DC Atrium Meeting June 10
DC Atrium Meeting June 10
DC Atrium Meeting June 10
MDCC Issues
1. All Enclosure of walls and ceiling must have WIR submitted
2. Lift Lobby L01 priorities to check that all MEPF services at the site.
3. To confirm the all MEPF services are installed in Mock up vanity counter.
4. To removed all lighting fixtures at Atrium area which was temporary supply during FSIC.
5. Access panel for mock up zone 3 by MDCC
6. Provide shopdrawing on the portion where Fire hose cabinet located which at the back of it is the
EE room location is at the ground floor.
7. Advice MCC subcons not to remove the ceiling support at L1 zone 4 which can cause sagging of
8. For Relocation of subcons Fabrication at L2 zone 1.