Tidal LOw Land Reclamation

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Land And Water Management Option of Tidal Lowland Reclamation Area to

Support Rice Production (A Case Study in Delta Sugihan Kanan of South
Sumatra Indonesia)

Article · February 2019

DOI: 10.20527/jwem.v6i2.165


10 118

5 authors, including:

Momon Sodik Imanudin M Edi Armanto

Universitas Sriwijaya Universitas Sriwijaya


Budi Indra Setiawan Niluh Putu Sri Ratmini

Bogor Agricultural University 13 PUBLICATIONS 16 CITATIONS

Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Analysis on Water and Carbon Balances Analysis of SRI Paddy View project


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Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
http://ijwem.unlam.ac.id/index.php/ijwem ISSN: 2477-5223 (Online)

Land And Water Management Option of Tidal Lowland Reclamation Area

to Support Rice Production (A Case Study in Delta Sugihan Kanan of
South Sumatra Indonesia)
Imanudin, M.S.1, Bakri 1, Armanto, E1., Indra, B 2 and Ratmini, S.N.P.3
Soil and Water Conservation Laboratory, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
Water Resources Engineering Laboratory, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
Agricutural Research and Technology, Agricultural Research and Development Council, Ministry of
Agriculture, Indonesia

The main problem for agriculture at tidal lowland swamp is low soil quality and high acidity of soil and
high water. The research objective was to investigate how far the effort in increasing tertiary canal
network to improve water quality (increasing pH and reducinf iron) in channel and tertiary plot. Field
study was conducted at Bandarjaya Village of Jalur 25, Delta Sugihan Kanan, South Sumatra. Field
activities were consisted of network investigation land use and farm enterprise system which located at
Primr 13 of Sugihan Kiri and Primer 25 of Sugihan Kanan. The network improvement perfomance was
conducted by constructing micro water management (installed the tertiary gate and developen quartey
canal) at tertiary plot which consisted of collector channel, sub tertiary channel and control plot which
was outfall at quarterly channel downstream end. Water gate having goose neck pipe system was
constructed to control water table in tertiary channel. Results of field study showed that land use at the
study area was still dominated by rice crop with magnitude of 83% and the rest of 17% was used for
rubber plantation, orange planation and mix plantation. The depth of phyrite layer was in the range of 60
to 100 cm below soil surface. Water table surface in October was in the range of 10 to 35 cm. Field
adaptation showed that water gate was operated in closed condition (water retention) during vegetative
phase. Water retention showed significant to improve rice yield in which water table since November had
increased from -10 cm to flooding condition of 15 cm in January. This condition provide sufficient water
for rice crop which was similar as the result found at irrigation area. The addition of ameliorant
substances such as coconut fiber, and sand semen block at outfall of tertiary and kuartely channels also
increase water quality in which water pH was increased from 2.95 to 3.7 and iron concentration was
decreased from 4.01 to 0.32 mg/liter. Rice yield was increased from average production of 2 ton/ha to 3
ton/ha. This low production was due to land flushing process which need longer time process for at least 2
to 3 years from current condition as well as other production inputs such as fertilization and ameliorant

Key words: tertiary network, rice, tidal lowland swamp, sugihan

INTRODUCTION area at Jawa, Bali and Madura islands were

decreasing due to the change of land use
The need for rice commodity was from agricultural usage into non-agricultural
increasing from year to year due to usage (industry, settlement, structure and
population increase in Indonesia. The infrastructure as well as recreation) which
increase of population should be can achieve 40,000 ha per year (Susanto,
compensated by increasing rice production 2007). This change of agricultrural land use
because rice is staple food for Indonesia should be compensated by maximizing
people. On the other hand, irrigation land swamp land utilization, especially swamp
Correspondence Author: Momon Sodik Imanudin. Soil land available at outside of Java island.
and Water Conservation Laboratory, Department of Soil Indonesia had 2.07 millions ha of potential
Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, land, 6.70 millions ha of acid sulphate land,
Indonesia, Email: [email protected] 10.89 millions ha of peat land and 0.44
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management
Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 93

-----Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, Valid until 9 July 2023-----
Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
http://ijwem.unlam.ac.id/index.php/ijwem ISSN: 2477-5223 (Online)

millions ha of saline land based on land water management which in turn can be
typology (Nugroho et al., 1993; Suriadikarta constructed as improvement
and Sutriadi, 2007). recommendation. According to Imanudin
Agricultural Food Security Agency (FSA) and Bakri (2014), the problem of farm
of Indonesia in 2017 had reported that enterprise at swamp area was due to water
Indonesia government will increase domestic status condition. Water is frequently not
rice production target from 72 million tons in available in proper quantity, quality and site
2016 into 77 million tons in 2017. Indonesia according to crop water requirement.
government will not import rice due to 5 Improper condition of drainage system
millions ton increase of rice production. results in under optimum of toxic substances
The production increase from previous years flushing process which subsequently
requires proper strategy, expansion program accumulated within roots zone. Therefore,
for planting area with new paddy field the key point is water management effort at
development or increasing the planting micro and macro levels of tidal lowland. In
itensity into two times per year for the addition, according to Meijide et al. (2017),
existing paddy field. South Sumatra is one of water table drawdown can increase carbon
mainstay province in supporting national rice release rate. Proper water management for
production. It had extensive area for rice rice crop with an objective to increase soil
cultivation especially with the land clearing water surface can decrease carbon release
of tidal lowland swamp since 1969. There rate. Reported by Kima et al., (2014), that
was currently about 370,000 ha of tidal maintenance water depth at 3 cm is produce
lowland swamp that had been opened for high yield of rice and promotes good water
food agriculture, but only 20% of this area quality by increasing pH and lowering iron
that implemented two times planting content in the root zone.
(LWMTL, 2006). If two times planting can The study results by Imanudin and
be done with average rice production of 3 Armanto (2012) showed that water status
ton/ha, then there will be rice production diversity was affected by land
increase with magnitude of 1.1 million tons. hydrotopography, rainfall and high tide
This condition was fulfilled merely from water potential. Every areas have different
tidal lowland swamp area. Therefore, the conditions so that they have different
proper policy is by increasing the planting objective in term of water managment
time into two times for the currently opened (Imanudin and Susanto, 2015). Water table
land. In addition, production for first depth is also highly depended on the existing
planting season should be increased from drainage system, rainfall input, crop growing
average of 3 ton/ha to 5 ton/ha. Areas that stage and water gate operation (Mercau et
should be developed in term of rice al., 2016). Zimmermann et al. (2017) had
production and planting intensity are delta mentioned that contribution from capillary
Sugihan Kiri at Banyuasin District and water movement was very important to
Sugihan Kanan at Ogan Komering Ilir fulfill crop water requirement and its
District. Average rice production in these magnitude is highly depended on position of
areas was only 2.5 ton/ha with one time water table depth. The above condition
planting (Imanudin at al., 2017). By requires different objective in term of water
application of proper water management, management. The current mistake problemis
average rice production at tidal lowland applying similar option of water
swamp could achieved 5-6 ton/ha such as management and even water table control
found at delta Telang I and II (Imanudin et structures. Therefore, water management
al., 2010; Imanudin and Bakri, 2014). objective can not be achieved and resulting
Therefore, the field study is still needed to in improper function of water structures.
investigate current condition of land and This paper will present results of study and
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management
Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 94

-----Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, Valid until 9 July 2023-----
Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
http://ijwem.unlam.ac.id/index.php/ijwem ISSN: 2477-5223 (Online)

field application in term of perfomance water and soil quality in crop cultivation
improvement efforts for tertiary network effort. Data was also obtained through direct
through development of micro water interview with farm land owners/managers at
management at farm area and development tertiary plot in term of farm enterprise
of water table control structures. opportunity for second planting after rice
Development was conducted by involving crop.
farmers through participative approach. The second phase was field expriment.
Some advantages can be achieved through This activity was conducted to compose
this approach such as low cost of structures recommendation for water management
and farmers can build proper structures improvement according to field condition
because they have sense of belonging. This and farmers role. The improvement design
pattern should be developed in the near for water managment network was consisted
future. of :
 Collector channel development (the
METHODOLOGY location is border on secondary
channel embankment);
Field study to investigate problems of  Sub-tertiary channel development
farm enterprise and water management which border on tertiary channel;
system was conducted at Beringin Agung
 Quarterly channel development (as
Village Primer 13 Sugihan Kiri of Banyuasin
land ownership border) and to carry
District and Bandar Jaya Village Jalur 25
water during high tide water period
Sugihan Kanan of Ogan Komering Ilir
from tertiary channel as well as to
District. Field expriment in term of micro
drain product of land leaching into
water management improvement was
tertiary channel;
conducted at Tersier 4 plot located at Bandar
 Box control development at outfall of
Jaya Village Jalur 25 Air Sugihan of Ogan
quarterly channel, and
Komering Ilir District, South Sumatra. This
study was conducted from September 2016  Tertiary water gate development at
to February 2017. outfall which was directly related into
Materials used in this study were secondary channel.
construction materials for water gate Illustration of water structure design in
development which consisted of sand, tertiary channel can be seen in Figure 1. The
cement, paralon pipe, elbow, steel, bamboo, different in water surface height will be
gelam wood, brick and wooden board. controlled by height of goose neck pipe.
Equipments were consisted of water vessel, There was minimum limit of water height
carpentry tools and hoe. Survey was done by that should be retained in tertiary channel.
using questioner materials and Tertiary channel has function as water
administratitive equipments. storage (long storage) so that water table
depth was not quickly dropped. There was
The activity phases were as follows: mud settling pond in inner section
(downstream) before entering tertiary
Activities in first phase were directed to channel in which its base equipped with
obtain initial condition of network system, conblock (ameliorant); water plants were
water structure facility, water quality and planted at water surface that capable to
land use. Focused discussion with farmers increase pH of water and decrease iron
community was also conducted in these concentration. These water plants were
activties to explore information related to bordered with float to prevent them from
farm enterprise as well as problems related to flowing due to water current (Figure 2)

Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management

Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 95

-----Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, Valid until 9 July 2023-----
Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
http://ijwem.unlam.ac.id/index.php/ijwem ISSN: 2477-5223 (Online)


Goose neck pipe

Figure 1. Hydraulic construction of water structure at tertiary channel has function as

water retention (maximizing rainfall water storage).
Water retention test at tertiary level was availbility in land is success indicator of the
conducted after the development of water system in providing water for rice crop. The
management system. Daily water surface retained water was rainfall water which have
monitoring was subsequently be conducted good quality.
as success indicator of water network. Water

Goose neck gate


Ameliorant substance, briquette

Water plant (water hyacinth)

Figure 2. Cross section of water flow and purification system in secondary channel
tertiary channels was not connected into
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION secondary channel. One side of tertiary
channel was connected into Village Supply
General Description of Primer 13 Sugihan Channel (SPD), whereas the other side was
Kiri not connected into secondary channel as the
main drainage. The channel which connected
Agriculture at Beringin Agung Village
into Main Drainage Secondary Channel was
P13 Sugihan Kiri was located within area of
also not connected into Village Supply
Banyuasin District. Land use was dominated
Channel (SPD). Condition of the
by rice crop with magnitude of 80% and the
unconnected tertiary channel can be seen in
rest was mix plantation (coconut, perennial
Figure 3a, whereas the connected tertiary
trees, rubber and oil palm).
channel can be seen in Figure 3b.
Condition of water management system in
this area was pair comb system in which

Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management

Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 96

-----Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, Valid until 9 July 2023-----
Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
http://ijwem.unlam.ac.id/index.php/ijwem ISSN: 2477-5223 (Online)

3a 3b
Figure 3. Tertiary channel condition at reclaimed area of Sugihan Kiri, Primer 13 Banyuasin
Water gate nowadays was installed at showed that it was unsuccessful. The given
village road (Figure 4). This road was used production input was improper because of
for transportation of agricultural machinery poor physical land condition. The initial step
and equipment as well as for transportation should be conducted by improving physical
of four wheel vehicles to carry agricultural land condition through improvement of
products. Water gate construction is macro and micro water networks.
improper because it was too small in size and Improvement of macro water network was
probably will be damaged. In addition, the important as the main drainage to flush toxic
installed valve water gate was no longer used substances from tertiary channel due to land
by farmers. This water gate was shown in flushing process. Improvement of micro
Figure 4. Water gate construction should be water network is important by developing
better developed by using box culvert. water management at land plot (Micro Water
Current condition of farm enterprise Management), sub-tertiary channel and
should be improved because land was only collector channel surrounding land to drain
cultivated one time using rice crop with low acid substance that accumulated at cultivated
average production with magnitude of 2.5 land. After channel flushing, channel should
ton/ha. Some land locations had peat depth retain rainfall water as maximum as possible
in the range of 30 to 50 cm. Soil maturity so that water table was not quickly dropped
process was still low because of poor and land can store rainfall water during wet
drainage system. Drainage process especially season. The concept used in this area was to
during wet season was not function properly retain rainfall water as maximum as possible.
because most of secondary channels were Water pumping from outside area was not
shallow due to sedimentation resulting in allowed because high tidal water had low
very low water flow pattern (Figure 4). On quality, containing acid substance during wet
the other hand, channels were dominated by season or middle season as well as frequently
the growth of water grasses. Therfore, had high salinity during dry season. At least
preliminary improvement for water two years was required to flush the land from
management system was needed and acid substance and heavy metals. After micro
agricultural program should be conducted water management was properly developed,
together with program from Public Work then liming application at initial stage is
Ministry. Agricultural inputs should be given required to improve soil fertility. In addition,
on area that had already have good water there was no water gate in secondary
management network at macro and micro channel. This water gate is important at least
levels. to retain salt water intrusion during dry
Evaluation on program of agricultural season and to retain rainfall water as
production cost input with magnitude of Rp. maximum as possible approaching the end of
3,000,000/ha given by Agricultural Ministry wet season.
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management
Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 97

-----Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, Valid until 9 July 2023-----
Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
http://ijwem.unlam.ac.id/index.php/ijwem ISSN: 2477-5223 (Online)

Figure 4. Secondary channel condition which need to be rehabilitated

General Description of Farm Enterprise perennial trees at paddy field ridge such as
Condition and Water Management at oil palm-rice of 11 ha, coconut-rice of 9 ha,
Bandar Jaya Village Jalur 25 Air Sugihan rubber-rice of 6 ha and orange – rice of 6 ha,
Kanan, Ogan Komering Ilir District respectively.
This land functional shifting had been
Areal condition at Bandar Jaya Village increased yearly resulting in the decrease of
had already showed land functional shifting paddy field land as the producer of main
such as indicated by farmers complaint in food. Although area of paddy field land was
term of low soil fertility and unpredictable still dominate in term of percentage (Figure
condtion of season. Functional shifting from 5) with magnitude of 83 % from total land
agricultural land into oil palm plantation available at the east block, but this land
covering area of 38 ha, rubber plantation of functional shifting had potential to decrease
38 ha and coconut plantation of 3 ha had area of paddy field land at Bandar Jaya
occurred at the east block of Bandar Jaya Village so that immediate action should be
Village. Intercropping method was also taken.
conducted by some farmers by adding

Figure 5. Land use percentage at East Block of Bandar JayaVillage at First Planting Season
in 2016
Source: Intreview results with head of farmer groups at Bandar Jaya Village
Observation on water quality in tertiary observation showed that phyrite layer depth
channel showed that it can be categorized as was in the range of 80 to 90 cm. Water table
acid with pH of 3 and water quality in depth during this observation was 45 cm
flooded water pond showed very acid level below soil surface.
with pH of 2.5. This water acidity was Rice seeds planting was conducted in
originated from phyrite oxidation process at October by using method of direct seeds
dry season which produce acid. Field spreading. It requires high quantity of seeds
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management
Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 98

-----Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, Valid until 9 July 2023-----
Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
http://ijwem.unlam.ac.id/index.php/ijwem ISSN: 2477-5223 (Online)

with magnitude of 90 kg (18 sacks having retention process of high tidal water and
weight of 5 kg/sack) to plant 1 ha of rice water gate was opened to facilitate water
crop. Rice varities commonly used were IR inflow and outflow. The main objective
64, Ciherang, Ciliwung and PB. Upkeeep to during October was to maximize land
maintain soil fertility was conducted by leaching process and to drain acid substances
using fertilizers as follows: Urea dose of 200 in channels (flushing). Water table surface
kg/ha; Super Phospat 36 dose of 100 kg/ha was within roots zone as an impact from
and Phonska (Nitrogen fertilizers) dose of water inflow in tertiary channel. Soil water
200 kg/ha. Harvest yield per hectare was in was located at maximum of -21 cm and it
the range of 60 to 80 sacks (50 kg per sack). was located near soil surface (0 cm) during
The selling price of unhulled rice during high tide water period (Figure 6). Process of
harvest period was in the range of 7,000 to water surface drawdown (low tide period)
8,000 rupiahs. was occurred in relatively long period from
In general, there was three main problems 03.00 pm to 18.00 am or 16 hours. Water
of land that can be identified at the study surface drawdown tend to be followed by
location as follows: a) Water Management drawdown in tertiary channel in which peak
and Water Quality, b) Soil Fertility and 3) of water surface at 70 cm progressively
Crop Pest and Disease. dropped to the lowest point of 30 cm within
Water dynamics condition was observed 15 hours period and then it was increased
for 24 hours. Water surface fluctuation per again. Water table was at 18 to 20 cm below
hour in channels and water table on land was soil surface when water surface in tertiary
observed every hour such as shown in Figure channel was at 30 to 40 cm. This condition
8. This figure clearly showed that water showed that if tertiary channel regularly
surface in tertiary channel follows water receive water supply, then water table would
surface pattern in secondary channel with no dropped below phyrite layer.

Figure 6. Hourly water table dynamics at channel and land plot

Perfomance Improvement of Water characterized by high tidal water that
Management Network incapable to flood the land so that there was
no potential of high tidal water irrigation
Tidal lowland swamp area of Delta through gravitation. Water was only flow
Sugihan Kanan Jalur 25 which located at into tertiary channel. Water table condition
Bandar Jaya Village was classified as B was 0 cm during high rainfall period and it
hydrotography class as well as close to C was in the range of 30 to 40cm below soil
hydrotography class. This condition was
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management
Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 99

-----Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, Valid until 9 July 2023-----
Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
http://ijwem.unlam.ac.id/index.php/ijwem ISSN: 2477-5223 (Online)

surface in October period. However, soil was seeds spreading, some seeds had been grown
still moist at upper part of soil surface. having age of 14 days and some land had not
Rice growth condition at tertiary plot was been tilled yet. Description of land condition
diverse because farmers had done planting at can be seen in Figure 7.
different times. Some farmers had done

Figure 7. Diverse condition of rice growth at field in November 2016

Micro water management was built at channel. In addition, farmers are asked to
tertiary plot in order to accelerate acid make very small channel (worm channel)
substances leaching in land. This micro with distance of 8 m for every channel and as
water management was consisted of collector wide as a hoe. Description of micro water
channel, sub-teriary channel and quarterly management can be seen in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Micro water management at tertiary block of tidal lowland reclamation areas
The land was classified as rain fed land 2011). Land was potential to be flooded at
based on flooding type characteristics and least at puddling condition during rainfall
water table condition in which availability of occurrence and water can be retained for
rainfall water was very important for crop several days as well as not directly drained
evapotranspiration and land leaching. Water into channel. This condition was required
management concept is how farmers capable because rice crop needs constant wet soil
to maximize rainfall water (rainfall condition in order to depress weeds growth
harvesting) so that rainfall water was not and water stress would be occurred if water
quickly drained into tertiary channel and table was dropped at 20 cm depth for more
toward secondary channel. Therefore, the than 3 days.
main option for water management objective Field study showed that valve water gate
was water retention concept. Tertiary was not suitable for water retention option.
channel has function as rainfall storage pond Therefore, model of water table control was
(long storage) in order to maintain shallow done by using water structure that capable to
water table depth at teriary plot within 30 cm retain rainfall water and can be opened for
zone below soil surface (Imanudin et al., drainage operation. This controlled model
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management
Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 100

-----Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, Valid until 9 July 2023-----
Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
http://ijwem.unlam.ac.id/index.php/ijwem ISSN: 2477-5223 (Online)

can be fulfilled by using system of goose culvert structure was installed using concrete
neck pipe. Two paralon pipes having protector. Elbow (L) was installed and was
diameter of 12 inches were installed within connected with pipe which resembles goose
tertiary structure. Process of water gate neck on outside pipe toward inside part
making from preparation stage to (Figure 9). Water can not outflow from
development stage can be seen in Figure 9. tertiary channel into secondary channel due
The operational principle of this system was to condition of goose neck pipe. If rice crops
very simple in which excess of rainfall water need no water or flushing operation will be
(surface flow from land) would flow into conducted in tertiary channel, then goose
tertiary channel. Water was held previously neck pipe was removed and water will be
in box control before flowing into tertiary drained into secondary channel during low
channel. Rainfall water can be stored as tide water. Goose neck pipe was operated at
maximum as possible in tertiary channel so installed condition which indicate that it was
that tertiary water gate was in permanently used to retain rainfall water (rain harvesting).
closed condition. In order to prevent leakage,

Figur 9. Operation of goose neck-type water gate to retain water

Operation of water structure by using form of briquette made from cement, sand
water retention concept results in low water and rice straw ash had been tested at
quality in channel. Iron concentration was laboratory and it was capable to increase
increased and soil acidity was decreased. water pH from 2 to 6.7. Field test was
Meanwhile, water flushing operation from conducted at area of tertiary canal outfall.
channel would results in empty channel, This ameliorant conblock had slow release
water supply from rainfall is insufficient and characterstics resulting in gradual increase of
water table would quickly drop that can pH. Phytoremediation method was also
oxidize phyrite layer. Phyrite layer at the conducted to purify surface water quality.
study area was vary from shallow to Water plants used in this method were water
relatively deep with magnitude of 60 to 90 hyacinth and lotus.
cm below soil surface. Therefore, water
management was conducted by using passive Water Quality Improvement at Teriary
technique. Water management from channel Level
base was conducted by immersing
The study area had phyrite depth at 90 cm
ameliorant conblock and coconut sabut.
below soil surface so that no phyrite
Additive substance in form of rice straw ash
oxidation was occurred during 2016 because
was also added. It is expected that addition
water table depth was 50 cm below soil
of conditioner substances into channel mud
surface during observation at dry season
would capable to increase activity of soil
period of October. However, the effect of dry
microbia within water which subsequently
season in 2015 had produced acid substance
can increase soil pH. Soil conditioner in
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management
Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 101

-----Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, Valid until 9 July 2023-----
Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
http://ijwem.unlam.ac.id/index.php/ijwem ISSN: 2477-5223 (Online)

accumulation in roots zone of crop that was was not flooded by this water. Therefore,
not maximally leached. This condition water management system on land and box
results in low water quality. Byproducts control at outfall of quarterly channel were
result from phyrite oxidation had produced required in order to prevent the effect of poor
acid substances that were drained into quality of surface water (Figures 10-11).
tertiary channel or water body. Therefore, This system could passively produce water
water purification was needed before it was purification through application of additive
drained or before it was entered into land substances in box control. Therefore, water
through high tide water. The study of water previously reacts with ameliorant substance
table status in the field showed that it was before entering quarterly channel which in
located at 45 to 50 cm below soil surface. turn could increase soil pH. On the other
This condition was very suitable for corn hand, drained water from land was also
growth. The evapotranspiration requirement previously flow into box control so that
can be fulfilled by capillary soil water acidity and solubility of toxic substances
movement at this water table depth were decrease before flowing into tertiary
(Imanudin and Bakri, 2014). Although channel. Water flow into tertiary channel
surface water in channel showed low pH of was connected with 5 inch pipe.
3, but it was not toxic to crop because land

box cha
Limestone or
ameliorant briquette
Figure kapur atau section
10. Cross briket of water flow system from tertiary channel into quarterly channel

Figure 15. Condition of control box at outfall of tertiary channel

Water quality in channel was very poor pH condition was very vulnerable for crops.
and it was not suitable to be used as In addition, water was also contain relatively
irrigation water source. Water sampling was high concentration of iron. This acid water
conducted two times in October and condition facilitate Fe solubility so that acid
November 2016 for laboratory test. Analysis water usually has high Fe concentration.
results showed that pH of water was very However, analysis results at this time
acid in the range of 2.9 to 3.0 (Table 1). This showed low Fe concentration so that this
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management
Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 102

-----Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, Valid until 9 July 2023-----
Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
http://ijwem.unlam.ac.id/index.php/ijwem ISSN: 2477-5223 (Online)

water had fulfilled the criteria as irrigation considered dangerous for aquatic organisms
water standard. This was in accordance to the life (Moore, 1991). In addition, poor water
study result by Yusuf (2014) which stated quality was also shown by sulphate
that Fe concentration in water can be concentration in water which exceed tolerant
considered suitable for irrigation water if its threshold limit. According to Scofield
concentration in water was less than 10 (1936), water is not suitable for irigation if
mg/liter. Low concentration of Fe was its sulphate concentration is higher than 20
probably due to rainfall during October- mg/liter, whereas Yusuf (2014) had stated
November period. However, Fe that water was suitable for irrigation if its
concentration higher than 1 mg/L was sulphate concentration is less than 7 mg/liter.
Table 1. Analysis results of water quality from channels at tidal lowland area of Jalur 25 of
Sugihan Kanan
Dates of sample taking
No. Parameters
20 October 2016 2 November 2016

01 Acidity level (pH) 2.92 3.00

02 Iron concentration (Fe) 3.61 11.51
03 Sulphate concentration 27.33 57.50

Simple treatment had been done in capable to increase pH to 7.5 and to decrease
laboratory in order to decrease iron and iron concentration to 0.05 mg/liter. The best
sulphate concentrations as well as to increase result from conblock plus treatment had
pH of water. This test was conducted by produced alkaline pH and had decreased iron
addition of substances that had additive concentration. Increase of water pH in
characteristics. Treatment was consisted of conblock treatment showed relatively high
addition of rice straw ash and conblock plus neutralizing power of conblock so that dose
made of sand, cement, lime and rice straw of 1:4 volume ratio (1 part of conblock and 4
ash. Phytoremediation method was also liters of water) was too high. Therefore,
tested by planting of water hyacinth. treatment series were needed to obtain the
Analysis results of ameliorant substances optimum dose. Treatment of water hyacinth
addition for one week period showed was also effective in decreasing iron
significant effect in decreasing iron concentration and in increasing pH of water.
concentration and in increasing pH of water However, all treatments were incapable to
(Table 2). Addition of rice straw ash was decrease sulphate concentration in water

Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management

Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 103

-----Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, Valid until 9 July 2023-----
Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
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Table 2. Laboratory analysis results related to treatment effect on water channel purification
No. Parameters Dose treatment 1:4 unit of volume
Rice straw ash Water Conblock Plus

01 Acidity level (pH) 7.54 5.96 9.18

02 Iron concentration (Fe) 0.05 0.16 0.3
03 Sulphate concentration 83.18 38.74 57.35

Note: Incubation for duration of 10 days

Study of Water Quality Change in Field water with magnitude of 4 mg/liter, whereas
iron concentration in treatment pond was
Environmental condition especially decreased to 0.32 mg/liter and it was very
drainage water was very acid at condition of suitable for irrigation. The decrease was also
acid soil. This was shown by pH of water found on sulphate concentration from 29.9
less than 3 found in tertiary channel. Acid mg/liter to 6.8 mg/liter which was suitable
soil condition causes the increase of iron and for irrigation water requirement.
alluminum solubilities. This would highly The decrease of iron concentration
depress other nutrients availability, (Table 3) at quarterly channel level showed
especially phosphorus at certain condition positive result because this water will be
(Panhwar et al., 2016). Therefore, directly used to irrigate crops at tertiary plot.
improvement of soil quality and water Iron toxicity was frequently found on rice
quality should be done at initial stage in cultivation at tidal swamp land (Sebastian,
order to increase pH value. A. and Prasad, 2015). Iron toxicity on rice
Water sampling in tertiary and secondary was due to high concentration of Fe in soil or
channels was done to determine the change within soil solution. Study results showed
of water quality as impact from addition of that Fe concentration in soil solution which
ameliorant substances. Processing effort in cause Fe toxicity on crops were highly vary.
the field was done by addition of synthetic Critical limit of Fe concentration in soil
additive substances in form of conblock solution which cause iron toxicity was in the
(mixing of cement, rice straw ash and lime) range of 100 ppm at pH of 3.7 and 300 ppm
at tertiary channel outfall and water was or higher at pH of 5.0 (Sahrawat et al.,
previously flown into treatment pond at box 1995). According to Asch et al. (2005), Fe
control before entering into quarterly concentration in soil solution which causes
channel. Analysis results showed relatively toxicity was highly vary in the range of 10 to
significant change of water quality in 500 ppm. The study results from Majerus et
quarterly channel. The increase of pH was al. (2007) and Mehraban et al. (2008)
only one digit so that it needs to be increased showed that Fe concentration in nutrients
at leat to pH of 5. However, pH of water in solution with magnitude of 250 to 500 ppm
the field was relatively good with magnitude and pH of 4.5 to 6.0 had significantly
of 5 as indicated by pH paper test. Oxidation increased Fe concentration in plant tissues
was probably occurred during analysis at and showed Fe toxicity symptoms for
laboratory. Significant decrease of iron sensitive plants. The study results from
concentration was found in tertiary channel Dorlodot et al. (2005) which used Fe
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management
Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 104

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Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
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concentration in nutrients solution with on land. Results of study by Imanudin and

magnitude > 250 ppm showed Fe toxicity Armanto (2012) showed that improvement of
symptoms and decrease of crop growth. The micro water management at tidal lowland
effort to decrease iron concentration can be swamp was capable to decrease iron
done by improvement of water management concentration from 78.68 ppm to 41.31 ppm
system in order to facilitate leaching process
Table 3. Laboraory results of water quality after field treatment
Samples Sulphate Salinity
pH Fe (mg/L)
(mg/L) (mg/L)
Tertiary channel
water 2.95 4.01 29.98 0.2
Box water 3.7 0.32 6.84 0.06

Salinity condition (Table 3) in December- Treatment at salinity concentration of 4,000

January was very low in tertiary channel (0.2 ppm had significant effect on growth
ppm) and even close to zero in quarterly disturbance. The study results by Mansour et
channel (0.06 ppm). This condition was due al. (2005) showed that corn seeds treated
to high rainfall and high tide water from with 150 mmol NaCl for 15 days had caused
secondary channel that was incapable to significant decrease in term of fresh produce
enter because water gate was in totally weight and dry weight of roots as well as
closed operation. Water management at this crown weight of corn.
area was not only to retain water, but also to
protect water in tertiary channel from salt Effect of Water Gate Operation
water intrusion during dry season.
Results of field study showed that water
The effect of salinity on plant growth had
flow system at tertiary and secondary levels
been extensively studied. The study by
had produced balance water flow, i.e. no
Alsaeedi, et al., (2018) showed that
flow was occurred when water surface on
cucumber germination percentage up to
tertiary channel was 86 cm and water surface
5,000 ppm salinity was not significantly
on secondary channel was 192 cm. This
different than that of control treatment (0
condition was occurred at wet season in
ppm). The decrease of germination
December 2016. Figure 12 showed that
percentage was started at 7,500 ppm. On the
hourly water surface condition in tertiary
other hand, germination percentage at 4,000
channel was at constant level in 20
ppm salinity condition showed significant
December 2016, although water surface on
decrease for chilly crop.
secondary channel was dropped. This
Study results by Asih et al. (2015) on
condition was developed because water gate
mustard crop showed that addition of NaCl
was closed (goose neck pipe was installed)
salt at 2,000 ppm had no significant effect on
by farmers during crop growth period so that
all values of growth parameters. The growth
no outflow of rainfall water. This system was
parameter values became significantly
applied thoroghly for rice cultivation at tidal
different at 4,000 ppm concentration. This
swamp land of C typhology (Imanudin et al.,
condition was also in accordance to study
results by Utama et al. (2009) for rice crop.

Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management

Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 105

-----Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, Valid until 9 July 2023-----
Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
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Figure 12. Water table dynamics in tertiary and secondary channels

The main objective of water management of February. Operation activity of water gate
at B typhology land in which high tide water was in 8 December 2016 in which goose
can not flow into land and secondary channel neck pipe was installed by farmers to retain
had very poor water quality so that high tide water. Results of water table observation at
water was not allowed to flow into tertiary this period showed that land was flooded
channel was to maximize rainfall water with water at thickness of 15 cm and water
utilization. Therefore, water gate in tertiary pH of 5. Rice growth condition can be seen
channel should be closed (goose neck pipe in Figure 13. Water table surface had
was installed) so that rainfal water can be increased as a results of water retention
retained and tertiary channel was filled with operation (Figure 14). This showed that
rainfall water. rainfall water was capable to increase water
Planting period for rice crop was in the table or there was no surface flow (zero
middle of October up to early of December, runoff). This condition was produced due to
whereas harvest was started from the middle tertiary channel condition that full of water.

Figure 13. Operation condition of water gate and rice crop growth (18 December 2016)
Farmers effort to close water gate was of water table condition at land plot (zero
conducted during growth period of rice crop, runoff). Since the start of rainfall occurrence
especially at vegetative phase. Closed in the middle of October, water table was
operation of water gate had caused water in continously increased close to soil surface,
tertiary channel was at maximum level of 80- whereas flooding was occurred starting from
90 cm which capable to continously increase November and water flooding with thickness
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management
Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 106

-----Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, Valid until 9 July 2023-----
Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
http://ijwem.unlam.ac.id/index.php/ijwem ISSN: 2477-5223 (Online)

of 10 to 15 cm was occurred in January ton/ha although it was higher than that of

(Figure 19). Farmers try to drop water level previous year with magnitude of 2.5 ton/ha.
in the middle of January because rice crop Improvement of crop variety should also be
was approaching late generative phase done in order to increase crop production.
(approaching harvest). However, because Impara variety was more suitable to be
insufficient duration of low tide water and cultivated at flooded land condition.
rainfall water was relatively high, then water According to Djufry (2015), rice crop of 1-6
surface in tertiary channel was always full Impara group had adaptation capability on
and no significant change of water table flooded environment. Tolerance capability
drawdown at paddy field plot. toward water flooding was in the range of 7
Evapotranspiration requirement for rice crop to 14 days at vegetative phase and higher rice
was in the range of 3.6 to 4.1 mm/day productivity was in the range of 4 to 6 ton/ha
(Hasibuan, 2010). Water table observation of milled dry rice. Moreover, Gribaldi et al.
showed that crop water requirement can be (2014) had added that Impara 5 variety had
fulfilled by rainfall water supply and there better adaptation on flooding environment
was occurrence of water excess (surplus). condition. This variety contains gen Sub-1
Rice was harvested in 10-19 February. having relatively higher content of
Rice growth condition can be seen in Figure chlorophyl, carbohydrate and dry weight.
20. Water in land was in flooded condition Maximum water depth at the study area was
with thickness range of 15 to 20 cm from soil in the range of 20 to 25 cm so that rice crop
surface. Harvest was started from the middle was never totally flooded at vegetative
of January up to the end of February. Rice phase.
production was still low with magnitude of 3

Figure 14. Water table dynamics at land plot as affected by water gate operation
Condition of excess water volume (which field capacity condition (Supriyanto, 2013),
cause flooding) is frequently results in whereas water should available above field
aeration stress, whereas insufficient water capacity zone for maximum production of
volume results in dryness stress. For rain fed paddy field rice. The study by Fonteh et al.
rice, crop will experience decrease in growth (2013) had showed that continues flooding
and production if available water condition is treatment had showed no significant effect
less than field capacity level (Ahmed et than that of intermitten irrigation. Continues
al.,2014). Water should always available at irrigation (continues flooding with water
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management
Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 107

-----Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, Valid until 9 July 2023-----
Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
http://ijwem.unlam.ac.id/index.php/ijwem ISSN: 2477-5223 (Online)

depth of 3 cm) had produced the same rice channel base or water body.
yield than that of intermitten irrigation Ameliorant substances were used to
(Hossain et al., 2016).. Moreover, Naharia et increase pH of water. Proper
al. (2005) added that continues flooding substances after laboratory test were
treatment with height of 5 cm gave yield of 5 rice straw ash, coconut fiber, compost
ton/ha. It was reported in Iran (Pascual and and soil from below of banana trees.
Wang, 2016) that water application depth of These substances were capable to
3 to 7 cm at irrigation area could produced increase pH of water from 2 to 5.
rice yield of 8.0 ton/ha. Therefore, water  Conblock construction using mixture of
table control at paddy field plot with sand-cement-lime-rice sraw ash with
maximum depth of 5 to 10 cm was very volume ratio of (2: 2: 1: 3) showed
important to produce maximum rice yield at significant effect in increasing pH of
swamp area. water. Testing on channel water with
In addition to water quality improvement 1:4 volume ratio of concblock and
and water table control, production increase water could increased pH of water up
should also followed by ameliorant to 8.
substances addition in soil coupled with  All ameliorant substances were
biofertilizer addition (Panhwar et al., 2016). generally capable to increase pH value,
to decrease iron concentration, but not
Acknowledgements all were capable to decrease sulphate
The authors gratefully acknowledge to concentration.
the provision of financial support ref.  Tertiary channel improvement was
184.2/PL.040/H.1/09/2016 dated 13-09- conducted by constructing water gate
2016 from Agricultural Research and of goose neck type so that rainfall
Development Agency Ministry of water can be maximally retained in
Agriculture Republic Indonesia. tertiary channel and high tide water
from secondary channel having poor
CONCLUSION AND water quality could not enter into
RECOMMENDATION tertiary channel. Water gate opening
was done when water rainfall was in
excess quantity or height of goose neck
 Low productivity at the study area was pipe can be regulated up to water
due to high level of soil and water maximum level above the highest
acidities, phyrite oxidation process water table height.
during dry season and acid substances  Water gate was operated at opened
were not maximally leached due to low mode for initial period of wet season
perfomance of drainage network. Micro up to planting season (free water inflow
network at tertiary plot was unavailable and outflow) to accelerate leaching.
and tertiary channel was still connected Water gate was operated as rainfall
to secondary channel in one direction. water retention up to January and was
 The study of land use showed that rice opened at approaching harvest period
cultivation was still very potential (February-March).
because land use for rice crop was 83  The study results of water qualty
% and the rest of 17% was for other improvement in the field showed that
usage, including plantation. there was significant change of water
 Improvement of water quality at the quality between tertiary channel and
study area can be done by using quarterly channel. Water in quarterly
passive technology through channel had already showed the quality
improvement of biological process in which fulfill good irrigation water
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management
Vol 6, No 2 (2018) 93 - 111 108

-----Accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education Indonesia, No. 21/E/KPT/2018, Valid until 9 July 2023-----
Available on line at: ISSN: 2354-5844(Print)
http://ijwem.unlam.ac.id/index.php/ijwem ISSN: 2477-5223 (Online)

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