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Module 1: Engineering Careers and Engineering

Professions  Engineering uses scientific, technological,

and mathematical knowledge to solve
practical problems.
“Engineers turn dreams into reality”  Engineering is a profession like medicine,
law, etc. that aspires to high standards of
–Hayao Miyazaki
conduct and recognizes its responsibility to
STEM the general public.

 Working together to solve problems based Engineers can do anything

on societal needs and wants
 Invent – Develop a new product, system, or
 Scientists
process that has never existed before
 Investigate our natural world
 Innovate – Improve an existing
 Technologists
technological product, system, or method
 Apply science and math to designs  Design
 Engineers  Build
 Create our designed world  Invent
 Mathematicians  Create
 Use numbers and symbols to solve  Orchestrate
problems  Analyze
 Improve
 Evaluate
The Engineering Profession  Conceive

 Engineering is considered to be one of the Qualities Of Engineers

most challenging and exciting career.  Industrial, chemical, civil, electrical,
 It is the application of the principles of electronics, mechanical and other
science and mathematics to develop engineering fields are all words that come
economical solutions to technical problems. before the title of an engineer.
 It is the task of an engineer to link the  Each of these professions do very different
scientific discoveries and the commercial things in order to change the way we live.
applications that meet societal and  Collectively, they work to make our daily
consumer needs. personal and professional lives more
What is Engineering? comfortable, safer, and easier to navigate.
 There are several qualities that most
 The Accreditation Board for Engineering engineers share: among them are curiosity,
and Technology (ABET) defines critical thinking, creativity, effective
engineering: “the profession in which a communication, and a collaborative spirit.
knowledge of the mathematical and natural  Curiosity - Engineers are curious because
sciences gained by study, experience, and they want to know how and why things
practice is applied with judgment to develop work as they do.
ways to utilize, economically, the materials  Critical thinking - Engineers need to
and forces of nature for the benefit of analyze, evaluate, and synthesize
mankind. information to make objective judgments
and recommendations. They rely on these
critical thinking skills in every stage of their 3. Electrical Engineering
work, particularly when it comes to  Electrical engineering involves the
decision-making. conception, design, development, and
 Creativity- the creative engineer is production of the electrical or electronic
changing the way we live and work as products and systems.
creativity often spurs innovation!  It involves the application of electricity,
 Effective communication - Effective needed by our technological society.
engineers understand that clear, concise,  Electrical engineers design, develop, test,
written and verbal communication is the and supervise the manufacturing of
key to giving their ideas life and their team electrical equipment such as electric
a competitive edge. motors, radar, and navigation systems
 Collaborative spirit - Engineers do not 4. Electronics Engineering
work in a vacuum. They work with other  Electronics Engineering integrates
engineers, supply chain management, available and emerging technologies with
financial and project managers, and others knowledge of mathematics, natural,
from various business units. Engineers are social and applied sciences to
tasked with contributing to collaborative conceptualize, design, and implement
and cross-functional teams to ensure new, improved, or innovative electronic,
integrated development. computer and communication systems,
Areas of Engineering Specialization devices, goods, services and processes.
5. Mechanical Engineering
 There are over 20 major disciplines or  Mechanical engineers research, develop,
specializations that are recognized by the design, manufacture and test tools,
professional engineering societies. engines, machines, and other mechanical
Moreover, within each discipline there devices.
exist a number of branches. The following  They work on power-producing machines
are just the common engineering fields: such as electricity-producing generators,
1. Civil Engineering internal combustion engines, steam and
 Civil Engineering is one of the oldest of gas turbines, and jet and rocket engines.
the engineering fields. 6. Industrial Engineering
 It emphasizes mathematical knowledge in  Industrial engineering focuses on the
geometry, calculus and physical sciences. entrepreneurial and business aspect of
 Civil engineers oversee the construction engineering projects.
of transportation systems, roads,  Whether it is research and development
architecture, construction sites. or group projects, industrial engineers
2. Chemical Engineering. desire to create the most efficient plans
 Chemical engineering is the field of for employee, scheduling, factory
applied science that employs physical, schedules, and a multitude of other
chemical, and biochemical rate processes factors.
for the betterment of humanity. 7. Computer Engineering
 Chemical engineers apply their skills to  This discipline is referred to in a multitude
fundamental problems in of terms including computer hardware
pharmaceuticals, medical devices and engineering, computer software
drug-delivery system, semiconductor engineering, and computer science.
manufacturing, and more.
 This field encompasses the development  IC engineers focus on the implementation
of the programming and the physical of control systems, mainly derived from
components of a computer system. mathematical modeling.
 Computer engineers work on computer
hardware chips, circuit boards and 12. Food Engineering.
keyboards.  Food engineering is a multidisciplinary
8. Sanitary Engineering field which combines microbiology,
 Sanitary engineering, also known as applied physical sciences , chemistry and
public health engineering or wastewater engineering for food and related
engineering, is the application of industries.
engineering methods to improve  Food engineers provide the
sanitation of human communities, technological knowledge transfer
primarily by providing the removal and essential to the cost-effective
disposal of human waste, and in addition production and commercialization of
to the supply of safe potable water. food products and services
9. Petroleum Engineering
Other Engineering Disciplines:
 Petroleum Engineering is a field of
engineering concerned with the activities  Aerospace engineering
related to the production of  Automotive engineering
hydrocarbons, which can be either crude  Ceramics engineering
oil or natural gas.  Materials engineering
 Exploration and production are deemed  Manufacturing engineering
to fall within the upstream sector of the  Mining engineering
oil and gas industry.  Nuclear engineering
 Petroleum engineers specialize in the  Transportation engineering and many
discovery and production of oil and others
natural gas.
10. Mechatronics Engineering 20 engineers Who Became CEOs and Tycoons
 Mechatronics engineering is a -nasa last page hehe
multidisciplinary branch of engineering
that focuses on the engineering of both Engineering Functions
electrical and mechanical systems, and The focus of an engineer’s work typically falls into
also includes a combination of robotics, one or more of the following areas:
electronics, computer,
telecommunications, systems, control,  Research - explore, discover and apply new
and product engineering. principles
11. Instrumentation and control engineering  Development - transform ideas or concepts
(ICE) into production processes
 a branch of engineering that studies the  Design - link the generation of ideas and the
measurement and control of process production
variables, and the design and  Production and testing - manufacture and
implementation of systems that assemble components or products
incorporate them.  Sales - market engineering products
 Operations - maintain equipment and
 Construction - prior to construction Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE)
organizes bids, during construction Body of Knowledge
supervises certain components of process
1. Work Design and Measurement
 Management - optimize the use of
2. Operations Research and Analysis
resources (equipment, labor, finances)
3. Engineering Economic Analysis
 Education - teach engineering principles in 4. Facilities Engineering and Energy
university and industrial settings
 Consulting - provide specialized engineering 5. Quality and Reliability Engineering
services the clients. May work alone or in 6. Ergonomics and Human Factors
partnership other engineers. 7. Operations Engineering and Management
Engineers Work to Solve Many Kinds of Problems 8. Supply Chain Management
9. Engineering Management
 An electrical engineer may design a GPS for 10. Safety
your vehicle. 11. Information Engineering
 A pharmaceutical/chemical engineer may 12. Design and Manufacturing Engineering
find a cure for disease. 13. Product Design and Development
 A computer engineer may build a computer 14. System Design and Engineering
the size of your watch.
 A mechanical engineer may create a robot Definition
to discover water on a planet. American Institute of Industrial Engineers (AIIE)
 An agricultural engineer may evaluate the defines Industrial Engineering as follows;
effects of global warming on food
production.  Industrial Engineering is concerned with
 An Industrial engineers find ways to the design, improvement and installation of
eliminate wastefulness in production integrated system of men, materials and
processes. They devise efficient systems equipment.
that integrate workers, machines, materials,  It draws upon specialized knowledge
information, and energy to make a product and skills in the mathematical,
or provide a service. physical sciences together with the
principles and methods of
What IEs Do engineering analysis and design to
specify, predict and evaluate the
 Fierce Competition in Economy.
results to be obtained from such
 Customers demands are rising.
 Challenge for industries to produce goods
 Industrial engineering is about choices.
of right quantity, quality, in time and at
Other engineering disciplines apply skills to
minimum cost.
very specific areas. IE gives practitioners the
 Industrial Engineering plays a pivotal role in
opportunity to work in a variety of
meeting these challenges.
businesses. Many practitioners say that an
 We have various techniques in Industrial
industrial engineering education offers the
Engineering to analyze and improve the
best of both worlds: an education in both
work methods, to eliminate waste, proper
engineering and business.
allocation and utilization of resources.
 The most distinctive aspect of industrial
engineering is the flexibility it offers.
Whether it’s shortening a rollercoaster line,
streamlining an operating room,  develop wage and salary administration
distributing products worldwide, or systems and job evaluation programs
manufacturing superior automobiles, all  to increase/ maximize efficiency
these challenges share the common goal of  to develop methods for handling and
saving companies money and increasing transporting materials
efficiencies.  develop management control systems to
 As companies adopt management aid in financial planning and cost analysis
philosophies of continuous productivity and  design production planning and control
quality improvement to survive in the systems to coordinate activities and ensure
increasingly competitive world market, the product quality
need for industrial engineers is growing.
Why? Industrial engineers are the only
engineering professionals trained Career Opportunities
specifically to be productivity and quality
improvement specialists.
 Industrial engineers figure out how to do
things better. They engineer processes and
systems that improve quality and
productivity. They work to eliminate waste
of time, money, materials, energy and other
commodities. Therefore, many industrial
engineers end up being promoted into
management positions.
 Many people are misled by the term
industrial engineer. It’s not just about
manufacturing. It also encompasses service New approaches that are now implemented in IE
industries, with many IEs employed in
 ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
entertainment industries, shipping and
 CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
logistics businesses, and health care
organizations  SCM (Supply Chain Management)
 BI (Business Intelligence)
All about Industrial Engineering  SD (Systems Dynamic)
 determine the product requirements.  SaaS (Software as a Service)
 to design or to improvement systems for
the physical distribution of goods and
services and to determine the most
efficient plant locations.
 development of production planning and
Module 2 : Design Thinking
control procedures What Is Design Thinking?
 to increase/maximize productivity through
the management of people, methods of  Some of the world’s leading brands, such as
business organization, and technology Apple, Google, Samsung, and General
Electric, have rapidly adopted the design
 to eliminate worker fatigue
thinking approach, and design thinking is
 redesign and standardization of
manufacturing processes
being taught at leading universities around  Approaches challenges from the
the world point of view of the end user.
 A design methodology and iterative process  Calls for a deep understanding of that
that provides a solution-based approach to user’s unmet needs.
solving problems. What Is Design Thinking?
 It’s extremely useful in tackling complex
problems that are ill-defined or unknown, 1. Powerful set of problem-solving strategies
by understanding the human needs 2. Opportunity to encourage creativity
involved, by re-framing the problem in 3. Tools for reshaping schools and curriculum
human-centric ways, by creating many ideas  In short, Design Thinking is the confidence
in brainstorming sessions, and by adopting that new, better things are possible and
a hands-on approach in prototyping and that you can make them happen.
testing. Innovator’s Mindset
 A Design Methodology
 It differs from traditional design  ACT! – we are problem solvers, doers,
approaches in specific ways. creators
 For example, some authors  Learn from Mistake – we will fast and
characterize Design Thinking as more fearlessly, learning from each try
creative and user-centered than  Work Together – we collaborate, creating
traditional design approaches. better solutions
 A Problem-Solving Approach or Process  Contribute to the Greater Good – we
 As a solution-based approach to improve our community and world
solving problems, Design Thinking is  Be Resilient – we don’t give up
particularly useful for addressing so-  Grow – we are life long learners
called “wicked” problems.
Design is a process
 Wicked means that they are ill-
defined or tricky.
 A Creativity Approach
 Creative process based on the
“building up” of ideas.
 Analytical approaches focus on
narrowing the design choices, while
Design Thinking focuses on going
broad, at least during the early
stages of the process.
 A User-Centered Approach Overview of Design Thinking
 The heart of the method is in
understanding the customer.
 All ideas and subsequent work stem
from knowing the customer.
 Encourages creative consideration of
a wide array of innovative solutions.
 Can be applied to any field, including
higher education.
 Design Thinking starts with the
 Through observation & interviews, you gain
a deeper understanding on the real issues.
 After which will you then brainstorm to
generate ideas; turn them into prototypes
which you will use to test with your users
before proposing them as innovative
How do you develop empathy with the

 You know how important it is to empathize with

your users before designing for them.
 HOW will you go about doing that?
➢ Need to use this 2 tools:
 Observation
 Interview PROCESS
Apply POEMS observation technique as one of the  The engineering design process is a
tools for empathy study series of steps that guides engineering
teams as we solve problems.
P- People
 The design process is iterative , meaning
O- Objects that we repeat the steps as many times
E- Environments as needed, making improvements along
the way as we learn from failure and
M- Messages uncover new design possibilities to arrive
S- Services at great solutions.
 Shown in Figure 1 is the steps in the
POEMS engineering design process.
 Use POEMS framework to structure and
guide the observation as presented in the
POEMS Framework Template (Annex) to
record and capture what you have observed.
 To make sense of the observation, we need
to look beyond the obvious and explore
WHY than just WHAT in terms of
relationships, behavioral patterns,
interactions, gaps, and mistake. Take photos
to support and document your learning as
follows in relation to POEMS framework.
1. Ask: Identify the Need & Constraints. move forward with it starting with
 Others call this as “define”, or to assigning team tasks.
describe what is the problem, identify 5. Create: Build a Prototype
who has the problem or need and  This concept is similar with that of the
specify the potential objective or as to prototyping stage in the design thinking
why is it important to solve. process.
 The constraints of the problem is  At the end of each conceptualization is
essential to be identified too which the goal to materialize the idea from
includes the limitations, the project sketch, to an operating version of the
requirements, and the goal. solution.
2. Research the Problem  It could be made with different
 The next step is to find out the details materials first than the final version and
about the problem and to do research. need not necessarily be fully polished.
 This includes collecting information  Prototypes are essential for a designer
through interviews or random talking to test how the solution will work and
to people directly or indirectly related on what areas need revision.
to the problem, up to getting to know 6. Test and Evaluate Prototype
and investigating existing technologies,  Test the prototype and evaluate if it
solutions or products adaptable to the works according to the need.
needs.  Communicate the results and get
3. Imagine: Develop Possible Solutions feedback.
 Brainstorm ideas.  Look for what needs revision and
 Be creative and build upon the ideas of improvement.
others. 7. Improve: Redesign as Needed
 This way you could generate as many  Share results and continue to seek how
solutions as possible. your team could make the solution
 Encourage wild ideas and defer better.
judgment.  Iterate your design to make the product
 Stay focused on the topic, and have the best it can be. Iterate - to repeat an
one conversation at a time. already completed task to incorporate
 Teamwork is important. In the design new information
thinking process, this step is similar to
the ideate concept.
4. Plan: Select a Promising Solution  Before deciding which design solution to
 After brainstorming ideas and implement, you need to analyze each
exploring into the possibilities, choose alternative solution against the selection
a solution. criteria.
 But before deciding, revisit the  You should perform several types of analysis
needs(materials and tools) and on each design.
constraints (consider environmental,  Every design problem is unique and requires
cultural, time, and financial issues), different types of analysis.
compare and weigh.  The following is a list of analysis that may
 After careful analysis on which need to be considered; bear in mind that the
qualifies most of the requirements, importance of each varies depending on the
select one solution and make a plan to nature of the problem and the solution.
Design Criteria:  The laces, which originally were made just
long enough to close the football after the
 Functional analysis
bladder was inserted, became longer and
 Industrial design/Ergonomics
more pronounced to aid players in gripping
 Mechanical/Strength analysis
the ball.
 Electrical/Electromagnetic
 Manufacturability/Testability ▪ Product THE DECISION PROCESS
safety and reliability
 After analyzing your alternative solutions,
 Economic and market analysis you need to decide and document which
 Regulatory and Compliance design solution is the best.
Example of innovation: The football  You will refine and develop the best
solution in more detail during the later
 The first footballs were made of natural stages of the design process.
materials, such as an inflated pig bladder,  At this stage, to evaluate each solution
which was later put inside a leather cover. objectively against the stated design criteria
 This is why some still call the football or requirements, you need a quantitative
"pigskin". Today’s National Football League basis for judging and evaluating each design
(NFL) footballs are made of cowhide alternative.
leather.  One widely used method to formalize the
 A inflated rubber bladder is what is on the decision-making process is the decision
inside of the ball, which is then covered by matrix.
several layers of leather stitched together,  The decision matrix is a mathematical tool
then leather laces are added down one side you can use to derive a number that
of the ball to help with the grip of the ball. specifies and justifies the best decision.
 Modern balls are designed by teams of
engineers to exact specifications, with
rubber or plastic bladders, and often with
plastic covers.
 They're oblong spheres, 11 to 11.5 inches Module 4 : Transforming Our World:
(27.9 to 29.2 centimeters) long and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
weighing between 14 and 15 ounces (397 to
425 grams).
Development Department of Public
 A valve is on the outside of the ball so you Information United Nations
can pump air more easily into the ball's
 Once players and coaches realized the Three Dimensions of Sustainable Development
yardage that could be gained by completing
a forward pass, teams began promoting the  Sustainable development has been defined
play. as development that meets the needs of
 The passing game influenced design the present without compromising the
changes in football. ability of future generations to meet their
 It evolved from a watermelon shape to a own needs.
more aerodynamic prolate spheroid --  For sustainable development to be
basically a watermelon shape with pointier achieved, it is crucial to harmonize three
core elements: economic growth, social SDGs: Universality
inclusion and environmental protection.
Another Way to Look at SDGs

SDGs: Integrity

Sustainable Development Summit 2015

9 September, 2022

SDGs: Transformative

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

 Extreme poverty rates have been cut

by more than half since 1990.
 While this is a remarkable
achievement, one in five people in
developing regions still live on less than
$1.25 a day, and there are millions more Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote
who make little more than this daily wellbeing for all at all ages
amount, plus many people risk slipping back
 Ensuring healthy lives and
into poverty.
promoting the well-being for all
 Poverty is more than the lack of income and
at all ages is essential to
resources to ensure a sustainable
sustainable development.
 Significant strides have been
 Its manifestations include hunger and
made in increasing life expectancy and
malnutrition, limited access to education
reducing some of the common killers
and other basic services, social
associated with child and maternal
discrimination and exclusion as well as the
lack of participation in decision-making.
 Major progress has been made on
 Economic growth must be inclusive to
increasing access to clean water and
provide sustainable jobs and promote
sanitation, reducing malaria, tuberculosis,
polio and the spread of HIV/AIDS.
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and  However, many more efforts are needed to
improved nutrition and promote sustainable fully eradicate a wide range of diseases and
agriculture address many different persistent and
emerging health issues.
 If done right, agriculture,
forestry and fisheries can provide Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for
nutritious food for all and generate all and promote lifelong learning
decent incomes, while supporting
• Obtaining a quality education
people-centred rural development
is the foundation to improving
and protecting the environment.
people’s lives and sustainable
 Right now, our soils, freshwater, oceans,
forests and biodiversity are being rapidly
• Major progress has been
made towards increasing access to education at
 Climate change is putting even more
all levels and increasing enrolment rates in
pressure on the resources we depend on,
schools particularly for women and girls.
increasing risks associated with disasters
• Basic literacy skills have improved
such as droughts and floods.
tremendously, yet bolder efforts are needed to
 Many rural women and men can no longer make even greater strides for achieving
make ends meet on their land, forcing them
universal education goals.
to migrate to cities in search of
• For example, the world has achieved equality
opportunities. in primary education between girls and boys,
 A profound change of the global food and but few countries have achieved that target at
agriculture system is needed if we are to all levels of education.
nourish today’s 795 million hungry and the
additional 2 billion people expected by Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all
2050. women and girls
 The food and agriculture sector offers key • While the world has achieved
solutions for development, and is central progress towards gender equality and
for hunger and poverty eradication women’s empowerment under the
Millennium Development Goals (including Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable,
equal access to primary education between sustainable and modern energy for all
girls and boys), women and girls continue
• Energy is central to nearly
to suffer discrimination and violence in
every major challenge and
every part of the world.
opportunity the world faces today.
• Gender equality is not only a fundamental
Be it for jobs, security, climate
human right, but a necessary foundation
change, food production or
for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable
increasing incomes, access to energy for all
is essential.
• Providing women and girls with equal
• Sustainable energy is opportunity – it
access to education, health care, decent
transforms lives, economies and the
work, and representation in political and
economic decision-making processes will
• UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is
fuel sustainable economies and benefit
leading a Sustainable Energy for All
societies and humanity at large.
initiative to ensure universal access to
Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for modern energy services, improve efficiency
all and increase use of renewable sources.
• Clean, accessible water for all Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable
is an essential part of the world we economic growth, employment and decent work
want to live in. for all
• There is sufficient fresh
• Roughly half the world’s
water on the planet to achieve
population still lives on the
equivalent of about US$2 a day.
• But due to bad economics or poor
• And in too many places,
infrastructure, every year millions of people,
having a job doesn’t guarantee the
most of them children, die from diseases
ability to escape from poverty.
associated with inadequate water supply,
• This slow and uneven progress requires us to
sanitation and hygiene.
rethink and retool our economic and social
• Water scarcity, poor water quality and
policies aimed at eradicating poverty.
inadequate sanitation negatively impact
• A continued lack of decent work
food security, livelihood choices and
opportunities, insufficient investments and
educational opportunities for poor families
under-consumption lead to an erosion of the
across the world.
basic social contract underlying democratic
• Drought afflicts some of the world’s poorest
societies: that all must share in progress.
countries, worsening hunger and
• The creation of quality jobs will remain a
major challenge for almost all economies
• By 2050, at least one in four people is likely
well beyond 2015.
to live in a country affected by chronic or
• Sustainable economic growth will require
recurring shortages of fresh water
societies to create the conditions that allow
people to have quality jobs that stimulate
the economy while not harming the
• Job opportunities and decent working • However, inequality still persists and large
conditions are also required for the whole disparities remain in access to health and
working age population. education services and other assets.
• Additionally, while income inequality between
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote
countries may have been reduced, inequality
sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
within countries has risen.
• Investments in infrastructure • There is growing consensus that economic
– transport, irrigation, energy and growth is not sufficient to reduce poverty if it
information and communication is not inclusive and if it does not involve the
technology – are crucial to three dimensions of sustainable development
achieving sustainable – economic, social and environmental.
development and empowering communities • To reduce inequality, policies should be
in many countries. universal in principle paying attention to the
• It has long been recognized that growth in needs of disadvantaged and marginalized
productivity and incomes, and populations.
improvements in health and education
Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and
outcomes require investment in
• Inclusive and sustainable industrial • Cities are hubs for ideas,
development is the primary source of commerce, culture, science,
income generation, allows for rapid and productivity, social development
sustained increases in living standards for all and much more.
people, and provides the technological • At their best, cities have
solutions to environmentally sound enabled people to advance socially and
industrialization. economically.
• Technological progress is the foundation of • However, many challenges exist to
efforts to achieve environmental objectives, maintaining cities in a way that continues
such as increased resource and energy- to create jobs and prosperity while not
efficiency. straining land and resources.
• Without technology and innovation, • Common urban challenges include
industrialization will not happen, and congestion, lack of funds to provide basic
without industrialization, development will services, a shortage of adequate housing
not happen. and declining infrastructure.
• The challenges cities face can be overcome
Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among
in ways that allow them to continue to
thrive and grow, while improving resource
• The international community use and reducing pollution and poverty.
has made significant strides • The future we want includes cities of
towards lifting people out of opportunities for all, with access to basic
poverty. services, energy, housing, transportation
• The most vulnerable nations and more.
– the least developed countries, the
landlocked developing countries and the small
island developing states – continue to make
inroads into poverty reduction.
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and costing people, communities and countries
production patterns dearly today and even more tomorrow.
• People are experiencing the significant
• Sustainable consumption and
impacts of climate change, which include
production is about promoting
changing weather patterns, rising sea level,
resource and energy efficiency,
and more extreme weather events.
sustainable infrastructure, and
• The greenhouse gas emissions from human
providing access to basic services,
activities are driving climate change and
green and decent jobs and a better quality
continue to rise.
of life for all.
• They are now at their highest levels in history.
• Its implementation helps to achieve overall
Without action, the world’s average surface
development plans, reduce future
temperature is projected to rise over the 21st
economic, environmental and social costs,
century and is likely to surpass 3 degrees
strengthen economic competitiveness and
Celsius this century—with some areas of the
reduce poverty.
world expected to warm even more.
• Sustainable consumption and production
• The poorest and most vulnerable people are
aims at “doing more and better with less,”
being affected the most.
increasing net welfare gains from economic
• Affordable, scalable solutions are now
activities by reducing resource use,
available to enable countries to leapfrog to
degradation and pollution along the whole
cleaner, more resilient economies.
lifecycle, while increasing quality of life.
• The pace of change is quickening as more
• It involves different stakeholders, including
people are turning to renewable energy and a
business, consumers, policy makers,
range of other measures that will reduce
researchers, scientists, retailers, media,
emissions and increase adaptation efforts.
and development cooperation agencies,
• But climate change is a global challenge that
among others.
does not respect national borders.
• It also requires a systemic approach and
• Emissions anywhere affect people
cooperation among actors operating in the
supply chain, from producer to final
• It is an issue that requires solutions that need
to be coordinated at the international level
• It involves engaging consumers through
and it requires international cooperation to
awareness-raising and education on
help developing countries move toward a low-
sustainable consumption and lifestyles,
carbon economy.
providing consumers with adequate
• To address climate change, countries adopted
information through standards and labels
a global agreement in Paris December 2015.
and engaging in sustainable public
procurement, among others.
Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans,
seas and marine resources
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate
change and its impacts • The world’s oceans – their
temperature, chemistry, currents
• Climate change is now
and life – drive global systems
affecting every country on every
that make the Earth habitable for
continent. It is disrupting national
economies and affecting lives,
• Our rainwater, drinking water, weather, Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for
climate, coastlines, much of our food, and sustainable development
even the oxygen in the air we breathe, are all
• A successful sustainable
ultimately provided and regulated by the sea.
development agenda requires
• Throughout history, oceans and seas have
partnerships between
been vital conduits for trade and
governments, the private sector
and civil society.
• Careful management of this essential global
• These inclusive partnerships built upon
resource is a key feature of a sustainable
principles and values, a shared vision, and
shared goals that place people and the
Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat planet at the centre, are needed at the
desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, global, regional, national and local level.
halt biodiversity loss • Urgent action is needed to mobilize, redirect
and unlock the transformative power of
• Forests cover 30 per cent of
trillions of dollars of private resources to
the Earth’s surface and in
deliver on sustainable development
addition to providing food
security and shelter, forests are
• Long-term investments, including foreign
key to combating climate change,
direct investment, are needed in critical
protecting biodiversity and the
sectors, especially in developing countries.
homes of the indigenous population.
• These include sustainable energy,
• Thirteen million hectares of forests are being
infrastructure and transport, as well as
lost every year while the persistent
information and communications
degradation of dry lands has led to the
desertification of 3.6 billion hectares.
• The public sector will need to set a clear
• Deforestation and desertification – caused
by human activities and climate change –
• Review and monitoring frameworks,
pose major challenges to sustainable
regulations and incentive structures that
development and have affected the lives and
enable such investments must be retooled
livelihoods of millions of people in the fight
to attract investments and reinforce
against poverty.
sustainable development.
• Efforts are being made to manage forests
• National oversight mechanisms such as
and combat desertification.
supreme audit institutions and oversight
Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive functions by legislatures should be
societies strengthened.

Goal 16 of the Sustainable

Development Goals is dedicated
to the promotion of peaceful and
inclusive societies for sustainable
development, the provision of
access to justice for all, and building effective,
accountable institutions at all levels.
Module 5: Prototyping 2. It saves money.

Since prototyping is considered an
What is prototyping? experimental process, you start with a
PROTOTYPING IS A STEP TO draft version to show the intention
MATERIALIZE AN IDEA. behind a concept to users before
investing time and money into
PROTOTYPES ARE THE SAMPLE • Prototypes need not to be of expensive
VERSION OF THE PRODUCT YOU materials and may be considered a trial
TO A SPECIFIC PROBLEM OR NEED. • Also, prototyping allows early changes,
thereby avoiding commitment to a single
THROUGH PROTOTYPES, TESTING considered ideal-version, and later
AND ITERATION OR REPETITION WITH incurring heavy costs due to oversights.
IMPROVEMENT IS POSSIBLE BEFORE 3. Results in higher user satisfaction
SOMEONE ARRIVES AT A FINAL • Prototypes increase the quality and
OUTPUT. amount of communication between the
PROTOTYPES COME IN DIFFERENT developer and the end user.
FORMS, FROM THE LOW TO HIGH • The user’s feedback after seeing potential
FIDELITY, TO SIMPLE SKETCHES TO benefits, risks and costs through the
INNOVATIVE DIGITAL. prototype are used as foundation from
which to ideate towards improvements,
PROTOTYPING IS DEFINED BY resulting in higher user satisfaction.
INTERACTION DESIGN FOUNDATION • Users get to have a sense of ownership
AS AN EXPERIMENTAL with the emotional investment they share
as their feedback is valued
4. Exposes developers to potential future system
• Exposing the prototype to users and
being open to receiving criticism and
suggestions helps you pinpoint which
Advantages of Prototyping
elements/variants work best and which
1. It involves user. do not or those that need make-over.
• Prototyping allows the inputs from the • Sometimes, their point of view opens
users through the testing stage, as they opportunities for other development or
try the sample version or model, and potential inspirations for innovation or
provide feedback. invention
• Being able to seek their involvement
Types of Prototypes
may reduce misunderstandings and
prevent unfulfilled expectations as they 1. According to Fidelity
may suggest changes or modify the • Fidelity relates to the complexity of the
details of the provided working details incorporated on the prototype and
prototype. its level of functionality.
• Depending on the product’s development
stage, the prototype may simply be
presenting a small aspect or could be the  Rapid prototyping aims to develop learning
complete picture of the entire system. experiences in a continual design-evaluation
• The level of fidelity you choose should be cycle throughout the life of the project.
appropriate for presenting to users in user • This cycle, known as the spiral cycle or
testing so they can give focused feedback. layered approach, is iterative, meaning
 Low-fidelity prototypes. that products are continually improved
• Low-fidelity prototypes are usually paper- as the cycle continues.
based ranging from sketches, handdrawn • Rapid prototyping allows the designer to
concepts to print outs. start with a low fidelity medium (such as
• These are helpful to visualize a range of paper and pen) and move to
possible alternative design solutions, increasingly higher fidelity prototypes as
promoting brainstorming among the time goes on.
members of the design team, and the
• Samples: This can be seen more clearly by comparing Rapid
Paper Prototypes Prototyping with a traditional development
Sketches model:
Journey maps
Behavior maps
System flow diagrams

 High-fidelity prototypes.
• These are computer-based and/or digital
making use of software.
• This requires longer time to create, need
skills and knowledge on the use of the
software, and access to the software.
• Samples:
-interactive prototypes
-digital prototypes
-coded prototypes MODULE 6 - IDEA PITCHING
 The task of bringing an idea to someone with
the power to do something with it is called a
2. According to form
pitch : software ideas, implementation
• Role-Playing. Role-playing, or experiential
strategies, movie screenplays, organizational
prototyping, is a method that allows your
changes, and business plans, are all pitched
design team to explore scenarios within
from one person to another.
the system you are targeting physically.
 It is a presentation of a business idea to
• Role-playing is usually used for capturing
potential investors. Businesses pitch to
and expressing the users’ emotional
potential customers to sell their product.
experience of using a product or service
 Finally, some organizations pitch because
and to gain an empathic understanding of
they need a partner or resource to help
your users.
them accomplish their mission.
The nature of ideas Step 6: Deliver - Make sure you spend some
time preparing for a positive response.
Step 0: Create and refine the idea - Good ideas
include some thinking about execution and When do we make pitches?
delivery. Most of the time it’s not worth
 Colleagues - to argue for a technical
pitching an idea until you’re able to answer
some of the basic pragmatic questions about
 Management - to convince that your
it, such as: What problem does this solve?
idea/project/approach is of value
What evidence is there that the problem is
real, and important enough to solve?  Customers - to purchase your product, to
fund your project, to change their
Step 1: What is the scope of the idea - The requirements
bigger the idea, the more involved the pitch.  ALL THE TIME!
When you’ve identified the scope of your idea,
do some research on how others pitching ideas What makes a successful pitch?
of similar scope went about it.  Know your objective - Provide a focused,
Step 2: Who has the power to green light the concise, statement of the value.
idea - Make a list of the people that are Differentiate yourself from others who offer
potential recipients of your pitch. Base this list the same (or similar) value. Include how,
on two criteria: who has the power needed to specifically, you can provide it. Justify the
implement the idea, and who you might have ability (and cost) of your team to do the
access to. If you have no idea who to pitch work. Make it look good.
your idea to, ask around. There’s no sense  Present at a level appropriate for your
developing your pitch if there’s no one to audience - Know whom you're pitching to
catch. and tailor your pitch accordingly.
 Predict and answer the audience’s
Step 3: Start with their perspective - Consider (unspoken) questions - Understand the
how the person you’re trying to pitch views person's needs and motivations. To hit the
the world and keep it in mind while developing emotional level that will really make your
your pitch. The better your pitch fits into their pitch fly, you need to understand just what
needs, perspectives, and desires motivates the person you’re pitching to and
Step 4: The structure of the pitch - Always what his or her needs are.
formulate 3 levels of depth to pitching your  Leave your audience with something
idea: 5 seconds, 30 seconds, 5 minutes. The 5 positive they can remember.
second version, also known as the elevator
pitch, is the most concise single sentence
formulation of whatever your idea is. Refine, Elevator Pitch
refine, refine your thinking until you can say  Elevator pitch, elevator speech or elevator
something intelligent and interesting in a short statement is a short sales pitch; thaht is, a
sentence. summary used to quickly and simply define
Step 5: Test the pitch - The longer you spend a process, product, service, organication, or
with an idea, the more vulnerable you are to event and its value proposition.
your own ego. Get out of your office / cubicle /  Origin – from the idea of having to impress
apartment and go find smart people you know a senior executive during a brief ride in an
to give you feedback. elevator
Why do you need a Pitch? Mechanics of a Detailed Pitch
1. Communicate your startup’s product and  Elevator pitch on steroids
business model to your stakeholders: co-  More about customer experience
founders, employees, partners, customers,  More about the product
vendors, investors, etc.  More financial highlights & success metrics
2. Validate your own understanding of what  Close with an inspirational or aspirational
your startup is all about. note
3. Attract stakeholders and make them want
to know more about your startup.
Two Pitch Durations 20 engineers Who Became CEOs and Tycoons

1. 90 Second. Aka “elevator pitch”. Objective: The world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos, is an engineer.
whet the appetite of the listener to ask for The Philippines’ last taipan, Lucio Tan, is an
more. engineer. The head of all-knowing Google, Sundar
2. 180 Second. Aka “detailed pitch”. Objective: Pichai, is an engineer.
provide a complete picture of your business
Graduating with a BS in engineering is not just a
guarantee of your future as a respected
professional—it’s also a doorway to so much more.
The world’s biggest tech companies and the
Philippines’ biggest conglomerates are headed by
engineers, who also boast the title of CEO
alongside Engr.

From the Philippines

1. Ramon Ang
Mechanics of an Elevator Pitch ½  CEO of Top Frontier Investment
Holdings, president and CEO of San
 Concise, practiced overview of your startup Miguel Corporation
that is SIMPLE and MEMORABLE.  BS Mechanical Engineering in Far
 Limited to the KEY INGREDIENTS of your Eastern University
startup that the listener needs to know. 2. Lucio Tan
 Explain WHY your product is NEEDED.  CEO of Philippine Airlines and
 Describe your UNIQUE value proposition. Chairman of LT Group
 BS Chemical Engineering in Far
Mechanics of an Elevator Pitch 2/2
Eastern University
 Keep it short: 30 to 90 seconds at most. 3. David Consuji
 Avoid jargon.  Founder of DMCI Holdings
 Balance humility with hype.  BS Civil Engineering in University of
 Be your naturally enthusiastic self. the Philippines
 Practice, practice, practice. Rehearse on friends!
4. Tony Tan Caktiong 13. Tim Cook
 Founder and chairman of Jolilbee  CEO of Apple
Food Corp.  BS Industrial Engineering in Auburn
 BS Chemical Engineering in University
University of Santo Tomas 14. Satya Nadella
5. Edgar Saavedra  CEO of Microsoft
 Chairman of Megawide Construction  BS Electrical Engineering in Manipal
 BS Civil Engineering in De La Salle Institute of Technology
University 15. Sundar Pichai
6. Eric Recto  CEO of Google
 Chairman of Bedfordbury  BS Metallurgical Engineering in
Development Institute of Technology
 BS Industrial Engineering in 16. Steve Wozniak
University of the Philippines  Co-founder of Apple
7. Michael Cosiquien  BS Electrical Engineering and
 Cofounder of Megawide Construction Computer Science in University of
 BS Civil Engineering in De La Salle california, Berkeley
University 17. Mary Barra
8. Alfredo Yao  Chairman and CEO of General Motors
 Founder of Zest-O and Macay  BS Electrical Engineering in General
Holdings Inc. Motors Institute
 BS Chemical Engineering in Mapua 18. Bernard Arnault
Institute of Technology  Chairman and CEO of LVMH Moët
9. Frederick Dy Hennessy – Louis Vuitton SE
 Chairman of Security Bank  BS Engineering in École Polytechnique
 BS Industrial Engineering in Cornell 19. Carlos Ghosn
University  Former CEO of Renault and Nissan,
10. Jacinto Ng former chairman of Mistubishi Motors
 Founder of Republic Biscuit (Rebisco)  BS Engineering in École Polytechnique
and Asia United Bank  * A wanted fugitive
 BS Chemical Engineering in Mapua 20. Elon Musk
Institute of Technology  CEO of Tesla and SpaceX
11. Dean Lao  BS Economics and BA Physics in
 Chairman emeritus of D&L Industries University of Pennsylvania
 BS Chemical Engineering in  Credited as the chief engineer and
Polytechnic Colleges of the designer of rocket company SpaceX
From Around the World
12. Jeff Bezos
 Founder and CEO of Amazon
 BS Electricial Engineering and
Computer Science in Princeton

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