SCOTT Tannath-Thesis - Nosignature

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High-intensity Interval Training in

Team Sports:

Testing, Monitoring and Prescription

A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living

Victoria University
Melbourne, Australia

June, 2017

Tannath James Urquhart Scott

Bachelor of Human Movement
Bachelor of Human Movement (Honours)

Aerobic fitness and repeated high-intensity efforts have been shown to be a

determinant in the performance of team sports, especially in the ability to finish a match,

to cover a distance, to repeat and recover between sprints and explosive movements (e.g.

accelerations, changes of direction; COD) and to reduce the deterioration in some

technical skill. Due to this, coaches must appropriately develop these capacities to

adequately prepare athletes for match-play demands. High-intensity interval training is

considered an effective and time efficient means to optimise individual physiological

adaptation. However, the best processes which examine these qualities (physical testing

protocols), prescribe training and monitor the response of this training requires attention,

particularly in team sport athletes that possess heterogenous physical attributes.

Therefore, this thesis aimed to examine a valid and reliable approach to assess the

training outcome as well as prescribe and monitor the training process in rugby league


Chapter III examined the reliability and usefulness of the 30-15 Intermittent

Fitness Test (30-15IFT) within rugby league. Fifty-five elite-junior rugby league players

participated in the study. These included representative players from Under 16’s (n=19,

15.6 ± 0.3 y, 78.1 kg ± 10.9 kg), Under 18’s (n=21, 17.4 ± 0.5 y, 86.9 ± 11.2 kg) and

Under 20’s (n=15, 19.4 ± 0.5 y, 95.9 ± 8.7 kg) squads within a professional rugby league

club. Players performed the 30-15IFT twice within nine days of each other. Coefficients

of variation (%CV) were 1.9% (95% CI, 1.6-2.4) for the combined test-retest of the 30-

15IFT and 0.6% (0.5-1.0) for HRpeak. As the typical error of measurement (TE) (0.36

km.h-1) was greater than the smallest worthwhile change (SWC) (0.20 km.h-1) value, the

usefulness of the VIFT was rated as ‘marginal’ (TE > SWC). The TE for HRpeak was

similar to the SWC, rating the usefulness of this variable as ‘OK’. Despite the usefulness

of the 30-15IFT being deemed ‘marginal’, a change as small as 0.50 km.h-1 (1 stage) in

VIFT was considered substantial or ‘real’. As a consequence, the 30-15IFT presents both a

reliable and useful field test to assess intermittent fitness within rugby league players.

Chapter IV examined the construct validity of the 30-15IFT within rugby

league. Sixty-Three Australian elite and junior-elite rugby league players (22.5 ± 4.5 y,

96.1. kg ± 9.5 kg, Σ7 skinfolds: 71.0 ± 18.7 mm) from a professional club participated in

this study. Players were assessed for anthropometry (body mass, Σ7 skinfolds, lean mass

index), prolonged high-intensity intermittent running (PHIR; measured by 30-15IFT),

predicted aerobic capacity (estimated from the multi-stage fitness test; V̇O2maxMSFT) and

aerobic power (average aerobic speed), speed (40 m sprint), repeated sprint and change

of direction (COD; 505 agility test). Validity of the 30-15IFT was established using

Pearson’s coefficient correlations. Forward stepwise regression model identified the

fewest variables that could predict VIFT and change in 30-15IFT performance. Significant

correlations between VIFT and Σ7 skinfolds, repeated sprint decrement, V̇O2maxMSFT and

average aerobic speed were observed. A total of 71.8% of the adjusted variance in 30-

15IFT performance was explained using a 4 step best fit model (V̇O2maxMSFT, 61.4%;

average aerobic speed, 4.7%; maximal velocity, 4.1%; lean mass index, 1.6%). These

findings demonstrate that whilst the 30-15IFT is a valid measure of PHIR, it also

simultaneously examines various physiological capacities that differ between sporting


Chapter V determined differences in PHIR performance and running

momentum (pIFT) between competition levels and positional groups in rugby league. Elite

Australian National Rugby League (NRL), sub-elite [state-based competition (SRL);

national youth competition (NYC); local league (LL)] and junior-elite (U18; U16) rugby

league players completed the 30-15IFT to quantify PHIR performance. Running

momentum (pIFT; kg∙m∙s-1) was calculated as the product of body mass and final running

velocity (VIFT; m.s-1). Effect sizes (ES ± CI) were used to examine between-group

differences. 30-15IFT performance was possibly to likely higher in NRL players (19.5 ±

1.0 km.h-1; mean ± SD) when compared to SRL (18.9 ± 1.0 km.h-1; ES= 0.6 ± 0.5), NYC

(18.9 ± 1.0 km.h-1; ES = 0.6 ± 0.5) and U18 (18.6 ± 1.2 km.h-1; ES = 0.8 ± 0.5) players.

NRL players (537 ± 41 kg.m.s-1) possessed possibly to very likely greater pIFT than SRL

(506 ± 50 kg.m.s-1; ES = 0.7 ± 0.5), NYC (484 ± 50 kg.m.s-1; ES = 1.2 ± 0.5), U18 (447

± 37 kg.m.s-1; ES = 2.3 ± 0.6), U16 (399 ± 50 kg.m.s-1; ES = 3.0 ± 0.7) and LL players

(466 ± 31 kg.m.s-1; ES = 2.0 ± 0.7). Middle forwards attained a likely superior pIFT (ES =

0.5−1.8) to all other positional groups. This study demonstrated that higher level rugby

league players possess superior PHIR capacities compared with lower levels of

competition, while highlighting that pIFT can account for the disparities in body mass

between groups.

Chapter VI compared relative and absolute speed and metabolic thresholds

for quantifying match output in elite rugby league. Twenty-six professional players

competing in the NRL were monitored with global positioning systems (GPS) across a

rugby league season. Absolute speed [moderate-intensity running (MIR >3.6 m∙s-1); high

intensity running (HIR > 5.2 m∙s-1)] and metabolic (>20 W·kg-1) thresholds were

compared to individualised ventilatory [first (VT1IFT), and second (VT2IFT)] thresholds

estimated from the 30-15IFT, as well as the metabolic threshold associated with VT2IFT

(HPmetVT2), to examine difference in match-play demands. VT2IFT mean values represent

a 146%, 138%, 167% and 144% increase in the HIR dose across adjustables, edge

forwards, middle forwards and outside backs. Distance covered above VT2IFT was almost

certainly greater (ES range = 0.79 – 1.03) than absolute thresholds across all positions.

These findings demonstrate that using absolute HIR speed thresholds may underestimate

the relative HIR load. Chapter VII evaluated the validity of the relative speed thresholds

proposed in chapter VI. Eighteen professional male rugby league players (n= 18, 23.3 ±

3.4 y, 101.5 ± 8.3 kg) competing in the NRL competition, were monitored over a three-

week pre-season training period (14.8 ± 0.8 field-based sessions) to examine the

relationships between relative locomotor output and measures of internal load. This study

observed moderate to large associations between these relative measures of external load

and criterion measures of internal TL. This study concluded that VIFT-derived thresholds

are valid as a measure of quantifying training. Taken together, Chapter VI and VII

suggest using relative thresholds allow for better prescription and monitoring of external

training loads, whilst incorporating individual physical capacities.

Chapter VIII examined the acute metabolic, cardiorespiratory and

neuromuscular effects of differently structured HIT and tactical training sessions, as well

as changes following a pre-season training period. Thirty-one junior-elite Australian

rugby league players completed four × 4 minute HIT exercises typical of team sport

athletes with a 2 minute passive recovery in between exercises. Exercise intensity was

prescribed relative to 30-15IFT performance conducted prior to each testing period,

ranging from 85 – 105% VIFT, with manipulations made to shuttle length, work: rest

ratios, recovery modalities (active and passive) to alter the physiological response of each

HIT exercise. Blood lactate ([La−]b), counter-movement jumps (CMJ) and RPE were

recorded following HIT exercises (within 60 s of completion), while time spent above

90% heart rate maximum (HR90) was calculated. The order of HIT exercises where

randomised over three protocols undertaken two days apart to assess the influence on

exercise arrangement. Each protocol was re-tested following a six-week training period.

Effect sizes (ES) quantified between-condition differences. Substantial increases in

[La−]b occurred following the second 4 min exercise bout (ES range = 0.94 – 1.18). No

differences were witnessed following each protocol in [La−]b or RPE, despite some

substantial differences witnessed in HR90 between each protocol at the conclusion. The

4 min HIT exercise incorporating active recovery had the greatest effect on (ES range =

0.06 – 0.88). Following the training period, [La−]b (protocol one; ES= 0.68 ± 0.31; ES ±

CI) and HR90 (protocol one; ES = 0.75; ±0.37 and two: ES = 0.40; ±0.29) reposes were

substantially lower. CMJ power outputs showed no substantial changes across any

condition. These findings demonstrate that the arrangement of HIT exercises can

influence the physiological responses of a training session. The accumulation of [La−]b

may be more sensitive to HIT incorporating active recoveries rather than HIT with

greater mechanical (acceleration and deceleration) loads.


I, Tannath Scott, declare that the PhD thesis by publication entitled ‘High-intensity

interval training in team sports: testing, monitoring and prescription’ is no more than

100,000 words in length, including quotes and exclusive of tables, figures, appendices,

bibliography, references and footnotes. This thesis contains no material that has been

submitted previously, in whole or in part, for the aware of any other academic degree or

diploma. Except where otherwise indicated, this thesis is my own work.

Tannath James Urquhart Scott

6th June 2017

Date Submitted


Well…. Wow! Over five years from starting this journey it ends (hopefully),

and there were certainly times I didn’t think I’d be writing this. For the very few of you

who will take time out of your day to read this, these acknowledgements are directed

right at you (whether you’re mentioned or not!).

Firstly, I must thank the tireless efforts of all my supervisors. Dr Grant Duthie,

you have helped me in every way you could since I first met you as an undergraduate

student. Your assistance with data management and philosophies on strength and

conditioning have helped me throughout every stage of my career. The constant reminder

to keep it simple has shortened this thesis by plenty of pages, for that I, the reviewers,

and anyone reading this are very appreciative. I sincerely thank you for all of this,

especially helping me ‘get a foot in the door’. Dr Ben Dascombe, I thank you for your

mateship, support, and guidance over the duration of this PhD – and particularly in the

early stages. I sincerely thank you for your effort, right up until submission and helping

me ease into the rigours of elite sport. Lastly, to Dr Colin Sanctuary who helped develop

my strength and conditioning knowledge and assisted with another set of eyes and ears

through testing and study designs, thank you for the many laughs!

Probably one of my biggest acknowledgements must go to Jeremy Hickmans.

Thank you for firstly taking on a PhD student despite previous experiences (still not sure

if I delivered bang for buck). I cannot thank you enough for your support through this

(very long) process. I sincerely appreciate your mentorship over the past years and hope

it continues for many years to come! To Jace Delaney, thank you for the endless laughs

in the ‘rave cave’ during the early days and congratulations on getting your PhD finished

in a ‘timely’ manner! Heidi Thornton, thanks for your help in the past 18 months on

matters far over my head. To Dave Ballard and Scott Barker, thanks for the advice,

knowledge and most importantly mateship over the past five years! Finally, to everyone

else at the Newcastle Knights, Brisbane Broncos, University of Newcastle and Victoria

University who has leant a helping hand along the way... I’m so very appreciative.

To Dr Greg Dupont and Dr Martin Buchheit, thank you for your advice along the way.

It has been fantastic to be able to shoot around ideas within this area, something I’m

eternally grateful for.

To all my friends, I’m so grateful for the support and (attempted) interest you’ve shown

over the past five years. This would not have been at all possible without the

unconditional support, guidance, and advice of my family. You have helped and

supported every decision I have made over the past 28 years; I cannot express enough

gratitude for all the sacrifices and opportunity you’ve given me throughout my life.

Although there is a fair list this includes (but not limited to) Mum and Dan, Dad and

Anna, Farley, Grandma, Ilona, Aurora, and Sarinah, David, Libby and Simon. This is as

much yours as mine!

Finally, to my beautiful wife Mel… what can I write that sums up what you

have sacrificed over the past five (and eight) years! Your support, understanding,

tolerance and most importantly, the laughs we’ve shared over this time have meant the

world to me and I thank you endlessly. Over the course of this thesis we have gotten

married, moved to two different cities, five different homes, bought our first house,

renovated our first home, sold our first home and (best of all) had our first child… Wow,

just wow! I seriously cannot say enough to thank you! Lastly, to my main little man,

Balin. You have been a bloody good companion over the past six months! Although we

have had some tough times, your enthusiasm for life (seriously) is something I didn’t

think possible in a six-month-old! Thank you for your critics of work (see below) and

the many raspberries that have been blown in response to my questions.


Peer-reviewed Articles

Scott, T. J, Delaney, J. A., Duthie, G. M., Sanctuary, C. E., Ballard, D. A., Hickmans, J.

A and Dascombe, B. J. (2015). Reliability and usefulness of the 30-15 Intermittent

Fitness Test in Rugby League. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29(7),

1985 – 1990.

Scott, T. J, Duthie, G. M., Delaney, J. A., Sanctuary, C. E., Ballard, D. A., Hickmans, J.

A. and Dascombe, B. J. (2017). The validity and contributing physiological factors to

30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test performance in rugby league. Journal of Strength and

Conditioning Research, 31(9), 2409 – 2416.

Scott, T. J., Dascombe, B. J., Delaney, J. A., Sanctuary, C. E., Scott, M. T. U., Hickmans

J. A. and Duthie, G. M. (2017). Running momentum: a new method to quantify prolonged

high-intensity intermittent running performance in collision sports. Science and Medicine

in Football, 1(3), 244 – 250.

Scott, T. J., Thornton, H. R., Scott, M. T. U., Dascombe, B. J. and Duthie, G. M. (2018).

Differences between relative and absolute speed and metabolic thresholds in rugby

league. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 13(3), 298 – 304.

Conference Proceedings

Scott, T. J, Delaney, J. A., Duthie, G. M., Sanctuary, C. E., Ballard, D. A., Hickmans, J.

A. and Dascombe, B. J. (2013). Predictors of intermittent running performance in rugby

league. 19th Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Amsterdam, The


Scott, T. J., Delaney, J. A., Duthie, G. M., Sanctuary, C. E., Ballard, D. A., Hickmans,

J. A. and Dascombe, B. J. (2014). Effect of playing level on 30-15 Intermittent Fitness

test performance in rugby league. 6th Exercise and Sport Science Australia Conference,

Adelaide. Australia. (Appendix I)

Scott, T. J. and McLaren, S. J. (2018). The validity of relative speed thresholds derived

from the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test to quantify external training load in rugby

league. 23rd Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Dublin, Ireland.


Abstract ...................................................................................................................... i

Student Declaration.................................................................................................. vi

Dedications and Acknowledgements ...................................................................... vii

List of Publications Arising From This Thesis ......................................................... x

Table of Contents .................................................................................................... xii

List of Tables ........................................................................................................ xvii

List of Figures ........................................................................................................ xix

List of Equations .................................................................................................... xxi

List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................ xxii

Chapter I

General Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1

Background ............................................................................................................... 2

Research Problem ..................................................................................................... 5

Research Objectives .................................................................................................. 7

Research Progression ................................................................................................ 8

Purpose of the Studies............................................................................................... 9

Linking the research Manuscripts ........................................................................... 11

Limitations and Assumptions ................................................................................. 12

Delimitations........................................................................................................... 13

Chapter II

Literature Review......................................................................................................... 14

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 15

Physical testing ....................................................................................................... 17

Training Prescription .............................................................................................. 25

Monitoring Training Loads ..................................................................................... 32

Conclusions............................................................................................................. 38

Chapter III

The reliability and usefulness of the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test in rugby

league ............................................................................................................................. 41

Abstract ................................................................................................................... 43

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 44

Methods .................................................................................................................. 47

Results..................................................................................................................... 51

Discussion ............................................................................................................... 55

Limitations .............................................................................................................. 58

Practical Applications ............................................................................................. 58

Chapter IV

The validity and contributing physiological factors to 30-15 Intermittent Fitness

Test performance in Rugby League ........................................................................... 60

Abstract ................................................................................................................... 62

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 63

Methods .................................................................................................................. 65

Results..................................................................................................................... 72

Discussion ............................................................................................................... 77

Limitations .............................................................................................................. 82

Practical Applications ............................................................................................. 83

Chapter V

Running momentum: a new method to quantify prolonged high-intensity

intermittent running performance in collision sports............................................... 84

Abstract ................................................................................................................... 86

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 87

Methods .................................................................................................................. 91

Results..................................................................................................................... 94

Discussion ............................................................................................................... 99

Conclusions........................................................................................................... 103

Practical Applications ........................................................................................... 103

Chapter VI

Differences between relative and absolute speed and metabolic thresholds in team

sports ........................................................................................................................... 105

Abstract ................................................................................................................. 107

introduction ........................................................................................................... 108

Methods ................................................................................................................ 111

Results................................................................................................................... 114

Discussion ............................................................................................................. 119

Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 123

Practical Applications ........................................................................................... 124

Chapter VII

The validity of relative speed thresholds to quantify training in team sports ...... 125

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 127

Methods ................................................................................................................ 128

Results................................................................................................................... 130

Discussion ............................................................................................................. 130

Chapter VIII

Acute metabolic, cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular effects of high-intensity

interval training in rugby league players ................................................................. 132

Abstract ................................................................................................................. 134

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 136

Results................................................................................................................... 144

Discussion ............................................................................................................. 150

Conclusions........................................................................................................... 155

Practical Applications ........................................................................................... 157

Chapter IX

Summary and Conclusions ........................................................................................ 158

Overview ............................................................................................................... 159

Research Outcomes............................................................................................... 160

Conclusions and Recommendations ..................................................................... 171

Directions for Future Research ............................................................................. 173

Chapter X

References ................................................................................................................... 174

Chapter XI (Appendices)

Appendix I .................................................................................................................. 204

Effect of Playing Level on 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test Performance in Rugby

League ......................................................................................................................... 204

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 206

Methods ................................................................................................................ 206

Results................................................................................................................... 206

Conclusions........................................................................................................... 207


Table 3.1: Mean (± SD) maximal intermittent running velocity (VIFT) observed for

the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (30-15IFT). ....................................... 52

Table 3.2: Measures of reliability for maximal intermittent running velocity (VIFT)

and peak heart rate (HRpeak) during the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test

(30-15IFT). ............................................................................................... 53

Table 4.1: Descriptive measures (mean ± SD) for all measured variables taken from

the testing battery. .................................................................................. 73

Table 4.2: Multiple correlation summary of the deterministic model assuming 30-

15IFT (VIFT) as a dependent variable. * ................................................... 76

Table 6.1: Mean velocity (mean ± SD) for relative and absolute speed and metabolic

thresholds across positional groups. ..................................................... 116

Table 6.2: Distances (mean ± SD) covered across relative and absolute speed and

metabolic thresholds across positional groups. .................................... 116

Table 7.1: Within-athlete relationships between session distances covered above

VIFT-derived speed thresholds and session internal loads during a three-

week pre-season training block in elite rugby league players.............. 130

Table 8.1: Training events (commencement time) [mean individual session training

load ± SD; determined from the sRPE method] completed by rugby

league players during the six-week training period (pre-season)......... 141

Table 8.2: Outline of high-intensity running exercises. ........................................ 142

Table 8.3: Outline of each high-intensity interval training protocol. .................... 142

Table 8.4: Raw data collected across all variables over each high-intensity interval

training protocol (mean ± SD). ............................................................ 145

Table 9.1: Original VIFT-based HIT strategies developed by Buchheit (2011). .... 169

Table 9.2: VIFT-based HIT strategies developed as a result of Chapter VI to VIII.

.............................................................................................................. 170


Figure 1.1: The conceptual model of the training process.......................................... 3

Figure 1.2: Outline of the research progress linking the major studies of this thesis. 8

Figure 2.1: Variables that may be considered during high-intensity interval training.

Taken from Buchheit and Laursen (2013b) ........................................... 16

Figure 2.2: High-intensity interval training decision tree, considering individual drills

based on the expected acute physiological strain responses. Taken from

Buchheit and Laursen (2013b). .............................................................. 27

Figure 3.1: Schematic representation of the 30-15IFT. Taken from Buchheit (2008a)

................................................................................................................ 49

Figure 3.2: Heart rate (HR) response to the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test during two

different trials [Trial 1 (black) and Trial 2 (grey)] in a representative

subject. ................................................................................................... 54

Figure 4.1: Correlations between VIFT and various anthropometrical and

physiological measures (mean ± 95% CI) ............................................. 74

Figure 4.2: The correlations between VIFT and various physiological measures (mean

+/- 95% CI). ........................................................................................... 75

Figure 5.1: Box plots of 30-15IFT performance (VIFT) and final 30-15IFT running

momentum (pIFT) for the different rugby league competition levels ...... 95

Figure 5.2: Differences in 30-15IFT performance (VIFT) and final 30-15IFT running

momentum (PIFT) between NRL and other levels of competition. Values

presented as standardised effects (effect size ± 90% CI) ....................... 96

Figure 5.3: Differences in 30-15IFT performance (VIFT) and final 30-15IFT running

momentum (PIFT) between lower levels of competition. Values presented

as standardised effects (effect size ± 90% CI) ....................................... 97

Figure 5.4: Differences in 30-15IFT performance (VIFT) and final 30-15IFT running

momentum (PIFT) across rugby league positional groups. Values are as

standardised effects (effect size ± 90% CI)............................................ 98

Figure 6.1: Magnitude of differences in running and high metabolic distance between

relative and absolute thresholds across positional groups. Values are as

standardised effects (effect size ± 90% CI).......................................... 117

Figure 6.2: A: VT1IFT raw velocity and the differences in distance covered above

VT1IFT vs. MIR; B: VT2IFT raw velocity and the differences in distance

covered above VT2IFT vs. HIR; C. HPmetVT2 raw power and the differences

in distance covered above HPmetVT2 and HPmetTh. ................................. 118

Figure 8.1: A schematic depiction of the study protocols and high-intensity interval

training exercises within each protocol (ordered from top to bottom). 142

Figure 8.2: Box plots of metabolic and neuromuscular responses for each exercise

over protocol one, two, three and all data ............................................ 147

Figure 8.3: Magnitude of differences in metabolic, cardiorespiratory and

neuromuscular responses between HIT exercises and between protocols.

Values are as standardised effects (effect size ± 90% CI) ................... 148

Figure 8.4: Magnitude of differences in metabolic, cardiorespiratory and

neuromuscular responses for each protocol between post and pre- training

period. Values are as standardised effects (effect size ± 90% CI). ...... 149

Figure 9.1: The physical preparation feedback loop as proposed by the current thesis.

Training prescription (training process) is reinforced (R) by the feedback

from physical testing (training outcome) and balanced (B) by the positive

and negative training status of the athlete (training monitoring). ........ 160


Equation 6.1: Relative high metabolic power threshold. ........................................... 113


2kmTT 2000-m time trial

30-15IFT 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test
AAS Average aerobic speed
ASR anaerobic speed reserve
AU arbitrary units
b∙min-1 beats per minute
CI confidence interval
cm centimetre
CMJ counter-movement jump
COD change of direction
CV coefficient of variation
ES effect size
GPS global positioning systems
h hour
HIR high-intensity running
HIRTh absolute high-intensity running threshold
HIT High-intensity interval training
HPmetTh absolute high power metabolic threshold
HPmetVT2 high power metabolic threshold associated with VT2IFT
HR heart rate
HRmax maximal heart rate
HRpeak peak heart rate
HR90 heart rate > 90% max
HRV heart rate variability
HRR post-exercise heart-rate recovery
Hz hertz
ICC Interclass correlation coefficient
kg kilogram
km kilometre
km∙h-1 kilometres per hour
LL local level rugby league competition
LMI Lean mass index
m metre
min minute

m∙min-1 metres per minute
m∙s-1 metres per second
m∙s-2 metres per second/ per second
MAS maximal aerobic speed
MIR moderate-intensity running
MIRTh absolute moderate-intensity running threshold
MSFT multi-stage fitness test
n number
NRL National Rugby League
NYC National Youth Competition
PCr phosphorylcreatine
PHIR prolonged high-intensity intermittent running
pIFT Final running momentum during 30-15IFT
RPE rating of perceived exertion
s seconds
SD standard deviation
sRPE session-RPE
SRL state-based rugby league competition
SWC smallest worthwhile change
TE typical error of measurement
TL training load
T@𝐕̇O2max time above 90% of V̇O2max
UM-TT Montreal Track Test
VIFT final velocity achieved during the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test
VT1 first ventilatory threshold
VT2 second ventilatory threshold
VT1IFT relative first ventilatory threshold from 30-15IFT
VT2IFT relative second ventilatory threshold from 30-15IFT
𝐕̇O2 oxygen consumption
𝐕̇O2max maximal oxygen uptake
v𝐕̇O2max minimal running speed required to elicit maximal oxygen uptake
y year
Yo-Yo IRT Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test
Yo-Yo IRT1 Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1
Yo-Yo IRT2 Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 2

[La−]b blood lactate
% percentage
~ approximate
> greater than
< less than
∑ sum
∆ change (delta)

Chapter I

General Introduction


To prepare athletes for team sport competition requires a fundamental

understanding of the processes and outcomes of the physical training undertaken. The

outcomes of specific training include anatomical, physiological, and functional

adaptations specific to the sport, while the process is characterised by the progressive

overload of physical training (see Figure 1.1) (Impellizzeri, Rampinini, & Marcora,

2005; Viru & Viru, 2000). Indeed, whilst the prescription of external load (training

process) may be manipulated with an aim to maximise physiological adaptation it is the

internal load that drives this training outcome (e.g. fatigue and adaptation) (Impellizzeri

et al., 2005; Viru & Viru, 2000).. Through physical testing (considered the assessment

of the training outcome), appropriate prescription of training stimulus, and systematic

monitoring of the dose-response relationship, individual physiological adaptations can

be optimised (Buchheit & Laursen, 2013b; Reilly, Morris, & Whyte, 2009). Ultimately,

training outcomes should be intended to improve the individual capacity for physical

match performance. Owing to this, performance coaches must employ a physical

curriculum within team sports that aims to improve individual physiological deficiencies,

advance movement qualities while physically preparing athletes for the most demanding

periods of competition. Concurrently, there is a need to develop individualised programs

for large squads whilst maintaining core elements of team work, and minimising injury

risk (Reilly et al., 2009). Importantly, all this is required to coincide with technical and

technical skills sessions to optimise adaptations without causing overtraining or non-

functional overreaching (Coutts, Reaburn, Piva, & Rowsell, 2007). Collectively, this

creates an often time-poor environment, meaning training programming must utilise

efficient methods and have a clear outline of objectives that are centralised across

performance and coaching departments.

Figure 1.1: The conceptual model of the training process (Impellizzeri et al., 2005).
The training outcome is the result of the internal training load. This internal
training load is the product of: (a) Individual characteristics (training status
and genetic makeup), and (b) The quality, quantity and organisation of the
external training load.

Aerobic fitness has been shown to be a determinant in the performance of

team sports, especially in the ability to finish a match (Kempton, Sirotic, & Coutts,

2015a; Mohr, Krustrup, & Bangsbo, 2003), cover greater distances (Rampinini, Coutts,

Castagna, Sassi, & Impellizzeri, 2007b), to repeat and recover from high-intensities

efforts (Bishop & Spencer, 2004; Dupont, McCall, Prieur, Millet, & Berthoin, 2010b),

in executing technical proficiencies (Joseph, Woods, & Joyce, 2017) and to reduce the

deterioration in some technical skills (Rampinini, Impellizzeri, Castagna, Coutts, &

Wisloff, 2009). In addition, it has been demonstrated that high-intensity efforts typically

occur at decisive moments of match-play (Austin, Gabbett, & Jenkins, 2011) and may

differentiate successful and non-successful teams (Gabbett & Gahan, 2015). Due to this,

coaches must appropriately develop these aerobic and repeated high-intensity capacities

to adequately prepare athletes for match-play demands.

High-intensity interval training (HIT) has become increasingly more common

in physical training preparation for team sports, as it has been shown to be a time effective

method that stresses the physiological capacities common to team sport match-play

(Billat, 2001b; Buchheit & Laursen, 2013a; Buchheit & Laursen, 2013b). Typically, HIT

incorporates either repeated short (<45 s) or longer (2-4 min) bouts of high-intensity

exercise that are interspersed with set recovery periods (Buchheit & Laursen, 2013a).

Given most team sports are largely acyclic in nature, the energy supply required for these

physical efforts is derived collectively from both anaerobic and aerobic sources and

requires high levels of neuromotor drive (Bangsbo, 2000b; Bangsbo, Iaia, & Krustrup,

2007; Bangsbo, Mohr, & Krustrup, 2006). As such, HIT protocols may not only aim to

improve cardiorespiratory function (usually considered the primary aim) but focus on the

metabolic and neuromuscular responses (Buchheit & Laursen, 2013a; Buchheit &

Laursen, 2013b).

To achieve the desired physiological adaptations, physical conditioning

programs must be specifically prescribed for individuals and consider current training

state, training history and physiological demands of match-play. However, the dose-

response relationship to this training stimulus must also be monitored. High-intensity

interval training sessions have typically been prescribed using an individual’s velocity at

V̇O2max (vV̇O2max) or an individual’s maximal aerobic speed (MAS), traditionally

measured through either a laboratory based treadmill test or estimated from field-based

tests such as, the multi-stage fitness test (MSFT) (Ramsbottom, Brewer, & Williams,

1988) or the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 (Yo-Yo IRT1) and/or Level 2

(Yo-Yo IRT2) (Bangsbo, 1994). However, the limitations concerning the ability to test

these qualities [e.g. prolonged high-intensity intermittent running (PHIR)] and

subsequently prescribe movement specific HIT protocols have previously been

recognised (Buchheit, 2008b). For example, the MSFT may estimate V̇O2max, yet does

not evaluate many qualities of intermittent performance (e.g. inter-effort recovery ability)

(Haydar, Haddad, Ahmaidi, & Buchheit, 2011). In contrast the Yo-Yo IRT’s examine

these physiological determinants but do not provide a reference speed that is sensitive

enough to guide the homogenous prescription of HIT (Buchheit, 2008b; Krustrup, Mohr,

Ellingsgaard, & Bangsbo, 2005). This is important as through the individualisation of

HIT we may aim to maximise the training outcome (and potential physiological

adaptation). For example, it has been demonstrated that only the time spent at high

intensity (>90% of maximal HR) was related to changes in aerobic fitness in soccer

players across a pre-season period (6-8 weeks) (Castagna, Impellizzeri, Chaouachi, &

Manzi, 2013). As such, it appears vital that coaches prescribe and monitor workloads

relative to each individual athlete in team sports.


Aerobic fitness and repeated high-intensity efforts have been shown to be a

determinant in the performance of team sports. Due to this, coaches must appropriately

develop these capacities to adequately prepare athletes for match-play demands. High-

intensity interval training is considered an effective and time efficient means to optimize

individual physiological adaptation (Buchheit, 2011).The prescription of HIT requires

the manipulation of up to nine variables (i.e. work: rest intervals, work intensity and

duration, number of sets and repetitions and recovery between sets); any of which may

alter the physiological response to training. However, establishing a reliable and valid

testing protocol to establish a reference speed that may appropriately prescribe HIT

velocities across large squads has limitations. The final velocity achieved during the 30-

15 Intermittent Fitness Test (30-15IFT; VIFT) has been demonstrated to provide a reference

speed delivering homogenous physiological responses during HIT (Buchheit, 2008b).

However, the validity of the 30-15IFT in team sports has been limited to primarily

basketball, soccer, handball and ice hockey cohorts (Buchheit, 2008b; Buchheit,

Lefebvre, Laursen, & Ahmaidi, 2011b; Covic, Jeleskovic, Alic, Rado, Kafedzic, Sporis,

McMaster, & Milanovic, 2016). While VIFT incorporates the ability of an individual to

tolerate directional changes, it is theorised that individual COD ability may be affected

by greater mass, due to the increased inertia and thus superior proportional impulse

required to decelerate and re-accelerate (Frost, Cronin, & Newton, 2010). Due to this, it

has been suggested that heavier team sport athletes (e.g. rugby league, rugby union,

American football) would experience a greater mechanical and metabolic load

throughout the 30-15IFT compared to previously assessed cohorts (e.g. soccer or

European handball players) (Darrall-Jones, Roe, Carney, Clayton, Phibbs, Read,

Weakley, Till, & Jones, 2015). Further, it may be that in team sports where athletes

possess heterogenous physical qualities, the prescribed training process may result in

distorted physical responses. As such, the best process to examine these aerobic and

intermittent fitness, prescribe training and monitor the response of this training requires



Despite the specificity of the 30-15IFT test to rugby league, no literature has

investigated the validity and reliability of this test among such a population. Due to the

greater body mass of rugby league players, it’s likely that greater mechanical and

metabolic loads would be evoked throughout the 30-15IFT. Firstly, this series of studies

aims to examine the reliability, usefulness and validity of this test among a primarily

mesomorphic athletic population. Additionally, this research aimed to explore a new and

novel method to both longitudinally track the PHIR capacity (assessed as 30-15IFT

performance) of athletes and monitor the relative physical output during match-play.

Lastly, this body of research intended to provide a more complete understanding on the

acute metabolic and neuromuscular effects of HIT prescribed from the 30-15IFT. Overall,

these studies aimed to inform performance staff on practical and useful methods to test,

prescribe and monitor the high-intensity running within large team sport squads.


Chapter III Chapter IV

Reliability and usefulness of 30-15IFT Validity and contributing factors of 30-

Appendix I
Differences in 30-15IFT performance
across playing level

Chapter V
Running momentum during prolonged
high-intensity running

Chapter VI
Differences between relative and
absolute speed and metabolic thresholds

Chapter VII
Validity of relative speed thresholds to
quantify training

Chapter VIII
Acute metabolic and neuromuscular
effects of HIT

Figure 1.2: Outline of the research progress linking the major studies of this thesis.


The reliability and usefulness of the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test in Rugby

League (Chapter III).

• To examine the reliability of the 30-15IFT (VIFT and HRpeak) within rugby league


• To assess the usefulness of the 30-15IFT among this cohort through quantifying

the smallest ‘practical’ changes in PHIR capacity.

The validity and contributing factors physiological factors to 30-15 Intermittent

Fitness Test performance in rugby league (Chapter IV).

• Investigate and re-examine the validity of the 30-15IFT among a typically

mesomorphic population;

• Explore the contribution of physiological functions to VIFT across positional

groups in rugby league;

• Examine what changes in physiological capacities contributes to changes in VIFT

across a preparatory macrocycle.

Running momentum: a new method to quantify prolonged high-intensity

intermittent running performance in collision sports (Chapter V).

• Determine if the calculation of PHIR ‘final momentum’ (pIFT) may better

distinguish between levels of competition and positional groups than traditional

velocity based measures (VIFT);

• Investigate any differences in pIFT and VIFT between elite, sub-elite and junior-

elite players.

Differences between relative and absolute speed and metabolic thresholds in team

sports (Chapter VI).

• Identify the differences between relative and absolute speed and high metabolic

power thresholds across rugby league match-play.

The validity of relative speed thresholds to quantify training in team sports

(Chapter VII).

• Identify the construct validity of these newly proposed individual thresholds

across rugby league training.

Acute metabolic and neuromuscular effects of high-intensity training in team sport

athletes (Chapter VIII).

• Identify the metabolic and neuromuscular effects of different training exercises

within a HIT session as prescribed from the 30-15IFT;

• Examine the influence by tactical/technical sessions undertaken immediately

before the HIT protocol;

• Investigate individual metabolic and neuromuscular responses to the same HIT

session following a training period (typical of pre-season).


This research project aimed at providing a systematic process to practically

test, prescribe and monitor the training process and outcomes of team sport athletes,

specifically in rugby league. To achieve this outcome, the 30-15IFT was employed to

examine the PHIR capacity of these athletes and prescribe individualised HIT protocols.

Due to a large somatic discrepancy between the current cohort and those athletes

previously examined, Chapter III and IV aimed to determine the reliability and

usefulness, as well as the validity and contributing physiological factors to 30-15IFT

performance in such a cohort. This research allows for additional investigation into

applying this test to monitor and prescribe HIT. Subsequently, Chapter V investigated

differences in 30-15IFT performance across levels of competition, while introducing a

new and novel method associated to tracking longitudinal PHIR performance. Chapter

VI utilised previous research on the 30-15IFT to design relative speed and metabolic

thresholds to GPS-derived match-play loads. Chapter VII examined the validity of 30-

15IFT derived speed thresholds proposed in Chapter VI. The specificity of this relative

running load aimed to provide greater insight into the volume of running performed at

higher-intensities and consequently can be used by performance staff to more precisely

monitor match-play and training sessions. Finally, Chapter VIII employed 30-15IFT-

based HIT protocols to better understand the acute metabolic and neuromuscular fatigue

associated with varying HIT strategies common in team sports. In addition, this chapter

utilised speed thresholds developed in Chapter IV to further validate the use of these

thresholds and relate the relative HIR load to these metabolic and neuromuscular


Overall, this thesis aimed to investigate the implementation of the 30-15IFT to

test PHIR, design and prescribe HIT protocols suitable for team sport athletes and

monitor the dose-response relationship during training and match-play. As a result of

these series of studies, new and novel methods to longitudinally asses PHIR capacity and

examine relative HIR were developed. Both in their individual and collective capacities,

these studies contribute to the current understanding of the physical development and

preparation of team sport athletes for match-play.


The following limitations apply to the studies reported in the current thesis.

Specificity of results

Whilst the studies implemented in this thesis were undertaken among a rugby league

cohort, they relate to heterogenous collision-sport athletes (i.e. rugby league, rugby

union, American football).

Interference in physiological responses

The heart rate measurements collected during the research can be influenced as a result

of non-training factors, such as previous activity, psychological factors and nutrition,

which may influence the results.


The following delimitations may apply to the present research:

Limited sample size

Due to the applied nature of the research, some studies may incorporate limited

participant numbers. However, the sample size of each study is typical of previous

research assessing similar performance outcomes in elite team sport.

Gender restrictions of the participants

The participants recruited across the research project were restricted to males to avoid

any effect of gender on exercise performance.

Sample representation

The data contained within the entire research project are based on a specific sample of

participants, and therefore may not be a true representation of similar populations.

Environmental conditions

Testing and training conditions across the studies contained in the thesis were commonly

performed on a field in an open environment. Testing measures were performed at times

the athletes typically trained to control for natural circadian rhythms and effect of dietary


Dietary Intake

Whilst the team dietician provided nutritional and hydration strategies to all players as

per club guidelines during individual studies, diet was never directly controlled.

Chapter II

Literature Review


Background to High-Intensity Interval Training in Team Sports

High-Intensity interval training has been incorporated into training programs

for the past 100 years (Billat, 2001a). Indeed, between the 1910s and 1930s, HIT was

utilised by middle- to long- distance athletes in a similar manner to contemporary

practices (Billat, 2001a). As the metabolic fundamentals of training became better

understood, HIT programming incorporated shorter bouts of HIR, until Emil Zatopek

popularised current HIT programming in the 1950s (Billat, 2001a). Over the past 20-40

years, the conception and understanding of the direct acute and longitudinal

physiological responses and subsequent adaptations to these training methods has

developed substantially, with HIT emerging as a primary method of conditioning team

sport athletes (Billat, 2001a; Buchheit & Laursen, 2013b). While substantial evidence

suggests that cycling-based HIT may improve specific physiological functions and

physical performance (Billat, 2001a; Billat, 2001b; Laursen & Jenkins, 2002), the

purpose of this literature review will focus on running-based HIT in a context specific to

field-based team sport athletes.

High-intensity interval training is flexible and can be modified to stress specific

physiological processes, with up to nine variables (including work intensity and duration,

work: rest intervals, number of sets and repetitions and recovery between sets) being able

to be manipulated to alter the imposed training stress (see Figure 2.1 below). These

physiological functions typically include cardiopulmonary (i.e. V̇O2max; allowing

reduced peripheral physiological disturbance and fatigue), metabolic (i.e. muscle lactate

oxidation, H+ ion buffering, Na+/K+ transport capacity, splitting of stored phosphagens

and phosphocreatine resynthesis) (Buchheit, 2012; Buchheit & Laursen, 2013a) and

neuromuscular (i.e. regulation of neural drive, muscle fibre recruitment and changes in

force-generating capacity) related elements (Buchheit, 2012; Buchheit & Laursen,

2013a; Buchheit & Laursen, 2013b). It is appropriate to distinguish between these

physiological processes as HIT methodologies are easily manipulated to stress these

different qualities, with the aim to build toward inducing match specific training

responses. Indeed, comparable HIT strategies may have similar cardiorespiratory

responses yet markedly diverse neuromuscular and/or anaerobic contributions (Buchheit

& Laursen, 2013a). As such, ruminating about the desired outcome of HIT sessions and

considering the individual neuromuscular, metabolic and cardiorespiratory load are

important when integrating into concurrent team sports training.

Figure 2.1: Variables that may be considered during high-intensity interval training.
Taken from Buchheit and Laursen (2013b).



The physical assessment of athletes in the field provides a valid and reliable

means of examining various physiological capacities that are central to team sport

performance (Bangsbo, 2000b). Pertinent to implementing any test in a team sport

environment, is its validity (construct and ecological), reliability and usefulness

(Bangsbo, 1994). Each test result should provide a repeatable outcome that delivers an

increased understanding of physiological functioning and can be interpreted to guide the

prescription of the training stimulus. Moreover, utilising a physical test that may deliver

a reference workload to prescribe the training may increase the specificity of the feedback

practitioners may receive (Buchheit, 2008b).

Within team sports, it is common to examine numerous physical capacities to

gain a holistic physical understanding of individual athletes. These may incorporate

assessments of aerobic and anaerobic capacities, repeated-speed, maximal speed, and

acceleration qualities as well as change of direction and agility performance. In addition,

laboratory based tests may be employed to further understand these physiological

capacities, although they are often impractical with large squads. Field based tests offer

far greater application and practicality to team sports (Reilly et al., 2009). As such,

maximal running field tests are routinely undertaken to examine attributes and capacities

to provide a basis for developing specific conditioning programs.

Continuous Running Tests

From the 1960s to 1980s an increase in research on the metabolic and energetic

cost of walking, jogging, and running lead to the development of ecologically valid field

tests to evaluate aerobic performance (Cooper, 1968; Jankowski, Ferguson, Langelier,

Chaniotis, & Choquette, 1972; Shephard, 1969). These assessments of aerobic capacity

were examined through continuous, indirect, and incremental running methods and

become largely popularised in team sports due to their ability to test multiple athletes

(Leger & Boucher, 1980; Leger, Mercier, Gadoury, & Lambert, 1988).

Montreal Track Test

The Montreal Track Test (UM-TT) is a continuous, indirect multi-stage running

field test first developed as an alternative to a 12-minute maximal running test (Leger &

Boucher, 1980). This test involves running continuously on a large field or track at a pace

governed by a pre-recorded audio track, until the subject fails to maintain the incremental

speed. The test was one of the first field used consistently in track and field and team

sport athletes to predict V̇O2max without having to conduct laboratory testing (Berthoin,

Baquet, Rabita, Blondel, Lensel-Corbeil, & Gerbeaux, 1999; Leger & Boucher, 1980).

The final velocity achieved during the test is considered a valid and reliable measure of

maximal aerobic speed (Berthoin et al., 1999; Leger & Boucher, 1980). As such, the UM-

TT final velocity has been utilised to prescribed individualised HIT stimulus, reducing

the variability of the time to exhaustion during training between athletes. However, due

to the continuous nature of the test, it does not incorporate the ability of the athletes to

change direction or to recover between running efforts, limiting its use in team sport


Multi-stage Fitness Test

The MSFT (or 20-m Shuttle run test) was developed to overcome the limitations

of the UM-TT. Whilst the UM-TT was both valid and reliable, it was limited by the field

or track requirements (Leger & Lambert, 1982). The MSFT was developed to incorporate

an athletes change of direction ability, with early research demonstrating that the MSFT

provided a valid measure of aerobic fitness on a wide range of surfaces, which increased

its popularity within team sports (Leger & Lambert, 1982). However, despite early

studies indicating the MSFT to be both valid and reliable (Leger & Lambert, 1982), its

ability to estimate V̇O2max has recently been scrutinised. Lamb and Rogers (2007)

suggested the MSFT was not reliable enough for the purpose of monitoring changes in

V̇O2max due to excessive non-random error, with only a moderate-strength relationship

established between V̇O2max (absolute and relative) and MSFT performance (r = 0.43

and r = 0.54, respectively) (Aziz, Chia, & Teh, 2005). Further, O’Gorman and colleagues

(2000) reported no significant correlation between MSFT scores and laboratory-derived

V̇O2max for 7 international level rugby players (r = 0.42) or 15 competitive sports

participants (r = 0.41), however the limited sample size used in this study makes drawing

correlation conclusions difficult. Whilst these studies question the basis for the MSFT to

measure and report changes in V̇O2max, it still may be an appropriate field based measure

of running endurance. Indeed, the MSFT has been shown to be able to differentiate

between competition levels (Gabbett, Jenkins, & Abernethy, 2011b; O'Connor, 1997)

and age groups (Lovell, Towlson, Parkin, Portas, Vaeyens, & Cobley, 2015) across team

sports. Additionally, it has been shown that the MSFT, combined with tests of speed and

agility, may have a small but central association with the career progression of Australian

football players (Pyne, Gardner, Sheehan, & Hopkins, 2005). Collectively, whilst this

test may be a measure of running endurance, it may be that other field-based tests may

not only estimate V̇O2max more accurately than the MSFT, but also provide greater

specificity to the intermittent running demands experienced in team sports.

Intermittent Running Tests

With an increased understanding of the physical demands of team sport

match-play, field tests that examine physical capacities with greater transference to the

demands of their sport are becoming more frequently employed. As such, it is important

to examine both the aerobic and anaerobic capacities to match physical output of

competition (Bangsbo, Iaia, & Krustrup, 2008), which has provoked a shift to assess the

aerobic capacities through intermittent testing protocols (Bangsbo, 1994; Castagna, Abt,

& D'Ottavio, 2005). The two most common physical tests to evaluate an athletes PHIR

capacity are the Yo-Yo IRT and 30-15IFT (Bangsbo et al., 2008; Buchheit, 2008b). Both

these tests incorporate supra-maximal efforts (above vV̇O2max) and also incorporates an

athlete’s ability to recover between incremental efforts. Combined with the COD, these

tests provide an outcome of athlete’s inter-effort recovery ability, acceleration and

deceleration ability, aerobic capacity, and anaerobic speed reserve (ASR). Whilst the

direct constructs of these tests may vary slightly (Buchheit & Rabbani, 2014), both

deliver a PHIR performance measure, which can be used to estimate V̇O2max.

Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test

Originally, the Yo-Yo IRT1 and Yo-Yo IRT2 were developed as an extension of

the MSFT to better reflect the mixed aerobic-anaerobic and intermittent profile typical

of team sports. These test are commonly used to assess a players’ ability to perform

intense intermittent exercise with brief periods of recovery, and both have been

extensively reported upon in team sport athletes (Buchheit & Rabbani, 2014; Krustrup,

Bradley, Christensen, Castagna, Jackman, Connolly, Randers, Mohr, & Bangsbo, 2015;

Krustrup, Mohr, Amstrup, Rysgaard, Johansen, Steensberg, Pedersen, & Bangsbo, 2003;

Krustrup, Mohr, Nybo, Jensen, Nielsen, & Bangsbo, 2006a). Briefly, this test involves 2

x 20 m shuttle runs at incremental speed that are interspersed with 10 s of active recovery.

Endurance team sport athletes (i.e. soccer, Australian football) have typically completed

the Yo-Yo IRT2, which increases speeds at a greater rate in order to exaggerate the

intensity of the repeated high-intensity efforts. Indeed, while both the Yo-Yo IRT1 and

IRT2 maximally stress the aerobic system, the latter evokes greater anaerobic

metabolism which results in a shorter time to exhaustion (Krustrup et al., 2003; Krustrup

et al., 2006a). The Yo-Yo IRT1 and IRT2 demonstrate both construct and ecological

validity within team sport athletes and correlate well with other field and laboratory based

physiological tests, (Krustrup et al., 2003; Krustrup et al., 2006a; Krustrup, Randers,

Horton, Brito, & Rebelo, 2012; Povoas, Castagna, Soares, Silva, Lopes, & Krustrup,

2016). The reliability of the Yo-Yo IR1 and IR2 have been shown to be good (< 5.0%

CV) (Krustrup et al., 2003) to moderate (5.1 – 10.0% CV) (Krustrup et al., 2006a;

Thomas, Dawson, & Goodman, 2006).

Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test performance has been shown to relate to

match performance and distinguish between competition levels of many team sports

[including soccer (Ingebrigtsen, Bendiksen, Randers, Castagna, Krustrup, &

Holtermann, 2012; Krustrup et al., 2006a; Mohr et al., 2003; Rampinini, Bishop,

Marcora, Ferrari Bravo, Sassi, & Impellizzeri, 2007a), Australian football (Pyne et al.,

2005), rugby league (Atkins, 2006) and Gaelic football (Roe & Malone, 2016)]. For

example, the Yo-Yo IRT2 test was shown to be a sensitive tool to differentiate between

intermittent exercise performance of soccer players across different seasonal periods,

competitive levels and playing positions (Ingebrigtsen et al., 2012; Krustrup et al.,

2006a). However, a limitation of the Yo-Yo IRT is its inability to prescribe exercise

based on individual performance during testing as it does not provide a sensitive

reference speed for training purposes (Buchheit, 2008b). Indeed, despite previous

equations developed to provide a sensitive HIT reference speed it appears problematic

due to the nature of the test. (Kuipers, Verstappen, Keizer, Geurten, & van Kranenburg,

1985). For example, athletes can reach the same stage but complete a different number

of shuttles resulting in difficulties optimising homogenous physiological responses

during HIT.

30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test

The 30-15IFT has been introduced as a practical alternative to the commonly used

field tests mentioned above (Buchheit, 2010a; Buchheit, Laursen, Kuhnle, Ruch, Renaud,

& Ahmaidi, 2009b; Haydar et al., 2011; Mosey, 2009). The 30-15IFT is an intermittent,

incremental shuttle-run test that is designed to elicit heart rate peak (HRpeak) and

V̇O2peak, in addition to providing an overall measure of PHIR ability (Buchheit, Al

Haddad, Millet, Lepretre, Newton, & Ahmaidi, 2009a). Briefly, the 30-15IFT consists of

30-s shuttle runs interspersed with 15-s periods of passive recovery, with an initial

running velocity (8 km.h-1) which is increased by 0.5 km.h-1 for every subsequent 45-s

stage. Participants follow a pre-recorded beep as a pacing strategy over a 40-m shuttle.

Similar to the Yo-Yo IRT and unlike continuous field based tests the 30-15IFT evaluates

individual players’ inter-effort recovery, acceleration, deceleration and COD (Haydar et

al., 2011) as well as evaluating concurrent aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. In addition,

the 30-15IFT has been perceived to be less “painful” than continuous field-based tests in

70% of team sport athletes examined (Buchheit, 2005a).

As the 30-15IFT incorporates periods of recovery, V IFT is much faster than

vV̇O2max, whilst the inclusion of COD results in greater anaerobic metabolism than

continuous incremental field tests. For example, the 30-15IFT elicits a 40% increase in

blood lactate concentration when compared to the UM-TT (Buchheit et al., 2009a), as

well as higher peak minute ventilation and maximum carbon dioxide production due to

the greater buffering of anaerobic metabolism by-products (Buchheit et al., 2009a).

Buchheit et al. (2009a) observed that post exercise autonomic function was characterised

by a decreased parasympathetic activity and a greater sympathetic predominance after

the 30-15IFT when compared to continuous running tests. This reduced parasympathetic

modulation after 30-15IFT agrees with previous data showing that anaerobic contribution

and muscle power engagement influences post exercise parasympathetic reactivation

(Buchheit, Laursen, & Ahmaidi, 2007). Importantly, this increased reliance on anaerobic

metabolism toward the conclusion of the test may allow practitioners to further asses’

individuals ASR. The consideration of individual ASR (the difference between maximal

sprint speed and vV̇O2max) may further provide context to coaches to evaluate the

capacity of their athletes to complete PHIR. The validity of this construct has been

demonstrated in team sport athletes with the 30-15IFT relating well to tests of anaerobic

capacity (Scott, Hodson, Govus, & Dascombe, 2016a). As such, Buchheit (2010a)

reported the contribution of the anaerobic capacity and neuromuscular qualities to the

VIFT reached is indirectly related to both the magnitude and the percentage of the ASR

used during the final stages of the 30-15IFT.

The 30-15IFT has also been designed to easily integrate performance testing data

into HIT prescription (Buchheit, 2008b), as this is a limitation of preceding field-based

tests. For example, the MSFT may obtain a maximal running velocity, however certain

physiological determinants of intermittent performance (e.g. inter-effort recovery ability

and anaerobic speed reserve (ASR) are not evaluated (Haydar et al., 2011). In contrast

the Yo-Yo IRT examine these physiological determinants and quantify PHIR

performance, yet they do not deliver a sensitive reference speed that can be used for

homogenous HIT prescription (Buchheit, 2008b; Krustrup et al., 2005). However, the

30-15IFT provides a reference speed upon termination (VIFT), that may be guide individual

HIT programming (Buchheit, 2008b), overcoming the previous limitations discussed

above. As such, prescribing HIT from VIFT increases the homogeneity of training content

across a team level (Buchheit, 2008b).

The validity and reliability of the 30-15IFT has been demonstrated among

numerous team sports [including basketball, soccer, handball and ice hockey; modified

from running to ice skating) (Buchheit, 2008b; Buchheit et al., 2011b; Covic et al., 2016;

Darrall-Jones et al., 2015). Previously, Buchheit (2008b) demonstrated significant

relationships between VIFT and CMJ, 10-m sprint time, V̇O2max, and heart rate recovery

index scores in young athletes (randomly selected from two competitive basketball and

handball teams), illustrating the construct validity of the 30-15IFT for intermittent

exercise. However, these assessments of validity and reliability have primarily occurred

with ectomorphic populations, whereas heavier team sport athletes would experience

greater mechanical and metabolic loads throughout the 30-15IFT than these previously

assessed cohorts (Darrall-Jones et al., 2015). While the 30-15IFT incorporates the ability

of an individual to tolerate these directional changes, it has been theorised that the ability

to change direction may be affected by greater mass, due to the increased inertia and thus

superior proportional impulse required to decelerate and re-accelerate (Frost et al., 2010).

Limited research has explored the use of the 30-15IFT within a more mesomorphic athletic

population. Interestingly, these limited findings reported that VIFT remains relatively

stable from U16 to senior rugby union players, despite a continued increase in body mass

(Darrall-Jones et al., 2015), suggesting that the interaction between VIFT and body mass

may be of greater importance in sports where an increased body mass is ideal. As such,

future investigations should explore the validity and reliability of the 30-15IFT among a

more mesomorphic athletic population, typical of collision-based sports.


The multifaceted nature of team sports creates considerable complexity when

developing a training program and ensuring continued development in physiological

capacities. A critical understanding of the specific determinants of performance and

individual training status is a prerequisite in optimising the applied training stimulus.

Team sport athletes are required to boast highly developed speed, agility, repeat-sprint

ability, muscular strength and power profiles (Gabbett, 2005; Meir, 1994; Rampinini et

al., 2007a; Sirotic, 2008), and as such a detailed understanding of training these specific

areas is crucial (Reilly et al., 2009). Additionally, it is vital that team sport athletes also

undertake considerable time to the tactical and technical elements involved in match

play. Due to this complex combination of energetic, neural, skill and physical demands,

coupled with specific time constraints, prescribing and periodising seasonal training may

be difficult. Despite large advances in training prescription techniques for linear

endurance and pure sprinting events, the development of team sport physical curriculum

appears highly variable due to the complexity of physical requirements (i.e. speed,

endurance and strength qualities through multiple planes of movement) (Reilly et al.,


High-Intensity Interval Training

When planning and periodising training, the desired outcomes of individual

running sessions and subsequent planned sessions are required to be identified to prepare

team sport athletes for competition. This also allows greater integration between field-

based running sessions with concurrent strength, speed, and agility sessions to improve

resilience against injury and induce physiological adaptations in order to undertake

tactical and technical sessions at higher intensities. Given that repeated high-intensity

efforts are vital to team-sport match performance, the physical curriculum must aim to

integrate and develop physiological adaptations across training periods that improve an

individual’s capacity to undertake PHIR. Targeted physiological capacities are generally

best improved during the pre-season phase, when there is no regular match-play and

travel to interfere. During this time, HIT sessions often progress their emphasis (from

cardiopulmonary to greater neuromuscular focussed sessions (see Figure 2.2), with the

aim to systematically development of the athlete’s physiological capacities. Importantly,

HIT may be easily manipulated to integrate with other training methods to maximise

physiological adaptations across these periods of training.

Figure 2.2: High-intensity interval training decision tree, considering individual drills
based on the expected acute physiological strain responses. Taken from
Buchheit and Laursen (2013b).

To increase the specificity of training in time-poor circumstances, skill-based

conditioning (including small-sided games; SSG) has become increasing popular to

develop the specific physical capabilities of match-play (Hill-Haas, Dawson,

Impellizzeri, & Coutts, 2011; Hoff, Wisloff, Engen, Kemi, & Helgerud, 2002). Through

manipulating changes in technical rules (Dellal, Lago-Penas, Wong del, & Chamari,

2011), field size and player numbers (Rampinini, Impellizzeri, Castagna, Abt, Chamari,

Sassi, & Marcora, 2007c) physiological loadings may be altered with similar longitudinal

adaptations to traditional methods reported. However, the overall random nature of the

such games, means that the overall load is problematic to standardised across individuals.

For example, SSGs are highly variable when examining measures of internal (with

reported blood lactate concentrations between 15−30% CV) and external (HIR 30–50%

CV) loads (Hill-Haas, Coutts, Rowsell, & Dawson, 2008; Hill-Haas, Rowsell, Coutts, &

Dawson, 2008). Moreover, such training methods may provide a ‘shotgun’ approach that

encompasses both physical and technical training, it may be more difficult to

systematically allow for the neuromuscular and metabolic systems to be overloaded.

Consequently, while SSGs provide specific game-based training, their unpredictability

presents difficulty when periodising the running load of athletes in team sports. As such,

HIT may provide a useful method to complement this training throughout extended

training blocks when there is greater need for specific physiological adaptation, due to

its adaptability to target differing physiological capacities and qualities with specific

outcomes (Hill-Haas et al., 2011; Hoff et al., 2002).

The manipulation of HIT can alter the physiological outcomes of training.

Depending on the desired outcome, the prescription of training may incorporate longer

(e.g. 1-2 min) efforts around vV̇O2max to emphasise the cardiorespiratory (Faisal,

Beavers, Robertson, & Hughson, 2009; Richard, Lonsdorfer-Wolf, Dufour, Doutreleau,

Oswald-Mammosser, Billat, & Lonsdorfer, 2004), skeletal muscle oxygenation

(Christmass, Dawson, & Arthur, 1999; Christmass, Dawson, Passeretto, & Arthur, 1999)

and cardiac autonomic stress (Buchheit et al., 2007; Hammami, Kasmi, Yousfi,

Bouamra, Tabka, & Bouhlel, 2016; Mourot, Bouhaddi, Tordi, Rouillon, & Regnard,

2004). Alternatively, shorter (e.g. 30 s) efforts with repeated changes of direction above

vV̇O2max increase the anaerobic glycolytic energy contribution and musculoskeletal/

neuromuscular stress (Buchheit, 2010b). However, all training stimulus will stress the

metabolic, cardiopulmonary and neuromuscular systems to varying degrees. Importantly

the periodising of HIT in team sports should recognise that each individual athlete has

their own physiological profile to appreciate their acute response to the exercise.

For example, consider ‘athlete A’; they have a high aerobic capacity (and

subsequent vV̇O2max) but low maximal sprint speed, reducing their ASR. ‘Athlete B’

has a contrary physiological profile, attaining a high maximal sprint speed but only

moderate aerobic capacity. Both these athletes may undertake the same training stimulus

but Athlete B will likely have a greater anaerobic contribution. Indeed, differences in

ASR, V̇O2max, vV̇O2max and maximal sprint speed between individual athletes are likely

to change the aerobic and anaerobic contributions to an athlete performing PHIR, which

may affect the accumulation of fatigue or performance. When prescribing HIT it is

therefore important that this training elicits relatively homogenous physiological

responses in order to reduce the variability of the associated fatigue. Conversely,

consideration for the individual physiological profile should be undertaken when

identifying appropriate methods to prescribe supramaximal HIT. The importance of ASR

has been demonstrated, as higher maximal sprint speed proceeds high vV̇O2max when

athletes are performing HIR, given the metabolic power available from anaerobic sources

(Bundle, Hoyt, & Weyand, 2003). Indeed, it has been established that ASR relates better

to time to exhaustion during HIR (above vV̇O2max) than V̇O2max (Bundle et al., 2003).

As such, it is important that ASR and maximal sprint speed should be utilised, along with

vV̇O2max when individualising supramaximal HIT.

Heart Rate HIT Prescription

Through the utilisation of many physical tests (e.g. maximal V̇O2max

treadmill protocols, 30-15IFT, MSFT), practitioners are provided with maximal heart rate

(HRmax) values for each athlete which can then be used to prescribe HIT as a percentage

of HRmax (Achten & Jeukendrup, 2003). The use of heart rate to prescribe training

intensity is based on the linear relationship between HR and V̇O2max during steady-state

submaximal workloads (Arts & Kuipers, 1994; Åstrand & Rodahl, 1986; Hopkins, 1991;

Robinson, Robinson, Hume, & Hopkins, 1991). As such, utilising HR zones to prescribe

exercise intensity may be suited to prolonged and submaximal exercise bouts (Achten &

Jeukendrup, 2003; Aubert, Seps, & Beckers, 2003). However, when prescribing HIT,

any stimulus that is performed at or above vV̇O2max suffers from a dissociation of this

linear relationship, limiting its use in team sports (Laursen & Jenkins, 2002). Whilst other

external factors such as environmental conditions, medication and hydration status may

influence the heart rate response to HIT (Lambert, Mbambo, & St Clair Gibson, 1998).

Hence, the use of heart rate to prescribe HIT is limited due to the lack of association

during supramaximal exercise.

Rating of Perceived Exertion HIT Prescription

Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) that is typically employed to quantifying

training intensity (Morgan, 1973; Robertson & Noble, 1997) and subsequent training

loads (Foster, Florhaug, Franklin, Gottschall, Hrovatin, Parker, Doleshal, & Dodge,

2001). Rating of perceived exertion is thought to better reflect exercise intensity than

isolated individual physiological variables as it integrates sensory information from

peripheral muscles and joints, central cardiovascular and respiratory functions as well as

the central nervous system (Borg, 1973). Further, RPE has been shown to correlate highly

to internal measures of TL, such as heart rate and blood lactate (Coutts, Rampinini,

Marcora, Castagna, & Impellizzeri, 2009; Noble, Borg, Jacobs, Ceci, & Kaiser, 1983)

and has been proven to be valid for intermittent exercise (Foster et al., 2001; Impellizzeri,

Rampinini, Coutts, Sassi, & Marcora, 2004). Whilst RPE has successfully been used to

prescribe exercise intensity in runners (Dantas, Doria, Rossi, Rosa, Pietrangelo, Fano-

Illic, & Nakamura, 2015), this method is seldom used in team sports for a variety of

reasons (i.e. the heterogeneity of athletes, pacing strategies, and the mentality of

conditioning sessions). Further, while this method may be valid in examining exercise

intensity, its reliability has been reported to be poor (25–40% CV) (Scott, Black, Quinn,

& Coutts, 2013; Wallace, Slattery, Impellizzeri, & Coutts, 2014). This is likely due to

the additional psychological and biomechanical (Marcora, Staiano, & Manning, 2009)

stressors imposed during exercise, which may be further influenced by external

influences (Scott et al., 2013). While this may be appropriate when examining and

monitoring the internal training load of an athlete longitudinally, these holistic

psychophysical elements may reduce the homogeneity of the exercise intensity across a


Reference Speed-Based HIT Prescription

Typically, running intensities of interval-based training sessions have been set

according to an individual’s vV̇O2max (Billat, 2001a; Billat, 2001b; Dupont, Akakpo, &

Berthoin, 2004a). Whilst this review has outlined the limitations of continuous linear and

shuttle-based field tests, they have provided the platform of prescribing exercise intensity

from physical testing. Indeed, these methods originally proposed are seen as an objective

way to individualise HIT (Billat, 2001a; Billat, 2001b; Dupont et al., 2004a) and have

provided the fundamental basis from which interval training stimulus prescription has

developed in intermittent team sports. Conceptually, in order to maximise physiological

adaptations through HIT, intensities must be prescribed using a relative speed derived

from a training outcome, accounting for athlete’s individual physical characteristics. This

method has been demonstrated to deliver a more homogenous physiological load than

absolute distances (Buchheit, 2008b; Dupont, Defontaine, Bosquet, Blondel, Moalla, &

Berthoin, 2010a). For example, Buchheit (2008b) reported that a more homogenous

metabolic demand was associated with lower inter-individual differences using 30-15IFT

performance (VIFT) as a reference speed for determining intermittent run distances that

continuously determined running speeds. Through greater standardisation of the

physiological load during HIT, performance staff are more precisely able to assess the

prescribe training process against the completed training process. Therefore, reference-

speed based HIT has become a popular conditioning tool to improve athlete physiological

deficiencies allowing for a greater consideration of the separate

cardiorespiratory/metabolic and neuromuscular/musculoskeletal strain/fatigue the

athletes are exposed to across training.


Athlete training monitoring and control systems are established on our

understanding of the relationship between the training process and training outcome (see

Figure 1.1 in Chapter I) (Impellizzeri et al., 2005). Although physiological tests (e.g. 30-

15IFT, MSFT, Yo-Yo IRT) are commonly used to assess training outcomes, the training

process is often quantified through training load (TL) (Coutts, Charmari, Rampinini, &

Impellizzeri, 2008). This concept views the external TL as the main determinant of the

internal TL response (however factors such as genetic make-up, training status and

environment affect the individual response) (Booth & Thomasson, 1991). Through the

repetition of physical training, the applied TL can be progressively overloaded,

delivering a positive adaptation to the training outcome through the monitoring of

external and internal TLs. Indeed, to integrate any conditioning training (including HIT)

performance staff must monitor and review the dose-response relationship to the

concurrent training program to provide the most effective facilitation of this stimulus.

Internal training load

It has been suggested TL is best quantified through exploring an individual’s

response to training stress (i.e. internal TL) (Impellizzeri et al., 2005). To assess internal

TL, quantification of the duration and intensity of the training session are required to

quantify the physiological stress imposed on by the training stimulus. While training

duration is easily calculated, training intensity is a more difficult measure to quantify and

is commonly quantified through measures of HR and RPE.

Heart Rate

As HR may be used to prescribe HIT, its use in monitoring the response of HIT appears

fundamental. When aiming to optimise cardiovascular adaptions during HIT, it is

believed that athletes should spend at least several minutes above 90% of V̇O2max

(T@V̇O2max) (Billat, 2001a; Buchheit & Laursen, 2013a; Midgley, McNaughton, &

Wilkinson, 2006). Given measuring T@V̇O2max is difficult and impractical to measure

in the field with large squads, HR (specifically HR > 90%max; HR90) may present a more

suitable alternative to assess the cardiopulmonary stress of HIT (Buchheit & Laursen,

2013b). However, the relationship between HR90 and T@V̇O2max is highly dependent

on the intensity and duration of work and rest periods (Buchheit & Laursen, 2013b),

whilst is likely influenced by the limitations earlier described (e.g. disassociation

between HR and exercise at supramaximal intensities (Impellizzeri et al., 2004). As such,

alternate methods of applying HR data may provide better indications for fatigue

sustained from HIT. Specifically, the ANS utilises both sympathetic and parasympathetic

modulation (Robinson, Epstein, Beiser, & Braunwald, 1966) during and following

exercise in order to maintain homeostasis (Pichot, Busso, Roche, Garet, Costes,

Duverney, Lacour, & Barthelemy, 2002). While current findings are slightly

ambiguous, it appears through monitoring indices of parasympathetic and sympathetic

modulation (including HRV, HRR and changes in HR acceleration), the

fatigue/adaptations related to HIT (and concurrent team sport training) sessions may be

better understood. As such, by examining the ANS responsiveness to changes in training

load, the body’s ability to tolerate or adapt to HIT may be better assessed (Aubert et al.,

2003; Borresen & Lambert, 2008), potentially indicating training status (Bellenger,

Fuller, Thomson, Davison, Robertson, & Buckley, 2016).


Proposed by Foster et al., (Foster et al., 2001; 1995) sRPE is an alternate method

to quantify the internal TL experienced by athletes across an exercise bout. This simple

strategy calculates internal TL by multiplying RPE (typically using Borg’s CR10 scale)

by the duration of the session (in minutes) to provide a calculated total TL that is

representative of the entire session and is presented in arbitrary units (AU). Although

originally designed for endurance athletes (Foster et al., 2001; Foster et al., 1995), this

method has since been proven valid in quantifying session intensity in intermittent

running (Foster et al., 2001; Impellizzeri et al., 2004; Scott et al., 2013).

As RPE can be used to prescribe HIT sessions, the monitoring of sRPE following

these sessions may reflect whether athletes could holistically self-regulated the session

as the coaches had planned. Importantly, the construct validity of sRPE to monitor TL in

team sports has been witnessed across rugby league (Coutts, Reaburn, Murphy, Pine, &

Impellizzeri, 2003; Gabbett & Domrow, 2007; Killen, Gabbett, & Jenkins, 2010; Lovell,

Sirotic, Impellizzeri, & Coutts, 2013), rugby union (Cunniffe, Griffiths, Proctor, Davies,

Baker, & Jones, 2010), soccer (Impellizzeri et al., 2004) and Australian football (Scott et

al., 2013). Due to the simplicity of the sRPE method to quantify internal TL, there is a

volume of research that quantifies the relationship between TLs and injury, illness,

soreness [see review from Drew and Finch (2016)]. Indeed, when aiming to evaluate the

acute and longitudinal physiological responses of HIT, it is imperative that a valid

relationship exists between prescribed load and the internal response. This philosophy

provides practitioners a starting point to assess the overload of their training program and

evaluate the prescribed TL against the actual (or completed) TL. Importantly, RPE has

been shown to be related to blood lactate during HIR (Dantas et al., 2015) and SSGs

(Coutts et al., 2009), which may help to account anaerobic metabolism incurred through

HIT, allowing greater consideration to the dose-response relationship.

External Training Load

The quantification of external TL has become more popular as more options have

become available. Within team sports, prescribing training stimulus based on external

TL (e.g. 6 x 100 m efforts) has always been an accepted tool, however an understanding

of the intensity and force of these movements is highly desired. It is important to

understand that TL is representative of the physiological responses induced by this

external TL. Consequently, although potentially valid and reliable measures of external

TL exist, this should not be done in isolation (Impellizzeri et al., 2005).

Global Positioning Systems (GPS)

The use of GPS technology to track player movement patterns (i.e. distance, HIR,

repeated sprints, accelerations) has becoming increasingly popular amongst team sports.

The ability to quantify external work completed is appealing as it provides valuable

information that quantifies the demands of match-play to assist in prescribing training.

However, despite its widespread use, the validity and reliability of these devices has been

questioned, particularly during HIR (Coutts & Duffield, 2010; Gray, Jenkins, Andrews,

Taaffe, & Glover, 2010; Scott, Scott, & Kelly, 2016b). These studies may have

implications in quantifying the intensity of running undertaken during HIT as most the

prescribed running is undertaken above these velocities (Laursen & Jenkins, 2002).

However, the increased sampling rate (10-15 Hz) of more recent GPS units aim to

overcome many limitations of earlier models allowing for greater use in accurately

quantifying movement during HIT (Scott et al., 2016b), albeit with doubts over the ability

to precisely quantify accelerations and decelerations (Buchheit, Al Haddad, Simpson,

Palazzi, Bourdon, Di Salvo, & Mendez-Villanueva, 2014).

Despite a significant amount of research evaluating match and training demands

of team sports, there appears to be little consensus on the speed zones (or thresholds)

used to define work done. Given that many team sports incorporate athletes with

substantially different physiological capacities, current methods to quantify varying

intensities of running are limited across large heterogenous team sport squads. Moreover,

as HIT is primarily undertaken at higher velocities, utilising relative speed thresholds

may provide a greater reflection of the HIR undertaken by the individual having

implications when assessing the integration of this work into training programs. Owing

to this, there have been recent efforts to better understand physical demands of sports

using relative thresholds (Abt & Lovell, 2009; Gabbett, 2015). For example, Gabbett

(2015) analysed youth rugby league match-play using absolute and relative thresholds,

relative to a players’ individual peak velocity. This study reported that HIR distance,

when expressed in relative thresholds, increased in slower players and decreased in faster

players. Further, it has been revealed that distance covered at high-intensity is

substantially underestimated when HIR is reported as a function of an individual’s

second ventilatory threshold (VT2) (determined from expired gas-analysis during an

incremental treadmill test) compared to absolute thresholds (> 5.5 m·s-1) (Abt & Lovell,

2009). Similarly, Clarke et al., (2015) evaluated utilising VT2 as a reference speed for

HIR in rugby sevens, demonstrating absolute thresholds (> 5.0 m·s-1) may over- or

underestimate HIR by up to 14% during match-play. Whilst the proposed VT2 speed

threshold appears an appropriate physiological marker in examining HIR, its application

in team sports may be limited due to the impracticality of regular laboratory testing for

large squads (Abt & Lovell, 2009). Importantly, when evaluating the integration of HIT

into training programs, it may be that using relative thresholds allows for more precise

feedback of the HIR load. As such, practitioners may better understand the dose-response

relationship allowing for greater precision in the planning of future training stimulus.

Collectively, GPS technology remains an important tool when integrating HIT

into a training program. When examining changes in the internal response of athletes,

it’s important that performance have a representation of the external determinants

undertaken. The quantification of external workloads based from individual

physiological thresholds may further integrate the relationship between these two

capacities. Through the understanding of each individuals’ external load across all

training, practitioners are able to adopt how to best implement HIT strategies into

concurrent training to maximise physiological adaptations, whilst minimising injury

occurrence. Moreover, these methods may give greater insights into the external factors

of HIT prescription, understanding if the relative loads undertaken are comparable to the

prescribed loadings.


When aiming to optimise the physical and physiological capacities of team

sport athletes, it is imperative to recognise the relationship between the training outcome

and training process. To achieve the desired physiological adaptations, training programs

must incorporate specifically prescribed conditioning for individuals (taking into account

current trained state, training history and physiological demands of match-play) whilst

monitoring and reviewing the dose-response relationship to this training stimulus. Due

to an increased understanding of the physical demands of team sport match-play,

practitioners have shifted to utilise tests that examine physical capacities with greater

transference to the demands of their sport. These physical tests may allow for a greater

depiction of changes in the training outcome altered through physiological adaptations

derived from specific training programs (considered training process). High-intensity

interval training sessions have been typically prescribed to induce physiological

adaptations specific to team sport athletes, typically as a percentage of an individual’s

vV̇O2max. However, the limitations concerning the ability to test these qualities (such as

PHIR) and subsequently prescribe movement specific HIT protocols have recently been

recognized (Buchheit, 2008b). When planning HIT sessions, the physiological capacities

associated within team sports performance (i.e. individual players’ inter-effort recovery,

acceleration, deceleration and change of direction ability, aerobic capacity, ASR) must

be considered before prescribing individualised HIT strategies. As such, the 30-15IFT has

recently been developed to overcome these limitations, allowing for the prescription of

HIT strategies from the final speed attained during testing.

Given that both aerobic capacities and repeated high-intensity efforts are vital

to team-sport match performance, the progressive overload of these HIT sessions must

aim to integrate and develop the cardiopulmonary, neuromuscular/musculoskeletal and

metabolic systems across training periods. However, appropriately periodising these

processes within training can be problematic when attempting to evoke homogenous

responses within a heterogenous athlete population. Utilising HR- and RPE- referenced

HIT may be appealing as it is a direct evaluation of the internal TL experienced by the

athlete, although both methods are limited by various physiological or psychophysical

factors. Alternatively, utilising reference-speed based prescription, such as VIFT provided

from the 30-15IFT, results in a more homogenous physiological response across team

sport athletes (Buchheit, 2008b).

The training dose-response relationship should be understood to maximise

the likelihood of optimal athletic performance and reduce the negative effects of this

relationship. Through considering how athletes tolerate the training process prescribed

by the training outcome allows interventions to be applied within a periodised plan to

deliver a positive training outcome. This relationship between the training process and

training outcome provides the basis of training theory and the foundation from which

training monitoring and control systems are developed (Coutts et al., 2008). However,

owing to the multifaceted nature of the activity profile and energy supply in team sport

match-play, the quantification of this concept requires measures across internal and

external TL, combined with an understanding of the individual athlete. Training load

monitoring systems should be intuitive, provide efficient data analysis and interpretation,

and enable reporting of simple and valid feedback that promotes meaningful changes

(Halson, 2014). Consequently, suitable monitoring of individual TLs may allow coaches

to implement interventions to reduce injury risk and allow for greater optimisation of the

training stimulus. Ultimately this feedback loop, quantifying the physiological capacities

associated with the specific running demands in team sports, prescribing relevant training

stimulus (including HIT) and the monitoring systems employed to examine the training

process, must be aimed at improving the capacity for the athlete to perform during

training and match-play. Through the utilisation and manipulation of HIT strategies, this

training stimulus may provide an effective way to develop and optimise these

physiological adaptations.

Chapter III

The reliability and usefulness of the 30-15 Intermittent

Fitness Test in rugby league

This chapter is based on the peer-reviewed paper accepted and published in the Journal

of Strength and Conditioning Research:

Scott, T. J., Delaney, J. A., Duthie, G. M., Sanctuary, C. E., Ballard, D. A., Hickmans J.

A. and Dascombe, B. J. (2015). Reliability and usefulness of the 30-15 Intermittent

Fitness Test in Rugby League. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29 (7),

1985 – 1990.

Statement of Joint Authorship and Author Contribution

Tannath J. Scott (candidate)

Jace A. Delaney

• Critical revision of the manuscript

Grant M. Duthie

• Conception of study; drafting and critical revision of manuscript

Colin E. Sanctuary

• Data Collection

David A. Ballard

• Data Collection

Jeremy A. Hickmans

• Data Collection

Ben J. Dascombe

• Conception of study; drafting and critical revision of manuscript


This study examined the reliability and usefulness of the 30-15 Intermittent

Fitness Test (30-15IFT) within rugby league. Fifty-five elite-junior rugby league players

participated in the study. These included representative players from Under 16’s (n=19,

15.6 ± 0.3 y, 78.1 kg ± 10.9 kg), Under 18’s (n=21, 17.4 ± 0.5 y, 86.9 ± 11.2 kg) and

Under 20’s (n=15, 19.4 ± 0.5 y, 95.9 ± 8.7 kg) squads within a professional rugby league

club. Players performed the 30-15IFT twice within nine days of each other. Maximal

intermittent running velocity (VIFT) and heart rate at exhaustion (HRpeak) were collected

for both tests. Intra-class coefficients (ICC) for the ‘Combined’ and Under 20’s were

very large (r > 0.7); while the ICC for Under 16’s and Under 18’s were almost perfect (r

> 0.9). Coefficients of variation (%CV) for VIFT were 1.9% (95% CI, 1.6-2.4) for the

combined test-retest of the 30-15IFT and 0.6% (0.5-1.0) for HRpeak. As the typical error

of measurement (TE) (0.36 km.h-1) was greater than the smallest worthwhile change

(SWC) (0.2 km.h-1) value, the usefulness of the VIFT was rated as ‘Marginal’. The TE for

HRpeak was similar to the SWC, rating the usefulness of this variable as ‘OK’. Despite

the usefulness of the 30-15IFT being deemed ‘marginal’, a change as small as 0.5 km.h-1

(1 stage) in VIFT was considered substantial or ‘real’. As a consequence, the 30-15IFT

presents both a reliable and useful field test to assess intermittent fitness within rugby

league players.

Key Words: intermittent fitness, testing, maximum heart rate


Rugby League is a physically demanding contact sport that involves frequent

high-intensity movements (e.g. repeated high-speed running, sprint efforts and tackling)

that are interspersed with periods of low intensity activity (e.g. standing, walking and

jogging) (Austin & Kelly, 2013; Sirotic, Knowles, Catterick, & Coutts, 2011). Given this

high-intensity intermittent nature, rugby league players must possess a well-trained high-

intensity intermittent running ability in addition to a V̇O2max. Time motion analysis

studies have demonstrated the intermittent nature of rugby league match-play finding

that players playing in the Australian-based National Rugby League (NRL) competition

spend between 10-17% of total match time undertaking high-intensity running

movements that typically present in short bursts (Austin & Kelly, 2013; King, Jenkins,

& Gabbett, 2009; Sirotic et al., 2011). Moreover, a recent study of positional match

demands over a complete rugby league season found that high-intensity running (> 14

km.h-1) contributed to 14% and 17% of the distance covered by forwards and backs,

respectively (Austin & Kelly, 2013). Further to these intermittent running demands,

Sirotic et al. (2011) reported that players perform 30 or more sprints per match although

these rarely exceed 50-m or 6-s. These sprint distances (mean value) ranged from 16.0-

m for the fullback to 21.1-m for the other outside backs (centre and winger). Moreover,

this study reported mean recovery periods between sprint bouts varied from 149-s to 284-

s depending on positions. Collectively, these findings highlight that rugby league match

play is highly intermittent, providing valuable information for testing and training.

In addition, past research has also demonstrated the high aerobic demands of

rugby league match-play (Austin & Kelly, 2013; McLellan, Lovell, & Gass, 2011; Sirotic

et al., 2011). Gabbett and colleagues (2011b) recently reported that estimated V̇O2max

could discriminate between elite (55.7 ± 2.9 and regional (53.2 ± 3.9 players. Importantly, this might reflect past observations that an

individual’s V̇O2max may be a central factor in the recovery process between high-

intensity efforts, as well as positively associated with prolonged high-intensity running

exercise performance (Sirotic & Coutts, 2007). It has recently been demonstrated

(Gabbett, Stein, Kemp, & Lorenzen, 2013) that professional rugby league players with a

greater PHIR ability (classed as ‘high fitness’) covered significantly more total distance

(6800 ± 1969 m and 4535 ± 1326 m, respectively), high-speed distance (> 18 km.h-1)

(490 ± 141 m and 336 ±159 m, respectively) and played more time (70.1 ± 20.6 min and

47.5 ± 13.9 min, respectively) during a match than ‘low fitness’ individuals. Therefore,

it is reasonable to suggest that improvements in V̇O2max may significantly influence

match-play performance in rugby league. Taken together, the collective sprint

requirements and aerobic demands demonstrate the intermittent nature of rugby league

match play.

As such, there is considerable value for rugby league conditioning and

coaching staff to be able to assess V̇O2peak and HIR ability to monitor the effectiveness

of implemented conditioning regimes. Historically, V̇O2peak in field-based sports has

been routinely assessed using either the MSFT or the Yo-Yo IRT tests. Nonetheless,

these protocols have limitations in the testing and prescription of these highlighted

physiological capacities for intermittent team sport athletes (Buchheit, 2008b). For

example, the MSFT may obtain a maximal running velocity, however certain

physiological determinants of intermittent performance (e.g. inter-effort recovery ability

and anaerobic reserve capacity) are not evaluated (Haydar et al., 2011). In contrast the

Yo-Yo IRT examine these physiological determinants, providing a measurement of

aerobic intermittent performance, yet they do not deliver a reference speed that can be

used in the prescription of high-intensity intermittent runs (Buchheit, 2008b; Krustrup et

al., 2005).

Recently, the 30-15IFT has provided a practical alternative to the commonly

used field tests mentioned above (Buchheit, 2010a; Buchheit et al., 2009b; Haydar et al.,

2011; Mosey, 2009). The 30-15IFT is an intermittent, incremental shuttle-run test that is

designed to elicit HRpeak and V̇O2peak, in addition to providing an overall measure of

intermittent fitness (Buchheit et al., 2009a). The validity and reliability of the 30-15IFT

has recently been demonstrated among basketball, handball and ice hockey cohorts

(Buchheit, 2008b; Buchheit et al., 2011b). What makes this test appealing to practitioners

is its validity in the individual prescription of high-intensity intermittent running,

utilising the final running velocity (VIFT) reached at the end of the 30-15IFT (Buchheit,

2008b), overcoming the previous limitations of field-based tests discussed above. As

such, prescribing training based on VIFT appears to increase the homogeneity across the

playing group and further standardising training content at a team level (Buchheit,

2008b). In addition the 30-15IFT has been perceived to be less “painful” than continuous

field-based tests in 70% of team sport athletes examined (Buchheit, 2005a).

Despite the specificity of this test to rugby league, no literature has

investigated the validity and reliability of the 30-15IFT in rugby league. Due to the greater

body mass of rugby league players, it is likely that they would be required to produce a

greater mechanical and metabolic load throughout the movement patterns involved in the

30-15IFT (Buchheit et al., 2014; Haydar et al., 2011). Therefore, it is essential to re-

investigate the reliability of this test among this population. The primary aim of the

present study was to examine the reliability (including both VIFT and HRpeak) of the 30-

15IFT within rugby league. A secondary purpose of the study was to assess the usefulness

of the 30-15IFT among this cohort.


Experimental Approach to the Problem

In order to standardise testing, all tests were performed at the end of the pre-

season period before the competitive season. To limit the circadian effect on

performance, as well as to reduce the effect of external factors (such as heat), the testing

procedures were either performed during the morning period (9.00 – 11.00 h) or evening

period (16.00 – 18.00 h), when team practice usually took place. Testing sessions were

repeated within nine days of each other. Two weeks prior to testing, subjects underwent

a familiarisation session so they were aware of the running patterns and audio signals of

the 30-15IFT. Players were asked to refrain from undertaking any strenuous exercise in

the 24-hour period prior to testing. Due to the specificity of the test and subsequent

conditioning prescription, players tested in their training clothes and own football boots.

The team dietician provided nutritional and hydration strategies to all players as per club

guidelines. In order to ensure sufficient carbohydrate intake during this week, nutritional

records were taken as was typical of club player monitoring policy. All sessions were

performed in temperatures between 21-24°C. Reliability of the 30-15IFT was examined

using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) as well as the typical error of

measurement (TE), expressed as a coefficient of variation (%CV), similar to methods

previously reported (Buchheit et al., 2011b).


The subject pool (n=55) was comprised of players competing in the NSW

Harold Matthews competition (Under 16’s) (n=19, 15.6 ± 0.3 y, 176.6 ± 6.3 cm, 78.1 kg

± 10.9 kg, 62.2 ± 22.3 mm Σ7 skinfold), in the NSW S.G Ball competition (Under 18’s)

(n=21, 17.4 ± 0.5 y, 178.8 ± 5.5 cm, 86.9 ± 11.2 kg, 65.8 ± 20.8 mm) and in the National

Youth Competition (Under 20’s) (n=15, 19.4 ± 0.5 y, 95.9 ± 8.7 kg, 185.2 ± 3.3 cm, 67.8

± 15.1 mm). Players completing in both the Harold Matthews and S. G Ball competition

were involved in 5.9 ± 0.7 hr.wk-1 of physical training, while players from the Nation

Youth Competition completed 10.8 ± 2.1 hr.wk-1. Players were familiarised with the

testing protocols in the week prior to completing the test-retest trials. All players

provided written informed consent prior to participation and were cleared of injury by

the team’s medical staff prior to completing the testing sessions. Parental or guardian

consent was obtained before junior players were permitted to participate. The University

of Newcastle Human Research Ethics committee approved the study methods (HREC

no: H-2013-0283).


The 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test

The 30-15IFT consists of 30-s shuttle runs interspersed with 15-s periods of

passive recovery. The initial running velocity was set at 8 km.h-1 for the first 30-s run and

increased by 0.5 km.h-1 for every subsequent 45-s stage. Players ran back and forth

between two lines set 40-m apart at a pace governed by a pre-recorded beep. This pacing

strategy allowed subjects to run at appropriate intervals and helped them adjust their

running speed as they entered into 3-m zones at each end as well as the middle (20-m

line) when a short beep sounds (Figure 3.1). During the 15-s recovery period, each player

walked forward to the closest of the three lines (at the middle or at one end of the running

area, depending on where the previous stage was completed), in preparation for the next

stage. The test ended when a player could no longer maintain the imposed running speed

or when they were unable to reach a 3-m zone around each line at the moment of the

audio signal on three consecutive occasions. If players were unable to complete the stage,

then their score was recorded as the stage that they last completed successfully, and the

running velocity recorded as their maximal 30-15IFT running velocity (VIFT) (Buchheit,

2005b; Buchheit, 2008b).

Figure 3.1: Schematic representation of the 30-15IFT. Taken from Buchheit (2008b).

Heart Rate Measurement

Heart rate (HR) was recorded for a sub-sample (n=13) of (NYC) players using

Polar T2 system using R-R technology (Polar Electro Oy, Finland). Heart rate was

continually recorded at 1 Hz throughout each 30-15IFT. Peak HR (HRpeak) was recorded

as the highest HR recorded during the final 30-s of the test.

Statistical Analysis

Data are presented as either mean ± SD or mean with 95% confidence

intervals (95% CI) where specified. The distribution of each variable was examined using

the Shapiro-Wilk normality test, and homogeneity of variance was verified with the

Levene test. Paired sample t-tests were used to identify any significant differences

between test-retest data. Change in mean between trials, ICC and TE, expressed as a CV,

were calculated through an available online spreadsheet (Hopkins, 2015). As a criterion

to declare the variable reliable, the CV was set at <5% (Hopkins, 2000). Hopkins (2004)

has previously proposed that the smallest worthwhile change (SWC) is significant in the

assessment of performance markers due to the noise associated with physical testing. As

such, the SWC was calculated between trials for the final velocity reached at the

completion of the test (equal to 0.2 multiplied by the between subject SD, based on

Cohen’s effect principle) (Hopkins, Schabort, & Hawley, 2001). In line with previous

research, if the TE was higher than the SWC, the evaluation of test was ‘marginal’, if the

TE was similar to the SWC, the evaluation was ‘OK’; and if the TE was less than the

SWC, an evaluation of ‘good’ was given to the test (Weir, 2005).


Data Collection

Due to difficulties such as injury and illness, several players (n=5) were

unavailable for both testing days. These players were removed from the study with the

final sample size (n=55) reflective of the number of players who completed both test-

retest sessions. The HR data presented represents a sub-sample of 13 players from the

NYC (U20’s) Squad.


The change in mean between trials is reported in Table 3.1, while TE, ICC

and CV% are presented in Table 3.2. These tables report reliability values for each age

group as well as playing position. The CV (%) values reported (1.9%) are less than what

is typically required to be deemed reliable (<5%). This finding is consistent across all

ages and all playing positional groups. An example of the individual heart rate responses

during the repeated 30-15IFT trials is illustrated in Figure 3.2 for one subject. Pairwise

analysis revealed no significant differences between either V IFT or HRpeak (p < 0.05)

between the two trials.

Table 3.1: Mean (± SD) maximal intermittent running velocity (VIFT) observed for the
30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (30-15IFT).

VIFT (km.h-1)
30-15IFT Players Trial 1 Trial 2 ∆
NYC (U20’s) 15 18.3 ± 0.8 18.4 ± 0.8 0.1 ± 0.5
SG Ball (U18’s) 21 18.5 ± 1.2 18.6 ± 1.3 0.1 ± 0.5
Harold Matthews (U16’s) 19 18.4 ± 1.0 18.6 ± 1.0 0.1 ± 0.5
Combined 55 18.4 ± 1.0 18.5 ± 1.1 0.1 ± 0.5
. -1
Heart Rate (b min )
NYC Sub-sample 13 194 ± 6 194 ± 6 -0.1 ± 1.8

Table 3.2: Measures of reliability for maximal intermittent running velocity (VIFT) and peak heart rate (HRpeak) during the 30-15 Intermittent
Fitness Test (30-15IFT).
Players ICC TE (95% CI) (95% CI) CV (%) (95% CI) SWC Test Rating


NYC (U20’s) 15 0.83 0.36 (0.26 - 0.57) (0.56 - 0.94) 2 (1.4 - 3.1) 0.16 Marginal

SG Ball (U18’s) 21 0.92 0.37 (0.29 - 0.54) (0.81 - 0.97) 2.1 (1.6 - 3.0) 0.25 Marginal

Harold Matthews (U16’s) 19 0.94 0.25 (0.19 - 0.38) (0.86 - 0.98) 1.8 (1.3 - 2.7) 0.22 OK

Combined 55 0.89 0.36 (0.30 - 0.44) (0.81 - 0.93) 1.9 (1.6 - 2.4) 0.21 Marginal

Heart Rate (b.min-1)

NYC Sub-sample 13 0.96 1 b.min-1 (0.89 – 2.05) (0.89 - 0.99) 0.6 (0.5 - 1.0) 1 b.min-1 OK

ICC = intraclass correlation coefficient; TE = typical error of measurement; CI = confidence intervals; CV = coefficient of variation; SWC = smallest worthwhile change

Test Usefulness

Typical error of measurement values for VIFT was slightly greater than the

calculated SWC, so it was classified as ‘Marginal’ for this variable (Table 3.2). Typical

error of measurement values for HRpeak was similar to the calculated SWC, rating the

usefulness of this variable as ‘OK’.


190 Trial 1
Trial 2

HR (beat.min-1)








Time (s)

Figure 3.2: Heart rate (HR) response to the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test during two
different trials [Trial 1 (black) and Trial 2 (grey)] in a representative subject.


The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and usefulness of the

30-15IFT within rugby league players. It was suggested that due to the separate

morphological profiles, physiological and physical characteristics of rugby league

players, the reliability of the 30-15IFT may have differed when compared to previously

examined cohorts (e.g. Ice hockey and European handball players). The main finding of

the present study was that the 30-15IFT showed good reliability across all playing groups

within rugby league.

In agreement with previous research, our study showed that the reliability of

the 30-15IFT was very good, with a TE of 0.36 km.h-1 (CV 1.9%). These values are very

similar to that reported previously by Buchhiet (2005b), who demonstrated the test-retest

reliability of the 30-15IFT to be very good (TE of 0.30 and CV value of 1.7%) among 20

regional-to-national level European handball players. Additionally, this result is

comparable to findings previously reported in similar field based tests such as the Yo-

Yo IRT1 [%CV for distance completed of 4.9-8.7% (Krustrup & Bangsbo, 2001; Thomas

et al., 2006)] and Yo-Yo IRT2 [%CV values for distance completed of 7-13% (Bangsbo

et al., 2008; Krustrup et al., 2006a; Thomas et al., 2006). Indeed, Thomas et al (2006)

examined the reliability of the Yo-Yo IRT1 among 16 recreationally active subjects, and

reported %CV values for distance completed of 8.7%, Yo-Yo IRT1 scores of 1.9% and

a TE of 0.26. Further, the present study found the ICC of 30-15IFT was very similar to

that previously reported for the Yo-Yo IRT1 [ICC of 0.89 and 0.95 (p < 0.01),


Interestingly, a recent study examining the relationship between the

performance of the Yo-Yo IRT1 and the 30-15IFT were strongly correlated (r = 0.75)

(Buchheit & Rabbani, 2014). The sensitivity across an 8-week training intervention

between the two tests was also similar, despite these tests evaluating slightly different

physiological capacities (Buchheit & Rabbani, 2014). Given that these tests are

exhaustive, they incorporate complex physiological components (including

cardiopulmonary, metabolic and neuromuscular related elements) that may vary and

subsequently affect performance differently on a daily basis (Bangsbo et al., 2008), the

reliability results appear particularly significant.

A further aim of the study was to evaluate the reliability of HRpeak assessed

from the 30-15IFT. The reliability of HR measures (Table 3.2, Figure 3.2) supports

previous research that has examined the reliability of HRpeak during a modified 30-15IFT

on ice, reporting a CV value of 0.7% (Buchheit et al., 2011b). Although the sample size

used to investigate the reliability of HRpeak was small (Hopkins et al., 2001), previous

research examining similar protocols with a comparable magnitude of subjects (n = 12),

concluded that the good reliability likely limits the effect of the smaller sample size used

(Buchheit et al., 2011b). Collectively, these results may be indicative of the specificity

of this test to rugby league players in an ecologically valid environment. However, before

this conclusion can be drawn, it is important to further investigate the validity of the 30-

15IFT and the contributing factors of this performance in rugby league.

A secondary purpose of the study was to assess the usefulness of the 30-15IFT

among a rugby league cohort. Despite the usefulness of the 30-15IFT being deemed

‘marginal’, it must be noted that both the TE and SWC change were less than an

increment of 1 stage. Therefore, from a practical point of view, a change as small as 0.5

km.h-1 (1 stage) in VIFT could be considered substantial or ‘real’. Although suggesting a

SWC based on a whole squad’s data could be considered a ‘blanket approach’, it might

be deliberated as more appropriate for coaching and conditioning staff in a field setting.

Indeed, it may be more accurate to calculate the inter-individual SWC [CV x 0.2, half of

CV] (Hopkins, 2004). However, this would require a large amount of individual testing

results to be deemed sensitive, as well as specific spreadsheets that make this method

impractical for large squad’s in team sports, particularly when there are high levels of

homogeneity among the squad (Buchheit et al., 2011b). The results of this study support

previous findings that a change of 1 stage is meaningful (Buchheit, 2005b; Buchheit,

2010a). Additionally, the usefulness of the HRpeak measures taken from the tests was

rated as ‘OK’ (Table 3.2). It may then be concluded that HRpeak can be reliably measured

using the 30-15IFT. However, due to the relationship between field-based V̇O2max tests

and HRpeak, supplementary examination into the validity of this measurement against a

gold standard V̇O2max protocol is justified amongst this present population group.

The outcome of the present study suggests the 30-15IFT is a reliable test among

a rugby league cohort. Rugby league players are typically mesomorphically built and are

therefore physically different to previously examined players (e.g. European Handball).

Moreover, the present study has provided evidence to coaching staff within similar team

sports (e.g. rugby union) on what may be considered a ‘real’ change as well as

establishing the usefulness of this test within rugby league. Although this study provides

an assessment on the reliability of this test, further studies may focus on the validity and

contributing factors of 30-15IFT performance in order to establish further relationships

between 30-15IFT, rugby league and its specificity to training regimes. Research may aim

at more acutely examining the results of this data across positional groups as well as

playing level. It may be reasonable to suggest that due to the morphological differences

between forwards and backs, the current test may be able to distinguish playing groups.

Indeed, recent evidence has suggested various anthropometric measurements and

V̇O2max can differentiate between levels of competition (Gabbett et al., 2011b).

Therefore, future studies may focus on examining the influence of playing levels on 30-

15IFT, given the contribution of these former characteristics to 30-15IFT performance.


A limitation of the current manuscript was the absence of grass length and

ground hardness from the test-retest analysis. Whilst this is unlikely to make a large

difference, given the test was performed with nine days of each other on the same ground,

it may be noted when interpreting the results.


The 30-15IFT is a reliable and useful test to concurrently evaluate PHIR ability

in rugby league players. From our results, it is reasonable to suggest the 30-15IFT is

reproducible and specific to rugby league players. The test is inexpensive, can

simultaneously accommodate testing around 20 players comfortably, can be completed

within 30 minutes, and requires little equipment and resources. The strong practicality of

this test is that it can be accurately used for prescribing intermittent shuttle running

compared to other similar field tests (Buchheit, 2008b). It is suggested that the 30-15IFT

is appropriate to monitor the intermittent fitness specific to rugby league players, and

other team sports (e.g. rugby union, Australian football). Based on the TE and SWC

values presented in this study, a change of 1 stage (0.5 km.h-1) can be interpreted as a

‘real’ change in performance. Due to the nature of the testing environment, it is suggested

that the interpretation of data must take into account of weather and ground conditions.

Chapter IV

The validity and contributing physiological factors to 30-

15 Intermittent Fitness Test performance in rugby league

This chapter is based on the peer-reviewed paper accepted and published in the Journal

of Strength and Conditioning Research:

Scott, T. J., Delaney, J. A., Duthie, G. M., Sanctuary, C. E., Ballard, D. A., Hickmans J.

A. and Dascombe, B. J. (2017). The validity and contributing physiological factors to 30-

15 Intermittent Fitness Test performance in rugby league. Journal of Strength and

Conditioning Research, 31(9), 2409 – 2416.

Statement of Joint Authorship and Author Contribution

Tannath J. Scott (candidate)

Grant M. Duthie

• Conception of study; Data collection; drafting and critical revision of manuscript

Jace A. Delaney

• Data collection; Critical revision of the manuscript

Colin E. Sanctuary

• Drafting of the manuscript

David A. Ballard

• Data collection

Jeremy A. Hickmans

• Data collection

Ben J. Dascombe

• Conception of study; drafting the article; critical revision of manuscript


This study examined the validity of the 30-15IFT within rugby league. Sixty-

Three Australian elite and junior-elite rugby league players (22.5 ± 4.5 y, 96.1. kg ± 9.5

kg, Σ7 skinfolds: 71.0 ± 18.7 mm) from a professional club participated in this study.

Players were assessed for anthropometry (body mass, Σ7 skinfolds, lean mass index),

prolonged high-intensity intermittent running (PHIR; measured by 30-15IFT), predicted

aerobic capacity (V̇O2maxMSFT) and power (average aerobic speed; AAS), speed (40 m

sprint), repeated sprint and change of direction (COD; 505 agility test) ability prior to

and following an 11-week pre-season training period. Validity of the 30-15IFT was

established using Pearson’s coefficient correlations. Forward stepwise regression model

identified the fewest variables that could explain VIFT and changes within 30-15IFT

performance. Significant correlations between VIFT and Σ7 skinfolds, repeated sprint

decrement, V̇O2maxMSFT and average aerobic speed were observed. A total of 71.8% of

the adjusted variance in 30-15IFT performance was explained using a 4 step best fit model

(V̇O2maxMSFT, 61.4%; average aerobic speed, 4.7%; maximal velocity, 4.1%; lean mass

index, 1.6%). Across the training period, 25% of the variance was accounted by Δ

V̇O2maxMSFT (R2 = 0.25). These relationships suggest the 30-15IFT is a valid test of PHIR

within rugby league. Poor correlations were observed with measures of acceleration,

speed and COD. These findings demonstrate that whilst the 30-15IFT is a valid measure

of PHIR, it also simultaneously examines various physiological capacities that differ

between sporting cohorts.

Key Words: high-intensity interval training, testing, team sports


In rugby league, players are often required to repeat high-intensity efforts

match play. These efforts include repeated sprints, PHIR, jumping, tackling and/or

collisions (Bangsbo, 2000a; Johnston, Gabbett, & Jenkins, 2014; Twist, Highton,

Waldron, Edwards, Austin, & Gabbett, 2014), typically which occur at decisive efforts

during match-play (Austin et al., 2011). Subsequently, the ability to repeat high-intensity

efforts is a desirable physiological attribute. High-intensity interval training is commonly

used as an effective means to improve the physiological qualities (including

cardiorespiratory, metabolic and neuromuscular related elements) associated with high-

intensity efforts (Buchheit & Laursen, 2013a; Buchheit & Laursen, 2013b). High-

intensity interval training sessions have been typically prescribed using an individual’s

V̇O2max or MAS, traditionally measured through either a laboratory based treadmill test

or estimated from field-based tests such as, the MSFT (Ramsbottom et al., 1988) or the

Yo-Yo IRT (Bangsbo, 1994). Interestingly, the limitations concerning the ability to test

these qualities (such as PHIR) and subsequently prescribe movement specific HIT

protocols have recently been recognized (Buchheit, 2008b). For example, the MSFT may

obtain an estimated V̇O2max, yet does not evaluate many qualities of intermittent

performance (e.g. inter-effort recovery ability) (Haydar et al., 2011). In contrast the Yo-

Yo IRT1 and Yo-Yo IRT2 examine these physiological determinants without delivering

a reference speed that can be used in the prescription of HIT (Buchheit, 2008b; Krustrup

et al., 2005).

The 30-15IFT is a graded intermittent shuttle based field test that is both valid

and reliable in the individual assessment of PHIR ability (as described in Chapter III)

(Buchheit, 2008b; Haydar et al., 2011; Scott, Delaney, Duthie, Sanctuary, Ballard,

Hickmans, & Dascombe, 2015). The 30-15IFT incorporates many physiological capacities

associated within team sports performance; including, individual players’ inter-effort

recovery, acceleration, deceleration and COD ability, aerobic capacity, PHIR ability

(Buchheit, 2008b; Haydar et al., 2011). In addition, VIFT has been demonstrated to

provide lower inter-individual differences in the prescription of HIT than previous

methods (Buchheit, 2008b). As a result, when compared to prescribing HIT based off

vV̇O2max, the use of VIFT has been shown to elicit greater homogenous cardiorespiratory

responses during HIT (Billat & Koralsztein, 1996; Buchheit, 2008b). Whist this has great

application in the prescription of HIT within team sports, it is vital that practitioners

understand how these separate physiological capacities are associated to individual V IFT

performance. Therefore, it is important to determine and understand the link between

traditional physiological factors and performance in the 30-15IFT.

The shuttle-based, intermittent nature of the 30-15IFT, appears specific to the

movement patterns of rugby league (Austin et al., 2011; Waldron, Twist, Highton,

Worsfold, & Daniels, 2011). Whilst the 30-15IFT has been shown to be valid as a test of

PHIR ability, this has been primarily conducted in basketball, soccer, handball and ice

hockey (Buchheit, 2008b; Buchheit et al., 2011b). Compared to straight line running, the

180 degree COD required for shuttle running typical of HIT training may elicit higher

HR, RPE and blood lactate due to greater anaerobic energy requirement (Buchheit,

Bishop, Haydar, Nakamura, & Ahmaidi, 2010; Buchheit, Millet, Parisy, Pourchez,

Laursen, & Ahmaidi, 2008). While the 30-15IFT incorporates the ability of an individual

to tolerate these directional changes, it is theorised that the ability to change direction

may be affected by greater mass, due to the increased inertia and thus superior

proportional impulse required to decelerate and re-accelerate (Frost et al., 2010). Due to

this, it has been suggested that heavier team sport athletes would experience a greater

mechanical and metabolic load throughout the 30-15IFT compared to previously assessed

cohorts (e.g. soccer or European handball players) (Darrall-Jones et al., 2015). Therefore,

it is important that the validity of the 30-15IFT is re-examined within this specific

mesomorphic sporting demographic.

The purpose of this study was to: 1) investigate and re-examine the validity

of the 30-15IFT among a typically mesomorphic population that may exhibit altered

responses during PHIR; 2) explore the contribution of physiological functions to V IFT

across positional groups in rugby league, and; 3) explore and understand what contributes

to changes in VIFT across a rugby league pre-season.


Experimental Approach to the Problem

In order to assess the validity of the 30-15IFT, as well as the contributing

factors to VIFT, a battery of field and laboratory tests was completed within a cohort study

design. The testing battery was designed to examine isolated physical and physiological

capacities in order to examine this validity. Participants were required to complete the

30-15IFT (to assess PHIR ability), MSFT (estimated V̇O2max), 2000-m time trial (average

aerobic speed), 40-m maximal sprint (maximal speed) and 5-0-5 test (COD ability). All

participants undertook these tests were at two periods; 1) the beginning of the pre-season

phase (following two weeks of pre-conditioning); 2) At the end of the pre-season training

period (11 weeks later). Longitudinal analysis across the training period (11 weeks) was

limited to 47 participants due to player availability during second the testing period.

Further, due to unforeseen circumstances the 2000-m time trial was not repeated in the

second testing period and hence this variable was removed from training period

longitudinal analysis.

To further examine the validity of the 30-15IFT within rugby league, a sub-

sample of players (n = 9) were selected to undertake assessment of repeated-sprint ability

and laboratory assessment of V̇O2max. The V̇O2max test was conducted 3 days following

the final day of the original testing battery, and the repeated speed test was performed

after a further two days of recovery. As with the original testing procedure, players were

asked to refrain from undertaking any strenuous exercise in the 24-hour period prior to

testing. Participants were separated into positional groups for further analysis as follows:

outside backs (fullbacks, wingers and centres), adjustables (hookers, halfbacks and five-

eights), edge-forwards (back-rowers) and hit-up forwards (props and locks).


Sixty-three Australian elite (n=37; 25.0 ± 4.5 y, 98.2 kg ± 9.2 kg, Σ7

skinfolds: 67.7 ± 15.3 mm) and junior-elite Rugby League players (n=26; 19.0 ± 0.6 y,

93.1 kg ± 9.4 kg, Σ7 skinfolds: 75.8 ± 22.4 mm) from a professional rugby league club

participated in this study. These participants included professional players competing in

the elite Australian NRL competition (n=37), and players competing in the NYC (Under

20’s) (n=26). To aid a greater understanding of the specific mesomorphic population and

data attained, a sub-sample of players (n=9; 19.3 ± 0.4 y, 95.8 ± 9.1 kg, Σ7 skinfolds:

83.7 ± 17.0 mm) were selected for further testing. All participants underwent medical

screening and did not present any contraindications for vigorous exercise. Subjects were

informed of the study and gave their written informed consent prior to participation.

Parental or guardian consent was obtained before junior players were permitted to

participate. The Institutional Human Ethics Committee approved all experimental

procedures (HREC no: H-2013-0283).


To limit the circadian effect on performance as well as to reduce the effect of

external factors (such as heat), the testing procedures were largely performed during the

morning period (0900 – 1100 h). The only distinction was the 2000-m time trial, which

was performed in the afternoon (1500 – 1700 h). All sessions were performed in

temperatures between 20-24°C. Each subject completed testing over 3 separate sessions

with at least 48 h recovery between sessions. Anthropometrical measurements (mass, Σ7

skinfolds) were taken on the first testing day prior to participants completing the MSFT.

Sprinting ability and COD were assessed during the morning of the second testing day

before participants returned to complete the 2000-m time trial in the afternoon, while the

30-15IFT was performed during the morning of the third testing day. During testing,

players were required to wear their training clothes and either football boots when testing

on grass or enclosed running shoes when testing indoors and on the running track. For

appropriate maximal tests (30-15IFT and MSFT) players wore typical training monitoring

equipment (e.g. HR monitors). Players were asked to refrain from undertaking any

strenuous exercise in the 24-hour period prior to testing. All the players were accustomed

to the procedures involved in the study as they had previously been assessed with the

current testing battery. Players performed a familiarisation session during the week

proceeding testing, with coaching staff providing procedural advice when necessary.


Body mass was obtained to the nearest 0.1 kg using electronic scales (Tanita,

Kewdale, Australia). Skinfold thickness was measured at seven sites (biceps, triceps,

subscapular, suprailiac, abdomen, thigh and calf) using calibrated Harpenden skinfold

calipers (British Indicators Ltd, West Sussex, United Kingdom). Percentage body fat was

estimated using the equations previously described by Durnin and Womersley (1974).

Lean mass index (LMI) was calculated as per methods previously described (Slater,

Duthie, Pyne, & Hopkins, 2006).

Aerobic Capacity and Power Measures

Estimated V̇O2max was assessed through the MSFT as previously reported

(Ramsbottom et al., 1988). Average aerobic speed (AAS) was evaluated with a 2000-m

time trial (2kmTT). Players were required to complete 5 laps of an outdoor polyurethane

and rubber synthetic surface track. Individual AAS (estimated as the average velocity

during the test) and total time were used as measures of aerobic power.

Speed and Change of Direction Testing

All sprint and COD times were recorded to the nearest 0.01 second using

electronic timing gates (Fusion Sport, Sumner Park, Australia) that possess acceptable

reliability (ICC = 0.87-0.96, TE = 1.3%-1.9%) (Gabbett, Kelly, & Sheppard, 2008b).

Sprint and acceleration profiles were assessed over three maximal 40-m sprints that were

separated by a 3-minute recovery period. Average acceleration (SpAcc) was determined

from the 0-10-m split, and maximal linear speed (SpMax) was provided from the 30-40-

m split. The trial selected for analysis was the participant’s fastest 40-m split (and

corresponding split times) (Gabbett et al., 2008b). Change of direction ability was

measured using the 505 agility test as per (Draper & Lancaster, 1985). Participants

performed three trials on both their right and left foot, and the fastest recorded trial

selected for analysis.

The 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test

The 30-15IFT used to assess PHIR consists of 30-s shuttle runs interspersed

with 15-s periods of passive recovery. The initial running velocity was set at 8 km.h-1 for

the first 30-s run and increased by 0.5 km.h-1 for every subsequent 45-s stage. Players ran

back and forth between two lines set 40 m apart at a pace governed by a pre-recorded

beep. This pacing strategy assisted players in regulating their running speed as a short

beep sounded as they were to be in the 3-m zones either at each end of the running area,

or the mid-line (20-m line). During the 15-s recovery period, each player walked forward

to the closest of the three lines [Line A (0-m), Line B (20-m) or Line C (40-m), depending

on where the previous stage was completed], in preparation for the next stage. The test

was terminated when the player could no longer maintain the imposed running speed or

when they were unable to reach a 3-m zone around each line at the moment of the audio

signal on three consecutive occasions. If players were unable to complete the stage, then

their score was recorded as the stage that they last completed successfully, and the

running velocity recorded as their maximal 30-15IFT running velocity (VIFT) (Buchheit,

2008b). Maximal aerobic capacity (V̇O2max30-15IFT) was estimated as per Buchheit


Heart Rate Measurement

Heart rate was recorded during both the MSFT and 30-15IFT of players using

a Polar T2 system using R-R recording (Polar Electro Oy, Finland). Peak HR (HRpeak)

was recorded as the highest HR recorded during the final 30-s of the test. Due to technical

malfunction, some HR data was lost (n=9; representing 14% of data collected). The final

HR data presented reflects these changes (n=54).

Additional Sub-Sample Testing

Repeated-sprint ability

Repeated sprint ability was examined using a repeated 20-m sprint test.

Players performed 12 maximal efforts over 20-m, with each sprint performed on a 20

second cycle. Each player’s total sprint time and percentage decrement was calculated as

a reflection of individual repeated sprint ability (Gabbett et al., 2013).

Maximal Oxygen Uptake

A maximal graded continuous running test was performed on an electronic

treadmill (Cardiovit 100; Schiller, Baar, Switzerland) where V̇O2max was determined.

All players performed a standardized 5-minute warm-up, and the test began at a running

speed of 8 km·h-1, which was increased by 1 km·h-1 every 2 minutes until volitional

exhaustion. The treadmill grade was set to 1%. After a standard calibration procedure of

all apparatus, heart rate and gas exchange parameters (minute ventilation, V̇O2max, CO2

output) were continuously recorded with a commercially available system (Breath-by-

Breath Metabolic Measurement; Sensor Medic MSE, Rungis, France). V̇O2max was

determined by the criteria described by Taylor et al. (1955), and was classed as a plateau

in V̇O2max despite an increase in running speed and HR >90% of the predicted maximal

value. The velocity associated with V̇O2max (vV̇O2max) was the lowest running speed

that elicited V̇O2max (Billat, 2001a).

Statistical Analysis

All data is presented as either mean ± SD or mean difference (or change) with

95% confidence intervals (95% CI) unless otherwise stated. Preliminary assumption

testing was conducted to check for normality, linearity, univariate and multivariate

outliers, homogeneity of variance-covariance matrices, and multi-collinearity. The

distribution of each variable was examined using the Shapiro-Wilk normality test, and

homogeneity of variance was verified with the Levene test. To investigate the validity of

the 30-15IFT a cross sectional analysis was examined from the first testing batter. The

degree of association between variables was assessed using Pearson’s coefficient

correlation. In addition to measures of statistical significance, the following criteria were

adopted to interpret the magnitude of the correlation (r) between test measures: <0.1,

trivial; >0.1–0.3, small; >0.3–0.5, moderate; >0.5–0.7, large; >0.7–0.9, very large; and

>0.9–1.0, almost perfect. If the confidence limits overlapped zero, small positive and

negative values for the magnitude was interpreted as unclear; otherwise, that magnitude

was deemed to be the witnessed magnitude (Hopkins, 2004).

In order to determine the combined effect of the chosen variables on 30-15IFT

performance, a forward stepwise regression model was employed. A forward model was

used in order to identify the fewest variables that could predict VIFT, placing greater

practical application to the outcomes. This model was run for all players and then re-run

for various positional groups with the same variables entered each time. A forward

stepwise was also used to determine the effect of these variable to the change in V IFT

over a training period. Due to player availability, this was examined using 47

participants. Coefficients of determinants (R2) were used to indicate the goodness of the

fit of the predictor models with VIFT as the independent variable.



Descriptive analysis for all variables can be found below in Table 4.1, while

Pearson correlations with VIFT are presented in Figures 4.1 and 4.2.

Table 4.1: Descriptive measures (mean ± SD) for all measured variables taken from
the testing battery.

Variable N Mean ± SD 95% CI

Age (y) 63 22.5 4.6 21.4 – 23.6
Mass (kg) 63 96.1 9.6 93.8 – 98.5
Skinfolds (mm) 63 71.1 18.9 66.4 – 75.7
Lean Muscle Index (kg) 63 54.3 5.2 53.0 – 55.5
Speed and Change of Direction
10-m Speed (s) 63 1.66 0.07 1.65 – 1.68
40-m Speed (s) 63 5.17 0.19 5.13 – 5.22
Average Acceleration (m·s-2) 63 3.63 0.29 3.55 – 3.70
Average Maximal Velocity (m·s-1) 63 8.88 0.40 8.78 – 8.99
505 test (s) 63 2.33 0.15 2.29 – 2.37

Maximal Aerobic Power

30-15IFT (km·h-1) 63 18.4 0.9 18.2 – 18.6
30-15IFT (V̇O2max) (ml·min-1·kg-1) 63 50.0 3.2 49.3 – 50.3
30-15IFT (HR peak) (bpm) 63 196.4 7.0 194.6 – 198.1
MSFT (V̇O2max) (ml·min-1·kg-1) 63 51.2 4.1 10.2 – 52.3
2km Time Trial (s) 63 533 43 522 – 543
Average Aerobic Speed (AAS) (2km TT) (m·s-1) 63 3.8 0.3 3.7 – 3.9

Figure 4.1: Correlations between VIFT and various anthropometrical and physiological
measures (mean ± 95% CI) (LMI – Lean Mass Index).

Estimated V̇O2max30-15IFT had significant correlations with skinfolds (r = -0.48;

moderate), Sp10m time (r = 0.36; moderate), maximal velocity (r = -0.32; moderate),

COD ability (r = -0.42; moderate) and RSA (% decrement) (r = -0.71; large). V̇O2max

(treadmill continuous test) had a significant moderate relationship with estimated

V̇O2max30-15IFT (r = 0.76; large).

Figure 4.2: The correlations between VIFT and various physiological measures (mean
+/- 95% CI) (MSFT –Multi-Stage Fitness Test; AAS – Average Aerobic
Speed; RSA –Repeat Speed Ability). * 𝐕̇O2max and RSA tests (n=9).

Physiological Contributing Factors

The stepwise multiple-regression analysis revealed that 71.8% of the adjusted variance

in 30-15IFT performance could be explained through a 4 step best fit model. Estimated

V̇O2maxMSFT accounted for 61.4% of the variance in 30-15IFT performance. Secondly,

AAS revealed another 4.7% of the variance (66.1% total variance). Maximal velocity

entered the model third explaining an additional 4.1% (70.2% total variance); whilst the

model was completed with lean mass index adding 1.6% of the remaining variance

(71.8%). Age, average acceleration and COD ability provided no significant elevation of

explained variance in VIFT performance.

Table 4.2: Multiple correlation summary of the deterministic model assuming 30-15IFT
(VIFT) as a dependent variable. *

Model 30-15IFT performance R R2 Adjusted R2 Std. Error of the

(VIFT) Estimate

1 V̇O2max # 0.787 0.620 0.614 0.574

2 AAS 0.820 0.672 0.661 0.538
3 SpMax 0.846 0.716 0.702 0.505
4 LMI 0.858 0.737 0.718 0.490
*Step = forward stepwise regression analysis; #Estimated V̇O2max as per Buchheit (2008b); AAS = average
aerobic speed (taken from 2 km time trial); LMI = Lean muscle Index

Various forward stepwise multiple regression analysis of the independent

positional groups discovered several predictors of VIFT. Analysis on the outside backs

revealed 64% of the variance was accounted for by V̇O2maxMSFT (R2 = 0.56) and AAS

(R2 = 0.64), adjustables had 82% of the variance explained from AAS (R2 = 0.68),

V̇O2maxMSFT (R2 = 0.80), COD ability (R2 = 0.85) and skinfold (R2 = 0.88), while hit-up

forwards revealed 41% of the variance from V̇O2maxMSFT (R2 = 0.44). When examining

the testing variables across a training block, only 25% of the variance could be accounted

for from ΔV̇O2maxMSFT (R2 = 0.25) suggesting that other physiological adaptations

largely contribute to improvements in PHIR ability.


The primary findings of this study were: 1) the 30-15IFT is valid test of PHIR

among a typically mesomorphic population; 2) whilst this test appears to be

simultaneously related to many physiological functions, it is highly aerobic and may be

best improved through increased aerobic foundations, and; 3) the physiological

contribution of 30-15IFT performance varies between positional groups. Past studies have

examined the relationship between VIFT and common field based tests; examining soccer,

basketball, European handball and junior athletes in order to establish the validity of the

30-15IFT (Buchheit, 2008b; Buchheit, 2010a; Haydar et al., 2011). However, these studies

have utilised participants of relative homogeneity, and few that fit a mesomorphic

physique (Delaney, Scott, Ballard, Duthie, Hickmans, Lockie, & Dascombe, 2015b). The

main finding of the current study support these previous findings, confirming the

validation of the 30-15IFT among a mesomorphic cohort. This study observed strong

relationships between VIFT performance and aerobic capacity (V̇O2max; r= 0.63 and

V̇O2maxMSFT; r= 0.79), aerobic power (2km TT; r= 0.68) and repeat speed ability

(RSADEC; r= -0.71) supporting the construct validity of the 30-15IFT in a previously

untested population, while further emphasising the underlying metabolic mechanisms of

this test.

In contrast to previous studies (Buchheit, 2008a; Buchheit, 2008b; Perandini,

Chimin, Okuno, Lima, Buchheit, & Nakamura, 2009), no significant relationships were

observed between VIFT and measures of speed (r= 0.16), acceleration (r= 0.23) and COD

ability (r= -0.24). This is likely due to the physiological profile of the athlete cohort

assessed. Regardless of playing position, the match play demands of rugby league require

players to have proficient speed and power capacities (Baker & Newton, 2008; Gabbett,

Jenkins, & Abernethy, 2011a; Sirotic, Coutts, Knowles, & Catterick, 2009; Sirotic et al.,

2011). It may be that due to the homogeneity of these capacities in rugby league players,

it is more difficult to distinguish PHIR from these specific metabolic processes.

Previously, it has been reported that the deceleration, COD and acceleration phases have

large metabolic implications in VIFT. It is likely that the current test of supra-maximal

COD (505) does not reflect the sub-maximal COD performed during the test (Haydar et

al., 2011). Despite this, the significant correlations between BF (Σ7 skinfolds) with VIFT

and V̇O2max30-15IFT (r= -0.39, moderate; r= -0.51, large) suggest that those with a higher

relative body fat (BF%) have a superior metabolic demand placed on them during the

numerous COD tasks, which limits their VIFT. Collectively, these correlational findings

suggest that while VIFT concurrently relates to many physiological capacities, the extent

of these appear to vary from sport to sport, dependant on the individual physiological

profile (Buchheit, 2008b; Buchheit et al., 2009a; Darrall-Jones et al., 2015). Given that

contact sports such as rugby league, rugby union and American football may have a

larger and less homogenous range of body types it appears that these relationships may

be less stable. However, it is vital that practitioners understand the holistic athletic profile

when choosing to prescribe HIT based off the 30-15IFT.

Buchheit (2008b) reported that 75% of the variance of VIFT (r= 0.87) could

be explained from CMJ, 10-m sprint time, V̇O2max and individual heart rate recovery

index (HRRE). However, this study did not reveal the extent to which these physiological

factors concurrently accounted for VIFT. Moreover, given the differences in the

correlational findings of the current study compared to previous work (Buchheit, 2008b;

Haydar et al., 2011), the secondary aim was to determine the contribution of traditional

physiological attributes to 30-15IFT performance and how these differ among playing

position and across a training period. The current study reported that an individual’s

estimated aerobic capacity (V̇O2maxMSFT) was the primary variable in the explanatory

model assessing PHIR ability (R2 = 0.62). Following the theoretical physiological model

of the 30-15 test (Buchheit, 2010a), aerobic power (measured from 2km TT time) then

contributed an additional 4.7% to the model (R2 = 0.67). Metabolically, this represents

the shift and advantage of a delaying lactate build up and depletion of glycogen stores,

which would improve PHIR ability. Yet despite the great aerobic demands of the test,

these collective findings confirm past studies that the final velocity is determined through

anaerobic sources (Buchheit, 2008a; Buchheit, 2008b; Buchheit, 2010a; Buchheit et al.,


In contrast to previous theoretical validity, the influence of the negatively

correlated maximum velocity (4.1%; R2 = 0.72) proposes that those with higher maximal

velocities possess poorer PHIR ability. However, this is likely to be a reflection of the

mesomorphic rugby league cohort and metabolic profile. In theory, a lower MSS would

limit an individual’s anaerobic velocity reserve (AVR), and subsequently reduce their

ability to sustain high-intensity exercise. One suggestion is that due to the aerobic

foundations of the test, those players who have better speed qualities possess a greater

proportion of fast twitch fibres and potentially lower vV̇O2max. The final 1.6%

improvement in the model came from the inclusion of lean mass index (LMI) (R2 = 0.74).

As previously reported, the metabolic and non-metabolic (greater eccentric stress and

damage on muscle structures) demands associated with the numerous CODs in the 30-

15IFT appear to be accentuated with a greater proportion of relative fat mass. These

findings support previous studies (Delaney et al., 2015b) that have suggested that it is

beneficial for rugby league athletes to have a greater relative muscle mass when

performing COD tasks. Additionally, it is reasonable to suggest that an increased BF%

will increase the metabolic demands in running further negating PHIR ability. These

findings further support the conceptual validity of the test by reproducing physiological

theory on PHIR mechanisms in a newly tested population.

Separately, the current study aimed to both explore the contributing physical

qualities to VIFT across positional groups in rugby league as well as further understanding

what contributed to changes in VIFT across a pre-season. Due to significant differences

in match-play demands (McLellan & Lovell, 2013; Sirotic et al., 2009) and reported

PHIR ability (Gabbett et al., 2011b) of positional groups in rugby league, it is not

unreasonable to suggest there exists different physiological profiles across these position.

Moreover, given the differences in the contributing factors of VIFT in the current study

compared to previous studies (Buchheit, 2008b) it appears that VIFT is highly reflective

of individual athlete training history. The current findings indicate that whilst all

positions exhibit an aerobic base, the extent of this contribution to VIFT is variable. For

example, 64% of the variance in outside backs (fullbacks, centres, and wingers) V IFT

could be accounted for by aerobic capacity (V̇O2maxMSFT) (R2 = 0.56) and aerobic power

(2km TT) (R2 = 0.64). Given that outside backs have been shown to undertake

significantly more sprints (Waldron et al., 2011) as well as cover more high speed- and

very high speed-running when compared to other positional groups, these athletes are

typically more anaerobically suited. The current physiological tests could best explain

the variance in VIFT within the adjustables (hookers, half-backs and five-eighths). Indeed,

82% of VIFT could be accounted for from aerobic power (R2 = 0.68), aerobic capacity (R2

= 0.80), supra-maximal COD ability (R2 = 0.85) and BodyFat (Σ7SF) (R2 = 0.88). These

findings parallel the physiological demands of match-play efforts, where it has been

shown adjustables have a high aerobic component, covering a greater distance at

moderate to high intensities compared to forwards (Sirotic et al., 2011; Waldron et al.,

2011). Kempton et al., (2015b) also observed that adjustables have the greatest

acceleration and deceleration demands emphasising the metabolic and non-metabolic

efficiency these athletes may have to both sub- and supra-maximal COD. PHIR ability

was less predictive for forwards (props, back-rowers and locks), with only 41% of VIFT

explained with current tests. This is likely due to the high anaerobic, sub-maximal COD

(shuttles) and inter-effort recovery ability which is specific to these playing positions.

Within match-play, forwards are required to complete significantly more repeated high-

intensity efforts (accelerations, high speed or contact efforts with less than 21 s of

recovery) per minute of match play than adjustables and outside backs (Austin et al.,

2011). Unfortunately, a clear test of anaerobic capacity was not used in the battery,

potentially limiting the explained variance in this group. Collectively, these findings

demonstrate the discrete nature and contributing factors of VIFT across positional groups

in rugby league, further demonstrating the conceptual validity to use this test across all


Due to the importance of individual athlete HIT programming it is vital to

understand how VIFT changes (ΔVIFT) in response to a pre-season training regime (12

weeks). Interestingly, only 25% of the variance (aerobic capacity; V̇O2maxMSFT) in ΔVIFT

(R2 = 0.25) could be explained through the current testing protocols. This is perhaps due

to the modality of training performed across this period and in particular the final weeks.

Due to the match-play demands of rugby league, as the competition phase comes near

training often switches from more aerobic based conditioning to anaerobic emphasised

training incorporating many CODs. It may be that the most dominant changes in V IFT

across a pre-season are contributed via anaerobic adaptation, improvement in sub-

maximal COD and inter-effort recovery ability. One limitation of this study was the

broad testing battery used. Unfortunately in an elite team sport setting, it is often difficult

to test for all physiological variables, and whilst the RSA test showed large correlations

with VIFT, it was only performed on a sub-sample of athletes (n=9). Performing this on

the whole testing group may have given greater insight into the contribution of anaerobic

capacity and inter-effort recovery ability. Nonetheless, these findings provide further

support to suggest VIFT is representative of numerous physiological capacities. Based on

these findings and in agreeance with Buchheit (2008b), performance staff should aim to

profile their athletes with other tests before prescribing HIT based from the 30-15IFT,

providing greater insight into the physiological strengths and weaknesses of their



Whilst an aim of the current study was to explain the contributing factors to

PHIR capacity in rugby league athletes, it may be noted the sample is too low to have a

strong predictive capacity and therefore is primary a descriptive finding. In addition,

future research may implement an automated regression model to overcome some

limitation in the current forward stepwise regression model. Similarly, findings from the

sub sample analysed (n=9) should be interrupted with these limitations in mind. Future

research may aim at replicating the current study design with a greater population.


The current findings demonstrate the validity and contributing physiological

factors to 30-15IFT performance within a mesomorphic rugby league population,

establishing individual aerobic function as a primary determinant of the 30-15IFT and the

most sensitive to improvement. Given the complexity of the physiological responses to

HIT and the recent growth in the use of the 30-15IFT (Buchheit, 2010a; Darrall-Jones et

al., 2015) to examine PHIR and prescribe HIT in team sports (such as rugby league and

rugby union), these contributing factors of V IFT among a mesomorphic population need

to be examined. However, the results also confirm previous research suggesting the final

stages of the 30-15IFT are highly dependent on anaerobic metabolism. Collectively, the

demands of the 30-15IFT appear highly specific to the physiological profile of the athlete,

while VIFT is simultaneously impacted many physiological variables, which may differ

between sports. As such, it is important for practitioners to understand how the

physiological profile of their athlete affects PHIR and therefore prescribe HIT with this

in mind.

Chapter V

Running momentum: a new method to quantify prolonged

high-intensity intermittent running performance in

collision sports

This chapter is based on the peer-reviewed paper accepted and published in Medicine

and Science in Football:

Scott, T. J., Dascombe, B. J., Delaney, J. A., Sanctuary, C. E., Scott, M. T. U., Hickmans

J. A. & Duthie, G. M. (2017). Running momentum: a new method to quantify prolonged

high-intensity intermittent running performance in collision sports. Science and Medicine

in Football, 1(3), 244 – 250.

Statement of Joint Authorship and Author Contribution

Tannath J. Scott (candidate)

Ben J. Dascombe

• Conception of study; drafting and critical revision of manuscript

Jace A. Delaney

• Data collection; Critical revision of the manuscript

Colin E. Sanctuary

• Drafting of manuscript

Macfarlane T. U. Scott

• Drafting of manuscript

Jeremy A. Hickmans

• Data collection

Grant M. Duthie

• Conception of study; data collection; drafting and critical revision of manuscript


This study determined differences in prolonged high-intensity running

(PHIR) performance and running momentum (pIFT) between competition levels and

positional groups in rugby league. Elite Australian National Rugby League (NRL), sub-

elite [state-based competition (SRL); national youth competition (NYC); local league

(LL)] and junior-elite (U18; U16) rugby league players completed the 30-15 Intermittent

Fitness Test (30-15IFT) to quantify PHIR performance. Final running momentum (p IFT;

kg∙m∙s-1) was calculated as the product of body mass and final running velocity (V IFT;

m.s-1). Effect sizes were used to examine between-group differences. 30-15IFT

performance was possibly to likely higher in NRL players (19.5 ± 1.0 km.h-1; mean ± SD)

when compared to SRL (ES= 0.6 ± 0.5; ES ± CI), NYC (ES = 0.6 ± 0.5) and U18 (ES =

0.8 ± 0.5) players. NRL players (537 ± 41 kg.m.s-1) possessed possibly to very likely

greater pIFT than SRL (ES = 0.7 ± 0.5), NYC (ES = 1.2 ± 0.5), U18 (ES = 2.3 ± 0.6), U16

(ES = 3.0 ± 0.7) and LL players (ES = 2.0 ± 0.7). Middle forwards attained a likely

superior pIFT (ES = 0.5−1.8) to all other positional groups. This study demonstrated that

elite rugby league players possess superior PHIR capacities, while highlighting that p IFT

can account for the disparities in body mass between groups.


30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test, HIT, testing, football


Most team sports require players to complete periods of prolonged high-intensity

intermittent running (PHIR) during match-play (Bangsbo, 2000a). In collision-based

sports, such PHIR activity is often punctuated by forceful tackles and highly demanding

eccentric muscular activities (i.e. decelerating and jumping). For example, rugby league

competition is characterised by intermittent bouts of high-intensity activity that

incorporates HIR, repeated accelerations, COD and intense physical collisions (Gabbett,

2012; Johnston et al., 2014; Sirotic et al., 2011). Since the activity profile of most team

sports like rugby league are largely acyclic in nature and require these intense activities

(e.g. HIR, COD) at varying speeds, the energy supply for muscular effort are derived

from both aerobic and anaerobic sources (Bangsbo et al., 2007; Bangsbo et al., 2006).

Consequently, the capability to perform PHIR combined with repeated high-intensity

efforts (including sprint and tackles) is seen to be central to success (Austin et al., 2011;

Austin & Kelly, 2014; Gabbett & Gahan, 2016). For example, it has been demonstrated

that these high-intensity efforts occur at decisive moments during match-play in rugby

league, helping to differentiate between successful and non-successful teams, further

highlighting their importance (Austin et al., 2011; Gabbett & Gahan, 2016).

The 30-15IFT has been shown as a valid, reliable and practical alternative (see

Chapter III and IV) to quantify PHIR capacity in team sport athletes when compared to

commonly used aerobic based field tests (e.g. Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test, Multi-

Stage Fitness Test) (Buchheit, 2010a; Buchheit et al., 2009b; Mosey, 2009). The 30-15IFT

incorporates and examines several physiological capacities associated within team sports

performance (including individual inter-effort recovery, COD ability, aerobic capacity

and ASR) (described in Chapter IV of this thesis) (Buchheit, 2008b; Haydar et al., 2011;

Scott et al., 2015). At termination, VIFT may be used to prescribe HIT (Buchheit, 2008b).

However, whilst the 30-15IFT may be an appropriate to assess PHIR capacity that require

anthropometric homogeneity, it may have limitations in collision sports. Currently, this

test does not directly take into account the discrepancy of individual physical

characteristics such as body mass between individual athletes.

It has been suggested that a higher body mass is beneficial for collision sport

athletes, due to the proportional increase in momentum they may achieve prior to contact

(Barr, Sheppard, Gabbett, & Newton, 2014; Duthie, 2006). However, an increased body

mass results in greater inertia during running, requiring more force to decelerate during

the braking phase of a change of direction task (Enoka, 2002). This increased force may

apply greater mechanical and metabolic stress during shuttle running activities such as

the 30-15IFT, negatively impacting on an individual’s final result (Buchheit et al., 2009a;

Haydar et al., 2011). The interaction between body mass and PHIR is critical for collision

sports, as both are often viewed as important factors in match performance (Gabbett,

Kelly, & Pezet, 2008a; Sirotic et al., 2011). For example, it has been demonstrated that

individual sprinting force (mass × 10-m acceleration) relates better to successful ball

carries in rugby league than sprint speed or acceleration qualities alone (Waldron,

Worsfold, Twist, & Lamb, 2014a; Waldron, Worsfold, Twist, & Lamb, 2014b),

indicating the inclusion of mass plays a significant role in physical match-specific tasks.

However, whilst it has been shown that relative power production is important to match

play performance, little is known on the effect of body mass to the mixed aerobic-

anaerobic demands of collision sports (McLellan & Lovell, 2013; Waldron et al., 2011).

It has recently been reported that PHIR performance (V IFT) remains relatively

stable from U16 to senior rugby union players, despite a continued increase in body mass

(Darrall-Jones et al., 2015). Due to these findings it has been suggested that by

monitoring the interaction of body mass and PHIR performance, a more sensitive change

in PHIR may be determined for collision-based athletes (Darrall-Jones et al., 2015).

However, currently there is not a commonly reported measure in team sports to examine

this interaction. As most team sports have varying physical positional demands

(Bangsbo, 1994; Duthie, 2006; Sirotic et al., 2011), understanding the interaction

between changes in body mass and PHIR performance may assist practitioners in

tracking the physical development of athletes longitudinally. These varying physical

demands often reflect greater heterogeneous physical and anthropometrical qualities

across playing squads, which make between-position comparisons in PHIR performance

difficult. Importantly, depending on the sport, these interactions may distinguish

positional groups and levels of competition.

It is often accepted that elite team sport athletes are required to develop greater

physiological attributes than sub-elite athletes in order to be successful (Buchheit,

Mendez-Villanueva, Simpson, & Bourdon, 2010; Pyne et al., 2005; Rampinini et al.,

2007a). However, whilst aerobic capacity has substantially differentiated levels of

competition in rugby league (Gabbett et al., 2011b) only trivial differences in PHIR

performance have been observed when comparing elite players with both sub-elite (1.4%

mean difference) and junior-elite (1.3%) players during a 12-s maximal repeated sprint-

shuttle test (Gabbett, 2013; Gabbett et al., 2011b). These results may reflect the maximal

sprint-shuttle nature and work to rest durations (1:3) of the test protocol, thus eliciting a

higher reliance on anaerobic metabolism than the mixed aerobic-anaerobic profile that is

more representative of team-sports activity (Austin et al., 2011; Bangsbo, 1994; Johnston

et al., 2014). Further, the 12-s maximal shuttle sprint test has been reported to have a

typical error of 4.3% (Gabbett et al., 2011a). Whilst this typical error is considered as

good reliability, the error is higher than the 1.9% reported for the 30-15IFT, which may

better reflect the mixed aerobic and anaerobic contribution of PHIR in teams sports.

It has been demonstrated that elite-NRL players possess superior physiological

capacities when compared to SRL players (including aerobic capacity, speed and lower

body power), with suggestions these qualities are important to match-play performance

(Gabbett et al., 2011b). However, these physiological differences are yet to be observed

during PHIR performance. Further, unlike other team sports, the large contact loads in

these sports mean that PHIR may not purely reflect the demands and requirements of the

sport. Due to the heterogeneity in anthropometrical qualities, perhaps the inclusion of

body mass that may better distinguish these athletes as previously suggested. Indeed, past

authors have demonstrated that there is a substantial effect of body mass and PHIR in

rugby union players (Darrall-Jones et al., 2015). As such, the calculation of this

interaction may better differentiate between levels of competition and positional groups

than VIFT in isolation. Such a variable would provide a new and novel method associated

to PHIR performance. Therefore, this study aimed to determine if an introduced

calculation of PHIR ‘final momentum’ (pIFT) may better distinguish levels of competition

and positional groups than traditional velocity-based measures (VIFT). Additionally, this

study aimed to investigate if there were any differences in VIFT between elite, sub-elite

and junior-elite players, given only trivial differences in PHIR performance have been

previously observed.



Elite, sub-elite and junior elite male rugby league cohorts from a professional

National Rugby League (NRL) club (n=136) were recruited to participate in this study.

Players competed in either the National Rugby League (NRL, n=22; 27 ± 4 y, 100.1 ±

8.7 kg), sub-elite state-based competition (SRL, n=23; 26 ± 4 y, 96.5 ± 11.5 kg), National

Youth Competition (NYC, n=28; 19 ± 1 y, 92.3 ± 11.3 kg), local country rugby league

competition (Local League [LL], n=22; 25 ± 2 y, 93.7 ± 13.6 kg) as well as players

competing in state-level under 18 (U18, n=21; 17 ± 1 y, 86.9 ± 11.2 kg) and state-level

under 16 (U16, n=20; 15 ± 1 y, 78.2 ± 10.9 kg) competition. NRL, SRL and NYC players

were then pooled to report positional differences of professional rugby league players.

All participants underwent medical screening and did not present any contraindications

for vigorous exercise. Participants were informed of the study and gave written informed

consent prior to participation. Parental or guardian consent was obtained for players

under eighteen years of age. The University of Newcastle Human Research Ethics

committee approved the study methods (HREC no: H-2013-0283).


In order to examine the influence of body mass on PHIR, the current study

developed a new method, calculating the final momentum of the athlete at the completion

of the 30-15IFT (pIFT - as the product of an individuals’ body mass and final running

velocity [m.s-1] during the 30-15IFT). To investigate the usefulness of pIFT to quantify

PHIR ability in team sport athletes, all participants were required to complete the 30-

15IFT. To limit the circadian effect on performance, each playing group performed the

testing procedure at times when their regular training was scheduled. Two weeks prior

to testing, participants underwent a familiarisation session so they were aware of the

running patterns and audio signals of the 30-15IFT. Data were analysed between the

identified playing groups as well as between positional groups including: outside backs

(fullbacks, wingers and centres), adjustables (hookers, halfbacks and five-eights), edge-

forwards (back-rowers) and middle forwards (props and locks).


30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test

The 30-15IFT was performed, as previously described by Buchheit (2008b),

on a grass oval in temperatures between 20-24°C. Players wore their typical training

attire and football boots to ensure ecological validity. Nutritional and hydration strategies

were implemented as per the club guidelines, with players refraining from undertaking

strenuous exercise or taking stimulants for 24-h prior to testing. Briefly, the 30-15IFT

consists of 30-s shuttle runs interspersed with 15-s periods of passive recovery. The

initial running velocity was set at 8 km.h-1 for the first 30-s run after which it increased

by 0.5 km.h-1 for every subsequent 45-s stage. During the 30-s run effort, players ran

back and forth between two lines set 40-m apart at a pace governed by a pre-recorded

beep, before walking to the nearest line during the 15-s recovery period in preparation

for the next stage. The test ended when a player could no longer maintain the imposed

running speed or when they were unable to reach a 3-m zone around each line at the

moment of the audio signal on three consecutive occasions. If players were unable to

complete the stage, their score was recorded as the last stage that they had completed

successfully. VIFT was recorded as their maximal 30-15IFT running speed in km∙hr-1

(Buchheit, 2005b; Buchheit, 2008b). As demonstrated earlier in Chapters III and IV of

the current thesis, VIFT is a valid and reliable measure of PHIR performance in a similar

rugby league population (Scott et al., 2015; Scott, Duthie, Delaney, Sanctuary, Ballard,

Hickmans, & Dascombe, 2016c). Final 30-15IFT momentum (pIFT) was calculated as a

new novel indicator of PHIR performance as: pIFT (kg.m.s-1) = body mass (kg) x VIFT

(converted to m.s-1) . Using a test-retest method design within 3 days, a reliability analysis

was performed in a sub-sample of rugby league players (n=55) which demonstrated good

reliability of this new measure (CV: 1.9%; TE: 9.5 kg.m.s1).

Statistical Analysis

Prior to statistical analyses, assumptions of normality were tested using the

Shapiro-Wilk test, and data were log transformed where necessary. Effect sizes (ES) and

90% CI were used to describe the magnitude of difference, interpreted as; ES <0.20

trivial, 0.21 – 0.6 small, 0.61 – 1.2 moderate, 1.21 – 2.0 large and >2.1 very large

(Hopkins, Marshall, Batterham, & Hanin, 2009). Furthermore, the likelihood of the

observed effect was established using a progressive magnitude based approach, where

quantitative chances of the true effect were assessed qualitatively, as: <1%, almost

certainly not; 1- 5%, very unlikely; 5-25%, unlikely; 25-75%, possibly; 75- 97.5%,

likely; 97.5-99% very likely; >99%, almost certainly (Hopkins, 2007). A customised

spreadsheet was used to calculate confidence limits and magnitude-based inferences

from p values (Hopkins, 2007).


Levels of Competition Differences

Figure 5.1 shows the raw data (pooled mean values) in VIFT and pIFT across the

NRL, SRL, NYC, U18, U16 and LL cohorts presented as a box plot. Differences in both

VIFT and pIFT between NRL and lower levels of competition are presented in Figure 5.2.

30-15IFT performance was possibly to likely higher in NRL players (mean ± SD; 19.5 ±

1.0 km.h-1) when compared to SRL (ES= 0.6 ± 0.5), NYC (ES = 0.6 ± 0.5) and U18 (ES

= 0.8 ± 0.5) players. NRL players (537 ± 41 kg.m.s-1) possessed possibly to very likely

greater pIFT than SRL (ES = 0.7 ± 0.5), NYC (ES = 1.2 ± 0.5), U18 (ES = 2.3 ± 0.6), U16

(ES = 3.0 ± 0.7) and LL players (ES = 2.0 ± 0.7). Figure 5.3 displays a comparison of

VIFT and pIFT across lower levels of competition.

Figure 5.1: Box plots of 30-15IFT performance (VIFT) and final 30-15IFT running
momentum (pIFT) for the different rugby league competition levels. Solid
line is median, + represents the mean. Whiskers above and below the box
indicate the 90th and 10th percentiles. NRL: National Rugby League players;
SRL: state-based rugby league players; NYC: National Youth Competition
payers; 18s: state-level under 18 players; U16: state-level under 16 players;
LL: local country rugby league competition players.

Figure 5.2: Differences in 30-15IFT performance (VIFT) and final 30-15IFT running
momentum (PIFT) between NRL and other levels of competition. Values
presented as standardised effects (effect size ± 90% CI). NRL: National
Rugby League players; SRL: state-based rugby league players; NYC:
National Youth Competition players; 18s: state-level under 18 players;
U16: state-level under 16 players; LL: local country rugby league
competition players.

Figure 5.3: Differences in 30-15IFT performance (VIFT) and final 30-15IFT running
momentum (PIFT) between lower levels of competition. Values presented as
standardised effects (effect size ± 90% CI). NRL: National Rugby League
players; SRL: state-based rugby league players; NYC: National Youth
Competition players; 18s: state-level under 18 players; U16: state-level
under 16 players; LL: local country rugby league competition players.

Positional Differences

NRL, SRL and NYC players were pooled to report positional differences of

professional rugby league players (n = 73). Effect sizes between positional groups are

presented below in Figure 5.4. 30-15IFT performance was likely higher for adjustables and

edge forwards when compared to middle forwards (ES = 1.3 ± 0.6 and 1.2 ± 0.6,

respectively). Middle forwards attained a likely superior pIFT (ES = 0.5−1.8) to all other

positional groups.

Figure 5.4: Differences in 30-15IFT performance (VIFT) and final 30-15IFT running
momentum (PIFT) across rugby league positional groups. Values are as
standardised effects (effect size ± 90% CI). ADJ: Adjustables; EDG: Edge
forwards; MID: Middle forwards; OB: Outside Backs.


The primary aim of the study was to investigate the efficacy of a novel approach

to quantify PHIR performance in collision based sports. The current study observed likely

to very likely increases in final momentum attained at the completion of the 30-15IFT

(pIFT) between NRL and NYC, LL, U18 and U16, as well as between positional groups.

Importantly, these findings provide further evidence that this new method may better

distinguish PHIR performance of heterogeneous squads than velocity-based values in

isolation. Given recent studies (Gabbett, 2013; Gabbett et al., 2011b) have reported

minimal differences in PHIR performance across levels of competition, incorporating the

interaction of body mass with PHIR may provide practitioners with a separate indictor

of PHIR performance with greater application in collision sports. Additionally, this study

aimed to investigate whether any differences existed in VIFT between elite, sub-elite and

junior-elite players, as only trivial differences in PHIR performance has previously been

observed (Gabbett, 2013; Gabbett et al., 2011b). The current study found NRL players

possessed possibly to likely greater VIFT than all other levels of competition, signifying

the superior PHIR required at the elite level. Collectively these findings confirm that

physical and physiological differences exist between levels of competition. In addition,

due to the greater differences in pIFT witnessed across competition levels, the data

suggests that pIFT, and not simply VIFT, presents a more appropriate and holistic method

of quantifying PHIR in collision sport athletes (Darrall-Jones et al., 2015).

This investigation found that the calculation of momentum (pIFT - as the product

of an individual’s body mass and final running velocity [m.s-1] during the 30-15IFT)

discriminated between physical differences in PHIR ability between competition levels.

As highlighted previously (including above in Chapter IV), an increased body mass is

desirable in collision sports (Barr et al., 2014), despite perhaps being detrimental on

PHIR performance (Darrall-Jones et al., 2015; Scott et al., 2016c). Specifically, an

increase in lean muscle mass may improve running momentum whilst potentially

improving the muscular efficiency of movement patterns common to team sports

(Delaney et al., 2015b; Delaney, Thornton, Scott, Ballard, Duthie, Wood, & Dascombe,

2015c). Darrall-Jones et al. (2015) recently suggested that maintaining VIFT while

increasing individual body mass is very likely to almost certainly to increase VIFT (or

more appropriately, greater pIFT) in rugby union players. The current study supports these

observations, as it demonstrated much larger differences in pIFT than in VIFT between

playing levels. For example, NRL players exhibited substantially superior p IFT than both

U16 and U18 players, whilst only demonstrating a moderately higher VIFT. These

findings demonstrate that changes in pIFT may better monitor an individual’s PHIR

performance and longitudinal athletic development than VIFT alone.

The current study also examined whether pIFT could differentiate between

positional groups, given the disparity observed in body mass in rugby league players due

to diverse physical requirements during match-play (Gabbett et al., 2008a). In

comparison to VIFT, middle forwards demonstrated a superior (small to large differences)

pIFT than the other playing groups. Given the importance of collisions for middle

forwards, it is highly advantageous for these players to have a greater momentum, whilst

maintaining PHIR performance. However, it is important to consider how greater body

mass influences running momentum. Previous studies have suggested that rugby league

players benefit from a greater relative muscle mass when performing changes of direction

(Delaney et al., 2015b). Conversley, it is reasonable to assume that the metabolic and

mechanical (greater eccentric stress and damage on muscle structures) demands are

increased with a greater proportion of relative fat mass during the change of direction

phases of PHIR efforts. Typically, middle forwards have both a greater body mass and

relative fat mass than other positional groups, which is predominately to increase the

momentum of these athletes into collisions (Baker & Newton, 2008; Barr et al., 2014).

While this study supports the observation of an increased momentum, ideally an athlete

should aim to concurrently improve pIFT and VIFT. To facilitate this, collision sport

athletes should aim to improve their underlying physiological qualities while increasing

lean muscle mass to improve both running momentum and PHIR performance.

While substantial differences were evident in VIFT between NRL and lower levels

of competition, only small differences were present in VIFT when comparing the SRL and

NYC to the U18 and U16 playing levels. The greater differences reported in the elite

level competition is likely to reflect the difference in training loads between full-time

elite players with part-time sub-elite and lower league players. Over the past decade, the

evolution of strength and conditioning practices have greatly improved the physical

capacities of elite rugby league players (Johnston et al., 2014), with these players

undertaking substantially more training focused on developing these specific

physiological capacities, such as PHIR performance (Scott et al., 2016c). While training

loads were not monitored for all groups in the current study, elite rugby league players

in the current study completed ~520 minutes of training a week, which is considerably

more than the ~350 minutes per week previously reported for sub-elite players (Morgan

& Callister, 2011). Collectively these findings demonstrate a difference in the PHIR

performance of NRL elite rugby league players compared with their lower league

counterparts. Additionally, these results reinforce the need for extremely well developed

PHIR capacities for elite rugby league performance.

Finally, this study aimed to determine whether PHIR performance (VIFT) differed

between positional groups, given the well documented variation in match-play demands

(Sirotic et al., 2009; Waldron et al., 2011), and the disparity in anthropometrical

dimensions (Gabbett et al., 2008a). The current study revealed likely large differences in

VIFT when comparing adjustables and edge forwards to the middle forwards. The greater

VIFT reported for the adjustable and edge forwards reflects the previously demonstrated

greater PHIR demands of these positions compared to middle forwards during match-

play (Kempton et al., 2015b; Sirotic et al., 2011; Waldron et al., 2011). In addition, the

moderately poorer PHIR performance reported for outside backs (compared to edge

forwards and adjustables) reflects observations that outside backs are required to

demonstrate greater sprint and anaerobic qualities than other positional groups (Sirotic

et al., 2011; Waldron et al., 2011). Whilst the 30-15IFT examines both aerobic and

anaerobic capacities, Chapter IV reported the strong aerobic foundation observed in a

similar rugby league cohort (explaining 66% of VIFT variance) (Scott et al., 2016c).

Indeed, Chapter IV demonstrated that adjustables and edge forwards rely more heavily

on aerobic capabilities throughout the 30-15IFT, as opposed to outside backs and middle

forwards who utilise an increased anaerobic contribution (Scott et al., 2016c). Given the

greater aerobic capabilities of adjustables and edge forwards, it is likely that these

qualities enhance PHIR performance. Taken together, these results are the first to

demonstrate that PHIR performance (as defined from pIFT and VIFT) can distinguish

between positional groups in rugby league.


This study provides the first examination of pIFT as a function of PHIR

performance, revealing it to be a reliable and separate indicator that is highly useful in

collision-based sports. This study suggests that pIFT may be a separate indicator of

physical performance in sports that demonstrate heterogeneity in body size. This analysis

may be useful when monitoring an individual over time as they may experience large

changes in body mass due to morphological adaptation. Separately, this study provides

evidence that elite rugby league players possess physiological capacities that allow for a

superior PHIR performance than either sub-elite or junior-elite players. It has also been

shown that PHIR performance varies across playing position, in accordance with match-

play and training demands. Taken together, these findings provide evidence for

individual specific conditioning programs that aim to improve the physical qualities

related to match demands such as PHIR performance. Future research may aim at

examining how these qualities relate to match-play performance in collision-based



The current study establishes the use of the pIFT and VIFT from the 30-15IFT as

an index of PHIR performance to distinguish between levels of competition and

positional groups in rugby league. Further, the 30-15IFT may provide a suitable test to

examine more specific elements of PHIR performance in collision sports. The calculation

of pIFT provides a new novel and meaningful way to express the inter-play of body mass

and PHIR performance in mesomorphic athletes. It is suggested that pIFT should be used

independently of VIFT, as it references the ability to overcome the prolonged inertial

effect of PHIR rather than representing the specific physiological capacities incorporated

in VIFT. Additionally, pIFT may provide an informative tool to monitor longitudinal PHIR

performance in collision sports, due to large changes in body mass during physical


Chapter VI

Differences between relative and absolute speed and

metabolic thresholds in rugby league

This chapter is based on the peer-reviewed paper accepted and published in the International

Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance:

Scott, T. J., Thornton, H. R., Scott, M. T. U., Dascombe, B. J. & Duthie, G. M. (2018).

Differences between relative and absolute speed and metabolic thresholds in rugby league.

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 13(3), 298 – 304.

Statement of Joint Authorship and Author Contribution

Tannath J. Scott (candidate)

Heidi R. Thornton

• Data collection, analysis and interpretation

Macfarlane T. U. Scott

• Data collection

Ben J. Dascombe

• Conception of study; data collection; drafting and critical revision of manuscript

Grant M. Duthie

• Conception of study; data collection and interpretation; drafting and critical revision

of manuscript


This study compared relative and absolute speed and metabolic thresholds for

quantifying match output in elite rugby league. Twenty-six professional players competing in

the National Rugby League (NRL) were monitored with global positioning system (GPS)

devices across a rugby league season. Absolute speed [moderate-intensity running (MIRTh >3.6

m∙s-1); high intensity running (HIRTh > 5.2 m∙s-1)] and metabolic (>20 W·kg-1) thresholds were

compared to individualised ventilatory [first (VT1IFT), and second (VT2IFT)] thresholds

estimated from the 30-15IFT, as well as the metabolic threshold associated with VT2IFT

(HPmetVT2), to examine difference in match-play demands. VT2IFT mean values represent a

146%, 138%, 167% and 144% increase in the HIR dose across adjustables, edge forwards,

middle forwards and outside backs. Distance covered above VT2IFT was almost certainly

greater (ES range = 0.79 – 1.03) than absolute thresholds across all positions. Trivial to small

differences were observed between both VT1IFT and MIR, while small to moderate differences

were reported between HPmetVT2 and HPmetTh. These results reveal that the speed at which

players begin to run at higher intensities is dependent on individual capacities and attributes.

As such, using absolute HIR speed thresholds underestimates the physical HIR load. Moreover,

absolute MIR and high metabolic thresholds may over- or under- estimate the work undertaken

above these thresholds depending on the respective fitness of the individual. Therefore, using

relative thresholds allows for better prescription and monitoring of external training loads

based on measured individual physical capacities.

Keywords: 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test, global positioning systems, team sports


Advancements in technology have led to the extensive implementation of GPS and

microtechnology within team sports to quantify movement demands. The ability to more

reliably quantify and interpret these demands has led to a greater understanding of the external

loads experienced by athletes during training and match-play, albeit with noted limitations

(Scott et al., 2016b). Ultimately, such methods provide performance staff with greater capacity

to monitor athletes training loads and prescribe field conditioning, increasing the specificity of

the provided stimulus. Given the repeated high-intensity intermittent nature of team sports

match play, including rugby league (Austin et al., 2011; Kempton et al., 2015b; McLellan &

Lovell, 2013; Sirotic et al., 2009), it is important to accurately measure the physical output of

these demands. As such, HIR distance is often considered an important measure in physical

match-play output and commonly reported (McLellan & Lovell, 2013; Sirotic et al., 2009).

This measure has been shown to distinguish between elite and sub-elite levels of competition

in team sports, while also separating playing positions (Austin & Kelly, 2014; McLellan &

Lovell, 2013; Sirotic et al., 2009). Furthermore, it has been revealed that 70% of high-intensity

efforts (including HIR) occur prior to pivotal match moments in rugby league, reflecting their

importance during match-play (Austin et al., 2011).

In addition to measuring the distance covered at predefined speeds, the assessment of

acceleration and deceleration efforts is crucial in quantifying the repeated intermittent efforts

performed by players (Gabbett, Jenkins, & Abernethy, 2012; Kempton et al., 2015b; Sirotic et

al., 2009). The interaction of the associated metabolic cost of acceleration and velocity has led

to a new approach for analysing time-motion data (di Prampero, Fusi, Sepulcri, Morin, Belli,

& Antonutto, 2005). Briefly, this method calculates the metabolic cost of accelerations on flat

surfaces as equal to the known metabolic cost of incline running (the equivalent angle) at a

constant velocity (Osgnach, Poser, Bernardini, Rinaldo, & di Prampero, 2010). Using this

acceleration value, an instantaneous energy cost can be estimated, which if multiplied by

velocity reveals an individual’s metabolic power (W·kg-1). This method has been applied to

team sports to report the related acceleratory demands of match-play (Coutts, Kempton,

Sullivan, Bilsborough, Cordy, & Rampinini, 2015; Furlan, Waldron, Shorter, Gabbett,

Mitchell, Fitzgerald, Osborne, & Gray, 2015; Osgnach et al., 2010), however little research

exists within rugby league (Delaney, Duthie, Thornton, Scott, Gay, & Dascombe, 2015a;

Kempton et al., 2015b). Delaney et al., (2015a) established significant differences between

positional groups when examining 1-10 minute windows of acceleratory-running, suggesting

the incorporation of acceleration-based methods are necessary in the quantification of running

load in rugby league. Likewise, it is reported that when compared to HIR (>4 m·s-1), the

distance covered over a pre-defined high power metabolic threshold (HPmetTh) was strongly

affected by position, with greater acceleration demands exhibited from middle forwards

(covering 76% more distance at HPmetTh than HIR), compared to outside backs (37%)

(Kempton et al., 2015b). However, while these studies outline the inter-positional running and

acceleration-based demands, they fail to take into account individual physiological capacities

and may misinterpret the relative stress imposed by these efforts.

Despite the propensity to describe physical performance as an index of HIR and high

metabolic power, current literature provides little agreeance on the most appropriate thresholds

to use. Osgnach and colleagues (2010) suggested the use of an absolute high metabolic power

threshold (HPmetTh; > 20 W·kg-1), reflecting a power output (W) corresponding to a V̇O2 of ~57

mL∙kg-1∙min-1. However, whilst this may be appropriate for soccer athletes (who are relatively

aerobically homogenous), there is great variability in V̇O2 among rugby league and other team

sport athletes due to the variability in match-play requirements (Scott et al., 2016c). Similarly,

there has been a wide range of speed thresholds used when reporting the locomotive movement

demands of team sports, without any physiological justification for their definition. It has been

demonstrated that team sports athletes greatly differ in their physiological profile, resulting in

varying speeds where high-intensity running begins (Abt & Lovell, 2009). As such, it has

recently been suggested that absolute high-intensity speed thresholds should be described as a

physical performance speed threshold rather than a high-intensity speed threshold (Abt &

Lovell, 2009).

Owing to this, there have been recent efforts to better understand physical demands of

sports using relative thresholds. Gabbett (2015) analysed youth rugby league match-play using

absolute and relative thresholds, relative to a players’ individual peak velocity. This study

reported that HIR distance, when expressed in relative thresholds, increased in slower players

and decreased in faster players. Further, it has been revealed that distance covered at high-

intensity is substantially underestimated when HIR is reported as a function of an individual’s

second ventilatory threshold (VT2) (determined from gas-analysis during an incremental

treadmill test) compared to absolute thresholds (> 5.5 m·s-1) (Abt & Lovell, 2009). Similarly,

Clarke et al., (2015) evaluated utilising VT2 as a reference speed for HIR in rugby sevens,

demonstrating absolute thresholds (> 5.0 m·s-1) may over- or underestimate HIR by up to 14%

during match-play. Whilst the proposed VT2 speed threshold appears an appropriate

physiological marker in examining HIR, its application in team sports may be limited due to

the impracticality of regular laboratory testing for large squads (Abt & Lovell, 2009). As such,

it is important to examine these values using field based test that are easy to implement and

have some physiological validity.

Chapter II and IV of the current thesis confirmed past findings, demonstrating the 30-

15IFT to be a valid, reliable and sensitive measure of PHIR performance in team sport athletes

(Buchheit, 2008b; Buchheit et al., 2009a; Buchheit et al., 2011b). The 30-15IFT is easily

conducted and can test multiple athletes simultaneously, making it appealing for team sports

practitioners. Importantly, this test has been shown to relate well to various physiological

responses, such as peak oxygen uptake, as well as both the first (VT1) and second (VT2)

ventilatory thresholds (Buchheit et al., 2009a). Indeed, Buchheit et al., (2009a) revealed that

the mean VT1 and VT2 corresponded to 68% and 87%, respectively, of VIFT, respectively in

team sport athletes. Given these observations, the 30-15IFT may provide a basis on which

relative speed thresholds could be established with physiological significance. In addition, it is

possible to apply the power associated with VT2 during the 30-15IFT to individualised high

metabolic power thresholds, giving greater insight into the acceleration demands of rugby

league match-play. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the differences between

relative and absolute (1) speed; and (2) high metabolic power thresholds across rugby league




A longitudinal research design was adopted, where GPS match-play data was

collected across a complete National Rugby League competitive season to examine the

differences in previously reported absolute speed bands (Sirotic et al., 2009) and metabolic

power thresholds (Osgnach et al., 2010), and individualised relative speed and metabolic power

zones established via the 30-15IFT.


Twenty-six professional male rugby league players (n= 26, 26.4 ± 3.7 y, 99.7 ± 8.3

kg) competing in the NRL competition participated in this study. In total, three-hundred and

forty-six individual match files were analysed across twenty-two home and away, and three

finals matches, across the 2013 NRL season. Players were classified as either outside backs

(fullbacks, wingers and centres; n=8, 102 individual files), adjustables (hookers, halfbacks and

five-eights; n=6, 77 files), edge-forwards (back-rowers; n=4, 66 files) or middle forwards

(props and locks; n=8, 101 files). Interchange players were split into the positional group they

participated the majority of the match in. Subjects were informed of the aims and procedures

of the study and gave their written informed consent prior to participation. The Institutional

Human Ethics Committee approved all experimental procedures (HREC no: H-2013-0283).


Match-play data was collected using portable non-differential GPS devices, sampling

at 5 Hz and interpolated to 15 Hz (SPI HPU GPSports, Canberra, Australia). The mean (± SD)

number of satellites during data collection was 8.9 ± 1.5. For the purpose of validity and

reliability, participants were fitted with the same GPS unit each match (Jennings, Cormack,

Coutts, Boyd, & Aughey, 2010; Scott et al., 2016b). GPS data was downloaded following the

completion of each match using Team AMS (GPSports, Canberra, Australia) and trimmed to

include only match time (average match duration was 86 ± 7, 72 ± 18, 72 ± 19 and 41 ± 14 min

for outside backs, adjustables, edge forwards and middle forwards, respectively). Once

trimmed, each file was exported for analysis with both absolute and relative thresholds applied.

Absolute thresholds were taken from previous research in rugby-league match play

(Sirotic et al., 2009) with terminology modified for the purpose of this study. Absolute speed

thresholds analysed were: (a) moderate-intensity running (MIRTh; distance at speeds > 3.6

m·s-1) and (b) high-intensity running (HIRTh; distance at speeds > 5.2 m·s-1). Running volumes

over these speed thresholds were directly compared to speeds of the (a) first ventilatory

threshold (VT1IFT; distance at speeds > 68% VIFT) and (b) second ventilatory threshold (VT2IFT;

distance at speeds > 87% VIFT) (Buchheit et al., 2009a). Distance travelled over a high

metabolic power threshold was also analysed, with previously reported methods described by

Osgnach (Osgnach et al., 2010) (HPmetTh; >20 W·kg-1) directly compared to the metabolic

power associated with VT2IFT (Equation 6.1) (HPmetVT2).

Equation 6.1: HPmetVT2 = EC x v(VT2IFT) x GRCF

Where EC: energy cost of running at constant speed on flat compact terrain = 3.6 (J∙kg-1∙m-1);

vVT2IFT: relative velocity at VT2IFT = 87% VIFT; and GRCF: grass running correction factor

=1.29 (Osgnach et al., 2010).

30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test

In order to measure individual’s mixed aerobic/anaerobic fitness levels (Scott et al.,

2016c) and consequently update relative thresholds throughout the season, participants were

required to complete the 30-15IFT at four time points across the season. This testing was

interspersed by approximately six weeks. If 30-15IFT performance changed during these time

points, subsequent VT1IFT, VT2IFT and HPmetVT2 thresholds were modified. The intra-individual

typical error (TE) across these four testing points was considered low (TE: 0.42 km·h-1; CV:

1.9%; unpublished data). The 30-15IFT was performed as previously described by Buchheit

(2008b) on a grass field in temperatures between 18-23°C. Players wore their typical training

attire and football boots to ensure ecological validity. Nutritional and hydration strategies were

implemented as per the club guidelines, with players refraining from undertaking strenuous

exercise or taking stimulants for 24 hours prior to testing.

Statistical Analysis

Prior to statistical analyses, assumptions of normality were tested using the Shapiro-

Wilk test, and data were log transformed where necessary. The relationship between relative

and absolute threshold data was assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients (r). The

magnitude of r was classified as 0.1 – 0.3 small, 0.3 – 0.5 moderate, 0.5 – 0.7 large, 0.7 – 0.9

very large and 0.9 to 0.99 nearly perfect (Hopkins, 2002). Following this, effect sizes (ES) and

90% CI were used to describe the magnitude of difference, interpreted as; ES <0.20 trivial,

0.21 – 0.6 small, 0.61 – 1.2 moderate, 1.21 – 2.0 large and >2.1 very large (Hopkins et al.,

2009). Furthermore, the likelihood of the observed effect was established using a progressive

magnitude based approach using a customised spreadsheet (Hopkins, 2007), where quantitative

chances of the true effect were assessed qualitatively, as: <1%, almost certainly not; 1 – 5%,

very unlikely; 5 – 25%, unlikely; 25 – 75%, possibly; 75 – 97.5%, likely; 97.5 – 99% very

likely; >99%, almost certainly (Hopkins, 2007).


Pearson correlation coefficients (r) between distances covered above VT1IFT and

MIR (r = 0.94), VT2IFT and HIR (r = 0.94) and HPmetVT2 and HPmetTh (r = 0.93), show a strong

positive relationship between absolute and relative measures of running and metabolic loads.

Raw absolute and relative threshold velocities across positional groups are outlined in Table

6.1. Table 6.2 presents the distances covered over absolute and relative speed and metabolic

thresholds for these positions.

Table 6.1: Mean velocity (mean ± SD) for relative and absolute speed and metabolic thresholds across positional groups.

Velocity at different thresholds

Running Threshold Adjustables Outside Backs Edge Forwards Middle Forwards Squad
VT1IFT (m∙s-1) 3.7 ± 0.1 3.6 ± 0.2 3.7 ± 0.1 3.5 ± 0.1 3.6 ± 0.2
MIRTh (m∙s-1) 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6
VT2IFT (m∙s-1) 4.7 ± 0.2 4.5 ± 0.3 4.7 ± 0.1 4.5 ± 0.1 4.6 ± 0.2
HIRTh (m∙s-1) 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2
HPmetVT2 (W∙kg-1) 22.0 ± 0.7 21.1 ± 1.5 21.7 ± 0.5 21.0 ± 0.5 21.4 ± 1.0
HPmetTh (W∙kg-1) 20 20 20 20 20

VT1IFT: First ventilatory threshold (> 68% VIFT), MIRTh: Absolute moderate intensity running threshold (> 3.6 m·s-1), VT2IFT: second ventilatory threshold (> 87% VIFT), HIRTh:
Absolute high-intensity running distance (> 5.2 m·s-1), HPmetTh: absolute high metabolic power threshold (>20 W·kg-1), HPmetVT2: relative high metabolic power threshold
(power associated with VT2IFT).

Table 6.2: Distances (mean ± SD) covered across relative and absolute speed and metabolic thresholds across positional groups.
Distance covered above different thresholds
Running Threshold Adjustables Outside Backs Edge Forwards Middle Forwards Squad
VT1IFT (m) 1110 ± 339 1520 ± 211a 1301 ± 103 836 ± 184a 1192 ± 358
MIRTh (m) 1108 ± 365 1415 ± 208 1319 ± 103 730 ± 176 1133 ± 367
VT2IFT (m) 387 ± 132b 809 ± 161b 572 ± 76b 316 ± 65b 526 ± 240
HIRTh (m) 270 ± 83 535 ± 89 413 ± 76 187 ± 35 351 ± 161
HPmetVT2 (m) 1137 ± 324c 1377 ± 189c 1296 ± 109d 797 ± 175c 1144 ± 321
HPmetTh (m) 1315 ± 373 1468 ± 216 1486 ± 118 851 ± 204 1264 ± 365
VT1IFT: First ventilatory threshold (> 68% VIFT), MIRTh: Absolute moderate intensity running threshold (> 3.6 m·s-1), VT2IFT: second ventilatory threshold (> 87% VIFT), HIRTh:
Absolute high-intensity running distance (> 5.2 m·s-1), HPmetTh: absolute high metabolic power threshold (>20 W·kg-1), HPmetVT2: relative high metabolic power threshold
(power associated with VT2IFT). Positional effect sizes between thresholds: a = small effect with MIRTh; b = moderate effect with HIRTh; c = small effect with HP metTh; d = moderate
effect with HPmetTh

Differences (expressed as effect sizes ± 90% CI) in the distance covered above each

of the relative and absolute thresholds for each positional group are displayed in Figure 6.1.

Adjustables and edge forwards covered most likely same distances above VT1IFT when

compared to MIRTh (ES = 0.01; ± 0.20 and ES = 0.05; ± 0.29, respectively). Whilst outside

backs and middle forwards completed a likely and very likely greater volume of VT1IFT when

compared to MIRTh (ES = 0.21; ± 0.24 and ES = 0.34; ± 0.23, respectively). Moderate

differences were witnessed between VT2IFT and HIRTh for all positional groups. The VT2IFT

mean values represent a 146%, 144%, 138% and 167% increase in HIR (compared to HIRTh)

across adjustables, outside backs, edge forwards and middle forwards respectively.

Figure 6.1: Magnitude of differences in running and high metabolic distance between relative
and absolute thresholds across positional groups. Values are as standardised
effects (effect size ± 90% CI). ADJ: Adjustables; OB: Outside Backs; EDG: Edge
Forwards; MID: Middle Forwards.

The relationship between VT2IFT raw velocity and the differences in distance covered

above VT2IFT and HIR is presented in Figure 6.2, reflecting a tendency toward players with a

lower VT2IFT velocity (and therefore level of fitness) to have a greater underestimation in high-

intensity running when using absolute values. Relative high metabolic power thresholds were

likely to almost certainly lower than absolute HPmetTh across positions (ES range = 0.24 – 0.63).

However, some athletes completed a greater volume of running above HPmetVT2 when compared

to HPmetTh depending on the level of fitness of the individual.

Figure 6.2: A: VT1IFT raw velocity and the differences in distance covered above VT1IFT vs.
MIR; B: VT2IFT raw velocity and the differences in distance covered above VT2IFT
vs. HIR; C. HPmetVT2 raw power and the differences in distance covered above
HPmetVT2 and HPmetTh.


The purpose of this study was to identify differences between relative and absolute

speed and metabolic power thresholds in quantifying the match-play output of elite rugby

league players. The initial finding in the current study demonstrates that whilst strong

correlations exist between distances covered at relative and absolute speed thresholds,

substantial differences in match-play output were evident when examined across positional

groups. This investigation confirmed that HIR should be considered relative to an individual,

as the running ‘load’ of match-play greatly depends on an individual’s physical capacities.

Similarly, the use of estimated VT2 as a physiological marker for high metabolic power

thresholds may provide a better reference for individual high metabolic running than absolute

methods within team sports.

The present findings demonstrate that there is an almost perfect correlation between

distance covered above relative and absolute speed thresholds (r = 0.93 – 0.94). Additionally,

while only small differences existed for distance covered above VT1IFT compared to MIRTh,

greater (moderate) differences were observed when comparing distances above VT2IFT with

HIRTh. These findings suggest that absolute speed thresholds may underestimate HIR in rugby

league match play, particularly for players possessing lower levels of fitness, mirroring results

previously reported in soccer (Abt & Lovell, 2009). For example, Abt and Lovell (2009)

reported substantially greater distances in HIR (167%) during match-play using VT2 as their

speed threshold, compared to an absolute HIR threshold (> 5.5 m∙s-1). The importance of HIR

and repeated high-intensity efforts in rugby league match-play has previously been outlined

(Austin et al., 2011; Austin & Kelly, 2014; Sirotic et al., 2009). Indeed, HIR and repeated high-

intensity efforts have been shown to differentiate team success in rugby league (Gabbett &

Gahan, 2015; Hulin & Gabbett, 2015), and commonly occur around pivotal match moments

(Austin et al., 2011; Austin & Kelly, 2014). Due to the importance of HIR and repeated high-

intensity efforts to performance, there has been an augmented shift to high-intensity interval

training to develop these capacities (Buchheit & Laursen, 2013b), however underestimation or

misrepresentation of the physical HIR load may lead to poor monitoring and prescription of

training load. Further, it has been proposed that an individual’s ventilatory threshold (VT2)

provides a more sensitive measure of training-induced changes than typical measures of

maximal aerobic capacity (Edwards, Clark, & Macfadyen, 2003; Impellizzeri et al., 2005).

Hence, the use of relative thresholds appears desirable for appropriate player monitoring.

The current investigation observed positional differences for distances run above

VT2IFT in comparison with distance run above HIRTh. Due to the variations in rugby league

positional match-play demands, there is little homogeneity across players’ physical,

physiological and anthropometrical characteristics (Gabbett et al., 2008a). For instance, a

middle forward is required to carry greater body mass and possess explosive qualities to

increase their momentum in collisions (Baker & Newton, 2008; Delaney et al., 2015b). In

contrast, adjustables are often smaller and require greater PHIR ability due to the increased

running demands of their position during match-play (see Chapter IV) (Scott et al., 2016c).

When examining the differences in distance covered above VT2IFT and HIRTh, all playing

positions had an almost certainly greater output (ES range = 0.79 – 1.03) when HIR was

considered relative to their level of fitness, with the greatest magnitude observed among middle

forwards and outside backs. This is reflected in the lower VIFT of middle forwards and outside

backs in the current study which mirrors previous findings reported in Chapter IV (Scott et al.,

2016c). Indeed, Chapter IV demonstrated that these two positional groups contribute greater

anaerobic qualities during the 30-15IFT to other positions, potentially limiting their performance

in this test (Scott et al., 2016c). Due to the heterogeneity in physical characteristics across

positions, the relative HIR velocity substantially differs between positions within rugby league.

As such, when examining HIR across positions, the use of relative thresholds (e.g. VT2IFT) may

provide a better representation of the relative physical HIR load undertaken.

It has been suggested that HIR above VT2 during match-play does not account for the

entire physical running load, as the distance and/or time spent at moderate intensities is not

included (Abt & Lovell, 2009). The current findings indicate that absolute MIR thresholds may

not only under-estimate the MIR loads in players with lower fitness levels but also over-

estimate these loads for players with higher levels of fitness. Adjustables and edge forwards

covered substantially less distance above VT1IFT when compared to MIRTh. Conversely, outside

backs and middle forwards completed a greater volume of VT1IFT when compared to MIRTh.

The small practical differences witnessed in middle forwards and outside backs are likely due

to the lower VIFT of these positions, resulting in greater differences between VT1IFT and MIRTh

velocities. Further, this study has demonstrated that when applying absolute MIR thresholds,

individuals with high levels of fitness may have a tendency to over-estimate the running

undertaken above this intensity. Given these findings it appears important that relative speed

thresholds also take into account the running load undertaken at moderate intensities as this too

is sensitive of individual match play demands.

In addition to speed based thresholds, this investigation examined the differences

between high metabolic power thresholds. Importantly, HPmetVT2 provides an estimated

physiological threshold that offers a relative value across individuals with heterogeneous

physiological capacities, particularly for those with lower fitness levels. The present findings

demonstrate that a strong positive correlation was observed (r = 0.94) between distance run

above HPmetVT2 and HPmetTh. Similar to the differences witnessed between running thresholds

at moderate intensities, running undertaken above absolute high metabolic power thresholds

may under- and over- estimate running load depending on the respective fitness of the

individual. The current study showed a main effect in distance travelled above relative and

absolute high metabolic power thresholds across positional groups. Edge forwards undertook

moderately less distance above HPmetVT2 when compared to HPmetTh, whilst small lower

differences were reported across all other positions. Despite adjustables recording a higher

relative high metabolic threshold than any other position (22.0 ± 0.7 W∙kg-1), only small

differences in high metabolic running distances were observed between thresholds. It has been

previously demonstrated that edge forwards and adjustables undertake a greater metabolic

power output during match play compared to other positions when using HP metTh (Delaney et

al., 2015a). As adjustables and edge forwards have higher relative metabolic power thresholds,

this may contribute in part to the previously reported greater metabolic power outputs, when

using absolute thresholds, than other positions during match-play. Further, whilst it has been

demonstrated that HPmetTh may over-estimate the high metabolic running load of these

positions, it appears edge forwards are most greatly affected. In addition, the current study

demonstrates that for players with lower levels of fitness, absolute thresholds may under-

estimate this high metabolic running volume. Consequently, the use of estimated VT2 as an

individualised marker for high metabolic power output may provide a better reference for

individual high metabolic load within team sports.

Collectively, these findings confirm previous reports in soccer which have shown that

the HIR load is under-estimated using current absolute methods, which is directly affected by

levels of fitness (Abt & Lovell, 2009). Additionally, the current study demonstrates that the

differences between absolute and relative HIR load vary substantially across individuals during

match play. It has been suggested that VT2 is a more appropriate marker to implement as a

relative HIR threshold due to its sensitivity in measuring training-induced physiological

changes (Abt & Lovell, 2009; Edwards et al., 2003; Impellizzeri et al., 2005). However, given

the laboratory nature of incremental treadmill testing to examine ventilatory thresholds, it may

be difficult to calculate these physiological functions within large team sport squads. The

current study presents the 30-15IFT as a practical field-based test to implement relative

thresholds for match demands due to the strong relationship between VIFT and both VT1 and

VT2 (Buchheit et al., 2009a). Whilst this methodology only provides estimates of these

physiological markers, the authors recommend the use of 30-15IFT derived relative thresholds

due to the practicality of this measure and its ability to be implemented across large groups.

Additionally, it is important to recognise that to increase the accuracy of these thresholds,

repeated testing is required across the preparation and competition phase. Whilst the 30-15IFT

was performed at four-time points across the competition season to modify relative thresholds,

further research should aim at understanding how variable the 30-15IFT is across a competitive

phase and whether this was sufficient.


The present study demonstrated that considerable differences existed in match-play

output across positions when relative thresholds speeds (derived from the 30-15IFT) where

compared to absolute methods. Similar to previous findings in soccer, it is apparent that the

speed at which players begin HIR is dependent on individual capacities and attributes. As such,

current absolute methods underestimate the HIR undertaken by rugby league players during

match-play. Further, this study found that absolute MIR may not only under-estimate the MIR

loads in players with lower fitness levels but also over-estimate these loads for players with

higher levels of fitness, confirming the suggestions this needs to be investigated in team sports.

Likewise, it is apparent that absolute high metabolic power thresholds may under- and over-

estimate this load depending on the respective fitness of the individual, when compared to

VT2IFT- based high metabolic power thresholds. Taken together, these findings will impact on

the understanding of the HIR running ‘load’ athletes are exposed to both during training and

match-play. Importantly, these findings may have great effect on the periodisation of training,

recovery protocols and prescription of high intensity interval training for performance staff.


Whilst this study proposes a novel approach to indivdiualise running thresholds in

team sport, it is important to identify that these zones are estimates. As such, drawing

conclusions of the physiological cost of running above these thresholds may be inappropriate

across populations. Future research should re-asses the running demands of team sport athletes

using the physiological suggested derived in a laboratory setting using appropriate protocols.


• VT2IFT presents a relative HIR threshold that can be applied across a large squad in team

sports. It is proposed that this estimated threshold may provide a more practical value

than laboratory based VT2 testing.

• Current absolute HIR thresholds (> 5.5 m∙s-1) underestimate the physical running load

undertaken by the athletes during match-play, therefore VT2IFT may be a greater

indicator of this running load, particularly for those with lower fitness levels.

• The relative nature of this ‘running load’ may provide greater insight into the volume

of load performed and consequently be used by performance staff to more precisely

prescribe and monitor training sessions and recovery strategies.

Chapter VII

The validity of relative speed thresholds to quantify training

in team sports

This chapter is presented as a technical report currently in preparation for submission:

Scott, T. J., and McLaren, S. J. (2018). The validity of relative speed thresholds to quantify

training in team sports

Statement of Joint Authorship and Author Contribution

Tannath J. Scott (candidate)

Shaun J. McLaren

• Data analysis and interpretation; drafting of technical report


Training load (TL) encompasses both external and internal dimensions, with

external TLs representing the physical work performed during the training session or match

and internal TLs being the associated biochemical (physical and physiological) and

biomechanical stress responses (Impellizzeri, et al., 2005). The relationships between internal

and external loads in team-sport athletes have received much attention to date, with a myriad

of studies reporting correlation magnitudes ranging from trivial to very large (Bartlett,

O'Connor, Pitchford, Torres-Ronda, & Robertson, 2017; McLaren, Macpherson, Coutts, Hurst,

Spears, & Weston, 2018). The dispersion in these effect sizes would suggest that internal-

external load relationships are not yet fully understood, which has led some to question the

validity of specific external load measures. Greater external loads, particularly those common

to the stochastic demands of team-sport training and competition, have been shown to increase

metabolic energy costs and soft tissue force an absorption/production (Vanrenterghem,

Nedergaard, Robinson, & Drust, 2017), thereby increasing the internal response.

The external TLs are typically measured through global positioning systems (GPS)

devices with locomotor demands further analysed using absolute speed thresholds. However,

the physiological justification for the definition of these speed thresholds has been recently

questioned (see Chapter VI). Indeed, it is suggested that absolute high-intensity speed

thresholds should be described as a physical performance speed threshold rather than a high-

intensity speed threshold (Abt & Lovell, 2009) and therefore analysed relative to an

individual’s physical profile. Chapter VI proposed the use of relative speed thresholds derived

from the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (30-15IFT). This chapter demonstrated differences in

running output during match-play when comparing these relative speed thresholds with

absolute thresholds commonly reported in rugby league. However, the validity of these 30-

15IFT based speed thresholds are yet to be examined with relation to the internal response

derived from training. Therefore, the current technical report aims to assess the construct

validity of these speed thresholds examining their relationship with measures of internal TL.


Eighteen professional male rugby league players (n= 18, 23.3 ± 3.4 y, 101.5 ± 8.3

kg) competing in the National Rugby League (NRL) competition participated in this study.

Training was monitored over a three-week pre-season training period (14.8 ± 0.8 field-based

sessions) to examine the relationships between relative locomotor output and measures of

internal load. Training data was collected using portable non-differential GPS devices,

sampling at 5 Hz and interpolated to 15 Hz (SPI HPU GPSports, Canberra, Australia). The

mean (± SD) number of satellites during data collection was 12.4 ± 1.3. For the purpose of

validity and reliability, participants were fitted with the same GPS unit each training session

(Jennings et al., 2010). The 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test was undertaken, with the end-stage

velocity (VIFT) used to determine relative speed thresholds proposed in Chapter VI. The internal

TL for each session was calculated using the sRPE method (Foster et al., 2001) for each player

during the study period. This method involved multiplying the training duration in minutes by

the mean training intensity (measured using Borg CR10 scale). The HR-based training impulse

(TRIMP) method proposed by Edwards (1993) and time ≥90% HRmax were also used as a

criterion measure of internal TL in the present study.

A within-player design was used to determine if higher session distances covered

above the VIFT based thresholds were associated with higher session internal loads. This is the

appropriate method as it permits the analysis of within-subject changes by removing between-

subject differences (Bland & Altman, 1995). Confidence limits (CL; 90%) for the within-player

correlations were calculated as per Altman and Bland (2011). The following scale of

magnitudes was used to interpret the magnitude of the correlation coefficients: <0.1, trivial;

0.1–0.3, small; 0.3–0.5, moderate; 0.5–0.7, large; 0.7–0.9, very large; >0.9, nearly perfect

(Hopkins et al., 2009). Correlations were evaluated mechanistically and only deemed clear if

the 90% CL did not overlap substantially positive and negative effect thresholds by a likelihood

of ≥ 5% (Batterham & Hopkins, 2006). Otherwise, the chances of the true (population)

correlation being at least that of the observed magnitude was interpreted using the following

scale of probabilistic terms: 5–24.9%, possibly; 75–94.9%, likely; 95–99.4%, very likely; ≥

99.5%, most likely (Batterham & Hopkins, 2006).


Results are displayed in table 7.1 below.

Table 7.1: Within-athlete relationships between session distances covered above VIFT-
derived speed thresholds and session internal loads during a three-week pre-
season training block in elite rugby league players.

Distance covered Relationship (r; ±90% CL) with measures of internal load
above relative
threshold sRPE-TL TRIMP Time ≥90% HRmax

0.60; ±0.07 0.51; ±0.08 0.62; ±0.07

>68% VIFT
very likely large possibly large most likely large

0.51; ±0.08 0.45; ±0.09 0.56; ±0.08

>87% VIFT
possibly large most likely moderate likely large

0.36; ±0.09 0.37; ±0.10 0.44; ±0.09.

>100% VIFT
likely moderate likely moderate very likely moderate

CL: confidence limits; HRmax, maximum heart rate; r, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient; sRPE-
TL, session rating of perceived exertion training load; TRIMP, Edwards heart-rate-derived training impulse,
VIFT, end-stage velocity during the 30–15 Intermittent Fitness Test.


Associations between external and internal measures of TL and intensity are

important in understanding the dose–response nature of team-sport training and competition.

These relationships may also provide evidence for the validity of relative external TL measures.

The current study found moderate to large relationships exist between relative locomotor

output (using VIFT derived thresholds) and internal measures of TL, demonstrating the validity

of this method to quantify running demands in rugby league. Importantly, establishing the

construct validity of relative speed thresholds may be an integral aspect of athlete monitoring

in team sports that include athletes with heterogenous physical qualities (see Chapter VI). The

current findings demonstrate a stronger association between relative locomotor demands at

lower intensities and measures of internal load. These results are in support of past findings

that have reported on the relationship between internal TL and absolute external TL measures,

observing weaker correlations between these measures at higher velocities (McLaren et al.,


It is theorised that centrally-derived physiological responses may have a greater

influence on our perception of effort, and may give reason for the poor linear relationship

between running velocity and internal training response (Vanrenterghem et al., 2017). Given

the ability to sustain muscle contractions during locomotion is largely dependent on the

cumulative provision of substrate and oxygen to the peripheral systems, this association seems

logical. Indeed, an individual’s perception of effort is believed to be largely driven by the

neuronal process experienced from central motor commands to the lower-limb and respiratory

muscles during locomotion (Marcora, 2009). As such, it appears sensical that the distance of

running covered above a lower-intensity threshold would see greater relationships with

perceived exertion and other measures of internal TL (i.e. heart rate response) than that

undertaken over higher velocities (McLaren et al., 2018).

Lastly, the strength of these correlations is substantial evidence to suggest these

relative thresholds valid in the quantification of external TL. Whilst there is an imperfect

association between the external loads assessed and measures of internal load, this is

unsurprising. The observed moderate to large relationships between measures of relative

external and internal TL is likely due to the myriad of non-load-related factors that influence

an individual’s perceived exertion and internal response during exercise (Robertson & Noble,

1997). Taken together, these findings establish the construct validity of VIFT derived speed

thresholds to evaluate relative external TLs and further our understanding of the dose–response

nature of team-sport training.

Chapter VIII

Acute metabolic, cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular effects

of high-intensity interval training in rugby league players

Statement of Joint Authorship and Author Contribution

Tannath J. Scott (candidate)

Gregory Dupont

• Drafting and critical revision of manuscript

Heidi R. Thornton

• Data collection, analysis and interpretation

Jace A. Delaney

• Data collection

David A. Ballard

• Conception of study and data collection

Jeremy A. Hickmans

• Conception of study

Ben J. Dascombe

• Conception of study; data collection; drafting and critical revision of manuscript

Grant M. Duthie

• Conception of study; data collection; drafting and critical revision of manuscript


This study examined the acute metabolic, cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular

effects of differently structured high-intensity interval training (HIT) and tactical training

sessions, as well as changes following a pre-season training period. Thirty-one junior-elite

Australian rugby league players completed four × 4 min HIT exercises typical of team sport

athletes with a 2 min passive recovery in between exercises. Exercise intensity was prescribed

relative to 30-15IFT performance conducted prior to each testing period, ranging from 85 –

105% VIFT, with manipulations made to shuttle length, work: rest ratios, recovery modalities

(active and passive) to alter the physiological response of each HIT exercise. Blood lactate

([La−]b), counter-movement jumps (CMJ) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were

recorded following HIT exercises (within 60 s of completion), while time spent above 90%

heart rate maximum (HR90) was calculated. The order of HIT exercises where randomised over

three protocols undertaken two days apart to assess the influence on exercise arrangement.

Each protocol was re-tested following a six-week training period. Effect sizes (ES) quantified

between-condition differences. Substantial increases in [La−]b occurred following the second 4

min exercise bout (ES range = 0.94 – 1.18). No differences were witnessed following each

protocol in [La−]b or RPE, despite some substantial differences witnessed in HR90 between each

protocol at the conclusion. The 4 min HIT exercise incorporating active recovery had the

greatest effect on (ES range = 0.06 – 0.88). Following the training period, [La−]b (protocol one;

ES= 0.68 ± 0.31; ES ± CI) and HR90 (protocol one; ES = 0.75; ±0.37 and two: ES = 0.40; ±0.29)

reposes were substantially lower. CMJ power outputs showed no substantial changes across

any condition. These findings demonstrate that the arrangement of HIT exercises can influence

the physiological responses of a training session. The accumulation of [La−]b may be more

sensitive to HIT incorporating active recoveries rather than HIT with greater mechanical

(acceleration and deceleration) loads.


training prescription, conditioning, 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test, team sports


Team sport match-play is characterised by repeated high-intensity movements

interspersed with periods of low-intensity activity, requiring physical efforts derived from both

aerobic and anaerobic sources (Bangsbo, 2000a; Bangsbo et al., 2007; Bangsbo et al., 2006).

Aerobic fitness has been shown to be a determinant in the performance of team sports,

especially in the ability to finish a match (Kempton et al., 2015a; Mohr et al., 2003), to cover

distance (Rampinini et al., 2007b), to repeat and recover from high-intensities efforts (Bishop

& Spencer, 2004; Dupont et al., 2010b), and to reduce the deterioration in some technical skills

(Rampinini et al., 2009). Further, high-intensity efforts typically occur at decisive moments of

match-play (Austin et al., 2011) and may differentiate successful and non-successful teams

(Gabbett & Gahan, 2015). As a result, coaches must appropriately develop these aerobic and

repeated high-intensity capacities to adequately prepare athletes for match-play demands.

High-intensity interval training is a time efficient method to progressively overload the

cardiopulmonary, metabolic and neuromuscular/musculoskeletal systems (Buchheit, 2012;

Buchheit & Laursen, 2013a; Buchheit & Laursen, 2013b). Briefly, HIT incorporates either

repeated short (<45 s) or longer (2-4 min) bouts of high-intensity exercise, interspersed with

active or passive recovery periods (Buchheit & Laursen, 2013a). Alongside other methods of

conditioning (e.g., small sided games), the appropriate prescription and continual progression

of HIT has been shown to enhance an athlete’s physiological capacities (Wong, Chaouachi,

Chamari, Dellal, & Wisloff, 2010). More specifically, the implementation of HIT may lead to

rapid improvement in aerobic and repeated high-intensity running capacities (Wong et al.,

2010). High intensity interval training is commonly viewed as an effective method to maximise

physiological adaptations during physical preparation phases, with the aim to improve the

outcome of physical output during match-play. However during this preparatory phase, the

organisation and outcome of these sessions may be compromised due to concurrent tactical and

physical training sessions. For example, residual neuromuscular fatigue post-HIT may inhibit

the rate of force development during succeeding training sessions, potentially compromising

planned neuromuscular loadings (Blazevich, 2012). As such, it is integral when integrating

HIT with tactical, speed, agility and strength sessions that practitioners understand the

cardiopulmonary, metabolic, and neuromuscular fatigue/stress imposed to subsequently

appropriately periodise this training.

Currently there is a paucity of research revealing the impact of consecutive HIT

exercises within a training session. This is important as seldom do HIT sessions only

incorporate one drill repeated over multiple sets. Indeed, it is more typical for practitioners to

manipulate work and rest intensities and recovery periods within drills across a training session

to stress different physiological systems. Despite this, the majority of studies have aimed to

examine the physiological responses to independent HIT strategies, such as assessing the

influence of work: rest intervals, work intensity and recovery modality (Buchheit & Laursen,

2013a; Buchheit & Laursen, 2013b). For example, it has been found that there is an increased

anaerobic glycolytic contribution due to greater peripheral metabolic disturbance when

intermittent exercise at the same intensity was performed in shuttle format compared with

traditional in-line running (Dellal, Keller, Carling, Chaouachi, Wong del, & Chamari, 2010).

Also, introducing an active recovery between HIT efforts induced a faster decline in

oxyhemoglobin (Dupont, Moalla, Guinhouya, Ahmaidi, & Berthoin, 2004b). While we

currently have a reasonable understanding of the metabolic and neuromuscular fatigue/load

from these individual HIT exercises, it is not known how these physiological responses are

effected by preceding and/or succeeding HIT exercises with varying metabolic and

neuromuscular aims. Additionally, the fatigue/load related to these sessions may be

compromised and altered during preparatory periods when tactical, agility, speed or strength

session are performed in the hours prior to HIT. Indeed, while eight weeks of concurrent HIT,

strength and tactical training has shown improvement in explosive performances (vertical jump

height, 10-m and 30-m sprint times) and aerobic fitness in soccer players (Wong et al., 2010),

it is not known what influence these concurrent sessions have on physiological responses when

performed prior to HIT. Furthermore, while improvements in absolute aerobic fitness may be

achieved during this period of concurrent training, it is unknown whether this adaptation may

also improve physiological functioning at a relative running intensity rather than increasing

peak fitness.

The current study aims to (1) identify the metabolic and neuromuscular effects of

different exercise arrangements within an HIT session; (2) investigate how team sport athletes

respond to the same session following a six-week training period and (3) examine how these

responses are influenced by tactical/ technical sessions undertaken immediately before HIT.



Thirty-one junior-elite rugby league players (19.2 ± 0.6 y, 93.6 kg ± 10.4 kg, Σ7

skinfolds: 78.4 ± 25.4 mm) competing in the Australian National Youth Competition (NYC;

Under 20’s) participated in this study. All participants underwent medical screening and did not

present any contraindications for vigorous exercise. Participants were informed of the

experimental procedures, risks and/or benefits involved and provided written consent and

parental/guardian consent prior to participation. Experimental procedures were approved by the

Institutional Human Ethics Committee (HREC no: H-2013-0283).

Experimental procedures

To limit the circadian effect on performance as well as to reduce the effect of external

factors (such as temperature), all testing procedures were performed during regular training

times. The first testing period was performed following two weeks of pre-conditioning to ensure

players were physically capable to undertaking the HIT protocols. To standardise athlete

nutritional substrate status prior to all testing periods the team dietician provided nutritional and

hydration strategies to all players as per club guidelines. In order to ensure sufficient

carbohydrate intake during the testing period, nutritional records were taken as was typical of

club player monitoring policy. Athletes were also required to consume identical mixed diets

(i.e., no CHO-loading) for 24 h before each experimental trial. To examine the influence of

separate HIT drills within a training session, four 4 min HIT exercises were conducted in

different orders across three separate sessions with 2 min passive recovery in-between each

exercise (described below). Capillary blood samples were collected following each exercise in

protocol one and three and at the halfway (following exercise two) and completion of protocol

two, within 30-60 seconds from the cessation of exercise, from a hyperaemic fingertip for the

analysis of blood lactate ([La−]b) concentration using a lactate Scout (EKF-Diagnostic, Berlin,

Germany). Likewise, within 30-60s of completing the exercise drill athletes performed three

counter-movement jumps (CMJ), measured using a linear position transducer (LPT;

GymAware optical encoder; Kinetic, Canberra, ACT) attached to a broomstick which sat across

the athletes’ shoulders, with their best result (considered peak jump height) analysed for peak

concentric force and peak velocity. The use of an LPT to quantify power and velocity during

this movement has been shown to demonstrate moderate levels of reliability (9.3 – 12.2% CV),

despite the observed decrease in the validity of mechanical measurements as velocity increases

(Giroux, Rabita, Chollett, & Guilhem, 2015). However, it is suggested that the variability of

measurements performed during high-velocity jumps cannot be attributed to devices limitations

(Jidovtseff, Crielaard, Cauchy, & Croisier, 2008) and therefore when examining velocity and

power based measures in the field, LPT may be an appropriate method. Players undertook the

testing protocols in a staggered rotation to ensure there was no delay when performing CMJ

and to standardise the time between [La−]b collection and the completion of the recent HIT drill.

To understand the implications of tactical/technical sessions on ensuing HIT more thoroughly,

groups were divided with one group (n=15) completing a standardised skill session prior to HIT

and one group following (n=16).

30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test

Players were required to complete the 30-15IFT prior to both training interventions to

prescribe relative distances for individual HIT protocols, and were asked to refrain from

undertaking any strenuous exercise in the 24-hour period prior to testing. Players underwent a

familiarisation session one week prior to testing, with coaching staff providing procedural

advice when necessary. Briefly, the 30–15IFT consisted of 30-second shuttle (40-m) runs

interspersed with 15-second passive recovery periods. The initial running velocity was set at 8

km∙h-1 for the first 30-second stage, and speed was increased by 0.5 km∙h-1 every 30-second

stage thereafter. To assist athletes in regulating their running speed a short beep sounded as

they were to be in the 3-m zones either at each end of the running area, or the mid-line (20-m

line). If players were unable to reach the 3-m zone on 3 consecutive occasions, scores were

recorded as the last stage completed successfully (VIFT) (Buchheit, 2008b). This test has been

demonstrated to be valid (Buchheit, 2008b; Covic et al., 2016; Scott et al., 2016c) and reliable

among team sport athletes, with a TE of 0.36 km.h-1 (CV 1.9%) reported in a similar cohort of

athletes (Scott et al., 2015).

Physical Training

Following the first HIT testing period, players took part in six weeks of normal team training,

which was prescribed by performance staff and tactical coaches. Training was not modified or

altered in any way for the purposes of this study, with no influence or obstruction given to staff

or players. Across the six-week training period players undertook 24 scheduled on-field

training sessions. Each week was comprised of two conditioning sessions, four skills sessions

and a speed and agility session across four training days (see Table 8.1). After this training

block, players undertook the same HIT testing layout.

Table 8.1: Training events (commencement time) [mean individual session training load ±
SD; determined from the sRPE method] completed by rugby league players
during the six-week training period (pre-season).

Monday (PM) Tuesday (PM) Wednesday Thursday (PM) Friday Saturday (AM) Sunday
Speed/ Skills Conditioning/ Agility/ Skills Conditioning/
Training Skills Training Training Skills Training
(1630 h) (1630 h) (1630 h) (0700 h)
[468 ± 92 AU] [639 ± 136] [440 ± 82 AU] [605 ± 119 AU]

Strength Strength Training Strength

Training (1800 h) Training
(1800 h) [379 ± 67 AU] (0930 h)
[280 ± 59 AU] [341 ± 79 AU]
AU = arbitrary units

High-Intensity Training Protocols

The HIT protocol prescribed was designed to elicit differing physiological responses

(with varied metabolic and neuromuscular emphasises), with all exercises typical of that

prescribed for team sports (Table 8.2). To assess the effect of exercise order, each HIT exercise

rotated in differing drill orders, which formed protocol one, two and three. The outline of these

protocols can be viewed in Table 8.3. These protocols where performed two days apart with a

recovery day scheduled in-between (Figure 8.1). To standardise the relative physiological

response to this training stimulus, all HIT methods were prescribed from V IFT obtained from

the 30-15IFT prior to the respective testing block.

Table 8.2: Outline of high-intensity running exercises.

Exercise Reps Work: Rest VIFT (%) Recovery (%) Shuttle Length
SHTL30 4 30:30 s 90 Passive 30
SHTL15 4 30:30 s 85 Passive 15
SLACTREC 8 15:15 s 85 60 Straight line
SHTL30HI 8 15:15 s 105 Passive 30

SHTL30: 30 m shuttle length as described in the table; SHTL15: 15 m shuttle length as described in the table;
SLACTREC: Straight line active recovery based drill as described in the table; SHTLE30HI: 30 m shuttle length at an
intensity greater than SHTL30 as describe above in the table; VIFT: final velocity at termination of the 30-15
Intermittent Fitness Test.

Table 8.3: Outline of each high-intensity interval training protocol.

Protocol Drill 1 Drill 2 Drill 3 Drill 4


SHTL30: 30 m shuttle length as described in the table; SHTL15: 15 m shuttle length as described in the table;
SLACTREC: Straight line active recovery based drill as described in the table; SHTLE30HI: 30 m shuttle length at an
intensity greater than SHTL30 as describe above in the table.

Figure 8.1: A schematic depiction of the study protocols and high-intensity interval training
exercises within each protocol (ordered from top to bottom).

Training Load Variables

External loads were measured using portable non-differential GPS devices, sampling at

5Hz and interpolated to 15 Hz (SPI HPU GPSports, Canberra, Australia). The mean (± SD)

number of satellites and HDOP during the data collection periods was 11.8 ± 2.7 and 1.1 ± 0.1,

respectively. For the purpose of reliability, participants were fitted with the same GPS unit each

training session (Scott et al., 2016b). GPS data was downloaded and trimmed using Team AMS

(GPSports, Canberra, Australia) and exported for analysis. External measurements collected for

analysis included measures validated in Chapter VI as well as total distance. Relative high-

intensity running and high metabolic load were calculated from estimated second ventilatory

speed thresholds based on the 30-15IFT as per Chapter VI. Due to the reported poor inter-unit

reliability of GPS for measuring acceleration (Buchheit et al., 2014), the current study

calculated the average acceleration/deceleration (Ave Acc/Dec; m∙s-2) of each exercise as

described previously (Delaney, Cummins, Thornton, & Duthie, 2017). Briefly, this technique

utilised customised software (R, v R-3.1.3.) to examine the raw GPS movement data (sampled

at 5 Hz), taking the absolute value of all acceleration/deceleration data, and averaging over the

duration of the defined period. This method has been demonstrated to have good to moderate

levels of reliability (1.2 – 5.7% CV) (Delaney et al., 2017). Internal TL was calculated using

the sRPE method (Foster et al., 2001) for each player across the study period. In addition, during

the testing protocols, training intensity was measured using the CR10 scale, collected following

each exercise and at the conclusion of the HIT protocol. Heart rate was recorded throughout

each training session at one second intervals using a Polar T2 system using R-R recording

monitors (Polar Electro, Kempele, Finland), with average HR and time spent above 90%

maximal HR (determined as peak HR achieved during the 30-15IFT; HR>90) calculated for

analysis with each exercise.

Statistical Analysis

Prior to statistical analyses, assumptions of normality were confirmed. Differences in

metabolic and neuromuscular responses between each exercise, and separately between each

protocol were examined using linear mixed models. In these models, individual athletes were

included as a random effect. The least squares mean test provided pairwise comparisons

between responses between each exercise and protocol, where differences were described using

standardised effect sizes (ES) and 90% confidence intervals (CI), categorised using the

thresholds of <0.2 trivial, 0.21 – 0.60 small, 0.61 – 1.20 moderate, 1.21 – 2.0 large and >2.0

very large (Hopkins et al., 2009). The likelihood of the observed effect was established using a

progressive magnitude-based approach, differences were considered substantial when the

likelihood that the true value was greater than the smallest worthwhile difference (SWD; 0.2 ×

the between -subject SD) exceeded 75% (Batterham & Hopkins, 2006). All statistical analyses

were conducted using R Studio statistical software (V 0.99.446).


A summary of the metabolic and neuromuscular responses, and internal/external loads to each

drill and protocol are described in Table 8.4.

Table 8.4: Raw data collected across all variables over each high-intensity interval training protocol (mean ± SD).

Protocol Exercise Blood RPE HRAvg HR>90 Distance HIR HML (m) Ave Peak
Lactate (AU) (b∙min-1) (min) (m) (VT2IFT) Acc/Dec Concentric
(mM) (m) (m∙s-2) Power (W)
SHTL30 7.1 ± 2.5 6.0 ± 1.4 167 ± 13 1.20 ± 1.13 569 ± 45 296 ± 48 335 ± 25 2.8 ± 0.3 7208 ± 2243
SHTL15 8.0 ± 2.6 7.2 ± 1.2 176 ± 14 2.24 ± 1.08 481 ± 23 49 ± 30 232 ± 21 3.4 ± 0.2 7404 ± 2019
SLACTREC 11.1 ± 2.7 8.5 ± 0.9 185 ± 8 3.33 ± 0.50 916 ± 73 186 ± 107 224 ± 82 2.4 ± 0.3 6951 ± 1376
SHTL30HI 10.5 ± 2.4 8.9 ± 0.9 183 ± 9 3.08 ± 0.49 608 ± 38 155 ± 81 293 ± 60 3.2 ± 0.3 7486 ± 2483
SHTL30HI 7.1 ± 1.3 166 ± 12 1.64 ± 1.10 616 ± 38 323 ± 48 382 ± 29 3.4 ± 0.2 7240 ± 1722
SLACTREC 9.8 ± 2.4 7.9 ± 1.0 183 ± 14 3.19 ± 0.56 925 ± 49 229 ± 108 253 ± 84 2.4 ± 0.3 7433 ± 2245
SHTL15 7.9 ± 1.0 176 ± 11 2.16 ± 1.08 483 ± 69 33 ± 44 208 ± 28 3.4 ± 0.2 7631 ± 2408
SHTL30 10.7 ± 2.3 8.4 ± 1.1 176 ± 11 2.49 ± 0.86 554 ± 45 224 ± 72 294 ± 46 2.7 ± 0.3 7787 ± 2211
SHTL15 6.2 ± 1.6 6.3 ± 1.0 165 ± 12 0.99 ± 0.98 472 ± 19 56 ± 39 232 ± 15 3.4 ± 02 7337 ± 2071
SHTL30HI 8.3 ± 1.9 8.1 ± 0.8 177 ± 11 2.60 ± 0.77 623 ± 41 265 ± 82 354 ± 40 3.3 ± 0.3 7309 ± 1664
SHTL30 9.4 ± 2.3 8.2 ± 0.7 177 ± 10 2.40 ± 0.96 561 ± 42 193 ± 70 281 ± 30 2.8 ± 0.3 7695 ± 1959
SLACTREC 10.1 ± 2.2 9.0 ± 0.7 181 ± 11 3.15 ± 0.55 913 ± 76 182 ± 108 215 ± 87 2.4 ± 0.3 7853 ± 1916

RPE: Rating of perceived exertion, determined by Borg CR10 scale; HR Avg: Heart rate average across each 4 minute exercise; HR>90: Time above HR>90% maximal heart rate;
HIR: High-intensity running; VT2IFT: running distance above second ventilatory threshold (> 87% VIFT), HML: metabolic power threshold (power associated with VT 2IFT).

Figure 8.2 provides a graphical display of the raw metabolic and neuromuscular

responses for each exercise for each protocol, listing substantial differences for each exercise

between protocols. Differences between protocols for each variable are shown in Figure 8.3.

Figure 8.2: Box plots of metabolic and neuromuscular responses for each exercise over
protocol one, two, three and all data. Solid line is median, + represents the mean.
Whiskers above and below the box indicate the 90th and 10th percentiles. HR>90:
Time above HR>90% maximal heart rate. a Substantially greater than the same exercise in protocol
1; b Substantially greater than the same exercise in protocol 2; c Substantially greater than the same
exercise in protocol 3.

Figure 8.3: Magnitude of differences in metabolic, cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular responses between HIT exercises and between protocols.
Values are as standardised effects (effect size ± 90% CI). P1: Protocol 1; P2: Protocol 2; P3: Protocol 3. HR90: Time above HR>90% maximal heart
rate; RPE: Rating of Perceived Exertion.

As presented in Figure 8.3, accumulated HR90 was higher in protocol one and two when

compared with protocol three (ES = 0.70; ±0.36 and ES = 0.61; ±0.35, respectively). When

comparing exercises, [La−]b was moderately lower following SHTL15 when compared to

SLACTREC and SHTL30HI (ES = 0.88; ±0.44 and ES = 0.66; ±0.33, respectively). SLACTREC had

moderately and largely higher HR90 than SHTL30 and SHTL15 (ES = 0.99; ±0.49 and ES =

1.20; ±0.60, respectively), while SHTL30HI was moderately greater than SHTL15 (ES = 0.60;

±0.30,). SLACTREC reported substantially higher RPE than SHTL15 (ES = 0.77; ±0.38).

Figure 8.4: Magnitude of differences in metabolic, cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular

responses for each protocol between post and pre- training period. Values are as
standardised effects (effect size ± 90% CI). HR90: Time above HR>90% maximal heart
rate; RPE: Rating of Perceived Exertion.

Figure 8.4 above displays [La−] b and HR90 responses pre- and post- the six-week

training period. Blood lactate responses were moderately lower post- training period following

protocol one (ES = 0.68; ±0.31). Accumulated HR90 was moderately lower post- training period

at the completion of protocol one (ES = 0.75; ±0.37) and moderately lower following protocol

two (ES = 0.40; ±0.29). Only trivial differences were observed in RPE, peak concentric power

and peak velocity for each protocol when comparing pre- and post- training period. No

substantial differences were reported for any GPS variable between protocols. When

comparing GPS variables between the post- and pre- training periods, total distance and Ave

Acc/Dec observed a likely small increase (ES = 0.42; ±0.34 and ES = 0.34; ±0.29, respectively),

Unclear differences were observed in relative HIR and HML distances across these periods.

The tactical skills session undertaken by the training group conducted prior to each HIT

protocol was considered ‘somewhat hard’ (RPE = 4.2 ± 1.1 AU; sRPE = 131 ± 28). No

substantial differences in any measure was recorded during or at the conclusion of any protocol

between the training groups (ES range = 0.06 – 0.14).


The primary aim of the study was to identify the acute metabolic, cardiorespiratory and

neuromuscular effects of team sport-based HIT drills during various arrangements of a typical

conditioning session. The current study observed that [La−]b and RPE responses differed across

each protocol despite no substantial differences at the conclusion of each protocol. A secondary

finding was whilst no differences in [La−]b and RPE were observed, accumulated HR90 was

substantially greater in the first and second protocol in comparison to the protocol three.

Despite these acute metabolic and cardiorespiratory responses, the current study observed little

display of acute neuromuscular fatigue, determined using power outputs from CMJ between

drills. In addition, whilst no changes in RPE were reported, the current findings suggest that

athletes may have improved elements of metabolic and cardiopulmonary efficiency when

completing the same relative session following the training period, with dampened responses

of these measures observed under some conditions. Given individual drill intensities were re-

calculated based on 30-15IFT testing conducted prior to the second testing period; these findings

may be linked to specific local and central adaptations, including greater efficiency at utilising

aerobic and anaerobic sources of energy, reducing blood lactate accumulation and

cardiorespiratory stress (McArdle, Katch, & Katch, 2007).

These current findings reveal that the arrangement of HIT exercises can influence the

physiological responses throughout a training session. Within each protocol, we observed the

greatest increase in [La−]b accumulation and RPE occurred at different stages despite no

substantial differences at the completion of each protocol. The current study observed the

greatest acute [La−]b and RPE changes occurred following either SLACTREC (protocol one) or

SHTL30HI (protocol three). These two exercises incorporate either active recovery periods

(SLACTREC) or increased running intensities (SHTL30HI; > 100% VIFT) when compared to the

remaining two exercises, likely attributing to the greater central and peripheral disturbance

witnessed. It is probable that during the initial phases, if moderate levels of running intensity

are met with reasonably adequate recovery periods, the initiation of the respiratory and

circulatory systems may be delayed before commencement is essential to meet the excess

oxygen requirements (Astrand, Astrand, Christensen, & Hedman, 1960). Indeed, despite

possible individual variation, the initial rate of oxygen uptake, combined with the interaction

of enzyme activation and intrinsic inertia in cellular metabolic signals may prevent excessive

peripheral physiological disturbance and psychophysical stress during these lower intensity

exercises (Jones & Burnley, 2009). Similar results were apparent when examining the

cardiorespiratory responses during each protocol with HR90 highest when an active recovery

was performed. Moreover, the accumulated HR90 was highly effected by the placement of

exercises, with early incorporation of an active recovery increasing the cardiopulmonary

demands of the session.

The current study observed almost certain increases in [La−]b following SLACTREC, with

this exercise causing a peak in [La−]b in two of the protocols. Currently, there is limited research

evaluating the impact of exercise intensity during the recovery periods within HIT, however,

it is suggested that an active recovery may initiate lower levels muscle oxygenation (Dupont et

al., 2004b). For example, shorter time to exhaustion and moderately higher post- HIT [La−]b

values have been reported when athletes performed an active recovery [(15 s (120% maximal

aerobic speed)/15 s (50% maximal aerobic speed)] when compared to a passive recovery

(Dupont, Blondel, & Berthoin, 2003). This was suggested to be likely due to inadequate oxygen

supply to reload myoglobin and haemoglobin in order to resynthesise phosphocreatine (Dupont

& Berthoin, 2004; Dupont et al., 2004b). The current study also observed substantially higher

RPE for SLACTREC when compared to SHTL30 and SHTL15, however no differences were

witnessed between SLACTREC and SHTL30HI. This is likely due to the higher running intensity

during SHTL30HI, causing greater psychophysical stress than shuttle-based HIT performed at

lower intensities. During SLACTREC there was also substantial increases in HR>90 compared to

all other exercises. Further, when SLACTREC was introduced in the middle of the HIT protocol

(one and two), there was an increase in accumulated HR90 for the protocol. As such, it appears

that introducing active recovery into HIT strategies may increase the metabolic and

cardiopulmonary demands of both current and subsequent HIT drills. Therefore, if practitioners

are aiming to increase time above 90% V̇O2max (often considered a primary promoter of

cardiovascular adaptation) whilst maintaining shorter intervals, utilising an active recovery

earlier in the HIT session will likely improve the desired outcomes (Buchheit & Laursen,

2013b; Dupont & Berthoin, 2004).

In contrast to other research (Dellal et al., 2010), the current study observed that shuttle-

based HIT exercises did not appear to increase [La−]b to the same degree as straight-lined HIT

utilising active recovery. It is suggested that increased COD causes superior peripheral

metabolic disturbance compared to straight-line running, resulting in a likely greater anaerobic

energy contribution (Dellal et al., 2010). However the present study did not observe this, with

the current findings demonstrating greater metabolic disturbance during HIT with active

recovery rather than an increased COD requirement. Whilst there were still substantial

increases in [La−]b following these drills, the lower magnitude of increase observed is likely

due to the work intensities being adjusted in the current study to incorporate the time lost for

the COD task, rather than simply adding CODs (Buchheit, Haydar, Hader, Ufland, & Ahmaidi,

2011a). Indeed, the greatest physiological responses (from shuttle-based HIT) were observed

following SHTL30HI, likely due to the increased running intensity performed, somewhat

overcoming this reduction in time. These findings confirm past observations that have reported

similar or lower [La−]b when the COD time is removed from the work intensity compared with

straight-line HIT (Buchheit, 2011; Buchheit et al., 2011a). The current study observed similar

findings when reporting HR90 and RPE. As previously reported, SLACTREC had a greater

cardiorespiratory response (HR90) than all shuttle-based HIT exercises. However, while no

substantial differences were witnessed between SHTL30 and SHTL15, SHTL30HI resulted in

substantially higher RPE and HR90 when compared to SHTL15. As mentioned, this is likely due

to a combination of the higher running intensity (during SHTL30HI) and the time removed for

the increased CODs during the 15m shuttle (SHTL15), creating a greater disparity between

intensities. Collectively, these findings suggest accumulation of [La−]b and HR90 may be more

sensitive to HIT incorporating active recoveries rather than HIT with greater mechanical

(acceleration and deceleration) loads (Table 8.4). Moreover, if the aim is to increase peripheral

disturbance during shuttle-based HIT, practitioners may need to increase the intensity of the

running (compared to straight line) or aim to individualise the time removed for the

acceleration and deceleration phases.

The current study observed no indication to suggest exacerbated acute neuromuscular

fatigue was evident throughout the HIT protocols. Whilst there is little research assessing the

acute neuromuscular responses during HIT, it is suggested that an increased anaerobic

glycolytic energy contribution decreases force production due to increased fatigue of motor

units and the musculoskeletal system (Vuorimaa, Virlander, Kurkilahti, Vasankari, &

Hakkinen, 2006). However, the current study suggests this may not be evident during HIT

protocols lasting 20 minutes or less, with no substantial evidence of any acute change in peak

power output through each protocol. It has been proposed that there is a bell-shaped

relationship between the intensity of an HIT session and the acute neuromuscular performance

(Buchheit & Laursen, 2013a). Given the intensities of the prescribed running ranged from 80

– 105% VIFT it is possible that these HIT strategies incurred a ‘positive neuromuscular loading’

despite a high anaerobic glycolytic energy contribution. Similarly, when examining the

influence of tactical training undertaken before HIT, no substantial acute decrement in peak

concentric power (or increased physiological disturbance) was evident when compared to those

who initially performed HIT. Taken together, the findings of this study demonstrate differences

in the physiological fatigue during the acute stages during and following HIT. For example,

while there may be considerable metabolic fatigue resulting from HIT, neuromuscular fatigue

maybe it less effected during the acute stages. These findings confirm some past studies in

team sport which suggest, unlike endurance runners, these athletes may be able to tolerate low-

volume HIT strategies, demonstrating minimal acute neuromuscular fatigue (Buchheit, 2012).

Lastly, this study aimed at assessing the physiological responses of rugby league

athletes to complete HIT following an extended period of training (six-week pre-season block).

Whilst the ability for these athletes to better tolerate these sessions was not conclusive (with

no changes witnessed in RPE), it does appear that these athletes may have improved metabolic

and cardiopulmonary efficiency with a dampened response of these measures witnessed

following the training period. These results suggest athletes may become more effective at

utilising aerobic and anaerobic energy sources at a given running intensity with regular training

over an extended period (typical of the pre-season phase), however further research is needed

to investigate the direct cause of these physiological changes.


The findings of this study demonstrate that the metabolic and cardiorespiratory

responses are highly variable through the prescription of exercise intensity, recovery intensity

and exercise duration. The current findings reveal that the arrangement and prescription of

exercises are highly important when planning HIT. As such, it is important performance staff

ruminate about the specific physiological focus of the session. For example, the primary aim

of the session may be to induce cardiopulmonary adaptations. Therefore, including an active

recovery earlier will elicit greater cardiorespiratory stress on ensuing exercise. However, this

may come at the cost of quality high-intensity movements and greater exposure to higher

mechanical loads. Taken together, it is apparent the implementation of HIT sessions needs to

be structured as a function of the periodised aims of the physical program with concurrent

training strategies taken into account (Yeo, Paton, Garnham, Burke, Carey, & Hawley, 2008).

Importantly, this study observed no substantial differences between training groups completing

HIT prior- and post- tactical training. Given it is often difficult to ideally periodise conditioning

and tactical sessions to allow athletes to be in a recovered state prior to conditioning during

pre-season, this finding provides evidence to suggest HIT may not be compromised from short,

moderate-intensity tactical skills sessions. Finally, the results of this study suggest that

following an extended training period, athletes may have improved efficiency at utilising

aerobic and anaerobic energy sources with a dampened metabolic and cardiorespiratory

response witnessed across some protocols.


Whilst there may be limitations using [La−]b concentration to evaluate the anaerobic

glycolytic metabolic demand of HIT (e.g. large individual responses and poor association with

muscle lactate) (Jacobs & Kaiser, 1982; Krustrup, Mohr, Steensberg, Bencke, Kjaer, &

Bangsbo, 2006b), there is not yet an agreeable and established gold standard to assess anaerobic

glycolytic energy contribution (Buchheit & Laursen, 2013a; Medbo, Mohn, Tabata, Bahr,

Vaage, & Sejersted, 1988). As a result, [La−]b still appears to be an appropriate measure to

estimate anaerobic contribution during exercise. A further limitation was the absence of [La−]b

analysis during protocol two, which limits the understanding of this profile across that protocol.

The short tactical sessions (~30 mins) implemented in the current study may be less

demanding than that incorporated during the pre-season phase of training (typically 45 – 90

minutes). While increasing the demands of these tactical session may result in greater

metabolic and neuromuscular demands, further depleting glycolic stores, these findings are the

first to suggest that HIT sessions following tactical sessions may not be as compromised as

previously suggested. Future research may directly asses the metabolic effect of these tactical

sessions conducted prior to HIT while further addressing the interplay between metabolic

functions and mechanical changes in HIT sessions. Finally, it must be noted that a control

group is absent from the current study and the results should be interpreted as such. Whilst this

is often difficult and impractical within the current population, it would likely aid in the

understanding of the direct physiological effect of the implemented protocols.


• When designing HIT sessions in team sports, it is important to establish the desired

physiological outcome of the session as exercise arrangement may affect the specific

adaptations from the session.

• Superior HIR distance had a greater effect on the acute metabolic demands during HIT

sessions, than shorter shuttle exercises with increased mechanical loads (acceleration/


• Moderate-intensity tactical sessions undertaken prior to HIT sessions may not have as

greater influence on the metabolic response as first suspected.

Chapter IX

Summary and Conclusions


This thesis has presented five studies that have extended the current knowledge

regarding the appropriate methods to examine, monitor and prescribe HIT within an elite rugby

league cohort. Initially, the reliability and usefulness of the 30-15IFT to examine PHIR capacity

within rugby league players was assessed in Chapter III (Scott et al., 2015). Following this,

Chapter IV investigated the validity and contributing factors to 30-15IFT performance within a

similar cohort (Scott et al., 2016c). The purpose of these studies was to determine whether the

30-15IFT was an appropriate physical test to examine PHIR capacity in a mesomorphic athletic

population. Chapter V then used these outcomes to provide a novel method to assess PHIR in

team sport athletes (particularly collision-based sports) through the calculation of ‘running

momentum’ (as the product of body mass and 30-15IFT performance). Additionally, this chapter

demonstrated that both these measures could differentiate between competition levels (Scott,

Dascombe, Delaney, Sanctuary, Scott, Hickmans, & Duthie, 2017a). Chapter VI (Scott,

Thornton, Scott, Dascombe, & Duthie, 2017b) examined the practicality of the 30-15IFT to

individualise relative speed and metabolic thresholds to quantify match-play outputs and

imposed external loads. Chapter VII validated the use of these 30-15IFT derived speed

thresholds to quantify training, demonstrating moderate to large associations between these

external TL measures and criterion internal TLs. Finally, Chapter VIII (Scott, Dupont,

Thornton, Delaney, Ballard, Hickmans, Dascombe, & Duthie, 2018) assessed the acute

metabolic, cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular effects across a various HIT protocols in team

sport athletes. This investigation provides practitioners a greater understanding on the

arrangement of HIT drills within a session and the effect of concurrent tactical/technical

training. In the final section of this thesis, the significant outcomes of the present series of

studies are highlighted in the context of the current literature, whilst implications for future

research are discussed.



To physically prepare athletes for team sport competition requires a fundamental

understanding of the processes and outcomes of the training stimulus provided. Practitioners

must correctly assess the training outcome (physical testing), manipulate training prescription

(training process) and review the dose-response relationship (training monitoring) in order to

individualise their physical preparation and evaluate the program’s success. However, due to

the multifaceted nature of the physical demands of team sports, the interactions between these

processes are highly complex. The current thesis has proposed a physical preparation feedback

loop (Figure 9.1) as a method to conceptualise this interaction, with the current series of studies

aimed at presenting new and novel methods to incorporate within this system.

Figure 9.1: The physical preparation feedback loop as proposed by the current thesis.
Training prescription (training process) is reinforced (R) by the feedback from
physical testing (training outcome) and balanced (B) by the positive and negative
training status of the athlete (training monitoring).

Physical Testing

When aiming to individualise the training process for athletes, it is important that the

training outcome guides and reinforces training prescription (training process). The 30-15IFT

has previously been demonstrated to be valid and reliable among basketball, handball, ice

hockey, soccer and rugby union cohorts (Buchheit, 2008b; Buchheit et al., 2011b; Covic et al.,

2016; Darrall-Jones et al., 2015; Scott et al., 2015). In addition, the 30-15IFT has been shown

to elicit more homogenous physiological responses during HIT protocols than other criterion

measures, such as the MSFT and UM-TT (Buchheit, 2008b).

Chapter III demonstrated that the reliability of the 30-15IFT was very good, with a

TE of 0.36 km.h-1 (CV 1.9%) (Scott et al., 2015). This is similar to that reported previously by

Buchhiet (2005b), who also demonstrated the test-retest reliability of the 30-15IFT to be very

good (TE of 0.30 km.h-1 [CV 1.7%]) among 20 regional-to-national level European handball

players. Despite the usefulness of the 30-15IFT being deemed ‘marginal’, it must be noted that

both the TE and SWC change were less than 1 stage of the test. As a result, this study

demonstrated that a change as small as 0.5 km.h-1 (1 stage) in VIFT could be interpreted as

substantial or ‘real’, giving performance staff a measure of physiological performance change.

Separately, Chapter IV examined the physiological factors that contribute to VIFT,

demonstrating that the 30-15IFT is a valid test of PHIR among a typically mesomorphic

population (Scott et al., 2016c). Furthermore, whilst this test appears to be related to many

physiological capacities, it appears highly aerobically-dependent, with improvements in VIFT

performance most likely through an increased aerobic capacity. Importantly, the physiological

contribution of 30-15IFT performance varied between positional groups in rugby league,

influenced by the varying physiological profiles between positions. Chapter III and IV provide

a strong foundation for practitioners to confidently use the 30-15IFT to assess PHIR among

mesomorphic athletes. Taken together, these chapters add to past findings (Buchheit, 2008b;

Buchheit et al., 2009a; Darrall-Jones et al., 2015) outlining that 30-15IFT performance is the

product of various physiological factors and is influenced by the inter-play between these

capacities during HIR. Resultantly, these studies demonstrate that the prescription of HIT

utilizing VIFT controls for these individual capacities across squads that are heterogeneous in

anthropometric characteristics.

Previously it has been suggested that heavier team sport athletes would experience

greater mechanical and metabolic loads throughout the 30-15IFT compared to previously

assessed cohorts (e.g. soccer or European handball players) (Darrall-Jones et al., 2015). Indeed,

the ability to change direction appears to be negatively affected by a greater body mass, due to

the increased inertia and higher proportional impulse required to decelerate and re-accelerate

(Frost et al., 2010). Past data has observed that VIFT remains relatively stable in rugby union

players ranging from U16 to senior competitions, despite a continued increase in body mass

(Darrall-Jones et al., 2015). Performance staff in collision-based sports aim to increase the body

mass (specifically lean mass) of athletes over time to benefit performance. As these sports

typically comprise athletes with heterogeneous anthropometrical characteristics, an evaluation

of the interaction between running performance and body mass appears vital, particularly given

the suggested greater mechanical and metabolic demands of heavier athletes during shuttle

based conditioning (Enoka, 2002). Chapter V provided a new and novel method to calculate

this interaction, with pIFT (the product of VIFT and body mass) expressing the inter-play of this

relationship. This chapter demonstrated that pIFT was reliable and able to differentiate between

performance levels, which is highly useful in collision-based sports given the heterogeneity in

body size. This analysis is useful when monitoring an individual over time as they may

experience large changes in body mass due to morphological adaptation, whilst it references

the ability to overcome the prolonged inertial effect of PHIR rather than representing the

specific physiological capacities incorporated in VIFT. Chapter V concluded that the use of the

pIFT and VIFT established from the 30-15IFT, provided an index of PHIR performance that can

separately distinguish between levels of competition and positional groups in rugby league.

Collectively, these studies add to the body of literature, suggesting the 30-15IFT provides a

suitable test to examine more specific elements of PHIR performance in collision sports.

Training Monitoring

Athlete training monitoring is established on our understanding of the relationship

between the training process and training outcome (see Figure 1.1 in Chapter I). The current

thesis aimed at providing new methods to quantify the training process with a specific emphasis

on HIR. To account for the known limitations of using absolute speed zones to quantify

physical running demands of team sports (Abt & Lovell, 2009; Clarke et al., 2015; Gabbett,

2015), Chapter VI (Scott et al., 2017b) examined the use of relative speed zones to quantify

running loads whilst Chapter VII assessed the construct validity of these proposed zones.

Currently there is little consensus on the absolute GPS speed zones used to define running

output in team sports (particularly HIR), with no physiological justification for their definition.

Past thresholds have been largely based off maximal speed (Gabbett, 2015), despite a greater

relationship witnessed between VT2 and HIR (Abt & Lovell, 2009; Clarke et al., 2015). Given

that HIR running is considered an important measure in physical match-play output and

commonly reported (McLellan & Lovell, 2013; Sirotic et al., 2009), it appears that utilising an

athletes ventilatory thresholds better classifies these intensities (Abt & Lovell, 2009; Clarke et

al., 2015). Yet, there are limitations when establishing individual ventilatory thresholds, most

of all, the regular laboratory testing required across large squads (Abt & Lovell, 2009). Hence,

Chapter VI explored using estimated individual ventilatory thresholds based on the 30-15IFT,

based on the known relationship between this test and the VT1 and VT2 thresholds (Buchheit

et al., 2009a).

When examining the differences in match-play output across positions using relative

speed thresholds (derived from the 30-15IFT) or absolute methods, it was established that

absolute speed thresholds underestimate the HIR (Scott et al., 2017b). This is in agreement

with findings reported in soccer and rugby union (Abt & Lovell, 2009; Clarke et al., 2015).

Taken together, these studies conclude that the speed at which players exceed HIR is dependent

on individual capacities and attributes and therefore applying relative speed thresholds is

warranted. Chapter VI proposes a new method to easily manipulate relative speed thresholds

that is more precise to MIR and HIR than percentage based maximal speed thresholds (Scott

et al., 2017b). The validity of specific external load measures have been questioned due to both

the lack of physiological justification and/or their association with constructs of internal

training load (Abt & Lovell, 2009; McLaren et al., 2018). Chapter VII demonstrated that the

VIFT-derived relative speed thresholds proposed in Chapter VI relate well to various measures

of internal training load, providing sufficient evidence to deem these thresholds valid in team


Collectively, the findings from these chapters (VI and VII) provide a valid and novel

method to individualise relative speed thresholds in team sports athletes through the use of a

field-based test, which increases the practicality of employment across large squads. Taken

together, when evaluating the dose-response relationship of HIT and concurrent field

tactical/technical sessions, the use of relative thresholds allows for more precise monitoring of

external training loads as they account for the individual demands placed upon team sport

athletes. As such, the use of relative thresholds may allow performance staff to more

appropriately monitor the physical running loads of individual athletes.

Training Prescription

Reference Speed based HIT

It has been established (Buchheit, 2008b; Scott et al., 2015; Scott et al., 2016c) that VIFT

provides a suitable HIR prescription reference speed across athletes with heterogenous

physiological profiles. When examining the acute metabolic and neuromuscular responses of

common HIT protocols employed within team sports, Chapter VIII (Scott et al., 2018)

demonstrated that the arrangement of HIT exercises can influence the physiological responses

throughout a training session. For example, a reported substantial increase in [La−]b

accumulation and RPE occurred at different stages within a HIT session based on the

arrangement of HIT exercises despite no differences witnessed at the completion of each

session. As such, performance staff must decide on the specific physiological focus of the

session. For instance, if the primary aim of the session may be to induce metabolic adaptations,

including an active recovery earlier will increase the metabolic stress at an earlier period.

However, this may come at the cost of quality high-intensity movements and greater exposure

to higher mechanical loads.

It has been suggested that incorporating active recovery produces lower levels of

muscle oxygenation, reducing the available oxygen to reload myoglobin and haemoglobin as

well as to resynthesise phosphocreatine, subsequently resulting in earlier fatigue (Dupont &

Berthoin, 2004; Dupont et al., 2004b). However, this research has been conducted in isolation

with little known on the effect that these HIT strategies have when conducted prior to and

following other HIT methods. Importantly, Chapter VIII (Scott et al., 2018) revealed that

accumulation of [La−]b may be more sensitive to HIT incorporating active recoveries rather

than HIT with greater mechanical (acceleration and deceleration) loads independent of their

arrangement in the session. Further, introducing active recovery based HIT earlier in the

session was shown to elicit an increased accumulated HR90 for the session. These findings
provide new evidence suggesting that if practitioners are aiming to increase time above 90% V

O2max [often considered a primary promoter of cardiovascular adaptation (Buchheit &

Laursen, 2013b)] whilst maintaining shorter intervals, manipulation of these HIT strategies will

likely improve the desired outcomes (Buchheit & Laursen, 2013b; Dupont & Berthoin, 2004).

Collectively, this study demonstrated that practitioners should develop sessions with the overall

physiological adaptation aims in mind.

It has been observed that residual neuromuscular fatigue post-HIT may inhibit the rate

of force development during subsequent training sessions, potentially compromising planned

neuromuscular loadings (Blazevich, 2012). In contrast, Chapter VIII demonstrated that HIT

performance was not compromised from any acute fatigue arising from moderate intensity

tactical sessions. Indeed, there were no differences in any cardiorespiratory, metabolic or

neuromuscular response between athletes those who completed tactical training before HIT

and those that undertook HIT immediately following warm up. As it is often difficult to ideally

periodise conditioning and tactical sessions in order to allow athletes to be in a recovered state

prior to conditioning, these findings provide new evidence to suggest acute physiological

responses may not be effected by tactical and technical training.

Additionally, Chapter VIII aimed at assessing the physiological responses to HIT in

rugby league athletes following an extended period of training (six-week pre-season block).

Whilst the ability for these athletes to better tolerate (no changes in RPE) these sessions was

not conclusive, it does appear that these athletes may have improved metabolic and

cardiopulmonary efficiency. Indeed, the current study observed a dampened response of these

measures following the training period, despite an increase in the work (distance) prescribed

during the re-testing period (due to improved fitness). These findings may be linked to specific

local and central adaptations, reducing blood lactate accumulation and cardiorespiratory stress

(McArdle et al., 2007). Taken together, the findings of Chapter VIII recommends that HIT

sessions need to be structured as a function of the periodised aims of the physical program with

concurrent training strategies taken into account (Yeo et al., 2008).

Lastly, this thesis aimed at presenting new strategies to prescribe HIT within

mesomorphic team sport athletes. Previously, Buchhiet (2011) published an example of how

the 30-15IFT may be prescribed across team sport athletes (Table 9.1). However, given the

heterogeneity of team sport athletes, this may not be applicable across all sports. While it has

been suggested that a higher body mass is beneficial for collision sport athletes due to the

proportional increase in momentum they may achieve prior to contact (Barr et al., 2014; Duthie,

2006), this would result in greater inertia and require more force to decelerate during the

braking phase of a COD task. In turn, this would increase the neuromuscular and metabolic

stress which results from shuttle based HIT. Further, given collision-based 180-degree sports

(i.e. rugby league, rugby union, American football) have differing physical demands to 360-

degree sports (i.e. soccer, Australian football, Gaelic football), these athletes are likely to

require differing methods of physical field conditioning. As such, Table 9.2 provides a

progression of these VIFT-based HIT strategies that may be more specific to the conditioning

of these collision based sports where shorter, repeated explosive efforts are common.

Table 9.1: Original VIFT-based HIT strategies developed by Buchheit (2011).

Running Recovery Recovery

Recovery Running Number of
Adaptations Running time intensity intensity Set length between
duration modality Sets
(%VIFT) (% VIFT) Sets
3 min 85-88% - - Straight line - 5 to 6 3'
45 s 90% 15 s Passive Straight line 7'-8' 2 to 3 3'
30 s 90% 15 s passive Straight line 7'-8' 2 to 3 3'
Central 30 s 90% 30 s 40% Straight line >12 2 3'
30 s 93% 30 s passive Shuttle 40m 12' 2 to 3 3'
15 s 100% 15 s passive Straight line 10' 2 to 3 3'
15 s 95% 15 s 25% Shuttle 40m 15' 2 3'
20 s 95% 20 s passive Straight line 7'-8' 2 6-7' active
20 s 90% 20 s 45% Shuttle 30m 7'-8' 2 6-7' active
20 s 95% 15 s passive Shuttle 30m 7'-8' 2 6-7' active
15 s 100% 15 s passive Shuttle 40m 7'-8' 2 6-7' active
15 s 95% 15 s 25% Straight line 7' 2 6-7' active
15 s 95% 10 s passive Shuttle 40m 7' 2 6-7' active
10 s 90% 10 s passive Shuttle 10m 6' 2 6-7' active
10 s 95% 10 s passive Straight line 6' 2 6-7' active
20m sprint or
3s sprint 17 s passive 6' 2 6-7' active
2 x 10m shuttle

Table 9.2: VIFT-based HIT strategies developed as a result of Chapter VI to VIII.

Running Recovery Recovery

Running Recovery Running
Level Progression intensity intensity Repetitions Sets between Total Length
time duration modality
(%VIFT) (%VIFT) Sets
Level 1 1a 15 s 85% 15 s Passive 40m Shuttle 6 2 2 min 8 min
2a 20 s 90% 20 s Passive 30m Shuttle 4 2 2 min 7 min 20s
2b 30 s 85% 30 s Passive 30m Shuttle 5 2 2 min 12 min
2c 30 s 80% 30 s Active (56% VIFT) 30m Shuttle 4 2 2 min 10 min
Level 2
2d 30 s 85% 30 s Passive 30m Shuttle 4 2 2 min 10 min
2e 30 s 85% 30 s Active (60% VIFT) 30m Shuttle 4 2 2 min 10 min
2f 30 s 90% 30 s Passive 30m Shuttle 4 2 2 min 10 min
3a 30 s 95% 30 s Passive 30m Shuttle 3 2 2 min 8 min
3b 30 s 80% 15 s Passive 30m Shuttle 4 2 2 min 8 min
Level 3
3c 30 s 85% 15 s Passive 30m Shuttle 4 2 2 min 8 min
3d 30 s 85% 30 s Passive 15m Shuttle 4 2 2 min 10 min
4a 30 s 90% 15 s Passive 30m Shuttle 4 2 2 min 8 min
Level 4 4b 15 s 105% 15 s Passive 30m Shuttle 8 2 2 min 10 min
4c 30 s 95% 15 s Passive 30 m Shuttle 4 2 2 min 8 min


In order to maximise the individual physiological adaptation to the high-

intensity intermittent demands of team sports, athletes should be systematically

overloaded using a range of training modalities including tactical/technical, speed, agility

and strength and power training. As such, HIT is often incorporated in to the physical

curriculum of team sports, aimed at progressively overloading these physiological

functions to maximise daily performance adaptations, as well as preparing athletes for

future training stimulus. It is important that HIT prescription results in homogenous

physiological responses across large squads, overcoming the heterogeneity which results

from differences in athlete body sizes and physical capacities. However, employing a

physical test that provides both a training prescription reference speed while possessing

suitable reliability and validity among heterogeneous athletes has previously proven to

be difficult.

This thesis examined the validity, reliability and usefulness of the 30-15IFT

among a primarily mesomorphic population, demonstrating the test to be appropriate in

the assessment of PHIR while outlining the contributing physiological factors to V IFT.

Additionally, for collision-based sport athletes that require greater lean muscle mass (and

consequently body mass), it may be more appropriate to monitor the interaction of this

change between mass and physiological performance. Understanding the capacity for

junior and senior athletes to perform PHIR with greater body mass may allow

practitioners to better gauge the physical progression of their athletes. Indeed, this

analysis may be useful when monitoring an individual over time as they may experience

large changes in body mass due to morphological adaptation. Further, this interaction can

better distinguish levels of competition and positional groups across team sports where

the range of athlete body mass is great.

Separately, when reviewing the HIR loads imposed on athletes, it is important

to consider the applied thresholds relative to their physiological capacities. Utilising

laboratory derived individual physiological-based thresholds to examine HIR has shown

great promise, although it may be limited due to the impracticality of regular laboratory

testing for large squads. Therefore, utilising individual physiological-based thresholds

from the 30-15IFT may provide a more practical indicator of this HIR loads, particularly

for those with lower fitness levels. As such, performance staff may gain greater insight

into the volume of running performed at higher relative intensities allowing for more

precise monitoring of this load and feedback to the training process.

The training process (prescription) is an integral foundation for any team

sport physical program. Utilising HIT may be a time efficient method to effectively target

specific physiological adaptation. However, whilst individual drills may aim to elicit

certain physiological responses, understanding the inter-play between subsequent HIT

protocols on metabolic and neuromuscular responses is important. Through deliberately

manipulating HIT protocols, it is possible to alter the physiological demands of a HIT

session, which may evoke diverse metabolic, neuromuscular and cardiopulmonary

responses and adaptation. However, it is vital practitioners review with the training

feedback loop, understanding the inter-play between the training outcome and training

monitoring on the training process.


The outcomes of the present series of studies suggest that areas for further investigation


• Examine the influence and relationship between pIFT and VIFT and measures of

match performance in team sports. Importantly, this study may aim at

determining if an increase in the product of mass and fitness has a differential

effect of match performance and outcome.

• Evaluate the relationship between 30-15IFT-based relative thresholds and tactical

match performance. This study may aim to further develop the construct validity

of relative thresholds through the relationship between running output and match-

play tactical performance.

• Observe the relationship between longitudinal 30-15IFT-based ventilatory

threshold loads and injury and illness in team sports. Following on from the work

of the current thesis and suggested future studies above, this research may attempt

to observe if relative thresholds are more sensitive to detect injury and illness risk

than absolute methods.

• Examine the interaction between metabolic responses with changes in HIT

mechanical power (acceleration/ deceleration cost). This study may investigate

the most appropriate methods to prescribe HIT to elicit a given metabolic


Chapter X


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Chapter XI


Appendix I

Effect of Playing Level on 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test

Performance in Rugby League

This chapter is based on the peer-reviewed paper accepted and presented at Exercise and

Sport Science Australia (ESSA) Conference, Adelaide; 2014:

Scott, T. J., Delaney, J. A., Duthie, G. M., Sanctuary, C. E., Ballard, D. A., Hickmans,

J. A. & Dascombe, B. J. (2014). Effect of playing level on 30-15 Intermittent Fitness test

performance in rugby league.

Statement of Joint Authorship and Author Contribution

Tannath J. Scott (candidate)

Jace A. Delaney

• Critical revision of the manuscript

Grant M. Duthie

• Conception of study

Colin E. Sanctuary

• Data Collection

David A. Ballard

• Data Collection

Jeremy A. Hickmans

• Data Collection

Ben J. Dascombe

• Conception of study; drafting and critical revision of abstract


The 30-15IFT is an intermittent incremental shuttle-run test that determines a

maximal measure of intermittent fitness. An important benefit of the 30-15IFT is that the

final velocity can be used to individually prescribe high-intensity intermittent running

during conditioning. Past data is available on the 30-15IFT in various field-based team

sports, however, no data has reported on the use of the 30-15IFT in rugby league. The

current study reports data for the 30-15IFT performance within rugby league squads across

specific playing groups (age defined).


Rugby league players from the Newcastle Knights U16 (n=20), U18 (n=21),

National Youth Championship (U20, NYC; n=28) and National Rugby League (NRL;

n=24) playing groups completed the 30-15 IFT test at the end of the general preparation

phase of the 2012 and 2013 pre-seasons. A one-way ANOVA with LSD post-hoc tests

determined if there was any significant effect of playing level on 30-15IFT performance

within rugby league


30-15IFT performance differed across the U16 (18.5 ± 1.0 km.h-1), U18 (18.6

± 1.2 km.h-1), NYC (18.9 ± 1.0 km.h-1) and NRL (19.7 ± 0.6 km.h-1) playing groups. This

data demonstrated a significant (p<0.05) effect of age on 30-15IFT running performance

in rugby league. Individual significant differences were present between the 30-15IFT

performance of the NRL and the U16 (p<0.001) and U18 (p=0.001) and NYC (p=0.006)

playing squads.


The data demonstrates that 30-15IFT performance can distinguish between specific

playing groups in well-trained rugby league players. The significant effect of age on the

30-15IFT demonstrates that intermittent fitness continues to develop with training age and

can discriminate between performance levels. This aids the prescription of training and

provides a valuable tool in the differentiation of athletic preparation across specified

playing groups. However, future research should examine the interaction with mass and

VIFT given the physical development of athletes from youth the senior selection.


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