The Effect of Glass Fiber On Concrete and Reinforc

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International Conference on Physics and Energy 2021 (ICPAE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2040 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2040/1/012027

The Effect of Glass Fiber on Concrete and Reinforced

Concrete Beam under Elevated Temperature

A.Paulmakesh1 Gizachew Markos Makebo2

Associate professor, department of civil Engineering, Wolaita Sodo
University, Ethiopia e-mail: [email protected]
Head,department of civil Engineering, Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia,
email: [email protected]
Correspondence author e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: Any service structures could suffer in unexpected time from one of the most
serious accidents is fire accidents. A small source is sufficient for a fire accident to be
ignited, but its shore is difficult to control. In Ethiopia, so many fire accidents took
place that in the near past have taken lives and house damage. For example, Merkato
area burnt down nearby shops at the Greater Anwar Mosque in Addis Ababa. The cause
of the accident has been investigated and a great number of homes and lives have been
demolished. A long fire period leads to structural failure, loss of valuable lives, etc.
The use of advanced finite elements and structural analysis models to determine the
fire growth within a compartment is currently undergoing good development to
determine temperatures within the component through a heat transfer analysis. This
study focussed more on the influence of fiberglass under high temperature on concrete
and reinforced concrete beams. In this study, different fiber glass percentage, concrete
temperature and fire exposure duration were discussed. Experimental tests on both
conventional and fiber-powered concrete at high temperatures have been done and the
compressive strength of the concrete cube is found to be reduced to 37.41% for two
hours at a 3000c temperature relative to initial concrete compression strength. Concrete
cylinder tensile strength decreases up to 20 percent at 3,000 cm for two hours, relatively
with initial concrete tensile strength, and the reinforced concrete beam's load-resisting
capacity decreases to 21 percent with 3,000 cm held for two hours. But by adding
0.75% of the fiber on concrete, the compressive strength increases to 21% compared
to normal cements. The concrete with0.75% fiber increases the divided tensile strength
by 29% over regular cement. The load resistance capacity for beams with 0.5% fiber
at the same temperature exceeds 9.4%. Thus fiber glass concrete has a high resistance
to load and a high fire resistance than conventional concrete.

Keywords: Fiber glass, Reinforced concrete, Elevated Temperature.

1. Introduction
Concrete is the most widely used man-made construction material in the world today. It is
relatively inexpensive and simple to shape into any desired shape. Steel has been and continues
to be the most common reinforcing material for concrete. Steel material has numerous
advantages when used as reinforcing concrete; it is strong in tension and compression and has

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International Conference on Physics and Energy 2021 (ICPAE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2040 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2040/1/012027

a high modulus of elasticity[1]. It has the same thermal expansion as concrete and works well
with it under load. However, using steel as reinforcing concrete has some drawbacks; it
corrodes over time and has a low fire resistance. However, the main challenge for civil and
structural engineers is to provide society with sustainable, environmentally friendly, and
financially viable structures. Finding new materials that can meet these requirements is
essential. However, most fiberized materials on the market today have at least one major
drawback that prevents them from being widely used in structural applications. Fibers made
primarily of carbon fiber, for example, have exceptional structural properties such as a high
elastic modulus and a relatively high tensile strength[2]. However, their performance in fire
testing is less than desirable, and their cost makes them unsuitable for use in most applications.
Fiber glass, a relatively new fiber, is generating interest in the construction industry as a raw
material and fiber reinforcement polymer alternative to carbon fiber reinforced polymers. It is
made of glass fibers that are extremely fine. It is a lightweight, extremely strong, and sturdy
material. The most common synthetic fiber is glass fiber, which is chemically inert,
hydrophobic, and lightweight. They are manufactured as continuous cylindrical monofilaments
that can be cut to desired lengths. Glass fibers also help to reduce plastic shrinkage cracking
and subsidence cracking when used in conjunction with steel reinforcement[3].

1.1. Statement of the Problems

The concrete structure under high temperatures (fire) results in a severe deterioration and a
number of transformations and reactions, leading to gradual disintegration of the cement gel
structure and reduced durability and increased drying shrinkage trend, structural cracking and
related changes in colour. Betons lose strength at high temperatures from previous experiments,
but the rate of reduction varies with the various construction materials used. Not only fire is
now increasing rapidly (global warming) until the date of this research, but it also loses its
strength at different altitudes, which require special attention in the construction industry[4]. In
fact it also increases quickly (global warming). There are no detailed and adequate provisions
on the performance of various types of construction materials for high temperatures also in our
country building code (fire). Limits, infrastructure growth and increasing security interest in
our country, repetitive and continuous experiments and fire-resistance tests must be given
considerable value in determining the characteristics of the various construction materials,
construction methods and structural components.
Adding fibers is one way to enhance the resistance to fire and reduce spillage. Fiber application
can moderate damaging effects of expanded steam. The polypropylene melting point lies at
100-200 degrees Celsius. Fiber evaporates from concrete at such temperatures and builds small
cavities into concrete. The concrete structure becomes more pore and expanded vapor can
escape without significant damage to the concrete microstructure [5]. This effect limits the
splitting and breakdown of the structure of the concrete. Fibers with a higher slimming ratio
have been shown to be better suited. A porous concrete structure is then easier to escape from
interconnected and expanded water steam without damaging the cement [6]. Furthermore, the
glass fiber contains a mixture of oxides with high heat and fire resistance and therefore cannot
burn in the air or oxygen but can smooth, melt and melt at high temperatures (8500c – 9000c).
The reason for this research is this situation. The key agenda for this research is therefore the
identification of these effects on concrete and beam with and without glass fibers under high

1.2. Objective of the Study

Generally, this thesis investigates the resistance of the effect of adding glass fibers in concrete
and reinforced beam under elevated temperature. To determine whether the fiberized concrete
and RC concrete beam is highly resistance as compared with conventional one[7]. To compare

International Conference on Physics and Energy 2021 (ICPAE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2040 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2040/1/012027

the performance of concrete and axially un-restrained RC beam element under elevated
temperature with and without fiber in terms of strength. To identify the different parameters
(Temperature and duration) which affect the performance of concrete and axially un-restrained
RC beam under elevated temperature with and without fiber.

1.3. Significance of the Study

The construction of wider infrastructures including high rise buildings in our country Ethiopia
is increasing now and will be expected to grow further. The design of such complex structures
will need not only good software but also other inputs of researches, studies and review of
foreign Codes used in our country. As previous practices tells important findings and research
results of important value comes from such type of fulfilment papers and the results of this
experimental research will be useful. Since this construction industry is huge it will need huge
number of inputs. Based on the output of this research will be used[8]. To evaluate concrete
structure with and without fiber after fire accident. To justify the recommendations in other
literatures used. For the design of concrete structure with fiber glass for fire. As a reference for
further study.

2. Literature Review
David et al, 2008 Even though there is nothing in the world up to now that will assure the
control of fire ccident in service structures and buildings without causing significant damage,
there exists variety of active firefighting mechanisms and other manual options[9]. There are
different types of firefighting mechanisms some of them they are direct fighting systems others
are alarming types for the people living inside prior to possible total damage or partial damage.
Sprinkling system, fire detection and alarm system, fire Extinguishers, hose cabinet and stand
pipes of water for firefighting vehicle could be mentioned as examples of firefighting
mechanisms ACI216R-89, 1994 to compare the loss of life and resources during fire accident,
whatever it costs the design of structures for fire safety and fire resistance of desired rating
should be implemented[10]. The "safety factor" is contained in the fire resistance rating in the
design for fire. Therefore, for a particular situation a member with a resistance of four hours
should have a "safety factor" greater than one with a resistance rate of two hours

Beitragel & Wankiw, 2002. The impact of structural continuity on the global response of
buildings at risk of fire has shown the real impact of large-scale experiments and real events
such as the fire of Windsor Mtower in Madrid (Fletcher et al) and the World Trade Center
collapse in New York (Beitel and Wankiv 2002). Since then much work, particularly steel and
composite structures, has been done to understand the global fire response.. The global behavior
is still not fully understood in concrete structures, mainly due to the lack of reliable information
on material properties at high temperatures.

3. Materials and Methods

The conventional method of testing any building construction and materials samples for
fire performance is based in burning furnaces, which is well equipped with temperature
measuring sensors thermocouples, controlled fueling mechanism for burning and simultaneous
loading way during burning (ASTM E119, 2000). This type of methodology for testing the
sample is realistic but it is very expensive to build it for individual research purpose. The way
of testing fire for this research commonly used an oven dry machine[11]. The samples are
burned in an oven for different specified concrete temperature and duration then allowed to
cool at room temperature and they are tested for failure.

International Conference on Physics and Energy 2021 (ICPAE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2040 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2040/1/012027

3.1. Material Investigation

Cement: The cement used shall be Portland or Portland-Pozzolana cement from dangote is used
satisfying the requirements of the latest Ethiopian Standards on such cements.(EBCS -2,
1995).For this research PPC cement from dangote is used.

3.2. Fine aggregate (sand)

River side from awash is used here for production of the test samples. Sieve analysis is carried
out to determine its sizes and properties to confirm the ASTM standard and having specific
gravity 2.5. Coarse aggregate: as per ASTM standards, sieve analysis carried out to find 20mm
size confirming to having specific gravity 2.7 aggregate is selected for this mix design. Also its
crushing value is checked. In this thesis, the crushed type of basaltic stone, available around
Adam city which is classified as siliceous aggregate type. Actually the basaltic aggregate type
is the most widely used coarse aggregate in our country for production of concrete.

3.3. Rebar
10mm deformed bar and 6mm bar is used. The reinforcement used for the sample production
is made of Abyssinia steel factory, Ethiopia with steel grade S-520and its ultimate tensile
strength is 634 (MPa) from test results.

3.4. Water
Mixing water used to be clean and free from harmful matter. Potable water is used.

3.5. Chopped strand mat (CSM 450) glass fiber

This form of glass fiber from world fiber glass company, Addis Ababa is used and it is easily
detached in to single piece with length 5mm and it diameter of 0.5mm. Different proportions
of fiber (0.5, 0.75 and 1.0%) are taken for making specimens. The following table shows the
trial percentage of glass fiber by weight of concrete and its aspect ratio.

Percentage Aspect Ratio

of glass (/ )
fiber by
weight of
0.5 100
0.75 100
1.0 100

Table 1: Percentage of glass fiber and its aspect ratio

Quantity 25 MPa
No. Material Reinforced concrete Concrete cylinder
1 Cement (PPC) 393.72 Kg 393.72 Kg
2 Fine Aggregate 677.33 Kg 677.33 Kg
3 Course Aggregate 1015.75Kg 1015.75Kg
4 Water 0.19686 m3 0.216546 m3
Table-2: Standard mixing for ordinary concrete structure per 50Kg bag of cement (EBCS -2,

International Conference on Physics and Energy 2021 (ICPAE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2040 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2040/1/012027

Concrete grade Description

Nominal size of aggregate (mm) 20
Workability High
Limit of slump that may expect for normal (mm) 50-100
Total aggregate(Kg) 215
Fine Aggregate (%) 35 - 45
Tot. vol. of concrete 0.127m3
C-25 Max. water cement ratioof beam for moderate exposure 0.55
Max. Water cement ratio of concrete for moderate 0.60
Table- 3: The mixing proportion for 1m3

4. Mix Proportioning
The basic mix proportion for C-25 grade of concrete is cement, fine aggregate, coarse
aggregate and water with mixing ratio of 1:1.67:3.12. Mix 1 and mix 2 contains 0% glass fiber.
Mix 3 and 4, mix 5 and 6, mix 7 and 8 contains 0.5%, 0.75% and 1.0% glass fiber by weight of
concrete respectively. A total of 8 mixes were studied with water-cement ratio of 0.50 for both
reinforced concrete beam and concrete cylinder to maintained C-25 MPa for all the concrete
mixes. The workability of the concrete with and without fiber is also checked within the limit
slump value according to the EBCS standard in using slump . The slump value lay under normal
range of 50mm- 100 mm. But the concrete with fiber affects the workability of the concrete; it
needs another recommended water cement ratio or special adding techniques. Increasing the
percentage beyond 0.75%, it reduce the workability of the concrete mix and it gives the
formation of mat and balling which is difficult to separate by vibration. When as we increases
the percentage of fiber beyond 1.0%, it may affects the workability of concrete mix.

Slump value (mm)

% of fiber
0 0.5 0.75 1

Figure 1: Slump test results for concrete with and without fiber

4.1. Concrete Specimen for Compressive Strength

Compressive concrete specimen Three concrete cube samples were tested for strength testing
to achieve a representative compressive strength value for various burning tempers and fire
exposure times. First design and make the mixing ratio with and without glass fiber as
mentioned above. The concrete sample is cast correctly with the L*W*D aspect ratio
(150X150X150) and the Concrete compaction. The next day it was demolished and placed in
portable water for 28 days after casting the concrete cube. The cube sample is subjected to room
temperature (200c) of up to 3000c after 28 days. Then the cube sample is placed so that the
load is applied without a shock and continuously increase at a rate. The load is then increased
until the specimen is broken and the maximum load on the specimen is recorded during the test.
Finally, the specimen shall record the maximum load and notice failure.

International Conference on Physics and Energy 2021 (ICPAE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2040 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2040/1/012027

4.2. Testing Specimens

The cylindrical specimens of 150mm*300mm concrete were the specimen used in this test.
Two groups of samples would be produced to study the performance of concrete tensile strength
under fire. The first group consists of 3 and 18 fibre-free samples at normal and elevated
temperatures to assume their tensile resistance. The second group includes 9 and 54 fiber
samples at normal and high temperatures, to assume its tensile strength, respectively.
Preparation of the concrete cylinder samples for the divided tensile strengths and loading
conditions of conventional and fiberized concrete. Three beam samples are tested to achieve a
representative force value for different burning temperatures and fire exposure duration.
Premiere design and make the mixing ratio with and without glass fiber as mentioned above.
Then cast beam samples with the aspect ratio of W by D da L (150 Tod150 by 750) and compact
concrete with a lateral vibrator correctly. After casting the sample on the cement beam, remove
the mold and put it in a 28-day water reservoir[12]. The fiber effect is shown in the oven at a
different heat level after 28 days, by the room temperature up to a higher temperature from
1000 c - 3000 cm in the furnace. Then take the test from the oven and expose it 24 hours before
testing at room temperature[13]. The beam specimen is placed in a bending machine so that the
charge is applied without shock and continuously increased until the specimen is
unsuccessful[14]. Finally, a specimen records the maximum load and notices the error.

Figure - 2: Reinforcement detail of sample RC beams

4.3. Loading condition of sample beam

The reinforced concrete beam with and without fiber are loaded at the mid-span to get
maximum moment and deflection shown in Figure below as per ASTM C293M. The following
figure shows flexural machine, the cross section of the beam specimens with its loading
condition Beam Samples are subjected for desired temperature from 1000c up to 3000c and
durations starting from one hour up to two hours in the oven and air cooled to room temperature,
then tested for maximum concentrated load at the mid span. The mode of the failure of the beam
samples are failed in shear. If the samples were tested in hot just at a time of heat conditions
without cooled to room temperature, the results will be different from results recorded of this
research. The reason is reinforcing steels (rebar) will be affected by the elevated temperature
when they are tested during the fire but the reinforcing steel restores when cooled.

Figure – 3 : Representation of loading test of sample beam and its cross section

International Conference on Physics and Energy 2021 (ICPAE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2040 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2040/1/012027

5. Results

5.1. Results of Concrete cube for compression

Concrete cube samples are tested for compressive strength stress with and without fiber glass
in order to determine its toughness (the ability to absorb energy), relationship between concrete,
fiber and fire are presented in the following table. The effect of fire on concrete structure is
induces thermal expansion (tension stress) which causes spalling of concrete. Now adding fiber
glass and checking fire resistance more effective to prevent this thermal stress because fiber
glass used as crack arrester to reduce the expansion of concrete Martials. Finding tensile and
bending stress of concrete and reinforced concrete under fire is more representative than
determining the effect fiber on concrete for compression

Specimen % of Compressive
No. ID No.. fiber strength
NCC 29.6
1 NCC 3 0 24.71
NCC 26.78
Average Value 27.03
FCC0.5 31.5
2 FCC0.5 3 0.5, 29.12
FCC0.5 30.3
Average Value 30.31
FCC 0.75 33.40
3 FCC 0.75 3 0.75 30.60
FCC 0.75 34.00
Average Value 32.67
4 FCC1.0 28.90
FCC1.0 3 1.0 27.71
FCC1.0 27.00
Average Value 27.87

Table -4: The Result for compressive strength of concrete with and without fiber glass.
Compressive Strength (MPa)

% fiber Room Elevated Room Elevated

weight Tem. Tem.(0c) Tem. Tem.(0c)

1 hour 2 hour

20.5 100 200 300 25 100 200 300

0.00 27.03 23 26 22 27 22 25 19.6

0.50 30.31 27 28 25 30 27 28 23.1

0.75 32.67 28 30 27 32 29 29 25.5

1.00 27.87 25 25 23 27 26 25 21.8

Table - 5: Summary of the result for compressive strength of concrete with and without fiber
glass at elevated temperature.

International Conference on Physics and Energy 2021 (ICPAE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2040 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2040/1/012027

Compressive Strength (MPa)

% fiber by weight
1 hour 2 hours
of concrete

0.00 22.14 37.41

0.50 21 30.87

0.75 20 27.67

1.00 16.66 27.33

Table- 6: Percentage reduction of compressive strength of concrete with and without fiber exposed at
3000c for 2 hours

The relationships between compressive strength of concrete, percentage of fiber, temperature

and duration for elevated temperature of cube specimens with and without fire glass are shown
in figure below. Concrete with and without fiber are presented in figure.

Compressive Strength (


0 0.5 % of fiber 0.75 1
Figure 4: Variation of compressive strength of concrete with the addition of fiber glass

25 0.0%F
Stress, σ (Mpa)

15 1.0% F
0 0.0008 0.0015 0.0022 0.0024 0.0026 0.0028
Strain, ε (mm)

Figure 5: Stress and strain graph for concrete with and with out fiber

Figure 5 shows typical strain curves for horns with fiberglass and without fiberglass with
different strengths These curves match tests on specimens which resemble the compressive
pressure of the cube sample. The stress-train curves on figure 5 all increase to a maximum stress

International Conference on Physics and Energy 2021 (ICPAE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2040 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2040/1/012027

of 0.0015 to 0.0022, with a descending branch. As discussed in section, the shape of this curve
results from the gradual formation of micro-cracks within the concrete structure. Fiberglass
concrete has a high capacity for caring than conventional concrete. Generally, the addition of
glass fiber to 0.75% by weight of concrete is stronger and more load-bearing than conventional
concrete. This shows that 0.75% of the concrete is more ductile than other materials.

Figure – 6: Failure mode of normal reinforced concrete beam

Concrete without fiber glass
Load (Kn)

1 hour
2 hour

Temprature (0c)

Figure-7: Variation of maximum load versus temperature for beam sample without fiber

From this research, it was established that the fiber application in concrete reduces fresh
concrete workability. The results of the workingability test obtained in the standard slump test
demonstrated low workability. The conclusion was that the increased fiber weight in the
concrete would reduce workability. High dosage weight above 0.75 percent showed the
concrete to be considerably rigid and compact. However, blood and segregation in the concrete
mixture have also been reduced. With increased fiver-dose levels up to 0,75 percent, the
compressive strength of concrete increases, and then decreases. The optimal percentage of
fibers found in the research was therefore 0.75 percent and a continuous decrease of strength
was observed when the percentage of fiber dose increases. Split concrete tensile strength
increases up to 0.75%, and then it begins to decrease. The ideal percentage of fiber found in the
research is therefore 0.75 per cent and a continuous reduction in strength has been observed as
the percentage of the fiber dosage increases.
Fiber concrete is more resistant to the load than the fiberless cement in normal condition.
The heat lasts up to two hours, the tensile spillage strength of the normal concrete decreases by

International Conference on Physics and Energy 2021 (ICPAE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2040 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2040/1/012027

20% and the strength of the conventional reinforced beam by 24,7% with high temperatures of
3000c. Bitter with the recommended fiber (0.75%) percentage sustained for two hours at a high
temperature of 3000c, decreases the initial division strength of concrete to 12.12%. Duration of
exposure to a fire up to two hours lowers conventional reinforced concrete beam's load-resistant
capacity to up to 28.12% when burnt at 3000c temperature. The load capacitance of the
reinforced fibre-glass beam is approximately 9 percent higher than the normal reinforced beam
at 3000c for 2h with 0.5 percent. • As can be seen in Figure 4.10. the strength of the tensile
cylinder samples burnt for 2000c is higher than the tensile strength of the cylinder samples
burnt for 1000c, this seems contrary to the results of the study because the fire temperatures
increase the tensile strength of the concrete decreases. However, for beam samples, it is
apparent that, due to quick drying of concrete past and porostructure, the strength of concrete
at a high temperature from 100-2000 cm increases and steel increases at that temP due to
residual stress. More research is needed to verify the effect of tensile strength and fire
performance variation in bending times. These generally show that fibre-glass concrete takes
precedence over normal concrete at room temperature and at its highest value.

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International Conference on Physics and Energy 2021 (ICPAE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2040 (2021) 012027 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2040/1/012027

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