LC-MS Based Metabolite Profiling In-Vitro Antioxid
LC-MS Based Metabolite Profiling In-Vitro Antioxid
LC-MS Based Metabolite Profiling In-Vitro Antioxid
DOI: 10.1002/efd2.107
Department of Pharmacology, Universal Abstract
College of Medical Sciences, Bhairahawa,
Rupandehi, Nepal The aim of this study was to identify the bioactive phytoconstituents present in the
2 aqueous extract of Nigella sativa and also, to evaluate the antioxidant and
Department of Biochemistry, Universal
College of Medical Sciences, Bhairahawa, antihyperlipidemic activity in Wistar rats. The LC‐MS/MS analysis was assessed for
Rupandehi, Nepal the determination of different bioactive compounds present in N. sativa extract. Total
Department of Physiology, Universal College phenolic and flavonoid content were determined by using validated Folin‐Ciocalteu
of Medical Sciences, Bhairahawa, Rupandehi, and Aluminum chloride colorimetric methods, respectively. The in‐vitro antioxidant
and in‐vivo antihyperlipidemic activity in Wistar rats were also evaluated. Preliminary
phytochemical screening of the extract showed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids,
Department of Oriental Pharmacy, Wonkwang‐
Oriental Medicines Research Institute,
Wonkwang University, Iksan, South Korea phenols, glycosides, and amino acids in the aqueous extract. The bioactive compounds
5 of the aqueous extract were identified through LC‐MS/MS analysis. The in‐vitro
Department of Bromatology, Faculty of
Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, antioxidant activity of N. sativa showed the highest free radical scavenging capacity in
Serbia DPPH, H2O2, and OH radical scavenging assays with IC50 values 11.916 ± 2.828,
Research Laboratory, Gandaki Province 30.294 ± 13.790, and 12.048 ± 2.828 µg/mL, respectively. Evaluation of antihyperlipi-
Academy of Science and Technology, Pokhara, demic activity of extract in Wistar rats showed that a high dose (800 mg/kg) of
Gandaki Province, Nepal
extract significantly decreased total cholesterol (TC) 71.76 ± 6.91 mg/dL, TG
83.6 ± 8.09 mg/dL, low‐density lipoproteins (LDL‐c) 33.86 ± 6.05 mg/dL, very low‐
Amit Kumar Shrivastava and Laxmi Shrestha,
density lipoproteins (VLDL‐c) 16.72 ± 1.61 mg/dL level in blood. However, the
Department of Pharmacology, Universal HDL‐C level was significantly improved (21.18 ± 1.80 mg/dL) as compared to HFD‐
College of Medical Sciences, Bhairahawa, induced control rats (11.76 ± 1.14 mg/dL) after 28 days of treatment. Also, at the same
Rupandehi, Nepal.
Email: [email protected] and
dose, animal body weight was also decreased to 162.6 ± 16.40 g compared with control
[email protected] 184.4 ± 10.24 g. The aqueous extract of N. sativa was found to be an effective natural
Niranjan Koirala, Research Laboratory, source of antioxidant and hypolipidemic agents. This activity was attributed to the
Gandaki Province Academy of Science and presence of diverse bioactive compounds in it.
Technology, Pokhara, Nepal.
Email: [email protected]
Funding Information antihyperlipidemia activity, antioxidant activity, DPPH, dyslipidemia, Nigella sativa
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2023 The Authors. eFood published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of International Association of Dietetic Nutrition and Safety.
(ROS) which initiates the formation of complexes through 2.1 | Plant material and authentication
biochemical and inflammatory reactions. The oxidized
lipoproteins affect microphases to form foam cell through The seed of N. sativa was purchased from the local
activation of scavenger receptors which results in promoting market of Bhairahawa, Rupendehi, Nepal. The seeds
cholesterol biosynthesis (Delgado et al., 2012). In addition, were authenticated and reconfirmed by Pratikshya
an increase in the production of ROS plays a role in Chalise, Research Superintend, National Herbarium
development of atherosclerosis. ROS also interact with and Plant Laboratories, Godavari, Lalitpur, Kathmandu
different types of biomolecules like lipids, carbohydrates, (Registration number 165).
proteins, and so forth in the body and alters cellular
functions (Yang et al., 2008). Therapeutic intervention
available for dyslipidemia nowadays can be grouped as; 2.2 | Chemicals
statins, bile‐acid sequestrants, fibrates, ezetimibe, niacin,
omega‐3 fatty acids, apo‐B antisense oligonucleotides, The high‐fat diet (vanaspati ghee and coconut oil 3:1
proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK‐9) ratio) were purchased from the local market. All the
inhibitors and, microsomal triglyceride transport protein chemicals were used in the present study are ACS grade.
inhibitors (Ahn & Choi, 2015; Zodda et al., 2018). They have
either limited efficiency or cannot be used due to incidence of
adverse reactions. To address these issues, inexpensive and 2.3 | Preparation of aqueous extract of
nontoxic natural phytochemicals that were traditionally used N. sativa (AENS)
as remedies have found insurgence in current trends of
pharmacological research. In search for a newer group of The N. sativa seeds were grounded into coarse powder
drugs, pharmacological research toward traditional herbal and weighed quantity were placed in maceration flask
plants have been widely exploited (Ahn & Choi, 2015; and sufficient amount of distilled water (1:5 ratio) was
Balbaa et al., 2016; Bensiameur‐Touati et al., 2017; Modi added. It was then kept at room temperature with
et al., 2021; Panthi et al., 2020; Sultan et al., 2014). occasional shaking. The complete maceration was done
Nigella sativa is an annual plant commonly grown in for about 72 h. After the maceration was completed, the
Europe, the Middle East, and Western Asia (Bamosa menstruum was collected, evaporated and the extract
et al., 2010; El‐Dakhakhny et al., 2002). This herb, also was obtained. The percentage yield was calculated and
known as black seed or black cumin, has been used extract was stored at 4°C in an air‐tight container
since ancient times for the treatment of various illnesses (Benlafya et al., 2014).
like bronchial asthma, headache, dysentery, infections,
hypertension, and diabetes mellitus (Bamosa et al., 2010). (Weight of extract) × 100
Recently, N. sativa has garnered much interest in the %yeild = . (1)
(Weight of powder)
scientific community owing to its ability to decrease
blood glucose and improve lipid profile (Daryabeygi‐ 2.4 | Preliminary phytochemical screening
Khotbehsara et al., 2017; Salama, 2011; Sultan
et al., 2014). Studies on hyperlipidemia‐induced rat The preliminary phytochemical screening of aqueous
models have also shown similar promising results of extract of N. sativa was carried out to detect presence
N. sativa extracts on lipid profiles. Decrease in serum different bioactive secondary metabolites (Asaduzzaman,
TG, TC, LDLc, and increase in HDLc were achieved to Nahar, Rahman, Hasan, Khatun, 2015).
varying degrees in various studies (Balbaa et al., 2016;
El‐Dakhakhny et al., 2002; Le et al., 2004). Similar findings
were reported in human studies as well (Daryabeygi‐ 2.5 | Liquid chromatography (LC)‐mass
Khotbehsara et al., 2017; Heshmati et al., 2015). spectroscopy (MS)/MS analysis
The present study aims to determine bioactive
compounds, measure antioxidant activity and lipid The MS analysis was performed by Central Drug
profile in hyperlipidemic rats. Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh,
2 | M A T E R I A L S AN D M E T H O D S
2.5.1 | Preparation of sample
The study was conducted in the Department of
Pharmacology, Universal College of Medical Sciences The N. sativa extract was dissolved in water to prepare
(UCMS), Bhairahawa, Nepal from August 2019 to stock solution of 1 mg/mL concentration. Again, the
April 2020 after the approval of Institutional Review primary stock solution was dissolved in acidified
Committee (IRC) (Registration number UCMS/IRC/ methanol (1% glacial acetic acid), further, the sample
186/18). was dissolved in methanol and was prepared 50 ng/mL
| 3 of 19
concentration of working sample. The working sample linear equation of gallic acid standard. The result was
aliquot was again dissolved in acetonitrile and stan- expressed as mg(GAE)/g of dry weight (Alhakmani
dard calibration curve was determined (Wahajuddin et al., 2013; Shrivastava et al., 2022).
et al., 2016).
extract (800 mg/kg), each group containing five (n = 5) was determined on different time intervals before and
animals. Before conducting the experiment, the ethical after starting the treatment (Rai et al., 2013).
approval was taken from Institutional Review Commit-
tee (IRC), UCMS, Bhairahawa, Nepal (Registration
number: UCMS/IRC/186/18). 2.13 | Blood and biochemical analysis
Before the induction of hyperlipidaemia, the rats were
2.11 | Acute toxicity study fasted for 6 h and anesthetized by diethyl ether. Then, the
blood sample from all groups were collected in a
The acute toxicity study was assessed previously heparinized tube from retro‐orbital plexuson initial day
described by Asif et al. (2015). In their study, an albino (0th day) of the treatment. After that same procedure
mouse of 18–25 g of body weight was used. The animals was followed 7, 14, and 28th days of treatment for
were divided into five groups, each group containing five measuring cholesterol and TG levels as described by
(n = 5) animals. The animals were treated orally with (Chen et al., 2000; Davooth et al., 2015). The sample was
aqueous extract of N. sativa up to 5000 mg/kg. After oral sent to the laboratory for determination of cholesterol,
administration of N. sativa extract, no visible symptoms TG, LDL, HDL, VLDL by spectrophotometric tech-
of toxicity like ptosis, writhing, convulsion, tremors, nique (Huma Star 600, Catalog no. 16660/001)
salivation, behavioral abnormalities, and so forth, were
observed (Asif et al., 2015). Thus obtained safe dose, 400 VLDL = , (2)
and 800 mg/kg of N. sativa extract were selected for 5
anti‐hyperlipidaemic activity.
LDL [totalcholesterol‐ (HDL + VLDL)]. (3)
2.12.1 | High‐fat diet‐induced All the grouped data were statistically evaluated, and the
hyperlipidemia in Wistar rat results are expressed as the mean ± standard error means.
One‐way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by
The high‐fat diet was prepared by mixing vanaspati Newman Keulus multiple comparison tests was per-
ghee and coconut oil (3:1) v/v ratio and was given to formed. p Value of <0.05, <0.01, <0.001 was considered
Wistar rats at the dose 3 mL/kg/day for 28 days to be statically significant. All analysis was performed by
(Figure 1) (Munshi et al., 2014). The body weight of using Graph Pad Prism (5.01 GraphPad Software Inc.).
both normal control and HFD‐induced hyperlipidaemia LDL and VLDL were calculated by using formula.
F I G U R E 1 Schematic diagram representing the timeline of hyperlipidemia experiment. Mice were fed with high‐fat diet (HFD) and control diet
for 28 days and the same diet throughout the study was maintained.
| 5 of 19
In this analysis raw extract of N. sativa was subjected for The antioxidant activity of N. sativa was determined
the determination of chemical composition. The obtained using standard ascorbic acid BHT and BHA as expressed
spectra are shown in supplementary figures. The spectral in Table 4. The antioxidant activity of aqueous extract of
peaks were determined with respective to retention time, N. sativa was expressed with IC50 value. The DPPH●
fragmentation pattern of individual components with scavenging activity showed that N. sativa extract had
previously published studies (Table 3). The spectral peaks good IC50 value which was 11.916 ± 2.828 µg/mL.
Whereas in comparison of ascorbic acid and BHT, the
BHT has highest inhibition as compared with ascorbic
T A B L E 1 Preliminary phytochemical screening of aqueous extract
acid which was 3.049 ± 1.086 and 7.012 ± 2.499 µg/mL,
of Nigella Sativa seeds.
respectively. It also revealed that N. sativa showed
Name of phytochemical Presence almost similar inhibition activity as compared with
S.N. constituents (+)/Absences (−)
ascorbic acid.
1 Alkaloids − Hydrogen peroxide plays a crucial role for production
2 Flavonoids − of ROS. The unusual accumulation of hydrogen peroxide
promotes oxidative stress and inflammation into biological
3 Phenols −
system. The H2O2 scavenging activity was concentration
4 Tannins + dependent. The H2O2 scavenging activity of N. sativa
5 Glycosides − extract IC50 value was 30.294 ± 13.790 µg/mL which was
expressed in Table 4. In comparison between two standard
6 Amino acids − compound BHT and Ascorbic acid, BHT have higher
7 Steroids + radical inhibition IC50 value 2.215 ± 0.789 µg/mL as
compared with ascorbic acid IC50 9.360 ± 3.336 µg/mL.
8 Terpenoids ++
In Table 4 represents various in‐vitro antioxidant
9 Saponin + activities such as nitric oxide, hydroxyl radical scavenging
Abbreviations: +, presences of phytochemical constituents; ++, presence of high and metal chelating activity revealing potent inhibitory
quantity of phytochemical constituents; −, absence of phytochemical constituent. potential of N. sativa with IC50 value of 209.848 ± 49.884,
TABLE 2 The total phenolic and flavonoid content of aqueous extract of N. sativa was determined with respective to gallic acid and quercetin.
Aqueous extract of N. sativa
The mean absorbance of total phenolic content at
765 nm The mean absorbance of total Flavonoid content at 510 nm
Concentration Abs. of Conc. of gallic TPC (mg Abs. of Conc. of TFC (mg of
(mg/mL) extract acid (g/mL) GAE/g) extract quercetin (g/mL) quercetin/g)
0.2 0.157 11.119 111.190 0.123 8.619 86.190
Note: The mean total phenolic and flavonoid content of N. sativa was 173.190 ± 4.875 mg GAE/g equivalent, 129.761 ± 6.151 mg quercetin/g equivalent, respectively. The
value was expressed in mean ± SD.
Abbreviations: TFC, total flavonoid content; TPC, total phenolic content.
12.048 ± 2.828, and 219.861 ± 50.870 µg/mL, respectively. 28 days except normal control. During the 28 days of
The ascorbic acid showed significant inhibition in hydroxyl treatment time frame the blood sample was collected of
radical scavenging activity (IC50 2.733 ± 0.974 µg/mL). individual animal groups at 7, 14, and 28 days of final
While BHA have highest inhibition in nitric oxide(NO−) treatment termination. The lipid profiles of different days
scavenging activity (IC50 0.938 ± 0.273 µg/mL), and BHT in of treatment were expressed in Table 6. The result
hydroxyl and metal chelating activity (IC50 1.513 ± 0.539 showed that after 28 days of treatment with low and
and 0.902 ± 0.293 µg/mL), respectively. high dose of 400 and 800 mg/kg N. sativa was signifi-
In ferric ion reducing power assay (FRAP) and total cantly decreased the TC 73.44 ± 6.92, 71.76 ± 6.91 mg/dL
antioxidant activity, increases in absorbance showed the (p < 0.05) and TG 87.5 ± 6.67, 83.6 ± 8.09 mg/dL
antioxidant activity. Both FRAP and total antioxidants (p < 0.001, p < 0.01) as compare with negative control
showed significant absorbance (2.038 ± 0.373 and group was 248.34 ± 16.07, 224.3 ± 23.14 mg/dL (p < 0.05,
1.438 ± 0.215 nm), respectively. The ascorbic acid in both p < 0.001), respectively. The VLDL‐c and LDL‐c level
activities expressed almost similar absorbance was also significantly increased in 28 days (44.86 ± 4.62,
(1.950 ± 0.149 and 1.836 ± 0.339 nm), respectively. The 191.70 ± 15.86 mg/dL) of HFD administration in nega-
result indicated that N. sativa extract also had similar tive control group as compared with initial day
antioxidant activity (Table 4). (25.28 ± 4.05, 43.96 ± 8.63 mg/dL), respectively. The
The most significant correlation coefficient of differ- low and high doses of N. sativa was significantly reducing
ent antioxidant activity was determined between total the VLDL‐c (17.5 ± 1.33, 16.72 ± 1.61) and LDL‐c
phenolic content (TPC) and DPPH● (R2 = 0.997), H2O2● (35.87 ± 5.51, 33.86 ± 6.05) level in Wistar rats at 28 days
(R2 = 0.993), NO● (R2 = 0.973), respectively. Whereas in of treatment. Whereas at 28 days of treatment, the HDL‐
correlation with total flavonoid content (TFC) and c level was increased 20.06 ± 1.75, 21.18 ± 1.80 mg/dL as
DPPH● (R2 = 0.986), H2O2● (R2 = 0.981), NO● compared with negative control 11.76 ± 1.14 mg/dL,
(R2 = 0.993), respectively. The correlation of total respectively. The result revealed that high dose of
phenolic and flavonoid content with different antiox- N. sativa showed highest antihyperlipidaemic activity.
idant activity strongly suggested that presence of TPC
and TFC promote the free radical scavenging activity.
The correlation coefficient values were reported in 3.6 | Effect of aqueous extract of N. sativa
Table 5. on body weight of high‐fat diet induced
hyperlipidemia in Wistar rats
3.5 | Lipid profile of high‐fat diet‐induced The increases in body weight were observed at the end of
hyperlipidemia in Wistar rat 28th days in the high‐fat diet induced hyperlipidaemia
group as compared with control group. The body weight
In the present study, the lipid profile was determined in increased from 185.8 ± 8.79 to 199.6 ± 15.83 g at 28th
different time frame. On the initial day without days in high‐fat induced hyperlipidaemia group. After
administration of drug and high‐fat diet the blood 7 days of treatment with low and high dose of N. sativa
sample was collected of random selection of experimental extract group, the weight was reduced from 200.2 ± 24.01 to
animals from individual animal group. After that the 188.8 ± 17.29 g and 184.4 ± 10.24 to 184.6 ± 8.52 g, respec-
animals were fed high‐fat diet and drugs every day for tively, whereas there was increase in body weight in the
| 7 of 19
TABLE 3 Identification of phytoconstituent from aqueous extract of N. sativa seed extract by LC‐MS/MS analysis.
λ‐max Molecular [M + H]+/
Class (nm) Phytochemical Compound RT (min) formula m/z value Mass [M−H]− Biological activity
Phenolic 288 Rosmanol 5.61 C20H26O5 347.2 346.4 [M−H] Antitumor
550 Thymol 1.15 C10H14O 151.2 150.221 [M−H] Antianxiety
Mosquito repellents
285 P‐coumaroyl acid 1.95 C9H8O3R1 278.3 278.134 [M−H]+ Antioxidant activity
Antioxidant activity
Skeletal muscle
578.3 P‐Coumaroyl glucose 2.66 C15H18O8 326.2 327.30 [M−H]− Antioxidant activity
215 Fleuric acid 2.33 C10H10O4 193.2 194.18 [M−H]‐ Anticancer activity
Angiogenesis activity
Flavonoids 328 Myricetin 10.04 C15H10O8 319.4 318.237 [M−H]+ Antioxidant activity
TABLE 3 (Continued)
λ‐max Molecular [M + H]+/
Class (nm) Phytochemical Compound RT (min) formula m/z value Mass [M−H]− Biological activity
Anticancer activity
557 Quercetin 9.91 C15H10O7 301.1 302.23 [M−H] Antioxidant activity
Antiulcer activity
337 Apigenin 20.46 C15H10O5 270.3 270.24 [M−H] Antihyperglycemic
Anticancer activity
Antiepileptic activity
Anticancer activity
250 Kaempferol‐3‐O‐ 11.04 C27H20O11 449.3 449 [M−H] Antioxidant activity
Antioxidant activity
| 9 of 19
TABLE 3 (Continued)
λ‐max Molecular [M + H]+/
Class (nm) Phytochemical Compound RT (min) formula m/z value Mass [M−H]− Biological activity
450 Kaempferol‐3‐O‐ 2.13 C32H53O30 917.2 918 [M−H] Unknown
Antipyretic activity
232 Magnoflorine 4.03 C20H24NO4 342.3 342.4 [M−H] Anti‐anxiety activity
Anticancer activity
264 Nigellidine 5.32 C18H19N2O2 295.3 295 [M−H] Anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2
Antioxidant activity
298 Rotenone 9.65 C23H22O6 395.3 394.4 [M−H] Neuroprotective
Antiallergic activity
245 Daidzein 9.68 C15H10O4 419.3 254.23 [M−H] Antioxidant activity
Antihistaminic (H1)
Antibacterial activity
Anticancer activity
Anticancer activity
TABLE 3 (Continued)
λ‐max Molecular [M + H]+/
Class (nm) Phytochemical Compound RT (min) formula m/z value Mass [M−H]− Biological activity
Anthocyanins 518 Delphinidin‐3‐O‐ 5.74 C27H31O17 626.0 627.156 [M−H]− Anticancer activity
299 Cynidin 3,5‐O‐ 26.58 C27H31O16 610.1 611.5 [M−H]− Antioxidant activity
Antioxidant activity
230 Apigenin 7‐O‐apiosyl‐ 12.83 C26 H28O14 565.2 564.14 [M−H]+ Antifungal activity
Anticancer activity
| 11 of 19
TABLE 3 (Continued)
λ‐max Molecular [M + H]+/
Class (nm) Phytochemical Compound RT (min) formula m/z value Mass [M−H]− Biological activity
Flavanones 229 6‐geranylnaringenin 20.46 C25H28O5 407.0 408.1937 [M−H] Antioxidant activity
Lignans 400 Lariciresinol sesquiligans 8.24 C30H36O10 555.3 556.23 [M−H]− Anticarcinogenic
Antioxidant activity
Antidiuretic activity
241 Cyclolariciresinol 4.55 C20H24O6 361.2 360.157 [M−H] Gastroprotective
Estrogenic activity
Tyrosols 230 Oleuropein 22.35 C25H32O13 539.2 540.1843 [M−H] Antimicrobial
Antioxidant activity
Anticancer activity
Anticancer activity
N/A P‐HPEA‐AC 22.35 C10 H12 O3 181.1 180.078 [M−H] Antioxidant activity
Anticancer activity
Hydroxycoumarins 344 Scopoletin 22.16 C10 H8O4 193.0 192.0423 [M−H] Antitubercular
Antifungal activity
Hydroxy benzo 254 2,3, dihydroxy‐1‐ 15.08 C10H12O5 213.1 212.201 [M−H]+ Antioxidant activity
quinones guaiacylpropanone
Anticancer activity
Naphthoquinone 330 1,4‐napthoquinone 26.58 C10H6O2 159.1 158.15 [M−H] Antibacterial activity
Antimalarial activity
423 Juglone 12.83 C10H6O3 175.0 174.15 [M−H] Antioxidant activity
Antiviral activity
Anticancer activity
Curcuminoids 421 Demethoxycurcumin 1.96 C20H18O5 339.2 338.115 [M−H] Antiarthritic activity
TABLE 3 (Continued)
λ‐max Molecular [M + H]+/
Class (nm) Phytochemical Compound RT (min) formula m/z value Mass [M−H]− Biological activity
Terpenes 570 Limonen‐6‐ol‐pivalate 27.60 C15H24O2 236.0 236.35 *M+H] / Antimicrobial
[M−H]− activity
Antioxidant activity
Sesquiterpenes N/A Longifolene 1.59 C15H24 204.2 204.36 *M+H] / Antifungal activity
Di‐sacchrides 351 D‐glucose 6‐O‐α‐D‐ 1.76 C12H24O12 342.3 360.31 [M−H]− Antifungal activity
Antibacterial activity
Fatty acids N/A Eicosanoic acid 10.04 C20H40O2 309.2 312.538 [M−H] Anti‐inflammatory
Antioxidant activity
N/A Hexadecenoic acid 2.13 C16H30O2 253.2 254.41 [M−H] Antiarthritic activity
Antibacterial activity
N/A Eicosadienoic acid 10.03 C20H36O2 307.2 308.5 [M−H] Anti‐inflammatory
Antioxidant activity
Vitamins N/A 1‐(+) ascorbic acid 2,6‐ 19.78 C38H68O8 652.5 652.9 *[M+H] / Antidiuretic activity
dihexadecanoate [M−H]−
Antiseptic activity
| 13 of 19
TABLE 3 (Continued)
λ‐max Molecular [M + H]+/
Class (nm) Phytochemical Compound RT (min) formula m/z value Mass [M−H]− Biological activity
N/A Vitamin K2 25.07 C31H40O2 445.4 444.6 [M−H] Antiosteoporosis
Antioxidant activity
Others N/A Pyrrolidine‐2‐one‐3β 20.20 C16H25NO5 311.4 311.17 *[M+H] / Anti‐inflammatory
(propanoic acid [M−H]− activity
methyl ester),5‐
methylene 4α
Source: Farag et al. (2014), Hadi et al. (2016), Kadam and Lele (2017), Servi et al. (2022).
negative control group. At the end of 28th days of treatment perform the MS analysis. Several studies reported that
with low and high dose of N. sativa extract group reached the spectral analysis of N. sativa extract contains variety
171.8 ± 14.98 g and 162.6 ± 16.40 g, respectively (Table 7). of bioactive phytoconstituent. In present study, the m/z
value of different LC‐MS/MS spectra was determined
through previous studies (Farag et al., 2014; Kadam &
4 | DISCUSSION Lele, 2017; Servi et al., 2022).
In the present study, different antioxidant activities of
Seeds of N. sativa (black cumin) have been traditionally aqueous extract of N. sativa was determined. The DPPH
used for centuries in the treatment of many clinical scavenging activity of N. sativa extract was found to be
conditions including diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidae- IC50 11.916 ± 2.828 µg/mL. Several previous studies of
mia, depression, and so forth. This study was designed to DPPH scavenging capacity N. sativa extract were found
observe the in‐vitro antioxidant and in‐vivo antihyperlipi- to be IC50 24.69 ± 2.17, 8.00 ± 1.34 µg/mL, respectively
demic effects of N. sativa seed extract. In the previous study (Mazhar, 2022; Thilakarathne et al., 2018). The present
done by Ishtiaq et al., preliminary phytochemical screening study of N. sativa had shown highest DPPH scavenging
of aqueous extract of N. sativa showed presence of tannins, activity as compared with previously reported studies.
flavonoids, coumarins, and diterpenes. Whereas in the Another previous the N. sativa extract showed significant
present study tannins, saponins, steroids and terpenoids DPPH scavenging activity was 2.46 µg/mL as compared
were present. In comparison with previous study the result with present study it showed highest antioxidant capacity
of preliminary phytochemical screening showed similar (Sandhya et al., 2020).
composition (Ishtiaq et al., 2013). The hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide both are highly
The presence of phenolic and flavonoid content in the reactive molecules which is significantly increases the
extract expressed that highest radical scavenging activity. oxidative stress into the biological system. Nitric oxide
The previous study represented that the aqueous extract of are synthesized into the body but excessive production
N. sativa contains higher TPC and TFC content was increases oxidative stress (Zhao, 2007). In the present study
494.86 ± 3.62, 127.25 ± 2.6 in comparison with the present was to determine the antioxidant capacity of N. sativa
study was 173.190 ± 4.875 mg GAE/g equivalent, 129.761 ± extract. Previously several studies were done to determine
6.151 mg quercetin/g equivalent, respectively (Taroq the H2O2● and NO● scavenging activity Hassane et al.
et al., 2018). It was clearly indicated that the TPC content (2022) and Sandhya et al. (2020) showed that N. sativa seed
of the previous study was almost two times higher while in extract significantly inhibit the H2O2● radicals was IC50
comparison between both studies expressed similar TFC 1.03 ± 0.05 µg/mL (**p < 0.01), and 95.14 µg/mL, respec-
content. tively. Similarly, previous study done by Hassane et al. of
The chemical composition of N. sativa seed extract N. sativa IC50 0.08 ± 0.02 µg/mL (**p < 0.01) significantly
varied that may be related to geographical distribution. showed nitric oxide scavenging activity (Hassane
At present different species of N. sativa are available et al., 2022). Several previous studies showed highest
which contains different kinds of chemical compounds H2O2● and NO● scavenging capacity compared with the
(Hassan et al., 2016). Due to presence of many bioactive present study. Another previous study done by Hassan
chemical compound in N. sativa extract, so it needs to et al., determined hydroxyl radical scavenging activity and
1.836 ± 0.339
In the present study, the Wistar rats were divided
into five groups containing five rats in each group.
Among these, a control group in which only a normal
1.950 ± 0.149
FRAP mean
5.850 ± 1.903
activity (IC50)
1.513 ± 0.539
2.733 ± 0.974
activity (IC50)
0.938 ± 0.273
14.522 ± 4.226
30.294 ± 13.790
9.360 ± 3.336
activity (IC50)
3.049 ± 1.086
7.012 ± 2.499
activity (IC50)
N. sativa
High‐fat diet 82.3 ± 6.30* 209.28 ± 11.61* 230.38 ± 12.68* 248.34 ± 16.07*
Atorvastatin (40 mg/kg) 73.2 ± 8.99* 157.92 ± 14.26* 90.28 ± 8.08* 62.82 ± 6.68*
Low dose (400 mg/kg) 76.68 ± 4.86* 163.76 ± 12.59* 89.06 ± 6.70* 73.44 ± 6.92*
High dose (800 mg/kg) 84.44 ± 10.36* 161.78 ± 9.17* 84.76 ± 7.75* 71.76 ± 6.91*
2 TG Normal control 106 ± 6.81 107.7 ± 8.89 101.96 ± 6.28 100.26 ± 3.87
High‐fat diet 126.46 ± 20.21*** 168.94 ± 13.44*** 195.68 ± 13.63*** 224.3 ± 23.14***
Atorvastatin (40 mg/kg) 114.78± 1 4.30*** 99.8 ± 9.17*** 82.6 ± 8.69*** 69.6 ± 6.69***
Low dose (400 mg/kg) 115.06 ± 20.39*** 108.1 ± 22.09*** 99.9 ± 15.83*** 87.5 ± 6.67***
High dose (800 mg/kg) 118.7 ± 18.51** 107 ± 15.13** 97.3 ± 12.71** 83.6 ± 8.09**
3 HDL‐C Normal control 10.4 ± 1.06 12.66 ± 1.30 12.70 ± 1.67 13.04 ± 1.30
High‐fat diet 13.06 ± 1.17 18.32 ± 1.03 12.34 ± 1.55 11.76 ± 1.14
Atorvastatin (40 mg/kg) 12.96 ± 1.97 16.48 ± 1.18 18.3 ± 1.29 18.80 ± 2.0
Low dose (400 mg/kg) 12.30 ± 1.98 14.64 ± 1.06 17.92 ± 1.70 20.06 ± 1.75
High dose (800 mg/kg) 12.75 ± 1.60 14.48 ± 0.96 17.46 ± 2.39 21.18 ± 1.80
4 VLDL‐C Normal control 21.2 ± 1.36 21.54 ± 1.77 20.38 ± 1.26 20.04 ± 0.77
High‐fat diet 25.28 ± 4.05*** 33.78 ± 2.68*** 39.12 ± 2.71*** 44.86 ± 4.62***
Atorvastatin (40 mg/kg) 22.94 ± 2.87*** 19.96 ± 1.83*** 16.52 ± 1.73*** 13.92 ± 1.33***
Low dose (400 mg/kg) 23 ± 4.09*** 21.7 ± 4.52*** 19.98 ± 3.16*** 17.5 ± 1.33***
High dose (800 mg/kg) 23.74 ± 3.07** 21.4 ± 3.02** 19.46 ± 2.54** 16.72 ± 1.61**
5 LDL‐C Normal control 48.4 ± 4.0 50.14 ± 7.31 50.67 ± 5.60 50.92 ± 5.55
High‐fat diet 43.96 ± 8.63 157.18 ± 11.0 178.92 ± 12.34 191.70 ± 15.86
Atorvastatin (40 mg/kg) 37.3 ± 10.37 121.48 ± 16.63 53.36 ± 7.55 30.09 ± 4.13
Low dose (400 mg/kg) 41.37 ± 2.76 127.5 ± 15.96 51.16 ± 8.07 35.87 ± 5.51
High dose (800 mg/kg) 47.94 ± 8.04 125.9 ± 8.57 47.84 ± 6.92 33.86 ± 6.05
Note: All values were expressed as mean ± SEM *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 in one‐way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Newman Keuls multiple comparison
test was used for between group differences.
Abbreviations: HDL‐C, high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL‐C, low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglyceride; VLDL‐C,
very low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol.
TABLE 7 Effect of aqueous extract of Nigella sativa on body weight of high‐fat diet‐induced hyperlipidaemia in Wistar rats.
Initial body Body weight in Body weight in Body weight in
S.N. Groups weight 7 days 14 days 28 days
1 Control 180 ± 12.34 181.2 ± 12.85 179.2 ± 8.5 178.8 ± 8.9
2 High‐fat diet 185.8 ± 8.79 196.4 ± 11.97 196.6 ± 14.55 199.6 ± 15.83
3 Atorvastatin (40 mg/kg) 204.4 ± 21.98 191.4 ± 14.10 180.8 ± 12.68 174.6 ± 11.74
4 Low dose (400 mg/kg) 200.2 ± 24.01 188.8 ± 17.29 179.8 ± 13.54 171.8 ± 14.98
5 High dose (800 mg/kg) 184.4 ± 10.24 184.6 ± 8.52 175.8 ± 9.78 162.6 ± 16.40
Note: All values are expressed as mean ± SEM n = 5 each treatment was compared with negative control.
extract for 28 days significantly improved TC N. sativa seed in reducing the disease complications.
4.469 ± 0.05 mg/dL, TGs 1.943 ± 0.163 mg/dL, LDL Previous study total 88 subjects with age above 18‐year‐
2.953 ± 0.109 mg/dL, VLDL 1.368 ± 0.074 mg/dL, old and TC >200 mg/dL were included. According to the
and HDL 0.49 ± 0.014 mg/dL (**C p < 0.05) respec- subject condition 500 mg of N. sativa seed powder
tively. Whereas in present study, we found containing capsule was prescribed four times a day for
significant improvement in TC 73.44 ± 6.92 mg/dL, 4 weeks. During this study initial biochemical laboratory
TG 87.5 ± 6.67 mg/dL, LDL 35.87 ± 5.51 mg/dL, VLDL parameters were analyzed and repeated after the
17.5 ± 1.33 mg/dL, and HDL 20.06 ± 1.75 mg/dL at termination of the study. After 4 weeks of treatment,
400 mg/kg of N. sativa extract. In both studies, they observed N. sativaseed to significantly decreases TC
N. sativa extract was significantly decreasing the TC, by 4.78%, LDL by 7.6%, and TG by 16.65%, respec-
TG, LDL, and VLDL while HDL level was increased. tively. This study revealed that N. sativa are effective to
It was indicated that N. sativa is effective for reduces the hyperlipidaemic condition (Sabzghabaee
hyperlipidaemic condition. Iqbal et al. (2017), reported et al., 2012). Another randomized control trial of
that 150 mg/kg N. sativa extract significantly decreases N. sativa on dyslipidaemia was conducted in India, total
the TG level to 132.02 ± 0.69 mg/dL and 40 participants were included and equally divided into
119.06 ± 0.44 mg/dL on first day and termination day two groups control and test group, respectively. At
of the experiments. In another previous study done by 500 mg of N. sativa seed powder containing capsule was
Saxena et al. (2020), the ethanol extract of N. sativa at prescribed four times a day for 60 days. After the
500 mg/kg showed that feeding of extract significantly treatment N. sativa effects on dyslipidaemia was
reduces the TC 23%, TG 25%, LDL 22%, VLDL 23%, compared with baseline and control group. The result
respectively. Whereas this study concluded that N. revealed that test group significantly decreased the level
sativa showed effective antihyperlipidaemic activity in of TC 213.1 ± 11.16 mg/dL, TGs 175.5 ± 23.43 mg/dL,
Wistar rats. Also, similar response was observed in the and LDL 133.7 ± 9.32 mg/dL, respectively. Whereas
present study. HDL level was 45.1 ± 2.74 mg/dL slightly increased
For evaluating the weight‐reducing effects of (Rasheed et al., 2014).
N. sativa, we measured the body weight of Wistar rats
at a different time interval (7th, 14th, and 28th day)
and found a significant decrease in body weight in 5 | CONCLUSIONS
Wistar rats treated with AENS 400 and 800 mg/kg
compared with control and negative control group. In this study, it was found that administration of aqueous
However, no significant decrease in body weight was extracts of N. sativa seeds in Wistar rats has a favorable
observed in Wistar rats treated with 800 mg/kg AENS effect on the lipid profile as it reduced TG, LDL
when compared with 400 mg/kg AENS. The decrease cholesterol, TC, and increased the HDL cholesterol level.
in body weight by N. sativa can be correlated with its This work shows the evidence to support ethnopharmaco-
effect on the suppression of appetite (Brennan & logical use of medicinal plant for improving lipid metabo-
Mantzoros, 2006). lism. In conclusion, the promising effects of aqueous extract
N. sativa is a known spice due to its medicinal of N. sativa indicate that it can be a potent alternative for
properties and use in culinary dishes. The main strength the treatment of hyperlipidaemia in the future.
of N. sativa is seeds, which contains high amount of
omega‐3 fatty acid and linolic acid, shows many AUTHOR CONTRI BUTI ONS
pharmacological effect but it mostly preferred in obesity Amit Kumar Shrivastava: Conceptualization; formal
and hyperlipemia condition (Gupta et al., 2022). Many analysis; investigation; writing—original draft. Laxmi
clinical trials were conducted to determine the effect of Shrestha: Data curation; formal analysis; investigation.
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