Act and order 47 Rule (1) of the CPC,
1908 there are three grounds under the order 47 Rule 1, which reads as
(i) The discovery of new and important matter or evidence which, after the
exercise of due diligence was not within his knowledge or could not be
produced by him at the time when the decree was passed or order made,
(ii) on account of some mistake or error apparent on the face of the record
(iii) for any other sufficient reason,
But as per section 50 of the C.P. Act, 2019 the State Commission have
power to review its order on only one ground i.e. if there is an error
apparent on the face of record.
6. Merit of the case:
In the present review application it is the main contention of the
opponent insurance company and not provided findings on the issue for
which complaint was remitted back by Hon’ble NCDRC and passed order
completely ignored of vital evidence which suggests that DLA was having
insurance policies from other insurers and hence order passed by the
(B) In Lilly Thomas v. Union of India and others reported in AIR 2000 SC
1650, the Hon'ble Apex Court has held that the power of review can be
"55. It follows, therefore, that the power of review can be exercised for
correction of a mistake and not to substitute a view. Such powers can be
exercised within the limits of the statute dealing with the exercise of power.
The review cannot be treated an appeal in disguise. The mere possibility of
two views on the subject is not a ground for review. Once a review petition
is dismissed no further petition of review can be entertained. The rule of law
of following the practice of the binding nature of the larger Benches and not
taking different views by the Benches of coordinated jurisdiction of equal
strength has to be followed and practised. However, this Court in exercise of
its powers under Article 136 orArticle 32 of the Constitution and upon
satisfaction that the earlier judgments have resulted in deprivation of
RUTVIK RA.40.22 Page 6 of 8
fundamental rights of a citizen or rights created under any other statute,
can take a different view notwithstanding the earlier judgment.
From the above observations of Hon’ble Apex Courts, it is crystal clear that the
limited. However, in this review application the points raised by applicant are
only disagreement with the order of this State Commission in C.C. no. 24/2010
but in review jurisdiction mere disagreement that the view of the judgment
cannot be the ground for invoking the same and the review cannot be treated
as appeal in disguise. As per section 50 of the C.P. Act. 2019 if there is an error
apparent on the face of record i.e any typographical error or any arithmetical
3. No order as to cost.
Presiding Member