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Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 03 (2022) 2390

FACTS Technology: A Comprehensive Review on FACTS

Optimal Placement and Application in Power System
R. Gandotra*(C.A.) and K. Pal*

Abstract: The growing demand increases the maximum utilization of transmission and
distribution lines which causes overloading, high losses, instability, contingency, and
congestion. To enhance the performance of AC transmission and distribution systems
FACTS devices are used. These devices assist in solving different issues of transmission
lines such as instability, congestion, power flow, and power losses. Advancement in
developed technology leads to the development of special application-based FACTS
controllers. The main issues are concerned while placing the FACTS controller in the
transmission and distribution lines to maximize the flow of power. Various methods like
analytic method, arithmetic programming approaches, meta-heuristic optimization
approaches, and hybrid approaches are being employed for the optimal location of FACTS
controllers. This paper presents a review of various types of FACTS controllers available
with both analytical and meta-heuristic optimization methods for the optimal placement of
FACTS controllers. This paper also presents a review of various applications of FACTS
devices such as stability improvement, power quality, and congestion management which
are the main issues in smart power systems. Today’s smart power systems comprise the
smart grids with smart meters and ensure continuous high quality of power to the

Keywords: Congestion Management, FACTS Controllers, Optimal Size, Power Quality,

Stability Improvement, Transmission Lines.

Nomenclature1 MOEPSO Multi-Objective Evolutionary Particle

Swarm Optimization
CSA Cuckoo Search Algorithm
MOPSO Multi-Objective Particle Swarm
DE Differential Evolution
DSC Distribution Static Compensator
POC Power Oscillation Controller
EHV Extra High Voltage
PSO Particle Swarm Optimization
FACTS Flexible AC Transmission System
PV Photo Voltaic
GA Genetic Algorithm
RHFC Rotary Hybrid Flow Controller
GSA Gravitational Search Algorithm
SSA Salp Swarm Algorithm
GUPFC Generalized Unified Power Flow
SSSC Static Synchronous Series Compensator
STATCOM Static Synchronous Compensator
IHSA Improved Harmony Search Algorithm
SVC Static Var Compensator
IPFC Interline Power Flow Controller
TCPAR Thyristor Controlled Phase Angle
LOSF Line Outage Sensitivity Factor
Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2022.
TCSC Thyristor Controlled Series
Paper first received 10 January 2022, revised 10 April 2022, and Compensators
accepted 23 April 2022. TCVR Thyristor Controlled Voltage Regulator
* The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, TSC-TCR Thyristor Switched Capacitor- Thyristor
Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, U.P. India.
E-mails: [email protected] and [email protected].
Controlled Reactor
Corresponding Author: R. Gandotra. TSSC Thyristor-Switched Series Capacitor
https://doi.org/10.22068/IJEEE.18.3.2390 TSSR Thyristor Switched Series Compensator
UPFC Unified Power Flow Controller

Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2022 1
FACTS Technology: A Comprehensive Review on FACTS … R. Gandotra and K. Pal

1 Introduction EHV lines. These series capacitors (compensators) are

connected at different locations in the transmission
E LECTRICAL power network mainly comprises the
transmission lines, generators, distribution lines,
safety devices, and compensators. This complex
lines. Thus, series compensation enhances the system’s
stability. TCSC which comprises a parallel LC circuit
having fixed reactive capacitance, and a variable
network is prone to have faults and disturbances.
reactive inductance. Shunt compensation provides
Voltage failure occurs due to heavily loaded conditions,
compensation in reactive power and thus improves
arise of fault, and reactive power shortage. So, power
voltage profile. In an embedded electrical network,
system expansion is required as the electricity demand
STATCOM and SVC are used for the enhancement of
is growing, and to preserve stability, consistency, and
the dynamic voltage stability in marine vessels [8].
security of the electric power system, it is considered
Positive inductive reactance gives the consumption of
that FACTS are important devices [1]. They are used for
reactive power and negative inductive reactance gives
the maximum flow of power to support the voltage so
the generation of reactive power. The reactive power
that the transmission line capacity increases and
compensation is required to improve the voltage profile.
stability margins also increases. In [2] author uses
One of the shunt controllers employed in parallel is
tracing power flow method to show the impact of
STATCOM with the transmission line to control the
FACTS devices on both reactive and real power flow.
reactive power. These day's combination type
Because of the compensating techniques and their fast
compensators are greatly employed such as series-shunt
activity, these FACTS devices are required to be made
compensators which can regulate both reactive and
up of high accuracy so that good results are achieved.
active power in the transmission line. A UPFC is
Otherwise, it gives the system insecurities due to that
another example of the combination of series-shunt
further gives rise to system failure or give rise to voltage
controllers. The benefits of the FACTS controller in the
fall [3]. The survey about FACTS controllers further
smart power system are shown in Fig. 1.
shows positive results of applying these devices to
Today the biggest challenge of deregulated electric
power system and to improve the voltage stability under
power market is that it is required to supply the
emergency conditions such as line outage as discussed
contracted power to the customer from the supplier with
by [4]. There is a certain desire to find solution to all the
the stability. The FACTS technology came because of
problems which can be achieved through FACTS
the problems that were arisen in the year 1980 for the
devices. The rapid industrialization and growth of
construction of transmission lines and to expand the
lifestyle have led to widening dependence on the
network of import and export with the two main
electrical power system. The increase in demand has
resulted in a few uncertainties. To overcome these
 Increasing power transfer capability such that the
uncertainties, changed technologies are implemented on
demand of customer is fulfilled.
transmission setups has been impelled to wield adjacent
 Flow of power over designated routes which means
to their rationality limits. These limitations can be
that the selection of transmission lines can be done
reduced by enhancing the control of the power system.
where power is to be sent.
In paper [5] the author presented a survey in order to
The aim of this review paper is to present a survey on
find out which FACTS device is best for power system
many types of existing FACTS controllers used in the
stability and which is providing optimum power. Today
smart power system. Here both analytical and
FACTS controllers have emerged as one of the best
possible solutions for improving power system control
techniques. In [6] frequency regulation is maintained by
controlling the firing angle of thyristor. FACTS
controllers are advanced static Power Electronic based
equipment’s such that they control the different
transmission system parameters. These devices enhance
the control ability and increase the voltage stabilization
capability such that the interrelated parameters are
controlled in a proper way. To transfer the maximum
power with high quality to the users and to get better
dynamic and transient behavior of the system FACTS
devices are used. Another application of automatic
generation control using FACTS devices is discussed
by [7]. These devices are important at the transmission
level, where load requirement has to be achieved. The
compensators are employed in transmission lines in
series as well as in parallel. Series compensation is
primarily used for the maximum power transfer in the Fig. 1 Advantages of FACTS controllers.

Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2022 2
FACTS Technology: A Comprehensive Review on FACTS … R. Gandotra and K. Pal

Fig. 2 Types of FACTS controller. Fig. 3 Types of Series compensators.

meta-heuristic approaches are studied for identifying the controls the voltage drop in the line and transmittable
optimal position of many types of FACTS controllers. power. Thus, it improves the maximum power transfer
This review paper is organized in seven sections. in the lines. The SSSC performance is analyzed by [13]
Introduction of FACTS devices presented in Section 1. at various locations like in the end of line, middle of line
Different types of FACTS controllers such as series, and at far-end during the occurrence of fault in distance
shunt, and combination types are discussed in Section 2. relay. In [14] author has discussed about TSSR which is
Surveys on the placement of FACTS devices are an inductive reactance compensator, which provides a
discussed in Section 3. Section 4 describes different stepwise control.
applications of FACTS controllers in the power system.
Section 5 includes a summary and the conclusion is 2.2 Shunt Connected Controllers
presented in Section 6. The last section gives
The shunt controllers in the transmission line can be in
recommendations for future studies.
the form of varying source, impedance, or both. The
shunt controllers provide varying current in the system.
2 Types of FACTS Controller
If the current with the voltage line is in phase
FACTS concept was first given by Hingorani in [9]. quadrature, then it gives or consumes the varying
These electronic-based devices are capable to control reactive power. The placement of these shunt-connected
both reactive and active flow of power in the system and controllers can be done in the middle of the
also, they can redistribute power in congested lines transmission lines. STATCOM is one of the shunt
under heavily loaded conditions, thus improving the controllers which regulate reactive power in lines.
system stability. A survey on various types of FACTS STATCOM which is installed in 5-bus power system is
controllers has been done in [10] for existing FACTS analyzed in detail in [15]. With installing STATCOM in
controllers in India. The first controller installed in India the transmission line, the shunt controller is injecting
is TCSC. FACTS controllers improve the quality of the power in order to get the favorable amount of flow
power, improve impedance and thus give voltage of power through the line as 0.43 P.U. and 0.154 P.U.
stability. In [11], the author has discussed various respectively. The compensation techniques further show
FACTS controllers, their characteristics, and cost reduction in the loading of transmission lines. Also, a
comparison of different controllers. FACTS controllers shunt compensator is added at bus 4 to improve voltage
are classified as Series, Shunt, Series-Series controllers, regulation. In these cases, all bus voltages are in the
and Series–Shunt controllers. Series controllers increase voltage limits. The application of two control strategies
the capability of lines to transfer power. to enhance transmission stability using shunt-connected
FACTS controllers is discussed in detail in [16]. A
2.1 Series Connected Controllers STATCOM shunt controller was taken and approached
for the classical cascade controller which comprises of
These controllers are responsible for improving the
an inner vector-current controller and different outer-
power transfer capability. To decrease the total
control loops. In [17] author discusses a power system
impedance of the line from sending end to receiving
network, which is simulated in MATLAB environment
end, series compensation is effective. Thus, transient
with three steps, with STATCOM only, without and
stability can be decreased through the damping of
STATCOM with using POC. The result will show that
oscillations. Controlling the flow of current can be done
without STATCOM, the system parameters will become
using series controller.
unstable during fault conditions. In [18] author proposed
Series controller could be in form of a variable
that if the system is operating at low voltage, then
capacitor, reactor, or varying power. An SSSC is a
STATCOM will generate power and acts as capacitive.
voltage source-based series compensator [12]. This
When the system voltage will operate under high

Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2022 3
FACTS Technology: A Comprehensive Review on FACTS … R. Gandotra and K. Pal

Fig. 4 Block diagram of series controller.

Fig. 6 Block diagram of Shunt compensators. Fig. 5 Types of Shunt compensators.

Table 1 Objectives of Series and Shunt compensation.

Objectives Series compensation Shunt compensation
Voltage level improvement Primary Secondary
Power factor improvement Secondary Primary
Line losses Secondary Primary
Voltage fluctuations reduction Primary Not used till now

voltage then, STATCOM will absorb reactive power magnitude of voltage and phase angle with wind energy
and acts as inductive. The controller of SVC used in generation is discussed by [21] .These two devices are
order to study in improving the transient stability of the coupled through a DC link to provide the two-way
taken model. TCPST or TCPAR is regulated by power flow to impart reactive and real power
thyristor switches to provide an instant change in phase compensation in series with line. A GUPFC device
angle which is basically a phase-shifting transformer. controls the smart power system parameters of line
Shunt controllers are employed to compensate which includes power flows, bus voltage, real power,
reactive power in the transmission lines. reactive power etc. which simply consist of three
After the survey of different types of series and shunt converters, two in series and one in parallel with the
controllers, their application as per different objectives line. The shunt and series compensators are integrated
is summarized in Table 1. From this table, it can be and this combination is used effectively to change the
concluded that for power factor improvement and for system parameters such as to improve the power
line loss reduction shunt compensation is used. Series transfer capability proposed by [22].
compensation is mostly used for voltage level
improvement and for voltage fluctuation reduction in 2.4 Combined Series-Series Controllers
power systems.
When the two or more series controllers are combined
together, then this combination is formed. The main
2.3 Combined Series-Shunt Controllers
purpose of the series controller is to provide
In the combination of series-shunt controllers, both compensation in reactive power among lines but these
types of series and shunt controllers are used. The main controllers also control real power between the lines
principle used in the series-shunt controller is to provide through power links. This capability of transfer of
current in the lines through the series controller and power makes the controller to balance both reactive and
voltage is controlled through the shunt controller. When real power flow. The IPFC is a combined series-series
the controllers are put together in the system, they controller. This converter is one of the voltage source
exchange the real power between them. Series-Shunt converters and it controls the flow of power in multi-
controllers are regulating both real and reactive power transmission line systems. They are generally placed on
and thus provide better performance of the system. the transmission lines which are at high risk of danger.
UPFC is an example of the series-shunt controllers. The
detail constructional features of UPFC are discussed 3 Survey on Placement of FACTS Devices
in [19] that UPFC is a fusion of SSSC and STATCOM.
Optimal placement of the controllers with soft
In [20] author has discussed about UPFC that it can be
computing techniques helps in minimizing the
used for power quality improvement by controlling both
transmission losses and minimizing the cost of these
active and the reactive power. The UPFC application to
controllers. Hence finding their location in the lines is
control the flow of power in transmission line by
another step toward getting a reliable system. In [23]
controlling the impedance of transmission line,

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FACTS Technology: A Comprehensive Review on FACTS … R. Gandotra and K. Pal

Table 2 A sample of technical contribution of FACTS devices.

FACTS controllers Technical contribution Paper No.
STATCOM Stability, Voltage control, power flow control [15-18], [76-78], [86]
UPFC power quality improvement, use in single line system [19-21], [79], [85]
SSSC Transient and dynamic control, Stability [12, 58], [61-63]
IPFC Reactive power control , stability [23, 26], [64-66]
TCSC stability, current control [24, 25], [46-48], [57, 61, 97, 98]
RHFC contribution is similar to UPFC but cost effective [74]

author has discussed about UPFC FACTS controller improve stability and control the transferred power
which is a series-shunt controller. In this paper, the through the transmission line. In [38], the CSA
author determined the best location for UPFC using the algorithm is used with two controllers SVC and TCSC
Simulated-Annealing algorithm with the IEEE 14-bus for controlling optimal reactive power dispatch through
system. In [24] author has studied the optimal location the transmission line. After deregulation burden on
and sizing of the TCSC and the SVC controllers in order transmission lines was increased to reduce this burden
to reduce the line losses and improvement in voltage on AC transmission lines FACTS devices are used.
stability by the use of the differential evolution These devices are used to improve the voltage profile,
algorithm. In [25] LOSF is used, which helps to detect balance the reactive demand and supply, and minimize
the line which is best for optimal placement of TCSC. the losses and generation cost. These improvements are
This PSO technique is used on the IEEE 14-bus and 57- only possible if FACTS controllers are located at
bus systems. optimal location [39].
Congestion problems are elevated using artificial
techniques by finding the proper location of STATCOM 3.1 Analytical Approach
which is a shunt controller [26]. IPFC is applicable if
Many authors [40-42] work to identify the optimal
one line is in a fault condition, then IPFC will be
place of FACTS controllers in the deregulated power
effective and provide power from other lines. In [27]
markets. In [43, 44] STATCOM and SSSC are
author finds the optimal location of the IPFC controller
optimally placed to remove the congestion. As the
in order to alleviate the congestion problem. In [28]
renewable energy resources are integrated into the
STATCOM controller in PV solar farm is coordinated
power system network in [45] uses many FACTS
with power system stabilizers so that system oscillations
devices in an optimal location to minimize the
can be improved. Thus, the transient and dynamic
generation cost with wind power integration. FACTS
behavior of the system is improved. A GA-based
devices were also incorporated at an appropriate place
approach was discussed in [29] to minimize the power
to reduce the cost with an optimal power flow program
plant generation cost and FACTS controller investment
using TCSC in [46-48].To improve the system security
cost. Authors have used the GA approach to optimally
sensitivity-based approach was used by [49] to allocate
place the multi-type FACTS controllers in the system.
TCSC and UPFC. Similarly, in [50] to improve the
In [30], authors have taken the IEEE 30-bus system, in
system security line outage distribution-based
which they have discussed that after installing
sensitivity factor was used for the best placement of
STATCOM at an optimal location, the congestion
TCSC and SSSC. The sensitivity-based approach was
management can be improved which gives the reduction
used by [51] for UPFC and by [52] for TCSC optimal
in operating cost of the system. In [31] authors have
location. FACTS device’s performance was also
reduced generating cost in transmission system using
analyzed under contingency cases by [53, 54], both
FACTS controllers such that power system load ability
authors use TCSC such that to improve the power
is increased, and in this way annual saving can be done.
system network condition. The power flow-based
In [32] author has developed a simulated model of TSC-
sensitivity factor was also analyzed by [55, 56] for
TCR type SVC is taken with distribution transformer.
optimal placement of STATCOM.
Author [33] investigates the use of SVC and
STATCOM operation on voltage fall. The results are
3.2 Placement of FACTS devices Using Metaheuristic
carried out in a way to confirm that SVC and
STATCOM could improve the voltage failure and fall
during any contingency and acts as a fast-acting device Nowadays the most common method to know the
to ensure the power system stability. The DE algorithm optimal placement of FACTS controller is metaheuristic
proposed in [34] minimizes the generator fuel cost by optimization techniques. These methods are stochastic
using FACTS devices. The controller UPFC is used by and highly efficient with multi-objective and multi-
[35, 36] for congestion management in a connected constraints optimized algorithms. The PSO was used by
power system network by selecting an optimal location. [57] for the optimal placement of the FACTS controller
UPFC is also used by the authors of [37] to minimize which includes SVC, UPFC, and TCSC. For SSSC
the operating cost by selecting the optimal location. optimal location GA is used by [58]. Multi-objective
FACTS are also used in AC transmission network to function such as MOEPSO was used by [59] to know

Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2022 5
FACTS Technology: A Comprehensive Review on FACTS … R. Gandotra and K. Pal

the optimal placement of SVC such that the losses in the location of the FACTS devices is analyzed for stability
IEEE 30-bus system are reduced. Another multi- improvement.
objective function such as MOPSO is also used by [60]
for optimal placement of DSTATCOM. In [61-63] PSO 4.2 Power Quality Improvement
was used to know the optimal placement of SSSC,
The power quality can be defined as the system where
TCSC, and SVC, respectively. The binary PSO was also
voltage remains pure sinusoidal continuously with
used by [63] to identify the optimal location of SVC. A
constant magnitude, phase angle, and frequency. Some
new GSA algorithm is also used by [64-66] for sizing
of the power quality requirements are [82]:
and optimal placement of IPFCs, SVC-TCSC, and
 Voltage must be stable in the range,
STATCOM-SVC respectively. In [67] SVC is placed by
 Frequency must be stable in the range,
using the hybrid Tabu search method to improve the
 Phase angle must be balanced,
total power transfer capability. For optimal placement of
 No electromagnetic and telephonic interference
UPFC very rarely used algorithm Cat Swarm
optimization was used by [68].
There are many causes of the power quality problems
A novel and unique heuristic optimization Brain storm
[83]. Some of them are discussed here.
optimization algorithm [69] was used for improvement
 Voltage sag in which the voltage decreases less than
of voltage profile to control overload and loss issues in
10% from the nominal voltage level.
transmission line outage conditions. This algorithm is
 Short interruption of power supply for a few
implemented on the IEEE 57-bus system by using
optimal placement of FACTS controller TCSC and
 Long interruption of power supply for more than 1or
SVC. Another novel algorithm known as IHSA was
2 seconds.
used by [70] to identify the best location of SSSC. A
 Increase in voltage spikes from nominal voltage to
new hybrid algorithm JAYA blended moth flame
thousands of voltages for a few milliseconds.
optimization technique is proposed by [71] for optimal
 Change in frequency for milliseconds.
location and transmission loss reduction in power
 Harmonic distortion in which waveform of current
systems by adding TCSC and SVC.
and voltage become non-sinusoidal.
The proposed method is implemented on IEEE 14-bus
The author of [84] has discussed the three types of
and 30-bus systems. The optimal reactive power
FACTS devices SVC, STATCOM, UPFC for power
dispatch through the AC transmission line is a complex
quality improvement. UPFC is able to control three
problem. However, the solution based on modifying the
parameters voltage at bus, the reactance of transmission
SSA algorithm is suggested by [72] for optimal location
line, and phase angle for power quality improvement
and size of SSSC to resolve the reactive power issues.
[85]. In [86], authors compare the performance of
This algorithm is used in the IEEE 30-bus and 57-bus
STATCOM and SVC to improve the quality of power.
systems. RHFC which is a newly added controller in the
The author suggests that STATCOM has more ability to
FACTS family is discussed briefly in [73] and a
produce capacitive reactive power under fault condition.
comparison is done with other FACTS controllers. The
The STATCOM is the most suitable device for power
optimal location of RHFC controller is done using
quality improvement [83] and many other applications
GAMS software [74].
of this device are stated in [87].
Power swing impedance characteristics performance
4 Applications of FACTS Devices
in distance protection schemes are improved by using
4.1 Stability Improvement Using FACTS Devices FACTS devices in [88]. Working of STATCOM for
power quality improvement is shown in Fig. 7.
Supplier’s aim is to provide electricity to their
customers in a stable manner without any disturbances.
The stable supply must have a pure sinusoidal voltage
waveform with constant magnitude, frequency and
balance between phase angles for three-phase
operations. However, a normal stable operation is not
always possible due to variation in voltage magnitude
and angle under heavy reactive load condition.
Sometimes under fault condition, under contingency
cases system become unstable. Development of
semiconductor switches-based FACTS devices helps in
controlling voltage magnitude and angle under heavy
reactive load condition [75]. STATCOM is mostly used
for stability analysis [76-78]. Another device used for
stability analysis is UPFC to control the flow of power
through transmission lines [79]. In [80, 81] optimal Fig. 7 Working of STATCOM [83].

Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2022 6
FACTS Technology: A Comprehensive Review on FACTS … R. Gandotra and K. Pal

Fig. 8 Congestion management methods.

Table 3 Summary of control techniques and its outcomes.

Outcomes after finding optimal location
FACTS devices used in studies Control techniques Paper No.
for controllers
UPFC Simulated-Annealing algorithm Congestion management [23]
TCSC, SVC Differential evolution algorithm Reduces line losses, voltage stability [24]
TCSC Particle Swarm optimization Reduction in congestion and control [25]
flow of power in lines.
STATCOM , IPFC Real Genetic algorithm Improved voltage security [26]
IPFC Gravitational Search algorithm Congestion is managed [27]
TCSC ,TCPS Differential evolution Generation fuel cost is minimised [34]
SVC ,TCSC CSA Control of reactive power [38]
TCSC Optimal power flow Control power flow [46-48]
TCSC, UPFC Sensitivity-based approach System security is improved [49], [51-52]
SVC,UPFC,TCSC PSO Minimizes operating cost [57]
SSSC Genetic algorithm congestion management [58]
SVC MOEPSO Reduces transmission losses [59]
DSTATCOM MOPSO Decreases active power losses [60]
SSSC,TCSC,SVC Particle Swarm optimization Improves voltage profile [61-63]
IPFC,SVC,TCSC New GSA algorithm congestion management [64-66]
SVC Hybrid Tabu search and simulated annealing method Increases the total transfer capability [67]
UPFC Cat Swarm Optimization voltage stability improved [68]
TCSC , SVC Brain Storm Optimization Algorithm voltage profile improvement [69]
SSSC Improved harmony search algorithm operating cost minimization [70]
TCSC ,SVC Jaya Blended Moth Flame optimization Minimization of transmission losses [71]
SSSC Modified SALP Swarm Algorithm Enhances voltage stability [72]
RHFC General Algebraic modelling system Optimizes fuel cost, power losses reduce [74]

4.3 Congestion Management Using FACTS Devices any constraints. Congestion violates transmission limit
constraints and reduces contracted power flow through
Congestion is managed by many methods as shown in
transmission lines [90].
Fig. 8. The most applicable methods are technical
After deregulation, as the generator competition
methods, market and non-market-based methods [89].
increases, congestion in transmission line increases and
The technical method uses FACTS devices to manage
creates problems for system operator [91]. The optimal
the congestion. To remove the congestion FACTS
placement with size of the FACTS controllers TCSC
controller, help in controlling the transmission line
and SSSC are determined by observing voltage
impedance, bus voltage magnitude and angle to enhance
magnitude and reactive power changes in a congested
the line flow and improve the system reliability and
environment [92]. Under loading condition FACTS
security. After implementing these devices transmission
devices’ optimal size and location is determined by
line loading limits can be increased without violating
voltage magnitude and required reactive power of load

Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2022 7
FACTS Technology: A Comprehensive Review on FACTS … R. Gandotra and K. Pal

Fig. 9 FACTS controlled parameters. Fig. 10 Percentage of FACTS controllers used in this survey.

buses. TCSC and SSSC are used in the IEEE 14-bus 6 Conclusion
system to know the optimal location by analyzing
In this article, a review of FACTS controllers for
voltage magnitude and required reactive power of load
finding the best location and different applications in
buses. Under a congested environment, optimal
power systems are illustrated in detail. To obtain the
placement of FACTS controllers is discussed by [93-
best location both analytical and meta-heuristic
96]. TCSC is used by [97, 98] for congestion
approaches are reviewed in detail. The FACTS
management. The UPFC is introduced by [94-99] for
controllers used to resolve issues related to power
congestion relieving and minimizing generation cost.
systems such as stability, power quality, and congestion
management are also discussed in detail. Different
5 Summary
variables of power system such as power factor, voltage
This review paper presents the general idea about the magnitude and phase angle, and active and reactive
types of FACTS controllers and their applications are power flow through transmission lines are controlled
studied and presented in Table 2. Also, various through different FACTS controllers which are
optimization techniques are reviewed and their summarized in this paper. From this survey, it is
outcomes are summarized in Table 3. Total 99 research observed that the three most used devices are TCSC,
articles are reviewed to analyze the FACTS optimal UPFC, and STATCOM.
location and application in the power system in which
12 types of controllers are studied. Out of total research 7 Future Work
articles, 6 are the review articles, 14 research articles are
According to the survey done in [100], the numerous
reviewed to summarize different types of FACTS
benefits of FACTS devices have led the FACTS market
controllers, and 16 research articles are reviewed for
to reach USD 1.5 billion by 2025 from USD 1.2 billion
controlling and optimizing FACTS controllers. To
in 2020. There is rising demand for STATCOM
analyze the placement of FACTS devices 36 research
controller for voltage control and TCSC for power
articles are reviewed considering both analytical
transfer. Some of the established players of FACTS
approach and meta-heuristic techniques.
market are ABB (Hitachi), General Electric
As per the literature review, various parameters of the
Company (US), Siemens, and Mitsubishi Electric
power system can be controlled by different FACTS
Corporation (Japan).
devices as shown in Fig. 9. To control reactive and real
 The integration of FACTS devices with distributed
power with bus voltage UPFC and IPFC is the most
energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydro in
appropriate FACTS controller. However, for
transmission networks provides the system stability,
compensation of reactive power SVC and STATCOM is
constant power supply but the uncertain behavior of
the most used device. To vary the impedance of
these sources creates complexities. Some other
transmission line, TCSC is the most suitable controller
sources electric vehicles can be integrated (vehicle
and SSSC controller provides active power control.
to grid technologies). Thus, it has been also
Most researcher has used recent metaheuristic
observed that FACTS controllers are less explored in
optimization approaches to know the optimal placement
the smart distribution network.
and optimal size of FACTS controller.
 There is a requirement to know the optimal size of

Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2022 8
FACTS Technology: A Comprehensive Review on FACTS … R. Gandotra and K. Pal

these Distributed Generation sources which can be [3] S. Nascimento and M. M. Gouvea, “Multi-objective
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[95] K. Singh, V. K. Yadav, and A. Dhingra, R. Gandotra received Master’s degree in

“Congestion management using optimal placement Electrical Engineering in 2018, from
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[98] J. Sandhiya, C. Nayanatara, and J. Baskaran, Electrical Engineering Department,
“Optimal location of UPFC for congestion relief in School of Engineering, Greater Noida,
India. She has total 15 years of teaching
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experience. Dr. Kirti holds a Ph.D. degree
Algorithm,” in IEEE International Conference on in Electrical Engineering, 2013 from
Computation of Power, Energy Information and RGTU, Bhopal; M.E. degree from MITS
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Bhopal, 2004. She has published many
[99] S. Rai, S. Ghosh, D. S. Babu, P. S. Venkataramu,
research and conference papers in various reputed journals and
and M. S. Nagaraja, “Line congestion relief using conferences. She has guided project and dissertation work of
UPFC,” in IEEE International Conference on many B.Tech. and M.Tech. Students. She has delivered many
Power, Energy and Control (ICPEC), India, pp. 58– keynote and expert talks at national/international
63, Feb. 2013. conferences/workshops. Her research areas are restructuring of
power system, power system security, reliability analysis and
[100] MarketsandMarkets, Flexible AC Transmission optimization, soft computing techniques, renewable energy
Systems (FACTS) Market with Covid-19 Impact systems, and electric vehicles.
Analysis by Compensation Type (Shunt, Series, and
Combined), Generation Type, Vertical, Component,
Application, Functionality, and Geography - Global
Forecast to 2025, MarketsandMarkets, India,
Accessed on: Mar. 2020. [Online]. Available:

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