Philo 4TH Quarter
Philo 4TH Quarter
Philo 4TH Quarter
JEAN-PAUL SATRE: INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM ❖ e.g. If one agrees to give up his right to punch
you, you give up your right to punch him./ You
The person is provided with a supreme opportunity to give
agree to not touch another person’s property
meaning to one’s life.
given that the other party will do the same.
Third Law of Nature
➔ existentialism
➔ that human beings perform their covenant made.
➔ Existence precedes essence
➔ When a covenant has been made, to break it is
➔ The person, first exists, encounters himself and surges ❖ According to Hobbes, there is no justice or injustice
up in the world then defines himself afterward. until the commonwealth is established, until a coercive
➔ The person is provided with a supreme opportunity to power has been established which will compel human
give meaning to one’s life. beings to perform their covenants.
➔ In the course of Freedom, is therefore, the very core ❖ Human beings must form a commonwealth by
and the door to authentic existence. Authentic conferring all their power and strength upon one
existence is realized only in deeds that are committed human being or assembly of human beings which may
alone, in absolute freedom and responsibility and reduce their wills, the plurality of voices, unto one will
which, therefore, the character of true creation. (Garvey, 2006)—that is the sovereign
➔ The person is what one has done and is doing. ❖ For instance, people appointing someone to be a
➔ The human person who tries to escape obligations and king in an absolute monarchy.
strives to be en-soi (i.e., excuses, such as “I was born
this way” or “I grew up in a bad environment”) is acting COMMONWEALTH BY COMMONWEALTH BY
on bad faith (mauvaisfoi). INSTITUTION ACQUISITION
En-soi - being-in-itself
established through the The sovereign power has
covenant of every member of been acquired by force.
THOMAS HOBBES: THEORY OF SOCIAL CONTRACT a multitude with every other
We enter a social contract to avoid a state of war.
They subject themselves to a Human beings fear for death
➔ Recognized the Law of Nature in Leviathan sovereign from fear of one or bonds of the one who
another. holds power over their lives
➔ Law of Nature as a means for self-preservation
and liberty.
➔ Gives way to the adherence of people to a social
➔ The sovereign can be replaced if conquered in war or
it no longer possesses effective power due to internal
➔ a precept or general rule established by reason CONTRACT
➔ by which a person is forbidden to do that which is
To restore peace, bring his freedom back, and return to his
destructive of his life or takes away the means of
true self, there is a need to form the state through the Social
preserving the same; and to omit that by which he
Contract, whereby everyone grants his individual rights to
thinks it may be best preserved.
the general will.
State of Nature
➔ Where we should get out of
➔ one of the most famous and influential philosophers of
➔ a hypothetical world of chaos because there is no
the French Enlightenment.
established government yet. In order to get out of
➔ elaborated his theory of human nature in the Social
this, we must seek peace.
Second Law of Nature
➔ believes that the state originated from the social
➔ Where seeking peace leads to
contract freely entered into by its members.
➔ we mutually divest or deprive ourselves of certain
❖ In terms of absolute democracy or individualism.
rights (such as the right to take another person’s life)
so as to achieve peace (Garvey, 2006 as cited in
Ramos, 2016)
➔ Mutual transferring of rights.
➔ the basis of the notion of moral obligation and duty
IDEAS OF ROSSEAU’S WORK ● The School of Life. (2017, October 17). Do We Have
Free Will or Are We Predetermined? [Video file].
➔ A human being is born free and good. He has a
Retrieved from
primitive tranquil spirit.
Primitive - belonging to or characteristic of an early stage of
● Notes ni Raum
Tranquil - calm, quiet, and peaceful
➔ He is in chains and has become bad due to the evil
influence of society, civilization, learning and progress
which led to dissension, conflict, fraud and deceit.
➔ To restore peace, bring his freedom back, and return
to his true self, Rosseau saw the necessity to form the
state through the Social Contract, whereby everyone
grants his individual rights to the general will.
➔ The Social Contract is not an actual historical event
but a certain way of looking at a society of voluntary
collection of agreeable individuals.
➔ Events that manifest the presence of the Social
❖ The Constitution and the Bill of Rights which
show an actual agreement signed by the people or
❖ The 1986 EDSA Revolution where people
gathered to voice out their disenchantment
peacefully and through mutual effort, successfully
ousted Marcos (dasurb)
Nature of Man Man is evil Man is good
State of Nature Chaos Peaceful
Social Contract Absolute monarchy Absolute democracy
From Raum
The exercise of freedom is a social act
➔ Exercised before another person whose
presence/gaze gently prods us into a lifelong
commitment to utilize our freedom
➔ Not simply the assertion of one’s preferences, but of
one’s preferences with a view to the consequences
this has on oneself and to others
➔ If we commit to a genuine and responsible exercise of
freedom we gain our self, we strengthen our self and
we become an authentic self
● Ramos, C.C. (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy
of the Human Person. Manila: Rex BookStore, Inc.
● C. S. Lewis on suffering and what it means to have
free will in a universe of fixed laws. Brain Pickings.
Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person
Hannah Emmanuelle M. Montelijao STEM 11-A
❖ With a pencil - grammatically correct but “Human living” is “living of something other than itself
conceptually wrong. - Marcel: 171
❖ With my best friend - grammatically and
➔ The center of human life is outside of itself.
conceptually correct.
➔ Life is human as it is propelled or directed towards
people talking without speaking, people hearing without something other than itself.
listening… ➔ We find meaning outside of ourselves – in the other.
- The Sound of Silence, Simon and Garfunkel (accg to Marcel)
The Other
➔ the “Stranger who disturbs being at home with oneself.
➔ The feeling of familiarity prevents a genuine
encounter with each other.
➔ The human person is a dynamic and moving
individuality as it is constantly opened up by
possibilities. (Transcendent)
Over him I have no power. He escapes my grasp…The
Other remains infinitely transcendent, infinitely foreign…
- Levinas
➔ Signifies co-presence, an openness of my presence to THE TENDENCY TO TOTALIZE
the presence of the other person 1. Due to the fear of uncertainty
Mystery - to open oneself to the being of the other; the 2. We are afraid of the possibility of losing.
human being is removed from the category of things, or of 3. We are afraid of the possibility of being killed first/
“having being harassed.
➔ Negative attitudes of the family and community toward
PWDs may add to their poor academic and vocational D. Empowerment - Extending human rights into the
outcomes. realm of foreign direct investment is also an
➔ Parents can decide to restructure aspects of their imperative. The Church, in its pro-poor stance, is
lifestyle to accommodate the communicative and constantly challenged wherein justice is being
educational needs of their child. denied for sectors like farmers, fisher folks,
➔ Community sensitivity and support are also important. indigenous people and victims of calamity and labor.
(Mapp, 2004)
E. Working Condition
➔ Poverty is multidimensional.
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712)
➔ People may be deprived in the following dimensions
➔ women should be educated to please men.
which have overlapping implications on poverty:
➔ should be useful to men, should take care, advise,
A. Income - the consumption of goods and services is console men, and to render men’s lives easy and
the most common measure of the underprivileged. agreeable.
Mary Wollstonecraft
B. Health - Globally, millions die due to AIDS, Ebola ➔ Vindication of the Rights of Women (1782)
virus, tuberculosis and Malaria as well as a number ➔ Disagrees with Rosseau; that kind of education would
of infant deaths from largely preventable causes of produce women who were mere propagators of fools.
diarrheal disease. ❖ Women must be united to men in wisdom and
❖ Families under poverty find it difficult to cure rationality.
such preventable diseases due to the lack of ❖ Society should allow women to attain equal rights
fortune. to philosophy and education given to men.
❖ Women should not just be valued until their beauty
C. Education - According to Cook, Rutt and Sims
(2014), “...deprivation has a negative impact on
❖ Men’s worth should not be based on the vanity of
educational attainment, leaving young people with
women and babies.
fewer qualifications and skills which in turn affects
❖ Women must learn to respect themselves.
future employment' (DCSF, 2009). There is a strong
statistical link between poverty and low educational
Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person
Hannah Emmanuelle M. Montelijao STEM 11-A
➔ We uphold and respect each other as subjects, as ➔ Counts on the harmonious functioning of individuals in
embodied spirits, and as free and autonomous beings. the society without them having to sacrifice their
Cooperative Communication - marks social interaction. individual identities
➔ Through communication, we generate and develop our
culture, form, and improve our norms such as laws CONCLUSION
and policies and socialize with others as we
simultaneously develop our personal identities. IMPACT OF SOCIAL SYSTEMS OF INDIVIDUALS
Society's most basic building block would be the Individualism and the increasing colonization of the
interaction between two individuals. lifeworld by the social systems made it difficult to form
- Habermas, 1979 solidarity among people resulting in the loss of the sense of
\ community.
Without meaningful interactions, there would not have been - Habermas
societies to begin with. Without societies, in turn, there
➔ Colonization occurs when marriage, friendship and
would not have been the development of our concept of
other relationships, in many instances, become a
matter of gaining economically or politically.
- Mead (1934)
❖ Technology and modern science are considered
saviors to counter ignorance, underdevelopment
and poverty but may also be the same reasons of
the larger gap between the rich and poor with
➔ Justice human life needs physical and spiritual greater autonomy for those who have access.
nourishment, a society thrives and flourishes by
material and symbolic reproduction. CIVIL SOCIETY AND THE ROLE OF INDIVIDUALS ON
Material Reproduction Symbolic Reproductions
● strengthen communicative action - through the
Refers to the utilization and Refers to the transmission formation of a civil society to counter colonization (accg.
distribution of society's and renewal of cultural to Habermas)
resources for the physical knowledge, the
● civil society - comprised of informal networks such as
survival and welfare of all establishment of solidarity
individual members and cooperation and the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) where groups
formation of identities of gather together to articulate concerns in public spheres
persons through socialization ● public spheres - a place in the lifeworld where
individual voices can be heard.
CONSCIOUSNESS ➔ The goal is to form a strong public opinion that will
be directed against formal institutions in the systems of
TRIBAL AND FEUDAL SOCIETY economy and politics to make material reproduction
➔ Tribal leaders and monarchs had control over social just and to make symbolic reproduction unencumbered
systems (economy and politics) and symbolic by social systems.
reproduction of society. ❖ Churches and other faith-based organizations
➔ Described according to the mechanistic model of ❖ Online groups and social media communities
solidarity (Durkheim and Thompson, 2004; 24-28) ❖ Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and
which indicates that a person's individual other nonprofits
consciousness is very much aligned with the collective ❖ Unions and other collective-bargaining groups
consciousness ❖ Innovators, entrepreneurs and activists, etc.