1. Choose a well-lit and spacious area with a clean background for your performance, and ensure the space allows you to move freely without any obstructions.
2. Use high-quality recording equipment to capture the performance. Ensure good lighting and clear audio to enhance the viewing experience. Consider multiple
camera angles to capture different perspectives of the performance.
3. The students must perform the given dance choreography.
4. Ensure that the choreography is well-rehearsed and synchronized. Pay attention to timing, spacing, and transitions between movements to create a cohesive
and visually pleasing performance.
5. Enjoy, and enthusiastically perform the dance.
Criteria Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement Poor Rating:
(20-16 points) (15-12 points) (11-8 points) (7-4 points) (3-1 points)
Execution Movements are executed Movements are mostly Movements are executed Movements are often Movements are
precisely and with executed with good adequately, but technique executed with poor consistently executed with
excellent technique technique and and coordination may vary. technique and poor technique and
throughout the routine. coordination. Some minor Some noticeable errors coordination. Errors are coordination. Errors are
Participants demonstrate errors may occur, but affect the overall frequent and detract pervasive, severely
control, coordination, and overall execution is solid. performance. from the performance. impacting the
synchronization. performance.
Presentation Participants exhibit Participants demonstrate Participants show limited Participants appear Participants show little to
enthusiasm, energy, and energy and stage enthusiasm and stage disengaged and lack no enthusiasm or stage
stage presence presence for the most presence. Presentation lacks energy throughout the presence. Presentation is
throughout the routine. part. Some moments of energy and fails to fully routine. Presentation is flat and unengaging,
Republic of the Philippines
Virac, Catanduanes
Facial expressions and enthusiasm may be capture the audience's dull and fails to connect failing to hold the
gestures enhance the lacking, but overall attention with the audience. audience's interest.
performance presentation is engaging.
Group Students maintain Students generally Students struggle to Students have difficulty Students consistently fail
Synchronization excellent synchronization maintain synchronization maintain synchronization at maintaining to synchronize with each
with each other, with each other, with times, resulting in noticeable synchronization with other, leading to
demonstrating unity and minor discrepancies in discrepancies in timing or each other, leading to significant discrepancies in
precision in their timing or spacing that do spacing. Some parts of the frequent discrepancies in timing or spacing that
movements. Timing and not significantly affect the routine may appear timing or spacing. The detract from the
spacing are consistent overall performance. disjointed. routine lacks cohesion as performance.
throughout the routine. a result.
Costumes and Costumes and props are Costumes and props are Costumes and props are Costumes and props are Costumes and props are
Props creative, visually appropriate and somewhat relevant but lack mismatched, poorly chosen or absent.
appealing, and enhance complement the routine. creativity and cohesion. inappropriate, or They do not contribute to
the theme or concept of They add visual interest They may be distracting or distracting. They fail to the routine and may even
the routine. They are but may lack some detract from the overall enhance the routine and detract from it.
well-coordinated and add creativity or cohesion with performance. may hinder the
depth to the the theme. performers' movements.
Overall The performance is The performance is solid The performance is average, The performance is below The performance is poor,
Impression outstanding, leaving a and enjoyable, leaving a lacking the wow factor but average, failing to fully failing to meet
lasting impression on the positive impression on the still enjoyable. Students engage the audience. expectations. Students
audience. Students audience. Students demonstrate some Students demonstrate lack skill, creativity, and
demonstrate mastery of showcase proficiency in proficiency in skills and limited proficiency in teamwork, leaving the
skills, creativity, and skills and teamwork. teamwork. skills and teamwork. audience unimpressed.
Republic of the Philippines
Virac, Catanduanes
Prepared/Submitted by: