Module 2 UHC 2024
Module 2 UHC 2024
Module 2 UHC 2024
The following are provided by an apex or end-referral hospital to all HCPNs linked to it, EXCEPT:
The health facility that acts as the initial contact and navigator for the entire Health Care Provider Network (HCPN):
The following is NOT part of the minimum standards of a health care provider network:
a. Availability of PET-CT scan services for cancer patients in its catchment population.
In the context of the Universal Health Care Act, this is a group of primary, secondary and tertiary care providers, whether public,
private or mixed, offering people-centered and comprehensive health care in an integrated and coordinated manner:
Which strategic output is brought about by enhancing primary care competencies of health workers, establishing standards for
primary care services, regulating primary care facilities, and ensuring affordable access to medicines?
a. Section 29 of the UHC Act mandates PhilHealth to update the list of underserved areas annually.
The following statements regarding Health Care Provider Networks (HCPNs) are correct, EXCEPT:
a. The network of hospitals within the HCPN is considered to be the HCPN’s basic foundation.
Initial-contact, accessible, continuous, comprehensive, and coordinated care that is available and accessible at the time of need:
a. Primary Care
Public Health Units in DOH hospitals, reporting directly under the Office of the Medical Center Chief or the Chief of Hospital, are
tasked with the following functions:
The following statements are true in relation to the socio-economic criteria for the classification of GIDAs, EXCEPT:
a. At least 25 percent of sitios/puroks have no access to a Rural Health Unit or hospitals within 60 minutes of travel in any
form of transport, including walking.
Extended time for primary care clinics and provision of services during the weekends are examples of which feature of the
primary care process?
a. Accessibility
Strong patient navigation is an example of which feature of the primary care process?
a. Coordination
The objectives of DOH-AO 2020-0023, entitled “Guidelines on Identifying GIDAs and Strengthening their Health Systems”, are
the following:
The following are true of the Province-wide and City-Wide Health System, EXCEPT:
a. The integration of local health systems into Province-wide and City-wide health systems shall be immediately
implemented in all LGUs.
A whole-of-society approach that aims to ensure the highest possible level of health and well-being through equitable delivery
of quality health services:
The full realization of primary care can be accelerated by the following strategic outputs:
The following provision under Section 33 of the Local Government Code of 1991 may be invoked as basis for the integration of
Province-wide health systems:
a. Cooperative undertakings
The office responsible for developing and updating the GIDA Profiling Tool to be used by CHDs and LGUs.
Under R.A. 7160 (Local Government Code of 1991), the following are the members of the Provincial Health Board, EXCEPT:
a. PhilHealth Representative
The following statements on Health Care Provider Networks (HCPNs) are correct, EXCEPT:
a. Apex hospitals, which deliver highly specialized care, are part of the Health Care Provider Network (HCPN).
The following are key characteristics of financial integration of the Province-wide/City-wide health systems, EXCEPT:
a. Integration of management systems covering investment planning, information system, procurement and supply chain
The guiding principles of the Primary Care Policy Framework and Sectoral Strategies:
The main monitoring and evaluation system in determining the current health status and health intervention gaps in GIDAs:
a. HCPN can link to only one apex or end-referral hospital to provide specialized services for its catchment population
through a memorandum of agreement.
A health care worker with defined competencies and certification in primary care as determined by the DOH or any institution
that is licensed and certified by the DOH:
The following are the key strategies on Strategic Financing for Primary Care, EXCEPT:
Which strategic output is brought about by the provision of population-based health services and individual-based health
Under the UHC Act and its implementing rules and regulations, the following are the expected functions of the reconstituted
Provincial/City Health Board (P/CHB) of LGUs that committed to the integration of their local health system into Province-wide
or City-wide health system, EXCEPT:
The following is a core function of the Technical Management Committee of the Provincial Health Office/City Health Office: