Towards A Science of Integrated AI and Robotics
Towards A Science of Integrated AI and Robotics
Towards A Science of Integrated AI and Robotics
Artificial Intelligence
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Keywords: The early promise of the impact of machine intelligence did not involve the partitioning
Intelligent robots of the nascent field of Artificial Intelligence. The founders of AI envisioned the notion of
Cognitive robotics embedded intelligence as being conjoined between perception, reasoning and actuation.
Autonomous systems
Yet over the years the fields of AI and Robotics drifted apart. Practitioners of AI focused
Embodied AI
on problems and algorithms abstracted from the real world. Roboticists, generally with
Integrated systems
a background in mechanical and electrical engineering, concentrated on sensori-motor
functions. That divergence is slowly being bridged with the maturity of both fields and
with the growing interest in autonomous systems. This special issue brings together the
state of the art and practice of the emergent field of integrated AI and Robotics, and
highlights the key areas along which this current evolution of machine intelligence is
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics were strongly connected in the early days of AI, but have since
diverged. One of the early goals of AI consisted of building embodied intelligent systems [19]. Such a goal however has
shown to be quite challenging, and researchers have isolated its many distinct facets and focused on making progress on
each facet separately; this has resulted in AI and Robotics developing as divergent research lines, with little in the way of
cross-pollination of ideas. With advancements in both fields, there is now a renewed interest in bringing the two disciplines
closer together, towards the establishment of a distinct trend in integrated AI and Robotics.
In AI, three factors have contributed to making this field more ready than ever to be applied to robotics. First, the rapid
progress in hardware has led to more computational power in smaller form-factor devices, thus allowing embedded devices
to run sophisticated algorithms. Second, and partly enabled by the first trend, is the exponential increase in data because
of increasing growth of digital content from the Internet. Machine learning techniques, popularly grafted onto “big data” as
a result, have become a burgeoning field of applied research. Third, having gone through an ‘AI Winter’, researchers have
not only become more adept at divining what techniques and representations are likely to be promising, they have also
made substantial inroads into the science of both AI and Robotics — contributions to this special issue clearly showcase
Robotics on its side has matured enormously in the last two decades. Common robotic platforms are now available,
together with reliable techniques and shared tools to solve basic perception, navigation, and manipulation tasks; the world
of open source software and hardware has only pushed this further along. From a socio-economic perspective, robotics is
predicted to be one of the fastest growing markets in the next 15 years, with a double-digit growth caused by the pervasive
introduction of robots in production, service and home-care sectors [20]. Policy makers in Europe and the US agree that, to
enter these new markets, future robots will need to be more versatile and address a range of tasks in less engineered and
more open environments [21,22]. To do so, they will need to rely on cognitive capabilities such as knowledge representation,
planning, learning, adaptation, and natural human–robot interaction. These are precisely the capabilities that have formed
the focus of AI research for 60 years. Thus, future robots will need to increasingly incorporate techniques pioneered by
the AI community. Perhaps more importantly, the integrated use of AI and Robotics technologies is expected to enable
0004-3702/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 Editorial
disruptive innovation in many products and services beyond robotics, including domestic appliances, intelligent vehicles,
assistive home care, as well as in the strategic areas of Autonomous Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of
In the face of this growing interest, we lack a clearly defined field of integrated AI and Robotics, which articulates
methods, representations and mechanisms that lead to enablement, while laying out challenges and solutions. With few
exceptions, AI and Robotics are today regarded as separate fields, that belong to different academic partitions (computer
science for AI, mechanical or electronic engineering for robotics), and have their own respective communities and scientific
traditions. Typical graduate student curricula concentrate on AI or on Robotics, but rarely on both, and students in one area
are seldom aware of the concepts and achievements in the other. This situation is not unlike the one described in 1948 by
Norbert Wiener [23, p. 2]:
There are fields of scientific work . . . in which . . . important work is delayed by the unavailability in one field of results
that may have already become classical in the next field.
One important facet of this problem is that we do not have a major scientific venue where the two communities can
discuss research questions and findings, and in doing so share a common vernacular. Such a venue is critical to foster
a much needed conceptual integration and dialogue among researchers. They need to be familiar with the methods and
limitations in the two fields, to do work across their traditional boundaries, and to combine theoretical insights from both
areas with practical understanding of physical robotic systems while converging towards a common lingua-franca.
This special issue on “AI and Robotics” provides one such venue, presenting a carefully selected set of successful integra-
tion efforts. It is our hope that it will constitute an important stepping stone in building a community of AI and Robotics
researchers working across their traditional boundaries towards an ultimately shared scientific goal, thus setting the stage
for a new science of integrated AI and Robotics.
The early pioneers of Artificial Intelligence had envisioned the use of computers as tools for encapsulating cognition
within machines. While they did not explicitly articulate the need for a robotic embodiment of a form of human intelligence,
this objective as a means to study cognition was foremost on their minds [19].
Conversely, mechanical tools were conceived early in the history of humanity as a way to help humans to conquer
nature and as aids in doing “work”. Mechanical automata from China and Japan were designed more as artifacts of human
curiosity than of actual practical labor saving devices [24]. With the advent of the modern computer, the transition of such
devices from mechanical to electronic control led in turn to the birth of mobile automata. The term ‘robot’ itself, coined by
a playwright and popularized as a field by a science-fiction writer, shows the broad-based interest of what we now consider
as embedded automated cognition. It was only natural that these three areas, AI/Cognition, Robotics and modern electronics,
come together with the advent of micro-electronics, inexpensive sensors, and the increasing digitalization of our world.
An early use of AI was in automatic problem solving. If one could formalize both a problem and its solutions in a suitable
symbolic language, it was reasoned, then computer-based symbol manipulation could be used to go from the former to the
latter. The main challenge was believed to lie in finding algorithms that realize this transformation. Once these are avail-
able, it would suffice to automatically generate the problem formulation from perception (e.g., box(b1), banana(b2),
. . . in a canonical monkey–banana problem) and to automatically enact the solution by actuation (e.g., push(b1,p1),
climb(b1), . . . ), to have a software agent solving problems in the physical world.
The vision of automated problem solving in the physical world was first realized in concrete form in the Shakey project,
arguably the first robot that used AI methods [25]. Shakey was a success, in that it demonstrated substantial reasoning
capabilities, including the ability to plan its action and to react to unexpected events during execution. However, while
embedded in a physical world, its environment was entirely artificial, made of simple geometric shapes in a well lit labo-
ratory. In moving to more natural surroundings, the challenges of going from unreliable sensor data to a formal, symbolic
problem description turned out to be much more substantial than expected. The same was true for going from a formal,
symbolic description of the solution to physical actuation. These were a major driving force to break the problem down into
subproblems in order to solve them separately. Reasoning, perception and physical action were carved up, consequently.
Most AI researchers were driven by top-down (and abstract) reasoning, rarely connecting with the physical world. Rea-
soning ignored the physicality and embodiment in automation, assuming that a symbolic description of the problem was
given, and that a symbolic description of the solution could actuate in the physical world, leading to decades of “disem-
bodied” AI. Conversely, researchers in the field of robotics took a more bottom-up approach, mostly ignoring the reasoning
aspects and focusing instead on the embodiment. Each community focused on their own problems and methods. Often
however, the overlaps between the two became apparent; a telling example is in ‘planning algorithms’ which while sound-
ing relevant from both ends of AI and Robotics, were a source of confusion to the other. The textbooks by Ghallab, Nau and
Traverso [26] and by Lavalle [27] are a case in point. Both delved in-depth into ‘planning’, yet were referenced by the two
communities for understanding two different classes of problems and methods: one about task planning (mostly discrete)
and the other about motion planning (mostly continuous). (See [28] for an early effort to sort out this confusion.)
Editorial 3
At the same time, the AI community held the practicality of problem solving in the real-world as hard, challenging
or counter-productive from an algorithmic development perspective. The disconnect with real world problem solving in
turn led the community down a variety of paths which have had little long-term impact; a case in point are the Planning
competitions,1 where there is substantial algorithmic overfitting to the rules of the competition, while much remains to be
desired in terms of the connect to real-world problem solving. Similar issues plague other sub-fields [29] of AI.
Decoupling the two fields was of course highly effective: enormous progress has been made in AI and in Robotics, albeit
separately. Sensor fusion, SLAM, machine learning, and to some extent automated planning, for instance, are now considered
mature sub-fields of the two communities with significant bodies of work and wide applicability. It was in this context that
a range of activities were pushed towards reuniting AI and Robotics at the end of the 90’s, bringing physical embodiments
and reasoning together. Early signs of this were visible in the robot Flakey [30], in the museum tour robots Rhino and
Minerva [31,32] and in NASA’s Remote Agent experiment on the Deep Space One spacecraft [33,34]. At about the same time
the international community set up the RoboCup challenge [35] with the explicit long-term goal to advance robotics and AI,
and the CogRob workshop series on cognitive robotics was initiated.
It was, however, not until the beginning of the current decade that the diverse initiatives working on the reunion of AI
and Robotics started to come together as a critical mass. This has since been sustained by events at major AI conferences
with an outreach to the robotics field, and vice versa, like robotic competitions and tracks at IJCAI, AAAI and ICAPS, and
special sessions on cognitive abilities at ICRA and IROS. Today, we are witnessing an increasing commercial interest in
products that require a combination of robotics and AI technologies, like autonomous cars and industrial vehicles. Silicon
Valley in California, the hot-bed of innovation, is now in the throes of a major push to commercialize products in AI and
Robotics [36].
Our own initiatives (and consequently this Special Issue) were initiated at a meeting at Örebro, Sweden, in December
2012.2 This brought together researchers from Europe and the US to initiate a joint activity to channel a long-term effort in
bringing these two disciplines together. Not only has this meeting led to planning this Special Issue, but it has also regularly
brought together students and academics across the world to a series of Winter Schools,3 to study the state of the art and
practice in integrated AI and Robotics. With these events and this Special Issue, we hope a vibrant community of researchers
will take on the challenge of pulling the diverse threads across these disciplines and confront new challenges.
Since AI and Robotics have been disjoint for so long, and since they developed within different academic compartments,
integrating results from these fields is especially challenging. Topics and solutions in one field are often unknown to re-
searchers in the other. Even when they are known, these may be framed in a language which is unfamiliar to researchers in
the other field, or they may assume away aspects that are instead crucial in that field. As a consequence, researchers in the
latter field may perceive those techniques as inadequate or irrelevant to their problems, and instead develop new solutions.
These difficulties are best seen by looking at an example. Semantic maps constitute an active research area in robotics
today. Semantic maps enrich spatial representations of the environment with information about the type and functionality
of the elements in it, and enable the possibility to reason about this information [37,38]. One would expect that this
research line leverages the rich AI tradition in knowledge representation and ontologies. Instead, much of the current work
on semantic maps in robotics makes little or no use of this tradition, and has sometimes developed solutions that are
entirely independent from the concepts and techniques in AI. Part of the reason is insufficient mutual awareness between
these two fields. But a deeper reason is that a great deal of the work in knowledge representation and ontologies is not
readily usable in robotics as is. For example, much of that work assumes crisp and consistent knowledge; but uncertainty
and contradictions are inevitable when information comes from sensors and physical embodiment. Also, much of that work
assumes discrete models where objects and events have clear boundaries; but robots live in a continuous world, where
metrics matter, and where the boundaries among objects or events may be blurred or difficult to extract.
What this example shows us is that it is not enough to be familiar with the results of both fields to be able to inte-
grate them. Instead one must identify the key factors that hinder integration, and address them as fundamental research
questions. We claim that most of these factors have a common origin: Robots operate in a closed loop with the physical
environment, and must necessarily deal with aspects like strict timing, continuous values, complex dependencies and un-
certainty; but tools and techniques developed in AI often assume those aspects away. The key question, then, is: what are
the critical aspects that AI techniques must consider in order to be applicable to robotics?
To discuss this question, we find it convenient to group AI techniques according to the type of cognitive ability that they
enable, and that we want our future robots to possess. We consider here three families of (non-disjoint) cognitive abilities,
that we label CA1–CA3.
4 Editorial
Fig. 1. The research landscape of the field of integrated AI and Robotics. Key research questions in this field lie at the intersections of rows and columns.
CA1: Robots that know, addresses the representation, creation and maintenance of knowledge in robotic systems; roughly
put, CA1 refers to the abilities to gain access to the relevant models; these include knowledge acquisition, learning,
and adaptation.
CA2: Robots that reason, addresses reasoning in robotic systems; reasoning can be about past and present states (percep-
tion and understanding), future states (deliberation and planning), or both; reasoning typically requires models, so
CA2 depends on CA1.
CA3: Robots that cooperate, addresses the use of knowledge and reasoning in multi-actor systems; this CA includes all
forms of human–robot interaction, multi-robot cooperation, and knowledge sharing.
This grouping of cognitive abilities is deliberately conservative in the context of AI, even if it is comprehensive: the above
CAs cover traditional techniques (e.g., classical planning in CA2) as well as more recent methods (e.g., deep learning in CA1).
Traditional methods in the field of robotics do not have much to say about these abilities, while they have always been
in focus for AI researchers. AI methods that address these abilities, however, often rely on assumptions that make them
unsuitable to address challenges that are crucial for robotic systems. For the purpose of this discussion, we put forward four
such robotic challenges, RC1–RC4.
RC1: Uncertainty Robots sense and change the physical world, but algorithms read and write internal variables. One cannot
expect that these variables accurately reflect the state of the physical environment. In general, a robot’s primary
source of knowledge about the environment, sensor data, is noisy, limited in range and error-prone, thus leading
to information that is uncertain, incomplete, and possibly contradictory. The same is true for actuation and its
effects on the environment.
RC2: Gaps in knowledge The results of reasoning, planning and acting can only be as good as the models which they
are based on. But in any realistic, open domain it is unlikely that a robot has complete factual and operational
knowledge. Robots must be able to tolerate these knowledge gaps, and possibly fill the missing knowledge when
RC3: Complexity The diversity, size, dynamics and interactivity of robot domains implies great complexity of knowledge
and processing. Moreover, a robot’s decisions and actions must comply to the timescale of its environment. This
challenges systems to find ways to filter their knowledge and to prune or restrict their reasoning.
RC4: Hybrid reasoning Most AI techniques address a single cognitive ability and rely on a single type of knowledge. But
robots must deal with a diversity of cognitive abilities and of types of knowledge, and must do so in an inte-
grated way. Ontological, temporal, spatial, and causal knowledge need to be used together, as must continuous
and discrete information.
The applicability of a given AI technique, designed to provide a certain cognitive ability, to robotics may depend on its
ability to address one or more of the above challenges. In general, cognitive abilities and robotic challenges can be organized
in the matrix shown in Fig. 1. Each cell at the intersection of a cognitive ability and a robotic challenge can host a family
of open research questions: how to extend the existing AI techniques that implement that ability, so that they can cope with
that challenge. Each such research question would enable, if solved, a step forward toward the realization of intelligent
robotic systems.
Consider again the semantic map example. Many ontology representation formalisms (which are part of the CA1 family)
are not directly usable in semantic maps because of their inability to deal with uncertain and conflicting information (RC1),
or with the combination of symbolic and geometric information (RC4). In order to use those techniques in semantic maps,
then, one would need to extend them to address those challenges. In doing so, non-trivial research questions which lie at
the intersection of CA1 and RC1, or at the intersection of CA1 and RC4, need to be addressed. This is graphically shown in
Fig. 2.
The matrix in Fig. 1 gives structure to the research landscape in the field of integrated AI and Robotics. We believe that
it is the research questions at the intersections of the rows and columns in this matrix that characterize this field. Coming
Editorial 5
Fig. 2. The semantic map example in the above landscape. The circles indicate some areas where key research questions need to be addressed in order to
use ontology formalisms in robotics.
Fig. 3. The overall geographical distribution of papers submitted to this Special Issue.
with a well-defined set of such questions would be an important first step to define a much needed science of integrated
AI and Robotics. The papers in this Special Issue contribute to this process, by addressing an interesting sample of questions
across such a landscape.
This Special Issue is based on an open call to both the AI and Robotics communities.4 Fifty submissions received were
deemed appropriate for the Special Issue; the nominal and systematic peer-review standards of the AI Journal brought the
final count of papers down to the 18 contributions collected here. Each paper was typically reviewed by three individuals
in addition to one of the guest editors. A majority of the papers went through two rounds of revisions; a few had to go
through additional rounds. In most cases, the same individuals reviewed the papers over the multiple stages, ensuring a
high-quality and consistent feedback to the authors. A total of upwards of 200 reviewers were recruited. The entire process
took considerable time and effort, delaying the final version of this Special Issue till now.
The geographical distribution5 of papers, graphically represented in Fig. 3, shows an interesting pattern. A majority of
submissions (29) came in from Europe—what has traditionally been seen as a foundation of AI and Robotics research, the
United States and Canada, sent in substantially fewer papers (12). While difficult to point to a precise cause, one possible
explanation is that integrated AI and Robotics work is indeed going on within the Americas, but perhaps mostly in the
commercial realm where there are substantially fewer incentives to publish in peer-reviewed publications. This would also
be consistent with increased competition and the lag in funding from US funding agencies in comparison to the output
of PhD’s. Conversely, the European Union’s Framework Programs have had a substantial up-tick in AI and Robotics funding
within the FP6, FP7 and H2020 programs. Thirteen of the contributions in this Special Issue acknowledge support from
these programs.
Regarding the coverage of topics, while no outcome or expectations was designed by the guest editors, we were delighted
to note that the end result is both broad and deep with respect to the landscape introduced in the previous section, as
shown in Fig. 4.6 The 18 contributions to this special issue illustrate how AI methods and techniques addressing a given
cognitive ability can be extended to address some of our four robotic challenges. While such a categorization is subjective,
we feel it reflects the cross-disciplinary nature of this Special Issue and provides the AI generalist with a broad overview of
what is clearly a re-emergent and symbiotic field.
The individual papers in this Special Issue are summarized below with the perspective of this landscape.
Based on author affiliations when papers were submitted.
Each contribution in this volume is represented by a single rounded rectangle corresponding to its main focus. This is arguably a oversimplification
made for presentation convenience, since many papers also touch on other abilities and/or challenges.
6 Editorial
Fig. 4. The contributions in this Special Issue as mapped to the above research landscape. Colors refer to the subsections below. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Six of the contributions in this Special Issue have the acquisition or representation of knowledge as their center of
gravity. These are highlighted in blue in Fig. 4.
[2] and [7] use learning to let the robot acquire new knowledge, and therefore directly address challenge RC2. In [2],
the robot gains general knowledge of a domain prior to being given any specific task. The paper articulates an algorithm
for intrinsically motivated learning, that learns models of the transition dynamics of a domain using random forests while
combining intrinsic with external task rewards. [7] proposes an online algorithm that enables a humanoid robotic agent
to incrementally learn new skills in the order of increasing learning difficulty, from its onboard high-dimensional camera
inputs and low-level kinematic joint maps, driven purely by its intrinsic motivation.
Papers [13] and [16] also deal with learning, but put a strong emphasis on managing the complexity of doing so, thus
addressing RC3. [13] introduces a scalable methodology to learn and transfer knowledge of the transition (and reward)
models for model-based reinforcement learning in a complex world. The authors use a formulation of Markov decision
processes that support efficient online-learning of relevant problem features in order to approximate world dynamics. [16]
presents a reinforcement learning approach for aerial cargo delivery tasks in environments with static obstacles. The authors
plan and create swing-free trajectories with bounded load displacements. To deal with the very large action space, learning
occurs in a simplified problem space and then transfered to the full space.
[18] shows how learning can be done when the context changes between executions, thus addressing RC1. It proposes
a model-based contextual policy search algorithm to deal with such contextual changes between task executions. It does
so by utilizing a hierarchical approach, learning an upper-level policy that generalizes the lower-level controllers to new
Finally, [6] discusses how one can structure a knowledge base for robots for goal achievement that combines different
knowledge types, thus addressing RC4. The authors propose a combination of different knowledge areas, different knowledge
sources and different inference mechanisms to cover the breadth and depth of required knowledge and inferences. Various
methods have been developed in the AI community for representing and reasoning about temporal relations, action effects
and changing situations, most of them focusing on individual inference problems. On the other end, representations devel-
oped in robotics have largely focused on special-purpose probabilistic models that usually lack clear semantics. This paper
attempts to combine parts of these approaches in a common framework to provide robots with comprehensive knowledge
and inference capabilities.
Five contributions focus on reasoning techniques. These are highlighted in green in Fig. 4.
[1] provides an overview of deliberation in AI and Robotics, a key piece of enablement to demonstrate embodied machine
intelligence. Deliberation functions identified and analyzed are: planning, acting, monitoring, observing, and learning. The
paper discusses their main characteristics, design choices and constraints. Being a survey, this contribution touches all the
four robotic challenges, but has a special concern on integrating several different deliberation functions (RC4).
[12] also deals with the integration of different deliberation functions (RC4) but considers in addition the challenge of
tackling the complexity that is intrinsic in hybrid reasoning (RC3). The authors propose an approach to hybrid planning for
complex robotic platforms in which state-based forward-chaining task planning is tightly coupled with motion planning and
with other forms of geometric reasoning. Hybrid states are represented as a symbolic component coupled to a geometric
component, with the former used for causal and logical reasoning and the latter for geometric reasoning.
[5] and [17] propose reasoning methods that take uncertainty into account, thus addressing RC1. [5] investigates the ma-
nipulation of multiple unknown objects in a crowded environment with incomplete knowledge, including object occlusions.
Object observations are imperfect and action success is uncertain, making planning challenging. The authors use a POMDP
method that optimizes a policy graph using particle filters and takes uncertainty in temporal evolution and partial observa-
tions into account. [17] presents a methodology for allowing flexibility in task execution using qualitative approaches which
Editorial 7
support representation of spatial and temporal flexibility with respect to tasks. The authors extend compilation approaches
developed for temporally flexible execution of discrete activity plans to work with hybrid discrete/continuous systems, and
to determine optimal control policies for feasible state regions which can deal with plan disturbance.
Paper [4] also deals with uncertain information (RC1) as well as the lack of abstract models of physical processes (RC2).
The idea is to project the physical effects of robot manipulation actions by translating a qualitative physics problem for-
malization into a parameterized simulation problem. In doing so, it performs a detailed physics-based simulation of a robot
plan, logging the state evolution into appropriate data structures and then translating these sub-symbolic data structures
into interval-based timelines.
Four contributions focus on human–robot and multi-robot interaction. These are highlighted in brown in Fig. 4.
Paper [8] presents a framework of anticipatory action selection for human–robot interaction that is capable of handling
nonlinear and stochastic human behaviors such as table tennis strokes, and allows the robot to choose the optimal action
based on prediction of the human’s intention with uncertainty. The framework thus addresses challenge RC1.
[9] shows how planning operators can be learned from human teachers rather than hand-coded, thus addressing chal-
lenge RC2. The paper proposes an approach to automatically learn and execute human-like tasks by exploiting natural
teacher-learner interactions involving a human. Whenever a robotic plan halts, the human teaches an appropriate action
and the robot then completes the task by itself.
[10] also deals with learning from teacher demonstrations, but puts emphasis on reducing the complexity of the learn-
ing process (RC3). The paper extends relational Reinforcement Learning algorithms by integrating the option of requesting
teacher demonstrations, to learn new domains with fewer action executions and no prior knowledge. This technique shows
that adding such teacher demonstrations improves the success ratio for execution while significantly reducing the number
of exploration actions required.
Finally, [11] identifies key decisional issues for robots that cooperate with humans, including needed cognitive skills: sit-
uation assessment based on perspective-taking and affordance analysis; acquisition and representation of knowledge models
for humans and robots, each with their specificities; situated, natural and multi-modal dialogue; human-aware task plan-
ning; human–robot joint task achievement. It shows that combining such abilities in a deliberative architecture, by pushing
human-level semantics within the robot’s deliberative system, leads to richer human–robot interactions. This paper therefore
addresses challenge RC4.
While most of the above papers touch at multiple cognitive abilities to some extent, they have a clear center of gravity
in one; the following three contributions cover broader ground and are highlighted in red in Fig. 4.
[3] presents a framework to infer human activities from observations using semantic representations, which can be
utilized to transfer tasks and skills from humans to humanoid robots. This work spans across abilities CA2 and CA3, and
relies on the creation of new knowledge to address challenge RC2. The framework allows robots to determine a higher-level
understanding of a demonstrator’s behavior via semantic representations that capture the essence of the activity and thereby
indicate which aspect of the demonstrator’s actions should be executed for goal achievement.
[14] presents an approach to creating a semantic map of an indoor environment from RGBD data, which is needed for
object search or place recognition by robots. It therefore belongs to CA1. It also belongs to CA2, since the authors use
a knowledge representation and reasoning formalism for reasoning about perceived objects during the top-down part of
closed-loop semantic mapping. The approach presented combines geometric information and semantic knowledge, thus
addressing RC4.
Finally, paper [15] describes an ambitious EU project that deals with representing knowledge (CA1) and reasoning with
it (CA2) under strong uncertainty (RC1). The paper describes an embedded robot platform along with a theory of how it
can plan information gathering tasks and explain failure in environments that have uncertain sensing, uncertain actions,
incomplete information and epistemic goals. Central to the ideas in this paper is how the robot’s knowledge is organized as
well as how the robot should represent what it knows or believes.
5. Conclusions
We believe the time is ripe for AI and Robotics to pursue conjoint research lines towards an integrated approach for
autonomous systems. Doing so will enable a new cohort of young researchers who have a wider field of view over the
two disciplines, and can make progress towards truly embodied agents by leveraging what is now cross-disciplinary into
their curriculum and removing the traditional ‘stove piping’ that often occurs in academia. And ideally to do so for societal
benefit in the context of understanding how we can alleviate some of today’s problems afflicting humankind.
One grand challenge might be in harnessing and applying research towards helping understand the environment and
provide tools and techniques in understanding the changing climate. This would need AI and Robotics to aid researchers
in the pure (and social) sciences to obtain a finer level understanding of earthbound environmental processes, e.g., harmful
8 Editorial
algal blooms in the oceans, air pollution in cities and towns, the carbon life-cycle, etc. Such a task would require embodi-
ment in sensors and robotic platforms exposed to the harsh conditions terrestrially, in the atmosphere, in the oceans and in
space while providing novel means of measuring critical scientific variables, all the while interacting with researchers well
outside the traditional comfort zone of technologists.
To enable such grand challenges requires focus and concerted action with a well thought out research agenda. One
approach that has been suggested is to define a list of problem statements for integrated AI and Robotics [39]. A complemen-
tary, applied approach could define competitive challenges [40] in the style of RoboCup [35] or the DARPA initiatives [41,42].
Irrespectively, we expect that many of the research questions that will arise lie at the intersection of the rows and columns
in the matrix shown in Fig. 1. The solutions to these questions would provide a core set of principles, methods and ap-
proaches, from which a curriculum can be built that defines the new science of integrated AI and Robotics. These could also
be collected in a compendium of methods and techniques developed by this emerging community of scholars and updated
continuously with community-driven tools. The periodic publication of a collected ‘Readings’, akin to [43] and [44], could
be instrumental in helping young (or even well-established) researchers get a bird’s eye view of this nascent field.
This Special Issue is essentially the first of many steps that we believe are needed to get AI and Robotics to be more
aligned and co-mingled with ideas, techniques and methods, formal and otherwise. For these disciplines to make a clear
and positive impact to society, we believe there are no boundaries: collective wisdom can only come with collective action.
And we believe this is the time to pull together an effective community in this field.
More than 200 reviewers provided high quality reviews over multiple rounds, to allow authors to revise and strengthen
their technical content while also making their material more accessible to the general AI or Robotics reader. We, as guest
editors are grateful to these reviewers who made this special issue possible; we could not have done it without their time,
effort and enthusiasm.
When writing this editorial, we have benefited from extensive feedback from Malik Ghallab, Joachim Hertzberg, Maja
Mataric, Nils Nilsson and Erik Sandewall, as well as four anonymous referees: their help is gratefully acknowledged. We
also thank the participants of the first “Lucia” meeting,7 where the idea of this special issue was conceived, for inspiring
discussions and motivation. The opinions in this editorial, however, are our own.
The Lucia initiatives were funded by Örebro University, Sweden, through the special strategic research grant RV422/2011.
Rajan was supported in part by the United States Office of Naval Research, ONR Grant # N00014-14-1-0536. The authors are
grateful to Federico Pecora and Nicola Muscettola for discussions on various topics in this Special Issue over the years.
[1] F. Ingrand, M. Ghallab, Deliberation for autonomous robots: a survey, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017) 10–44 (this issue).
[2] T. Hester, P. Stone, Intrinsically motivated model learning for developing curious robots, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017) 170–186 (this issue).
[3] K. Ramirez-Amaro, M. Beetz, G. Cheng, Transferring skills to humanoid robots by extracting semantic representations from observations of human
activities, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017) 95–118 (this issue).
[4] L. Kunze, M. Beetz, Envisioning the qualitative effects of robot manipulation actions using simulation-based projections, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017)
352–380 (this issue).
[5] J. Pajarinen, V. Kyrki, Robotic manipulation of multiple objects as a POMDP, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017) 213–228 (this issue).
[6] M. Tenorth, M. Beetz, Representations for robot knowledge in the KnowRob framework, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017) 151–169 (this issue).
[7] V.R. Kompella, M. Stollenga, M. Luciw, J. Schmidhuber, Continual curiosity-driven skill acquisition from high-dimensional video inputs for humanoid
robots, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017) 313–335 (this issue).
[8] Z. Wang, A. Boularias, K. Mülling, B. Schölkopf, J. Peters, Anticipatory action selection for human–robot table tennis, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017) 399–414
(this issue).
[9] A. Agostini, C. Torras, F. Wörgötter, Efficient interactive decision-making framework for robotic applications, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017) 187–212 (this
[10] D. Martínez, G. Alenyà, C. Torras, Relational reinforcement learning with guided demonstrations, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017) 295–312 (this issue).
[11] S. Lemaignan, M. Warnier, E.A. Sisbot, A. Clodic, R. Alami, Artificial cognition for social human–robot interaction: an implementation, Artif. Intell. 247
(2017) 45–69 (this issue).
[12] J. Bidot, L. Karlsson, F. Lagriffoul, A. Saffiotti, Geometric backtracking for combined task and motion planning in robotic systems, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017)
229–265 (this issue).
[13] T.T. Nguyen, T. Silander, Z. Li, T.-Y. Leong, Scalable transfer learning in heterogeneous, dynamic environments, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017) 70–94 (this issue).
[14] M. Günther, T. Wiemann, S. Albrecht, J. Hertzberg, Model-based furniture recognition for building semantic object maps, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017)
336–351 (this issue).
[15] Marc Hanheide, et al., Robot task planning and explanation in open and uncertain worlds, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017) 119–150 (this issue).
[16] A. Faust, I. Palunko, P. Cruz, R. Fierro, L. Tapia, Automated aerial suspended cargo delivery through reinforcement learning, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017)
381–398 (this issue).
[17] A.G. Hofmann, B. Williams, Temporally and spatially flexible plan execution for dynamic hybrid systems, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017) 266–294 (this issue).
[18] A. Kupcsik, M.P. Deisenroth, J. Peters, L.A. Poh, P. Vadakkepat, G. Neumann, Model-based contextual policy search for data-efficient generalization of
robot skills, Artif. Intell. 247 (2017) 415–439 (this issue).
[19] E.A. Feigenbaum, J. Feldman, et al., Computers and Thought, AAAI Press, 1963.
Listed at
Editorial 9
Kanna Rajan
Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Center for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (AMOS),
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
Underwater Systems and Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
E-mail address: [email protected]
Alessandro Saffiotti
AASS Cognitive Robotic Systems Lab, School of Science and Technology, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden
E-mail address: asaffi[email protected]