How To Assemble and Use Cheap CNC Machine

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How to Assemble and Use Cheap CNC Machine

by Nikus

Have you ever want to have a CNC machine? If you using special UV laminats or just ordering it from
asked me few months ago I would say NO! Why? manufacturer but one that I was intrested in was milling
Because I prefer 3D printers, they are creating things it. And the time when I can try this method came, but
from nothing instead of cutting things from material. But not only. I also tryed other tings with this CNC like
some time ago I was making a pcb with toner transfer engraving text or milling in wood and plastics.
method (I don't like it) and I thought that there must be
better method for it. I read about other methods like

Step 1: What Is CNC?

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Computer Numeric Control (CNC) is the automation of (or computerized) numerical control (CNC), in which
machine tools that are operated by precisely computers play an integral part of the control.
programmed commands encoded on a storage
medium (computer command module, usually Here is the de nition from wikipedia. So in other words
located on the device) as opposed to controlled CNC means computer numeric control and CNC mill is
manually by hand wheels or levers, or mechanically just controlled by computer. We can use those machines
automated by cams alone. Most NC today is computer to make mechanical things very precisely.

Step 2: What You Will Need

Originally this Instructable was about a T8 CNC machine, check out my recent CNC project IndyMill.
looks like it is no longer available, so here is an
alternative 3018 version. If you are just starting especially with a CNC kit like 3018
this instructable will be very useful for you. If you prefer
If you want to build something on your own you should building something on your own you can still learn
also check out my Instructable about DIY Dremel CNC some basics of CNC machining and short tutorial on
machine. And if you want to build even bigger, more milling something for the rst time.
powerful and a bit more profesional CNC you should

How to Assemble and Use Cheap CNC Machine: Page 2

Step 3: Main Frame

Frame of this CNC is made out of aluminium pro les every thing together. Make sure to tight everything
which are so simple to build and also looks good. strongly ( to prevent it from any loosening after some
To start building this frame you need to take all of the
aluminium pro les and some screws with special nut Back bracket of vertical pro les should be at the end of
(rectangular ones) and using mounting brackets x horizontal one (you can see it on the picture above)

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Step 4: Y Axis

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Now we will assemble Y axis, this axis moves the table. Sorry that I don't add the photo of the table assembling
You will need 2 aluminium plates, bearing (like in the but I forgot to make them :(
photo), and one of stepper motors. Also some screws
but not every screw has a label with size so I can't tell You just need to screw 2 metal plates to table and
you which one exactly, just nd one that will t hole golden nut to one of this plate. I hope that from photos
perfectly. above you can understand it.

Begin with screwing bearing to one of a plate and Put 2 poles inside "bearing" (it's not a bearing but just
stepper motor to the other one. Attach plates to main metal ring) of the table and then screw those poles to
frame. Stepper motor at the back and plate with bearing frame.
in front of frame. With same screws as you mounted
main frame. Then you can add coupling to stepper Remember to also screw small screws on the bearing
motor. and coupling


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Step 5: Z Axis

There are some more of assembling of this axis, and I wouldn't write all of that I hope images are enough if you have any
questions leave a comment.

Remember about small screws on the bearing and coupling

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Step 6: X Axis

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You need to screw again 2 plates to frame and motor to remember about small screws on the bearing and
one of them and bearing to another one. Plates must be coupling. You sholud be able to rotate leading screw
as high as it is possible, it should touch mounting without any problems (spindle motor and whole Z axis
bracket. Before screwing guides to plates you need to should move) if not check if it is in level.
put on it Z axis that you made in previous step. Also

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Step 7: Spindle

You need to mount gold element to spindle with 2 small screws. All tools for milling or engraving you can mount to
golden element. This type of montage is not perfect but it is su cient for such a small CNC

Step 8: Everything Together

This is how everything should looks like. I also nd in kit small rubber legs. They are pretty good and thanks to them you
wouldn't scratch your desk like I did :)

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Step 9: Electronics

24V are for spindle so solder 2 cables to black socket and connect those cables to screw terminal on arduino
(you need to measure where is + and - in power supply) shield (make sure you connect good + to + and - to -!
then connect one of this cables to relay as shown on the This is very important!). Motors are connected to
image above. Second cable from power supply goes goldpins next to stepper motor driver. There are small
directly to spindle (we just need to disconnect on cable text x axis, y axis, z axis you need to connect them as
to turn o spindle). Connect 5V of relay to 5V of arduino shown on the photo above. If you have any problems
shield and GND to shield GND. Input from relay to shield see some of next steps (called problems). If you have any
SpnEn (spindle enabled). questions about connection or anything else feel free to

12V are for steppers. Solder 2 cables to black DC socket

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1. 24V for spindle

1. soldered cables

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Step 10: Organizing Cables

To organize cables I used cable wrap or something like that I don't know if this is propper name for this. And after it the
whole CNC started to look so good. There are no any free cable! Everything are inside those cable wrap. Looks great :)

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Step 11: Software

You just need controller for sending gcode to your This is very simple program but it gives you possibility to
machine. On gearbest site you can nd link to software mill everything. You can also move your machine with
provided by producer but my antivirus alert me that this buttons. In the right down corner you can choose how
is malware. Fortunately normal grbl controller works many mm machine schould move every click so if you
great with this machine. I had download soft from here: set 1 and click right arrow your machine will move 1mm
to the right, if you set 100 and click left arrow your machine will move 100mm (10cm) to the left. Be carefull,
if you put your machine to the max positions and still try
I downloaded .exe le and installed it on my computer to move it you can destroy it.
but if you want you can download .zip and unpack it
where you want.

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Step 12: Solving Some Problems

Here I will write about some problems that I had with or Y axis). How I xed it? Because normal motor have
this machine. They wasn't big but it is possible that you 800steps/mm, motor with 400 steps/rev must have 1600
also face with something like this so here you can read steps/mm. In grbl controller you need to send
how to x them. command: if this motor is on X axis:
1. Machine moves in opposite direction:
if this motor is on Y axis:
You need to disconnect motor rotate the connector 180 $101=1600
degree and connect it, just change order of cables.
if this motor is on Z axis:
2.When I send command to move 10mm it moves just $102=1600
Then everything should works ne.
This is problem that I have on Y axis, at the beginning I
haven't any idea what can be wrong but after few I didn't found any other problem if you nd one and you
minutes I relized that motor on Y axis must have 400 have solution for it write to me and I will add it right
steps/rev (Z and X axis motor are 200 stpes/rev). all the here. If you nd and don't know how to x it leave a
motors in kit should have 200 steps/rev but one of them comment and I will try to help.
have 400 and I dont know why. Remember that if you
have this motor you can mount it anywhere else (on Z, X

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Step 13: First Use

Above you can see how I mill N and PCB. But rstly you and 30 is value) at the beggining don't try larger
should try it manualy. feedrate as if something goes wrong. Slowly get closer
to material using arrows (don't get too deep!) and start
Remember about safty, this is not a toy, keep it away milling. Remember to turn on spindle! And try to mill a
from children and be carefull while milling! rectangle or something else.You can try larger or smaller
feedrate but be careful as you can break bit. You can also
So rstly connect power supplys (24V to spindle and 12V try with di erent bits, in kit you can nd just 3 engraving
to controller) then connect USB cable. Open grbl bits (perfect for making pcb) I found some other bits in
controller, nd your machine and click connect. You my dremel like grinder, you can see them on images
need to wait few seconds until machine will print all above.
informations. Then you can write F30 (F means feedrate

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Step 14: Easiest Way to Engrave

After playing with manually moving your CNC it's time to make something more usefull. Right here you can nd very
simple text to gcode converter:

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You can write whatever you want and mill it.

How to mill?

Start by mounting your material (wood, plastic, laminat for PCB) on the machine move your machine with arrows in grbl
controller to get to the 0 point. To perfectly nd 0 point of z axis you should go as close as you can to the material on the
Z axis then loose your bit and screw it again, it should touch material. Click zero position to let the machine now that this
is point 0. After downloading gcode form site nd it and add those 3 lines at the beggining:

<p>M03<br>N5 G90
N6 F30</p>

Now you can click choose le nd your gcode le and click start. Be carefull while milling and watch machine all the time
when you will see that it is going to hit i.e. table immediately disconnect USB cable.

Step 15: What I Have Made

Since I got this CNC machine I had made some PCB, most of them just for testing but also one for my useless machine.
PCB's are very good, and if I compare it to thermotransfer method milling is much better. I had also milled something in
plastic and wood you can see photos above.

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Step 16: How to Mill a PCB

Coming soon!

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Your machine looks very good!
In my opinion you are going too slowly in the video above. Sometimes increasing the feed rate
improve the quality, reduce the heat and the vibrations. Personally I often use 100mm/min (gcode
F100) and vary the mill speed depending on the material.
hi, how is yours different from the store-bought GearBest version?

it is the same

‫ ﻣ ﯽ ﺗ ﻮا ﻧ ﯿ ﺪ ﻓ ﺎ ﯾ ﻞ را ﺑ ﻪ ا ﺷ ﺘ ﺮا ک ﺑ ﮕ ﺬا ر ﯾ ﺪ ؟‬، ‫ﮐ ﺎ ر ﺑ ﺴ ﯿ ﺎ ر ﺧ ﻮ ﺑ ﯽ ا ﺳ ﺖ‬
‫ﺑﻪ ﻣﻦ اﯾﻤﯿﻞ ﺑﺰن‬: [email protected]
Good afternoon, at me such machine tool at work breakage of communication with arduino, for
the ground spindle and periodically stops to send commands what to do I do not know

Great thanks for sharing having a hard time with the software could you make some other
tutorials thanks. Happy Christmas holiday
Thanks, can you write something more about your problem so that I can help you?

Hi mainly not being familiar with software to create gcode for the cnc like inkscape artcam pro or
other free programs.
check out Fusion360, this is the best program that I have ever used and it can also create gcode

Very nice! Now you just need a low pressure air nozzle to purge away the chips and you'll be
Yes, it can be very useful. Thanks for comment!

A fish air bubbler pump!

Hi, thanks for sharing.I have the same model and I want to know if you success on autoleveling
possibility for milling.
Hi, thanks for comment. No I didn't try it yet. I just level it by moving from grbl controller.

Nice project!

Thanks Serveryn!

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