CT Knee Point Voltage (REV-0)

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For CT Knee Point Voltage for relays

1 System Voltage = 330 kV
2 Highest System Voltage = 362 kV
3 System Fault Level = 40 kA (latest as per addendum)
4 Actual fault level:
a) Three phase fault = 18.043 kA (from consultants LI
b) Single phase fault = 17.012 kA dt: 26-10-2006)
5 CT cable length up to relay = 500 M (Assumed)
Cable size = 4 Sq.mm copper (Assumed)
Resistance of 4 Sq.mm Copper cable at 200C = 4.61 W/Km (from cable catalogue)

\Resistance at 750C (RL) = R20 [1 + a20 ( T2 – T1)]

Where R20 = Resistance at 200C
= 4.61*(500/1000)
= 2.31
a20 = 0.00393 Temperature coefficient
T2 = 75 0C
T1 = 20 0C
RL = 2.31 * [1 + (0.00393 * (75 -20 ) ) ]
= 2.81 W

Taking the return path also into considerationRL = 2.81*2

RL = 5.62 W

6 CT Ratio = 1600 / 1 A
7 CT secondary resistance for 1600A tap = 10 W ( from ABB Sweden for
CT ratio of 1600/1A)

8 Transformer Rating = 150 MVA

1) REL 670 for Distance Protection – Main 1
(as per chapter-3 of ABBCH catalogue)

a) For Close-in fault

Eal ≥ Ealreq = IkMax * Isn * a * RCT + RL + SR (as per Equation – 4)

Ipn Ir2

b) For Zone-1 fault

Eal ≥ Ealreq = IkZone-1 * Isn * a * RCT + RL + SR (as per Equation – 5)

Ipn Ir2
IkMax - Maximum primary fundamental = 18.043 kA
frequency current for close-in forward
and reverse faults (A)

Ipn - Primary nominal CT current = 1600 A

Isn - Secondary nominal CT current = 1A

Ir - REL670 rated current = 1A (assumed but to be confirmed by


RCT - CT Secondary winding resistance = 10 W as given by ABB, Sweden

RL - CT Secondary cable resistance = 5.62 W for 500M of 4 Sq.mm Copper

cable as above
SR - The burden of Rex670 A current input = 0.25 VA/channel
channel (VA)
a - factor depending on frequency and the = 3 for primary time constant Tp > 50ms
time constant for the d.c component of
fault current

IkZone-1 - Max. primary fundamental frequency current for faults at the end of Zone-1 reach(A)

Substituting for close-in fault

Ealreq = 18.043 * 10^3 * (1/1600) * 3 * (10 + 5.62 + ( 0.25 / 1^2) ) (as per Equation - 4)
= 537 V
Say 600 V

For Zone-1 fault

Eal ≥ Ealreq = IkZone-1 * Isn * a * RCT + RL + SR (as per Equation – 5)

Ipn Ir2
As zone-1 fault current is not known, this has to be calculated after knowing the zone-1 fault current.
2) REL 316 for Distance Protection – Main 2
(Catalogue no. CH-ES 45-12.30 E of ABBCH)

i) Knee point voltage for faults close to the relay location

E2Max > IkMax * Isn * a * RCT + RL + 0.2 formula from ABBCH

Ipn Ir2
IkMax - Maximum primary fault current = 18.043 kA
Ipn - Primary nominal CT current = 1600 A
Isn - Secondary nominal CT current = 1A
Ir - REL316 rated current = 1A (assumed but to be confirmed by

RCT - CT Secondary winding resistance = 10 W as given by ABB, Sweden

RL - CT Secondary cable resistance = 5.62 W for 500M of 4 Sq.mm Copper

cable as previous
2 (from the graph in the relay
a - factor depending on frequency and the =
time constant for the d.c component for cataloguefor forward reach)
forward faults

Substituting the values:

A) E2Max = 18.043 * 10^3 * (1 / 1600 ) * 2 * ( 10 + 5.62 + ( 0.2 / 1^2) )

= 357 V
Say = 400 V

B) Similarly for reverse response

Where a = 5 (from graph of fig – 1)
E2Max = 18.043 * 10^3 * (1 / 1600 ) * 5 * ( 10 + 5.62 + (0. 2 / 1^2) )
= 892 V
Say = 900 V

Therefore Minimum knee point voltage shall be > 900 V

Maximum of the above A & B
ii) Knee point voltage for zone – 1 reach

E2Max > IkZone-1 * Isn * k * RCT + RL + 0.2

Ipn Ir2
Maximum primary fault current at Zone-
IkZone-1 - 1 = --- A
Ipn - Primary nominal CT current 1600 A

Isn - Secondary nominal CT current = 1 A

Ir - REL316 rated current = 1A (assumed but to be confirmed by


RCT - CT Secondary winding resistance = 10 W as given by ABB, Sweden

RL - CT Secondary cable resistance = 5.62 W for 500M of 4 Sq.mm Copper

cable as previous
10 (from the graph in the relay
k - factor depending on frequency and the =
time constant for the d.c component for catalogue)
forward faults

As zone-1 fault current is not known, this has to be calculated after knowing the zone-1 fault current.
to be confirmed by

BB, Sweden
4 Sq.mm Copper
n the relay
ard reach)
to be confirmed by

BB, Sweden
4 Sq.mm Copper
n the relay

1 fault current.
3) RET 670 (REx 670) for Transformer Differential
(as per chapter-3 of ABBCH catalogue)

Eal ≥ Ealreq = 30 * Int * Isn * RCT + RL + SR (Equation – 1)

Ipn Ir2

Eal ≥ Ealreq = If * Isn * RCT + RL + SR (Equation – 3)

Ipn Ir2
Int - Rated primary current of power transformer
Primary current of 150MVA = 150 * 10^3 / ( 1.732 * 330)
= 262 A
25% Over Load = 328 A

Ipn - Primary nominal CT current = 1600 A

Isn - Secondary nominal CT current =

1 A

Ir - RET 670 rated current = 1 A (assumed but to be confirmed by


RCT - CT Secondary winding resistance = 10 W as given by ABB, Sweden

RL - CT Secondary cable resistance = 5.62 W for 500M of 4 Sq.mm Copper

cable as previous
SR - The burden of Rex670 a current input = 0.25 VA/channel
channel (VA).
If - Maximum primary fundamental frequency current that passes two main CTs
without passing the power transformer (A)

Assuming the maximum system fault current = 18.043 kA

Substituting the values:

Ealreq = 30 * 328 * (1 / 1600 ) * ( 10 + 5.62 + ( 0.25 / 1^2 ) ) (Equation – 1)
= 98 V
Say = 100 V

Eal ≥ 18.043 * 10^3 * (1 / 1600 ) * ( 10 + 5.62 + ( 0.25 / 1^2 ) ) (Equation – 3)

= 179 V
Say = 200 V

\Knee point voltage for transformer protection is = 200 V

Maximum of Equation – 1 & 2
to be confirmed by

BB, Sweden
4 Sq.mm Copper
4) REB 500 for Bus bar Protection
(Catalogue no. 1KHL020347-Aen of ABBCH)

1 CT used = 1600/1A, 5P20

2 Accuracy limiting facto = 20 as given for the CT

For arriving at CT requirement for BusBar protection the steps followed are based on
the recommendation as given by ABBCH vide their catalogue no. 1KHL020347-Aen

Step 1.
PB = PBG + 1 *2 I2Nsec (as per section 4.4.2 of relay catalogue)
X *A
PBG = 3 VA (assumed for this relay as per page 12 of REB 500)
X = 56 (from relay catalogue tables page 12 of REB 500)
A = 4 mm2
I2Nsec = 1 A
PB = 3 + ( (1 / (56 * 4) ) * 2 ) * 1^2 = 3.01

Step 2.
n’ = n * PN + PE (as per section 4.4.2 of relay catalogue)
PB + P E
PN = 30 VA (as per given CT)
PE = 1.5 (as per page-12 of Relay catalogue)
n = 20 ( as per CT details)

n’ = 20 * ( ( 30 + 1.5 ) / ( 3.01 + 1.5 ) ) = 140

Step 3.
As per section 4.5.1 of relay catalogue,
IKS max
5 * IN Prim
IKS max - Maximum fault current = 40 KA
IN Prim - primary current = 1600 A
Substituting the value:
IKS max = 40 * 10^3 / ( 5 * 1600 )
5 * IN Prim = 5.0

Step 4.
As per section 4.5.1 of relay catalogue,

a) n’ > IKS max

5 * IN Prim
ie 140.0 ≥ 5.0 Hence OK
As per relay catalogue
b) n’ ≥ 10 for TN ≤ 120 ms
ie 140.0 ≥ 10 Hence OK

Since 140 is greater than both 5 and 10, the CT is OK

Therefore the CT proposed (1600/1A, 5P20 with RCT = 10 W ) is found to be OK.

(However this calculation may please be verified by ABBCH)

Summary of C.T requirement for Ikot- Abasi substation

C.T Details
Knee point Voltage
Sl. No. Relay Description
Ratio Close-in Zone-1
Fault Fault
1 REL 670 Distance Protection – Main 1 1600/1 A 600V LATER
2 REL 316 Distance Protection – Main 2 1600/1 A > 900V LATER
3 RET 670 Transformer Differential Protection 1600/1 A 200V -
4 REB 500 Busbar Differential Protection 1600/1 A 5P20 -

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