NICS. Standard

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National ICT Competency Standard for Teachers

The Goals: 1. To define the info communications technology competencies and the underlying performance indicators needed to support the job role performance of a teacher. 2. To come up with a National ICT Competency Standard for Teachers (NICS-Teachers) that consolidated the various references used by different interest groups, and align them to the DepEd drafted National Competency Based Teacher Standard (NCBTS). 3. To bring about the collective ownership of all the stakeholders by contributing to the formulation, advocacy, localization, and training implementation.

The Main Components NICS Standard Domain 1: Social

The domain includes competencies related to social, ethical, legal and human issues, and community linkage. 1.1 Understand and observe legal practices in the use of technology. 1.2 Recognize and practice ethical use of technology in both personal and professionallevels. 1.3 Plan, model and promote a safe and sound technology-supported learning environment. 1.4 Facilitate equitable access to technology that addresses learning, social and cultural diversity.

NICS Standard Domain 2: Technological

The domain includes competencies related to technical operations and concept, and productivity. 2.1 Demonstrate knowledge and skills in basic computer operation including basic troubleshooting and maintenance 2.2 Use appropriate office and teaching productivity tools 2.3 Understand and effectively use the Internet and network applications and resources 2.4 Demonstrate knowledge and skills in information and data management.

NICS Standard Domain 3: Pedagogical

The domain includes competencies related to the use of technology in the following components of an instruction process: 1) planning and designing effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology; 2) implementing, facilitating and monitoring teaching and learning strategies that integrate a range of information and communication technologies to promote and enhance student learning; and 3) assessing and evaluating student learning and performances.

3.1 Planning and Designing

3.1.1 Identify technology resources and evaluate them for appropriateness. 3.1.2 Plan strategies to facilitate student learning in a technology-enhanced environment. 3.1.3 Design developmentally-appropriate learning opportunities that use technologicallyenhanced instructional strategies 3.1.4 Access technology resources for instruction planning and design 3.1.5 Utilize best practices and research results on teaching and learning with technology in designing learning environments and experiences 3.1.6 Plan strategies to manage learning in technology-enhanced environments

3.2 Implementing and Monitoring

3.2.1 Apply tech to develop students higher order thinking (HOTS) and creativity 3.2.2 Use technology to support learner-centered strategies 3.2.3 Facilitate technology-supported student learning experiences 3.2.4 Manage a technology-enhanced teaching-learning environment

3.3 Assessing and Evaluation

3.3.1 Use technology to collect process and communicate information on student learning to students, parents, colleagues and other stakeholders. 3.3.2 Apply technology tools for rapid and accurate assessment and evaluation.

3.3.3 Apply a variety of methods to evaluate the appropriateness of students use of technology in learning. 3.3.4 Evaluate e & e of ICT integration in t-l process.

NICS Standard Domain 4: Professional

The domain includes competencies related to professional growth and development, research, innovation and collaboration. 4.1 Proactively engage in exploring and learning new and emerging technologies. 4.2 Continuously evaluate and reflect on the use of technology in the profession for development and innovation. 4.3 Share experiences and expertise, and collaborate with peers and stakeholders in advancing the use of technology in education and beyond.

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