5MNTNH01 - Human Nutrition 1

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Module 5MNTNH01-Human Nutrition - 1

Department Nutrition & Dietetics
Campus Waterloo
Year 2
Delivery Mode Taught
Credits 15
Semester Semester 1 (Sem 1)
Days Thu
Module Organiser 1 BAJKA, BALAZS, [email protected]
The aim of this module is to introduce students to the
physiological basis for requirements for energy,
macronutrients and micronutrients, causes and consequences
of vitamin and mineral deficiency, current dietary guidelines
for the UK. The practical help you to develop your problem
solving, practical, data handling and presentational skills
needed by professional scientists; they are an essential part of
your learning.

By the end of the module you should be able to:

1. Discuss the basis for the current dietary guidelines for the

2. Describe the main dietary sources of energy

3. Describe the processes involved in the digestion, absorption

and metabolism o fmacronutrients
Educational Aims
4. Discuss the role of specific micronutrients under normal
health conditions and the consequences of deficiency

5. Collect, record and analyze data from experimental studies,

and discuss the relevance of the data


1. Formativeassessments on Energy and Writing a scientific


2. Summativecourswork –Dietary assessment practical report

3. Writtenexamination

Themes Nutrition

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Teaching Hours and Assessment

Lectures-20, Seminars And Tutorials-2, Practicals LabWork-
Teaching Hours 1, Data Handling Workshops-None, Placement-None, Private
Study-None, Other-None

Limited Number of
Royal Veterinary
Study Abroad Y

Transferable Skills


Module information is as accurate as possible, it is however subject to change.Final

information on the module content, assessment etc will be supplied when the module
commences. A modules inclusion on this database does not guarantee it will run.

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