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Mission has its Goal, it brining those who do not yet known, who is God. Entire bible flow
as obedient response and participation in the prior mission of God. In Old Testament God’s
missions from the Creation and In New Testament, mission fulfilled in Jesus Christ and
fulfilling through the Church. Mission has its on Goal that communicating the gospel of Jesus
in the power of Holy spirit. So that restore the right relationship between God and Human
being. This short paper will discuss about Bible and Misson in Old and New Testament

1. Mission: Word mission derived from Latin word “Metto” means ‘to send’. Mission is
the divine activity of sending to speak or do god’s will so that His purpose for judgement
or redemption are furthered.
The biblical concept of ‘mission’ comprehends the authority of the one who sends, the
obedience of the one sent, a task to be accomplished and a purpose with in the moral framework
of god’s covenantal working of judgement or redemption” 1

2. Role of the bible in mission:

• Mission involves God, Gospel, God’s people, listeners, missionaries, message, medium
or method, contexts or history.
• Bible: God’s word, history of people of God and Missionary in nature.
• It is involving inspired word of God, rich experience of his people, unique source of
character reflection.2

3. Mission Dei - God’s Mission

Mission Dei is a Latin theological term translated as “mission of God.” It refer to the
work of the church as being part of God’s work. The church does not have a mission of its
own, rather God is doing for the redemption of the world. And church participating in God’s
independent existence.3

4. Mission in Old Testament:

God in mission: a biblical basis of mission begins with the creation platform, because
of provides the basic biblical world view of reality. God the earth and humanity in reciprocal
relation to each other.

4.1. Humanity – on earth with “mission”: under God mission has been given to
humanity in a purpose. God created human beings in His image, but without
infallibility and without God the divine nature, thus man was innocent, but vulnerable

“Mission.” William j larkin, jr. last modified on 2022.
Joshua raja john, An ppt on mission and bible. Last modified on Step.2022.
“Missio dei and the Mission of the church,” edited by Eddie arthur. Last Modified on 2022.
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to sins influence. However, both the angels and man had a free will to choose God’s
way or their own. When God calls His people into existence. He gives them a mission.4

4.2. The Mission implications of Genesis 1-11: the Old Testament focus on the Israelites;
it begins by describe God’s relationship to all of humanity. In Gen.1-11 the creator
involves himself with all people. Thus, before YAHWAH became identified as the
God of Israel, He had revealed Himself as the God of all Human Being. In Genesis 1-
5 more than 20 times name used ‘Adam’ meant humanity as a whole as well as the
very first human. Being the early part to be about God’s desire for a relationship not
just with a man and a woman but every member of the human race. God should be
powerful motivation for them to do global mission. So that His desire for a relationship
with all people can became a reality.

4.3. God’s mission in Abraham: Genesis.12:1-3, He is choosing Abraham and his family,
the maker Clear the relevance of this choice to the whole human race. God promised
to make Abraham into a great nation (Abrahamic Promise). Israel was clearly being
asked to play a key role in God’s world mission strategy where doing mission fulfil.
The genesis 12 covenant when God told Abraham that he would call “father of many
nations” (Gen. 17:4,5), and God also told “an everlasting covenant between me and
you and you descendants” (vs. 7). God renewed Abraham’s Covenant with Isacc and

4.4. The Sinai Vision of Mission the Israel: Abraham’s descendants had encounter with
Yahweh at Sinai. Here, God renewed His call to Israel for a covenant relationship
(Ex.19:5). After Sinai covenant God told to them “Although the whole earth is mine
you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (vs. 5,6). Centuries after
peter quoted the verse (1 Pt.2:9), God wanted his people to be an active bearer of grace
to the world. Moses was one of great mission carrier of God in Old Testament. Moses
would be Yahweh’s instrument to bring the Hebrew in to clear understanding of how
they ewer to live in relation to God. 7

4.5. The prophetical visions of Israel’s Mission: Israel consistently failed I n being both
the holy people and the priestly kingdom from Sinai covenant prophet repeatedly
should about globally mission, but they did not His people should participate in global
mission. The prophetical book Isaiah shows Israelites reflection on God’s desires for
a relationship with neighbouring gentile people (Is.42:1-4). Isa. 55:4,5 develops this
vision of God’s desire for mission to the nations. God called Jermiah (1:5), when God
spoke Jeremiah, it was not about Israel’s survival; it was to point Jeremiah toward

Jey J. Kanagaraj. Mission & Missions. Pune: Union Biblical Seminary, 1998. 13-14.
Waltter C. Kaiser Jr. Mission in the Old Testament. Andra Pradesh: OM – Athguentic Media, 2000. 17-21.
John Mark Terry, Ebble Simth and Justice Anderson. Missiology, Ternessce: Broadman & Holman Publications, 1998. 55-56.
Ibid., 56.
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mission among the nations of the world.8 Through the Jonah’s Story is the idea that
permeates the entire Bible that Yahweh is a Missionary God who desires that the
people share the missionary heart.9

5. Mission in New Testament:

New Testament is centred on Christy’s mission. New Testament writings present a
better understanding of the nature of mission. Christ mission focused on the sin of mankind
and redemption of sinners.

5.1. Jesus and Mission: Mathew was connecting Jesus with the Abrahamic covenant.
Jesus’ ministry came the marvellous words of John 3:16 “God so loved the world…”
this gospel of the kingdom will be prevailed in the whole world as a testimony to all
nations, and then the end will come” (matt.24:14). Jesus’ mission was to proclaim and
demonstrate message of the kingdom of God. This messages what God initiated
through Israel. Through Ministering to the Jews, Jesus prepared the way for his wider
mission. The message of kingdom and kingdom of God was not be limited to few, but
to the entire world and he widen this mission with the death and resurrection. 10 Jesus
cleansed the temple is full of global mission implications.
The great commission of Jesus is not the great suggestion, according Hudson Taylor –
“The Great Commission is not an option to be considered;
it is a command to be obeyed.”11
the Gospel of John repeatedly emphasizes how central mission is in the heart of
God. In this gospel Jeus referred a word “sent” (sending) = Father sent the son
(Jn.3:16), “as the father has sent me, I am sending you” (20:21). In Jesus’ high priestly
prayer for His followers and disciples would be commissioned for a missionary task

5.2. Mission In Acts: Acts show how the early church realized it had a global mission.
Verse 1:8 itself talks about mission to world. In the day of Pentecost, mission began
through peter and other Jesus’s disciples, gospel spread throughout the Judea. In
chapter 10- gospel crossed cultural barres. In 11th ch. Gospel preached to some Greeks
in Antioch, not long afterward, the Holy Spirit directed the church in Antioch to
commission its first cross-cultural missionaries. The last half of acts how missionaries
originating from the church in Antioch took the gospel to Turkey, Macedonia, Greece,
cypress, Malta and Italian Peninsula.12

Charles R. Gailey and Howard calbertson. Discovering Missions. Kansas City; Beacon Holl Press, 2007. 29.
Paul mohan raj. Mission Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Bangalore: theological book Trust, 2009.107-108.
Charles R. Gailey. Op.cit.,31.
Charles. R. Gailey. Op.Cit., 33-34
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5.3. Paul and Mission: “Paul sets the scene starting from the creed that we are just of clay
that have to be moulded by the father in the agents of His mission”. 13 Which is clearly
noted in His mission field. Paul had taken God’s Mission towards gentiles. He is a
minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles in the priestly survive of the gospel of God.
Paul’s mission and the church mission are authorized and indeed made possible by
God’s on-going interventions.
There are two things that observes Pauline mission in acts:
1. Paul’s mission was formed by the instruction of the Holy Spirit and guided in serval
2. His mission response based on the circumstances and expected the use of his
intelligence and the mission was initiated by the instruction of the Holy Spirit.
Paul’s mission in acts highlights that his gentile mission had equal importance like that
of the mission to the Jewish world. And mission was directed by the Holy Spirit, that
was directly and indirectly. The dynamic Paul leadership and fellowship are designed
after the model of Jesus (Ph.2:5).14

Throughout this short paper that are discus about the bible and its mission. From creation
to revelation god’s mighty mission activities holding in different ways. Here concluding that
each and every Christian is being part of God’s Mission. So be responsibly have to do
everything. As a Christian should focus on God’s Mission and accomplish that mission in the
life. Paul’s mission strategies are not on his own ideas, in fact, he realised and surrendered to
the great mission.


“Missio dei and the Mission of the church,” edited by Eddie arthur. Last Modified on 2022.
“Mission.” William j larkin, jr. last modified on 2022.
Gailey, Charles R. and Howard calbertson. Discovering Missions. Kansas City; Beacon Holl
Press, 2007.
John, Joshua raja. Mission and bible. Last modified on Step.2022.
Kaiser Jr, Waltter C. Mission in the Old Testament. Andra Pradesh: OM – Athguentic Media,
Kanagaraj, Jey J. Mission & Missions. Pune: Union Biblical Seminary, 1998.

www. Bible and
P. Joseph Titus and Dexter S. Moben. Bible and Mission. Bangalore: Christava Sahitya Samithy, Tiruvalla, 2015. 199-208.
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Raj, Paul mohan. Mission yesterday, Today, tomorrow. Bangalore: theological book Trust,
Terry, John Mark, Ebble Simth and Justice Anderson. Missiology, Ternessce: Broadman &
Holman Publications, 1998.
Titus, P. Joseph and Dexter S. Moben. Bible and Mission. Bangalore: Christava Sahitya
Samithy, Tiruvalla, 2015.

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