Anatomy Physiology 4
Anatomy Physiology 4
Anatomy Physiology 4
a. Function:
a. Function:
6. Nervous tissue: Nervous tissue is specially designed to receive stimuli from either
inside or out side the body, and when stimulated to carry impulses rapidly to other tissues.
Nervous tissue consists of nerve cells called neurones, and a special supporting network called
neuroglia. A nerve cell consists of a large cell body, to which several short processes, called
dendrites, bring impulses from other cells and tissues. From the cell body there is one long
process called the axon, which carries impulses away from the cell body.
6. Definition: Organs are composed of two or more tissue types that together perform
one or more common functions e.g Liver, Heart, Lungs etc.
7. Definition: A system consists of a group of organs classified as a unit because of a
common function or set of functions. The body is considered to have 11 major systems. They are
as follows.
a. Skeletal system.
b. Muscular system.
c. Integumental system.
d. Nervous system.
e. Endocrine system.
f. Cardiovascular system.
g. Lymphatic system.
h. Respiratory system.
i. Digestive system.
j. Urinary system and
k. Reproductive system.
d. The spinal canal, a posterior cavity inside the vertebral column containing the spinal
cord which joins the brain.