Reviewer in ITE
Reviewer in ITE
Reviewer in ITE
SDGs: Integrity
SDGs: Transformative
High-fidelity prototypes.
• These are computer-based and/or digital
making use of software.
• This requires longer time to create, need
skills and knowledge on the use of the
software, and access to the software.
• Samples:
-interactive prototypes
-digital prototypes
-coded prototypes MODULE 6 - IDEA PITCHING
The task of bringing an idea to someone with
the power to do something with it is called a
2. According to form
pitch : software ideas, implementation
• Role-Playing. Role-playing, or experiential
strategies, movie screenplays, organizational
prototyping, is a method that allows your
changes, and business plans, are all pitched
design team to explore scenarios within
from one person to another.
the system you are targeting physically.
It is a presentation of a business idea to
• Role-playing is usually used for capturing
potential investors. Businesses pitch to
and expressing the users’ emotional
potential customers to sell their product.
experience of using a product or service
Finally, some organizations pitch because
and to gain an empathic understanding of
they need a partner or resource to help
your users.
them accomplish their mission.
The nature of ideas Step 6: Deliver - Make sure you spend some
time preparing for a positive response.
Step 0: Create and refine the idea - Good ideas
include some thinking about execution and When do we make pitches?
delivery. Most of the time it’s not worth
Colleagues - to argue for a technical
pitching an idea until you’re able to answer
some of the basic pragmatic questions about
Management - to convince that your
it, such as: What problem does this solve?
idea/project/approach is of value
What evidence is there that the problem is
real, and important enough to solve? Customers - to purchase your product, to
fund your project, to change their
Step 1: What is the scope of the idea - The requirements
bigger the idea, the more involved the pitch. ALL THE TIME!
When you’ve identified the scope of your idea,
do some research on how others pitching ideas What makes a successful pitch?
of similar scope went about it. Know your objective - Provide a focused,
Step 2: Who has the power to green light the concise, statement of the value.
idea - Make a list of the people that are Differentiate yourself from others who offer
potential recipients of your pitch. Base this list the same (or similar) value. Include how,
on two criteria: who has the power needed to specifically, you can provide it. Justify the
implement the idea, and who you might have ability (and cost) of your team to do the
access to. If you have no idea who to pitch work. Make it look good.
your idea to, ask around. There’s no sense Present at a level appropriate for your
developing your pitch if there’s no one to audience - Know whom you're pitching to
catch. and tailor your pitch accordingly.
Predict and answer the audience’s
Step 3: Start with their perspective - Consider (unspoken) questions - Understand the
how the person you’re trying to pitch views person's needs and motivations. To hit the
the world and keep it in mind while developing emotional level that will really make your
your pitch. The better your pitch fits into their pitch fly, you need to understand just what
needs, perspectives, and desires motivates the person you’re pitching to and
Step 4: The structure of the pitch - Always what his or her needs are.
formulate 3 levels of depth to pitching your Leave your audience with something
idea: 5 seconds, 30 seconds, 5 minutes. The 5 positive they can remember.
second version, also known as the elevator
pitch, is the most concise single sentence
formulation of whatever your idea is. Refine, Elevator Pitch
refine, refine your thinking until you can say Elevator pitch, elevator speech or elevator
something intelligent and interesting in a short statement is a short sales pitch; thaht is, a
sentence. summary used to quickly and simply define
Step 5: Test the pitch - The longer you spend a process, product, service, organication, or
with an idea, the more vulnerable you are to event and its value proposition.
your own ego. Get out of your office / cubicle / Origin – from the idea of having to impress
apartment and go find smart people you know a senior executive during a brief ride in an
to give you feedback. elevator
Why do you need a Pitch? Mechanics of a Detailed Pitch
1. Communicate your startup’s product and Elevator pitch on steroids
business model to your stakeholders: co- More about customer experience
founders, employees, partners, customers, More about the product
vendors, investors, etc. More financial highlights & success metrics
2. Validate your own understanding of what Close with an inspirational or aspirational
your startup is all about. note
3. Attract stakeholders and make them want
to know more about your startup.
Two Pitch Durations 20 engineers Who Became CEOs and Tycoons
1. 90 Second. Aka “elevator pitch”. Objective: The world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos, is an engineer.
whet the appetite of the listener to ask for The Philippines’ last taipan, Lucio Tan, is an
more. engineer. The head of all-knowing Google, Sundar
2. 180 Second. Aka “detailed pitch”. Objective: Pichai, is an engineer.
provide a complete picture of your business
Graduating with a BS in engineering is not just a
guarantee of your future as a respected
professional—it’s also a doorway to so much more.
The world’s biggest tech companies and the
Philippines’ biggest conglomerates are headed by
engineers, who also boast the title of CEO
alongside Engr.