Efficiency in RF Energy Harvesting Systems A Comprehensive Review

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Efficiency in RF energy harvesting systems: A

comprehensive review
Ognadon Assogba1, Abdoul Karim Mbodji1, Abdou Karim Diallo1

Unité de Formation et de Recherche des Sciences Appliquées et Technologie/Section Sciences Appliquées,
Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis, Sénégal
Email: [email protected]

Abstract—Radio Frequency (RF) energy harvesting is a about 100mW/cm2 [34, 35]. However, this source is not
promising alternative for obtaining energy in the ambient permanent and encounters material obstacles, thus reducing
environment. It aims to search for new sources of RF energy its radiation intensity and power density, which is zero at
and components, to obtain a circuit with high efficiency for night. Radiofrequency energy has the lowest power density
converting electromagnetic waves into direct current DC. In this
paper, we provide a broad overview of the main blocks of RF
among these ambient sources. Its power density of the
energy harvesting such as transmit and receive antennas, radiofrequency energy varies between 0.2 nW/cm2 and 1.0
impedance matching circuit and rectifier circuit. The µW/cm2 [36, 37]. However, this source is permanent since
parameters and components of these different blocks play a electromagnetic waves are present throughout the day. Thus,
crucial role in achieving high RF-DC conversion efficiency. We by integrating the power of these radio waves throughout the
present in detail these different blocks used to make RF energy day, we obtain a significant amount of energy.
harvesting to power electronic devices with low energy Nowadays, the recovery of radiofrequency energy from
consumption. electromagnetic waves is one of the most widely used and
favorable technologies to provide continuous power to
Keywords— RF energy harvesting, antenna, impedance
autonomous devices [38].
matching, rectifier circuit, conversion efficiency Most RF energy harvesting systems have the synoptic
diagram shown in Fig. 1.
For several years now, we are witnessing the ever-increasing
use of low-energy electronic devices. Indeed, wireless sensor
networks are used in several applications such as
environmental monitoring [1-5], fire detection in forests and
the environment [6,7], animals and objects tracking[8-12],
disaster management [13], vehicle adhoc networks[14],
bodywork area networks [15,16] and health care [17,18]. Fig. 1. Typical block diagram of a RF energy harvesting system
Most of these devices use DC voltage sources such as
batteries for their energy self-supply. However, these Our work consists of an exhaustive state of the art review and
batteries, which have a limited capacity and life span, do not analysis of the work performed in the recovery of
favour the massive deployment of electronic devices, radiofrequency energy. Thus, in section II we will discuss the
particularly wireless sensors and connected objects [19]. The different sources of RF signals used, and a study will be made
first solutions that were adopted were to reduce the energy of the regions in the space where RF waves are radiated. The
consumption of these sensors. Thus, the authors in [20] transmitted RF signal is recovered by a receiving antenna.
designed a chip that only consumes 2.7 nJ/bit using the Thus, in section III the study will focus on the different types
Zigbee or bluetooth protocols. Also, the sensors are in most of antennas used in RF energy recovery systems as well as the
of the time in standby mode, a state that makes them consume matching circuits for maximum energy transfer. Then, a study
very little energy. However, reducing energy consumption of the elements and architectures used in the rectifier circuits
has not been a sustainable solution for the massive will be carried out in section IV. Section V will be reserved
deployment of sensors. In order to overcome this challenge, for the analysis and discussion of the work. We will conclude
energy harvesting from existing energy sources in the in section VI.
ambient environment has emerged as a promising and
efficient technology. Among these sources of energy II. RF SIGNAL SOURCES
harvesting from the ambient environment are solar sources Nowadays, radio frequency energy is widely available
[21-23], thermal sources [23-25], mechanical vibrations [25- through wireless signals such as WiFi [39-41], radio signals
30] and radio frequency (RF) sources [31-33]. Unlike [42, 43], analogue or digital television [44, 45] and mobile
batteries, these energy sources in the ambient environment telephony [46, 47]; this allows the harvesting of ambient RF
have a high power density. This leads to the recovery of a energy to charge low power wireless electronic components
significant amount of energy. The solar source is the most [48-50]. With the development of WiFi routers, radio and
important and most used because it has a power density of
This work is realized with the financial support of the CEA-MITIC (project of the World Bank) of the UFR SAT at the University Gaston Berger of Saint-
Louis / Senegal.

978-1-7281-7390-0/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

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television base stations as well as mobile and fixed operator The amplitude pattern of an antenna, as the observation
access networks, it is easier to do ambient radio frequency distance is varied from the reactive near field to the far field,
recovery. Table 1 presents the operating frequency bands of changes in shape because of variations of the fields, both
the RF signal sources. This signal from the source must travel magnitude and phase. A typical progression of the shape of
through a transmission medium, which is usually air, and then an antenna, with the largest dimension 𝐷, is shown in Figure
be received by an antenna. 3. It is apparent that in the reactive near field region the
pattern is more spread out and nearly uniform, with slight
TABLE I. FREQUENCY BANDS AND RANGES variations. As the observation is moved to the radiating near-
field region (Fresnel), the pattern begins to smooth and form
Frequency Band Frequency Range (MHz) lobes. In the far-field region (Fraunhofer), the pattern is well
VHF 30 - 300
FM 87.5 - 108
formed, usually consisting of few minor lobes and one, or
UHF 300 - 3000 more, major lobes [51]. The near field is often used in short-
TV 470 - 862 range applications such as RFID applications [52]. On the
GSM900 UL 890 – 915 DL 935 - 960 other hand, far-field antennas are used to transfer
GSM1800 UL 1710 – 1785 DL 1805 - 1880 radiofrequency energy. However, energy harvesting can be
UMTS UL 1920 – 1980 DL 2110 - 2170
LTE UL 791-821, 880-915, 1710-1785, 1920-1980,
done between two antennas in the near area using high-
2500-2570 efficiency power transfer technologies [53-55]. A design of
DL 832-862, 925-960, 1805-1880, 2110-2170, antenna structure consisting of two orthogonal elements to
2620-2690 radiate strong electromagnetic EM was presented in [56]
WiFi 2400 - 2483.5 operating in the near field. However, in [57] we notice that
ISM 433, 915, 2450, 5800
UL: Uplink, DL: Downlink large aperture antennas have a higher gain in the far field than
near field antennas. The power density being inversely
The distance between the source and the antenna plays an proportional to the square of the distance, in an area close to
important role in the efficient harvesting of the signal from fresnel a high power density is obtained. However, in remote
the source. This space between the source and the antenna is areas, a large surface area for extracting radiofrequency
generally subdivided into three regions: reactive near-field, energy and a better representation of the signal are obtained.
near-field radiation (Fresnel) and remote regions The power density S is given by the expression:
(Fraunhofer), as shown in Fig 2.
The reactive near-field region is the part of the field region 𝑆= (3)
immediately surrounding the source in which the reactive Where Pt and Gt respectively represent the transmitted power
field predominates. For most transmitting sources or and gain of the transmitting source or antenna; r is the
antennas, the outer boundary of this region is generally at a distance travelled by the wave between the source and the
distance R1 from the source surface such that: receiving antenna. The power received by the receiving
antenna is given by Prf such that:
R1=0,62 𝐷 ∕ 𝜆 (1)
where λ is the wavelength and D the largest dimensión of the 𝑃𝑟𝑓 = 𝑃𝑡 x 𝐺𝑡 (4)
transmitting antenna. Where λ is the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave.
Radiating near-field (Fresnel) region is the region of the field
of an antenna between the reactive near-field region and the
far-field region wherein radiation fields predominate and
wherein the angular field distribution is dependent upon the
distance from the antenna or the source. The inner boundary
is taken to be the distance R≥ 0,62 𝐷 ∕ 𝜆 and the outer
boundary the distance
R< 2𝐷 ⁄ 𝜆 (2)
Far-field (Fraunhofer) region is the region of the field of an
antenna where the angular field distribution is essentially
independent of the distance from the antenna. The inner
boundary is taken to be the radial distance R2= 2𝐷 ⁄ 𝜆 and
the outer one at infinity.
Fig. 3. Typical changes of antenna amplitude pattern shape from reactive
near field toward the far field.

The efficiency of the transmission of the radiofrequency

signal R is therefore valid:
𝑅 = 𝐺𝑡 (5)
In order to determine power density levels in urban and semi-
urban areas, an RF spectral study was conducted between 0.3
and 3 GHz in Greater London, United Kingdom in 2012. The
power density levels corresponding to the digital television
bands, GSM 900, GSM 1800, UMTS and WiFi have been
Fig. 2. Fields regions of antenna measured [58]. It has been proven that the digital television,

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GSM900, GSM1800, UMTS bands are the most promising dielectric constants result in high losses and low bandwidth.
for measurements. Another important parameter in the choice of substrate is the
tangent loss. This must be as small as possible to avoid
current leaks in the dielectric. This means that the substrate
III. RECEIVING ANTENNA AND must have a very high resistivity. A differential microstrip
IMPEDANCE MATCHING NETWORKS antenna is designed for multiband operation for RF energy
The harvesting of RF energy is achieved by receiving the harvesting at resonant frequencies of 2.4 GHz, 3.3 GHz, and
radio wave. Several types of wave receiving antennas can be 5.5 GHz is designed [74]. The differential microstrip antenna
used for radiofrequency energy harvesting. We can mention is designed on a low cost FR4 substrate having Ɛr of 4.4 with
wire antennas, open antennas, microstrip antennas, antenna thickness of 1.6 mm with tangent losses of 0.02. The
array and reflector antennas. Among the wired antennas we minimum return loss measured is -20 dB and the maximum
have dipoles, loop antennas and helixes. Several parameters gain observed is 14.31 dB at 5.41 GHz. The most commonly
describe the performance of antennas: the radiation pattern used substrates are FR4 because of their low cost. Thus, the
representing the radiation properties of the antenna in space, authors presented a microstrip antennas whose substrate is
the radiation power density, the radiation intensity, the FR4 (Flame Retardant-4) with a tangent loss of 0.02 [75-78].
bandwidth, the directivity, the radiation power, the radiation Patch antennas are structures consisting mainly of three
efficiency and the gain measured with respect to an isotropic elements: the ground, the substrate and the radiating element.
antenna. For more than a decade, several wired antennas have The radiating element is the metallic part capable of radiating.
been designed and built to recover energy. In 2019, a diband It has several shapes, the most commonly used of which are
helix antenna operating at 868 MHz and 915 MHz was built rectangular, square and circular shapes. Rectangular patch
and combined with a wireless meat probe to determine the antennas have dimensions that are calculated from the
meat temperature. This antenna has a radiation efficiency relationships (6) and (7) given by:
greater than 70% [59]. Three cocentric dipole antennas, Ɛ
operating in the 900 MHz band, spaced 600 MHz apart from W= (6)
each other, and each with a gain between -0.5 dB and 0.5 dB
were realized in 2018 for a maximum radiation efficiency of where W is the width of the antenna, c is the speed of light,
63% [59]. The authors in [61] designed a dipole printed on a Ɛ𝑟 is the relative permittivity of substrate and f0 is the f0 is
subtract operating at 2450MHz with a gain of 1.9 dB. Two the resonance frequency of antenna. The length L of the
dipoles printed on the FR 4 substrate were presented in [62] antenna can be described as:
operating in the UMTS, LTE, Wifi and WiMax frequency
bands and in [63] for the 1800MHz band. In [62] we note a 𝐿= − 2𝛥𝐿 (7)
gain of 6.3 dBi at 2.4 GHz, a conversion efficiency of 38.6% Ɛ

at 2300 MHz after rectification of the RF signal and a power Where

density of 23 μW/cm2. A radiation efficiency greater than Ɛ Ɛ
Ɛ𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 = + 1 + 12 (8)
76.3% with a gain between 0.94 dB and 1.98 dB was obtained
in [64] for a diband dipole antenna with frequencies of 863
MHz and 888 MHz. In [65] the authors present a loop antenna (Ɛ . )( . )
L=0.412h (9)
diband of frequencies 900 MHz and 2400MHz with a gain of (Ɛ . )( . )
0.335 dBi and 2.68 dBi then a radiation efficiency of 74.1%
at 900 MHz and 90.4% at 2400 MHz. Other dipoles have been Patch antennas generally have a low gain and bandwidth. In
proposed from 2012 to 2016 operating between 80 MHz to order to increase their performance, research has been carried
28400MHz in [66-70] with gains between 1.8 dBi and 8 dBi out on the radiating element. The researchers proposed multi-
and a DC RF conversion efficiency ranging from 55% to band and broadband antennas with a radiating element
84%. The work carried out for radiofrequency energy consisting of slots. Creating slots on the radiant part of the
recovery using wired antennas is presented in Table 2. antenna leads to the appearance of small surface currents, thus
The aperture and horn antennas have also been studied for increasing the bandwidth. In [79,80] the authors present a
radiofrequency energy recovery [71, 72]. To reduce the size patch antenna whose radiator slots have fractal geometry.
of the antennas, several structures have been proposed, This resulted in a gain of 2.408 dBi, a bandwidth of 850 MHz
including microstrip or patch antennas. These antennas are and a radiation efficiency of 98.939% in [79] and a gain
low profile, conformable to planar and nonplanar surfaces, between 2.6 dBi and 3.0 dBi in [80]. A square patch loaded
simple and inexpensive to manufacture using modern printed- with several circular slots, L-slots and U-slot is proposed in
circuit technology, mechanically robust when mounted on [81] offering better performance at six frequency bands and a
rigid surfaces. In [73], the authors presented a multiband gain of 7.3dBi. An antenna with a frequency between 1.2 and
microstrip antenna operating at frequencies of 1.8, 1.9, 2.4 5 GHz and a spiral-shaped radiating element produced a gain
and 5.2 GHz whose radiating element is a monopoly. The of 4.5 dBi in [82]. A four-band antenna was presented in [84].
multi-bandwidth coplanar waveguide antenna (MCPW) is This antenna is designed with two substrates, PEC and
designed and manufactured on a very thin and low-profile Rogers, and has a maximum gain of 2.58 dB and an antenna
substrate with a length of 60 mm and a width of 40 mm. There size of 33 x 37 mm2. The authors in [85] presented an antenna
are several types of substrates that can be used in the design operating in the bands of 1.83GHz to 3.58 GHz and 5.4 GHz
of microstrip antennas. Their dielectric constant is such that to 6 GHz whose substrate is the rogers with tangent losses of
2.2 ≤ Ɛr ≤ 12. Antennas with thick substrates with low 0.0012. The gain obtained is 4.2 dBi at 5.8 GHz. The authors
dielectric constants offer antennas higher efficiency, higher in [86-88,90] have proposed several antennas with substrates
bandwidth and loosely bound fields for radiation into space. those have thicknesses between 0.015 and 1.6 mm for
On the other hand, antennas with thin substrates with high frequencies between 0.9 and 3.0 GHz using FR 4 as substrate.

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Referen Antenna Frequency Dimensional Antenna performance Applications

ce types antenna (mm
/year x

[59] Helix 868MHz, 915 ¼ of the Reflection coefficient ›8 dB Energy harvesting from a wireless,
2019 MHz central Efficiency of antenne˃70% battery-free meat probe for evaluating the
wavelength temperature of meat in an oven
with a pitch of
2 mm
[60] Three co- 900 MHz band 96 x14 Gain between -0.5 dB to 0.5 dB pattern diversity antenna for
2018 centric of GSM Radiation efficiency between 51% and harvesting ambient RF energy in multipath
dipoles 63% for each dipole environments
conversion efficiency Rf-dc 30%
[61] Printed 2.45 GHz 54 x2 Gain 1.9 dBi application in a variety of wireless energy
2018 dipole harvesting and power transfer systems

[62] Dipole on UMTS, 34 x 23 Gain 6.3 dBi at 2.4 GHz. RF Energy Harvesting or Wireless
2018 substrate LTE 4G, conversion efficiency of 38.6% at 2.3 Power Transmission applications
WiFi WiMAX GHz for an E-field of 7V/m with a 1.5
kΩ load with density power of 23
[63] dipole on 1.8GHz 88 x80 Reflection coefficient between RF energy harvesting application
2017 substrate FR -20 dB et -25 dB
4 output voltage of 65mV–250mV
[64] dipole 863 MHz Diameter 52 Radiation efficiency˃76.3% radio frequency (RF) energy
2017 antenna 888 MHz Height 6.5 Gain realized between 0.94 dB and 1.98 harvesting applications
[65] loop antenna 900 MHz and 34x28.2 Gain 0.335 dBi and 2.68 dBi at the RF energy harvesting
2017 2.4 GHz frequency of 900MHz and 2.4 GHz
with a maximum radiation efficiency of
1 V DC output into a 10 MΩ load at a
sensitivity of -21.2 dBm and -17.1 dBm
at 900MHz and 2.4 GHz
[66] dipole 0.9-1.1 conversion efficiency of 75% Wireless energy
2016 1.8-2.5 Gain 1.8, 3.5 and 3.3 harvesting to power low power electronic
[67] dipole 1.8-2.5 70x70 conversion efficiency 55% Energy harvesting
2015 Gain 2.5-4.12
[68] dipole 0.876-0.959 100 x100 Gain 6dBi Energy harvesting
2015 1.71-1.88 conversion efficiency of 84%
[69] dipole 88 MHz - 108 1188x 664 Gain 7 dBi for vertical and about 8 dBi
2014 MHz and for horizontal
174 MHz - 230 polarization
[70] dipole 0.45 to 28.4 163x160 VSWR less Applications of wideband systems
2012 GHz than 2

Table 3 presents the works carried out on RF energy recovery networks. In [101] a T-adapter circuit is used. The antenna's
systems using microstrip antennas. bandwidth varied from 93.2 MHz to 1198.4 MHz and slightly
In energy harvesting systems, leaks during transmission can increased its gain and directivity. The L-shaped adaptation
lead to insufficient energy for the supply of electronic network is one of the easiest to implement.
devices. It should be noted that the presence of adaptation circuit can
For these systems, the receiving antenna is considered as the influence the antenna parameters, i. e. gain, directivity,
source while the voltage rectifier is considered as the load. To bandwidth. However, the L-shaped network does not give any
avoid energy loss between the antenna and the load that can degree of freedom with regard to the bandwidth of the
be a sensor for example, the antenna must be adapted. adaptation network. The higher the value of the quality
In DC, power transfer is optimum when the resistances of the coefficient which is the ratio of resistance and load reactance
source and load are indistinguishable. However, the Q is, the narrower the bandwidth is. To reduce the value of Q,
impedance imbalance between the source and the load leads it is necessary to develop more complex networks such as
to the creation of a reflected power flow, which is the source three-component adaptation networks (T or Π). These
of the decrease in the efficiency of the system. networks provide additional design flexibility and therefore
For maximum power collected by the antenna to be greater control over bandwidth. They also offer greater
transferred to the RF/DC conversion circuit, the input robustness during construction. However, they are more
impedance of the rectifier must be the combined complex of complex to implement and bring more parasitic components.
the source impedance. There are three adaptation techniques
using reactive components illustrated in fig. 4: the L, T and Π

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used in this reviewer paper. To optimize conversion
performance, it is therefore necessary to choose a diode with
the threshold voltage, internal resistance and the lowest
possible junction capacity in order to limit losses and increase
the maximum operating frequency. Maximizing the value of
the breakdown voltage helps to maintain good performance
(a) (b) when the rectified voltage is high. The Avago HSMS 2860
diode is designed to perform well in the 900 MHz - 5.8 GHz
frequency band. Its higher breakdown voltage value allows it
to be used in high output voltage architectures. Avago’s
HSMS 2850 diode is designed to operate at frequencies below
1.5 GHz. Table 4 shows the different types of schottky diodes
and their characteristics.
(c) A Schottky barrier diode consists of metal layer, n-type or p-
type epitaxial layer and n-type or p-type silicon substrate.
Fig. 4. (a) L type (b) T type (c) Π type impedance matching Generally, p-type diodes are reserved for small signal
network topologies. detector applications and n-type diodes are used for mixer
applications. Fig. 6 shows the equivalent circuit of a schottky
An ideal impedance matching between an antenna and a load diode. In this figure, RS is the parasitic series resistance of the
can also be accomplished by using shunt stub matching diode, the sum of the bondwire and leadframe resistance, the
depicted in fig. 5. Impedance matching using stub for resistance of the bulk layer of silicon. RF energy coupled into
maximum power recovery has been proposed in [102]. This RS is lost as heat; it does not contribute to the rectified output
circuit has enabled 85% of the lost power to be recovered. of the diode. Cj is parasitic junction capacitance of the diode,
controlled by the thickness of the epitaxial layer and the
diameter of the Schottky contact. Rj is the junction resistance
of the diode, a function of the total current flowing through it.
Cp and Lp represent the capacity and parasitic inductance
respectively. RV is the video junction resistance. It depends
on the current owing through the Schottky diode. For the
HSMS-285x series CP = 0.08 pF, LP = 2 nH, Cj = 0.18 pF, RS
= 25 Ω and RV = 9 KΩ.
Fig. 5. Shunt stub matching


An RF/DC conversion circuit converts the RF signal

delivered by the antenna into DC voltage. All rectifier circuits
use at least one diode to operate. In the case of RF energy
recovery, the power of the recovered signals is very low, so it
is necessary to favour specific diodes with a low threshold Fig. 6. Low frequency equivalent circuit of a Schottky diode [102]
voltage. Schottky diodes are therefore the most widely used.
To optimize the rectifier's performance, the choice of circuit Other types of diodes have been proposed to increase their
architecture is also important. performance. In [103] a unique MoS2 semiconducting
metallic phase heterojunction, which enables a lateral MoS2
a. Choice of diodes Schottky diode with a cutoff frequency about 4 GHz is
The performance of the diode has a crucial role in the proposed. It exhibits significantly reduced parasitic
conversion efficiency of the rectifier circuit. Due to their capacitance and series resistance. This diode realizes wireless
characteristics, Schottky diodes are the best candidates for the energy harvesting in the cellular band of 1.9 GHz.
realization of rectifier circuits because of their threshold The authors in [104] demonstrate a tunable Schottky diode
voltage, optimized for low power applications including based on amorphous indium–gallium–zinc–oxide (a-IGZO)
energy recovery. We have identified in the literature many film with high performance for rectifying circuit.
prototypes of Schottky diodes used: HSMS 2852 [79,80],
b. Architectures
HSMS 2820 [81], Schottky SMS 7630 [82,86,92,93,96,100],
HSMS 2860 [85,88,97,98] HSMS 2850 [90,95] and HSMS The main topologies of the rectifiers are presented in four
2862 [91]. The radio frequency-dc conversion efficiency is architectures: Series, Doubler, Graetz and Greinacher. Each
influenced by four diodes parameters: the threshold voltage of these architectures has variants that improve certain
Vth, the reverse breakdown voltage Vbr, the internal recovery characteristics.
resistance Rs and the junction capacity Cj. The threshold A serial rectifier or parallel rectifier is the simplest RF-DC
voltage limits operation at low power; the reverse breakdown conversion circuit consisting of a diode and a capacitor. It has
voltage Vbr reduces the diode's efficiency when the potential an optimized conversion efficiency at its output. However,
difference across the diode is too large; the internal resistance this architecture does not offer any tension gain. However,
dissipates power in the semiconductor junction and the this architecture does not offer any tension gain.
junction capacitance acts with the internal resistance as a low- In [86], the writers use a serial rectifier from the Schottky
pass filter and thus limits the diode's maximum operating diode SMS7630-061F for the design of a rectenna on the FR
frequency. Table 4 shows the characteristics of the diodes 4 substrate.

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Réf/ Antenna Frequency Dimensional Charate Radiated Antenna Conversion Rectifier topology Load
year types antenna (mm ristics element gain (dBi) efficiency (KΩ)
xmm or of Substrate
[82] patch 1.2–5 GHz 58 x55 FR4 spiral 4.5 >30% Voltage dual-DR 1
2019 Ɛr=4.4, (SMS7630
tangα=0.02. Schottky)
[83] Loop 915MHz 1000 Rogers 80% Series diodes on 6
2019 stage
[84] patch 0.88GHz 1.32GHz 33 x 37 PEC circular -1.53, -
2019 1.74GHz Rogers Ɛr=4.4 2.15,
2.44GHz tangα=0.004 -2.00, -2.58
h=3.048 mm
[85] Mono 1.83—3.58 GHz 47 x46.75 Rogers rectangular 4.2 at 5.8 27.725 % at voltage doubler 1
2019 pole 5.4—6 GHz RT6002 GHz 3.5 GHz. (schottky diode of
Ɛr=2.94 HSMS-2860)
[86] patch 2.45 GHz 35.5x30 FR4 Rectangular 3 59.5% single series diode 1.3
2019 Ɛr=4.4 with L slot (Schottky
h=0.8mm diodeSMS7630-
[87] Micro 1800MHz, FR4 4.3 Schottky diode
2018 strip 1900MHz and 2.4 Ɛr=4.4
GHz. tangα=0.01
[88] patch 2.4 GHz 120x100 FR4 split ring 5.14 80% voltage doubler 4
2018 Ɛr=4.4 (schottky
tangα=0.02 diode HSMS 2860)
[89] Dipole 1-3GHz 60x83 spiral 8.89 at 2.45 >50% voltage doubler 2
2018 GHz
[90] Micro 900MHz, 90x80 FR4 voltage doubler
2018 strip 1.77 GHz Ɛr=4.4 full-wave
tangα=0.02 Greinacher
2.1 GHz h=1.6mm (schottky diode
[91]2018 patch 2.45 GHz 50.3x42.4 cordura rectangular 17% full-wave 10
textile fabric Greinacher
Ɛr=1.93 (schottky diode
tangα=0.015 HSMS-2862)

[81]2018 4.75, 5.42, 40×40 2 substrates Square with 7.3 84% voltage doubler 3
Micro 5.76, 6.4, FR4 slots (Schottky diodes
strip 6.9, 7.61 40×45 Ɛr=4.4 HSMS 2820)
[79]2018 patch 2.45 FR4 fractal slot 2.408 62% voltage doubler 3.8
Ɛr=4.4 (Schottky diode
tangα=0.02 HSMS 2852)
[80]2018 2.45 38 ×38 FR4 Fractal slot 2.2 at 52% voltage doubler 4
patch Ɛr=4.4 2.45GHz (Schottky diode
tangα=0.02 HSMS 2852)
[92]2018 0.87 GHz to 2.7 63% from 1.1 voltage doubler 2
no GHz to 1.35 GHz (Schottky
antenna diode SMS7630-
[93]2018 rectangular 21.1 % at -20 single series diode 18
Micro 1.84 GHz grid dBm at 1.84 (Skyworks
strip with square GHz SMS7630-079)
pixels 6.9 % at -
30dBm at 1.84
[94]2017 loop 1.8 GHz 45×45 Teflon Ɛr=2.55 fractal 61% 12
h=0.8 mm
[95] 0.79–0.96 GHz; 11×11 Paper 5%–16% Serie diode 3
2017 Micro 1.71–2.17 GHz; tangα=0.05 11%–30% (HSMS2850
strip and 2.5–2.69 GHz Schottky diode)
[96] Micro 900MHz 1800 175×200 square 7 40% single series diode 10
2017 strip MHz, (Schottky diode
patch 2100 MHz Skyworks

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Réf/ Antenna Frequency Dimensional Charateristics of Radiated Antenna Conversion Rectifier topology Load
year types antenna Substrate element gain efficiency (KΩ)
(mm x mm dBi
or mm2)
[97] Patch 2.45 GHz 70x70 7.45 and 78% Shunt Diode 0.55
2016 7.63 (HSMS-2860)
[98] patch 2.45 GHz 70x100 5.47 73.3% (HSMS-2860) 1.4
[99] no 0.6 GHz-1.15 GHz 80.1% Class-F 0.034
2016 antenna
[100] no 0.47 GHz-0.86 60% Dickson 12.2
2016 antenna GHz Multiplier

The efficiency of the rectifier is 45%; the rectenna has a In [80] the optimal load resistance of the rectifying circuit is
conversion efficiency equal to 59.5% for an input power of - found to be 4 kΩ and the authors obtain maximum conversion
6 dBm. However, the resistance of the load is 1.3 KΩ. The efficiency of rectifier of 62% at the input power of 0 dBm and
RF-DC conversion efficiency is the ratio of the amount of DC 2.48 GHz. In this work, the highest efficiency of the rectenna
power at the load to the RF input power collected by the is 52% at 2.45 GHz. The paper [82] presents a rectenna
antenna, and is given by operating in the frequency bands 1.2 to 5 GHZ. The
measurement of the conversion efficiency of the rectenna
gives a value greater than 30% when the input power and the
ŋ= = × 100% (10) load are respectively 9 dBm and 1 KΩ. The measure of
where RL is the resistance of the final load which can be for rectifier conversion efficiency reaches 29.72 % at 6 dBm
example a sensor, Prf is the power received by the receiving input power while the measure total rectenna power
antenna and Vdc is the DC output voltage of the rectifier. A conversion efficiency is 27.725 % at a frequency of 3.5 GHz
single series Schottky diode Skyworks SMS7630-079 is in [85]. The load resistance is fixed at 1 KΩ and the schottky
selected as the rectifying diode in [93]. This rectifier is diode HSMS 2860 turn on Volyage Vth is 0.4 V.
fabricated on 62 mil thick substrate RT/Duroid with low loss The Greinacher circuit has a differential output. To work, it
tangent of 0.0009 to decrease the insertion loss. In this paper, uses four diodes and four capacitors. The peculiarity of this
over the GSM-1800 band the efficiency is above 2.8% at −35 circuit is to have a high sensitivity, which allows to quickly
dBm, 6.9% at −30 dBm, 13.8% at −25 dBm, 21.1% at −20 obtain a voltage sufficient to power a circuit. However, the
dBm, 27.3% at −15 dBm and 31.5% at −10 dBm. use of many components does not provide satisfactory
The proposed rectifier in [95] features an RF to dc conversion performance at low power. Thus in [91] the output DC
efficiency in the range of 5%–16% for an input Power −20 voltage of the rectenna is 2.2 volts when the RF power is
dBm in the bands of LTE, which increases up to 11%–30% at swept from -40 dBm to 0 dBm. The four diodes are zero-bias
−15 dBm. In [96] the authors have proposed a rectenna with threshold Schottky diodes, which are Avago HSMS-2862 and
a conversion efficiency higher than 40% and an output the load has a value of 10 KΩ.
voltage of more than 600 mV. The rectifier circuit without a radio frequency choke RFC is
The architecture of a voltage doubler makes it possible to 1.5 % more efficient than the rectifier circuit with RFC.
obtain a high voltage with a low input power. However, this The Graetz Bridge is an assembly of four bridge-mounted
circuit uses two diodes and two capacitors, which therefore diodes that allows full-wave rectification. However, the
increases the parasitic elements and the threshold voltages of impact of threshold voltages is high for this architecture, so it
the diodes. The conversion efficiency is therefore lower than is difficult to use for low power. Graetz's bridge is found more
for the series rectifier. The authors in [79] propose a rectifying generally in household appliances because it is easy to put in
circuit which consists of a capacitor C1 of 27 pF, C2 of 200 place and the diodes never undergo strong constraints.
nF, a pair of diodes and a load resistor RL. Schottky diode
HSMS 2852 is selected and its specific parameters are: Cj = V. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION
0.18 pF, Vbr = 3.8 V, Vth = 150 mV and Rs = 25 Ω.
The conversion efficiency is 67% at 2.45 GHz for an input Analysis of the work in Table 2 of section III indicates that
power of 0 dBm and an RL load of 3.8 K Ω. wireline antennas have high gain and efficiency in general,
but are quite large in size. They will therefore be cumbersome
TABLE 4. SCHOTTKY DIODE TYPES to use for recovering radio frequency energy to power
sensors. We find that a wire antenna printed on the substrate,
becomes less bulky. However, it has a low gain and efficiency
Schottky Diode Vth (mV) Vbr (V) RS(Ω) Cj (pF) at the moment. The use of substrates would therefore have
Types for 1 mA
HSMS 2850 250 3,8 25 0,18 resulted in power losses. Table 3 of section IV presents a
HSMS 2860 350 7 6 0,18 series of works carried out on RF energy recovery systems
HSMS 2820 340 15 6 0.7 using microstrip antennas. Analysis of Table 3 shows that
HSMS 2852 250 3.8 25 0,18 microstrip antennas on substrate generally have small
HSMS 2862 350 7 5 0,18 dimensions. However, patch antennas with a slot radiating
SMS 7630 240 2 20 0,14
Element offer better performance and are those with very
small dimensions.

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