Entrepreneurship Camps and Business Incubation Services: DAI/AVC-Program
Entrepreneurship Camps and Business Incubation Services: DAI/AVC-Program
Entrepreneurship Camps and Business Incubation Services: DAI/AVC-Program
WARNING: Prospective Offerors who have received this document from a source other than the
DAI/AVCP, should immediately contact [email protected] and provide their name and mailing
address in order that amendments to the RFP or other communications can be sent directly to them.
Any prospective Offeror who fails to register their interest assumes complete responsibility in the
event that they do not receive communications prior to the closing date. Any amendments to this
solicitation will be issued and posted (www.acbar.org and www.jobs.af all offerors are encouraged to
check these websites periodically.
DAI conducts business under the strictest ethical standards to assure fairness in competition,
reasonable prices and successful performance or delivery of quality goods and equipment. DAI does
not tolerate corruption, bribery, collusion, or conflicts of interest. Any requests for payment or favors
by DAI employees should be reported as soon as possible to [email protected] or by visiting
www.dai.ethicspoint.com. Further, any attempts by an offeror or subcontractor to offer inducements
to a DAI employee to influence a decision will not be tolerated and will be grounds for disqualification,
termination, and possible debarment. See provision No. 11 for more details.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction and Purpose ...........................................................................................................5
1.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Issuing Office ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Type of Award Anticipated ........................................................................................................... 5
2. General Instructions to Offerors ..................................................................................................6
2.1 General Instructions...................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Proposal Cover Letter ................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Questions regarding the RFP ........................................................................................................ 6
3. Instructions for the Preparation of Technical Proposals ...............................................................6
3.1 Services Specified .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Technical Evaluation Criteria ........................................................................................................ 7
4. Instructions for the Preparation of Cost/Price Proposals ..............................................................8
4.1 Cost/Price Proposals ..................................................................................................................... 8
5. Basis of Award ............................................................................................................................8
5.1 Best Value Determination ............................................................................................................. 8
5.2 Responsibility Determination ....................................................................................................... 8
6. Anticipated post-award Deliverables. ..........................................................................................9
7. Inspection & Acceptance.............................................................................................................9
8. Compliance with Terms and Conditions .......................................................................................9
8.1 General Terms and Conditions...................................................................................................... 9
8.2 Source and Nationality .................................................................................................................. 9
8.3 UEI Number is required please see attachment D ...................................................................... 10
9. Procurement Ethics .................................................................................................................. 10
10. Attachments ......................................................................................................................... 11
10.1 Attachment A: Scope of Work for Services: Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation
Consultancy Services ............................................................................................................................... 11
10.2 Attachment B: Proposal Cover Letter ......................................................................................... 11
10.3 Attachment C: Price Schedule..................................................................................................... 12
10.4 Attachment D: Annex 1: Quick Start Guide for Getting a Unique Entity ID (SAM) ..................... 13
10.5 Attachment F: Past Performance Form ...................................................................................... 21
10.6 Attachment G: Representations and Certifications of Compliance ............................................ 22
10.7 Attachment J: Proposal Checklist................................................................................................ 24
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reasonable offeror who provides the best value to DAI and its
client using a combination of technical and cost/price factors.
Award Currency The anticipated award Currency is in AFN
Compliance with Terms and Offeror shall be aware of the general terms and conditions for an
Conditions award resulting from this RFP. The selected Offeror shall comply
with all Representations and Certifications of Compliance listed in
Attachment H.
Procurement Ethics By submitting a proposal, Offerors certify that they have not/will
not attempt to bribe or make any payments to DAI employees in
return for preference, nor have any payments with Terrorists, or
groups supporting Terrorists, been attempted. Any such practice
constitutes an unethical, illegal, and corrupt practice and either
the Bidders or the DAI staff may report violations to the Toll-Free
Ethics and Compliance Anonymous Hotline at +1 855-603-6987,
via the DAI website, or via email to [email protected].
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2. Implementation Plan: Chart demonstrating the weekly tasks to be completed, including key
milestones to be delivered over the period of performance.
3. Management Approach: Description of the Offeror’s staff assigned to the project. The proposal
should describe how the proposed organizational structure and team members have the
necessary experience and capabilities to carry out the Technical Approach. The Management
Approach should include a detailed organizational scheme/chart in addition to copies of CVs and
education backgrounds for high-level team members and critical personnel components of the
4. Corporate Capabilities / Past Performance: Provide a list of at least one (1) awards of similar
scope, recent awards preferred. The information shall be supplied as a table and shall include the
legal name and address of the organization for which services were performed, a description of
work performed, the duration of the work and the value of the contract, description of any
problems encountered and how it was resolved, and a current contact phone number of a
responsible and knowledgeable representative of the organization. Past performance should be
completed per the template given in Attachment F.
3.1 Services Specified
For this RFP, DAI needs the services described in Attachment A.
3.2 Technical Evaluation Criteria
Each proposal will be evaluated and scored against the evaluation criteria and evaluation sub-criteria,
which are stated in the table below. Cost/Price proposals are not assigned points, but for overall
evaluation purposes of this RFP, technical evaluation factors other than cost/price, when combined, are
considered significantly more important than cost/price factors.
Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Sub-criteria (if needed)
Technical Approach with Detailed information on how the bidder will train the 45 points
company profile camp participants with reference to past experience, as
well as plans to analyze each participant’s strengths and
weaknesses and develop tailored technical assistance
plans to support selected SMEs. Must include training
methodology and an implementation plan that describes
the week-by-week tasks and milestones of the activity,
including the timing for establishing camps, developing
curriculum, training and mentorship and conducting the
graduation exposition.
Implementation Plan Vendor must include an implementation plan that 15 points
describes week by week tasks and milestones of the
activity, including timing for establishing camps,
developing practical activities for participants, and
conducting the graduation ceremonies and workshops.
Management Approach CVs for trainers, coaches and mentors should 25 points
and Personnel demonstrate Experienced staff with at least an MBA in
Qualifications entrepreneurship and a minimum of 8 years of relevant
experience in entrepreneurship development in the
Afghanistan context.
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Corporate Capabilities or References for similar services, including the names of 15 points
Past Performance projects, description of services provided, dates of
completion, and customer names.
Total Points 100 points 100 points
1Bank Statement: As part of the final award process, DAI/AVCP will determine financial solvency as part of the required
responsibility determination. Vendors will be informed of the requirements by the AVCP procurement team and at such time
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must be able to demonstrate a closing balance of not less than $50,000 USD in a bank account bearing the company name,
company president, or company vice-president. Due to the nature of the activity, implementation requirements, and risk
appetite of the project, this is a requirement. Financial records demonstrating reasonable turnover in addition to partial liquidity
may be considered in lieu of a closing balance of 100,000 USD at the time of a responsibility determination and award.
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assembled in comprehensive sanctioned origin or nationality countries, nor can the vendor be owned or
controlled by a prohibited country. DAI is prohibited from facilitating any transaction by a third party if
that transaction would be prohibited if performed by DAI.
By submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, Offerors confirm that they are not violating the Source
and Nationality requirements of the goods or services being offered and that the goods and services
comply with the Geographic Code and the exclusions for prohibited countries outlined above.
8.3 UEI Number is required please see attachment D
9. Procurement Ethics
Neither payment nor preference shall be made by either the Offeror, or by any DAI staff, in an attempt
to affect the results of the award. DAI treats all reports of possible fraud/abuse very seriously. Acts of
fraud or corruption will not be tolerated, and DAI employees and/or subcontractors/grantees/vendors
who engage in such activities will face serious consequences. Any such practice constitutes an unethical,
illegal, and corrupt practice and either the Offeror or the DAI staff may report violations to the Toll-Free
Ethics and Compliance Anonymous Hotline at +1 855-603-6987, via the DAI website, or via email to
[email protected]. DAI ensures anonymity and an unbiased, serious review and treatment of the
information provided. Such practice may result in the cancellation of the procurement and
disqualification of the Offeror’s participation in this, and future, procurements. Violators will be
reported to USAID, and as a result, may be reported to the U.S. Department of Justice to be included in a
Restricted Parties list, preventing them from participating in future U.S. Government business.
Offerors must provide full, accurate and complete information in response to this solicitation. The
penalty for materially false responses is prescribed in Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
In addition, DAI takes the payment of USAID funds to pay Terrorists, or groups supporting Terrorists, or
other parties in exchange for protection very seriously. Should the Terrorist, groups or other parties
attempt to extort/demand payment from your organization you are asked to immediately report the
incident to DAI’s Ethics and Compliance Anonymous Hotline at the contacts described in this clause.
By submitting an offeror, offerors certify that they have not/will not attempt to bribe or make any
payments to DAI employees in return for preference, nor have any payments with Terrorists, or groups
supporting Terrorists, been attempted.
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10. Attachments
10.1 Attachment A: Scope of Work for Services: Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation
Consultancy Services
The objective of this procurement is to hire service providers to support SMEs and startups that have
demonstrated an ability to apply innovative ideas to resolve the challenges facing their communities.
These could include rapidly growing crops and livestock ventures for example. The project will further
enhance the capacity of such SMEs through a comprehensive entrepreneurship support package that
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includes training, coaching, and mentorship to close any capacity gap identified and ensure supported
SMEs become more productive and competitive. More specifically, the aim is to incubate 25-30 start-
ups in the first year with a particular focus on women entrepreneurs.
The specific objectives of the activity are as follows:
• Enhance the capacity of SMEs through a comprehensive package including training, coaching, and
• Increase the capability of anchor firms to manage their administration, finance, procurement, and
human resources.
• Support SMEs to become more productive and competitive.
• Incubate 25-30 start-ups with a particular focus on women entrepreneurs.
• Enable start-ups to develop their own business plans, promoting management and administrative
skills required to run a successful business.
• Prepare start ups to effectively compete in their respective markets.
The period of performance of this activity shall be proposed by offerors. AVCP anticipates that the
activity will take a minimum of 11-weeks, with additional time required to establish locations, select
entrepreneurs and complete post-camp report writing.
AVCP is looking for a consulting company that will provide business incubator and entrepreneurship
camp services to startups and SMEs related to the field of crops and livestock.
The service provider should be prepared to establish a total of three entrepreneurship camps, one each
in Kabul, Mazar and Herat. The firm will be responsible for developing an incubator program for selected
startups and SMEs that is designed to accomplish the five main objective areas noted above and is
inclusive of curriculum on set topics (described below), practical activities such as guest lectures, or site
Following the completion of each camp, the selected vendor will be responsible for hosting a three-day
exhibition, pitch event, and graduation program in Kabul. The consultancy firm will play a critical role in
helping to improve all selected firms by assessing the startup's strengths, identifying areas of
improvement and recommending possible solutions. As a subject matter expert in entrepreneurship
development, the firm will need to have a thorough understanding of the entrepreneurship ecosystem
dynamics, needs, and challenges.
DAI/AVCP will not provide office space, materials, equipment, or other technical or logistical support to
the award winner. The final cost of each deliverable should be fully burdened costs, inclusive of all costs.
Weekly Reporting Deliverable: The vendor will be responsible for submitting a weekly one-page update
detailing activities accomplished during that week as well as summarizing planned activities for the
following week. The report should be submitted each week on Thursdays.
Deliverable #1: The vendor will provide redacted rental agreements and photos of three spaces
appropriate to host entrepreneurship camps.
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Deliverable #2: The vendor will submit approved SME selection criteria.
Deliverable #3: The vendor will prepare a two-page report for each of the 25-30 SMEs. This will detail
the SME strengths and weaknesses as well as the strategy for developing these businesses.
Deliverable #4: The vendor will submit a minimum 10-page final report summarizing the activity,
describing lessons learned and providing recommendations for future entrepreneurship camps or SME
support activities. The report should include photos of trainings, graduation and workshops.
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activities completed, a lessons
learned section that described
challenges confronted
throughout the
implementation of this activity,
recommendations for
improving the efficacy of the
activity and photos of the
graduation, exposition and
access to finance events.
Many start-ups, especially MSMEs, nano, and micro-entrepreneurs need support to start businesses and
be better able to survive on a sustainable long-term basis. These entrepreneurs lack the technical
capacity to develop their talent and ideas and commercialize them, particularly in targeted AVCP value
chains. This exercise aims to identify gaps in SME support activities that need to be addressed for SMEs
to increase their contribution to the country's economy. These gaps may include a need for increased
innovative approaches to SME finance, better linkages between the anchor firms and industry, and
better and quicker commercialization of innovation including the process for business incubation. AVCP
will select potential start-ups that have a good concept and capacity, and need technical assistance to
start, expand, and formalize their business.
The following services will be required:
Task # 1: Kick off meeting
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Within the first week of signing the award, the selected firm will be responsible for organizing a kickoff
meeting with the AVCP team to review the scope, determine appropriate points of contact, establish
protocols on communication and implementation and agree on timeline for implementation.
Task # 2: Provision of Services in the establishment of an incubation center and entrepreneurship camp
The selected firm will be responsible for identifying and securing three suitable locations to host an
estimated 10 SMEs per region (total of 25-30 SMEs across all regions) for a total of three entrepreneurship
camps in Kabul, Mazar and Herat. These three spaces should include:
1. A well-structured and furnished space with a training hall having the capacity to accommodate
10-15 participants at a time for conducting a program in three regions, Kabul, Mazar, and Herat.
2. A separate but accessible coworking space attached to the training hall.
3. Suitable facilities for both men and women (including separated toilets, prayer spaces, eating
facilities and separate training or coworking facilities as required)
4. Provision of required stationary and logistical arrangements for 25-30 participants to partake in a
program across the three locations. This is including but not limited to:
a. Internet connection and related information technology and communication services
b. Rental laptops (if required)
c. Notebooks
d. Pens
e. Markers
f. Flipboards
Once identified, the vendor will be responsible for sharing the location for AVCP verification, photos of
the space that verify its suitability for 25-30 entrepreneurs prior to leasing the space. AVCP’s security and
regional teams will visit the space prior to approval. Once approved, the vendor will send redacted
agreements confirming their intended use of the space over the camp period.
Task #2 Deliverable: Redacted rental agreements and photos of three spaces appropriate to host
entrepreneurship camps.
Task # 3: Establishment of Participation Criteria and Identification of Potential MSMEs
The vendor will be responsible for developing entrepreneur selection criteria to determine which
applicants or interested parties can participate in the entrepreneurship camps. The vendor will share the
criteria with AVCP for review and feedback prior to finalizing the criteria and using it to confirm SMEs.
These criteria should consider factors such as stage of business development and product viability at a
minimum. Once the criteria is approved by the AVCP team, the vendor will organize a committee panel,
inclusive of AVCP regional and technical representatives, to evaluate SME candidates against the criteria
and select participants. This panel review session may take place virtually or in person.
The vendor will be responsible for identifying startups interested in joining the entrepreneurship camp,
however, the vendor will jointly work with project staff to select the final participants for the camp in each
location. Interested MSMEs will submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to AVCP outlining their need and interest
in the program. AVCP will be responsible for informing the selected SMEs of their entry into the program
and will connect the SME with the selected vendor to enable their participation in the program. Additional
screening and vetting of participants may be required based on USAID and DAI regulations and policies.
Task #3 Deliverable: Approved SME selection criteria.
Task # 4: Establishment of the entrepreneurship camp and start incubation program.
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In consultation with AVCP, the services provider will launch the incubation programs across the three
The vendor will be responsible for conducting a training and skill development program for 25-30
participants (an estimated 10 participants per region) in three regions Kabul, Mazar and Herat. The
structure of the camps must allow for men and women to participate in both technical training (with
inputs provided by the AVCP team) and practical mentorship sessions, which may include guest
speakers, site visits or 1:1 tailored coaching and mentorship for SMEs. The vendor will be responsible for
tracking daily attendance through sign in sheets, which will be shared with AVCP in weekly reports.
Throughout the program, the vendor should work with SMEs to analyze their individual needs so as to
better tailor the informal mentorship support. Midway through the program, the vendor will be
responsible for developing two-page assessment reports (one report per SME) that details observed
strengths and weaknesses, along with recommendations for each business. At the conclusion of the
program, SMEs will be trained on key subjects as described below, have the business administration
skills required for effective management and growth, and also have completed businesses plans and
action items for further developing their business.
The training sessions should at a minimum follow the general guidelines described below:
a. Opportunity Assessment
Market size analysis to demonstrate how market size analysis is conducted on startup and planning,
business formalization, and access to finance.
b. Product Market Fit
Competitive landscape analysis, customer interviews for channel identification and defining
customer archetype, and customer interviews for product-market fit.
c. Channel Management & Get Keep Grow
Channel ecosystem mapping, funnel diagram for web mobile, startup logo creation, customer
interviews for get keep grow and key partners, and a study tour at the end of the week.
d. Key Partners & Revenue Model
Partner ecosystem mapping, unit economy, revenue modeling start-up logo and concept review,
mentorship program engagement on the incubation system, and customer interviews for a revenue
e. Metrics Matter & Demo
Customer lifetime value (LTV) and high-fidelity Minimum Viable Product (MVP) demonstrations.
f. Business Operation and Business Planning and Modeling
Business plan development and drawing enterprise business models.
g. Operations Optimization
The vendor should utilize AVCP’s provided Daystar toolkit to cover topics on marketing, sales,
pricing, channel management, growth, record keeping, budgeting, financial management, customer
relationship management, leadership, business ethics, human resources management and project
During these programs, the vendor will be responsible for the daily transportation for all participants as
well as lunch and refreshments for trainers and participants. Lunch options should include the following
items, or equivalent: Qabali palaw with meat, vegetable salad, fruit and water. Refreshments should
include small cakes, cookies, tea, and coffee.
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Task #4 Deliverable: A minimum 2-page report for each SME (a total of 25-30 reports) detailing
strengths and weaknesses observed and an action plan for the tailored coaching and mentorship of each
business. This report should be delivered between Weeks 5 and 6 of the camps.
Task # 5: Graduation and Business Exposition
At the conclusion of the camp, the vendor will be responsible for conducting a three-day event in Kabul
for all participants. The vendor will be responsible for the transportation and accommodation of all
participants in Kabul and for identifying a suitable space, considering requirements for male and female
participation, for a three-day event including a one-day graduation ceremony, a one-day product
exhibition and a one-day pitch event.
Accommodation, transportation, per diem and costs associated with mahrams for female participants
should be included in the vendor’s budget. All three events should include an optional partition to
separate male and female participants as necessary, while allowing both groups to engage with the
ceremony and events. The vendor will be responsible for sharing the proposed location, dates, times
and participant lists with AVCP for approval prior to booking any logistics. Once the details of the event
are approved by AVCP’s security and technical teams, the vendor may proceed with finalizing
Day one of the event will be focused on the graduation ceremony. The vendor will be responsible for the
development and printing of graduation certificates to be provided to all camp participants. A draft
version of the certificate must be shared with AVCP for approval prior to printing and distribution. The
vendor will be responsible for the provision of a ceremony agenda and all logistics, including
refreshments and lunch for approximately 50 participants, including the SMEs, vendor staff and AVCP
Day two of the event will be a business exposition event. The vendor is responsible for ensuring that the
rental space for this event is sufficiently sized to host all camp participants and an additional 15-20
guests (a total of 50 participants) to showcase and view the products. The vendor will be responsible for
logistical requirements such as ensuring lunch, stationary and required equipment is provided.
Day three of the event will be a pitch event. The vendor is responsible for ensuring adequate space for
this event, along with logistical requirements such as ensuring lunch, stationery and equipment is
provided. The vendor, in collaboration with the AVCP team, will be responsible arranging for developing
the pitch materials, presenting the events and inviting key private sector actors to attend. This event is
estimated to have a total of 70 participants.
The vendor will be responsible for complying with all local requirements to ensure the safety and active
participation of both male and female participants.
Task #5 Deliverable: A minimum 10-page report including a summary of activities completed, a lessons
learned section that described challenges confronted throughout the implementation of this activity,
recommendations for improving the efficacy of the activity and photos of the graduation, exposition and
access to finance events.
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• Timely Communication: The Vendor shall maintain regular and proactive communication with
AVCP's MEL team, ensuring they are consistently informed about entrepreneurship and Business
Incubation activities, thereby facilitating timely monitoring efforts.
• Collaboration: The Vendor shall actively foster collaboration between AVCP's M&E team and
relevant stakeholders, indirectly contributing to the alignment of MEL activities with program
• Progress Updates: The Vendor shall regularly provide updates encompassing a wide range of
information, including data, test results, materials usage, attendance records, challenges,
opportunities, and lessons learned. These updates will enable AVCP's MEL team to actively
engage in the MEL process. Additionally, the Vendor shall gather comprehensive information
about participating SMEs, including their contact details, value chain involvement, gender, and
geographical locations, for subsequent analysis by AVCP's MEL team.
• Training Assessments: The Vendor shall conduct pre- and post-training assessments to gauge
the impact of training activities, and the results shall be shared using AVCP's standard template
for further evaluation.
• Standard Tools: The Vendor shall utilize AVCP's standardized training sign-in sheets to
accurately record event and training session attendance, ensuring data accuracy and
• Documentation: The Vendor shall capture action photos to visually document program
activities, providing these images to AVCP's MEL team for inclusion in reports.
The Vendor's support in data collection, communication, and information sharing is indispensable for
the successful implementation of MEL practices, enabling AVCP's MEL team to effectively monitor and
evaluate the Entrepreneurship Camp and Business Incubation initiatives.
Approvals and technical direction will be provided by DCOP – Technical and/or a designated AVCP staff
person with requisite skills in BDS & entrepreneurship development.
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We, the undersigned, provide the attached technical and cost proposals in accordance
with the Entrepreneurship CAMPs and Business Incubation Consultancy Services RFP-
AVCP-KBL-24-0001, issued on February 11, 2024.
I certify a validity period of 180 days for the prices provided in the attached Price proposal. Our
proposal shall be binding upon us, subject to the modifications resulting from any discussions.
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Company Seal/Stamp:
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10.3 Attachment C: Price Schedule
Please provide a price per deliverable as well as a separate detailed budget to confirm cost
S/No Description % Unit Cost (AFN)
Recurring Deliverables
Two-page weekly reports detailing accomplishments from the week and 20%
activities planned for the week ahead. The reports should also include
photos of training sessions (a minimum of 5 photos per report) and sign
each sheets that track the SMEs attendance at each training session.
Deliverable #1
1 Redacted rental agreements and photos of three spaces appropriate to host 20%
entrepreneurship camps over a period of 11 weeks.
Deliverable #2
2 Approved SME selection criteria. 10%
Deliverable #3
3 Two-page reports for each of the 25-30 participants detailing strengths, 20%
weaknesses and action plan for each participant SME.
Deliverable #4
4 A minimum 10-page report including a summary of activities completed, a 30%
lessons learned section that described challenges confronted throughout
the implementation of this activity, recommendations for improving the
efficacy of the activity and photos of the graduation, exposition and access
to finance events.
Grand Total 100%
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10.4 Attachment D: Annex 1: Quick Start Guide for Getting a Unique Entity ID (SAM)
Entities are assigned an identifier during registration, or one can be requested at SAM.gov without
needing to register. Ernst and Young provides the validation services for the U.S. Government. The
information required for getting an Unique Entity ID (SAM) without registration is minimal. It only
validates your organization's legal business name and address. It is a verification that your
organization is what you say it is.
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5. Click the validation link in the email that contains the activation
code within 48 hours to activate your user account. If the email
link is not hyperlinked (i.e., underlined or appearing in a
different color), please copy the validation link and paste it into
the browser address bar. You can now register an entity.
NOTE: Creating a user account does not create a registration in
SAM, nor will it update/renew an existing registration in SAM.
2. Once you have registered as a user, you can get an Unique Entity ID by selecting the
“Get Started” button on the SAM.gov home page.
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a. If you previously had a DUN Number, make sure your Legal Business Name and
Physical Address are accurate and match the Entity Information, down to
capitalization and punctuation, used for DUNS registration.
6. When you are ready, select “Next”
7. Confirm your company’s information.
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a. On this page you will have the option to restrict the public search of this
information. “Allow the selected record to be a public display record.” If you
uncheck this box, only you and the federal government users will be able to
search and view the entity information and entities like DAI will not be able to
independently verify that you have an Unique Entity Identifier (SAM).
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10. The Unique Entity ID will be shown on the next page. SAM.gov will send an email
confirmation with your Unique Entity ID.
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11. If you need to view the Unique Entity ID from SAM in the future or update the
organization’s information, sign into SAM.gov and go to “Entity Management” widget.
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10.5 Attachment F: Past Performance Form
Include projects that best illustrate your work experience relevant to this RFP, sorted by decreasing order of completion date.
Projects should have been undertaken in the past five years. Projects undertaken in the past seven years may be taken into consideration at the
discretion of the evaluation committee.
# Project Description of Location Client Cost in Start-End Complete Completion Type of
Title Activities US$ d on Letter Agreement,
Province/ Name/Tel Dates
schedule. Received? Subcontract,
District Grant, PO
(Yes/No) (Yes/No)
(fixed unit
price, cost
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10.6 Attachment G: Representations and Certifications of Compliance
1. Federal Excluded Parties List - The Bidder Select is not presently debarred, suspended, or determined
ineligible for an award of a contract by any Federal agency.
2. Executive Compensation Certification- FAR 52.204-10 requires DAI, as prime contractor of U.S. federal
government contracts, to report compensation levels of the five most highly compensated subcontractor
executives to the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Sub-Award Report System (FSRS)
3. Executive Order on Terrorism Financing- The Contractor is reminded that U.S. Executive Orders and U.S.
law prohibits transactions with, and the provision of resources and support to, individuals and organizations
associated with terrorism. It is the legal responsibility of the Contractor/Recipient to ensure compliance with
these Executive Orders and laws. Recipients may not engage with, or provide resources or support to,
individuals and organizations associated with terrorism. No support or resources may be provided to
individuals or entities that appear on the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked persons List
maintained by the US Treasury (online at www.SAM.gov) or the United Nations Security Designation List
(online at: http://www.un.org/sc/committees/1267/aq_sanctions_list.shtml). This provision must be included
in all subcontracts/sub awards issued under this Contract.
4. Trafficking of Persons – The Contractor may not traffic in persons (as defined in the Protocol to Prevent,
Suppress, and Punish Trafficking of persons, especially Women and Children, supplementing the UN
Convention against Transnational Organized Crime), procure commercial sex, and use forced labor during
the period of this award.
5. Certification and Disclosure Regarding Payment to Influence Certain Federal Transactions – The Bidder
certifies that it currently is and will remain in compliance with FAR 52.203-11, Certification and Disclosure
Regarding Payment to Influence Certain Federal Transactions.
6. Organizational Conflict of Interest – The Bidder certifies that will comply FAR Part 9.5, Organizational
Conflict of Interest. The Bidder certifies that is not aware of any information bearing on the existence of any
potential organizational conflict of interest. The Bidder further certifies that if the Bidder becomes aware of
information bearing on whether a potential conflict may exist, that Bidder shall immediately provide DAII with
a disclosure statement describing this information.
7. Business Size and Classification(s) – The Bidder certifies that is has accurately and completely identified its
business size and classification(s) herein in accordance with the definitions and requirements set forth in
FAR Part 19, Small Business Programs.
8. Prohibition of Segregated Facilities - The Bidder certifies that it is compliant with FAR 52.222-21, Prohibition
of Segregated Facilities.
9. Equal Opportunity – The Bidder certifies that it does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment because of age, sex, religion, handicap, race, creed, color or national origin.
10. Labor Laws – The Bidder certifies that it is in compliance with all labor laws..
11. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) – The Bidder certifies that it is familiar with the Federal Acquisition
Regulation (FAR) and is in not in violation of any certifications required in the applicable clauses of the FAR,
including but not limited to certifications regarding lobbying, kickbacks, equal employment opportunity,
affirmation action, and payments to influence Federal transactions.
12. Employee Compliance – The Bidder warrants that it will require all employees, entities and individuals
providing services in connection with the performance of an DAI Purchase Order to comply with the provisions
of the resulting Purchase Order and with all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations in connection with
the work associated therein.
13. . Government Withholding Tax- Pursuant to Article 72 in the Afghanistan Tax Law effective March 21, 2009,
DAI is required to withhold "contractor" taxes from the gross amounts payable to all Afghan for-profit
subcontractors/vendors with aggregate amounts of $1,000.00 US Dollars or greater and transfer this to the
Ministry of Finance. In accordance with this requirement, DAI shall withhold two percent (2%) tax from all
gross invoices to Afghan subcontractors/vendors under this Agreement with active AISA or Ministry of
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Commerce license. For subcontractors/vendors without active AISA or Ministry of Commerce license, DAI
shall withhold seven percent (7%) "contractor" taxes per current Afghanistan Tax Law. Before the signing of
this Agreement, the subcontractor/vendor will provide a copy of the organization's AISA or Ministry of
Commerce license and TIN (Tax Identification Number). Amounts deducted from the invoices will be forwarded
to the Ministry of Finance (MOF) Tax Division credited to the firm's TIN. Records of payments to the MOF
shall be maintained on file with DAI.
14. . National Security Screening (Non-US Party Vetting): The Purchase Order/ or subcontract will be awarded
after following the procedures in the Implementing Partner Notice No. OAA-IP-2011-004 and subsequent
Notices related to this matter which incorporated Mission Order No. 201.04 entitled, "National Security
Screening (Non-US Party Vetting). Copies of the Implementing Partner Notice(s) and the Mission Order can
be obtained from the DAI's Representative named herein. For awards that meet the Vetting threshold, USAID
had issued an Eligibility Notice to DAI for the vendor prior awarding the Purchase Order. This Eligibility Notice
is valid for 12 months. If the Purchase Order's Performance Period exceeds 12 months, the Vendor shall
provide an updated information used in filing the Partner Information Form (PIF) to start a new vetting process
to acquire a new Eligibility Notice for the Vendor. Also, during the course of the 12 months, if the information
provided by the vendor has changed, the Vendor shall notify DAI at once to update the Eligibility Notice issued
for the Vendor.
By submitting a proposal, offerors agree to fully comply with the terms and conditions above and all applicable
U.S. federal government clauses included herein, and will be asked to sign these Representations and
Certifications upon award.
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