Sirius Yellow P-AR Liq - TDS
Sirius Yellow P-AR Liq - TDS
Sirius Yellow P-AR Liq - TDS
Short profile
Anionic direct dye solution. Yellow with reddish shade.
Ionicity Anionic
Density approx. 1.0-1.1 g/cm3
Viscosity ≤ 50 mPa·s
pH (solution 10 g/l) 7-8
Fastness data
Light fastness Xenon ISO 105-B02 1/3 SD 3
Bleeding fastness Watertissue 24 h DIN EN 646 1/6 SD 4-5
Bleeding fastness Alkaline salt solution 24 h DIN EN 646 1/6 SD 4-5
Bleeding fastness Acetic acid solution 24 h DIN EN 646 1/6 SD 4-5
Bleeding fastness Vegetable oil 24 h DIN EN 646 1/6 SD 5
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