IJPR - An Intelligent Approach To Robust Multi-Response Process Design
IJPR - An Intelligent Approach To Robust Multi-Response Process Design
IJPR - An Intelligent Approach To Robust Multi-Response Process Design
1. Introduction
Customer driven quality, in terms of meeting and exceeding customers’ expectation and
adding value to the customers, is one of the most emphasised issues in a modern industry.
In order to ensure high-quality of products in a highly competitive market, the transition
from approximation- or experience-based approaches to the knowledge-based approach
in translating customers’ expectations into design of industrial processes is required.
From another perspective, the majority of industrial processes generate products
characterised by several quality characteristics (responses) due to increased demand for
products with high complexity. Hence, the multi-response design has become a significant
topic in today’s manufacturing sector.
Implementation of the advanced cost-effective methodologies for product and/or
process quality improvement, such as Taguchi’s method, has been proven effective to fulfil
or exceed customers’ expectations. Taguchi’s robust design has been successfully used in
many single-response problems, but to date, the original Taguchi method has not proved
appropriate for designing or optimising the multi-response problems; the sole path was
relying on engineers’ judgement.
This paper presents an intelligent, general and integrative approach to the multi-
response process design based on Taguchi’s off-line static robust parameter design. The
intelligent system model for the multi-response robust process design (hereafter referred to
as IS_MR_RPD) was developed, composed of three stages: design of experiment,
processing and analysis of experimental data, and process modelling and optimisation.
In the first stage of the IS_MR_RPD application, by using expert system for the design
of experiment (ES_DoE) developed within the model, selection of the experimental plan
was performed with respect to the number of control and noise process parameters and
their levels, enclosing inner and outer orthogonal arrays.
After performing the experimental trials according to the selected experimental plan
and collection of experimental data for all responses, in the second stage experimental data
was transformed into corresponding Taguchi quality losses. Further data transformation
was performed by applying principal component analysis (PCA) to uncorrelated quality
losses of responses and grey relational analysis (GRA), resulting in formation of a
synthetic process performance measure based on the customer’s specifications for all
In the third stage, artificial neural networks (ANNs) were employed to model the
relationship between the synthetic process performance measure and process parameters,
presenting an objective function for a genetic algorithm (GA). The GA ensures
convergence to the global optimal parameter settings, by searching for the optimal
values among all possible solutions in a continual multidimensional space.
In the proposed model, analytic relationships between responses and process
parameters are unknown; the model does not imply any assumptions regarding the type
of process, type and number of process parameters, type and number of responses,
existence of correlations between responses or process parameters, or their interrelations.
In order to verify the proposed approach, the IS_MR_RPD was applied on the design
of a thermosonic wire bonding process, which is the most important process in
semiconductor assembly used to interconnect the integrated circuitry of the die to the
external world. The observed microelectronic device is used in automotive applications;
hence, the related production and assembly processes must meet the specific and rigorous
demands of the automotive market thus ensuring robust and reliable service of the
automotive device.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 presents a literature review. In
Section 3 the proposed IS_MR_RPD is described, drawing on the Taguchi quality loss
function, multivariate statistical methods and artificial intelligence techniques.
Implementation of the IS_MR_RPD on the design of a thermosonic copper wire bonding
process is explained in Section 4. Final notes regarding this study are included in the last
2. Literature review
Multi-response design has become an increasingly emphasised issue in complex industrial
processes, particularly in situations where more than one correlated response must be
assessed simultaneously. However, most available procedures based on Taguchi’s method
have not proved fully functional for optimising the multi-response problem, especially in
a case of correlated responses.
Many recent studies were centred on solving multi-response optimisation problems.
International Journal of Production Research 5081
presents an integrated system for wire bonding process optimisation. Tong et al.’s (2004)
approach is based on case-based reasoning, ANN and GA, dedicated to optimise transfer
moulding of electronic packages. The mentioned GA-based approaches are designed to
optimise a particular manufacturing process; hence, they are not suitable for general
The proposed IS_MR_RPD attempts to overcome the deficiencies of the above
methods, owing to the novel procedure that employs:
. Taguchi’s quality loss function that adequately represents relative financial
significance of each response and simultaneously assesses the response mean and
. Multivariate statistical methods PCA and GRA to uncorrelate and synthesise
responses in such a way to ensure that the weights of responses in a synthetic
performance measure are based on the total variance of the original responses,
thus improving objectivity of the analysis;
. Artificial intelligence techniques to provide correct process modelling (ANN) and
ensure the global optimal solution (GA) in terms of the optimal process
parameters setting found in a continual multidimensional space that meets
customer demands for all responses.
As defined by Taguchi, the average quality loss is L ¼ K MSD, where L is the existing
average loss per unit, K is the coefficient, and MSD is the sample mean square deviation
when n units of a product are measured (Taguchi 1986, Peace 1993) as follows:
8 n
> 1X 2
> y, for STB
> n i¼1 i
<1X n
n1 2
MSD ¼ ðyi mÞ2 ¼ s þ ðy mÞ2 , for NTB
> n n
> i¼1
> 1X n
> y2 , for LTB,
n i¼1 i
where y is measurable statistic of response; STB, NTB, and LTB are smaller-the-better,
nominal-the-best, and larger-the-better responses, respectively; y is the sample mean, and
s2 is the sample variance of n units.
Step 2: Transform the average quality loss into normalised quality loss (NQL)
Quality loss QLik of the ith (i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , p) response in the kth (k ¼ 1, 2, . . . , m) trial is:
QLik ¼ K MSD0ik ¼ 10 10
and it can be transformed into the normalised value NQLi(k) (NQLi(k) 2 [0, 1]):
min QLik
QLik |{z}
NQLi ðkÞ ¼ :
max QLik |{z}
|ffl{zffl} min QLik
i i
Step 3: Perform PCA on the NQL data and obtain the principal component scores Yi(k)
Principal component analysis (PCA) is considered as an effective means of determining
a small number of uncorrelated linear combinations which account for most of the
5084 T.V. Sibalija et al.
variance in the original number of responses. All principal components are uncorrelated
with each other. The sum of variances of the principal components (eigenvalues) is equal
to the sum of variances of the original responses.
Since this approach considers the general case where correlations among responses
exist, PCA is performed on the NQL data resulting in a set of uncorrelated components.
In contrast to the usual practice where only components with eigenvalues greater than or
equal to one are considered (Su and Tong 1997, Antony 2000), here, in order to involve the
total variance of the original data, principal component scores include all components.
The number of principal components and the number of components of an eigenvector
correspond to the number of responses. If a component of an eigenvector of the first
principal component PC1 is denoted as I1i, (i ¼ 1, . . . , p), the multi-response performance
statistics corresponding to PC1 for NQL could be expressed as:
Y1 ðkÞ ¼ I1i NQLik :
The larger the Yi(k) value, the better is the performance of the product/process.
Step 4: Perform GRA on principal component score Yi(k)
Grey relational analysis (GRA) provides an effective means of dealing with one event
that involves multiple decisions and deals with poor, incomplete and uncertain data.
Here, GRA is performed on the transformed principal scores, resulting in a single
multi-response performance measure that adequately takes into account all, possibly
correlated, response values with respect to the customer’s specifications. The weights used
in the presented method for determining the multi-response performance statistic are
based on the variance of the original responses (from PCA), which results in improved
objectivity of the experimental analysis.
GRA is performed on the absolute value of the principal component scores Yi(k). The
linear data pre-processing method is employed to transform the principal component
scores jYi(k)j into a set of standardised multi-response performance statistics Zi(k),
expressed as follows:
max Yi ðkÞ Yi ðkÞ
Zi ðkÞ ¼
max min Yi ðkÞ ,
|ffl{zffl} Yi ðkÞ |{z}
i i
max Yi ðkÞand |{z}
|ffl{zffl} min Yi ðkÞ
i i
are the maximal and the minimal value of jYi(k)j for the ith response, respectively.
The grey relational coefficient i ðkÞ is:
min Zi ðkÞ Z0 ðiÞ þ & |ffl{zffl}
min |{z}
|{z} max Zi ðkÞ Z0 ðiÞ
max |ffl{zffl}
i i
i ðkÞ ¼ k k ,
Zi ðkÞ Z0 ðiÞ þ & max max Zi ðkÞ Z0 ðiÞ
|ffl{zffl} |ffl{zffl}
i k
where Z0(i) are ideal sequences with a value of 1, and & is called the distinguishing
coefficient (& 2 ½0; 1).
International Journal of Production Research 5085
The grey relational grade k is calculated by a weighted mean, where the weight is
determined by the percentage of variance of the response NQL in PCA:
k ¼ !i i ðkÞ,
In this approach, the grey relational grade k is adopted as the synthetic performance
measure of a multi-response process.
Step 5: Calculate the factor effects and obtain the optimal parameter conditions
Knowing the synthetic performance measure values and process parameter (factor)
values for all experimental trials, it is possible to calculate the effects of factors on the
synthetic performance measure for all factor levels used in the experiment. By selecting the
maximum of factor effects on the multi-response performance statistic k , the optimal
parameter conditions can be obtained (hereafter, the above procedure described in Stage II
is referred to as the factor effects approach) (Sibalija and Majstorovic 2009).
The shortcoming of the factor effects approach is that it considers only those discrete
factor values that were used in experimental trials.
of various complex functions (i.e., Tong et al. 2004). BP learning employs a gradient
descent algorithm to minimise the mean square error (MSE) between the target data and
the ANN predictions.
During the training process, the learning rate controls the amount by which weights are
changed and the momentum avoids a major disruption of the direction of learning in a
presence of outliers in the training set. A smaller learning rate and larger momentum
reduce the likelihood that ANN will find weights that are a local, but not global minimum
(Hsu 2001). Thus, the adopted values for training parameters are: learning rate ¼ 0:01
and momentum factor ¼ 0:9.
Step 2: Selection of the best ANN
Determining the number of hidden neurones is critical in the design of an ANN. Since
the process modelling is the most sensitive part of this model, various ANNs with different
architecture (number of hidden neurons) are developed in MatlabTM until MSE of 103 is
achieved. The best ANN is chosen according to the minimum MSE criterion (mean square
error between the original (target) data and actual network output). The coefficient of
correlation between the original data and the actual network output (R value) is also
considered, with the acceptance level of 0.9 (Sibalija 2009). The training, testing and
verification data were obtained from the experimental results.
Step 3: Development of GAs with different selection and crossover functions
The trained neural model presents an objective (fitness) function for the GA. The GA,
by maximising the objective function finds the optimal parameter values among all
possible solutions in a continual multidimensional space and hence ensures convergence to
the global optimum. A GA was chosen for optimisation due to the following reasons: GA
is proven as a potent multiple-directional heuristic search method for optimising highly
non-linear, non-convex and complex functions; it is less likely to become trapped at a local
optimum than traditional gradient-based search methods (Ortiz et al. 2004, Roy and
Mehnen 2008).
In order to obtain the optimal performance of a GA, a large number of parameters
must be tuned.
According to the results of analysis (Ortiz et al. 2004), the choice of the basic GA’s
operations (selection and crossover functions) depends on the application (optimisation
problem). In order to consider the specifics of each particular problem and to enhance the
generality of the proposed model, nine GAs are developed in MatlabTM, employing the
most commonly used types of selection function (‘stochastic uniform’, ‘roulette wheel’
and ‘tournament’) and crossover function (‘single point’, ‘two point’ and ‘arithmetic’)
(Sibalija 2009).
Since the parameters setting obtained by the factor effects approach presents a
potentially good solution of the observed multi-response problem, it serves as a basis to
form the initial population in GAs. This feature is of essential importance because it allows
a GA to converge to the global optimum faster and enhance its capability to find the
global optimum in the given number of generations (Sibalija 2009).
The rest of the GA’s operating parameters are: natural chromosomes presentation;
population size equal or larger than five times dimensionality (number of process
parameters); reproduction parameters: elite count ¼ 2, crossover fraction ¼ 0.9; mutation
function is ‘adaptive feasible’ (Sibalija 2009).
International Journal of Production Research 5087
4. Implementation
4.1 Problem description
This study discusses the design of a thermosonic copper wire bonding process for the
assembly of microelectronic devices used in automotive applications.
Thermosonic wire bonding is the most widely used assembly technique in the
semiconductor industry, used to interconnect the internal circuitry of the die to the
external world. This method uses bond force, bond power, time, temperature and
ultrasonic energy to form the ball bonds at the die pads and welds at the output leads.
The main elements of the microelectronic device are: the die with internal circuitry and
output leads. In the microelectronic assembly, a gold wire is the most commonly used
interconnection material in the wire bonding technique. The high cost and potential
reliability degradation of a gold wire demand alterative interconnection materials. The
advantages of copper have rapidly established itself as a main material for gold
replacement: the price of copper wire is approximately six times lower than the price of
gold wire (50 mm cross-section diameter); mechanical properties of copper wire (elongation
and tensile strength) are superior to gold wire for this application; copper wire has 40%
more electrical conductivity than corresponding gold wire which turns up electronic signal
transmission rate thus improving performance of the device. By applying copper wire
bonding, a microelectronic device’s quality and reliability could be improved, simulta-
neously achieving cost reduction. However, significant oxidation of copper when exposed
to high temperatures (the wire bonding process is performed at 260–300 C) might cause
corrosion micro cracks inside the die pad, which decreases the interfacial shear strength
and weakens the bonds between aluminium pads and copper ball bonds at the die surface
(Sibalija 2004).
In order to meet high customer demands for quality and reliability of microelectronic
devices, an experiment was conducted to design one part of the copper wire bonding
process which refers to forming the bonds between copper wire balls and aluminium die
pads. The main purpose of the experiment was to ensure a reliable connection between the
copper balls and aluminium die pads, thus ensuring a reliable performance of the device.
Since the considered microelectronic device is used as a power amplifier in automotive
products, the quality and reliability issue is of particular importance due to the specific
conditions of automotive applications.
5088 T.V. Sibalija et al.
through the aluminium bond pad. The copper ball and inter-metallic layer are both
significantly stronger than the aluminium pad; but, a harder, stiffer copper ball could
result in bond defects, such as cratering bond failure, which can cause reliability problems
in the microelectronic device. Dark areas on a sheared pad surface indicate oxide damage
(bond failure), meaning that the silicon-oxide inside the die pad was damaged during wire
bonding process. The number of oxide damages (NoOD) found as shear test failure mode
in a tested device was considered as the second response (Sibalija 2004).
Characteristic BS (ball shear) is a continuous measurable response of the nominal-the-
best (NTB) type, because the objective is to achieve the nominal (target) value. Since the
existence of oxide-damage indicates a potential reliability problem, characteristic NoOD
belongs to the smaller-the-better (STB) type. By its nature, characteristic NoOD is of
attribute type. Here, NoOD actually presents the frequency of oxide-damage occurrences
in one sample expressed numerically (it can take discrete numerical values from zero to the
total number of bonds in the device). In the literature that discusses the Taguchi method,
such characteristics are considered attribute and their optimisation is performed by mean
of the number of occurrences in a sample (Peace 1993). The responses BS and NoOD are
directly correlated.
4.2.2 Stage II
Step 1: SN ratios, MSD and QL (quality loss) values were computed according to the
corresponding formulae.
Step 2: Transformation of QL values into normalised values (NQLi ðkÞ 2 ½0; 1) was
performed with respect to the maximal QL value in k experimental trials and the ideal case
where QL ¼ 0. The NQLs for the two responses are listed in Table 2.
Step 3: PCA was performed on NQL values. The principal component scores Yi(k)
corresponding to each trial are shown in Table 2. Table 3 lists the eigenvalues and
proportions of NQL of each response for the principal components. As stated before, all
principal components were considered in this approach, in contrast to the common
approach where only PC1 would be taken into account enclosing only 68.4% of the total
variance of responses. According to the eigenvectors data shown in Table 3, principal
component scores were computed by using the following formulae:
Y1 ðkÞ ¼ 0:707 NQLBS þ 0:707 NQLNoOD
Y2 ðkÞ ¼ 0:707 NQLBS 0:707 NQLNoOD :
Step 4: The principal component scores Yi(k) were first taken from the absolute value
and then transformed into a set of comparable sequences Zi(k). Next, the grey relational
Table 2. The part of experiment plan and experimental observations, NQLs, principal component scores and data of grey relational analysis.
i ðkÞ
Control factor Quality Normalised quality Principal component i ¼ 1, 2;
levels characteristics losses (NQLs) scores Yi(k) k ¼ 1, . . . , 13
Trial no. CP CF BF BP BS NoOD NQLBS NQLNoOD Y1(k) Y2(k) 1 2 k ¼ 1, . . . , 13
Principal component
Control factor
coefficient i ðkÞ was calculated. Finally, the grey relational grade k was computed, where
the weights !i are [0.684; 0.632] for the first and the second component respectively
(proportions from Table 3). The results of GRA are listed in Table 2.
Step 5: Knowing the k values and the parameter (factor) levels corresponding to each
trial, the factor effects can be tabulated. The results are listed in Table 4. In multi-response
problems, the optimal setting of each factor is the one that yields the highest multi-
response synthetic performance measure. The optimal parameter conditions obtained
from the factor effects approach were: CP1 ¼ 30; CF1 ¼ 400; BF1 ¼ 350; BP1 ¼ 40. The
presented factor effects approach discusses only discrete parameter values used in the
experiment. The above set of parameter values was adopted as a basis to form the initial
population in the GA, in order to find the optimal solution in a continual multi-
dimensional space.
Table 5. Results of ANNs training (MSE and R values for ANNs with different topology).
ANN architecture
Figure 2. Convergence of the selected 4-7-1 ANN (MSE versus learning iterations).
Step 3: The selected network presents an objective function for a GA. Nine GAs
were developed; the initial population was seeded close to the set suggested by the
factor effects approach; population size was 20. The results of the GAs are presented
in Table 6.
Step 4: GA 1 showed the best on-line performance or the best fitness value (0.96871),
which is confirmed by the off-line performance (0.96794), giving the optimal parameters
setting: CP1 ¼ 28; CF1 ¼ 400; BF1 ¼ 299; BP1 ¼ 40. This set is adopted as a final solution
Table 6. GA settings and results.
GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 4 GA 5 GA 6 GA 7 GA 8 GA 9
On-line performance 0.96871 0.96860 0.92552 0.96837 0.96848 0.92552 0.95312 0.96807 0.92552
Optimal set
CP1 28.41 28.64 15.00 29.84 28.85 15.00 20.59 30.13 15.00
CF1 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00
BF1 299.24 300.72 300.00 299.95 300.53 300.00 301.87 306.36 300.00
BP1 40.00 40.00 45.00 40.77 40.55 45.00 45.47 42.58 45.00
International Journal of Production Research
Off-line performance 0.96794 0.96727 0.92552 0.96772 0.96755 0.92552 0.94517 0.94772 0.92552
5094 T.V. Sibalija et al.
Figure 3. The best and the mean fitness function values versus generations for GA 1.
Optimal parameter settings [20; 350; 300; 45–55] [30; 400; 350; 40] [28; 400; 299; 40]
Synthetic performance 0.8514–0.7166 0.9613 0.9687
measure ()
4.3 Discussion
The implementation of IS_MR_RPD on the observed multi-response problem was
compared to RSM and the factor effects method application. In the RSM application,
using a combined response technique the superposition plot was formed by superposing
contour plots of all responses in order to find the specific area on the superposition plot
that meets specifications for all responses (the correlations among responses are not
discussed) (Sibalija 2004).
Table 7 provides a comparison of the simulated synthetic performance measure values
obtained from the three methods for the analysis. It could be concluded that the factor
effects approach, that considers correlations among responses, showed better results than
the RSM method. Application of IS_MR_RPD resulted in a better solution than the
factor effects approach, due to the search over a continual space. It is important to note
that the obtained multi-response performance value ( ¼ 0.9687) is very close to the ideal
value of 1 ( 2 ½0; 1).
Regarding the GA settings, from Table 6 it is visible that GAs with the ‘tournament’
selection function show significantly lower fitness function values and different optimal
International Journal of Production Research 5095
parameter set than the other six GAs, which could mean that the ‘tournament’ selection is
not adequate for the observed optimisation problem. This proves the necessity to consider
a different GA’s functions for each optimisation problem.
5. Conclusion
The majority of today’s industrial products are defined by several quality characteristics,
hence, the multi-response design of complex industrial processes has become an
increasingly important and demanding task.
The shortcomings of the traditional Taguchi robust parameter design, as well as of
the other approaches discussed in Section 2, could be overcome by implementing the
IS_MR_RPD knowledge-based approach for the multi-response process design based on
a customer’s specifications for several, possible correlated, quality characteristics of a
The analysis of several experimental results confirms the effectiveness of the model and
emphasises universality of application for static multi-response problems (Sibalija 2009).
Analysis of IS_MR_RPD application on the presented experiment and its comparison
to the other two methods for multi-response optimisation showed that the proposed
approach can yield a better solution in terms of the optimal parameters setting and the
multi-response performance measure, but also proved that it could successfully include
both numerical and attribute nature of responses. The implementation of IS_MR_RPD
could expand the application of Taguchi’s robust design for solving the multi-response
design problems in industrial practice.
The significance and the prospect of the presented IS_MR_RPD could be summarised
as follows:
. In the factor effects approach, the relative significances of responses are
adequately presented via Taguchi’s quality loss function and no assumptions or
assigned weights are required. Further, responses are synthesised into a
single performance measure based on the total variance of the original data,
which maximise the objectivity of the analysis and the effectiveness of the
. In contrast to GA-based approaches mentioned in the literature review,
IS_MR_RPD offers two novel perspectives. First, since the solution obtained
by the factor effects approach presents a potentially good solution, it was adopted
as a starting point for GA to search for the global optimum in a continual space.
This feature significantly improves the speed of the convergence to the global
optimum, therefore maximising the probability that the model will find the actual
global solution in the given number of generations. Second, various types of the
main GA’s operators (selection and crossover function) were considered for each
problem in order to find the GA’s setting that is the most adequate for the
observed problem. In the presented study, it was proven that the choice of
selection and crossover type could affect the quality of the final solution.
Therefore, this feature significantly contributes to a generality of the model,
meaning that it could consider specifics of each particular multi-response
. As a consequence of the above mentioned advantages, it could be concluded that
the proposed IS_MR_RPD offers a generalised and effective solution for the
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