Madhya Pradesh Poorva Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co - LTD.: SBI Virtual A/c No: 35594454470A1551000433
Madhya Pradesh Poorva Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co - LTD.: SBI Virtual A/c No: 35594454470A1551000433
Madhya Pradesh Poorva Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co - LTD.: SBI Virtual A/c No: 35594454470A1551000433
' '
Block No.7, Shakti Bhawan, Rampur, Jabalpur || GSTIN- 23AADCM6175E2ZM
Email: [email protected]
Electricity Supply Bill(SAC-996912)
Bill ID. : H1551000433-202403-2 SBI Virtual A/c No: 35594454470A1551000433
Date Of Issue : 29-MAR-2024 Last Dates Of Payment 1. By Online 15-APR-2024
Bill month : March-2024
Loc Code 1554500,Circle : Sagar O M
V.V.C. SRL PROJECT PRIVATE LIMITED Cons. Code H1551000433 Old Cons. Code NA
KH. NO. 420, SAGORIYA SAGAR 470228 Sagar Sagar Sagar PAN : AAICV5619H S/C No : SGR-135
470228 Temp. Adv. Amt.: Rs. 2347732.00
Mob. No. *******2485 Connection Date : 23/12/2022
Email Id [email protected] Supply Voltage : 33 KV
Cont. Demand 0 KVA [TempCd 500] [Standby CD 0] * Tariff HV-3.2.B Non-Industrial on 33KV * ANNUAL GMC : 1200 per KVA
Type: Normal HT Fixed Charges +T
Feeder Name: BADGAON AG 500 * 501 * 1.25
Meter No. Q0607831 MF 600.000000 0.000000 Energy Charges +T
* AMR Reading I II 38142 * 7.53 * 1.25
Max Demand Recorded 0.36520 0.00000 PF Surcharge
Transformer Loss 0.00000 0.00000 3590.12
359011.58 * 1
Total Max Demand 219.12000 0.00000 Electricity Duty
Adjustment 0.00000 0.00000 53852.00
38142 * 15%
Net Max Demand 219.00000 0.00000 TOD Rebate
Billing Demand 500.00000 0.00000 -17795.27
9453.00 * 9.4125 * 0.20
Energy Units (KWH) Reading Surcharge On Outstanding Amount 10439.00
On 23-MAR-2024 1132.92000 0.00000 TMM Difference (+) T
On 23-FEB-2024 1069.35000 0.00000 111613.43
11858 * 7.53 * 1.25
DIFFERENCE With MF 38142.00000 0.00000 RCDC CHARGES 3360.00
Transformer Loss 0.00000 0.00000 Round Off Adj 0.15
Adjustment 0.00000 0.00000
Total Units 38142.00000 0.00000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
Net Units Supplied 38142.00000 0.00000 CURRENT MONTH BILL 837196.00
KWH EXPORT : 0.00000 Arrears Inc. Cumm. Surch. 835134.00
KWH EXPORT Adj : 0.00000 Tax Collection at Source 0.100% 838.00
Current CF Units : 0.00000 BILL AMT. ADJ. TO S.D. DUE TO P.D. ON DTD. 22.03.2024 -1673168.00
Previous CF Units : 0.00000 NET BILL PAYABLE 0.00
TOD1 : 9453.00000 0.00000 Rs. ONLY
TOD2 : 1932.00000 0.00000 NET BILL PAYABLE AFTER DUE DATE 0.00
TOD3 : 17280.00000 0.00000
TOD4 : 9471.00000 0.00000
Demand in excess of CD. 0 0
KVAH Units Reading
On 23-MAR-2024 1289.72500 0.00000 Accounts Officer (CBC)
On 23-FEB-2024 1218.49000 0.00000 M.P. Poorv K.V.V.C.L, Jabalpur
DIFFERENCE With MF 42741.00000 0.00000
Transformer Loss 0.00000 0.00000
Adjustment 0.00000 0.00000
Total Units 42741.00000 0.00000
Net KVAH Units Supplied 42741.00000 0.00000
Avg PowerFactor 0.89 Avg Load Factor 12.000
Progressive KWH Consumption Upto
Current Month
REQUIRED TMM 600000.00
Progressive Current Month Bill Total(Rs.) 9460761.00
Previous Month Bill Amount 835134.00
Last Month Payment Details: Total Amt. 0
Date Mode Receipt No. Amt (Rs.)
Previous Reading Details
MTH Type Date MF KWH Reading
FEB-24 AMR 23-FEB-2024 600.000000 1069.35
JAN-24 AMR 23-JAN-2024 600.000000 991.85
DEC-23 AMR 23-DEC-2023 600.000000 894.27
NOV-23 AMR 23-NOV-2023 600.000000 801.99
OCT-23 AMR 23-OCT-2023 600.000000 718.21
SEP-23 AMR 23-SEP-2023 600.000000 621.59
1. Pay your HT Bill thru RTGS/NEFT mentioning your SBI Virtual Account No. which is mentioned at top of the bill. Account No. is your SBI Virtual A/c No. Account
name is MP Poorva Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Co. Ltd. IFSC Code is SBIN0007934.
2. If you want to pay thru SBI collect ,please visit our Website "" and Go to "Pay your HT bill" link.
3. The bill is payable within the due date, even if consumer feels that there is a discrepancy and/orClarification are called for, the consumer is requested to pay in full
provisionally or under protest subject to subsequent adjustment.
4. Please check and verify your PAN number, Email ID,Mobile No. mentioned on Bill. In case of any statutory/legal obligation the consumer will be solely responsible for
the same.
5. Aforesaid Last payment details are subject to Realization and Reconciliation.
6. For Any inquiry related with HT Bill/Payment, Please contact us on 0761-2970561 or mail us on our Email ID.