Internship Report
Internship Report
Internship Report
I would like to express our gratitude to all without whom we can never
finish this project. Firstly, I want to thanks for all lecturer, instructors and the
faculty who helped us in each period of my internship and consulted me to solve
all problems. Secondly, all of classmates who give us many informative and
helpful reports at the class which help us to get ideas as well as know how to do a
research paper part by part and for the complication of the study.
We are indebted all colleagues in the Au Viet Vocational School, who
have allowed me to be trained to make the report and were so kindly taken part in
my report findings.
Finally, we want to thank Kinh Bac University for providing us all
necessary facilities for us and support for this internship period.
I have been finished my internship period at the Au Viet Vocational
School for a week, and this time was a great opportunity for me to learn and to
experience of working environment in practice. I would like to send my special
thank all other lecturers of English subject, Faculty of Foundation Study for their
enthusiastic help.
1. Scope of the study 2
2. Aim and objectives of the study 2
3. Research questions of the study 3
4. Methods of the study 3
5. Organization of the study: 3
6. Introducing the reason for choosing Au Viet Vocational school 4
7. Research topic 4
1. Working schedule with assessment and confirmation of instructor every week 5
2. Administrative organizations and personnel of the internship entity. 5
2.1 Description of the Au Viet Vocational school 5
2.2 The English subject in Faculty of foundation study 8
2.2.1 Students: 8
2.2.2 Teachers 9
2.2.3 Course book 9
2.2 Details of actual works were assigned during the internship period 10
2.3 Method of implementation 11
2.4 Results achieved through internship period 12
2.4.1 Teaching and learning speaking skill as seen from students’ perspective 12
2.4.2 Teaching and learning speaking skill as seen from teachers’ perspective 15
2.4.3 Experience gained during the internship period 24
2.4.4 Recommendation for improving English speaking skills in Au Viet
Vocational School. 25
3. Some thought about how the internship might influence my future career plans
1. Summary of the study 39
2. Suggestions for further study 40
Part 1: Introduction
As we know in our day today, English is the language that is widely used.
What do we learn English for? The answer is to communicate. What do students
learn English for? Students also share a common goal like us. The job of
teachers teaching English is to provide students with the basic knowledge they
need, so that in the future they can develop more in their learning. Therefore, as
teachers, we all want to make them able to speak and communicate proficiently
in English with high frequencies.
It is not easy for most students to speak well and communicate proficiently
in a short time. Of course both teachers and students face many problems on the
subject. We are always faced with difficulties in teaching students at different
levels of ability to acquire and manipulate different skills.
In teaching English, for a teacher the combination of teaching the four
skills of Listening - Speaking - Reading - Writing is an indispensable job, to
comply with the program reformed by the Ministry of Education and Training.
and issued. In order to help students, speak correctly, pronounce correctly a
word, teachers need to have teaching techniques to make students easy to
remember, compare, easily recognize and apply well to practice, as well as get
good results on related tests. After the internship period, to share with colleagues
- to help students overcome this obstacle and give them a positive habit of
pronouncing and speaking skills. I myself would like to give some
recommendations in order to improve English speaking skills of students at Au
Viet Vocational School. I’m pretty sure that some of the problems I present in
this topic, my colleagues already know. It's easy to get used to the idea like: "We
don't have students speaking at all levels."; "We keep doing so for them to
understand and use sentence patterns, proficient grammar points as much as
possible, in order to make them achieve high scores in their tests.”
In fact, in the reform program enacted and used by the Ministry of
Education, students are taught the Listening and Speaking skills with the
Reading and Writing skills combined with each other, but in the final exam
Students will only take the test mainly by writing. That may be the reason that
we do not pay much attention to student’s Speaking skills. Teaching good
Speaking skills is invisible and we also help them to develop Listening skills, not
only are these skills very important in daily communication but also help them
achieve high scores in the periodic and regular tests. In addition, teaching good
speaking skills will also help our students to be more confident when using
English teaching methods are diverse. Within this topic, I only study the
method of studying English speaking skills. Due to the disallowed conditions, I
only conducted experiments with students in English 1 classes of the the Au Viet
Vocational School (76 students). The English class is twice a week, 1 hour 30
minutes each.
Find out the current status of speaking skills of Student in the Au Viet
Vocational School. I was an intern English teacher so I want to improve the
quality of teaching English in particular and improve the quality of education in
general so the above issues make me particularly interested. And that is the
reason that I study and explore to find the best solutions to apply in
teaching/studying practice, in order to improving speaking skills of Student at
Au Viet Vocational School.
Part 3: Final Assessment and Conclusion of the Report
One of the main activities of the Au Viet Vocational school is training nurses,
supplying labour in nursing to abroad for working with high income. So together
with the professional skills, the student at Au Viet Vocational school need to
learn other language as well. They need to be able to communicate well, and
English is a popular indispensable language. For that reason, I decided to choose
Au Viet Vocational school for my internship period. This school focus much
about the foreign language ability of the student so that made easier for me in
researching the topic.
7. Research topic
their speaking skill. This actually drives me to this research, named “Study on
English speaking skills of students at Au Viet Vocational School”.
Part 2: Report Content
Form of recruitment Title Training Qualification
Circular 116
Number Content Total and Other
according to Professor D. Professor Doctor Master Bachelor College Others
Circular 116
To ta l te a c h e rs ,
a d min is tra tiv e o ffic e rs 2 16 12 5 10 5 1 0 7 10 6 85 4 27
a n d e mp lo y e e s
I Te a c h e r 17 1 80 10 5 0 0 7 10 2 76 0 0
1 P h a rma c y Fa c u lty 58 33 25 0 0 7 21 30 0 0
a S ub je c t of P re p a ra tion 13 7 6 0 0 2 4 7 0 0
S ub je c t of P h a rma c y -
b 12 9 3 0 0 1 4 7 0 0
P ha rma c e utic a l P la n t
S ub je c t of Drug Te s ting -
c 16 8 8 0 0 2 6 8 0 0
Che mic a l a na lys is
S ub je c t of P h a rma c e u tic a l
d 17 9 8 0 0 2 7 8 0 0
Che mis try - p ha rma c olog y
2 Fa c u lty o f Me d ic in e 10 2 36 66 0 0 0 66 36 0 0
a S ub je c t of Nu rs ing 17 8 9 0 0 0 9 8 0 0
S ub je c t of Inte rn a l Me d ic ine -
c 20 7 13 0 0 0 13 7 0 0
Childre n - Infe c tio n
e S ub je c t of P u blic He a lth 27 9 18 0 0 0 18 9 0 0
3 P re s c ho ol P e da g og y 5 5 14 0 0 0 14 5 0 0
Ma n a g e me n t s ta ffs a n d
II 45 45 0 1 0 0 4 9 4 27
e mp lo y e e s
1 P rin c ip a l 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
3 Ma n a g e me nt s ta ffs 7 7 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0
5 Oth e r s ta ffs 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
education programs, practice moral qualities and promote their own abilities,
soon get the real working environment.
By 2018, Au Viet will upgrade to Ho Chi Minh City Medical College and
build an international medical skill training canter, to train learners to meet the
professional occupations. be recruited in developed countries.
2.2.1 Students:
The report studies 1st year students of the Faculty of foundation study, at Au
Viet School. The students’ age varies from 16 to 30. Almost those under 25, who
account for more than 90 percent of all students, finished 420 class contacts
(equivalent to 315 hours) of English at university. Some even had a longer time
of learning English at schools. The rest do not have so much time learning
English and many of them have not used English for a long time or even do not
know about English. Despite difference in age and the time of acquiring English,
in order to be graduated from Au Viet School and ready for the work abroad, all
of them must pass the English exam at pre-intermediate level. Those who
already have a certificate of English at the equivalent or higher level are
exempted from that exam. At Au Viet School, they have to continue to learn
English as a compulsory subject.
2.2.2 Teachers
Almost all the teachers of English at Au Viet School have got bachelor
degree in English Language and at least several years of teaching experience.
The rest are about to finish their MA course. The majority of them are from
Hanoi University of Education or Hanoi University. Only 50 percent of them are
working as full-time teachers at Au Viet School.
skills. This can be easily noticed on the very first page of the book, which
presents each unit with a topic and all grammar items it is about, without any
skills named. As considerations go further to contents of each unit, this seems to
be proved right. Activities for speaking skill, for example, are not found to
appear until unit four. To be more detailed, all activities and topics or drills in
terms of speaking skill in the course book are presented as the following.
It can be learned from the table that the variety of speaking activities is very
limited, with discussion as the most common. It therefore depends very much on
teachers’ experience and enthusiasm to design speaking activities that motivate
students and improve their speaking ability.
2.2 Details of actual works were assigned during the internship period
- Listening to reports on the operation of the school, activities of the English
subject team, the activities of students in the class.
- Preparing lesson plans, class activities, talking with students and other
teachers for the research topic.
- The method of reading documents
To help students develop their vocabulary, teacher could try the followings.
- Having students keep individual word lists to extend their speaking
vocabularies (e.g., ghost: phantom, spook, spirit, apparition; purple: mauve, lilac,
violet). They may gather these from their listening, writing, reading, and viewing
activities as well as from experience outside of the classroom.
Besides, passive habit of learning is also considered one of the main causes
for students’ silence in oral English classes. More than half of the informants
own the habit of listening passively without speaking until they are asked to
speak. “We are reticent maybe because we were taught to be so since primary
school. We were hardly encouraged to speak out loud in front of others” (Hang,
student of Nursing).
- When students make mistakes, point out what they said right in addition to
what they said incorrectly.
- Listen attentively to the students’ response – not to the structure
(grammar), but to the meaning.
Next comes the little attention and encouragement that students receive from
their teachers. The data analysis shows that students of high or low proficiency
of English are both motivated if their teachers pay more attention to them and
encourage them to speak and that many are de-motivated when teachers neglect
Below are general recommendations and also specific ones for each of the
findings presented above, all of which are for teachers to improve the gloomy
situation of their English speaking classes and motivate their students to speak.
Teachers needs first and foremost identify all causes of the situation so as to
employ suitable measures to solve each single problem at a time or some or all
of them.
To deal with the biggest problem found in the survey, which is the students’
varied level of proficiency; teachers can make use of whole-class activities as
well as pair or group work. Classes can begin and end with whole-class activities
to foster a sense of unity among the students. Teachers can also choose to break
students into pairs or groups for all or part of the class time. Group students of
similar ability level so that they can work on the same activity at about the same
pace; such groups do not need to be the same size. Grouping students of mixed
abilities and giving them the same task allow them to help one another. Teachers
can have all groups working on activities concurrently, or may want to rotate
between 2-3 groups, teaching a lesson to one while others work on a self-guided
task. The latter method requires greater preparation but is more likely to meet
level-specific needs. Here are some ideas for pair and group work in multi-level
Similar-ability pairs should do tasks where the roles are interchangeable with
the same difficulty. Examples: information gaps, dialogues, role plays, and two-
way interviews.
Mixed-ability pairs need unequal tasks. Examples: a story dictated by one and
transcribed by the other, an interview in which one asks and one answers, and
role plays with one role larger than the other.
Similar-ability groups can be different sizes. Consider gender, and age issues
when grouping. Such groups can work on tasks where everyone can contribute
equally. Examples: problem solving and process writing.
Individuals of much higher or much lower than the rest of the class may be
given independent tasks to work on.
When working with class as a whole, the following strategies can be used to
keep higher level students challenged while not neglecting lower ones.
activities like a writing assignment or worksheet to do while waiting for the rest
of the class to finish. Advanced students can be asked to explain new vocabulary
words (preferably in English), or model a dialogue with you.
discussion, some of which are introduced in the table below, to make these
topics interesting and familiar enough to students.
6 Retirement - Age for retirement should be the same
between men and women: do you agree?
7 Money, life, - What job do you think can bring you most
work money?
Doing charity - have you ever done charity? Why did you
do it?
Children and - do you wish to be/ to have the only child in
family size your family?
For teachers whose students are timid in speaking classes, they should give
their students more praise, encouragement and supportive compliments rather
than negative criticism. Teachers should be more tolerant to learners’ language
mistakes as this is unavoidable, even with the most competent students. This is
not to say that students should be given praise every time. Alternatively,
comments on good points students have made should always be prior to those
that need further improvement.
Teachers can also talk with students about their fear of making mistakes. Tell
them that mistakes are positive as at least they show teachers where students’
difficulties are so that teachers can help them.
One way is to have everyone stand up and either ask a question or answer a
question to sit down. This way helps when teachers make it fun or else the
students will feel uncomfortable. Teachers can make it a game, and the losing
team has to write more homework or something little like that. Another way is to
have students answer in groups, as a lot of them do not want to be the only one
to talk. Alternatively, students can be spilt up into pairs and given an interesting
dialogue to read before reading the dialogue out loud.
All these ways to make students get accustomed to speaking in class cannot
go without deciding factors such as teachers’ patience, support and enthusiasm.
All in all, there is hardly any single measure that can deal with all problems
raised in the process of teaching and learning a language in general and speaking
skill in particular. Applying the following strategies can hopefully help teachers
deal with most of difficulties they encounter in their teaching speaking skill. Yet
whether a speaking class succeeds depends almost on the active role of teachers
in their teaching as well as that of students in their learning.
Be enthusiastic about what you are teaching. This is the timeless one. Any
students can spot a bored teacher at twenty paces. If you do not feel enthusiastic
about your teaching, the students will tend to follow your lead, reflecting your
lack of enthusiasm and surely you will be helpless about getting already-tired
students involve in speaking lessons.
Connect with your students. It does not make any sense; no matter how
evolved and refined your methodology is, if you do not connect with your class.
Teachers have to tune in to the different language abilities and the different
personalities of their students. This involves focusing more on what the students
are saying and less on what teachers are saying.
Teach “use”, not only ‘usage”. When students are using the target language
(for example, in a role play), they feel empowered. They can feel the benefits of
the lesson in a very tangible way. In contrast, learning rules about the target
language is likely to result in the rapid onset of boredom. For example, it is
better to set up an information gap, in which students are trying to arrange a
meeting than to give a lecture on the form and meaning of the present continuous
for the future.
- I need to practice more the ability to cover classes in teaching and class
activities, continue to try to exchange pedagogical services, speaking skills in
front of class and professional.
2.4.4 Recommendation for improving English speaking skills in Au Viet
Vocational School.
After the internship period and results of my surveys. I have some
recommendations on suggested activities for motivating students and improving
their speaking ability.
Correcting Errors
Conversation Strategies
Teacher Intervention
If a speaking activity loses steam, teachers may need to jump into a role-play,
ask more discussion questions, clarify your instructions, or stop an activity that is
too difficult or boring.
Below are some activities and games that can add interest to each lesson and
serve different learning styles. Teachers can find sample games and activities in
this part for getting their students more involved in speaking in class and can feel
free to change their content or degree of difficulty to suit their needs, or use them
as a springboard to create specific activities. These activities can be made more
challenging by increasing the complexity of the language and adding elements of
risk, or made less challenging by simplifying the language and providing more
guidance to reduce the risk of making errors.
This activity can make students feel more relaxed about expressing their
opinion among their own peer groups. It generates a lot of talking as students are
free to express whatever ideas/opinions they have about topic. It allows freedom
and flexibility so students develop confidence in their speaking and fluency
skills as they examine the twists and turns that different conversations can take
on the same subject.
1. Prepare a list of topics that interest students (e.g. fashion, love, marriage,
2. Divide the class into several groups of five or six students.
3. Have students choose one member of the group to take notes.
4. Give all the groups the same topic for free discussion. (This means
students are free to discuss the topic and to develop and carry on their
conversation within the time limits of the activity.)
5. While students are discussing the topic, have the note-taker keep track of
the progression or “word route” of the conversation (e.g. from toothpastes,
to teeth, to dentists, diet, to clothes).
6. At the end of the time period (5-10 minutes), check the group’s progress
and have the note-taker of each group present the word route they have
7. Compare the different groups’ development of their conversation as the
whole-class activity.
This activity gives the students the opportunity to get to know each other
better and therefore helps to create a non-threatening environment for speaking
and sharing ideas. It also encourages students to think creatively because they
must share a personal characteristic in an abstract way. Students practice
initiating, continuing, and closing a conversation; using the conditional;
communicating personal information; and developing vocabulary.
Class time Variable
1. Arrange half of the desks in a large outer circle facing in, and the other
half in an inner circle facing out so that when seated, every student has a
2. Give the students two minutes to discuss the topics listed on the handout.
There is a different topic for each conversation but every conversation
starts with the phrase, “If I were a _______, I would be (a) _______
because _______.” (E.g. If the topic were Body of Water, they could say,
“If I were a body of water, I would be an ocean because an ocean can be
very calm, deep and mysterious, but in a moment it can be dangerous.
That’s what I am, very moody, but never dull. How about you? What
would you be?”.
3. When the time is up, ask the students in the inner circle to stand up and
move one seat to the right to begin another 2-minute conversation with a
new partner.
short directives covering a variety of subjects. Students who are not participating
have an opportunity to learn information – for example, the answers to the short
directives – so that when their turns come they will be able to answer fluently.
2. Have that student roll the dice to obtain a number from the Roll of the
Dice sheet.
4. The selected student responds. If the student cannot respond, have the first
student read another one of the three items.
6. Should the student still not be able to respond, that student loses this turn.
Have the first student roll again and select a new student to answer.
7. Have the student who rolled the dice pass them to the student who
responded, who then selects another student at random and the activity
1. Explain the task to the students. The students will be paired up and they
will take turns giving opinions about each other and responding to each
other’s opinions.
2. Write on the board the different expressions students can use in expressing
and responding to an opinion. The list may include I think, I feel, as I see
it, in expressing an opinion; and that’s right, correct, exactly, in agreeing;
and I’m afraid not, not quite, in disagreeing.
3. Pair off the students randomly. Explain the task. Students should take turns
giving an opinion about the partner’s beliefs, likes, dislikes, hobbies,
interests, abilities and skills. Their partner should then respond, by either
agreeing or disagreeing. Each student should give at least three opinions.
The response has to be given immediately after each opinion.
- Opinion: I think you like eating fast food a lot as I have seen you at least
twice at McDonald’s.
- Response: Well, you’re quite right. I especially like the French fries there.
- Opinion: In my opinion, you are very shy since I seldom hear you speak in
- Response: Mm, in fact, I don’t think I’m shy. I seldom speak in class since
I think it is not very polite.
We all know that people want to talk about what interests them. This
activity makes the most of that premise by requiring students’ participation
throughout every step: from allowing the students to choose the topics to be
discussed to having the students be responsible for leading the group discussions.
Take responsibility for learning
1. give students a questionnaire asking them to list at least five topics they
would like to discuss.
2. type the list of topics on a handout for students and have them choose (as a
class) a topic to discuss in the next lesson.
3. have students write down three interesting and relevant questions about the
topic they would like to ask other students.
- cut out as many slips of paper as there are questions and number them
corresponding to the questions on the handout.
- Include vocabulary items on the handout that may be useful for the
upcoming discussion.
5. on the discussion day, give the students the handout and distribute the slips
of paper at random so that each student has a few slips.
6. have students ask the question that corresponds to the number on their slip
of paper, beginning with question 1. Each student asking a question should
actively elicit responses from the other students and make sure everyone
has a chance to speak.
7. Continue the same process until all the questions have been asked and
Nearly everyone has access to media news and may discuss the news in
their L1. As language teachers, we can capitalize on this real-life activity outside
the classroom and encourage students to express their opinions about the news in
a classroom activity.
1. Choose, cut out, and paste onto separate sheets of paper, 10 pictures about
news stories from a previous year out of an end-of-the-year magazine. (Do
not leave any captions or text on the pictures.)
2. Number the pictures from 1 to 10 in random order. You may need to make
several sets of pictures, depending on the size of the class.
3. Have students use a clean sheet of paper and write Topic at the top of the
left-hand side, and Comment at the top of the right-hand side. Also have
them number from 1 to 10, at equal intervals, down the left-hand side of
the paper.
4. Tell students you will distribute 10 pictures. They should look at them and
write the topic of the story (if they know it) next to the corresponding
number on the Topic side of their page. Students should not discuss the
pictures with you or other classmates during this part of the activity.
5. Organize the class into groups of five and have students compare their
topic lists.
6. Once you and the students are satisfied with the lists, elicit the topics from
students as a class activity and write them on the chalkboard so that
eventually, everyone has a similar list.
7. Have the groups discuss the topics for 15-20 minutes and have them make
notes under the Comment section of their paper.
8. Choose members from each group to explain to the class what 10 news
items are about.
9. Make brief notes from this discussion on the board.
10. Ask groups to discuss the importance of each item and rank them in order
of importance.
11. Again, choose members from each group to tell the class the order of
importance they have determined, and encourage class discuss to decide
the "best order".
This class activity encourages learners to gain confidence in control over one of
the many uses of the verb get. Get It Done encourages students to avoid
dependency on written English for oral work, contextualize grammar and
pronunciation in genuine communication, and keep the eyes up when they speak.
Understand English spoken at normal, conversational speed
2. Elicit from the class the meaning of causative gets by asking such
questions as Does Joseph cut his own hair? Who probably cuts his hair?
1. The class is divided into groups. One member of each group leaves the
2. The remaining group members decide how the person who is outside spent
the previous day. They draw up an exact time schedule from 8 a.m. to 8
p.m. and describe where the person was, what he did, who he talked to. So
as not to make the guessing too difficult, the ‘victim’s’ day should not be
divided into more than six two-hour periods.
3. The people who waited outside during step 2 are called in and return to
their groups. There they try and find out – by asking only yes/no questions
– how the group thinks they spent the previous day.
4. (Optional) when each ‘victim’ has guessed his fictitious day, the group
tries to find out what he really did.
Every student receives one or two slips of paper with sentences like these
on them: ‘What would happen if a shop gave away its goods free every
Wednesday?’ ‘What would you do if you won a trip for two to a city of your
choice?’ One student starts by reading out his question and then asks another
student to answer it. The second student continues by answering or asking a third
student to answer the first student’s question. If he has answered the question he
may then read out his own question for somebody else to answer. The activity is
finished when all the questions have been read out and answered.
The student can prepare their own questions. Here are some more
you found 200,000 dong in a library book?
you forgot you had asked four people to lunch and didn’t have any food in
the house when they arrived?
a young man/girl told you that he/she cannot live without you?
your lover told you he/she fell in love with another person?
you could not sleep at night?
you noticed that you didn’t bring any money with you when the seller
gave you the shoes you decided to take?
Activity 10 Personalities
1. The teacher writes a list of 10-15 famous names on the board. She asks the
students to select the six personalities they would like to invite to their
classroom to give a talk and rank them in order of preference. They write
their choices in order on a piece of paper. All the papers are collected.
2. When the final list for the whole class has been compiled, students who
selected the most popular personalities are asked to explain their choice.
3. The activity could be continued with the students writing our interview
questions they would like to ask the person of their choice.
The teacher will be far more successful in devising a list which is geared
towards her students’ knowledge and interests.
3. Some thought about how the internship might influence my future career
For any teacher who wants to know if he or she has enough qualifications and
abilities in educational work, he or she must experience it through practice. In
fact, it is only when we actually when into educational activities, we can know
that we are still incomplete in many aspects so that we can strive to improve
ourselves to bring practical benefits, serving a best quality of teaching activities
for students.
The study has introduced some measures to help students become more
willing and active to converse with others in the target language in class. It also
includes activities for teachers to make use of in motivating their students to
reduce reticence and be more confident in English speaking classes. To meet the
needs of multi-level classes, teachers need to make use of various methods. In
order to help reduce students’ reticence, teachers themselves should be aware of
the existence of reticence among students and try to give more chances and
encouragement to the quieter ones by asking them more questions. As three
quarters of them go to class after a working day, they are sometimes too tired to
learn so lessons should be made with a lot of fun and comfort with interesting
and motivating activities or games. Besides, as suggested by the students’
informants, teachers should prepare more topics which are not only interesting
but also related to students’ life so that students have the interest in and ability to
talk about them in English. In addition, teachers should try to establish a
friendly, supportive, and non-threatening learning environment, as well as
introducing activities that motivate students to speak. It is important for teachers
to be friendly rather than strict and critical in class, in order to make students feel
easy to speak English.