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The world-wide

standard for
home and
building control

Applications in hotels
Offer convenience with maximum economy – by GAMMA instabus

Answers for infrastructure.

Appropriate lighting makes the lobby appear elegant The “operator panel hotel“, developed especially for
and positive. Given that, the first impression of guests the room temperature regulation in hotel rooms, is
is positive as well. easy to handle for every guest at first go.

Operating hotels successfully

Maximum comfort for your guests, safety and economy are highly important in the increasingly competitive hotel sector.

Hotel guests expect corresponding quality and good service – whether in a top or in an middle-class hotel. The hotelier‘s

task is to provide this service with minimum expenditure of time and money.

GAMMA instabus building management system makes a significant contribu-

tion to this, while combining the various features of a hotel building intelli-
gently with each other. GAMMA instabus thus provides in a hotel:

• maximum convenience for your guests

• reliable operation at all times
• lower energy and operating costs
• support to working practices in hotel operations
• preventive safety
• in an emergency protection for human beings and damage limitation

Turnkey installation solutions

As a complete service provider for building installations, we right up to the socket outlet in a hotel room – tailored to the
offer you a comprehensive solution from the energy supply needs of your hotel.

2 Situation and Concept

In corridors only the necessary lighting is pro-
vided by a presence dependent constant-lighting.
This cuts down on energy and costs.

Economy moves in

Complex requirements demand • At night, the heating is automatically • Light and shade are controlled in public
particularly intelligent solutions. This is lowered, e.g. in guest rooms to sleep- rooms and guest rooms such that as far
why Siemens offers a comprehensive ing temperature. A guest can of course as possible the available daylight can
system specially for hotels that fulfils change the temperature at any time or be used without glare. Having the
all these requirements – the GAMMA turn off the heating, cooling and venti- light switched on and the blinds closed
instabus. It enables you to save on energy lation completely. is a situation that we avoid as much as
and costs – without diminishing the • In rooms that are temporarily unused, possible. Electricity is saved and the air
comfort of your guests. as in the conference area, a “Central conditioning system doesn‘t need to
off” setting can reduce heating, cool- struggle against sunlight and the heat
Room temperature according to use ing and ventilation to protection created by artificial lighting. To make
mode. this happen, the blinds adjust automati-
• Heating and cooling costs are a major cally according to the position of the
factor in a building‘s operating costs. Light and shade as it‘s needed sun.
GAMMA instabus reduces these costs • A constant light regulation only per-
significantly, by only fully heating, • In corridors or ablutions in particular, mits the amount of artificial light need-
cooling or ventilating guest rooms, the lighting is presence switched out- ed in the room. Of course, you can al-
dining areas or conference rooms when side main usage times. During main us- ways adjust the light manually to suit
they are also in use. The room tempera- age times, the lighting is reduced to a your needs.
ture can be controlled by motion sen- variable minimum level when nobody is
sors, room-based utilization plans or present. This achieves optimum
manually. energy saving for a longer average life
• As long as windows are open, the of the lighting.
heating is lowered automatically to
frost protection level and the cooling
and ventilation is reduced or deacti­
vated altogether.

Advantages 3
When the corridor lighting is switched according GAMMA instabus also provides the proper
to presence always the proper light is available. temperature and the correct climate in the
That is especially save and comfortable for guests wine cellar.
not familiar with the location.

Efficient building management

for hotels
0% 20 % 50 %
• With its central visualization,
GAMMA instabus permits an
up-to-date picture of the whole
building and the operation of
all building functions. This pro-
500 lx
motes efficient management of
Daylight Artificial light the building.

Constant light control with daylight

control supplements only the artificial
light needed – less at the window, more
by the wall.

4 Advantages
The central visualization provides the duty manager
and staff at the reception desk with an up to date
picture of the whole building and the operation of
all building functions at all times.

• The connection to existing data net- • Maintenance and repair prioritized

works (LAN and Internet) or a building according to need are made possible
control system allows the building by counting operating hours and
management to spread across several switching cycles, as well as failure
buildings, whether within a hotel com- reports, e.g. from DALI-ECGs.
plex, a number of hotels in a city or • To reduce energy costs, energy con-
even distributed at random over a sumption data can be gathered for ana­ly­
number of countries. Distributed real sis, peak loads capped and unneeded
estate properties can be administered current consumers switched off. If,
optimally thanks to real-time status for example in the hotel kitchen, every-
information. thing is in full swing, some equipment
• Central monitoring of several hotel in the laundry can be switched off for a
buildings and systems reduces staff short time, in order not to breach rate
overheads – without GAMMA instabus limits.
causing additional installation costs.
• Fault signals regarding energy distribu-
tion from heating, cooling or ventila-
tion installations are recorded immedi-
ately and passed on, e.g. to the standby
engineer‘s or duty manager‘s mobile
telephone. Speedy elimination of the
fault prevents costlier measures and
complaints from guests.

Advantages 5
If it rains, a skylight that is still open can cause a
lot of damage. GAMMA instabus closes this auto-
matically when it is raining.

Because each guest feels secure

In hotels, the topic of safety is of im- • Windows, roof hatches or doors left • Fast and proper reaction in the event of
mense significance: for the protection open accidentally do more than just in- danger is possible with visualization
of hotel guests, staff and property, for vite unwanted guests – in the event of that shows the location of danger.
avoidance of damage and to limit in- storm, rain or frost, they can also cause • Areas of the hotel that are unoccupied
creased costs downstream. GAMMA significant damage. The indication of at night can be monitored through the
instabus building management system “Open window” or “Open door” makes network from another part of the
engineering is on duty twenty-four sure you can close these in time. building.
hours a day. • In the event of a storm, the blinds will • Unwanted guests can be spotted with-
be opened automatically to avoid out special monitoring devices: each
It is better to prevent damage than to their demolition and electrically opera­ opening of an outer door or window
repair it ted roof hatches or skylights will be and any light switched on or off in
closed. monitored rooms causes an alarm sig-
• Accidents due to inadequate lighting nal in monitoring mode.
can easily be avoided. If corridor light- In the event of danger
ing is switched on when a person is
in the corridor, then the right lighting • In case of danger, everyone in the hotel
is always there when it is needed. is guided safely out with emergency
• The lighting of the hotel‘s exterior and and escape route lighting based on
walkways can be made dependent on GAMMA instabus installed according to
brightness, movement or time and so is EN 1838.
always turned on in time. • If the fire alarm system is connected
to GAMMA instabus, electrical con-
sumers can be switched off before they
become an additional hazard. The com-
plete lighting system can be switched
on, thus reducing the danger of panic.

6 Advantages
When a guest leaves his room, the hotel card Energy-saving LED lights make orientation easier
switch turns the room off: The lights and televi- for the guest in an unfamiliar hotel room.
sion are switched off and the heating turned

Thoughtful solutions throughout the hotel

Just how economical, efficient and con- Hotel rooms • All room functions are operated by
venient the solution is for a hotel can be means of an illuminated pushbutton,
seen particularly by the fact that all the • Use the hotel card switch to trigger clearly labelled or provided with sym-
relevant requirements for the numerous basic functions and turn on the hotel bols. These are ideally suited for hotel
public areas of the hotel are fulfilled. room. Room temperature control and guests who must grapple with these
Hotel systems are ideally prepared for air conditioning are switched on. The pushbuttons on the spur of the mo-
any task, thanks to the modularity and presence of a guest in the room is re- ment.
flexibility of GAMMA instabus. corded centrally. On departure, the ho- • Energy-saving LED lights can be used
tel card switch activates the “Central for background lighting, as guidance or
Lobby off” function, e.g. lighting and televi- as a light signal.
sion are turned off and the heating or • Automatic fault signals help with the
• Representative light effects, appropri- cooling and ventilation are turned repair of defects, e.g. broken lights, be-
ate lighting conditions or relaxing down. fore the guest notices the damage and
fountains playing create an inviting • The room temperature regulation will complains.
ambience, matched to the time of day be switched to comfort temperature for
and the occasion. occupied rooms via the reservation
• The hotel guest can of course change
the heating, ventilation and air condi-
tioning at any time – simple to use
with the “operator panel hotel” devel-
oped especially for hotels.

Advantages 7
In the dining area, you choose the desired
lighting level with a single press of a button
or switch everything to a safe state for the night.

Dining and wellness areas Conference zones, meeting rooms • Even simple stage controls can be
realized using GAMMA instabus.
• Energy readings and consumption • With one touch of a button, the entire
data are gathered and fed to the cen- conference room with its extensive Garages/underground parking garages
tral visualization for display and further technical equipment can be switched
processing. This is particularly impor- to the current mode of use (scenario • In garages or underground parking
tant for different leasing areas. control) – also by outside presenters. garages without daylight, lighting can
• The extraction system can be control- For example, for giving a presentation, be controlled according to main
led conveniently and with energy sav- blinds are lowered, the projection usage times and presence. When
ing according to presence. screen is rolled out, lights are switched people are present, lighting is switched
• Water sensors give early warning off in the area surrounding the screen to full brightness in the relevant zone.
of pipe fractures and flooding. Damage and lowered to 10 % in the rest of the When nobody is present, lighting is
can be reduced to a minimum accordingly. room, the beamer/digital projector is reduced to minimum brightness or,
• The results of air quality checks will be switched on – all by one touch of a outside main usage times, switched off
forwarded to the visualization and button. completely. This cuts down on energy
reported to the building control system • The presenter can also control these costs and increases the lamps‘ durability.
as necessary. scenes completely mobile with the
• In the event of a change of use, remote control.
the economic efficiency of GAMMA • GAMMA instabus demonstrates its
instabus will be particularly obvious. flexibility once again when it comes
Whether on a change of tenant or on to variable partition walls. When
renovation, an expensive rewiring opening partition walls, the conference
won‘t be necessary. Changing the room control adjusts automatically. This
parameters is all that is required in is not apparent to the user. The entire
most cases and disruptive conversion area is now treated as a single room
periods can be reduced significantly. with the same pushbuttons.

8 Advantages
Building management functions and media con- GAMMA instabus notifies you immediately of
trol combined in one user friendly concept – the lamp failures. Defective lamps can be
great variety of technical functions in meeting replaced immediately and inspection patrols are
rooms can easily be controlled with one touch of a thing of the past.
a button. Even by outside presenters.

• With GAMMA instabus a so-called “third- third-switching

switching” can be implemented: One without with
third of the lights remains switched on
1. exchange 2. exchange 3. exchange

for a basic lighting level. This one third of

the lamps, due to their significantly high-
er usage, will need to be replaced before
the other lamps. GAMMA instabus makes
it possible simply to use all the lights in
such a way that they rotate to cover the
One-time exchange

basic lighting level. By distributing the

load evenly, all lamps can be replaced at
the same time and exchanges in the
of all lamps

meantime will not be necessary.

• And you know when all lamps are to
be replaced from the number of their
operating hours.

Basic costs of Cost of lamps

(transport to site,
job order, order-
ing lamps)

Advantages 9
The façade is a hotel‘s business card. With Offering numerous functionalities GAMMA
GAMMA instabus it can be put in perspective. instabus is always easy to use. The hotel
guest operates via the familiar pushbuttons –
he just feels the comfort.

Façade Sanitary areas … and the right control for every task

The façade of the hotel contributes sig- • Motion detectors always provide light at • The best technology is useless if it is
nificantly to its image GAMMA instabus the right time without the guest having difficult to operate. GAMMA instabus
allows you to highlight your hotel. to search for switches. And, when the was designed to be so user-friendly that
• Lighting effects: for lights or groups of light is no longer needed, they switch an inhibition threshold isn‘t even
lights, timed brightness sequences can off automatically; this saves energy. allowed to appear in the first place.
be defined and repeated often and in • An extractor fan system that is This is especially important for hotel
cycles. From running light to brightness switched on when people are present guests not familiar with the location.
and colour sequences, there are virtual- contributes to a pleasant environment Despite its impressive range of func-
ly no limits to the lighting designs you and saves energy. tions, the system is very simple and
can create. • Water sensors give early warning of convenient to use: from the familiar
• Controlling coloured light, especially pipe fractures and flooding. switches, remote controls, operating
in concert with DALI control gear, offers displays, touch panels or via a central
countless possibilities to present your visualization PC.

10 Advantages
The functions at a glance

Economy Specially
Heating, cooling and ventilation according to need … in the lobby
Reduction of heating in case of open window Lighting effects and controlling of coloured lights
Heating turned down automatically at night … in hotel rooms
“Central off” for the heating, cooling and ventilation Hotel card switch
Lighting according to presence Room temperature control via the reservation system
Using daylight without glare Illuminated, clearly labelled pushbuttons
Constant light regulation LED lights as guidance
Efficient building management with visualization Automatic fault signals
Building management of distributed buildings ... in the dining and wellness areas
Central monitoring of more than one building Gathering of consumption data
Damage prevention by early fault signals Extractor fan system switched on when people are present
Maintenance according to need Water sensors give early warning
Switching off unneeded energy consumers/devices Air quality at visualization
Safety Rewiring unnecessary on change of use
Presence-dependent corridor lighting … in conference zones and meeting rooms
Exterior and walkway lighting Scenario control at the touch of a button
Indication of windows, roof hatches, skylights or doors left open Remote control in the conference room
Automatic reaction to storm Variable partition walls
Emergency and escape route lighting Simple stage control
Automatic reaction in the event of fire alarm ... in garages/underground parking garages
Visualization shows location of danger Lighting according to main usage times and presence
External building monitoring Third-switching
Monitoring without special monitoring systems Maintenance according to operating hours
... on façades
Light effects and controlling of coloured lights
... in sanitary areas
Light automatically
Extractor fan system switched on when people are present
Water sensors
… and the right control for every task
Appropriate user interfaces for every requirement

With the GAMMA Building Management System, your

You would like to find out more?
hotel will fulfil every need with regard to economy,
Are the examples we‘ve described of interest for your hotel
project? Then please turn to your Siemens partner. He will
convenience and safety, now and in future. gladly support you and provide you with further information.

Overview 11
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Infrastructure & Cities Sector
Building Technologies Division
International Headquarters
Gubelstrasse 22
6301 Zug
Tel +41 41 724 24 24

The information in this document contains general descriptions of technical options available,
which do not always have to be present in individual cases. The required features should therefore
be specified in each individual case at the time of closing the contract.
© Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2012

Answers for infrastructure.

Our world is undergoing changes that force us to think growing. For our customers, success is defined by how
in new ways: demographic change, urbanization, global well they manage these challenges. Siemens has the
warming and resource shortages. Maximum efficiency answers.
has top priority – and not only where energy is concerned.
In addition, we need to increase comfort for the well-being “We are the preferred partner for energy-efficient,
of users. Also, our need for safety and security is constantly safe and secure buildings and infrastructure.”


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