Concept For Temperature-Cascade Hydrogen Release F
Concept For Temperature-Cascade Hydrogen Release F
Concept For Temperature-Cascade Hydrogen Release F
A concept for LOHC
dehydrogenation process
intensification is presented
For a sustainable hydrogen economy, large-scale transportation and storage of
hydrogen becomes increasingly important. Typically, hydrogen is compressed
or liquified, but both processes are energy intensive. Liquid organic hydrogen
carriers (LOHCs) present a potential solution for mitigating these challenges
while making use of the existing fossil fuel transportation infrastructure. Here,
we present a process intensification strategy for improved LOHC dehydrogena-
tion and an example of clean power generation using solid oxide fuel cells. Four
LOHC candidates—ammonia, biphenyl-diphenylmethane eutectic mixture,
N-phenylcarbazole, and N-ethylcarbazole—have been compared as stand-alone
and integrated systems using comprehensive process simulation. ‘‘Temperature
cascade’’ dehydrogenation was shown to increase the energy generated per
unit mass (kWh/kg LOHC) by 1.3–2 times in an integrated system compared to
stand-alone LOHC systems, thus providing a possibility for a positive impact
on a LOHC-based hydrogen supply chain.
Utilization of hydrogen as an energy vector in a renewable-energy economy pre-
sents significant advantages as it is abundant, has a high gravimetric energy den-
sity1 (120 MJ/kg), and the production can (and has been) integrated with surplus
renewable electricity. The price of H2 produced from renewably generated elec-
tricity can be expected to decrease as the total global supply of renewable elec-
tricity sources increases. Coupled with emerging high-efficiency conversion tech-
nologies such as reversible protonic ceramic electrochemical cells, with a
reported 97% electric-to-hydrogen efficiency,2 the price of renewably generated
hydrogen should become more competitive as the industrial supply of these con-
version technologies is increased within the next decade, according to Glenk and
1Ulsan National Institute of Science and
Reichelstein.3 One of the challenges of the utilization of hydrogen as an energy
Technology, School of Energy and Chemical
vector lies in storage and transportation technologies. Elemental hydrogen under Engineering, 50 UNIST-gil, Eonyang-eup,
25 C and 1 atm has a low density of 0.08375 kg/m3 (8.38e 5 kg/L),4 and thus the Ulju-gun, Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea
lowest volumetric energy density of 0.01 MJ/L compared to most of the 2Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology,
School of Mechanical Engineering, 123
commonly used fuels. Consequently, to store (for later utilization or transport) Cheomdangwagi-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005,
any quantity of hydrogen, most common, large-scale hydrogen storage techniques Republic of Korea
such as compressed hydrogen (200–700 bar),5 and liquefied hydrogen ( 253 C)6 3Pukyong National University, Department of
Chemical Engineering, 45 Yongso-ro, Nam-gu,
require somewhat rigorous conditions of pressure and temperature, which trans-
Busan 48513, Republic of Korea
late into significant energy expenditures and safety considerations. As this inhibits 4Lead Contact
the progress of the hydrogen economy, alternative hydrogen storage techniques
*Correspondence: [email protected] (S.K.),
in the form of a liquid organic carrier have been extensively researched and devel- [email protected] (H.L.)
oped in the past decade.7–10
Cell Reports Physical Science 1, 100032, March 25, 2020 ª 2020 The Author(s). 1
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Numerous advantages of liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs) as attractive stor-
age compounds, owing to their cyclical nature, relative safety, well developed pro-
duction technology, and comparative lack of carbon emissions, have been widely re-
ported elsewhere, particularly by Reuß et al.,11,12 Preuster et al.,13 Runge et al.,14
and many others, and are not discussed here in detail. Compared to conventional
storage technologies, the use of LOHCs essentially allows for a wide selection of
globally produced and well-characterized chemicals (in terms of their handling
and chemistry), providing a suitable selection for integration in the present liquid-
fuel-based transportation infrastructure. A suitable LOHC candidate can ideally be
used to bridge the distance between locations of high renewable energy supply
and high clean energy demand, which are, on a global average, non-urban and ur-
ban, respectively. On the energy-demand side, hydrogen must be released from its
LOHC in an endothermic chemical reaction at high temperatures. The source of the
energy for that release (fossil fuel or renewable) and the efficiency of its usage will
directly affect the overall efficiency of the LOHC-derived renewable electricity.
Dehydrogenation processes for various LOHC candidates have been designed
and theoretically evaluated.15–17 Eypasch et al.18 have modeled and performed an
economic evaluation of an industrial-scale LOHC system based on dibenzyltoluene
(DBT) (an LOHC used partly in this work) and have concluded that an energy-self-suf-
ficient system (at this time) has a 47% higher cost per unit of electricity produced than
an average grid price.
An obvious outlier here is the LOHC 1 system (ammonia), which produces 2.53 kWh/
kg (LOHC). Although comparatively higher, this value must be observed differently
from other systems because ammonia converts into hydrogen and nitrogen and
therefore cannot be hydrogenated again, but rather synthesized. Therefore, in terms
of the LOHC supply chain, the energy difference of ammonia synthesis and LOHC
hydrogenation (charging) must be taken into account, which is beyond the scope of
the present study.
To provide a relative comparison of the reactor system complexity between the sin-
gle and TC LOHC systems’ reactors, they were sized assuming a tube bundle contin-
uous reactor with set dimensions of a single tube of 1.5 m length and 0.15 m diam-
eter (Figure 2C). The total reactor volume (as a sum of single tube volume integers)
for complete dehydrogenation was assessed assuming the dehydrogenation ki-
netics for DBT-pentahydrate (DBT-18) published by Peters et al.19 It was not pre-
sumed that these kinetics accurately model the actual kinetics of LOHCs in this study.
Rather, they were used simply to compare the relative reactor size differences since
the same LOHCs are compared in both single and TC systems.
Under this assumption, the total number of reactor tubes was determined for each
case (Figure 2D). The total number is an average for each LOHC system considering
the heat source temperature variation. From Figure 2D, it can be observed that the
average total number of reactor tubes for the TC system is comparable to LOHC 3,
which is between LOHCs 4 and 2. Net power produced per reactor tube, however,
provides a clear advantage for the TC LOHC system as it can generate more power
with the same number of reactor tubes compared to the single LOHC systems. This
metric is even higher than the outlier LOHC 1, which further demonstrates the in-
crease in efficiency (in terms of energy generated per same amount of equipment)
TC LOHC outperforms its single LOHC counterparts in virtually every metric besides
the already-discussed outlier of ammonia. Including the temperature variability of
the heat source, TC outperformed other systems in electrical energy generated
per kilogram of LOHC by a factor of 1.3–2. Finally, it was shown how this integrated
system can considerably increase the amount of clean energy generated (1.17–1.97
times) with a reactor system of the same complexity compared to single LOHC
This leads us to draw the conclusion that the utilization of energy conservative and
integrated process designs such as TC dehydrogenation can notably increase the
hydrogen yield at zero-carbon emissions, thus providing a more energy-efficient
process for clean hydrogen release and utilization. A detailed techno-economic
assessment is required to fully define and quantify whether the benefits (increased
efficiency) outweigh the possible drawbacks (more expensive LOHC transport) of
this design. If that were the case, then this strategy may be required if the economic
viability of renewable energy vectors and their faster implementation are to be
LOHC Selection
Considering that the purpose of LOHCs is the secure transport and storage of
hydrogen, the likely candidates should possess some combination, or ideally all,
of the following features: (1) high H2 storage density (amount of H2 it can carry per
unit mass or volume); (2) preferably liquid with low volatility (for safe and convenient
transport and storage); (3) preferably low reaction enthalpy and temperature (rela-
tive to other candidates); (4) high reversibility (low degradation during H2 charging
and discharging); and (5) low environmental hazard and cost.
As the central point of this work is improving the energy efficiency of the hydrogen
release process using a shared energy source, the temperature gradient between
the LOHC candidates’ reaction temperatures was the additional feature considered
in their selection. Four selected candidates (Scheme 1) were described in experi-
mental and/or thermodynamic-computational dehydrogenation studies and were
deemed viable as LOHCs.
Ammonia (Scheme 1, denoted in green) is one of the prime LOHC candidates in the
literature, due to its outstanding hydrogen storage capacity (17.75 wild-type [WT]%)
and a well-established synthesis process (Haber-Bosch), which is a de facto industry
standard.20 Experimental study of energy-self-sufficient ammonia dehydrogenation
and subsequent electricity generation through SOFC by Cha et al.21 formed the ba-
sis of the present study. Although more recent research has demonstrated the pos-
sibility of using ammonia directly in a fuel cell, Zhao et al.22 note that, while prom-
ising, it still must develop to the point of the efficiency of the present fuel cell
Therefore, the flue gas temperature at the inlet must be higher than the reaction
temperature of the particular LOHC system (DT of 50 C was set as the minimum).
The flue gas temperature (and the flowrate) was controlled by varying the air:fuel ra-
tio. The second constraint ensured that the flue gas exited the system at a temper-
ature that was no greater than the reaction temperature of the LOHC system. The
bulk of the produced hydrogen was used in an SOFC stack for direct electricity gen-
eration, and the part of the H2 was used as a fuel. The flue gas contained no CO2,
yielding virtually zero-carbon electricity generation. It must be noted that trace
amounts of dehydrogenated LOHC vapors may remain in the hydrogen stream,
which would produce some COx when combusted. This, however, is a negligible
amount when compared to fossil fuel combustion and can be further minimized
with appropriate separation operations (adsorption and H2 selective membranes,
to name a few).
To determine the benefits of this design concept, the TC system was compared to
each stand-alone LOHC system. All of the comparisons were made based on the
same fuel input (1 kg/h H2). Conductive and convective heat losses from the flue
gas to the reactor and the LOHCs were not assessed for this comparison as they
would equally affect the stand-alone systems and each LOHC system in the TC
concept. The primary objectives of this comparison were to quantify the amount
of electricity generated from each system, the amount of electricity generated per
kilogram of LOHC used, and finally the amount of electricity generated per total
number of reactor vessels (as a potential indicator of reduction of complexity of
the reactor system).
This research was supported by the Hydrogen Energy Innovation Technology Develop-
ment Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the
Korean government (Ministry of Science and ICT [MSIT]) (NRF-2019M3E6A1064290).
Conceptualization & Methodology, Writing – Original Draft, Writing – Review & Ed-
iting, B.B.; Investigation & Formal Analysis, B.B., B.L., and R.D.; Validation, Software,
S.K. and J.J.L.; Project Administration, B.L.; Supervision, Funding Acquisition, H.L.
The authors declare no competing interests.
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