C747-93 (2010) E1 Standard Test Method For Moduli of Elasticity and Fundamental Frequencies of
C747-93 (2010) E1 Standard Test Method For Moduli of Elasticity and Fundamental Frequencies of
C747-93 (2010) E1 Standard Test Method For Moduli of Elasticity and Fundamental Frequencies of
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
C747 − 93 (2010)´1
G 5 R Bf 2 L 2 r (3)
G = modulus of rigidity, Pa,
R = ratio of the polar moment of inertia to the shape factor
for torsional rigidity,
B = a constant consistent with the units of G, R, f, L, and r,
f = frequency of fundamental torsional mode of vibration,
L = length of the specimen, m, and
r = density of the specimen as determined by Test Method
C559, kg/m3.
E = elastic modulus, Pa,
D = a constant consistent with the units of E, f, and L,
f = frequency of fundamental longitudinal mode of
vibration, Hz,
L = length of the specimen, m, and
r = density of the specimen as determined by Test Method
C559, kg/m3.
4.1.3 Torsional Mode—The equation for the fundamental
resonant frequency of the torsional mode of vibration is as FIG. 2 Schematic Diagram of Typical Dynamic Elastic Modulus
follows: Detection Apparatus
C747 − 93 (2010)´1
6.1.1 Driving Circuit—The driving circuit consists of a 8. Procedure
variable-frequency oscillator and a record pickup cartridge 8.1 Switch on all electrical equipment and allow to stabilize
assembly. It is recommended that a variable-frequency oscil- in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations. (Use
lator be used in conjunction with a digital-frequency counter. of a metal bar as a calibration standard is recommended to
The oscillator shall have sufficient power output to induce check equipment response and accuracy. Dimensional mea-
detectable vibrations in the test specimen at frequencies above surements and weight shall meet the requirements of 7.2.)
and below the fundamental frequency under consideration.
Means for controlling the output of the oscillator shall be 8.2 Transverse Fundamental Resonance Frequency:
provided. The vibrating needle of the driving unit shall be 8.2.1 Place the specimen on the supports, which are located
small in mass as compared to the test specimen, and a means at the fundamental transverse nodal points (0.224 L from each
shall be provided to maintain a minimal contact pressure on the end). Place the driving and pickup-unit vibrating needles on the
specimen. Either a piezoelectric or magnetic driving unit specimen center line at its extreme opposite ends with a
meeting these requirements may be used. minimal contact pressure consistent with good response. The
vibrating direction of the driving and pickup needles must be
6.1.2 Pickup Circuit—The pickup circuit consists of a re-
perpendicular to the length of the specimen (Fig. 1(b)).
cord pickup cartridge, amplifier, optional high-pass filter, and
8.2.2 Force the test specimen to vibrate at various frequen-
an indicating meter or cathode-ray oscilloscope. The pickup
cies and simultaneously observe the amplified output on an
unit shall generate a voltage proportional to the amplitude,
indicating meter or oscilloscope. Record the frequency of
velocity, or acceleration of the test specimen. Either a piezo-
vibration of the specimen that results in a maximum
electric or magnetic pickup unit meeting these conditions may
displacement, having a well-defined peak on the indicator,
be used. The amplifier shall have a controllable output of
where nodal point tracking indicates fundamental transverse
sufficient magnitude to sharply peak out the resonant frequen- resonance.
cies on the indicating meter or the cathode-ray oscilloscope
8.2.3 A basic understanding of Lissajous patterns as dis-
display tube. It may be necessary to use a high-pass filter in
played on an oscilloscope cathode ray tube (CRT), will aid in
order to reduce room noise and spurious vibrations. The the proper identification of the modes of vibration and har-
indicating meter may be a voltmeter, microammeter or oscil- monic frequencies observed. As the oscillator frequency level
loscope. An oscilloscope is recommended because it enables is increased from a point well below expected resonance, a
the operator to positively identify resonances, including higher single closed loop Lissajous pattern tilted from the horizontal
order harmonics, by Lissajous figure analysis. reference plane, will eventually be displayed on the CRT. This
6.1.3 Specimen Supports—The supports shall permit the pattern denotes a resonance mode. The nodal points dynamic
specimen to oscillate without significant restriction in the modulus tracking guide template (Fig. 3) may be used to
desired mode. This is accomplished for all modes by support- identify any resonant mode.
ing the specimen at its transverse fundamental nodal points 8.2.4 Move the pickup cartridge needle slowly toward the
(0.224 L from each end). The supports should have minimal specimen center and observe the Lissajous pattern loop.
area in contact with the specimen and shall be of cork, rubber, Fundamental transverse resonance is indicated when the fol-
or similar material. In order to properly identify resonant lowing conditions prevail:
frequencies, the receiver record pickup cartridge must be The loop pattern flattens to a horizontal line with the
movable along the total specimen length. Provisions shall be pickup needle over the specimen support.
made to adjust contact pressures of both record pickup car- The CRT pattern opens up to a full loop in a
tridges in order to accommodate specimen size variations. The direction normal to its original direction, with the pickup
entire specimen support structure shall be mounted on a needle over the specimen center.
massive base plate resting on vibration isolators. 8.2.5 Return the pickup needle to its original position at the
specimen end.
7. Test Specimens 8.2.6 Spurious resonating frequency modes may mask or
7.1 Selection and Preparation of Specimens—In the selec- attenuate the fundamental transverse frequency indication.
tion and preparation of test specimens, take special care to Investigation of higher order harmonic resonating frequencies
obtain representative specimens that are straight, uniform in by use of the tracking guide template (Fig. 3) will help to
cross section, and free of extraneous liquids. identify the correct fundamental frequency mode. A plot of the
ratio of harmonic to fundamental frequency for transverse
7.2 Measurement of Weight and Dimensions—Determine mode of vibration (Fig. 4) may then be used to calculate the
the weight and the average length of the specimens within fundamental transverse resonant frequency mode.
60.5 %. Determine average specimen cross-sectional dimen-
8.3 Longitudinal Fundamental Resonance Frequency:
sion within 61 %.
8.3.1 Leave the specimen supported at the fundamental
7.3 Limitations on Dimensional Ratio— Specimens having transverse mode nodal points as in 8.2.1. Rotate the driving
either very small or very large ratios of length to thickness may unit and pickup cartridge needles so as to induce vibrations
be difficult to excite in the fundamental modes of vibration. For parallel to the specimen length (Fig. 1(a )).
this method, the ratio must be between 5 and 20 (slender rod 8.3.2 Force the test specimen to vibrate as in 8.2.2. Record
limitations). the frequency of vibration of the test specimen, where nodal
C747 − 93 (2010)´1
C747 − 93 (2010)´1
@ 11 ~ a 2 /b 2 ! #
R5 (9)
@ 4 2 2.52 ~ b/a ! 10.21 ~ b/a ! 5 #
a = large dimension of the rectangular cross section, and
b = small dimension of the rectangular cross section.
9.3.2 Eq 8 may be rewritten as follows:
Dynamic G 5 4.000 f 2 L 2 p for circular cylinders (10)
Dynamic G 5 4.732 f 2 L 2 p for square cross sections (11)
2 2
Dynamic G 5 4.000 Rf L p for rectangular cross sections (12)
FIG. 5 Definition of Length (L), Width (w), and Thickness (t)
10. Report
Table A1.1 and Table A1.2 have been calculated for three 10.1 Report the following information:
values of Poisson’s ratio (µ). The value of (µ) = 1⁄6 is normally 10.1.1 Complete identification of the material being tested,
used for carbon-graphite materials. including manufacturer, grade number, lot number, grain
9.2 The dynamic modulus of elasticity in pascals may also orientation, and original material size;
be calculated from the fundamental longitudinal frequency, 10.1.2 Number of specimens tested in each orientation,
weight, and dimensions of the test specimen as follows: along with a specimen sampling plan layout;
10.1.3 Specimen dimensions and weight;
Dynamic E 5 4.000 f 2 L 2 r for rods and bars (7)
10.1.4 Average dynamic modulus for each mode group;
where the units are as defined in 4.1.2. 10.1.5 Standard deviation for each group of specimens; and
10.1.6 Environmental conditions of test including
9.3 Calculate the dynamic modulus of rigidity (shear modu-
temperature, humidity, and special atmosphere (if used).
lus) in pascals from the fundamental torsional frequency, mass,
and dimensions of the test specimen as follows: 11. Precision and Bias
Dynamic G 5 RBf 2 L 2 r (8) 11.1 A precision and bias statement is being investigated
where the units are as defined in 4.1.3. and prepared.
9.3.1 The value of R is equal to 1 for a rod of circular cross
section. R for bars of square cross section is 1.183. An 12. Keywords
approximate expression for R in the case of rectangular cross 12.1 carbon; dynamic modulus; elastic modulus; graphite;
sections is as follows (see Test Methods C215 and C885): modulus of rigidity; sonic resonance
(Mandatory Information)
C747 − 93 (2010)´1
TABLE A1.1 Ac for Rods
d/L µ=0 µ= ⁄
16 µ = 1⁄3 d/L µ=0 µ = 1⁄ 6 µ = 1 ⁄3
0.050 13018 13023 13035 0.108 1349 1351 1356
0.051 12273 12278 12291 0.109 1313 1316 1321
0.052 11585 11590 11603 0.110 1280 1283 1288
0.053 10945 10950 10963 0.111 1247 1247 1255
0.054 10356 10358 10371 0.112 1214 1217 1222
0.055 9807 9812 9822 0.113 1184 1186 1191
0.056 9294 9299 9309 0.114 1153 1156 1161
0.057 8819 8824 8834 0.115 1125 1128 1133
0.058 8374 8379 8390 0.116 1097 1100 1105
0.059 7960 7965 7976 0.117 1069 1072 1077
0.060 7574 7577 7590 0.118 1044 1046 1052
0.061 7211 7216 7226 0.119 1019 1021 1026
0.062 6873 6878 6886 0.120 996 998 1003
0.063 6553 6558 6568 0.121 973 975 980
0.064 6256 6259 6269 0.122 950 953 958
0.065 5977 5979 5989 0.123 927 930 935
0.066 5710 5715 5725 0.124 907 909 914
0.067 5464 5466 5476 0.125 886 889 892
0.068 5227 5232 5243 0.126 866 869 874
0.069 5006 5011 5022 0.127 846 848 853
0.070 4798 4803 4813 0.128 828 831 833
0.071 4602 4605 4615 0.129 810 810 815
0.072 4417 4420 4430 0.130 792 792 798
0.073 4239 4244 4252 0.131 775 777 782
0.074 4074 4077 4087 0.132 757 759 765
0.075 3917 3919 3929 0.133 742 744 749
0.076 3764 3769 3777 0.134 726 729 734
0.077 3625 3627 3635 0.135 711 714 716
0.078 3487 3493 3500 0.136 696 699 704
0.079 3360 3366 3371 0.137 681 683 688
0.080 3239 3241 3249 0.138 668 671 673
0.081 3122 3127 3134 0.139 655 655 660
0.082 3012 3015 3023 0.140 643 643 648
0.083 2906 2908 2918 0.141 630 630 635
0.084 2807 2809 2817 0.142 617 617 622
0.085 2710 2713 2720 0.143 605 607 610
0.086 2619 2621 2629 0.144 592 594 599
0.087 2532 2535 2540 0.145 582 582 587
0.088 2449 2451 2459 0.146 569 572 577
0.089 2367 2372 2377 0.147 561 561 564
0.090 2294 2296 2304 0.148 549 551 554
0.091 2220 2223 2230 0.149 538 541 544
0.092 2151 2154 2159 0.150 528 531 533
0.093 2083 2085 2093 0.151 518 521 523
0.094 2019 2022 2027 0.152 508 511 516
0.095 1958 1961 1966 0.153 500 500 505
0.096 1897 1902 1910 0.154 490 493 495
0.097 1842 1847 1852 0.155 483 483 488
0.098 1788 1791 1796 0.156 472 475 478
0.099 1735 1740 1745 0.157 465 467 470
0.100 1687 1689 1694 0.158 457 457 462
0.101 1638 1641 1646 0.159 450 450 455
0.102 1593 1595 1600 0.160 442 442 447
0.103 1547 1549 1557 0.161 434 434 439
0.104 1504 1506 1514 0.162 427 427 432
0.105 1463 1466 1471 0.163 419 419 424
0.106 1422 1427 1433 0.164 411 414 417
0.107 1384 1387 1394 0.165 404 406 409
0.166 399 399 404 0.184 300 302 305
0.167 391 394 396 0.185 295 297 300
0.168 386 386 391 0.186 292 292 295
0.169 378 381 384 0.187 287 287 292
0.170 373 373 378 0.188 282 284 287
0.171 366 368 371 0.189 277 279 282
0.172 361 363 366 0.190 274 277 279
0.173 356 356 361 0.191 272 272 274
0.174 351 353 356 0.192 267 269 272
0.175 343 345 348 0.193 264 264 267
0.176 338 340 343 0.194 259 262 264
0.177 333 335 338 0.195 257 257 262
0.178 328 330 333 0.196 251 254 257
0.179 323 325 328 0.197 249 251 254
0.180 318 320 323 0.198 246 246 249
0.181 312 315 318 0.199 241 244 246
0.182 310 310 312 0.200 239 241 244
0.183 305 305 310
C747 − 93 (2010)´1
TABLE A1.2 AR for Bars
t/L µ=0 µ=⁄
16 µ = 1⁄3 t/L µ=0 µ = 1⁄ 6 µ = 1 ⁄3
0.050 7701 7706 7717 0.110 767 770 775
0.051 7262 7267 7277 0.111 747 749 754
0.052 6855 6861 6871 0.112 728 732 734
0.053 6480 6485 6492 0.113 709 711 716
0.054 6129 6134 6144 0.114 693 696 699
0.055 5806 5809 5819 0.115 676 678 683
0.056 5504 5507 5517 0.116 660 660 665
0.057 5225 5227 5237 0.117 643 645 650
0.058 4961 4966 4973 0.118 627 630 635
0.059 4717 4722 4729 0.119 615 615 620
0.060 4488 4493 4501 0.120 599 602 605
0.061 4275 4277 4285 0.121 584 587 592
0.062 4074 4077 4087 0.122 572 574 577
0.063 3886 3889 3899 0.123 559 561 564
0.064 3708 3713 3721 0.124 546 549 551
0.065 3546 3548 3556 0.125 533 536 538
0.066 3388 3393 3399 0.126 523 523 528
0.067 3241 3246 3251 0.127 511 513 516
0.068 3104 3106 3114 0.128 500 500 509
0.069 2974 2979 2985 0.129 488 490 493
0.070 2850 2852 2860 0.130 478 480 483
0.071 2733 2738 2743 0.131 467 470 472
0.072 2624 2626 2634 0.132 457 460 462
0.073 2520 2522 2530 0.133 450 450 455
0.074 2421 2423 2431 0.134 439 439 445
0.075 2327 2332 2337 0.135 429 432 434
0.076 2240 2243 2248 0.136 422 424 427
0.077 2156 2159 2164 0.137 414 414 419
0.078 2075 2078 2085 0.138 406 406 409
0.079 1999 2002 2009 0.139 396 399 401
0.080 1925 1930 1935 0.140 389 391 394
0.081 1859 1862 1867 0.141 381 384 386
0.082 1793 1796 1801 0.142 373 376 378
0.083 1730 1735 1740 0.143 366 368 371
0.084 1671 1674 1679 0.144 358 361 363
0.085 1615 1618 1623 0.145 353 353 358
0.086 1560 1565 1570 0.146 345 348 351
0.087 1509 1511 1516 0.147 340 340 343
0.088 1461 1463 1468 0.148 333 335 338
0.089 1412 1415 1420 0.149 328 328 333
0.090 1367 1369 1377 0.150 320 323 325
0.091 1323 1328 1334 0.151 315 318 320
0.092 1283 1285 1290 0.152 310 310 315
0.093 1245 1247 1252 0.153 305 305 307
0.094 1202 1209 1214 0.154 300 300 302
0.095 1171 1171 1176 0.155 292 295 297
0.096 1135 1135 1143 0.156 287 290 292
0.097 1102 1102 1107 0.157 284 284 287
0.098 1069 1072 1077 0.158 279 282 284
0.099 1041 1041 1046 0.159 274 274 279
0.100 1008 1011 1016 0.160 269 269 274
0.101 980 983 988 0.161 264 267 269
0.102 953 955 960 0.162 259 262 264
0.103 927 930 932 0.163 257 257 259
0.104 902 904 907 0.164 251 251 257
0.105 876 879 884 0.165 246 249 251
0.106 853 856 859 0.166 244 244 246
0.107 831 833 838 0.167 239 241 244
0.108 808 810 815 0.168 236 236 239
0.109 787 790 795 0.169 234 234 236
0.170 229 229 234 0.186 180 180 183
0.171 224 226 229 0.187 178 178 180
0.172 221 221 224 0.188 175 175 178
0.173 218 218 221 0.189 173 173 175
0.174 213 216 218 0.190 170 170 173
0.175 211 213 216 0.191 168 168 170
0.176 208 208 211 0.192 165 165 168
0.177 206 206 208 0.193 163 163 165
0.178 201 203 206 0.194 160 163 165
0.179 198 201 203 0.195 157 160 163
0.180 196 196 201 0.196 157 157 160
0.181 193 193 196 0.197 155 155 157
0.182 191 191 193 0.198 152 152 155
0.183 188 188 191 0.199 150 150 152
0.184 185 185 188 0.200 147 150 152
0.185 183 183 185
C747 − 93 (2010)´1
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