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Undamped Vibration of A Beam: Louie L. Yaw

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Undamped Vibration of a Beam

Louie L. Yaw
Walla Walla University Engineering Department

PDE Class Presentation June 5, 2009

Problem - Undamped Transverse Beam Vibration

+u p(x, t)

m(x), EI(x) L +x 0 V M pdx 1dx


V + V dx x M + M dx x

o 2dx

FBD of Slice dx

2 u Inertial Force fI = mdx 2 by DAlemberts t Principle dx

Derivation of PDE
Sum Forces Vertically, choosing + up V (V + V 2u dx) + p(x, t)dx m(x)dx 2 = 0 x t (1)

Sum Moments about o, choosing CCW as + rotation M 2u +M + dx = 0 2 x t (2) Simplifying (1), and in (2) ignoring higher order terms in the limit as dx 0 gives M Vdx + p(x, t)1 dx 2 + m(x)2 dx 2 2u V = p(x, t) m(x) 2 , x t and V = M x (3)

Derivation of PDE

From mechanics of materials class, moment curvature relation (given here to save time) M = EI(x) 2u x 2 (4)

Substituting equation two of (3) and equation (4) into equation one of (3) and rearranging yields m(x) 2 2u 2u + EI(x) 2 = p(x, t) t 2 x 2 x (5)

Equation (5) is the PDE governing the motion u(x, t), subject to the external forcing function p(x, t).

Solving the PDE

Analytical solution difcult or impossible to obtain due to m(x) and I(x). Numerical methods such as Finite Element Method or Finite Differences can solve the PDE. Can simplify the PDE to demonstrate analytical methods by the following assumptions:
m(x) = m =constant along the beam length I(x) = I =constant along the beam length p(x, t) = 0, ie, no forcing function

Solving the PDE

After simplifying assumptions the governing PDE (5) becomes 4u 2u m 2 + EI 4 = 0 t x


To make things pretty at the end, dene a2 = EI/m, so that 2u 4u + a2 4 = 0 t 2 x (7)

Solving the PDE

Assume a solution of the following form u(x, t) = (x)q(t) Substitute (8) into the PDE (7) to get 4 2q + a2 q 4 = 0 t 2 x (9) (8)

By separation of variables, observe that l.h.s and r.h.s must equal a constant, 4 1 4 1 2q = = 4 x 4 a2 q t 2 (10)

Solving the PDE

From (10), two ODEs are obtained 4 4 = 0 x 4 2q + 4 a2 q = 0 t 2 The respective solutions are (11) (12)

(x) = A sinh x + B cosh x + C sin x + D cos x (13) q(t) = E sin a 2 t + F cos a 2 t solution of the PDE (6) is u(x, t) = (x)q(t). (14)

Solving a Boundary Value Problem (BVP)

To solve a realistic problem, boundary conditions must be specied The six boundary conditions (BCs) are
1 2 3 4 5 6

@ x = 0, u(0, t) = (0)q(t) = 0 @ x = L, u(L, t) = (L)q(t) = 0 @ x = 0, u (0, t) = (0)q(t) = 0 @ x = L, u (L, t) = (L)q(t) = 0 @ t = 0, u(x, 0) = (x)q(0) = 0 @ t = 0, u(x, 0) = Gx(L x), G specied constant

Applying the boundary conditions to (x)

Applying the rst four boundary conditions yield the following results
1 2 3 4

(0) = B + D = 0 (L) = A sinh L + B cosh L + C sin L + D cos L = 0 (0) = B 2 D 2 = 0 BD =0 (L) = A 2 sinh L + B 2 cosh L C 2 sin L D 2 cos L = 0

From BCs (1) and (3), B = 0 and hence D = 0

Applying the boundary conditions to (x)

From BCs (2) and (4) A sinh L + C sin L = 0 A sinh L C sin L = 0 The above results imply A sinh L = 0 and C sin L = 0 (15)

From the rst expression of (15), A = 0. If A = 0 is not chosen, = 0 is required and this leads to (x) = 0 for all x which is the at rest condition (not very interesting). Using the remaining case (since A = 0), either C = 0 or sin L = 0. Choosing C = 0 isnt an option since that leads to (x) = 0 for all x which is the uninteresting at rest condition.

Applying the boundary conditions to (x)

Therefore, must have sin L = 0, which implies L = n. After solving for , the n solutions (which satisfy the B.Cs) for (x) are nx n (x) = Cn sin (16) L This implies that the beam vibrates in the following natural mode shapes for n = 1, 2, 3, 4...
1(x) 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 x 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 x 1 2(x) 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 x 1 3(x) 1 0.5 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 x 1 4(x)

Applying boundary condition (5)

Applying BC (5) yields q(0) = a 2 E sin a 2 0 + a 2 F cos a 2 0 = 0 (17)

The sine term equals zero and hence F = 0. As a result q(t) = E cos a 2 t In light of the fact that = n/L qn (t) = En cos an2 2 t L2 (19) (18)

Applying boundary condition (6)

Combining (16) and (19) and dening bn = Cn En yields un (x, t) = n (x)qn (t) = bn sin an2 2 t nx cos L L2 (20)

Equation (20) satises the PDE and the rst 5 BCs for any value of n and arbitrary constants bn . As a result, any linear combination of (20) also satises the requirements so that nx an2 2 t bn sin u(x, t) = (21) cos L L2

Applying the boundary condition (6)

To satisfy BC (6) the following must be true

u(x, 0) = Gx(L x) =

bn sin

nx L


Hence, the bn are the sine Fourier coefcients for Gx(L x). That is bn = nx 2 L Gx(L x) sin dx L 0 L 8GL2 = 3 3 for n odd n =0 for n even (23) (24) (25)

Final solution of the BVP

Using the results of (21) and (23) gives the nal solution of the BVP.

u(x, t) =

8GL2 an2 2 t nx cos sin L n3 3 L2


Recall a2 = EI/m which is known G species initial amplitude at t = 0, hence is known By observing the cosine term of (26) it is concluded that the natural frequencies for the beam are n = n2 2 L2 EI m

Reference: Miller, Kenneth S., Partial Differential Equations in Engineering Problems, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1953.

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