Assessment of Erosion Hazard and Erosion Modeling
Assessment of Erosion Hazard and Erosion Modeling
Assessment of Erosion Hazard and Erosion Modeling
Module 2
1 2
Assessment and Define the Universal
measure soil loss. Soil Loss Equation
Methods of General Assessment
1. Physics-Based Models
Physics based models are build on field-based research and
simulate climate, run-off, infiltration, water balance, plant growth
and decomposition, tillage and consolidation. These models are
based on the physics of flow and sediment transport processes and
their interaction on the transfer of mass, momentum and energy. It
was developed as a system modelling approach for predicting and
assessing soil loss and identifying watershed management
practices for soil conservation.
z Soil Erosion Modeling
2. Empirical Models
Empirical models are simplified natural processes based on
experimental observations. Empirical-based models have been widely
used in soil erosion assessments. The Universal Soil Loss Equation
(USLE), the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) and modified
universal soil loss equation (MUSLE) are commonly employed
empirical-base models Equation for soil erosion assessments.
z Soil Erosion Modeling
3. Conceptual Models
Conceptual models are a combination of empirical and
physical-based models. General descriptions of catchment processes
can incorporate to conceptual models without stipulating process
interactions since detail catchment information would require for
process interactions. Therefore, conceptual models provide
measurements on quantitative and qualitative processes within an
area such as a watershed and consist with inherent limitations of
empirical models such as a wide range of data set are needed for
z Land Capability Classification
Land capability classification is a scientific appraisal of the physical
characteristics of the land. “It is an inherent capacity of land to perform
the general land-use function.” It is the quality of land and assessed by
the physical properties of soil and terrain characteristics. Land capability
is by and large ascertained by inherent soil characteristics, external land
features and environmental factors limiting land use (Mohammad Noor,
Class II
➢ Slope 1-3%
➢ Soils have moderate limitations that
reduce the choice of plants or require
moderate conservation practices.
➢ Contour plowing and other easy to use
practices are often used
➢ Have moderate soil depth, light or
heavy texture, gentle slope and
moderate soil fertility etc.
➢ Suitable for permanent cultivation with
some soil and water conservation
Capability Class
Class III
➢ Slope 3-5%
➢ Soils have severe limitations that
reduce the choice of plants or require
special conservation practices, or
▪ Terraces and strip cropping
▪ Contour bunding, graded bunding
➢ Crops must be carefully selected -
Plant cover should be maintained
➢ It can be productive with proper
management by the producer
Capability Class
Class IV
➢ Slope 5-8%
➢ Soils have very severe limitations that
restrict the choice of plants or require
very careful management, or both.
➢ Hilly lands and lowest preference for
➢ Frequently subject to erosion (gullies)
➢ Suitable only for occasional or limited
➢ Engineering measures are
recommended here
Capability Class
Class VI
➢ Slope 12-18%
➢ Shallow soils on steep slope
➢ Used for grazing and forestry
➢ Grazing should be regulated to
preserve plant cover
➢ If the plant cover is destroyed, use
should be restricted until cover is re-
➢ Suitable for horticultural crops like
mango, guava, cashew nut etc.
➢ Gullies often quickly from if not
carefully managed.
Capability Class
Class VII
➢ Slope 18-25%
➢ Highly unsuited for cultivation
➢ Best uses are permanent pasture,
forestry, and wildlife.
➢ Generally, land are droughty and
swampy having very steep slope,
rough stony or very severely
eroded, infested with gullies.
Capability Class
Class VIII
➢ Slope greater than 25%
➢ Very rough land; not suitable even for woodland or
grazing; reserve for wildlife, recreation or watershed
➢ Often used for waterfowl habitat
The land capability classification is grouped into three major
z of soil.
R factor
➢ reflects climate (rainfall intensity and erosivity) as a factor of soil erosion
➢ determined by the total kinetic energy and the maximum 30-minute intensity of
rain for a given time interval of a given rainstorm
K factor
➢ reflects the fact that different soils erode at different rates
➢ the measure of rate of erosion per unit quantity of erosion for specific soils
determined using the standard erosion plot
➢ can be estimated using data of texture, organic matter, structure and
Estimation of Soil erosion: (USLE) Universal Soil Loss Equation
L factor
➢ result of correlation studies of slope length and erosion using standard plots
S factor
➢ shows the correlation of erosion to percent slope and slope gradient
C factor
➢ The C factor is the crop management factor and is the ratio of soil loss compared
to fallow (bare, exposed) soil.
P factor
➢ The P factor is the erosion control factor expressed as a ratio of the soil loss with
➢ If a farmer plows up and down the slope of a hill, P=1. When plowing is done
following the contours of the hill, P is reduced.
Tolerable soil loss (T)
➢ T is the maximum level of soil erosion that will permit a high level of crop
productivity to be maintained economically and indefinitely.
Intrinsic Limitations of the USLE Model
4. The model applies only for average data over 20 years and is
not valid for individual storms. A MUSLE model has been
developed for estimating the sediment load produced by each storm,
which considers not rainfall erosivity but the volume of runoff
(Williams 1975).
5. Lastly, a major limitation of the model is that it neglects certain
interactions between factors in order to distinguish more easily the
individual effect of each. For example, it does not consider the effect
on erosion of slope combined with plant cover, nor the effect of soil
type on the effect of slope.