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Nowadays, technological advances around the world have occurred at a

phenomenal rate, and new discoveries are made for the replacement of old era

today. Computer is said to be man’s tool for storing, processing and retrieving

data. It is a big help to gain profits easy. Computers can also complete task that

are beyond human abilities like searching through massive amounts of

information on the internet.

A modern world has become reliant on software. The use of computer

system application is very important specially in keeping important data.

Database system is very useful in terms of data storing and retrieving.

Systematic way of enrolment and billing would be much easier in the part of


In this time of pandemic information of technology era is existing and still

innovating. School is using Electronic Learning web-based application. Other

establishments, organization or company uses other web application for

communicating each other

Furthermore, computerizations here in the Philippines are the most effective

way of finding solutions to any circumstances that cannot be managed by any of

us in a manual system. It can also help us carry our various tasks and makes our

lives more comfortable.

Background of the Study

A quick and automated enrollment and billing system process is the way

the school can find an easier and better way to implement and enrollment

system. The automation of the said system will be implemented through the use

of equipment’s like computers and printers. Users can use this in order for the

work to be done faster and easier.

Brief History

Former Professor Romeo Rodrigo Sr. and His wife Mrs. Melagros Rodrigo

Put-up an Elementary School named M’lang Educational and Tutorial Center that

started in 1995. In 2005 they put up TESDA courses in a franchise under St. luke

Institute and Technology up to 2014 and upgraded it to St. Luke of Arts and

Science from 2015-2017.

Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial College Inc. was founded in the year of

2018. It was managed by Hon. Cecilia Rodrigo Roldan. The administrator of

Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial College Inc. is Engr. Andrew Rodrigo. The school

is located at At present the school has these following offices:

 Office of the Registrar

 Office of Criminology Department

 Office of Information Technology

 Office of Education Department

Enrollment procedures was done manually. They are using spreadsheet

as their record keeping and other transactions such as billing, grade posting,

subject plotting and others were done manually.

Because of Modular Strategy of the School, the administrator assigned

teachers to distribute the modules to the barangay were the students reside and

also collected payments from the students. From this scenario, the school

cashier encountered many problems like mismatch of total collection, student’s

payment was not recorded and advance payment will be requested by the use of

pc paper.

The registrar also encountered problems on posting of grades and subject

plotting because of no centralized database. And with this problems the

researcher is interested in conducting study in enrollment and billing system to

enable the school to generate reports on student records, receipt, student

accounts, subject and grades.

Statement of the Problems

The following statements were the problems encountered by the administration

and faculty;

In manual system, faculty encountered problem in perspective area;

 Cashier

1. Mismatch total of payments.

2. No proper records of advance payment.

3. No proper computation of students balance.

 Registrar

1. No proper posting of grades.

2. No proper plotting of subjects.

3. Not having Centralized database for School Records.

General Objectives

The study aimed to developed and implement an automated Enrollment

and Billing System for Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial College Inc. which make the

process of enrollment and billing less time consuming.

Specified Objectives:

1. To provide computerized enrollment registration.

2. To provide easy and systematic way of identifying enrollee status.

3. To provide fast method in billing transactions.

4. To provide fast and accurate records.

5. To provide automated calculation and posting of statement of

accounts and payment.

6. To provide system that can generate reports.

Significant of the Study

The computers provide convenience to its user through easier and faster

way of transactions.

The “Enrollment and Billing System for Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial

College Inc.” provides a technology way of retrieving and managing student’s


The study would be a great help to the following:

The School

The school deserves to provide an efficient, faster and accurate

enrollment system for the students and to attract more parents to enroll their

children. A lot of time will be lessen and saved with this system and make the

work easier. The system also will provide the faculty and staff easy access to the

student’s profiles, grades, accounts and schedules.

The Faculty and Staff

The proposed system will benefit the faculty and staff to lessen the time

and hassles during enrollment. It will also help the registrar and the cashier. All

the students’ record will be stored in the system database and acquiring

information by the users will be served with fewer delays, even decisions could

be made easily based on the latest input data.

The Future Researchers

The study will provide the necessary information in developing a

computerized enrollment system. The future researcher can improve their system

by making this as their guide.

Scope and limitation of the Study

This Enrollment and Billing System as intended only for the members of

the Faculty, Staff and Administrator of Romeo Rodrigo Memorial College

Incorporated. The system can be used only by an authorized school members

like faculty, staff and administrator because they are the one who knows the

information and they are the one who knows to use the system. Students are not

allowed to use the system because it is limited to users and the system has its

own security features like log-in that only administrators can access the system.

The system has the ability to save, record and edit data and important

information about the students, teachers and school. The system has the

following features:

 Admin can register student information, Course and Subject

 Admin can register posting students grades

 Admin can register assign course in every students

 Cashier can print students accounts bills

 Cashier can generate receipt

 Registrar can generate students list report

 Registrar can generate reports in subject plotting

 Registrar can generate reports list by courses

The researcher used visual studio as the programming language (PL) for front

end and MySQL as the database back end.

Definition of terms

Enrollment – it is the process in which a student is being admitted to the

institution. This includes the listing of information or data about the student and

subject he/she will be enrolled.

Students – refers to a college student who is officially enrolled in RRSMCI and

can be further categorized as new, old transferee.

Billing – The total amount of the cost of goods or services billed to a customer,

usually covering purchases made or services rendered within a specified period

of time.

Administrator – A person responsible for maintenance of a computer system or

computer network.

Data – An item of factual information derived from measurement or research.

Database – Consist of an organized collection of data for one or more uses,

typically in digital form.

Software – Written programs, procedures or rules and associated

documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are

stored in read/write memory.

Software Development – is the development of a software product in a planned

and structured process.



Local Literature

In this chapter the researchers present the research methods, sources of

data, data gathering tools, procedure of the study and data treatment in making

and designing the “EBS (Enrollment and Billing System) Based Registration in

the System of Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial College Incorporated main registrar.

According to the thesis documents made by Ibay, Villegas, Madisa,

Clemen and abenes (2014) applying the automation of the enrollment system of

a school will significantly help the staffs and management in organizing the

information of the students. This system will help the officials to look for certain

information in just a matter of few clicks without having to look for it under a

drawer with piles of papers. In an educational institution, a smooth-flowing

method of data recording is essential.

According to Source (2009-2010) the enrollment system will automatically

get the student’s subject/section for hassle-free enrollment, this is for student

without any pending back subject while for students with pending back subject,

they still need to meet their department chairs/coordinator first for the advising of

subjects before using the enrollment system. According to The Global Online

Enrollment System (GOES) (2015) Enrollment System allows registered users to

enter their own applications for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

Trusted Traveler Programs, and approved members to edit their information as

needed (mistakes on the original application cannot be corrected once the

application is certified - your mistakes will need to be brought to the attention of

CBP during your interview). Once a completed application is certified by the

applicant and the non-refundable payment is successfully processed, CBP will

review it and determine whether or not to conditionally approve the application. If

your application is conditionally approved, your GOES account will be updated to

instruct you to schedule an appointment for an interview. Every individual who

would like to apply for membership - children included and multiple applicants in

one household- must create a separate account within GOES, submit a separate

application, and schedule a separate interview appointment upon conditional


According to the case study from the website of,

Computerization is a control system that manages processes in industrial

workplace. It reduced human errors and processing time, thus it can boost

productivity and resulted into high quality of product produce. In Information

System, computerization is concerned about interrelating different but

interdependent transactions. This can result in a system with well-integrated

processes that can perform much faster and more accurate than a manual

system. Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of student to

register on a particular school. Different interrelated processes build up

enrollment procedures called Enrollment System.

According to the case study of Governor Andres Pascual College, Over

two decades, effective enrollment management is going to be critical to the future

of tuition/enrollment-dependent College and universities, especially in state

where the number of high school graduate is expected to decline by 30-40%


1984).This paper outline the conceptual framework, design, and implementation

plan for building decision-support system for enrollment management at the

college level private, comprehensive university. It begins with a brief overview of

the enrollment system. As a concept, the computer-hardware environment, and

the fourth-generation software tools used to implement the system.

According to Pascual, Robert, John G. Rico, and Vincent Joel T., A web-

based Enrollment System is developed to help both old and new students to

enroll in a more efficient way without the hassles of waiting long hours just to fill

up forms, which sometimes become redundant, or to stand in line and pay at the

cashier. It is the web-based enrollment system for VPS that this new style of

enrollment may be achieved. The new type of system offers the student with the

new options in enrolling in VPS.

Foreign Literature

According to Lovelock, Wirtz & Chew (2009), Online Enrollment System

(OES) is one kind of Self-Service Technologies because students use it to take

their orders from the service (RMIT) by themselves. By using EOS, students as

well as RMIT have some advantages; Firstly, EOS can help students save time

for a reason that they can avoid many unnecessary steps, such as waiting in

many lines to get the form, filling the form and waiting for supervisor to get

advices. In addition, for some students living far from RMIT they can also save

time and transport cost since they are able to directly enroll their courses by EOS

without going to RMIT.

According to, (2011) enrollment is the process of entering

and verifying data of students to register on a particular school. Different

interrelated processes build up enrollment procedures called Enrollment System

(ES). ES are used particularly in recording and retrieving student information.

Tracking student information is also one feature of ES, in which the school can

trace the standing of a student. Verifying payment was also added to update or

browse student billings.

According to School Office Pro (2012) School Enrollment Software tools

allow you to easily create, modify, and deploy forms to an online parent portal.

This allows you to reap the benefit of a massive cost reduction in your annual

enrollment and registration process. No more paper to lose, no more trying to

figure out what the parent wrote. Instead you end up with clear validated data

that is ready for your student management system.

According to the website of (2013) an online enrollment

system can collect all the information into a central hub, making it easy to access

and modify. Registration information is instantly added to the database without

the need to enter the information into a registry by hand. This dramatically

speeds up the registration process, frees up employees to do more useful tasks

and increases accuracy by cutting down on the number of data entry

errors. Errors that could cause problems faced by the Boston school district —

such as false addresses and students who have relocated — can be caught and

immediately corrected.

Based on the definition from Webster ne collegiate Dictionary(1997),

School is defined as an organized that provides instruction, an institution for

teaching the children and an institution to special higher education often

associated with university. Computer helps the school by reducing manual

working and providing faster and more accurate information about the students.

A non- computerized enrollment system would definitely yield to a lot of

difficulties. Provides the student with organized school by means of computerized

enrollment system is one of its needs.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1(see page 13) shows the conceptual design for the study having

input, process, feedback and outputs as variable of the framework.

The first categories are input to the system which includes User, Students

Information, Subject, Course, and School Year. These inputs are main sources of

the data to be processed.

The process variable is outcome generated by implementing RRSMCI

Enrolment and Billing System.

The output categories is the result generated from the process variable. Through

the use of RRSMCI Enrolment and Billing System it will give a satisfactory output

in Students Accounts Reports, Billing Statements, and can generates receipt

when payment transaction comes. Furthermore, reports are efficiently and

generated from the said system. The user friendly-interface is featured in the

system is organized.

Figure 1 Conceptual Framework

Source of Data

The sources of data for this study were the Administration, Registrar

Office, and Cashier of Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial College Inc.

Data gathering

The study aimed to developed an application which acts as a desktop

application version of the current system that is being used by the faculty and

staff. The current system uses a personal computer with stand-alone application

software to interact with the registrar and other branches of office in school. The

application is made from a desk top application platform that generates grades

and balance to be viewed by the users.

Data Treatment

Frequency counts and percentage were used to analyze the data.

Procedure of the Study

Data and process modeling is an open-source framework for working with

requirements. It consists of a core allowing reading, writing, manipulating data,

the input is the primary act to do, and this was the data used in the system. Then,

the process analyzes the data and displays this in an output of the system. The

process is where the student is validated and the grades and balance will be

fetched. The output is the final sequence of the system. It involves the viewing of

grades and balance.


Innovation have made possible for the operations of the computer easy

enough in processing record systems such as, creation of data records, storing,

filing and retrieval of data. Through the development of Information and

Communications Technology, people nowadays are living in the so called digital

world. Because of this trend, even schools and universities are taking their steps

to be a part of digital community. Portals have risen in popularity as a way of

collecting, organizing and presenting content in a highly uniform, customizable

and personalized. It is commonly used in colleges and universities where prompt

information and necessary updates must be readily available to a large number



Procedures of the Study

The researcher in conducting the study observed the following procedure:

1. The researcher secured permission to conduct a research study to the

Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial College Incorporated administrator.

2. The researcher interviewed the RRSMCI students, cashier, registrar

working students, bookkeeper and student account clerk to obtain

problems about the present Enrollment and Billing System.

3. The researcher asked to the Registrar Office to find information regarding

this study.

4. The researcher designed the system to give solution to the identified


5. The researcher pre-implemented the upgraded EBS base in Registrar

management system for RRSMCI registrar.

6. The researcher distributed post-implementation questionnaires to know if

the RRSMCI students, registrar working students, bookkeeper, student

account clerk, and cashier are satisfied in the newly developed EBS base

on registrar management system.

7. Lastly, the result of the study where documented.



This chapter presented the study on the “design and implementation of

(EBS) Enrollment and Billing System in Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial College

Incorporated”, M’lang Cotabato, to determine the operational, Technical and

economic feasibility and show the estimated software and the possible user who

adopt the system.

Respondent of the Study

The primary users of “Enrollment and Billing System of Romeo Rodrigo

Sr. Memorial College Inc. were the cashier, student accounts clerk, bookkeeper,

registrar and staff, registrar working students, faculty and stuff and school

administrator. The user (Cashier, Students Accounts Clerk, Bookkeeper Staff

and working of the registrar) are responsible in handling the introduced system.

Operational Feasibility

The Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial College Incorporated Registrar Office

and Student of RRSMCI are the main concern of the new system. The new

system is designed to be user-friendly that the persons responsible can use it

confidently and easily.

Technical Feasibility

The researchers have determined that the technology needed for the

system is already available.

The specification and capabilities of the computers in the said office meets

the demands of the system. Therefore, the researchers stated that the software

was technically feasible to be implemented since the equipment needed for

implementing the system were already available in the said office.

Hardware Specification

Since that the office already have a computer unit, these are the following

specification in order to implement the system.


1. Disk drive System 3. Input/ Output

-500 GB Hard disk Devices
2. Central processor
-2 GB of RAM
-Core i3

4. Power Supply
-Computer Voltage - Printer
Regulator 4. Power Supply
- Computer Voltage
-Uninterruptible Power
5. Internet Connection
5. Internet Connection

Software Specification
1. Disk Drive System
- 320 GB Hard Disk Drive
2. Central Processor 1. Operating System
- 2 GB of RAM -windows 10
- Core i3
2. Database
3. Input/ Output Devices
- Keyboard -MySql User

- Mouse
- Monitor

Economic Feasibility

The cost of the equipment’s is considered assuming. The researcher can

conclude that the system is economically feasible.


Based on the questionnaires and personal interviews and surveys, the

researchers found out that the faculty, staff and administrators of Romeo Rodrigo

Sr. Memorial College Incorporated are in favor to have an Enrollment and Billing

System. Enrollment and Billing System is helpful to the faculty, and staff and

administrator in order to have faster way of posting of announcements or news,

uploading and downloading of files. The researchers also found out that there are

some teachers at Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial College Inc. that are still

computers illiterate and refused to answer the survey questionnaire.

Cost Estimation of the Proposed System

1. Estimated System Development Cost

a. Programmer cost ……………………………………………………Php.8,000.00

b. Miscellaneous fee……………………………………………………Php.1000.00

c. Bond Paper…………………………………………………………...Php.300.00

d. Ink refilled (black and colored)……………………………………...Php.600.00

Subtotal …………………………....……………………………………...Php.9,900.00

2. Estimated Hardware cost (Server)


Estimated Hardware cost (Per User)


Users ……3 units


a. Printer………………………………………………………..Php.2,500.00

Subtotal ………………………………………………………....Php.2,500.00

Total cost of the


Cost implementation…………………………………………………….Php.9,900.00

Total Cost of theSystem………………………….


The office identify have already acquired computer units and printers and some of

hardware specifications of the server is already available.

Total Cost of the


Cost of the Hardware (Already Available)………………………………..


Total Cost of Implementation………………………………………………….Php.10,000.00


This study was presented through table with columns for the questions,

frequency percentage and interpretation rating.

Analysis is the study of nature relationship of variable. It also the resolution,

separating or breaking up anything into its consistent elements.

Responses of the respondents and the equivalent percentages and interpretation

ratings are shown below. (See Appendix)

Statistical Treatment

The researcher used the frequency and percentage formula in analyzing,

designing and gathering data.

Scaling Descriptive Rating

90-100% Very Satisfactory

80-89% Satisfactory

75-79% Fair

74% below Poor

Percentage formula: S=Ʃ x 100

S= Total percentage

Ʃ x= Frequency/Total number of response

TR= Total number of respondent

Table 1.a

Question Frequency Percentage Interpretation Rating

Is the new Yes No Yes No Yes No
system was
user friendly
or easy to
use? Very
5 0 100% 0% Satisfactory No

Using the percentage Formula:

Percentage formula: S=Ʃ x (100%)

S= Total Percentage
Ʃ x= Frequency/Total number of response
TR= total number of respondent

Yes No refuse to answer

S=Ʃ x (100%) S=Ʃ x (100%) S=Ʃ x (100%)


= 5(100%) = 5 (100%) = 5 (100%)

5 5 5

The table 1.a shows that 100% of the respondents answered yes and has

an interpretation of Very Satisfactory. This means that most respondents are in

favor that the system was user friendly or easy to use.

Table 1.b

Question Frequency Percentage Interpretation Rating

Does the Yes No Yes No Yes No
new system
can provide
record. Very
5 0 100% 0% Satisfactory No

Using the percentage Formula:

Percentage formula: S=Ʃ x (100%)

S= Total Percentage
Ʃ x= Frequency/Total number of response
TR= total number of respondent

Yes No refuse to answer

S=Ʃ x (100%) S=Ʃ x (100%) S=Ʃ x (100%)


= 5 (100%) = 5 (100%) = 5(100%)

5 5 5

The table 1.b shows that 100% of the respondents answered yes and has

an interpretation of Very Satisfactory. This means that most respondents were in

favor that the system can provide report of student record.

Table 1.c

Question Frequency Percentage Interpretation Rating

Does the Yes No Yes No Yes No
system has a
5 0 100% 0% Satisfactor No

Using the percentage Formula:

Percentage formula: S=Ʃ x (100%)

S= Total Percentage
Ʃ x= Frequency/Total number of response
TR= total number of respondent

Yes No refuse to answer

S=Ʃ x (100%) S=Ʃ x (100%) S=Ʃ x (100%)


= 5 (100%) = 5 (100%) = 5 (100%)

5 5 5

The table 1.c shows that 100% of the respondents answered yes and has

an interpretation of Very Satisfactory. This means the most respondents knows

that the system has a centralized database.

Table 1.d

Question Frequency Percentage Interpretation Rating

Is the subject Yes No Yes No Yes No
makes you
5 0 100% 0% Satisfactory No

Using the percentage Formula:

Percentage formula: S=Ʃ x (100%)

S= Total Percentage
Ʃ x= Frequency/Total number of response
TR= total number of respondent

Yes No refuse to answer

S=Ʃ x (100%) S=Ʃ x (100%) S=Ʃ x (100%)


= 5 (100%) = 5(100%) = 5 (100%)

5 5 5

The table 1.d shows that 100% of the respondents answered yes and has

an interpretation of Very Satisfactory. This means the most respondents were

comfortable of the subject plotting.

Table 1.e

Question Frequency Percentage Interpretation Rating

The student Yes No Yes No Yes No
record is
accurate than
the previous Very
transaction? 5 0 100% 0% Satisfactory No

Using the percentage Formula:

Percentage formula: S=Ʃ x (100%)

S= Total Percentage
Ʃ x= Frequency/Total number of response
TR= total number of respondent

Yes No refuse to answer

S=Ʃ x (100%) S=Ʃ x (100%) S=Ʃ x (100%)


= 5 (100%) = 5 (100%) = 5 (100%)

5 5 5

The table 1.e shows that 100% of the respondents answered yes and has

an interpretation of Very Satisfactory. This means that most respondents are in

favor that the system has a satisfactory output.

Table 1.f

Question Frequency Percentage Interpretation Rating

The system Yes No Yes No Yes No
answered the
problem from
transaction? Very
5 0 100% 0% Satisfactory No

Using the percentage Formula:

Percentage formula: S=Ʃ x (100%)

S= Total Percentage
Ʃ x= Frequency/Total number of response
TR= total number of respondent

Yes No refuse to answer

S=Ʃ x (100%) S=Ʃ x (100%) S=Ʃ x (100%)


= 5(100%) = 5(100%) = 5(100%)

5 5 5

The table 1.f shows that 100% of the respondents answered yes and has

an interpretation of Very Satisfactory. This means the most respondents were in

favor that the system can answer the problem form previous transactions.

Screen Designs

Figure 1. Enrollment and Billing System User Login

Figure 1 shows the login procedure. The user is ask to input valid username and
password. Only valid entries will enable the user to proceed to the main menu. A
table of username and password was stored in a database.

Figure 2. Main Menu

Figure 2 shows the main menu of enrollment and account system; above are the
sub menus which are accessed through the command menu strips at the top of
the screen.
Figure 3. Student

Figure 3 shows the student list that have been registered, their record and course
assignment that they want to take.

Figure 3.1 Student Registration

Figure 3.1 shows the student registration. The students information gathered will
be registered in the system.
Figure 3.1.1 ADD Student Record

Figure 3.1.1 shows the ADD student record. The confirmation that new student
record was successfully added.

Figure 3.1.2 EDIT Student Record

Figure 3.1.2 shows the EDIT student record. It shows the confirmation that new
student record was successfully updated.
Figure 3.1.3 DELETE Student Record

Figure 3.1.3 shows the DELETE students record. It shows a confirmation that
new students record was successfully deleted.

Figure 3.2 Student Record Report

Figure 3.2 shows the student record report. It enable the user to input the course,
specialization/ major and year level of the student.
Figure 3.2.1 Student Record

Figure 3.2.1 shows student course specialization/ major, year level. It also shows
the printed student record.

Figure 3.3 Course Assignment

Figure 3.3 shows the course assignment of the student. It enables the user to
input or add a student and shows their course, specialization/ major, year level.
Figure 3.3.1 ADD Course Assignment

Figure 3.3.1 shows ADD course assignment the confirmation that new course
assignment was successfully added.

Figure 3.3.2 EDIT Course Assignment

Figure 3.3.2 shows EDIT course assignment the confirmation that new course
assignment was successfully updated.
Figure 3.3.3 DELETE Course Assignment

Figure 3.3.3 shows DELETE course assignment the confirmation that new
course assignment was successfully deleted.

Figure 3.4 Course Assignment

Figure shows the course assignment of the student. It shows the list of registered
students with their course specialization/ major, year level.
Figure 4. Billing Assignment

Figure 4 shows the billing. It shows the total account of the student to be paid.
Figure 4.1. Billing Statement of account

Figure 4.1 shows the statement if account posted.
Figure 5. Management

Figure 5 shows management part. It includes the User, Course, and School
Figure 5.1 Management User

Figure 5.1 shows the management user. It enable to choose whether the user is
the admin or the server.
Figure 5.2 ADD Management User

Figure 5.2 shows ADD management user. It shows a confirmation that a new
management user was successfully added.
Figure 5.3 EDIT Management User

Figure 5.3 shows EDIT management user the confirmation that new
management user was successfully updated.
Figure 5.4 DELETE Management User

Figure 5.4 shows DELETED management user the confirmation that new
management user was successfully deleted.
Figure 6.1 Management School Year

Figure 6.1 shows enable user input what school year and semester that student
has been enrolled.
Figure 6.2 ADD Management School Year

Figure 6.2 shows ADD management school year the confirmation that new
school year was successfully added.
Figure 6.3 EDIT Management School Year

Figure 6.3 shows EDIT management school year the confirmation that new
school year was successfully updated.
Figure 6.4 EDIT Management School Year

Figure 6.4 shows DELETE management school year the confirmation that new
school year was successfully deleted.
Figure 7. Subjects

Figure 7 shows the list of registered subjects, the subject plotting, posting grade
and subject taken to be printed by the user.
Figure 7.1 Subject Registration

Figure 7.1 enable the user to choose and add subject in every student that has
been enrolled.
Figure 7.1.1 ADD Subject

Figure 7.1.1 shows ADD subject registration the confirmation that new subject
registration was successfully added.
Figure 7.1.2 EDIT Subject

Figure 7.1.2 shows EDIT subject registration the confirmation that new subject
registration was successfully updated.
Figure 7.1.3 DELETE Subject

Figure 7.1.3 shows DELETE subject registration the confirmation that new
subject registration was successfully deleted.
Figure 7.2 Subject Plotting

Figure 7.2 shows enable the user to input subject to the student and add to the

Figure 7.2.1 Plotting

Figure 7.2.1 shows that the subject has been added.

Figure 7.3 Posting Grade

Figure 7.3 show that user post grade in every subject of a student.

Figure 7.3.1 Grade Posted

Figure 7.3.1 show that grade was successfully posted by the system.
Figure 7.4 Print Subject Taken

Figure 7.4 shows that user have to print subject taken by the students.

Figure 7.4.1 Subject printed

Figure 7.4.1 shows the successfully printed subject taken by the student.



This chapter presented the summary of the study, the formulated

conclusions and the researcher’s recommendations.


The researchers have introduce a new trend of communication that can be

used at Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial College Incorporated. The researchers

distributed post-implement questionnaire, which contains “yes” or “no” options.

The “yes” answer means favorable and “no” answers means unfavorable.

This study was designed to create and developed an Enrollment and

Billing System intended only for Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial College

Incorporated. This system will allow the user to create his/her own profile, create

subject/ topic and response into form. The system can upload and download files

for school purposes only.

The researchers found out that Enrollment and billing system is very

helpful for the faculty, staff, and administrators of Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial

College Incorporated in terms of private conversation, posting of announcements

and upload and download of files.

The researchers found out that there are some numbers of teachers who

are not exposed to the modern technology.


The following conclusions were drawn from the findings:

a. The Enrollment and Billing System was useful in sharing of ideas

among the faculty and staff of RRSMCI;

b. The Enrollment and Billing System is an excellent source of

information trend topics on forum.

c. The Enrollment and Billing System was helpful to the members of the

RRSMCI to get exposed on other way of communication.

d. The Enrollment and Billing System is useful in terms of file sharing

(documents, excel, PowerPoint, FLV, Mp3 and other file to be

downloaded and uploaded).

e. The Enrollment and Billing System can give assistance for the privacy

of user account and conversation.


After further review of the findings and analysis of data, a recommendation

is presented:

1. The researchers/ recommend to the next researcher the use of

web-based that can connect to current system database.

2. The researchers/ recommends /that all teachers of RRSMCI

must have a centralize database for students data and other


3. The researchers/ recommend that the RRSMCI must have a

higher specs of computer to handle a system with higher

quantity of hard drive it should be solid state drive if possible.

4. The researchers /recommend that the system will be

implemented starting next enrolment.

5. The researchers /recommend conducting tutorial for the faculty,

staff, administrator and other that will possibly use the system.

6. The researchers/ recommend/ the administration to

acknowledge the efforts of the researchers.









(Letter of Permission)

SPA College Inc.,Mlang Campus

Rizal St.,Mlang Cotabato

December 04, 2023

Engr. Andrew Rodrigo MPA

Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial College
Mlang, Cotabato

Dear Sir;

A Good day!

I heard from your technical support and laboratory in-charge Mark

John M. Baltazar MPA that your school uses a manual system in terms of
enrolment and billing.
In this connection I would like to ask permission from your good
office to conduct an interview for my thesis proposal entitled Romeo
Rodrigo Sr. Memorial College Enrolment and Billing System. This study
can provide a systemize outcomes regarding students profiling, and other
transaction of the school.
I am hoping for your positive response.

Respectfully Yours, Noted by:

Pedro Samulde Prof. Mark John M. Baltazar,


Researcher Adviser



SPA College Inc.,Mlang Campus

Rizal St.,Mlang Cotabato

M’lang, Cotabato

Please answer the following question honestly. Check the corresponding

boxes provided for your answer. Please do not leave any number unanswered.

Rests assure that your answers will be kept in confidential.

Name :( Optional) __________________________________________________

Respondents: Faculty and Staff of Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial

College Inc.

Question Yes No
1. Are you willing to upgrade manual enrolment system to
computerize system?
2. Is your student profiling systemize and organize?
3. Does the cashier can generate a receipt that can auto
save to the database?
4. Are you comfortable to your usual transaction for subject
5. Is the grade posting of your usual transaction easy to use
by spreadsheet?
6. Is usual transaction give a perfect result of student

SPA College Inc.,Mlang Campus

Rizal St.,Mlang Cotabato

M’lang, Cotabato

Please answer the following question honestly. Check corresponding

boxes provided for your answer. Please do not leave any number unanswered.

Rests assure that your answers will be kept in confidential.

Name :( Optional) __________________________________________________

Respondents: Faculty and Staff of Romeo Rodrigo Sr. Memorial

College Inc.

Question Yes No
1. Is the new system is user friendly or easy to use?
2. Does the new system can provide student record report?
3. Does the system has a centralize database?
4. Is the subject plotting makes you comfortable?
5. The student is more accurate than the previous
6. Does the system answers the problem from previous


(Entity Relationship Diagram)


(Data Dictionary)

Data Dictionary

Column Name Data type Definition
iduserAccount Integer Unique identifier for UserAccount
Uname Varchar(45) username

Pass Varchar(45) password
status Varchar(45) Status of the user
position Varchar(45) Position of user
Name Varchar(45) Full name of user

Column Name Data type Definition
idStudents Integer Unique identifier for Student
Lname Varchar(45) Student’s Last name
Fname Varchar(45) Student’s First name
Mname Varchar(45) Student’s Middle name
Address Varchar(150) Student’s Address
Age Integer Student’s Age
gender Varchar(45) Student’s gender
RElem Varchar(95) School where Student’s Graduated of Elementary
REdate Varchar(45) Year graduated of Elementary
RHS Varchar(95) School where Student’s Graduated of High School
RHSdate Varchar(45) Year graduated of High School
Status Varchar(45) Student’s
id school_year Integer Unique identifier for Id school_year
TransFrom Varchar(45) Another school
Estatus Varchar(45) Students
CivilStatus Varchar(45) Single
Contactnumber Varchar(45) Cellphone number of every Students
Birthdate Date Student’s Birthday
Sufix Varchar(45) Junior,Senior

Column Name Data type Definition
Idcourse Integer Unique Identifier for Course
Coursename Varchar(45) Student’s Course
Major Varchar(45) Student’s Major
Abbreviation Varchar(45)

Column Name Data type Definition
idcourseassign Integer Unique Identifier for Id courseassign
Idcourse Integer Unique Identifier for Id course
Idschool_year Integer Unique Identifier for Id schoolyear

Idstudents Integer Unique Identifier for Id student’s
Ylvl Varchar(45) Student’s Year Level

Column Name Data type Definition
Id_subject Integer Unique Identifier for Id Subject
ccode Varchar(45) Course code of every Subject
cid Varchar(45) Student’s course Id
cdescription Varchar(145) Course description of every Student’s
Cunits Integer Unique Identifier for units of every subject

Sub Ploting
Column Name Data type Definition
Id_subplot Integer Unique Identifier for Subject Plotting
Idsubject Integer Unique Identifier for Subjects
idstudents Integer Unique identifier for Student’s
Idschool_year Integer Unique Identifier for School Year
Grade Integer Unique Identifier for Student’s Grade

School Year
Column Name Data type Definition
Idschool_year Integer Unique Identifier for School Year
YearFrom Varchar(45) Year of Student’s Start
Status Varchar(45) Active or Inactive
Sem Varchar(45) First Semester and Second Semester
Year to Varchar(45) Year of student’s end

Column Name Data type Definition

Idbilling Integer Unique Identifier for Billing
idcourse Integer Unique Identifier for Course
Idschool_year Integer Unique Identifier for School Year
idstudents Integer Unique Identifier for Student’s
idcourseassign Integer Unique Identifier for Course Assign
Oaccounts Decimal(10,2) Statements of Accounts
Mfee Decimal(10,2) Miscellaneous fee every Semester
ROTC Decimal(10,2) ROTC accounts
Other Fee Decimal(10,2) Projects, etc.

Column Name Data type Definition
Id payment Integer Unique Identifier for Payment
Paydate Datetime Exact Date and Time for Payment
Idstudents Integer Unique Identifier for Student’s
Idschool_year Integer Unique Identifier for School Year
Idcourse Integer Unique Identifier for Course
Idcourseassign Integer Unique Identifier for Course Assign
POaccount Decimal(10,2) Payment of Account in every Semester
PMfee Decimal(10,2) Payment Miscellanous Fee
Protc Decimal(10,2) ROTC payment
Pother Decimal(10,2) Other Payment


(Official Receipt)


(Use Case Diagram)


Enrollment Use Case


Name: Enrollment

Actor: Registrar

Description: Describe the process used when the registrar gathered

information from enrolled student to save all data to


Successful of Completion: The student information will be add, edit, update and delete in

the system.

Alternative: None

Precondition: The student should give his/her information.

Post Condition: Student information will save to the system.

Assumption: None


Subject Plotting Use Case



Name: Subject Plotting

Actor: Registrar

Description: Describes the process when registrar can add, assign

subject in every student enrolled.

Successful of Completion: The subject will be add, edit, and delete to the system.

Alternative: None

Precondition: The subject should input in the system.

Post Condition: Subject record and save to the system.

Assumption: None


Course assignment Use Case

Course assignment

Name: Course assignment

Actor: Registrar

Description: Describes the process when registrar identify the course

assignment of every student enrolled and save to the


Successful of Completion: The course information of student will be add and edit by the


Alternative: None

Precondition: The course data of student should be input and save in the


Post Condition: Course data and information of students recorded to the


Assumption: None


Billing Use Case


Name: Billing

Actor: Cashier

Description: Describe the process used by which students can inquire

their billing accounts through the cashier.

Successful of Completion: The cashier will add, and edit the accounts of students in

the system.

Alternative: None

Precondition: The cashier will give accounts report to the student.

Post Condition: Cashier recorded the accounts report of students in the


Assumption: None


Payment Use Case


Name: Payment

Actor: Cashier

Description: Describes the process which student’s pay their accounts in

the cashier and cashier will received their payments.

Successful of Completion: The cashier will received and add payments report in the


Alternative: None

Precondition: The student’s should give his/her payments to the cashier.

Post Condition: The student’s payment reports recorded to the system.

Assumption: None


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