Akarohid 2017

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Overview of IEC Recommendations for

renewable energy and hybrid systems for

rural electrification
ENG470 Engineering Honours Thesis project

Yuwadee Akarohid
Supervisor: Dr. Ali Arefi

A thesis submitted to Murdoch University

to fulfil the requirements for the degree of
Electrical Power and Renewable Energy Engineering
in the discipline of
Engineering Honours

Murdoch, 2017
© Murdoch University 2017
Author’s Declaration

I declare that this thesis is my own account of my research and contains as its main content

work which has not previously been submitted for a degree at any tertiary education institution.



The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a universal company having a major

mission to arrange International standards. IEC TS 62257 introduced herein is one of those

series. It concerns about rural electrification which is further away from the national main

power line. It is very expensive to get a few single users to utilise a grid to meet cost-effective.

Therefore the stand-alone electrical systems are taken into account to serve better situations. In

these days, rural electrification is played one of the important strategies to maximise comfort to

those people in rural area as well as rural economic expansion.

This thesis focuses on overview of IEC TS 62257. The project purpose concerns to five

significant points. Firstly, to investigate and enable the choice of renewable energy based

electrification systems to meet the requirements of customers in the field of decentralised rural

electrification project. Secondly, to provide a technical specification for renewable energy and

hybrid systems. Thirdly, to evaluate the minimum sufficient requirements, relevant to the field

of application that is: renewable energy and hybrid off-grid systems corresponding to the high

standard safety. Fourthly, to review the methodology in the standard IEC TS 62257 to achieve

the best technical and economic conditions for acceptance, operation, maintenance and

replacement of equipment and complete system life cycle. Lastly, to learn about the combination

of diesel generator system and solar energy during the project.

To attain an achievement of the five purposes as above mentioned, Rottnest Island case study

was taken as an example of rural or remote Electrification in order to compare it with IEC TS

62257 series in term of similarity and difference between them. Although this project is

completed, Rottnest power electrification is still a lot more to discover.

Regarding to the most efficiency of the rural power project, the selection in which part of IEC

TS 62257 should be taken to an appropriate consideration.


First, I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Ali Arefi for his advice, expertise, and assistance

during this thesis project. I would also like to thank Dr. Martin Anda, for his arrangement of

Rottnest Island visit for me to do a case study. Thanks also to Dr. GM Shafiullah and Dr.Farhad

Shahnia for their knowledge in the electrical system during Rottnest Island site visit. It was

helpful to my thesis. I would also like acknowledge and appreciate Mr. Dino Ajid who worked

for Programmed Facility Management on Rottnest Island, for his answers about the setting up of

Rottnest Island power system and the Island standard, Laura Senge who worked for the Rottnest

Island Authority, for her Island power network tour.

I also would like to thank my family and friends who have encouraged and supported me

toward to the end of my thesis.


I dedicate this thesis to my family, my teachers and my friends who have supported me along

the Engineering Studies road.

Table of Contents
Author’s Declaration .................................................................................................................... ii
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................... iv
Dedication .................................................................................................................................... v
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. xi
List of Tables.............................................................................................................................. xii
List of Abbreviations.................................................................................................................. 13
Chapter 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 15
1.1 Objectives of this thesis ...................................................................................... 15
1.2 The connection of IEC TS 62257 series ............................................................. 16
Chapter 2 Background ......................................................................................................... 17
2.1 The importance of IEC TS 62257 series ............................................................. 17
2.2 Decentralized rural electrification (DRE) ........................................................... 17
2.3 The difference in developing countries and developed countries ...................... 17
2.4 Case Study – Rottnest Island............................................................................... 18
2.5 Summary ............................................................................................................. 19
Chapter 3 To meet the customers requirement in decentralised electrification ................... 20
3.1 Off-grid electricity: which entrance to select? .................................................... 20
3.1.1 Master plan.......................................................................................................... 20
3.1.2 Remote electrification requiring a variety of systems ......................................... 21
3.1.3 Category of demand ............................................................................................ 21
3.1.4 Decentralized systems ......................................................................................... 21
3.1.5 Place and role of initial studies in a dispersed rural electrification project ......... 23
3.2 Summary ............................................................................................................. 23
Chapter 4 Minimum sufficient requirements to the field of application corresponding
to high standard safety ........................................................................................ 25
4.1 Useful description of a distribution subsystem ................................................... 25
4.1.1 Presentation of the costs ...................................................................................... 25
4.1.2 Data to be collected ............................................................................................. 26
4.2 Protection against electrical hazards ................................................................... 27
4.2.1 Protection against overcurrent............................................................................. 27
4.2.2 Protection against overload currents ................................................................... 27
4.2.3 Protection against short-circuit ........................................................................... 28
4.2.4 Protection against risk of fire .............................................................................. 29

4.2.5 Protection against effects of lighting................................................................... 29
4.2.6 Protection against overvoltage ............................................................................ 29
4.2.7 Protection against direct lightning ...................................................................... 29
4.3 Over-current protective devices .......................................................................... 30
4.3.1 Earth termination (electrode) of lightning protection system. ............................ 30
4.4 Composition of a micro-power plant .................................................................. 31
4.4.1 Interconnection of generators .............................................................................. 31
4.5 Composition of a micro-grid ............................................................................... 31
4.5.1 Connections and accessories ............................................................................... 32
4.5.2 Isolating devices .................................................................................................. 32
4.5.3 Housing ............................................................................................................... 35
4.5.4 Requirements for dc parts of installation ............................................................ 35
4.5.5 Requirements for ac parts of installation ............................................................ 36
4.6 Voltage drop........................................................................................................ 36
4.7 Specific rules to wiring systems buried in earth ................................................. 36
4.8 User interface ...................................................................................................... 37
4.8.1 General operating conditions .............................................................................. 37
4.9 Summary ............................................................................................................. 37
Chapter 5 The methodology to achieve the best technical and economic condition ........... 39
5.1 Organizational issues .......................................................................................... 41
5.2 Maintenance actions ............................................................................................ 41
5.3 Replacement factors ............................................................................................ 41
5.3.1 Replacing equipment........................................................................................... 42
5.4 Physical ingress protection.................................................................................. 43
5.5 Current total harmonic distortion (THD) ............................................................ 43
5.6 Colour Characteristics ......................................................................................... 44
5.7 Summary ............................................................................................................. 44
Chapter 6 The combination of diesel generator system and solar energy ........................... 45
6.1 Generator boundaries .......................................................................................... 45
6.2 Generator requirements ....................................................................................... 45
6.3 Equipotential bonding ......................................................................................... 47
6.4 Considerations due to operating temperature ...................................................... 47
6.4.1 Insulation............................................................................................................. 48
6.4.2 Fuse holders ........................................................................................................ 48
6.4.3 By-pass diodes .................................................................................................... 49
6.4.4 Blocking diodes................................................................................................... 49
6.4.5 Location and installation requirements ............................................................... 50
6.5 Location: accounting for shadow ........................................................................ 52
6.6 Selection and erection generator ......................................................................... 54
6.6.1 Generator set sizing ............................................................................................. 55
6.6.2 Derating factors ................................................................................................... 55
6.7 Design of the erection site ................................................................................... 56
6.8 Ventilation........................................................................................................... 56
6.9 Fuel storage ......................................................................................................... 56
6.10 Summary ............................................................................................................. 58
Chapter 7 Rottnest Island case study ................................................................................... 60
7.1 System selection and design................................................................................ 60
7.2 Protection against electrical hazards ................................................................... 62
7.3 Generator- PV generators.................................................................................... 62
7.4 Selection of generator sets for rural electrification system ................................. 65
7.5 Ventilation (air intake cross-section, speed-inducting) ....................................... 66
7.6 Cross-section of power cables ............................................................................. 67
7.7 Battery management system of a generator ........................................................ 67
7.8 Micro-power System ........................................................................................... 67
7.9 Functional layout for a micro-plant..................................................................... 68
7.10 Interconnection of generators .............................................................................. 69
7.11 Micro-grids.......................................................................................................... 69
7.12 Integrated system – User interface ...................................................................... 69
7.13 Integrated system – User installation .................................................................. 70
7.14 Selection of PV- individual electrification system.............................................. 70
7.15 Selection of lamps and lighting appliances for off-grid electrification
systems ................................................................................................................ 71
7.16 Lighting service targets ....................................................................................... 71
7.17 Summary ............................................................................................................. 72
Chapter 8 Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 75
Chapter 9 Future work ......................................................................................................... 77
References .................................................................................................................................. 78
Appendix A 81
A.1 Rottnest Island power system diagrams .............................................................. 81
A.2 Rottnest Island PV modules ................................................................................ 84
A.3 Rottnest Island generator .................................................................................... 86
A.4 IP ingress ............................................................................................................. 87

List of Figures
Figure 1 the connection of IEC TS 62257 standards (IEC 2015a) ............................................. 16
Figure 2 general configuration of an electrification network (IEC 2015b) ................................ 22
Figure 3 Micro-grid consisting of a single-phase feeder (IEC 2006a) ....................................... 32
Figure 4 Micro-grid earthing scheme (IEC 2006a) .................................................................... 33
Figure 5 interface for user installations was supplied from an ac or a dc source (IEC
2006b) ................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 6 interface for user installations were supplied locally from ac or dc sources (not
from a micro-grid) (IEC 2006b).......................................................................... 35
Figure 7 general electrical configuration of a collective electrification system (IEC 2008a) .... 45
Figure 8 General functional configuration of a PV system (IEC 2010) ..................................... 47
Figure 9 Blocking diode implementation (example) (IEC 2010) ............................................... 50
Figure 10 PV string wiring with minimum loop area (IEC 2010) ............................................. 53
Figure 11 Functional diagram of a radial structure for rural micro-grid .................................... 61
Figure 12 Configuration C and E –PV alone IES or CES – P< 500W – with inverter – d <
15 m (IEC 2010) ................................................................................................. 63
Figure 13 Configuration D and F – Hybrid IES or CES – PV generator + inverter and
another generator – d < 15 m (IEC 2010) ........................................................... 63
Figure 14 PV array diagram – multi-string case (IEC 2010) .................................................... 64
Figure 15 Micro-power system limits (IEC 2008c) ................................................................... 68
Figure 16 Example of functional layout for a micro-power plant supplying AC energy
(IEC 2008c) ......................................................................................................... 68
Figure 17 Interconnection configuration with AC bus only(IEC 2008c) ................................... 69
Figure 18 Protection of people in an installation supplied from a micro grid according to a
TN-C-S system (IEC 2006c) ............................................................................... 70
Figure 19 Rottnest Island power station overview ..................................................................... 81
Figure 20 Rottnest Island Power Station Control Network ........................................................ 81
Figure 21 Rottnest Island Authority Cable Survey L.V. Reticulation Single Line Diagram
1 of 2 ................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 22 Rottnest Island Authority Cable Survey L.V. Reticulation Single Line Diagram
2 of 2 ................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 23 Rottnest Island power Station Metering and Protection ............................................ 83
Figure 24 Rottnest Island Power Station .................................................................................... 83
Figure 25 First Solar Specification (Rottnest Island Solar Panel) .............................................. 84
Figure 26 Rottnest Island Solar farm ......................................................................................... 85
Figure 27 multi-string case PV at Rottnest Island ...................................................................... 85
Figure 28 Rottnest Island fuel storage........................................................................................ 86
Figure 29 Detroit Generator at Rottnest Island Power Station ................................................... 86
Figure 30 Cummim Generator at Rottnest Island power station ................................................ 87
Figure 31 IP ingress shown on BarTech switchboards at Rottnest Island power station ........... 87

List of Tables
Table 1 Minimum set of data to be collected (IEC 2015d) ........................................................ 26
Table 2 Functions ensured by various types of user interface (IEC 2006b) .............................. 34
Table 3 Maximum acceptable voltage drop values in connections (IEC 2006c) ....................... 36
Table 4 Climate condition (example) (IEC 2006c) .................................................................... 37
Table 5 AOMR actions (IEC 2015f) .......................................................................................... 40
Table 6 General inputs and outputs to be considered for generator specification
(IEC 2008a) ......................................................................................................... 46
Table 7 Functions fulfilled by the technical room (IEC 2010) .................................................. 47
Table 8 Disconnecting means requirement in PV array installations (IEC 2010) ..................... 51
Table 9 Location of disconnection devices according to system configuration, where
required (IEC 2010) ............................................................................................ 52
Table 10 Examples of derating factors for generator sets (IEC 2008b) ..................................... 65
Table 11 Generator set permitted noise levels (IEC 2008b) ...................................................... 65
Table 12 Cross-section of power cables (IEC 2008b) ................................................................ 66
Table 13 Suggested minimum values for IP and IK (IEC 2008d) ............................................. 71
Table 14 The Principles of Lighting service performance assessment (IEC 2015g) ................. 72

List of Abbreviations

AS Australian standard

AOMR Actions acceptance, operation, maintenance and replacement actions

BMS Battery management system

CCT Circuit

CES Collective Electrification System

CFL Compact fluorescent lamp

DUT Device under test

DWQIT Daily weighted quality of service

EBS Equipotential bonding system

ELV Extra-low voltage

FWHM Full width half maximum

GS General Specification

HMPS Hybrid micro-power system

IEC TS The international Electro-technical Commission Technical specification

IES Individual Electrification System

IF Identification file

IMOD_REVERSE The current a module can withstand the reverse direction to normal

without damage to the module

IP Ingress protection

ISC ARRAY The short circuit current of a PV array at Standard test Condition

ISC MOD The short circuit current of a PV module or PV string at Standard test


ISC S-ARRAY The short circuit current of a PV sub-array at Standard test Condition

LED Light emitting diode

LPS Lightning protection system

lux SI Unit of luminance

P Active power

PCU Power conditioning unit

PE Protective conductor

PEL conductor Conductor combining the functions of both a protective earthing

conductor and a line conductor

PELV Protected extra-low voltage

PEM conductor Conductor combining the functions of both a protective earthing

conductor and a midpoint conductor

PEN Conductor Conductor combining the functions of a protective earthing conductor

and a neutral conductor

PV Photovoltaic

QI Quality of service index

RE Renewable Energy

REN Renewable Energy

S Apparent power

Sbad Service ratio under unfavourable conditions

Sd Daily service ratio

SELV Safety extra-low voltage

Sgood Service ratio under favourable conditions

SPD Surge Protection Device

SPD Surge Protective Device

STC Standard test condition

THD Total harmonic distortion

TWIT Total weight quality of service

VOC ARRAY The open circuit voltage at Standard Test Conditions of a PV array

VOC MOD The open circuit voltage of a PV module at the coldest expected

operating condition

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Objectives of this thesis

This thesis overviews IEC TS 62257 standard series and has various aims. The first aim is to

investigate the choice of renewable energy based electrification systems that is able to meet the

requirements of customers in the field of decentralized rural electrification project (IEC 2015a).

Secondly, provide a technical specification for renewable energy and hybrid systems(IEC

2008c). Thirdly, evaluate the minimum sufficient requirements, relevant to the field of

application that is: renewable energy and hybrid off-grid systems corresponding to the high

standard safety (IEC 2015d). Fourthly, review the methodology in the standard IEC TS 62257

to achieve the best technical and economic conditions for acceptance, operation, maintenance

and replacement of equipment and complete system life cycle (IEC 2015f). Lastly, the author

would like to learn about the combination of diesel generator system and solar energy during the


1.2 The connection of IEC TS 62257 series

Figure 1 the connection of IEC TS 62257 standards (IEC 2015a)

Figure 1 is stated that IEC TS 62257 divided into two main pathways that is monitoring the

system and mechanical specification. In the series of this standard, there are sixteen books in

total. Each of these books is specified a different in content of rural electrification. The linkage

of them are such that: the controlling and execution (monitoring path) is included the standard

part 2 to part 6. The Mechanical specification path is involved the standard part 7 to 12. This

section is also allocated individual three groups of electrification system namely; Generators

from part 7 to 7-3, micro-system and integrated system in part 9-1 to 9-6 and lastly, lamp and

lighting appliances in part 12. Part 8-1, Selection of battery is based on the requirements from

part 7 to part 12. Hence it is located at the bottom of the flow diagram in figure 1. Part 1 of IEC

TS 62257 is stated the general introduction of this standard referred to every standard in the


Chapter 2 Background

2.1 The importance of IEC TS 62257 series

It is invented to direct and suggested to small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural

electrification. The intention of IEC TS 62257 is to support Renewable Energy Engineers,

project managers, system designers and technician to decide the correct system for the correct

venue, outline the network, execute the system and preserve the network (IEC 2015a).

2.2 Decentralized rural electrification (DRE)

It is a power structure targeted to supply electricity to public, which stayed no power grid

connected to the central power urban zone. The functions were needed to be able to modify to

different kind of utility demand including to venue-restricted conditions (Transenergy).

For two examples;

1. Spread towns with houses, DRE will support using standalone photovoltaic generators


2. For the intense of populations, then the electrification supply is given by solar, hydro, wind

or hybrid power plants coupled to micro-grids (Transenergy).

2.3 The difference in developing countries and

developed countries
The developed countries are self-governing succeeded though the developing countries are

rising as a developed country (S 2015). Developing Countries are the country that expertise

improvement for the first time (S 2015). If we discuss about developed countries, they are post-

industrial economies (S 2015). Consequently, The different between the two are being the rank

of the excellency of service and the demand energy magnitude that the client will be able to pay

for (IEC 2015a).

2.4 Case Study – Rottnest Island

Rottnest Island is located 19 kilometres off the coast of Fremantle in Western Australia

(ExperiencePerth.com 2017). It is a destination for tourist attraction near Perth, the capital city

of Western Australia. Hence the most demanded in electricity is the visitors.

Since the electrification system in Rottnest is off-grid to the main land. It is then an excellent

place to use for a study case to this thesis project. Rottnest Island electrification is relied on

Australian standard ASN3000. Hence after been studied on IEC TS 62257, it is become an

opportunity to observe the similarities and any differences between existed power system on the

island to IEC TS 62257.

Phenomenon solar and constant wind resource is described as Rottnest Island weather condition

(Australia 2017). The solar farm and wind turbine are empowered to meet 45% of the island’s

electricity demand from renewable sources (Australia 2017).

8000 photovoltaic modules are connected on a secure array (Australia 2017). 98 percent

performance is usually in the morning. The production of power form those modules are 500

kW (Australia 2017). A 600 kW Enercon wind turbine is produced energy that chopping the

solar energy. If wind energy is increased, the solar energy is then decreased. The seven diesel

generator is produced energy during night time and when renewable source is not given energy

to meet the need. 18000L truck is brought in diesel which was shipped from the mainland. 20

inverter is converted ac to dc and dc to ac for wind to utility grid as well as dc to ac for solar to

utility grid. The Electricity was fed into the Island cable using an underground distribution


2.5 Summary
The intention of IEC TS 62257 was to support Renewable Energy Engineers, project managers,

system designers and technician to decide the correct system for the correct venue, outline the

network, execute the system and preserve the network (IEC 2015a).

DRE is a power structure targeted to supply electricity to public, which stayed no power grid

connected to the central power urban zone. The functions were needed to be able to modify to

different kind of utility demand including to venue-restricted conditions (Transenergy).

The different among the two are being the rank of the excellency of service and the demand

energy magnitude that the client will be able to pay for (IEC 2015a).

Rottnest Island’s electrification system has been chosen as a study case to the thesis. The Island

is relied on Australian standard ASN3000. The solar farm and wind turbine are empowered to

meet 45% of the island’s electricity demand from renewable sources (Australia 2017).

Chapter 3 To meet the customers
requirement in decentralised
3.1 Off-grid electricity: which entrance to select?

IEC TS 62257-1 is stated that predicting the target condition in the medium term (10
years) and long term (20 to 30 years) needed to consider the following;

1. Master plan for this region is built to outline the lowest life cycle cost solution (IEC


2. Grid extension and independent system solution are taken into justification (IEC


3.1.1 Master plan

Master plan is specified as National/regional or decentralized system and to define most

appropriate timeframe to perform the work (IEC 2015a).

The sociological, economical and geophysical data is required to study. Expected

variations in the power requirements as function of the future economic expansion is

searched for the demand essential (IEC 2015a). The data from each village, urban

development and the demographic (important) is investigated (IEC 2015a). It is helped

to receive the finest electrification which is judged the capital investment (IEC 2015a).

Decentralized system and GIS (graphical presentation of the master plan) is installed

cost-effectively (IEC 2015a). The village is identified by colour codes representing the

equivalent type of power supply (IEC 2015a).

In term of Master plan, is prioritized for future arrangement of charge of electrification on

annually or 5 years period (IEC 2015a). The value of cost is taken as one of the most

important criteria (IEC 2015a). It is less significant in developed world but was vital in

developing countries (IEC 2015a).

Simulation is fluctuated all the applicable factors (IEC 2015a). The complete financial

analysis of the chosen network is received from there (IEC 2015a). The greatest cost-

effective solution is from economic calculation (IEC 2015a). The central of the village

with micro-power stations and micro-grids (electrification systems) is electrified (IEC


It is resulted that the cost per user to micro-grid was higher than the cost of the individual

electrification system (IES) (IEC 2015a).

3.1.2 Remote electrification requiring a variety of

In rural area, decentralized system of electrification is provided power to the required area that

is not cost-effective linked to national grids (IEC 2015a). It is depended on each remote area to

choose the most conventional electrification system to suit the area. Each remote area are not

randomly picked any system from all the existed product available.

3.1.3 Category of demand

Specific processes, isolated homes, collective facilities, business activities were those type of

demand that IEC TS 62257 is identified (IEC 2015a).

3.1.4 Decentralized systems

1. Collective Electrification system (CES) is supplied electrical energy to several

consumption spots (from one or multiple source point)(IEC 2015b).

2. Individual Electrification system (IES) is sent electricity to consumption spots (usually

with one single energy resource point)(IEC 2015b).

CES is matched for rural as it is quite highly peopled areas (IEC 2015b).

IES is matched for rather thinly peopled areas and/or remote homes (IEC 2015b).

Single user joining two subsystems is for IES namely;

- An electrical power production subsystem,

- A subsystem for consuming this electrical power (IEC 2015b).

Moreover CES is for many users that incorporating three system namely;

- An electrical power production subsystem,

- A secondary grid for sharing/distributing this power,

- A demand subsystem with the in-house wiring and user’s electrical applications (IEC


IES and CES is displayed the network similarly to the general configuration of an

electrification system in Figure 2.

Figure 2 general configuration of an electrification network (IEC 2015b)

The answer of CES or IES is justified through calculation the discount (IEC 2015b). As well as

the appropriate sociogical and cultural characteristics is taken into consideration(IEC 2015b).

Other consideration is effected final decision (IEC 2015b). For example operating time of

gensets is often operated limited intervals throughout the day (IEC 2015b).

3.1.5 Place and role of initial studies in a dispersed

rural electrification project
It is insensible to present an electrification project in opposition to the desires of the local

resident and organization(IEC 2015b). It is suggested to understand the requirements and

desires of the local residents such as their demand, their capacity and their prepared to pay for a

current energy deal. Once, all socio-economic data are accessible (IEC 2015b). Then those data

are properly collected and managed for this purpose (IEC 2015b). If this is not happened, the

suggestion of a preliminary study is recommended (IEC 2015b). That is the first stage in the

recognized of feasibility study for dispersed rural electrification project (IEC 2015b). The job is

to gain more understanding in the region through several project specialists. In term of the data

needed for technical evaluations, economic, financial and legal analyses and for carrying project

in general are then accessible (IEC 2015b). Some of those are then obtained from intellectual

organization prior to specific sites visits (IEC 2015b).

3.2 Summary
The option to select off-grid electricity is based on a method called “master plan” (IEC 2015a).

The plan is outlined the lowest life cycle cost solution (IEC 2015a). Therefore it is needed to

study sociological, economical and geophysical data in the particular remote area to adjust

capital investment for the finest electrification (IEC 2015a). The most cost-effective solution is

received from economic calculation that the micro-power stations and micro-grids are run (out

of national grids) (IEC 2015a).

Decentralised systems are divided into two categories namely; Collective Electrification

system (CES) and Individual Electrification systems (IEC 2015b). CES is electrified power

from one or multiple resource point (IEC 2015b). It is suited for highly population area (IEC

2015b). Whereas IES is usually supplied power with a single energy resource point (IEC

2015b). It is suited for sparsely people area (IEC 2015b).

The electrification project is needed to follow the desires of the local residents and organisations

for a present energy deal (IEC 2015b). If the social-economic data are not accessible then a

preliminary study is suggested (IEC 2015b). It is helped to gain more understanding in the area

through several project specialists (IEC 2015b). Some of the data such as technical evaluation,

economic, financial and legal analyses are obtained from intellectual organization before

specific sites visits (IEC 2015b).

Chapter 4 Minimum sufficient
requirements to the field of
application corresponding to
high standard safety
4.1 Useful description of a distribution subsystem
Complete functions are achieved through a distribution subsystem (or rural micro-grid) (IEC

2015d). An electric power distribution service is delivered consisting of connecting the rural

micro-power plant to the application points (IEC 2015d). This function is assembled everything

(IEC 2015d). So it is guaranteed that the terminal application points generating from the rural

micro-power plant energy supply point, while adjusting to the energy requirements of the

different forms of customer (individuals, economic activities, local collective authorities, public

lighting, etc.) (IEC 2015d).Comprised and set up the Method is then observed rural micro-grid

distribution losses (IEC 2015d).

4.1.1Presentation of the costs

It is significant that the costs allied to the project presented in a way visibly identify by the

comprised organisations (IEC 2015d).

Cost is broken down into four areas:

1. Initial investment cost (equipment, infrastructure and installation);

2. Operating costs (labor and expandable material);

3. Replacement costs (equipment and installation);

4. Recovery and dismantling cost (equipment and installation) (IEC 2015d).

All cost calculations are varied subject to the organisation for whom the cost calculations are

delivered (IEC 2015d). The battery replacement cost is not expected to recognize who is leasing

a particular system (IEC 2015d). Since, this is the concern of the lease issuer (IEC 2015d). Thus

the only object that delivering to the consumer is the monthly service fee (IEC 2015d).

The purchaser of a complete system is required to recognize all of the associated costs over the

system life to relate this to other electrification choices (IEC 2015d).

Costs supplied to the user are delivered in at least four formats:

1. Yearly cash flow;

2. Yearly cash flow;

3. Total life cycle cost;

4. Levelised cost of energy;

5. Annualised maintenance, operating, and replacement expense (IEC 2015d).

All these cost are deliberated in calculating the actualized discounted cost (IEC 2015d). It is run

down not only the different costs mentioned above, but also the income from sale of energy

during the life of the installation (IEC 2015d).

It is allowed the run down difference (income-cost) comparing for diverse technical solutions

studied (IEC 2015d).

4.1.2 Data to be collected

It is the relationship of the different demands of info as presented above, table 1 is listed the

minimum data that is collected from the power system (IEC 2015d).

Table 1 Minimum set of data to be collected (IEC 2015d)


Voltage at battery terminal ●

Battery current ●

Battery temperature (●)

REN sources voltage (●)

REN sources current ●

Generator set voltage (●)

Generator set current ●

Application supply voltage ●


dc and/or ac applications supply current ●

Genset starting status (●)

Genset operating status (●)

Genset fuel consumption (●)

Battery temperature (●)

Ambient temperature (●)

Generator set running time ●

● Information requested as a minimum to allow the management of

the system

(●) Information requested for a better comfort or a better accuracy

in the management of the system

4.2 Protection against electrical hazards

4.2.1 Protection against overcurrent

Protective devices are offered to break any over-current flowing in the cct conductors (IEC

2015e). It is prior such a current causing a danger due to thermal of mechanical effects or a

temperature increase and made harmful to insulation, joints, and termination (IEC 2015e).

4.2.2 Protection against overload currents

The operating characteristics of a device is defended a cable against overload current. It is

satisfied the two following conditions:

𝐼𝐵 ≤ 𝐼𝑛 ≤ 𝐼𝑧

𝐼2 ≤ 1.45 ≤ 𝐼𝑧


𝐼𝐵 is the design current of the circuit;

𝐼𝑧 is the continuous current-carrying capacity of the cable;

𝐼𝑛 is the rated current of the protective device;

𝐼2 is the current ensuring effective operation in the conventional time of the protective device

(IEC 2015e).

4.2.3 Protection against short-circuit

For cable and isolated conductors, each short-circuit protective device is seen both of the

following state:

 The breaking capacity is not less than the potential short- circuit current at the place of

its installation, excluding where another protective device taking the necessary breaking

capacity and coordinated characteristics is fit upstream (IEC 2015e).

 All current is produced by a short-circuit happening at any spot of the circuit should be

interrupted in a time not exceeding that which brings the conductors to the admissible

limit temperature (IEC 2015e). For short- circuit with interval up to 5 s, the time t, in

which a given short- circuit current is increased the conductors from the highest

allowable temperature in normal duty to the limit temperature can, as an estimate,

calculating from the formula:

√𝑡 = 𝐾 × 𝐼 Eqn 1)


𝑡 is the duration in s;

S is the cross-sectional area, in mm2

𝐼 is the effective short-cct current, in amperes, expressed as r.m.s. value;

𝐾 is a factor raking account of the resistivity, temperature coefficient and heat capacity of the

conductor material, and the appropriate initial and final temperatures (IEC 2015e).
4.2.4 Protection against risk of fire

Where there is a risk of personal injury or property is harm due to fire causing by an earth fault

in the system, a residual current protective device is delivered at least at the origin of the user’s

installation (IEC 2015e). The rated operating residual current is less than or equal to 300 mA.

Such a device is shifted all live conductors (IEC 2015e).

4.2.5 Protection against effects of lighting

Choices for lightning protective provision (lightning rod, surge protective devices, etc.) is based

on risk assessment, taking reason of the lightning frequency statistics, the characteristics and

position of the structures, the length of the overhead lines, if any, the cost and the demanded

accessibility of the equipment (IEC 2015e).

4.2.6 Protection against overvoltage

Where protection against overvoltage (for example due to indirect lightning) is demanded, an

SPD(s) is connected both at the distribution board of the micro-power plant, and at the origin of

the user’s installations or associated with each socket-outlet (IEC 2015e).

Minimizing the voltage is induced by lightning, the zone of all wiring loops are as small as

possible (IEC 2015e).

4.2.7 Protection against direct lightning

Where protection against direct lightning is required. The following necessities are applied:

 in case of wind powered generation, the lightning is connected at the summit of the

mast (IEC 2015e).

 where PV generation is coincided with wind-powered generation, protection against

direct lightning is general achieved by placing the panels inside the pick-up zone of the

wind powered generator mast (IEC 2015e).

 where PV generation is alone, the panels are protected by installing a protective wire

above the PV panel or lightning rod/s with an appropriate pick-up area (IEC 2015e).

 protection is finished by the installation of SPDs between conductors and between

conductors and earth, with suitable features (IEC 2015e).

4.3 Over-current protective devices

Fuses (gPV types) or circuit -breakers with appropriate range of instantaneous tripping

are used (IEC 2015e). Protective devices are preferably of a type ensuring in protection

(IEC 2015e). The range of installation tripping for a circuit -breaker is selected referring

to the potential of short- circuit current (IEC 2015e).

Overcurrent protective devices are preferably of a type ensuring protection against both

overload and short circuit current and capable of acting as isolating switch in the open

position (IEC 2015e).

Special care is rewarded to over-current protective devices installed in series, ensuring

that a suitable coordination is attained (IEC 2015e). The selection between protective

devices in series are preferably be total (IEC 2015e).

4.3.1 Earth termination (electrode) of lightning

protection system.
Dispersing the lightning current into the earth without causing dangerous overvoltage, the

shape and the dimensions of the earth termination system of an LPS are more significant

than the value of the resistance of the earth electrode (characteristic applicable for dc or low

frequency phenomena) (IEC 2015e).

The earth termination system was composed of:

1. either conductors of the same nature and same cross-section as the down-conductor

is laid out in the form of a large crow’s foot: 3 conductors 7m to 8 m long buried

horizontally at a depth of at least 0.60 m (IEC 2015e),

2. or a set of 3 vertical rods 2 m in length is coupled together and set off at the tips of

an equilateral triangle with sides measuring about 2 m (IEC 2015e).

The earth termination system of the LPS is joined to the earthing arrangement with short

connections (IEC 2015e).

4.4 Composition of a micro-power plant

A micro-power plant is included one or several generators, a storage devices (if needed) and

connected charge controller, other equipment, such as

- energy management device;

- energy converter;

- telecommunication equipment (if any);

- main board;

- interfaces (between generator, between the micro-power plant and the micro-grid or

the application, between the micro-power plant and the operator);

- switches;

- protection devices such as equipotential bonding and earthing system;

- civil works (IEC 2008c).

4.4.1Interconnection of generators

It is depended on the category of energy sources and the type suiting of equipment to deliver

(IEC 2008c) through more than one generator is used. And their outputs are connected in

common at an ac or a dc bus (IEC 2008c).

4.5 Composition of a micro-grid

It is depended on the maximum active power value required and the topography of the areas

serving (IEC 2006a).

Single-phase power system output is a single – phase feeder with multiple single phase

distribution (IEC 2006a) (see figure 3).

Figure 3 Micro-grid consisting of a single-phase feeder (IEC 2006a)

4.5.1 Connections and accessories

Connections between conductors and between the conductors and other equipment are ensured

electrical continuity and suggesting appropriate mechanical resistance (IEC 2006a).

The choice of the connection is meant to take into consideration;

1. The material of the conductors and their insulation,

2. The number and the shapes of the conductor cores (IEC 2006a).

4.5.2 Isolating devices

It is included for the isolation of the micro-grid to allow servicing, checking, fault location and

repairs (IEC 2006a).

Isolation is set on all of the conductors (IEC 2006a).

Isolation is carried out by a device installed for other purposes (cct-breaker, etc.) (IEC 2006a).

Isolation devices are armed with a suitable locking device namely; earthing arrangement,

protective conductors and protective bonding conductors (IEC 2006a).

The PEN conductor is earthed at both ends of the network and repeatedly every 200 m as

displayed in figure 4 (IEC 2006a).

Figure 4 Micro-grid earthing scheme (IEC 2006a)

Table 2 Functions ensured by various types of user interface (IEC 2006b)

Function Description

A Connection to electricity sources

B Isolation from the electricity sources

C Protection against electric shocks

D, D1 Protection against overloads and short-ccts

E Contract management if relevant

F Earthing terminal

G Distribution of ccts

Figure 5 and 6 are illustrations of setting up and functions ensuring by the user interface

(signified technical functions were not contractually binding)(IEC 2006b).

Figure 5 interface for user installations was supplied from an ac or a dc source (IEC

Figure 6 interface for user installations were supplied locally from ac or dc sources (not
from a micro-grid) (IEC 2006b)

4.5.3 Housing
All the equipment for the user’s interface whose functions are defined earlier in one container,

including the interfaces for the set of cables connecting the electrical power source and the

user’s ccts (IEC 2006b).

The housing is not be in contact with the active parts of the equipment which it was contained;

the housing is fulfilled the obligation of protection index IP54 and IK 4 for mechanic effect

(IEC 2006b).

The protection index of housing is not distressed by the mounting system or by penetration of

cables. The housings are armed with pre-shaped inputs equipped with accessories for path of the

cables (IEC 2006b).

4.5.4 Requirements for dc parts of installation

Simple separation, at least, is not provided between the dc side and the ac side of a standalone

installation (IEC 2006c).

4.5.5 Requirements for ac parts of installation
If the features of the protective devices are fault of negligible impedance occurring wherever in

the connection between a phase conductors and a protective conductor or exposed conductive

part, auto disconnection of supply is arisen within 0.4 s (IEC 2006c).

A residual current protective device, with a rated operating residual current not exceeding 30

mA is delivered as extra protection for each connection (IEC 2006c). It is positioned in the

user’s interface housing (IEC 2006c).

4.6 Voltage drop

The maximum voltage drop is not greater than those shown in table 3 (IEC 2006c).

Table 3 Maximum acceptable voltage drop values in connections (IEC 2006c)

Type of installation Lighting and socket outlets

Installation from supplied from a 120 V or 3%

230 V distribution micro-grid or

standalone installation with an ac source

Standalone installation with a dc source 5%

4.7 Specific rules to wiring systems buried in earth

Wiring system is covered up in earth (IEC 2006c). It is protected by conduits or sleeves

or by comparable devices against mechanical corrosion (IEC 2006c). The diameter of

the conduits is at least three times the diameter of the cables (IEC 2006c). After laying

the cable, the ends of the sleeve are secure to avoid jam (IEC 2006c).

The compensation for the effects of the settling of the soil, the cables are buried at a

depth of at least 60 cm in zones unapproachable by motor vehicles and at a depth of 1 m

in areas reachable to vehicles (IEC 2006c). A red plastic grid is placed 10 cm above the

conduits (IEC 2006c). It is indicated the electrical conduits (IEC 2006c).

These depths are less in rocky terrain or if sleeves are used designing to make sure that

the cables did not intend to endure the settling effect of the soil (IEC 2006c).

4.8 User interface

The PE protection conductor is linked to the PEN conductor or the micro-grid in the

user interface housing upstream of the RCD, on a terminal provided for this purpose

(IEC 2006c).

4.8.1 General operating conditions

The project implementer is defined the operating conditions to which the PV-IES was

shown. For example of such condition are in table 4 (IEC 2006c).

Table 4 Climate condition (example) (IEC 2006c)

Nominal operating range Storage - Transport

Temperature (degree -10 to + 50 -40 to + 80


Humidity at 28 degree 5 to 95

Celsius (%)

Atmospheric pressure 860 to 1060


4.9 Summary
The complete power systems are achieved through rural micro-grid (IEC 2015d). The terminal

application points generating from the rural micro-power plant energy supply point with

adjusting the energy requirements to the different forms of customer (IEC 2015d). It is also

considered distribution losses (IEC 2015d).

All calculation are varied due to the organization whom delivered (IEC 2015d). The only

subject to customer is monthly service fee (IEC 2015d).

The protection against electrical hazards are prevented from overcurrent, short-cct, risk of fire,

effect of lighting, overvoltage and direct lighting (IEC 2015e).

Over-current protective devices are preferably of a type that making sure in protection from

potential short-cct current such as fuses or circuit –breakers with appropriate range of

instantaneous tripping (IEC 2015e).

Composition of a micro-grid is depended on the maximum active power value serving (IEC

2006a). The connection between the conductors to conductors and other equipment are for

electrical continuity and suggesting appropriate mechanical resistance (IEC 2006a). Isolating

devices is for checking, fault location and repair (IEC 2006a).

All equipment for the user’s interface are in one container called housing (IEC 2006b). It is not

allow to be in contact with the active parts of the equipment which it is contained (IEC 2006b).

In the ac parts of installation, if protective devices are exposed conductive part then auto

disconnection will arise within 0.4 second (IEC 2006c). In the other hand of dc parts of

installation is a simple separation, at least is not provided the dc side and the ac side of a

standalone installation (IEC 2006c).

The maximum voltage drop is less than 3 % installation from supplied from a 120 or 230 V

distribution micro-grid grid and 5 % of standalone installation with dc source (IEC 2006c).

The specific rules to wiring systems hidden in earth, the cable shall be buried at a depth of at

least 60 cm in zones unapproachable by motor vehicles and at the depth of 1 m in areas

reachable to vehicles (IEC 2006c).

Chapter 5 The methodology to achieve
the best technical and
economic condition
Stand-alone power system is built to generate power to isolated communities or loads in the

rural area with no connection to the national grid (IEC 2015f).

These systems are divided down into three classes:

1. process electrification systems (for example pumping);

2. individual electrification system (IES) (single user, load or application);

3. collective electrification systems (CES) (multiple user load or application) (IEC 2015f).

In order to fulfil the various energy requirements both in terms of quality and quantity,

six AOMR actions are presented in Table 5 (IEC 2015f).

Table 5 AOMR actions (IEC 2015f)

Acceptance  Checking the process ensure that the system installation

meets the requirement set forth in the implementation
contract between the project developer and the project
 Testing the process to ensure that the micro-power system
run referring to the functional part of the implementation
 After the parties come to agreement, transfer the
responsibility of the network

Operation  Managing the business of system operation

 Monitoring normal system operation
 Managing system electrical operation = executing actions on
electrical ccts
 Response to abnormal operating condition= to provide
service outside of the boundaries of the implementation
 Response to abnormal system operation, corrective actions,
troubleshooting and repair system or system components ;
fault finding = to service the plant and restore it operating
conditions following an unpredictable failure
 Guaranteeing safety while performing actions on the plant
 Performing analysis and retrofit of the system to account for
new operating conditions

Maintenance  Preventive maintenance: keeping and maintaining the

system to it normal operating state
 Corrective maintenance: adjusting, fixing or replacing
components after fault recognition
 Conducting periodic tests and inspection

Replacement  Replacing the equipment on normal life cycle completion

 Replacing the equipment for upgrading purposes
 Dismantling and recycling at end of life cycle

5.1 Organizational issues

In this area, it is stated system limit description of the AOMR domain. An understandable

definition of the physical limits of the three parts of the system (production, distribution,

demand) related to operation, maintenance and replacement actions are made (IEC 2015f). The

identification of the appropriate personnel or companies accountable for the diverse subsystems

is necessary (IEC 2015f). This is required for both categorises and safety bases (IEC 2015f).

5.2 Maintenance actions

Within most micro-power systems maintenance is to complete on each component as well as the

system as a whole. In most cases, equipment manufacturers are provided maintenance

guidelines for their specific component but no general maintenance guideline was provided for

the complete system (IEC 2015f).

5.3 Replacement factors

In most circumstances, replacement actions are needed for distinct power plant sections as

linked to the whole network (IEC 2015f). An individual factor is replaced possibly with a

diverse but well-matched component if is essential to preserve system performance condition,

but the rest of system is leave out no charge (IEC 2015f). Irregularly the whole micro-power

network is necessity to experience replacement. A quantity of circumstances is classified as


a) expiration of the serviceable lifecycle of most of the system: if most of the

scheme components are got to the end of their serviceable lifecycle, it is

more cost effective to replace the complete power system comparing to the

substitution of each individual component (IEC 2015f).

b) Quality of the supply is not at satisfactory anymore: variations in the

society are vital to a better quality of supply than is delivered through the

earlier network (IEC 2015f).

c) Load was increased: the community loads were increased to the level that

the network is not be able to accomplish generating adequate power. This

illustration is more cost effective to replace the whole power system. The

old power system is then moved to a new community with lower power

demands (IEC 2015f).

d) Step change in technology: a step change in technology is merited to the

replacement of the whole system with a technology that is delivered higher

quality of service at a lower budget (IEC 2015f).

e) Change in plant site: if the plant site is altered for any intention (IEC


5.3.1 Replacing equipment

a) Prior replacing a piece of apparatus, the first thing to do is disjointed it from all

sources of power. In case of small systems, lead to the turn-off of the entire

network and hence facility operators are required to be qualified in conduct all

parts of the system. In bigger network, service staff is able to isolate objects

from the rest of system without needing to shut down the entire network (IEC

2015f). The system documents are stated in IEC TS 62257-4 that needed to

check to ensure this is conceivable (IEC 2015f);

b) Prior removing equipment, a copy of all logged data, parameter settings, status

memories and hardware settings (e.g. by jumpers, switches, potentiometers,

etc.) are made (IEC 2015f). If this are not completed through an electrical

interface, but are made through noting all reachable data that found in display

menus and by checking internal switches, settable device, etc. (IEC 2015f). All

the latest settings is then known and noted (IEC 2015f). The recording of

configurable parts inside the device is only be completed after the device was

correctly separated from the system (IEC 2015f);

c) Brand, model, type and serial number data from the fundamental and

replacement equipment are classified and noted (IEC 2015f);

d) After any new device is connected, the hardware conformation is carried out

reference with the records as earlier made (IEC 2015f). For devices regulated

through software, the software conformation is connected as earlier recorded

(IEC 2015f). It is regularly that devices are partially attached to the network for

this reason (IEC 2015f). The commands are given in the manufacturer’s

technical documentation is follow (IEC 2015f). If apparatus is not in good

condition, it is then be the duty of the service technician designing the new

apparatus appropriately and noted the settings (IEC 2015f);

e) After appropriately arrange and connect into the network, as requested in the

manufacturer’s commands, an acceptance process, as stated in the applicable

technical specification achieve (IEC 2015f);

f) The replacement of a certain component is required system level acceptance

testing to guarantee good system process (IEC 2015f);

g) Environmental issues criteria are essential followed to for the appropriate

removal of uninvolved apparatus (e.g. proper disposal of sulphuric acid from

replaced batteries)(IEC 2015f).

5.4 Physical ingress protection

This is provided an explanation of the degree of protection from the disturbance of

foreign objects (IEC 2015g). A product’s enclosed space is provided in terms of IP

class. Physical ingress protection is vital for user safety along with product functionality

(IEC 2015g).

5.5 Current total harmonic distortion (THD)

The current total harmonic distortion is the calculated of harmonic content in device’s current

waveform (that was how much the current waveform was diverged from a real sine wave) (IEC

2015g). High levels of harmonic current is affected heating in power generation and distribution

apparatus waveform, negatively impacting the functioning of other equipment coupled to the

electricity network (IEC 2015g).

5.6 Colour Characteristics

The colour features of light are involved the colour rendering index(CRI), a degree of how

accurately the light renders colours, and the correlated colour temperature (CCT), a degree of

the colour of the light conveyed as a temperature in kelvin (IEC 2015g).

5.7 Summary
Stand-alone power system is built to generate power to isolated communities (IEC 2015f). The

systems are divided down into three classes; process electrification system, individual

electrification system and collective electrification system (IEC 2015f). Six AOMR actions are

displayed energy requirements in terms of quality and quantity (IEC 2015f).

Organisation issue is accountable for the diverse subsystem safety (IEC 2015f). Maintenance

action, equipment manufacturers are provided maintenance guidelines for specific component

(IEC 2015f). Replacement is needed for distinct power plant sections as linked to the whole

network (IEC 2015f). Irregularly the whole micro-power network is necessity to experience

replacement (IEC 2015f).

Physical ingress protection is an explanation of the protection from the disturbance of foreign

objects. It is provided in term of IP (IEC 2015g).

Current total harmonic distortion is indicated how much the current waveform is diverged from

a real sine wave (IEC 2015g).

Colour Characteristics are involved two types namely; CRI is a degree of how accurately the

light renders colours, and the correlated colour temperature CCT, a degree of the colour of the

light conveyed as a temperature in kelvin (IEC 2015g).

Chapter 6 The combination of diesel
generator system and solar
6.1 Generator boundaries

Figure 7 is shown the place of the generator in an electrification network.

Figure 7 general electrical configuration of a collective electrification system (IEC 2008a)

The generator is expressed entirety essential to make electric power consistent to the needed

features of voltage, frequency, harmonics, power and consumption of the clients, referring to the

required value of facility (IEC 2008a).

Figure 8 is clarified the general functional configuration of a PV powered system. The

localisation of the performance is described in table 7.

6.2 Generator requirements

When defining the generator characteristic the following “inputs” and “outputs” are taken into

attention as showed in Table 6 (IEC 2008a):

Table 6 General inputs and outputs to be considered for generator specification
(IEC 2008a)

Input requirement Generator Output requirements

(constraints) characteristics (results)
Primary energy resources Size Electrical performances
(Sun, wind, water flow Weight (voltage, current, power,
head, fuel) frequency)
Environmental conditions Protection Safety
(air pressure/ humidity/ Housing (people, equipment)
Civil engineering
Signal Maintenance requirements Environmental impacts
(start/stop, Internal control (exhaust, heat, noise)

Regulations/ Standards
Assessment of energy

Assessment of energy
quality requirement

Figure 8 General functional configuration of a PV system (IEC 2010)

Table 7 Functions fulfilled by the technical room (IEC 2010)

Function Description
A Interface: connection between PV generator and technical room
B Interface: isolation of the technical room from the PV generator
C Other functions of the technical room + energy conversion, energy
management, storage, if any
D Interface: isolation of the application cct from the technical room
E Interface: connection between technical room and the application cct
F Earthing of exposed conductive part if required

6.3 Equipotential bonding

It is requested as soon as PV array is connected to another AC generator. It is used to avoid

irregular potentials as overvoltage across them (including lightning overvoltage) (IEC 2010).

The cable of the equipotential bonding between the generators and the technical room is linked

as physically close as possible to live conductor to keep away from any wiring loops that are

caused perturbations in the circuits (IEC 2010).

The connections to earth is made as close as possible to the equipment to earth (IEC 2010).

6.4 Considerations due to operating temperature

PV modules ratings are specified at standard temperature conditions (25 degree Celsius). Under

normal operating conditions, 25 degree Celsius is a usual steady state temperature increasing

with regard to the ambient temperature for crystalline silicon PV modules operating at the

maximum power point under 1000 W/m2 and when modules are operating on a very hot day

(IEC 2010).

The two main requests on the PV array strategy are developed from this operating feature of PV


a) For some PV technologies, the competence is decreased as the operating temperature


(For crystalline silicon solar cells the maximum power is fallen between 0.4 and 0.5% per each

degree Celsius increase in operating temperature). Therefore satisfactory exposure to the sun of

the PV array is a strategy aim, certifying best performance for both modules and related

apparatuses (IEC 2010).

b) All the components and equipment that in direct contact or near the PV array

(conductors, inverters, connectors, etc.) are required to capable of resisting the expected

maximum operating temperature of the PV array (IEC 2010).

c) The voltage is increased in cold state, crystalline silicon technology based cells (IEC


6.4.1 Insulation

The insulation cables are used inside the PV array were intended to:

- A voltage is at rating of at least VOC ARRAY,

- A temperature is at rating referring to the tender,

- If it is exposed to the location, and is needed to UV-resistant, or is secured from UV

light through proper protection, or the cables are set up in UV-resistant conduit;

- It is fire resistant (IEC 2010).

6.4.2 Fuse holders

Fuse holders are obeyed with the following necessities:

- voltage is rating identical to or more than VOC ARRAY;

- current rating is identical or more than the equivalent fuse;

- a degree of protection is not smaller than IP 2X (IEC 2010).

6.4.3 By-pass diodes

By-pass diodes are used to avoid PV modules from being reverse biased and consequent hot

spot heating. If by-pass diodes are used, and not fixed in the PV module encapsulation, they are

intended to obey with the following obligation:

- A voltage rating is at least 2× VOC MOD of the secured module;

- A current rating is at least 1.45 × VSC MOD;

- It is fitted referring to module manufacturing’s suggestions;

- It is fitted so no live parts are unprotected;

- It is secured from degradation due to environmental influences (IEC 2010).

6.4.4 Blocking diodes

It is intended to use but they are not a standby for overcurrent protection (IEC 2010).

In network that is obtained battery. It is suggested that some components is built to get out of

reverse current leakage from the battery into the array during night time (IEC 2010). A number

of explanations are occurred to attain this as well as blocking diodes (IEC 2010).

If blocking diodes are used therefore needing to obey with following requested:

- A voltage rating is at least 2 × VOC ARRAY;

- A current rating is at least 1.45 times the short current at STC of the cct. It is intended to


 1.45 × ISC MOD for PV strings;

 1.45 × ISC S-ARRAY for PV sub-arrays;

 1.45 × ISC ARRAY for PV arrays;

- It is installed so no live parts are exposed;

- It is secured from degradation due to environmental factors (IEC 2010).

If it is a special recommendation from the manufacturer or from resident rule to use blocking

diodes in PV strings of the PV array, these diodes are connected as displayed in figure 9 (IEC


Figure 9 Blocking diode implementation (example) (IEC 2010)

6.4.5 Location and installation requirements

 Disconnecting means

It is delivered in PV arrays according to table 8 and table 9 to separate the PV array from the

power conditioner and vice versa and letting preservation and review jobs to perform safely

(IEC 2010).

 Installation

The appropriate rated circuit-breakers are considered for overcurrent protection. It is supported

load breaking separating services (IEC 2010). Other disconnection and isolation devices are got

the features as stated prior could been used as disconnections means (IEC 2010).

Fuse network is taken for overcurrent protection. Those are acceptable non-load breaking

disconnecting means, in the case that they were changeable fusing element, rather using a

disconnection mechanism (fuse-combination unit) (IEC 2010).

According to the location of disconnection devices in table 8, it is specified with detail of the

network formation where the disconnecting mean is intended to build and using this connecting

mean type (IEC 2010).

Table 8 Disconnecting means requirement in PV array installations (IEC 2010)

PV array Voltage Cct or sub-cct Type of Requirement

ELV String cable Disconnection Recommended
Sub-array cable Readily available Required
Array cable Readily available Required
LV String cable Readily available Required
Sub-array cable Readily available Required
Array cable Readily available Requiredb
lockablea load-

PV array Voltage Cct or sub-cct Type of Requirement
‘Lockable’ disconnection device is a switch or cct breaker that has provision for
insertion of a mechanical device to prevent the switch being closed by an
unauthorised person. A Mechanical device in this context could constitute sealing
with plastic cord, a pin, a wire or other device that prevents operation of the switch.
A lockable disconnection device is not required if the whole cct is visible from the
location of the switch

Table 9 Location of disconnection devices according to system configuration, where

required (IEC 2010)

Location of disconnecting devices

System PV string cables PV sub-array PV array cable
configuration cables
Unearthed PV On all live conductora On all live
array conductors
Earthed PV array On all current
carrying conductor
a c
Live conductors are those not directly connected to earth.
The disconnection device is required in this situation to interrupt the earth
conductor so that earth fault currents may be interrupted.
In earthed arrays the earthed conductor is a current carrying conductor and needs
to be able to be disconnected to allow for interruption of any earth fault condition.

6.5 Location: accounting for shadow

 Environmental

Shadowing of the PV array is lessened or rather removed over the whole day with reflection

given to all periods of the year (IEC 2010).

A shadow blanking off a PV cell is made defeat of about the entire assembly of this module,

meaningfully dropping the performance of the string modules (IEC 2010).

 One line of PV modules over the other

On flat roofs, PV modules are positioned in rows (IEC 2010). The first row fully is uncovered to

sunlight and therefore the shadow is created disturbing the next row and so on (IEC 2010).

As a rule of thumb, no shadow would be produced from one row to the next (IEC 2010).

 Wiring loops

The reduction of the value of lightning-induced over-voltages, the PV array wiring is placed in a

term that the space of conductive loops is at least as possible, e.g. by laying cables in parallel as

displayed in figure 15 (IEC 2010).

Figure 10 PV string wiring with minimum loop area (IEC 2010)

 String wiring

Among the modules, they are completed without laying lines in conduit, offering that the

resulting requirements are encountered:

- Insulated and enclosed lines are applied, and

- Cable is secured from mechanical loss, and

- The line is secured to let go strain to avoid the conductor from pending free from the

joining (IEC 2010).

 Wiring fitting in junction boxes

The following necessities are related to the setting up of wiring network in junction boxes:

Wherever conductors are go into a junction box without conduit (IEC 2010). A tension relief

network is got to avoid cable disconnections inside the junction box (e.g. by using a gland

connector) (IEC 2010).

All cable entrances, when it is connected in tending to maintain the IP rating of the enclosure

(IEC 2010).

For LV PV arrays, where some return conductor is directed over module junction boxes (IEC

2010). Those return conductors are intended to be a single-core double-insulated cable, and the

cable and its insulation are mean to preserve double insulation status over its whole length,

mostly through junction boxes (i.e. these running was also related to any linkages) (IEC 2010).

6.6 Selection and erection generator

Many of technologies are existed on the market of machines. From the modest to the most

complicated (IEC 2008b).

For small size (below 5 kVA) the most frequently use technology is gasoline engines.

For greater size, the most frequently used technology is diesel engines (IEC 2008b).

Other fuels can used are oil or ethanol (IEC 2008b).

The engine is made either for 3000 rpm (for small machine) or 1 500 rpm (for larger machine)

at 50 Hz case (IEC 2008b).

The other technologies such as small fuel turbines are intended to be in existing (IEC 2008b).

The project implementer is meant to choose the suitable technology consistent to the requested

level of quality of the service, the skill of the maintenance staff, the level of equipment available

at the maintenance centre, the spare parts that easily obtained, and all exact restrains of the

project (IEC 2008b).

6.6.1Generator set sizing

Generator set sizing are taken two primary requirement:

a) The alternator is skilled of delivering the nonstop and surge load apparent power (VA):

b) The engine is skilled of sending the power requested of the alternator and the

mechanical losses of the entire system (alternator + coupling system) (IEC 2008b).

It is for the project designer to exactly describe the generator set minimum operating


 the environmental state;

 the maximum nominal productions, the matching interval and load issue;

 the electrical load features (power factor, permitted voltage range, current harmonic

content, high starting currents, etc.) (IEC 2008b).

The collection and sizing of generator set are intended to the deliberation of the supplied

electrical load and the construction of the micro-grid (IEC 2008b).

6.6.2Derating factors

The generator set is requested on to function, so forth be its manner of setting up. It is possibly

to disturb its certified characteristics (IEC 2008b). It is in the story through the project

implementer and the manufacturer (IEC 2008b).

If the location state are unidentified and vice versa specified, the subsequent nominal conditions

using are regarded to ISO 8528-1 (IEC 2008b):

- total barometric pressure 89.9 kPa;

- air temperature 25 degree Celsius;

- relative humidity 30%;

- temperature coolant for the boosting air 25 degree Celsius (IEC 2008b).

6.7 Design of the erection site

The generator set was connected to both in the open air or in a surrendered building (IEC

2008b).In case of the service was an individual electrification system. It was then fit outside the

house (IEC 2008b).In all situations, the flooring of the site was intended to let the generator sets

to limit from movement through normal process (IEC 2008b).

6.8 Ventilation

As far away as achievable from the engine gas exhaust, especially the fresh air entry (IEC

2008b). The withdrawal of hot air is built through the upper ventilation and the fresh air entry

across the lower one (IEC 2008b).

Ventilation grates should keep clean

For a generator set that is set up in an surrounded and soundproofed area, the room is then

allowed appropriate delivering to the combustion engine and cooling air (IEC 2008b). It is also

supported the generator set at the ambient temperature restraining to when it is stated.

The generator set air consumption is informed through the constructor (IEC 2008b). If it is not,

the subsequent principles are intended to operate as a reference (IEC 2008b).

The air intake cross-section is intended to be the same as that of supply and define as follows:

- radiator or air cooler 80 m3/h per kVA,

- additional fan 40 m3/h per kVA,

- speed inducting 4 m s-s (IEC 2008b).

6.9 Fuel storage

The size of the minor fuel storage is used in the generator set room being sufficient for two or

three days of the independence generator set (IEC 2008b). The dominant fuel storage is

intended to build in alternative building or tank that is situated at three meters away from the

generator set room (IEC 2008b).

The capacity of the main tank is capable to support the essential independence reference of the

generator set size, the length of the service and the local potentials of refuelling (IEC 2008b).

For instance, in some locations it is likely to refuel throughout the rainy period. The volume of

the main tank is calculated in regarded (IEC 2008b).

The fuel storage is intended to fulfil with the local guidelines if there is any (IEC 2008b). If the

local guidelines are not appeared, the following requests were then observed:

 The class of diesel fuel that stored in the generator set room, are not suggested from

IEC TS 62257 to go beyond 500 I, if the quantity stored is over 500 I, the storage are

then be in a special room (IEC 2008b).

 The class of petrol that kept in the generator set room is not intended to above 25 I

referring to the suggested maximum power of such generator limited to 5 kVA.

The volume of C liters of the minor fuel storage, a drip tray with capacity of (c+20%) I

was intended to build in the generator set room meaningly a 600 I tray for a 500 I

storage (IEC 2008b).

The main fuel storage tank is obeying with the following keys:

- double sided if the tank is suppressed;

- storage site ground is intended to hydrocarbon leak proofed (coating, sheet, etc.);

- opening at top position;

- generator set fuel is provided a cut-off equipment situated outdoor;

- generator set fuel is provided by electric or manual pump;

- pump and alarm trigger switch (if electrically-powered);

- tank earthed and equipotential bonded with the exposed-conductive parts of the

generator set room (IEC 2008b).

Both minor and main fuel storage tanks are intended to stay at least one meter away from any

heat supply or apparatus that producing arcs sparks or hot particles. The tanks location is

intended to get away from any dripping or leak fuel on hot sections (IEC 2008b).

6.10 Summary
The generator boundary is showed entirety essential to make electric power consistent to the

needed features of voltage, frequency, harmonics, power and consumption of the clients,

referring to the required value of facility (IEC 2008a). In table 6 is stated general inputs and

outputs to be considered for generator specification (IEC 2008a).

Equipotential bonding is used to avoid irregular potentials as overvoltage across them (IEC

2010). The earth is made as close as possible to the equipment to earth (IEC 2010).

Standard temperature condition is at 25 degree Celsius (IEC 2010). It is a normal operating

condition (IEC 2010). The temperature will increase with regard to the maximum operating

point at 1000 W/m2 in a hot day (IEC 2010). All components are required resisting the expected

maximum operating temperature of the PV array modules (IEC 2010).

Insulation, fuse holders, by-pass diodes and blocking diodes are used to prevent PV module to

get any fault such as hot spot heating, burning and securing from degradation (IEC 2010).

Disconnection mean is referred to table 8 and 9. It is to separate PV array from the power

conditioner and review jobs to perform safely (IEC 2010).

The considerations on accounting for shadow of the PV array are environmental, one line of PV

modules over the other, wiring loops, String wiring and wiring fitting in junction boxes (IEC


The generator below 5 kVA (small size) is usually used gasoline engine (IEC 2008b). The

greater size of generator is usually used diesel engines (IEC 2008b).

Generator set sizing have had two primary requirement such as alternator and engine (IEC

2008b). The alternator is to deliver the nonstop and surge load apparent power (IEC 2008b).

The engine is to send the power requested of the alternator and the mechanical losses of the

entire system (alternator and coupling system) (IEC 2008b).

Derating factors are possibly manner to disturb the generator characteristics. These are regarded

to ISO 8528-1 (IEC 2008b).

In order to produce good ventilation, the withdrawal of hot air is built through the upper

ventilation and the fresh air entry across the lower one (IEC 2008b).

The main fuel storage is intended to build in alternative building that is sit 3 meters away from

the generator set (IEC 2008b). The tank is supported to capable to handle the potentials of

refuelling (IEC 2008b). The tanks location is intended to be far away from any dripping or leak

fuel on hot sections (IEC 2008b).

Chapter 7 Rottnest Island case study
Chapter 7 is illustrated a case study of electrification in a remote area in Western

Australia, Rottnest Island. Its electrification system is based on ASN3000 standard.

Hence it is a good opportunity to learn how power system is setting up on the island. In

this chapter is explained the power system details of the island that is matched to IEC

TS 62257.

7.1 System selection and design

The function of Island power distribution subsystem is included energy conversion from

primary energy, electric conversion from dc to ac, and energy measurement (IEC


Presently, there is no energy storage in the system. A functional diagram for rural

micro-grid of Rottnest Island is gotten the same impression as figure 11 but more

complicated than as shown. Those diagrams that represented the Rottnest Island power

system is referred to Appendix A1.

Figure 11 Functional diagram of a radial structure for rural micro-grid

In the case of recycle, they are normally organized for every 32 years period. It is

depended on RIA (Rottnest Island Authority) the owner of this power system.

For the operating temperature, normally the condition to operate generator set is about

25 degree Celsius (IEC 2015d).

In summer, both sides of the door must be opened to get natural air run the system at

normal state. In a hot day, a loss of voltage is about 1-2 V each time when there is a

person in the operating room for example from 415 V to 413 V.

7.2 Protection against electrical hazards

Rottnest Island is used TN systems, TT systems, Double or reinforced insulation and

Extra-low-voltage for protection against electric shock, overcurrent, overload currents,

short circuit, the risk of fire, the effect of lightning, overvoltage and direct lightning

(IEC 2015e). This is based on Australian standard ASN3000.

The electrical system at the terminals of any user’s electrical equipment at Rottnest

Island is AC voltage, 0.9 x 230 V < U (AC) < 1.10 x 230 V (IEC 2015e).

The island is consumed Renewable energy and hybrid type of generator (IEC 2015e).

At this point, battery is not in used at Rottnest Island.

Surge protection devices of the Island are relied on Australian standard ASN3000.

The earth termination system is constituted of either conductors of the same nature and

the same cross-section as the down-conductor is laid out in the form of a giant crow's

foot; 3 conductors 7 m to 8 m long buried horizontally at a depth of at least 0.60 m

(IEC 2015e) whereas sandy condition is needed to dig deeper.

Protection bonding conductors are executed in parallel to and contacted as closest as

possible with DC cables and AC cables and accessories (IEC 2015e).

7.3 Generator- PV generators

Protection against lightning overvoltage was at all times compulsory when the linear

distance between the PV array and the mechanical room is about 15 meters (IEC 2010).

The surge arrester is positioned as close to the PV array and the mechanical room (IEC

2010). In Rottnest case, everything is 11 kV earth to the ground. This was the ability

that the earthing would be handled any fault from the network.

System earthing arrangements in Rottnest Island is matched to figure 12 and 13 below

from IEC standard. By an additional wind turbine and a generator connecting to this

Hybrid IES or CES – PV generator + inverter and another generator – d < 15.

Figure 12 Configuration C and E –PV alone IES or CES – P< 500W – with inverter

– d < 15 m (IEC 2010)

Figure 13 Configuration D and F – Hybrid IES or CES – PV generator + inverter

and another generator – d < 15 m (IEC 2010)

The Rottnest PV array diagram was a multi-string case as in figure 14 (See appendix A.2).

Island protection will trip if there was a fault.

Figure 14 PV array diagram – multi-string case (IEC 2010)

The island was using thin film Cadmium telluride (CdTe) as they are given from other

renewable energy site. Its photovoltaics at the maximum power point under 1000 W/m2 .Even

though IEC TS 62257 is recommended to use to use Crystalline Silicon (IEC 2010). These two

types of PV modules is gotten the same maximum power point hence it is acceptable to use thin

film Cadmium telluride (CdTe) photovoltaics. The specification of PV multi string module is

pictured in the real system on the island referring to Appendix A.2.

7.4 Selection of generator sets for rural
electrification system
Generators are run 1500 rpm with the set type of Coupled (two or more generator sets

are connected electrically)(IEC 2008b).

Derating factors for generator sets refer to ISO 8528-1. The details are

- total barometric pressure 89.9 kPa;

- air temperature 25 degree Celsius;

- relative Humidity 30%

- temperature coolant for the supercharging air 25 degree Celsius"(IEC 2008b).

Table 10 Examples of derating factors for generator sets (IEC 2008b)

Derate 2.5% for every 5

Air temperature
℃ above 25 ℃
Derate 3% for every
additional 300 m above
300 m altitude
Air temperature between Derate 0.5 % for every 10
30℃ and 40 ℃ % above 60 % humidity
Air temperature between Derate 1.0 % for every 10
40℃ and 50 ℃ % above 60 % humidity
Air temperature above Derate 1.5 % for every 10
50℃ % above 60 % humidity

On the island is used Detroit and Cummins generators see appendix A3. For set noise

levels, they are gotten less noise levels than both values on the table. As the Island is

passed noise level test when the authorities tested it.

Table 11 Generator set permitted noise levels (IEC 2008b)

Generator electrical P Permitted noise level dBA

P ≤ 2 kVA

2 kVA < P < 240 kVA

4 doors of opening exit from generator set area at the island is suited to IEC TS 62257

saying that “Access space for generator sets

Adequate space provides near a generator set on all sides where people are to pass in

order to enable all equipment to safely and effectively operate and adjust” (IEC 2008b).

At Rottnest Island case is acceptable to “The size of doors and opening (height, width

(m)) for the generator set are from a generator set area with a height of not less than

1.98 m from the floor or walked-on surface and a width of not less than 0.75 m” (IEC

2008b) from IEC 62257 standard.

7.5 Ventilation (air intake cross-section, speed-

From IEC 62257 standard “The generator set the manufacturer notifies air consumption. If not,

the following values may use as a reference.

The air intake cross-section should be the same as that of delivery and determine as follows:

- radiator or air cooler 80 m3/h per kVA,

- additional fan 40 m3/h per kVA,

- speed inducting 4 m s-s”(IEC 2008b).

The generator at Rottnest Island is used all of these for ventilation.

From generator to main switchboard the island is used the connecting cables for a three-phase

230/400 V generator set, a cable length of 10 m and an ambient temperature of 40 degree

Celsius (IEC 2015c).

The island is used the same variable as table 12 from generator to main switch board.

Table 12 Cross-section of power cables (IEC 2008b)

Power kVA Cross-section/ phase mm2

20 and 30 6

40 16

Power kVA Cross-section/ phase mm2

50 16

60 25

80 35

100 35

7.6 Cross-section of power cables

There is residual current of protection devices allowed a use of 30 mA residual current device to

protect the user against electric shocks (IEC 2008b).

7.7 Battery management system of a generator

In Rottnest Island, it is checked the battery electrolyte by automatic colour code reading in

which it is linked to a generator. In this case, there is no needed water filling and last for a year.

7.8 Micro-power System

Micro plant system limit (composition of micro plant) is gotten the same item as the

figure 15. The generator is generated power to micro-power system. Then the power is

run through micro-grid to the end of the line that is loaded. Generator is included such

as wind energy, solar energy or fuel. Wind energy and solar energy are operated

chopping off each other. Meaningly when the wind energy is in used, the solar is not.

Figure 15 Micro-power system limits (IEC 2008c)

7.9 Functional layout for a micro-plant

In Rottnest Island Case, the application is different from the following that is illustrated

in figure 16 because the battery system is not available.

Figure 16 Example of functional layout for a micro-power plant supplying AC

energy (IEC 2008c)

7.10 Interconnection of generators

Interconnection configuration with AC bus only in figure 17 is matched to the Rottnest Island

case with an additional wind turbine at DC G2.

Figure 17 Interconnection configuration with AC bus only(IEC 2008c)

7.11 Micro-grids

Maximum value voltage drop in micro-grid is on individual service connection line (IEC

2006a). Rottnest Island configuration of micro-grid (diagram) and Micro-grid earthing scheme

is shown in Appendix A.1. Installation of poles (arrangement, setting up) with 11 kV with 3

phase horizontal and 11 kV cable. Overcurrent protection device of the island is used Spag

(overcurrent relay type)(IEC 2006a).

7.12 Integrated system – User interface

User interface system voltage in Rottnest is used micro-grid or a standalone generator, a dc

generator and an ac generator supplying (IEC 2006b).

7.13 Integrated system – User installation

Protection of people in an installation supplied from a micro grid according to TN-C-S system

and user's electrical installation are built according to a TN –S system as figure 18 (IEC 2006c).

Figure 18 Protection of people in an installation supplied from a micro grid

according to a TN-C-S system (IEC 2006c)

In Rottnest Island case MEN (multi earth neutral) is used. All MEN was set at 30 mA.

If there any fault is occurred in the system, it then will be just feel it and gone.

7.14 Selection of PV- individual electrification

Safety issue (Protection degree at minimum suggested value of IP and IK) in term of -

Selection of Photovoltaic Individual Electrification Systems (PV-IES) (IEC 2008d).

For the Rottnest Island case, it is all within the range of on table 13.

Table 13 Suggested minimum values for IP and IK (IEC 2008d)
Protection degree Minimum suggested value



Rottnest Island’s IP was at about 65, see appendix A.4. The IK was passed the

Australian standard when the authority people are at the island and conducted the


7.15 Selection of lamps and lighting appliances for

off-grid electrification systems
For selection of lamps and lighting appliances for off-grid electricity, categories that the Island

was used such as;

- indoor/outdoor products design to use indoors or outdoors or both, depending on the

user’s need (IEC 2015g).

- outdoor-only systems design specifically for outdoor use, meaning they intend to mount

permanently or semi-permanently outdoors (IEC 2015g).

7.16 Lighting service targets

The third roll criteria on table 14 is matched to Rottnest Island case. Through the aspect

of light distribution characteristics, at least 0.1 m2 of the area is illuminated. At least 50

lux when a light appliance is self-supported from a surface (IEC 2015g).

Table 14 The Principles of Lighting service performance assessment (IEC 2015g)
Light output criterion Aspects Requirement

Luminous flux ≥ 25 Im
General illumination
Luminous efficacy ≥ 40 Im/W
Luminous efficacy
Light distribution ≥ 0.1 m2 area of
Task lighting service
characteristics illumination
≥50 lux when the lamp of
lighting appliance is
self-supported on the
task surface or
suspended from a 0.75
m distance from the

7.17 Summary
Rottnest Island in Western Australia is chosen as a case study in the thesis. The electrification

on the island is based on ASN3000 standard. The comparison between Rottnest Island’s power

systems to IEC TS 62257 has been studied.

The functional diagram of a radial structure for rural micro-grid of the island has the same idea

to IEC TS 62257 diagram as stated in figure 11.

In ASN3000 has the same electrical hazard protection systems to IEC TS 62257. In the Island

are used TN, TT, Double and Extra low voltage systems.

Earthing system arrangement of the island is matched to IEC TS 62257 configuration C and E –

PV alone IES or CES – P< 500W-with inverter- d< 15 m, and Configuration D and F-Hybrid

IEC or CES-PV generator + inverter and another generator-d<m. Also PV array diagram in the

island is used multi-string case.

In the Island set noise level is compiled to IEC TS 62257 generator set permitted noise levels in

table 11.

Micro-power system of the island is the same idea as figure 15 micro-power system limits of

IEC TS 62257.

Functional layout for a micro-power plant supplying ac energy of the Island is not the same as

IEC TS 62257 as the Island’s battery system is not available.

The Island’s interconnection of generator is matched to configuration with AC bus only in IEC

TS 62257 standard.

The protection degree at minimum suggested value in term of Selection of PV-IES is matched

IEC TS 62257. It is within the range in table 4.

Categories that the island’s lamp and lighting appliances is indoor/outdoor products design and

outdoor-only systems (IEC 2015g).

At Rottnest Island lighting service targets, the aspect of light distribution characteristics is at

least 0.1 m2 of the area is illuminated. At least 50 lux when a light appliance is self-supported

from a surface (IEC 2015g).

Chapter 8 Conclusion

This thesis has investigated the recommendations from IEC TS 62257 in term of off-grid

electrification in the remote area. A case study of Rottnest Island has chosen to support the idea

this system’s type. The project has five aims. Each of the aims are explained in a separated

chapter namely;

Chapter 3 has reviewed ways to set up the renewable energy system to meet the customers’

requirements in rural area. In the chapter has presented a method called “master plan”. The

method is to collect important data for the upcoming remote electrical project to find cost-

effective solution.

In chapter 4, the electrical network in term of minimum sufficient requirements of high standard

safety to electrical power application has been review. Since No one would like to pay big

money for less sufficient electrical system. Hence the project presentation such as cost and data

to be collected from the power system has been specified in this section. The method to connect

and access at the lowest cost to make system well arrange for micro-power plant, micro-grid

and user interface is shown with requirements for dc and ac parts of installation. In order to

fulfil satisfactory to people in the renewable energy project’s area, the protection against

electrical hazard such as; preventing from overcurrent, short-cct, risk of fire, effect of lighting,

overvoltage and direct lighting are also determined in the chapter.

The technique to achieve the best technical and economic is shown in chapter 5. It is described a

processed called “AOMR actions” to meet both quality and quantity energy requirements. This

section has explained light’s colour characteristics in details which involved two types namely;

CRI is a degree of how accurately the light renders colours, and the correlated colour

temperature CCT, a degree of the colour of the light conveyed as a temperature in kelvin. In

addition, it has also stated the physical ingress protection in general to any enclosure involving

in the rural electrification project.

The combination of diesel generator system and solar energy is explained in Chapter 6. It is

shown generator boundary as well as things to consider due to operating temperature for these

type of system. Those are insulation, fuse holders, by-pass diodes, blocking diodes and location

and installation requirements. In order to reflect on the selection and election of a generator

needed to cover on generator set sizing and deration factors. For these two combination to last

long, a good ventilation and plenty of fuel storage is also a main point to study in this area.

In chapter 7 has illustrated Rottnest Island case study. It is explored most of IEC TS 62257

details to match the Rottnest power system. The recommendation of battery system in IEC TS

62257 is excluded herein since Rottnest Island battery network is not available. Mainly, the

contents in this case study standard was similar to IEC TS 62257.

IEC TS 62257 series are a worldwide accepted and adapted to an area undertaking rural

electrification project. In order to receive the most efficiency to the power project, the selection

of which series should be taken to an appropriate consideration.

Chapter 9 Future work

Even though the overview of IEC TS 62257 on Rottnest Island is completed, there might be

some advance work to accomplish about the Island.

First and foremost, in order to gain a more understanding in rural electrification economic. We

needed to know “what are the best choices of power source to produce sufficient power as well

as cost friendly?”. In fact, the most suitable programme for renewable energy finding is

HOMER. It is famous for producing fuel curve, efficiency curve and excellence in data

manipulation. Throughout this programme, the search for the best combination of energy source

such as diesel generator only, solar energy only, wind energy only or a mix of both could be

produced for Rottnest Island.

Second, the future research of Rottnest Island would be on load profile and the limitation on the

island electricity system.

Third, an expansion of this thesis would be on the other criteria to this such as “is there anything

that Rottnest Island power network does not meet the suggestion from IEC TS 62257?”

And last, it would be interesting in comparing between Australian standard ASN 3000 and IEC

TS 62257 to see the similarity and any different between these two principles.

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IEC. 2006a. IEC TS 62257-9-2. In Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid
systems for rural electrification - Part 9-2: Microgrids Geneva Switzerland: IEC.
IEC. 2006b. IEC TS 62257-9-3. In Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid
systems for rural electrification - Part 9-3: Integrated system - User interface Geneva
Switzerland: IEC.
IEC. 2006c. IEC TS 62257-9-4. In Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid
systems for rural electrification - Part 9-4: Integrated system - User installation
Geneva Switzerland: IEC.
IEC. 2008a. IEC TS 62257-7. In Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid
systems for rural electrification - Part 7: Generators. Geneva Switzerland: IEC.
IEC. 2008b. IEC TS 62257-7-3. In Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid
systems for rural electrification - Part 7-3: Generator set - Selection of generator sets
for rural electrification systems. Geneva Switzerland: IEC.
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systems for rural electrification - Part 9-6: Integrated system - Selection of
Photovoltaic Individual Electrification Systems (PV-IES). Geneva Switzerland: IEC.
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Geneva Switzerland: IEC.
IEC. 2015a. IEC TS 62257-1. In Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems
for rural electrification - Part 1: General introduction to IEC 62257 series and rural
electrification. Geneva Switzerland: IEC.
IEC. 2015b. IEC TS 62257-2. In Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems
for rural electrification- Part 2: From requirements to a range of electrification systems
Geneva Switzerland: IEC.
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for rural electrification - Part 4: System selection and design. Geneva Switzerland:
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Appendix A
A.1 Rottnest Island power system diagrams

Figure 19 Rottnest Island power station overview

Figure 20 Rottnest Island Power Station Control Network

Figure 21 Rottnest Island Authority Cable Survey L.V. Reticulation Single Line Diagram 1
of 2

Figure 22 Rottnest Island Authority Cable Survey L.V. Reticulation Single Line Diagram 2
of 2

Figure 23 Rottnest Island power Station Metering and Protection

Figure 24 Rottnest Island Power Station

A.2 Rottnest Island PV modules

Figure 25 First Solar Specification (Rottnest Island Solar Panel)

Figure 26 Rottnest Island Solar farm

Figure 27 multi-string case PV at Rottnest Island

A.3 Rottnest Island generator

Figure 28 Rottnest Island fuel storage

Figure 29 Detroit Generator at Rottnest Island Power Station

Figure 30 Cummim Generator at Rottnest Island power station

A.4 IP ingress

Figure 31 IP ingress shown on BarTech switchboards at Rottnest Island power station

The end


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