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Climax Conseils Training

Managing Crop Balance

Sébastien Couture, M.Sc.(Agr.)

Jacques Thériault, M.Sc.(Agr.)
Vigour vs. balance

 Vigour
 Firstpriority
 Based on the balance between sources (photosynthesis)
and sinks (growth).

 Balance
 Second priority
 Based on the distribution of sugars (photosynthesis)
between the different organs (sink strength) for an
equal vigour
Vigour vs. balance: Two-axis approach
Vigour axis


Balance axis
Vegetative Generative

This approach does not

encompass explanations of all
possible circumstances and
does not take all aspects of
the crop into account.
Vigour vs. balance: Detailed approach
(three zones)

Sugar distribution zones

Head Flower

Vigour vs. balance: Your toolbox Three-Channel
Crop Balance
Reading your
Reading your plants

You must learn to read to succeed!

Distribution of assimilates in fruit Reading your
vegetables (e.g. tomatoes)

Head Flower

Vegetative zone

Generative zones
Distribution of assimilates in fruit Reading your
vegetables plants


Organ Too vegetative Too generative

Young stem Too strong Too thin
Very purple
Many suckers Few suckers
Leaf Short with a strong stem
Long, stretched out horizontally and pale Short (Christmas tree)
Large leaflets

Cluster Upright, straight, long and thin Short, 45° from stem,
conical shape and curved
at the tip (nice cluster)

Flower Pale yellow, particularly in the morning Flower

(should be egg yolk yellow)
Flowering more than 10 cm from the head Flowering less than 10 cm
Irregular sequence of flowering from the head

Fruit Slow fruit grow Fast fruit growth

Distortion and irregular size Even growth and regular size Fruit
Reading your
Reading your plants plants

Tom’Pousse data collection method

➢ Plant data collected weekly

➢ Helps you track your plants’ progress and quickly react to

any changes in their development

➢ Helps you keep track of the factors you cannot see by

simply looking: growth speed, flowering, fruit set, time
between fruit set and harvest, etc.
Tom’Pousse data: Tomatoes Reading your
Week Density sucker #1

Variety sucker #2

1 2 3 4 5 Beef tomato target
Growth cm 25 è 35 cm
Leaf lenght cm 45 cm
Leaf width cm 45 cm
1st flower open height cm 10 cm
Stem diameter mm 10 mm cherry/12 mm beef
Number of leaves LAI
No Flowering cluster Minimum flowering speed of 0,8
No setting cluster cluster/week
Cluster lenght cm < 5 cm
No harvest cluster

Cluster number mean

fruits/main stem
Main stem

2 fruits/sucker #1
4 fruits/sucker #2
Moyenne m2
sem. préc.
différence Fruits set /m2
Tom’Pousse data: Peppers Reading your
Week: ______________ Variety: ________________________ Row: _______________ plants

Fruits set / plant

Number flower
Stem diameter

N° fruit setting
No apex node

N° harvesting

Fruits set /m2

N° flowering

flower node
N° Forming
Number of





Measure 1 Tot
3 Planting density:
4 3,12 pl/m2

5 Head density:
6,23 pl/m2
# de fruits per node

# nœud
# Plants

Mean ( /5 )
Mean. prev.
# f. set/plant
Distribution of assimilates in fruit Reading your
vegetables: Establish your language

Percentage of energy used by the different distribution


80% = little energy

100% = balanced

120% = a lot of energy

Example: 80 – 100 – 120 80% head – 100% flower – 120% fruit

Reading tomato plants Reading your



Reading tomato plants Reading your



Reading tomato plants Reading your



Reading tomato plants Reading your



Reading tomato plants Reading your



Reading tomato plants Reading your



Reading tomato plants Reading your



Reading pepper plants Reading your



Reading pepper plants Reading your



Reading pepper plants Reading your



Reading pepper plants Reading your



Reading pepper plants Reading your



Reading pepper plants Reading your



Reading cucumber plants Reading your



Reading cucumber plants Reading your



Reading cucumber plants Reading your



Reading cucumber plants Reading your



Reading cucumber plants Reading your



Reading cucumber plants Reading your



Reading cucumber plants Reading your



Reading cucumber plants Reading your
Reading cucumber plants Reading your
# 10



Tomatoes: Visual description and plant reading
Reading your

80% 100% 120%

Head Stem diameter lower than 10mm at 20 cm from the head Setem diameter between 10 and 12 mm Stem diameter higher than 12 mm
Small leaf Leaf: width 75% of the length Broad leaves
Thin sucker on no developpement Big leaflet Strong sucker as big as the main stem
Stem thin and stretch Leaves with bubble Suckers started from the leaves
Lightly curled leaves Striated, flat or split stem
Flat head
Flower and fruit setting Flower stalk thin and straight Rolling cluster with wide base Very wide rolling cluster, short
Bad flowering sequence or abortion Fast fruit setting Very fast fruit setting
Flowering lower than 10 cm from the head Flowering at 10 cm from the head Flowering closed than 10 cm from the head
Flower shape like a pear Oblong flower of 1 cm Oblong flower of 1,5 cm
Pale flower and king flower at the first rank Fleurs d'un beau jaune vif Impossibilité de mettre un support de grappe
Low flower number Good flower number Too much flower number
Cluster upward 70o from the horizontal Cluster outgoing at 45o Cluster outgoing at less than 45o
More than one king flower per cluster
Fruit Fruit swelling slowly Fruit swelling on the target Fruit swelling too fast
Pale fruit One to two cluster with the right harvest size Dark green fruit
Bad swelling sequence on the cluster Too big
Fruit too much exposed to sun
Too much cluster with the right fruit size
Peppers: Visual description and plant reading Reading your

80% 100% 120%

Head Stem diameter thin (< 6-7 mm) stem diameter close to 6-7 mm Stem diameter strong (> 6-7 cm)
Sucker weak or absent Sucker a little bit smaller than stem Sucker as strong as head
Slow growing (< 8 cm/week) Growing to 8-10 cm/week Growing faster than 10 cm/week
Small leaves on the head Good leave area Leafy head
Nearly no purple color Purple color at each node A lot of purple in the head

Thin flower upward Strong flower curled Too strong curled flower
Flowering late (under the 3rd node) Flowering between the 2nd and 3rd node Floraison au 1er nœud voir en tête
and fruit
Abortion Fruit setting of 2 to 3 nodes flush Fruit setting of more than 3 nodes flush
1 inch fruit fall
Fruit Low fruit load Good fruit load and distribution Too much fruit
Flat fruit Good fruit size, shape and thick flesh Heavy fruit and difformed
Cucumbers: Visual description and plant reading Reading your

Organ Critère 80% 100% 120%

Stem diameter at 20 cm
from the apex Less than 8 mm 9-10 mm More than 11 mm
Arrow Inside the leaves out of 20-30 cm Out more than de 30cm
Main stem
Head Tendril and sucker poor development Regular at each node Very strong
Leaf diameteer less than 25 cm 25-30 cm more than 30 cm
Leaf orientation Horizonal 45o Vertical
Sucker Diameter Less than 6mm 6-7 mm more than 8mm
Color Pale yellow Yellow post-it Dark yellow
Flowering height Lower than 45 cm 45 cm higher than 45 cm
Fruit setting Abortion No abortion High fruit setting
Nb flower/node no flower 1-2 flowers per node More than 2 flower per node
Nb flower open 0 or 2 flowers open per plant Always one flower open each morning Always one flower open each morning
Ratio stem/fruit 1 1/2 1/3
Number Low fruit load 1-2 fruit/plant ready to harvest More than 2 fruit /plant ready to harvest
Fruit Straight and well balance (width and
Short, pointed, curled length) Too long
Vigour: Source-sink balance

 First priority
 Balance between
supply and
Determine the supply

 See Crop Planning chapter

Respect the climate potential
(greenhouse type)
Light x CO2
Role of the time of year
Generating source (photosynthesis): Leaf area Balanceclimati
 Crop management balance
 Number of leaves
 Leaf area index (LAI)
 Leaf area m2/ground area m2
 Measuring

 Cut off mature leaves and use them to calculate the number of leaves
required to cover 1 m2 of ground area.
= number of leaves/m2 of leaves
 LAI = (number of leaves/plant * density)/(number of leaves/m2 of leaves)

 Take the following formula (source: Infos Serre, CTIFL, Bulletin no 1,
February 2017)
 Leaf #1 is the leaf found just under the first developing bunch.
Generating source (photosynthesis): Leaf area Balanceclimati

 Crop management
 Number of leaves
 LAI: Leaf area index
 = Leaf area m2/ground area m2
 Measuring

C) Delphy

LAI = number of leaves/stem * number of stems/m2 * (length * width * factor)

Generating source (photosynthesis): Leaf area Vegetative-

 Crop
 Number of
leaves in a
with a rating
of 0.5
Generating source (photosynthesis): Leaf area Vegetative-
Light interception of the lower leaf based on LAI at 18 oC generative
(joules/cm2/week) balance
 Crop Light sum per week ( joules/cm2/week)

management LAI
% lum
8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000
66 57 49 41 33 25

8The grey boxes represent the
2,9 0,89 88 80 71 62 53 44 35 27 18 9
minimum number of joules
 Number of 2,8
10required per leaf to reach 24-
leaves in a 2,6 0,86 111 100 89 78 66 55 44 33 22 11 hour mitochondrial respiration
2,5 0,85 119 107 96 84 72 60 48 36 24 12 at 18 °C.
greenhouse 2,4 0,83 129 116 103 90 77 64 51 39 26 13
➢ Adding leaves beyond the
2,3 0,82 139 125 111 97 83 69 56 42 28 14
with a rating 2,2 0,81 150 135 120 105 90 75 60 45 30 15 indicated level will prevent
the leaves’ energy
of 2
2,1 0,79 161 145 129 113 97 81 64 48 32 16
2 0,78 174 156 139 122 104 87 70 52 35 17
requirement from being met.
1,9 0,76 187 169 150 131 112 94 75 56 37 19
1,8 0,74 202 182 162 141 121 101 81 61 40 20
1,7 0,72 218 196 174 152 131 109 87 65 44 22
1,6 0,70 235 211 188 164 141 117 94 70 47 23
1,5 0,68 253 228 202 177 152 126 101 76 51 25
1,4 0,65 273 245 218 191 164 136 109 82 55 27
1,3 0,62 294 264 235 206 176 147 118 88 59 29
1,2 0,59 317 285 253 222 190 158 127 95 63 32
1,1 0,56 341 307 273 239 205 171 137 102 68 34
1 0,53 368 331 294 258 221 184 147 110 74 37
0,9 0,49 397 357 317 278 238 198 159 119 79 40
0,8 0,45 427 385 342 299 256 214 171 128 85 43
0,7 0,41 461 415 369 323 276 230 184 138 92 46
0,6 0,36 497 447 397 348 298 248 199 149 99 50
0,5 0,31 535 482 428 375 321 268 214 161 107 54
0,4 0,26 577 519 462 404 346 288 231 173 115 58
0,3 0,20 622 560 498 435 373 311 249 187 124 62
0,2 0,14 670 603 536 469 402 335 268 201 134 67
0,1 0,07 723 650 578 506 434 361 289 217 145 72
Generating source (photosynthesis): Leaf area Vegetative-
 Crop management
 Number of leaves
 The required LAI varies depending on light reception
 In summer, aim for an LAI of around 3.0 to 3.75, depending on
the type of greenhouse.
 Aim lower if the fruit load is very low (supply adjustment)
 Reduce LAI progressively as the light decreases
 Essential for maintaining optimal humidity levels in the canopy
Generating long-term sinks (demand)

 See Crop Planning chapter

 Respect the climate potential (greenhouse
 Light x CO2
 Density

 Fruit load
Managing short-term sinks (demand)

➢ Basics of crop management:

➢ 24-hour temperature
➢ Light quality
➢ Crop balance: Three-Channel Crop Balance Management Graph
➢ Genetic balance
➢ Water balance
➢ Climate balance
➢ Vegetative-generative balance
Vigour vs. balance: Your toolbox Three-Channel
Crop Balance
Relationship between temperature and temperature

light in terms of vigour and balance

Temperature management according to temperature
light reception
 Goal:
 Establish a good balance between temperature and light on a daily basis.
Temperature management according to temperature

light reception
 First element of short-term management (navigating).
 Temperature-light relationship is the most powerful tool.
 It can help you reach maximum production and quality.
 Itis the only tool that allows you to act preventatively.
Other balance strategies are more reactive.
 Itallows you to cultivate strong plants that will be more
resistant to diseases and insects.
Temperature management according to
light reception
Impact of 1oC on the growth rate of the crops

Tomato Cucumber Pepper

Vegetative growth 7% 6% 35%
Fruit growth 13% 8%

Plants are like athletes, or any other living being. The more effort you ask of them, the more
nourishment they need. Therefore, you must balance the Energy budget.

Unbalanced budget = obesity or anorexia, even for plants.

Temperature management 24-hour

according to light reception


➢ Excel calculator
Temperature management 24-hour

according to light reception


➢ Excel calculator
Light requirement /week
Fruits(g) Joules/fr Delay FS-H Joules/week/fr Light Veg Density Growth rate Veg/cl LUE
200 700 8 88 2520 2,8 0,75 1200 5

Fruits(g) 200 Fruit weight for beef tomato (dry weight = 5%)
Joules/fr 700 Light required to fill the fruit
Delay FS-H 8 Time (weeks) between fruitt setting and harvest
Joules/week/fr 88 Light required to fill one fruit for one week (Joules/fr divided by Delay FS-H)
Light Veg 2520 Light requirement to grow the stems for one cluster at 18 oC : = Veg/cl X Growth rate 18 X density
Density 2,8 number of head/m2
Speed18 0,75 Growth rate at 18oC based on the cultivar type
Veg/Cl 1200 Light requirement to grow one cluster/stem
LUE 5 Overall light required to grow 1 g of fruit (LUM X CO2)
Temperature management 24-hour

according to light reception


➢ Excel calculator
Light requirement /week
Fruits(g) Joules/fr Delay FS-H Joules/week/fr Light Veg Density Growth rate Veg/cl LUE
200 700 8 88 2520 2,8 0,75 1200 5

Light requirement/week for each T24hrs

Growth rate (Cluster/week) 0,75 0,82 0,89 0,96 1,03 1,1 1,17 1,24
o o
Fruit T ( C) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Fruit/m2 Light 18C Veg18C 0,75 0,82 0,89 0,96 1,03 1,1 1,17 1,24
1 88 2520 2608 2795 2983 3171 3359 3546 3734 3922
2 175 2520 2695 2894 3093 3292 3492 3691 3890 4089
3 263 2520 2783 2993 3204 3414 3625 3835 4046 4256
4 350 2520 2870 3092 3314 3536 3758 3980 4201 4423
5 438 2520 2958 3191 3424 3657 3891 4124 4357 4590
10 875 2520 3395 3685 3975 4265 4556 4846 5136 5426
15 1313 2520 3833 4180 4527 4874 5221 5568 5915 6262
20 1750 2520 4270 4674 5078 5482 5886 6290 6693 7097
25 2188 2520 4708 5168 5629 6090 6551 7011 7472 7933
30 2625 2520 5145 5663 6180 6698 7216 7733 8251 8769
40 3500 2520 6020 6651 7283 7914 8546 9177 9808 10440
50 4375 2520 6895 7640 8385 9130 9876 10621 11366 12111
Temperature management according to 24-hour
light reception
 Measuring or assessing the light received
 Pyranometer/light meter/PAR sensor
 Weather forecast
 Type of greenhouse (light x CO2)
 Greenhouse orientation and time of year
 Leaf area

 Assess crop needs

 Fruit load
 Fruit size
 Plant density
Temperature management 24-hour
according to light reception
➢ What are the crops’ upper and lower limits?
➢ What are the crops’ upper and lower limits?
➢ Releases the sugars that have accumulated in the leaves to ensure
optimal photosynthesis the next day
➢ Reduces cell elongation (sugar in the leaves and root pressure)
➢ Ensures plant growth
➢ Maximizes dehumidification (int vs. ext delta AH)
➢ What are the consequences of not heating?
➢ Short leaves and sugar obstructions
➢ Poor fruit quality and morning dew
➢ Edema and guttation
Temperature management 24-hour
according to light reception
➢ What are the crops’ lower limits for preventing
accumulation (short leaves)

Minimum T24hrs required to unload leaf sugar

related to daylight sum

Daylight sum
J/cm2/day (°C)
1400 18
1800 19,4
2200 20,9
2600 22,3
2800 23,0
Source: Climax Conseils
Temperature management 24-hour
according to light reception
➢ Conclusion
➢ Too warm makes balance impossible

➢ Forget the other strategies; they simply will not work or

they will damage your plants.

➢ Keeping the crops a little too cold makes for a strong

balance (120%–120%–120%).


Vigour vs. balance: Your toolbox Three-Channel
Crop Balance
Physiological aspects of crop balance

➢ Basics of crop management:

➢ 24-hour temperature
➢ Light quality
➢ Crop balance: Three-Channel Crop Balance Management Graph
➢ Genetic balance
➢ Water balance
➢ Climate balance
➢ Vegetative-generative balance
Physiological concepts: Light quality and impact of light

how plants react

 Light quality is the foundation of many physiological

responses in plants.

 Though we may not realize it, many of the actions we

take are as a result of the plants’ reaction to this
Role of cell elongation in vegetative- impact of light

generative balance
 Cell elongation is a key mechanism for increasing a plant’s
vegetative growth.
 Longer and straighter leaves (searching for light)
 Longer internodes (searching for light)
 Elongated and straight clusters (searching for light)
 Fragile tissues and higher susceptibility to disease

 How do cells become elongated?

 Imagine filling up a balloon with water after you have taken the time to apply a
hardening paste to the rubber.
 The faster the water enters, the more the balloon will grow before the paste hardens.
 The faster the paste hardens, the smaller the balloon will remain.
Role of cell elongation in vegetative- impact of light

generative balance
 What makes the balloon fill up (rapid water
 Root pressure (higher soil temperature, low salinity, high water
content in soil, low transpiration or cold heads)
 Sugar or K-ion concentration in cells (osmotic effect)
 Impact on phosphorus and nitrate levels?
Role of cell elongation in vegetative- Physiological
impact of light
generative balance
What determines how fast the paste hardens?
Phytochrome hormones (pigment)
 Shade avoidance: Etiolation
 Far-red (FR) light = etiolation
 700–750 nm
 Beginning and end of the day
 Heavily reflected in the crop
 Red (R) light = accessible light = no
competition for light
 620–680 nm
Effect of phytochromes Physiological
impact of light

Pr vs. Pfr
Effect of phytochromes Physiological
impact of light

Pr vs. Pfr phytochromes

Role of cell elongation in vegetative- Physiological
impact of light
generative balance
What determines how fast the paste hardens?
Phytochrome hormones (pigment).
 Shade avoidance: Etiolation
 FR = etiolation
 700–750 nm
 Beginning and end of the day
 Heavily reflected in the crop
 R = accessible light = no
competition for light
 620–680 nm
Role of cell elongation in vegetative- impact of light

generative balance
 How to avoid etiolation:
 Prevention of extensive water intake at the beginning and end of the day
 Fresher and/or dryer substrates at the beginning and end of the day
 Higher salinity at the beginning and end of the day
 Start deshumidification before sunrise and keeping air dry at the end of the day
 Emptying the cells of sugars at night
 Preventing excess phosphorus and nitrates
 Prevention of slowed cell wall hardening
 Preventing plants from touching each other
 Keeping clusters in the sun (short leaves or Alfredo) and ensuring plants flower high enough
 Ensuring plants are spaced far enough apart
 Avoiding cell multiplication during periods of insufficient light
 Negative DIF (morning dip)
 Slow transition between night and day temperatures
Physiological aspects of balancing crops

➢ Basics of crop management:

➢ 24-hour temperature
➢ Physiological impact of light
➢ Balancing crops: Three-Channel Crop Balance Management Graph
➢ Genetic balance
➢ Water balance
➢ Climate balance
➢ Vegetative-generative balance
Vigour vs. balance: Detailed approach Three-Channel
Crop Balance
Physiological aspects of balancing crops

➢ Basics of crop management:

➢ 24-hour temperature
➢ Physiological impact of light
➢ Crop balance: Three-Channel Crop Balance Management Graph
➢ Genetic balance
➢ Water balance
➢ Climate balance
➢ Vegetative-generative balance
Genetic balance balance

 You must respect the crops’ genetic traits.

Some varieties will naturally favor one particular
distribution zone.
Itis important to anticipate this and adjust your focus
to the plant’s weak points.
Genetic balance balance

 Beefsteak tomatoes example:

 Kivu:Naturally generative and will save clusters at all costs,

to the detriment of the head. Watch the head.

 Caiman: Grows large fruit to the detriment of the head and

clusters. Watch the head and clusters.

 Frederik:Always grows highly vigorous vegetation (stem and

leaves) to the detriment of the clusters and fruit size.
Watch the clusters and fruit size.
Genetic balance balance


 Grafting will
 increase resistance to root diseases;
 enable the growth of a strong root system to withstand a
long growing season; and
 help make the head and clusters more vigorous.
Genetic balance balance

Genetic balance Genetic

Strategies’ impact on crops

Actions Head Flower Fruit

Variety +/-/0 +/-/0 +/-/0
Genetic balance
Grafting + + 0
Physiological aspects of crop balance

➢ Basics of crop management:

➢ 24-hour temperature
➢ Physiological impact of light
➢ Balancing crops: Three-Channel Crop Balance Management Graph
➢ Genetic balance
➢ Water balance
➢ Climate balance
➢ Vegetative-generative balance
Strategies for balancing plants Water balance

 Irrigation

 Irrigation management is a very powerful tool in balancing plants.

 It influences the plants’ vegetative aspect as well as fruit quality.

 However, you must make sure not to inhibit growth by keeping plants

too dry (closed stomata = decreased photosynthesis).

Strategies for balancing plants Water balance

 Irrigation

 What is the effect of

 cycle frequency vs. substrate type?

 the relationship with received light?

 the number of cycles?

 salinity?

 the bag’s drainage or tension?

Water balance
Phytochromes and turgidity

Physiological impact Tools

 Affects the swelling of cells  Water balance

before they are hardened  Important in the morning and at
night (darkening the color of the
(Pr-Pfr interaction) heads)
 Irrigation management (watering
and draining)
 Activating the crop in the morning
(increasing HD)
 Kick in the late afternoon
Strategies for balancing plants Water balance

Vegetative/generative balance management

Water management

Management tool Vegetative Generative

Electrical conductivity (EC)

Water content of the soil (substrate)

watering frequency

Water volume

Beginning and ending of watering

Night dryness

Root temperature

Nutrients (K, SO4, Cl et Na)

Nutrients (NO3)
Water balance Water balance

Strategies’ impact on crops

Actions Head Flower Fruit

Wet + - -
Water balance
Dry - + +

0 No impact
- impact
+ impact
Physiological aspects of balancing crops

➢ Basics of crop management:

➢ 24-hour temperature
➢ Physiological impact of light
➢ Balancing crops: Three-Channel Crop Balance Management Graph
➢ Genetic balance
➢ Water balance
➢ Climate balance
➢ Vegetative-generative balance
Strategies for balancing plants balance

 Climate
Forany given 24-hour temperature, there is a
multitude of possible climate scenarios.

 Day-night differential
 Transition speed (ramping)
 Transition time
 Humidity, CO2, ventilation, pipe temperature
Some physiological concepts balance

Phytochromes and temperature

Physiological impact Tools

 Cold temperatures reduce cell  Morning dip

multiplication during periods of  Watch out for water stress (poor
shade avoidance tension in the plant)
Some physiological concepts balance

Thermal impacts

Physiological impacts Tools

 Warm zones strongly attract sugars  Root heating

 Grow pipes
 Basic heating
 Water balance
 Pruning (warms the fruit)
 Flag leaf (cools the fruit)
 Day-night differential = longer internodes
= plant is more open = warms the fruit
 Pre-night drop: fruit warmer than the rest
of the plant
Strategies for balancing plants balance

 Basics of climate management

Strategies for balancing plants balance

 Basics of climate management

Strategies for balancing plants balance

 Basics of climate management

Consigne deset point

Heating set point

Strategies for balancing plants balance

 Basics of climate management

 Heating set point:

 Ifthe greenhouse temperature drops below the
heating set point
 activate the heating system

 Ventilation set point:

 Ifthe greenhouse temperature rises above the
ventilation set point
 open the roof vents
Strategies for balancing plants balance

 Basics of climate management

Many influences can interfere:

 Heating set point
 Sun radiation (W/m2)
 Daily
light accumulation (J/cm2)
 RH or HD: Increase the set point if more humid
 Ventilation set point
 Sun radiation (W/m2)
 Daily light accumulation (J/cm2)
 RH or HD: increase the set point if dryer
Strategies for balancing plants balance

Vegetative/generative balance management

Climate management

Management tool Vegetative Generative Note: In the short term, raising the 24-
hour temperature will increase
24 hr temperature generative growth. However, in the
long term, it will cause an increase in
Relative humidity vegetative growth. The plant will favor
vegetative growth to the detriment of
its clusters, especially under
Humidity deficit (HD) (g/m3)
insufficient light. In addition, in
tomatoes, the fruit will set too soon.
Air changeover

Day/night difference

Speed of change

Pipe temperature

Strategies for balancing plants Climate

Day: If hot: Fast growth and maximum photosynthesis. Flowers will open. Thin head and stem, short leaves.
If cold: Strong and pale head, large leaves, thick stem.

Morning: If hot: Elongated internodes and clusters.

If cold: Short, strong clusters, strong head.
Température (°C)

Température de ventilation

Température de chauffage

Night: If hot: rapid fruit and plant growth.

If cold: larger fruit and increased vigour.

Pre-night drop: If warm: Growth and progression of the plant as a whole.

If cold: Fruit will grow much larger. Weakening of head.

Lever Soleil Coucher soleil

Heures de la journée
Strategies for balancing plants balance

 Basics of climate management

 Heating-ventilation differential

 Inactivecontrol zone: Climatic no-man’s land

 Can be very narrow for active system management
 To actively dehumidify
 To maintain a precise temperature
 To create crop stress
 Can be very large for passive system management
 To conserve moisture within the greenhouse
 To avoid crop stress
Strategies for balancing plants balance

➢ Climate potential in relation to exterior temperature

➢ Difficulty to heat or insufficient heat
➢ Not possible to adjust it to the crop’s needs depending on the light
➢ Reduce the LAI (photosynthesis) if impossible to heat
➢ Difficulty managing humidity (elevated exterior AH)
➢ Dehumidification boost
➢ Botrytis: 1 x @ 12 hours
➢ Leaf mould: 1 x @ 4 hours
➢ Extreme heat conditions (Heat wave)
➢ Impossible to control. Save what you can.
➢ Ensure the plants are activated and transpiring (water availability)
Strategies for balancing plants balance

➢ To quantify the balance, you must build a daily profile.

➢ Day-night differential
➢ Pre-night drop, morning dip, kick, transition speed
➢ Verify the vertical temperature profile
Strategies for balancing plants balance

 Climate management
 What is the 24-hour temperature’s impact?
 What is the day-night differential’s impact?
 What is the pre-night drop’s impact?
 What is the kick’s impact?
 What is the morning dip’s impact?
 What is humidity’s impact?
 What is ventilation’s impact?
Strategies for balancing plants balance

 Climate management

Any stress or rapid changes in climate send a signal to

the plants for generative growth.

Strategies for balancing plants balance

 Climate management

 What is the 24-hour temperature’s impact?

 Increasing the 24-hour temperature generally causes

increased generative growth, if there is enough energy

available for it. If not, the increase is in vegetative

Strategies for balancing plants balance

➢ Day-night differential

➢ Day-night differential:
0 °C = vegetative
2–3 °C = balanced
4–6 °C = generative
➢ A day-night differential lengthens the internodes.
➢ May be necessary to reduce energy costs or offset the impact of a hot
Strategies for balancing plants balance

➢ Building the profile: Pre-night drop

➢ Warm organs develop faster and attract photoassimilates (sink effect)

➢ Large tomatoes and English cucumbers
Rapid decrease at end of day
Red: 3–6 °C, 3–4 °C/h
Pink: 6–12 °C, 6–12 °C/h
Temperature maintained for at least 3 h
Little to no impact on small tomatoes
➢ Keep an eye on the humidity levels
Force ventilation
Strategies for balancing plants balance

➢ Building the profile: Pre-night drop

18 18°C at sunset
17 (sunny day)
16 T night (15°C)
13 Plateau 4 hrs
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Strategies for balancing plants balance

➢ Building the profile: Pre-night drop

➢ It is important to adjust the 24-hour temperature according to the crops’ needs before
planning a pre-night drop.
➢ If it is necessary, the plant should have head strength and energy for the pre-night drop to
be successful.
➢ Lower the 24-hour temperature according to the new desired size.
➢ The plant’s basic needs must be met before the pre-night drop is implemented.
➢ What constitutes a pre-night drop is the speed at which the temperature drops, not the
low temperature.
➢ Be sure to respect the 24-hour temperature.
➢ Do not drop the temperature too early in the afternoon.
➢ Implement the drop no earlier than 1 h before sunset (risk of root pressure and stunted growth).
➢ Can be done after sunset.
Strategies for balancing plants balance

➢ Building the profile: Pre-night drop

➢ Pay attention to the fruit:

➢ A lot of sugar is sent to the fruit very quickly
➢ If the cluster is weak, it is better to move the sugar out of the cluster quickly than to try to
grow larger fruit
➢ Different fruit quality problems can arise:
➢ Dark green fruit
➢ Blotchy/uneven ripening
➢ Russetting
➢ Cracking
Strategies for balancing plants balance

➢ Building the profile: Pre-night drop (aggressive)

Strategies for balancing plants balance

➢ Building the profile: Kick (bumblebee boost)

Strategies for balancing plants balance

➢ Building the profile: Kick (bumblebee boost)

➢ Strengthen flower clusters

Rapid increase in transpiration in the middle of the afternoon
3 °C for 3 h if sunny
2 °C for 5 h if overcast
➢ Must heat and ventilate
➢ The climate must be active (not damp). Otherwise, there is risk of
edema and poor pollen quality.
Strategies for balancing plants balance

➢ Building the profile: Morning dip

➢ Temperature dip of 1–2 °C in the morning, at sunrise.

➢ Lasts 1 h.
➢ Temperature is slowly raised back to morning temperature.
➢ The goal is to reduce the impact of FR light on cell elongation.
➢ Shorter, curved clusters and denser head.
➢ Do not do this more than 3–4 consecutive days.
➢ Keep the plants’ morning activation in mind (plant stay cold).
Root temperature balance

➢ Root temperature has a significant impact on the following:

➢ Water absorption increases if warmer

➢ Calcium transport
➢ Root pressure
➢ Better stomatal opening and transpiration
➢ Warm = strong root growth and growth of absorbent hairs
➢ Be careful of lack of oxygen or sugar (weak zone for sugar
Root temperature balance

➢ Cold temperature:
➢ Roots’ capacity for absorption decreases rapidly below 20 °C
➢ Decrease in sink demand
➢ Decrease in root development
➢ Decrease in osmosis
➢ Decrease in exudation
➢ In the morning, water absorption does not meet transpiration needs
➢ Risk of root diseases (competition between roots and fungi)
Root temperature balance

➢ High temperature:
➢ Risk of too much root pressure if no transpiration
➢ Guttation
➢ Edema
➢ Micro cracking = russeting
➢ Botchy/uneven ripening
Root temperature balance

➢ For tomatoes:

➢ Aim for min18 °C

➢ For cucumbers and pepper:

➢ Aim for min 20 °C

Climate balance Climate

Strategies’ impact on crops

Actions Head Flower Fruit

Temperature Cooling + + +
Humid + - -
Dry - + +
CO2 Boost 0 + 0
Low + + -
Grow pipes Middle - - +
High + + -
Climate balance Steady
climate + + -
differential - + +
Kick 0 + 0
Morning dip + + -
drop - - +
Physiological aspects of balancing crops

➢ Basics of crop management:

➢ 24-hour temperature
➢ Physiological impact of light
➢ Balancing crops: Three-Channel Crop Balance Management Graph
➢ Genetic balance
➢ Water balance
➢ Climate balance
➢ Vegetative-generative balance
Organ competition: An important aspect generative
of vegetative balance

Physiological effects Tools

 Favoring one organ to the detriment of  Thermal effect
another  Cluster size
 Alfredo (competition at head = IN later
on (thermal))
 Rootstock: favors roots
 Double head: favors roots/head
Strategies for balancing plants generative

 Crop management

 Pruning strategies
 Number

 Location

 Fruit load
 Plant density
Strategies for balancing plants generative
 Crop management

 Pruning location:

 Pruning at the head (Alfredo)

 Pruning the middle of the plant (in)

 Pruning at the base (bottom)

 Addition of flag leaf

 What is the impact of each of these strategies?

LAI: If tomato plant has too much foliage

 Tomato plant:
 Pruning the base (keep 2 m of canopy)
 Pruning Alfredo
 Pruning the middle of the plant (IN)

Large leaves on a plant can stop

its fruit from being warmed by
the sun to increase fruit size.
LAI: If foliage is too dense

 Tomato:
 Pruning at the base (keep 2 m of
 The canopy can be cut back if the
crop is young (low fruit load)
under bright lighting
 Depletion deleafing
 Split stem: Very strong
 Excessive vigor: Mild;
but consider the future
 Late start or early finish Split stem
 Tomato ripening (the last 2 and 3
clusters of beefsteak and cherry
 Instruction to worker is not the
Excessive vigor
Pruning Alfredo
Technique: Pinch young leaves within the

• Makes the cluster and adjacent leaves

more vigorous
• Reduces cluster etiolation
• Opens up the foliage (light and aeration)
• Improves warming of the growing fruit
and clusters
• Reduces parasol effect
• Adjusted LAI at high density or in strong
vegetative cultivar
• Reduced working time as compare to
bottom deleafing
Pruning Alfredo
• Cherry:
• Adjusting the LAI
• Opening up the foliage
• Improving cluster vigour
• Low impact on fruit size
• Beefsteak:
• Ensuring good size and cluster vigor
in plants with strong vegetative
• Maintaining the LAI and open
canopy profile
• Don’t do it with low vigor
• Prevent cluster etiolation in plants with
heads spaced apart by fewer than 14”
on the wire or in young plants with large
• Remove leaves that block the sun
• Correct the seasonal LAI
IN pruning

• Remove mature leaves from overcrowded

• Aerate and promote increased size
(sun) (done above the clusters you
want to grow).
• Remove leaves that have clumped
together (reduction) to ensure air
circulates between the macroclimate
and microclimate.
• Use strictly as a corrective measure
• Correct the seasonal LAI
• Stop the big brother to shade the little
brother (top of the plant)
• Balance the light between north and
south (winter, spring)
If foliage is too sparse
(short leaves)
 Short leaves: Plant’s adaptation for
balancing its energy needs with its
growth requirements
 The most powerful corrective
measure: Increasing the density
 Preventing fruit loads from being
extremely low
 Reducing CO2

Short leaves
If foliage is too sparse
(short leaves)
 Short leaves (twisted leaves):
Accumulation of sugar in leaves
 Rebalance the distribution
 LAI too high
 Too much luminosity
 Insufficient fruit load
 Too cold
 Too much CO2

Twisted leaves
If foliage is too sparse
Decrease in vigour
 Flag leaf
 Keep leaves that grow on suckers
 Try to cool it down so the head is
not affected
 Consider your pruning method
Strategies for balancing plants Vegetative-
 Crop management
 Foliage location
High (Alfredo) Middle (IN) Low (Bottom)

- Remove the smallest leaf - Remove leaves from the - Prune the bottom of the
possible from under the cluster middle of the plant. plant.
at the head. - Remove the leaves that block - More light on mature fruits.
- More direct light (less FR). the light or are in a damp - Increased fruit temperature
Change of light spectrum for the clump. and accelerated ripening.
cluster. - More light for developing - Fruits’ exposure to radiant
- More energy for the cluster (a fruits. heat from pipes or tubes.
leaf that has less growing to - Aeration in the middle of the - Enables decrease in fruit load.
do). plant: Reduced risk of
- Short, curved and strong cluster. disease.
- Flowering higher on the head - Increase fruit temperature
- Fast and constant fruit set. (sink effect)
- Note the effect these leaves - Favour fruit size and
have on the fruit’s lifespan (8 development speed.
weeks) and on the LAI.
Strategies for balancing plants generative
 Crop management
 Foliage location
Addition of a flag leaf
- Let a sucker grow at the head, then pinch it off after one leaf grows
- Reduces direct light on the cluster (change in light spectrum)
- Creates shade for the head and stimulates head and stem development
- Done in cold weather to proactively create leaves before periods of
high heat
- Enables a fast recovery from loss of leaves due to disease
- Leads to lower flowering
- Will negatively affect fruit size
- Note the effect this leaf has on the fruit’s lifespan (8 weeks) and on
the LAI.
Strategies for balancing plants Vegetative-
 Crop management
 Fruit load:
 The bigger the fruit load, the lower the leaf-fruit ratio.
 An increased fruit load sends the plant a signal for generative growth
 Be careful:
 Increased fruit load must be balanced with light reception.
 Load = number of fruit x fruit size.
 Any increase in load on the head due to reduced pruning and vice versa will impact the plant’s
balance by 8 weeks.
 An increase in load must correspond to the annual light response curve
 The higher the load, the lower the required temperature for equal luminosity.

 Maintaining the necessary 24-hour temperature must also be taken into account for increased fruit
 E.g. the 24-hour temperature in July could be 22–23 °C without an opportunity to cool down!
Strategies for balancing plants Vegetative-
 Crop management
 Crop density:
 Increased plant density sends a signal for vegetative growth.

 The presence of other plants modifies the spectrum of received light according to leaf length.

 Less light is received by the leaves, which increases the leaf area for the same temperature.

 Adequate plant density enables the absorption of all available light.

 The optimal LAI must be respected to all densities.

 An increase in the number of plants requires an increase in light energy to ensure vegetative growth.

 Crop density must correspond to the annual light response curve.

 Density and fruit load are closely related:

Number of fruits/m2 = number of plants/m2 x number of fruits/plant

Strategies for balancing plants Vegetative-
 Crop management
 Short leaf problem:
 Reduction in plant’s vegetative growth to adjust energy supply to the plant’s needs.
 It is closely related to the 24-hour temperature, fruit load and plant density.
 Must be distinguished from an irrigation or fertilization problem.
 To fix the problem:
 Verify the crop’s needs by using the lighting vs. temperature spreadsheet.
 Adjust the 24-hour temperature according to source-sink balance (ideally the
nighttime temperature)
 Prune the bottom leaves of the plant and adjust the number of leaves to the number of
fruits, if necessary.
 If seriously affected, prune 1/3 of the leaves from the bottom.
Strategies for balancing plants (except generative
Vegetative/generative balance management

Crop management

Management tool Vegetative Generative


Leaf number (LAI)

Head density

Tristing of the plant

In deleafing No Yes
Alfredo deleafing No Yes
Layering No Yes
Strategies for balancing plants (Pepper) generative

Vegetative/generative balance management

Pepper management

Management tool Vegetative Generative


Consecutive fruits on the stem

Empty nodes between 2 flush

Nb of node before the first fork

Sucker lenght

Sucker pruning height

Plant twisting No Yes

Layering No Yes
Vegetative-generative balance Vegetative-

Strategies’ impact on crops

Actions Head Flower Fruit

-1 + + +
0 0 0 0
Flag leaf + 0 -
Vegetative-generative balance
-3 at base + + -
Bracts - + +
IN - - +
Strategies for balancing plants
Strategies’ impact on crops
Actions Head Flower Fruit
Variety +/-/0 +/-/0 +/-/0
Genetic balance
Grafting + + 0
Temperature Cooling + + +
Humid + - -
Dry - + +
CO2 Boost 0 + 0
Low + + -
Grow pipe Middle - - +
Climate balance High + + -
Steady climate + + -
differential - + +
Kick 0 + 0
Morning dip + + -
Pre-night drop - - +
-1 + + +
0 0 0 0
Flag leaf + 0 -
Vegetative-generative balance
-3 at base + + -
Bracts - + +
IN - - +
Humid + - -
Water balance
Dry - + +

0 No impact
- Negative impact
+ Positive impact
Strategies for balancing plants
 Strategy:

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