Npa Gender Policy
Npa Gender Policy
Npa Gender Policy
1. Policy statement 4
4. Implementation 19
The term “gender” refers to the social and cultural gender mainstreaming is a set of specific, strategic
construction of femininity and masculinity and the approaches as well as technical and institutional
relationship between them, as opposed to the biological processes adopted to achieve that goal” (ECOSOC
definition of the sexes. Gender identities and relations agreed conclusions, 1997/2). Gender mainstreaming
are not an expression of human nature, but results from was established as a global strategy through the adoption
social constructions evolved over time. This social of the Platform for Action at the UN Fourth World
character implies a possibility for change through Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995.
political and social action, and gendered roles and NPA’s main approaches for gender mainstreaming are:
relationships are both dynamic and changeable. • Integration of gender equality as part of all programe
for development, mine action and humanitarian
Gender Identity assistance,
Gender identity is a person’s individual concept of iden- • Targeted action for specific groups, often women
tity in terms of gender, whether it is being a man/boy, • Dialogue with partners on gender equality goals
woman/girl, both, or neither. Gender identity is and implementation.
not necessarily linked to the sex of a person.
Gender Analysis
Gender Mainstreaming A gender analysis highlights the differences between
“Gender mainstreaming” is defined as: “The process and among women, men, girls, and boys concerning
of assessing the implications for women and men of distribution of resources and power, opportunities,
any planned action, including legislation, policies or and constraints in a given context.
programmes, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy The analysis needs to seek information about:
for making women’s as well as men’s concerns and • Division of labour in productive work, child rearing,
experiences an integral dimension of the design, imple- and community work
mentation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and • Gendered roles and responsibilities, to understand how
programmes in all political, economic and societal men and women, girls and boys interact, what they do,
spheres so that women and men benefit equally and can do, and are expected to do, including distribution
inequality is not perpetrated. The ultimate goal is to of power
achieve gender equality. As such, gender equality is the • Access to and control of resources (material, financial,
overarching and long-term development goal, while human, social, political, etc).
Photo: Mariella Furrer
NPA firmly believes that gender equality needs to be at
the core of our work for democratic societies with a just
distribution of resources; action against global inequality;
and to protect civilians from explosive weapons. We recognise
that women and men are still treated differently and given
different tasks, responsibilities, opportunities, and privileges
in most societies. More often than not, men are given
systematically superior positions compared to women.
Most societies practice to different extents discrimination
against women economically, politically, sexually, and
culturally. Discrimination harms individuals, communities, Layers of discrimination
and countries. It hampers development and economic growth. Systematic discrimination is not limited to the rela-
Gender equality is a fundamental feature of a better world tionships between men and women, boys and girls.
for everyone. Gender alone is not the only factor underpinning
power relations and unequal positions. Social class,
NPA recognizes that women, men, girls and boys experience, ethnicity, age, ability, sexual orientation, and gen-
influence and are affected by development processes, armed der identity impact and structure unequal relation-
conflicts, and crises in different ways. This is also the case ships in different ways in different social, cultural,
with explosive weapons, therefore our work to protect and political contexts. Few persons identify with
civilians must take this into account. Equally, humanitarian only one identity marker. Understanding and acting
crises affect women differently from men, and women have upon these different roles and relationships consti-
other barriers than men to gain influence and participation tutes a challenge for any actor working to promote
in democratisation processes. Women have in general less and assist social, political, and economic change.
economic resources than men. NPA will take these differences
into account in our work.
NPAS WORK Democracy - women’s participation
Women constitute 23% of the parliamentarians in the
world, varying between 17% in the Pacific region to
28% in the Americas, and women Heads of State con-
Photo: Kimberly McCosker
NPA aims, through recruitment and training, to develop • Create an inclusive, tolerant, and accepting environment
a staff dedicated and prepared to apply a gender perspective welcoming the expression of individual gender identities
in the work, and represent NPA’s gender sensitive and non-discrimination on a gendered basis for those that
values whether off or on duty. do not conform to a gender binary.
• Secure measures to identify sexual harassment and
NPA has personnel policies and other tools to secure a gender implement clear follow-up routines of whistle blowers.
sensitive staff, e.g. ethical guidelines for our staff members • Eschew silent complicity and create an atmosphere
that include the prohibition of sexual harassment, abuse and conducive to discussion and internal debate on gender
exploitation. NPA will in our own organisation worldwide: based discrimination, including violence.
• Ensure competence and awareness on gender issues
• Keep track of the male/female composition in and violence against women within the organisation.
NPA at all levels. Make a special effort, to involve men in taking increased
• Enhance women in management positions and responsibility for strengthening the gender perspective
promote gender balance. of NPA.
• Provide for working conditions that suit the needs
of women as well as men.
• Promote a working culture of respect; free from sexual
harassment, avoid that power and entitlement create
a culture of abuse.
The Legal and Normative
NPA’s gender policy rests on inter-
national law and practice, as articu-
lated in treaties and resolutions
of the United Nations General As-
sembly and Security Council. These
include, but are not limited to:
– United Nations Universal Dec-
laration of Human Rights, and the
Covenants on Human Rights
– The 1979 Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women
and its General Recommendation
19 on Violence against Women
– UN Security Council Resolution
1325 (2000) on Women, Peace, and
Security and its subsequent resolu-
tions 1820, 1888, 1889, 1960, 2106,
2122, and 2242 (until Nov 2017)
– The Conventions on the Rights
of the Child (1989)
– Beijing Declaration & Platform
of Action (1995)
With a good understanding of gender relations we are better • Demining activities shall not be implemented in a manner
equipped to contribute to closing the gender gap in power and that discriminates on the basis of the sex or gender of people
resources. Gender equality is instrumental in reaching our living in or close to a contaminated area.
goal of contributing to the development of resilient socie- • In countries with armed conflict and post- conflict NPA will
ties before, during, and after armed conflict. In mine action, promote implementation of the UN Security Council
gender equality contributes to equality and inclusion in the Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security and its
communities where we work. subsequent resolutions.
Women, Peace and Security
The UN Security Council Resolution 1325 was the first UN resolution
to address the disproportionate and unique impact of armed conflict
on women. The resolution was a milestone and has put women’s rights
on the agenda in relation to armed conflict, as well as the need for
women’s participation to achieve sustainable peace.
2) Participation:
• All programmes must identify gendered barriers to of NPA’s partners are highly qualified in gender
participation, decision-making, and control of resources equality work. NPA will seek to utilise this competence
and identify measures to address these. to improve our own efforts and facilitate useful
• All programmes must ensure that women and any individual cooperation among partners, where feasible.
facing gendered discrimination have real influence and • When evaluating programme work, NPA will include
meaningful participation. In order to achieve this, questions with respect to gender differences in
we will find ways to secure dialogue with women and participation as well as gender differences in the
affected individuals as well as with men. impacts of our programme work.
• All programmes must analyse and take into account time
constraints which may be placed on women’s time, due to
their traditional domestic and caring responsibilities. «Dialogue and Organizational Development»:
• NPA will find ways to engage men and women in the work In organisational development, NPA’s support to
for gender equality, starting from women’s and men’s own partners may include organisational capacities
definition of problems, and their analysis and strategies. that may enhance gender equality, such as:
• NPA will strive to ensure a gender balance in survey and – knowledge and understanding of gender relations as
mine clearance teams. power relations;
• NPA will support women’s organising, as it is often key to – capacity to analyse the different powers, and roles
change gender relations. and responsibilities of men and women in society;
– capacity to formulate gender sensitive policies,
3) Dialogue and Organisational Development: planning, and monitoring capacity that differentiates
• NPA will engage in dialogue with all partners on needs and interests between women and men;
gender equality policy and practice, respecting – capacity to mobilise women for their own interests
each partner’s capacity, pace, and strategy for change. or influence in society;
• Gender equality will be included in organisational – capacity to recruit and include female members in
development support to partners based on the male dominated organisations;
priorities and needs of each partner organisation. – capacity to identify measures needed to achieve
gender equality in the organisation;
4) Learning: – capacity to recruit, develop and maintain female
• NPA will seek to learn from partner’s experience, personnel;
knowledge, and ideas concerning political context, – and leadership capacities of women
organisation, political influence, and gender. Many
Photo: Charles Obel
Photo: Colin Bent
Photo: Norwegian People’s Aid
This policy guides NPA’s work for gender equality. Our vision,
commitments, and principles should be guiding for all NPA
staff. We will work to implement this policy through:
Norwegian People’s Aid
P.O Box 8844 Youngstorget
NO-0028 Oslo
Phone: +47 22 03 77 00