Rudeness and Performance
Rudeness and Performance
Rudeness and Performance
Recanati School of Business, Faculty of Management, and eSackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Rudeness is
Israel; bNeonatology, Bnai Zion Medical Center, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Israel Institute of
Technology, Haifa, Israel; cWarrington College of Business Administration, University of Florida, Gainesville, routinely experienced by hospital-based medical
Florida; and dNeonatology, Lady Davis Carmel Medical Center, Haifa, and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, teams. Individuals exposed to mildly rude
Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
behavior perform poorly on cognitive tasks,
Drs Riskin, Erez, and Bamberger conceptualized and designed the study and drafted the initial exhibit reduced creativity and flexibility, and are
manuscript; Mr Foulk conducted the initial analyses and reviewed and revised the manuscript; less helpful and prosocial.
Dr Kugelman, Dr Gover, and Ms Shoris designed the study, coordinated data collection, and critically
reviewed the manuscript; and Ms Riskin designed the data collection instruments, coordinated and WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: Rudeness had adverse
supervised data collection, and critically reviewed the manuscript. All authors approved the final
consequences on diagnostic and procedural
manuscript as submitted and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
performance of members of the NICU medical
teams. Information-sharing mediated the
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-1385
adverse effect of rudeness on diagnostic
Accepted for publication Jun 22, 2015 performance, and help-seeking mediated the
Address correspondence to Arieh Riskin, MD, MHA, Department of Neonatology, Bnai-Zion Medical effect of rudeness on procedural performance.
Center, 47 Golomb St, POB 4940, Haifa 31048, Israel. E-mail: [email protected]
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2015 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
confidence intervals.27
diagnostic and procedural
and procedural performance
consistency among raters) was
TABLE 1 Means, SDs, Correlations, and ICC(1)s for Individual-Level Score Variables (N = 72)
Variable Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1. Diagnosed respiratory distress 3.28 1.03 (0.15)
2. Diagnosed shock 2.44 1.25 0.36 (0.13)
3. Suspected infection 3.09 1.07 0.57 0.35 (0.12)
4. Diagnosed NEC 2.83 1.10 0.47 0.69 0.50 (0.65)
5. Good general diagnostic skills (1) 3.06 0.88 0.76 0.60 0.68 0.77 (0.23)
6. Diagnosed deterioration 3.77 0.86 0.39 0.31 0.35 0.40 0.55 (0.17)
7. Suspected perforation of bowel 2.24 1.25 0.35 0.39 0.38 0.57 0.49 0.40 (0.57)
8. Diagnosed cardiac tamponade 2.62 1.44 0.37 0.26 0.46 0.51 0.49 0.47 0.39 (0.78)
RISKIN et al
ICCs indicated mostly moderate to [P , .05], respectively) and significant, DISCUSSION
high interrater reliability, thus suggesting that rudeness negatively Despite some modest improvements
supporting aggregation of influenced these collaborative in patient safety since the publication
information-sharing and help-seeking processes. Information-sharing had of the Institute of Medicine’s 1999
to the team level. a significant positive relationship with report To Err Is Human, major
Tables 2 and 3 report results of the diagnostic performance (estimate = disparities remain between patient
mean comparisons between the 0.47; P , .01) but not with procedural safety objectives and
control and rudeness groups for the performance, and help-seeking had achievements.28–31 For example,
diagnostic and procedural a significant positive relationship with recent studies estimate that patients
performance measures. As shown, the procedural performance (estimate = are exposed to at least 1 medication
majority of the individual performance 0.41; P , .01) but not diagnostic error per day4,32 and report
items were negatively affected by performance. numerous cases of retained surgical
rudeness. Furthermore, overall items.4,33 We suspect that 1 major
diagnostic (a = .90, ICC = 0.19) and Neither the 95% confidence interval reason for this gap is because many of
procedural (a = .83, ICC = 0.35) for the indirect effect of rudeness on the improvements were directed at
diagnostic performance mediated by refining systems and
performances were both negatively
information-sharing ([–0.49 to –0.05]) technologies11,14 while neglecting
affected by exposure to rudeness. In
nor the indirect effect of rudeness on human/relational factors.4,34
addition, a multivariate analysis of
procedural performance mediated by
variance comparison of means Our results highlight the potential role
help-seeking ([–0.36 to –0.02])
(multivariate F[2,69] = 4.62, P = .013, of human interaction in iatrogenic
contained a zero, further supporting
h2 = 0.118) suggested that a model with events, indicating that occurrence of
the hypothesized relationships
rudeness predicting the 2 performance even a mild rudeness can have adverse
presented in Fig 1. It thus seems that
measures simultaneously was consequences on the diagnostic and
rudeness reduced information-sharing
significant and explained ∼12% of the procedural performance of NICU team
among the physician and the 2 nurses,
variance in medical performance. members. Indeed, many of the ratings
which, in turn, harmed their diagnostic
Other factors (eg, age, gender, received by members of the rudeness
performance. Similarly, rudeness
hierarchical status, level of expertise, group were between 2 (poor) and 3
reduced helping among the team
tenure of participants) were not (moderate) (Tables 2 and 3),
members, which, in turn, explained the
significantly different between the suggesting that the judges saw
reduction in their procedural
teams and could not explain the evidence of potentially harmful
performance. The estimated model
differences in medical performance explained substantial variance in practice. Moreover, they show that
(data not shown). diagnostic performance (R2 = 52.3), as even the mild incivility common in
We next explored the mediating well as in procedural performance medical practice can have profound, if
processes through which rudeness was (R2 = 42.7). We also estimated a model not devastating, effects on patient care.
expected to influence performance including only rudeness and found But what underlies the impact of mild
(Fig 1, Table 4). The relationship of that it alone explained 10.0% of the incivility on potentially risky medical
rudeness to both team information- variance in diagnostic performance practice? Psychologists have found
sharing and help-seeking was negative and 11.2% of the variance in rudeness to interfere with working
(estimate = –0.51 [P , .01] and –0.38 procedural performance. memory; that is, the “workbench” of
the cognitive system where most
TABLE 2 Comparison of Mean Diagnostic Performance Variables (N = 72) planning, analyses, and management
Variable Control Group Rudeness t Test P (One-Tailed) of goals occurs.35 Thus, rudeness
(n = 33) Group (n = 39) exposure can adversely affect the
cognitive functions required for
Mean SD Mean SD
effective diagnostic and medical
Diagnosed respiratory distress 3.39 1.07 3.20 1.00 0.772 .2215 procedural performance. However,
Diagnosed shock 2.88 1.32 2.08 1.08 2.836** .003
results from the mediation analyses
Suspected infection 3.13 1.01 3.06 1.13 0.272 .3935
Diagnosed NEC 3.08 1.23 2.62 0.95 1.76* .0415 indicate that aside from any effects
Good stage 1 diagnostic skills 3.22 0.99 2.91 0.75 1.498 .0695 that rudeness may have on individual
Diagnosed deterioration 4.05 0.75 3.54 0.89 2.562** .0065 cognitive processing, rudeness
Suspected perforation of bowel 2.60 1.47 1.94 0.96 2.297* .0125 exposure may also weaken the very
Diagnosed cardiac tamponade 3.18 1.30 2.15 1.40 3.214** .001
collaborative processes (information-
Good stage 2 diagnostic skills 3.13 1.21 2.35 1.07 2.881** .0025
Overall diagnostic 3.18 0.92 2.65 0.69 2.796** .00035 sharing and help-seeking)36,37 that
*P , .05, **P , .01. might otherwise allow teams to
Path model of the effect of rudeness on performance, mediated by information-sharing and help-seeking. Numbers denote standardized coefficients for
the mediation path shown by the arrow. The relationship between information-sharing and help-seeking was 0.37.* The relationships between in-
formation-sharing and procedural performance and between help-seeking and diagnostic performance were not significant. *P , .05, **P , .01.
which individuals achieve mastery, simulations are becoming more participating teams from the NICUs of
serves as a primary linking mechanism. widespread in medicine as an the following hospitals in Israel
More research is needed to gain investigative tool.44,45 Second, (names of directors and charge
a better understanding of the efficacy because the study was conducted in nurses are listed after the name of
of interventions aimed at reducing the only 4 hospitals in 1 country, further each hospital): Bnai Zion Medical
threat posed to patient care by research is required to assess the Center, Haifa: Professor David Bader
rudeness directed at medical broad-scale generalizability of our and Ms Frida Mor; Haemek Medical
personnel. In particular, research is findings. Third, despite evidence Center, Afula: Dr Dan Reich, Dr Clary
needed on the prevalence and source that the impact of rudeness is not Felszer-Fish, and Ms Ineam Gander;
of such events. To the extent that such conditioned according to Lady Davis Carmel Medical Center,
events stem largely from the behavior source,20,21 our findings may not be Haifa: Professor Avi Rotschild and Ms
of colleagues toward one another, generalizable to rudeness stemming Lior Shaked; and Lis Maternity
training and administrative from other, nonauthority sources. Hospital, Sorasky Medical Center, Tel
interventions might be adopted to Aviv: Professor Shaul Dolberg,
CONCLUSIONS Professor Dror Mandel, and Ms Inbal
increase awareness of the risks
associated with such behavior, and shift Although the rude behaviors Yarkoni. The authors also thank
the behavioral norms underpinning regularly experienced by medical Professor Dov Eden from Recanati
such behavior. To the extent that such practitioners can seem benign, our School of Business, Faculty of
events are more externally driven (ie, findings indicate that they may Management, Tel Aviv University, for
patient- or family-based), interventions result in iatrogenesis, with his insightful and helpful comments
aimed at enhancing caregiver resilience potentially devastating outcomes. on an earlier version of the
should be examined. Not only does rudeness harm the manuscript.
diagnostic and procedural
Our study has several limitations. performance of practitioners, it also
First, given the simulation-based seems to adversely affect the very ABBREVIATIONS
study design, external validity may collaborative processes that might
be questioned. Nevertheless, ICC: intraclass correlation
otherwise allow for teams to coefficient
hospital-based research on incivility compensate for these effects.
and its consequences19,40–43 NEC: necrotizing enterocolitis
suggests that our findings are
consistent with the “real world” and, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
if anything, underestimate the The authors thank the directors,
magnitude of effects. Moreover, charge nurses, and members of the
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: Dr Bamberger has received support from the Israel Science Foundation (research grant no. 1217/13) Israel Academy of Science and Humanities for the
submitted work.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
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VIRTUAL FIELD TRIPS: All of my children attended the local public middle and high
schools. Since they were all fairly close in age, we experienced the same field trips
several years in a row. For example, each year the fourth grade went to a local stream
to investigate the flora and fauna, the fifth grade went to Saratoga, NY to investigate
Abenaki culture, and the sixth grade visited the Space Center in Montreal. As an
infectious disease specialist, I see many children going with their high school classes
to countries in Central America to either enhance their understanding of Spanish or
biology. However, field trips in the future may look quite a bit different. As reported in
The Wall Street Journal (Video: June 19, 2015), several schools are now using
videoconferencing rather than busses to connect students to educational and
culture events. For example, students in a classroom in New Jersey can videocon-
ference with an educator working in a chimpanzee enclosure in England or an
aquarium in Florida. Some museums even allow distant students to control a robot
in the museum, so that the controllers can turn the video camera attached to the
robot in any direction to better see things in which they are most interested. The
benefit is that the schools do not have to actually pay the fees involved in trans-
porting the students. Moreover, the students can experience or view far more events
or artifacts than they could otherwise. Students and educators generally like the
arrangement. One downside is that students cannot wander and explore personal
interests. Videoconferencing may not replace all field trips in public schools, but it
certainly is an appealing adjunct for student education.
Noted by WVR, MD
Subspecialty Collections This article, along with others on similar topics, appears in
the following collection(s):
Administration/Practice Management
Quality Improvement
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