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Steel Beam Design EC3

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Last edited 7-Apr-17

Span = 6m
Moment = 144 kNm
Steel Grade = 275 N/mm2
Shear Force 115 kN
Section = UB 356x127x33
Axial Load = 250 kN
Design Strength fy = 275 N/mm2

Slenderness ratios
For Flange c= 49.5 (b-tw-2r)/2
t=tf = 6.0 Moment capacity-Pure
c/t = 5.82
For Web c=d = 311.60
t=tw = 6.00 Axial Load an
c/t = 51.93 Minor Axis Buckling re
Strength reduction factor Major Axis Buckling re
ɛ = (235/ fy)^0.5
Classification under Pure Bending
Flange = Class 1
Web = Class 1
Section Classified as = Class 1
Moment capacity Mc,Rd=Mpl,Rd= = wel fy
275 x 473 /1000
130 kNm

Classification for Web under Compression

Flange = Class 1 Same as above
Web = Class 4
Section Classified as = Class 4

NcRd = Afy/ym0
= 1158 Need Further work
Classification under Bending and Axial load
α = 1/c[h/2+0.5Ned/twfy-(tf+r)]
= 0.74
Flange = Class 1

Web = FALSE Table 5.2

324.00 -205.24

X LT = 0.18
Buckling Curve Name = c h/b=2.78
α LT = 0.49

φLT = =0.5[1+αLT(λLT-λLT0)+βλLT2

β = 0.75 For Rolled sections
λLT0 = 0.4 For Rolled sections
λLT = 2.42
X LT mod = X LT/f
f = 1 Assume f =1 Conservatively
Kc Mb,Rd = 27 kNm
Shear Resistance Vpl,Rd = AV(fy/sqrt(3)
Av = A-2b tf+(tw+2r)tf
= 2303
Vpl,Rd = 366 kN

End Condition = 4
Lcr = 6000 1L
Nb,RD =
Buckling Curve Name Y-Y = a
Buckling Curve Name Z-Z = b
λz = Afy/Ncr
= Lcr/(iz*λ1)
λ1 = Π*SQRT(E/fy)
= 86.81
λz = 2.6787881633812

λy Lcr/(iy*λ1)
= 0.494
Buckling resistance Nbz,RD = Xz A fy
Xz = 1/ (φ+sqrt( φ2-λz2))

φ = 0.5[1+α(λz-0.2)+λz2

Imperfection factor α = 0.34 For Buckling Curve- b

φ= 4.51
Xz = 0.123
Nbz,RD = 142 kN

Buckling resistance Nby,RD = Xy A fy

Xy = 1/ (φ+sqrt( φ2-λy2))
φ = 0.5[1+α(λy-0.2)+λy2
Imperfection factor α = 0.21 For Buckling Curve- a
φ= 0.65
Xy = 0.93
Nby,RD = 1072.3407795252

kNm Class 1
kN Class 4
λLT = UVλZ√ βW/√C1
Ref Clause / Table
Section Properties
mass (kg/m)
depth h (mm) 349.0
width B (mm) 125.4
web thickness tw (mm) 6.0
flange thickness tf (mm) 8.5
depth between fillets d (mm) 311.6
Root Radius r(mm) 10.2
2nd moment of area Iy (cm4) 8249
Iz(cm4) 280
Moment capacity-Pure Bending Mc,RD = 130 radius of gyration rz(cm) 2.58
Shear Reisitance, Vpl,Rd = 366 ry(cm) 14.00
Compression Nc,RD = 1158 elastic modulus Zx (cm3) 473
Axial Load and Bening Mb,RD = 27 plastic modulus Wpl (cm3) 543
Minor Axis Buckling resistance Nbz,RD = 142 buckling parameter u
Major Axis Buckling resistance Nby,RD = 1072 Torsional index x
Area Ag cm2 42.1

T <=16 <=40 <=63 <=80

S275 275 265 255 245
S355 355 345 335 325

For Pure Bending

Class Flange c/Tf<= d/t <=
Class 1 9ɛ 8.3 72ɛ
Class 2 10ɛ 9.2 83ɛ
Class 3 14ɛ 12.9 124ɛ
Class 4
For Compression
Class Flange c/Tf <= Web
d/t <=
Class 1 9ɛ 8.3 33ɛ
Class 2 10ɛ 9.2 38ɛ
Class 3 14ɛ 12.9 42ɛ
Class 4
For Bending and Axial Load

Class α>0.5 Web α<=0.5

c/t <=
-1.58 Class 1 396 ε/(13α-1) 42.3 36 ε/α
Class 2 456 ε/(13α-1) 48.7 41.5 ε/α)
ψ>-1 ψ<=-1
Class 3 42 ε/(0.67+0.33 ψ) 260.5
Class 4

Buckling a b c d
α LT 0.21 0.34 0.49 0.76

Grade 235 275 355 420

2.236 2.422 2.736 2.982
λLT (L/iz )/104 (L/iz )/96 (L/iz )/85 (L/iz )/78
End condition Lcr
1 Fully Fixed at both ends 0.7L
2 Part. Fixed at both ends 0.9L
3 One end fixed and other end 0.9L
4 Pinned 1.0L

Buckling a b c d
α 0.21 0.34 0.49 0.76
Steel Grade

<=100 <=150
235 225
315 295

66.56 Class 1
76.73 Class 2
114.63 Class 3
Class 4

30.5 Class 1
35.1 Class 2
38.8 Class 3
Class 4
Summary for EC3
44.8 Class 1
51.6 Class 2

Class 3
Class 4

(L/iz )/75
UB Universal Beams to BS4 Part1 1993 - Dimensions & Properties
Mass Depth Width Thickness of Root Depth Ratios for Second Moment Radius Elastic Plastic Buckling Torsional Warping Torsional Area
per of of Web Flange Radius between Local Buckling of Area of Gyration Modulus Modulus Parameter Index Constant Constant of
Designation metre Section Section fillets Flange Web Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Section
D B s t r d b/2t d/s Ix Iy rx ry Zx Zy Sx Sy u x H J A
Home kg/m mm mm mm mm mm mm cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 dm6 cm4 cm2
1 UB 914x419x388 388 921 420.5 21.4 36.6 24.1 799.6 5.74 37.4 719600 45440 38.2 9.59 15630 2161 17670 3341 0.885 26.7 88.9 1734 494
2 UB 914x419x343 343.3 911.8 418.5 19.4 32 24.1 799.6 6.54 41.2 625800 39160 37.8 9.46 13730 1871 15480 2890 0.883 30.1 75.8 1193 437
3 UB 914x305x289 289.1 926.6 307.7 19.5 32 19.1 824.4 4.81 42.3 504200 15600 37 6.51 10880 1014 12570 1601 0.867 31.9 31.2 926 368
4 UB 914x305x253 253.4 918.4 305.5 17.3 27.9 19.1 824.4 5.47 47.7 436300 13300 36.8 6.42 9501 871 10940 1371 0.866 36.2 26.4 626 323
5 UB 914x305x224 224.2 910.4 304.1 15.9 23.9 19.1 824.4 6.36 51.8 376400 11240 36.3 6.27 8269 739 9535 1163 0.861 41.3 22.1 422 286
6 UB 914x305x201 200.9 903 303.3 15.1 20.2 19.1 824.4 7.51 54.6 325300 9423 35.7 6.07 7204 621 8351 982 0.854 46.8 18.4 291 256
7 UB 838x292x226 226.5 850.9 293.8 16.1 26.8 17.8 761.7 5.48 47.3 339700 11360 34.3 6.27 7985 773 9155 1212 0.87 35 19.3 514 289
8 UB 838x292x194 193.8 840.7 292.4 14.7 21.7 17.8 761.7 6.74 51.8 279200 9066 33.6 6.06 6641 620 7640 974 0.862 41.6 15.2 306 247
9 UB 838x292x176 175.9 834.9 291.7 14 18.8 17.8 761.7 7.76 54.4 246000 7799 33.1 5.9 5893 535 6808 842 0.856 46.5 13 221 224
10 UB 762x267x197 196.8 769.8 268 15.6 25.4 16.5 686 5.28 44 240000 8175 30.9 5.71 6234 610 7167 959 0.869 33.2 11.3 404 251
11 UB 762x267x173 173 762.2 266.7 14.3 21.6 16.5 686 6.17 48 205300 6850 30.5 5.58 5387 514 6198 807 0.864 38.1 9.39 267 220
12 UB 762x267x147 146.9 754 265.2 12.8 17.5 16.5 686 7.58 53.6 168500 5455 30 5.4 4470 411 5156 647 0.858 45.2 7.4 159 187
13 UB 762x267x134 133.9 750 264.4 12 15.5 16.5 686 8.53 57.2 150700 4788 29.7 5.3 4018 362 4644 570 0.854 49.8 6.46 119 171
14 UB 686x254x170 170.2 692.9 255.8 14.5 23.7 15.2 615.1 5.4 42.4 170300 6630 28 5.53 4916 518 5631 811 0.872 31.8 7.42 308 217
15 UB 686x254x152 152.4 687.5 254.5 13.2 21 15.2 615.1 6.06 46.6 150400 5784 27.8 5.46 4374 455 5000 710 0.871 35.5 6.42 220 194
16 UB 686x254x140 140.1 683.5 253.7 12.4 19 15.2 615.1 6.68 49.6 136300 5183 27.6 5.39 3987 409 4558 638 0.868 38.7 5.72 169 178
17 UB 686x254x125 125.2 677.9 253 11.7 16.2 15.2 615.1 7.81 52.6 118000 4383 27.2 5.24 3481 346 3994 542 0.862 43.9 4.8 116 159
18 UB 610x305x238 238.1 635.8 311.4 18.4 31.4 16.5 540 4.96 29.3 209500 15840 26.3 7.23 6589 1017 7486 1574 0.886 21.3 14.5 785 303
19 UB 610x305x179 179 620.2 307.1 14.1 23.6 16.5 540 6.51 38.3 153000 11410 25.9 7.07 4935 743 5547 1144 0.886 27.7 10.2 340 228
20 UB 610x305x149 149.2 612.4 304.8 11.8 19.7 16.5 540 7.74 45.8 125900 9308 25.7 7 4111 611 4594 937 0.886 32.7 8.17 200 190
21 UB 610x229x140 139.9 617.2 230.2 13.1 22.1 12.7 547.6 5.21 41.8 111800 4505 25 5.03 3622 391 4142 611 0.875 30.6 3.99 216 178
22 UB 610x229x125 125.1 612.2 229 11.9 19.6 12.7 547.6 5.84 46 98610 3932 24.9 4.97 3221 343 3676 535 0.873 34.1 3.45 154 159
23 UB 610x229x113 113 607.6 228.2 11.1 17.3 12.7 547.6 6.6 49.3 87320 3434 24.6 4.88 2874 301 3281 469 0.87 38 2.99 111 144
24 UB 610x229x101 101.2 602.6 227.6 10.5 14.8 12.7 547.6 7.69 52.2 75780 2915 24.2 4.75 2515 256 2881 400 0.864 43.1 2.52 77 129
25 UB 533x210x122 122 544.5 211.9 12.7 21.3 12.7 476.5 4.97 37.5 76040 3388 22.1 4.67 2793 320 3196 500 0.877 27.6 2.32 178 155
26 UB 533x210x109 109 539.5 210.8 11.6 18.8 12.7 476.5 5.61 41.1 66820 2943 21.9 4.6 2477 279 2828 436 0.875 30.9 1.99 126 139
27 UB 533x210x101 101 536.7 210 10.8 17.4 12.7 476.5 6.03 44.1 61520 2692 21.9 4.57 2292 256 2612 399 0.874 33.2 1.81 101 129
28 UB 533x210x92 92.14 533.1 209.3 10.1 15.6 12.7 476.5 6.71 47.2 55230 2389 21.7 4.51 2072 228 2360 356 0.872 36.5 1.6 75.7 117
29 UB 533x210x82 82.2 528.3 208.8 9.6 13.2 12.7 476.5 7.91 49.6 47540 2007 21.3 4.38 1800 192 2059 300 0.864 41.6 1.33 51.5 105
30 UB 457x191x98 98.3 467.2 192.8 11.4 19.6 10.2 407.6 4.92 35.8 45730 2347 19.1 4.33 1957 243 2232 379 0.881 25.7 1.18 121 125
31 UB 457x191x89 89.3 463.4 191.9 10.5 17.7 10.2 407.6 5.42 38.8 41020 2089 19 4.29 1770 218 2014 338 0.88 28.3 1.04 90.7 114
32 UB 457x191x82 82 460 191.3 9.9 16 10.2 407.6 5.98 41.2 37050 1871 18.8 4.23 1611 196 1831 304 0.877 30.9 0.922 69.2 104
33 UB 457x191x74 74.3 457 190.4 9 14.5 10.2 407.6 6.57 45.3 33320 1671 18.8 4.2 1458 176 1653 272 0.877 33.9 0.818 51.8 94.6
34 UB 457x191x67 67.1 453.4 189.9 8.5 12.7 10.2 407.6 7.48 48 29380 1452 18.5 4.12 1296 153 1471 237 0.872 37.9 0.705 37.1 85.5
35 UB 457x152x82 82.1 465.8 155.3 10.5 18.9 10.2 407.6 4.11 38.8 36590 1185 18.7 3.37 1571 153 1811 240 0.873 27.4 0.591 89.2 105
36 UB 457x152x74 74.2 462 154.4 9.6 17 10.2 407.6 4.54 42.5 32670 1047 18.6 3.33 1414 136 1627 213 0.873 30.1 0.518 65.9 94.5
37 UB 457x152x67 67.2 458 153.8 9 15 10.2 407.6 5.13 45.3 28930 913 18.4 3.27 1263 119 1453 187 0.869 33.6 0.448 47.7 85.6
38 UB 457x152x60 59.8 454.6 152.9 8.1 13.3 10.2 407.6 5.75 50.3 25500 795 18.3 3.23 1122 104 1287 163 0.868 37.5 0.387 33.8 76.2
39 UB 457x152x52 52.3 449.8 152.4 7.6 10.9 10.2 407.6 6.99 53.6 21370 645 17.9 3.11 950 84.6 1096 133 0.859 43.9 0.311 21.4 66.6
40 UB 406x178x74 74.2 412.8 179.5 9.5 16 10.2 360.4 5.61 37.9 27310 1545 17 4.04 1323 172 1501 267 0.882 27.6 0.608 62.8 94.5
41 UB 406x178x67 67.1 409.4 178.8 8.8 14.3 10.2 360.4 6.25 41 24330 1365 16.9 3.99 1189 153 1346 237 0.88 30.5 0.533 46.1 85.5
42 UB 406x178x60 60.1 406.4 177.9 7.9 12.8 10.2 360.4 6.95 45.6 21600 1203 16.8 3.97 1063 135 1199 209 0.88 33.8 0.466 33.3 76.5
43 UB 406x178x54 54.1 402.6 177.7 7.7 10.9 10.2 360.4 8.15 46.8 18720 1021 16.5 3.85 930 115 1055 178 0.871 38.3 0.392 23.1 69
44 UB 406x140x46 46 403.2 142.2 6.8 11.2 10.2 360.4 6.35 53 15690 538 16.4 3.03 778 75.7 888 118 0.871 38.9 0.207 19 58.6
45 UB 406x140x39 39 398 141.8 6.4 8.6 10.2 360.4 8.24 56.3 12510 410 15.9 2.87 629 57.8 724 90.8 0.858 47.5 0.155 10.7 49.7
46 UB 356x171x67 67.1 363.4 173.2 9.1 15.7 10.2 311.6 5.52 34.2 19460 1362 15.1 3.99 1071 157 1211 243 0.886 24.4 0.412 55.7 85.5
47 UB 356x171x57 57 358 172.2 8.1 13 10.2 311.6 6.62 38.5 16040 1108 14.9 3.91 896 129 1010 199 0.882 28.8 0.33 33.4 72.6
48 UB 356x171x51 51 355 171.5 7.4 11.5 10.2 311.6 7.46 42.1 14140 968 14.8 3.86 796 113 896 174 0.881 32.1 0.286 23.8 64.9

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UB Universal Beams to BS4 Part1 1993 - Dimensions & Properties
Depth Width Thickness of Root Depth Ratios for Second Moment Radius Elastic Plastic Buckling Torsional Warping Torsional Area
per of of Web Flange Radius between Local Buckling of Area of Gyration Modulus Modulus Parameter Index Constant Constant of
Designation metre
Section Section fillets Flange Web Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Section
D B s t r d b/2t d/s Ix Iy rx ry Zx Zy Sx Sy u x H J A
Home kg/m mm mm mm mm mm mm cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 dm6 cm4 cm2
49 UB 356x171x45 45 351.4 171.1 7 9.7 10.2 311.6 8.82 44.5 12070 811 14.5 3.76 687 94.8 775 147 0.874 36.8 0.237 15.8 57.3
50 UB 356x127x39 39.1 353.4 126 6.6 10.7 10.2 311.6 5.89 47.2 10170 358 14.3 2.68 576 56.8 659 89.1 0.871 35.2 0.105 15.1 49.8
51 UB 356x127x33 33.1 349 125.4 6 8.5 10.2 311.6 7.38 51.9 8249 280 14 2.58 473 44.7 543 70.3 0.863 42.2 0.081 8.79 42.1
52 UB 305x165x54 54 310.4 166.9 7.9 13.7 8.9 265.2 6.09 33.6 11700 1063 13 3.93 754 127 846 196 0.889 23.6 0.234 34.8 68.8
53 UB 305x165x46 46.1 306.6 165.7 6.7 11.8 8.9 265.2 7.02 39.6 9899 896 13 3.9 646 108 720 166 0.891 27.1 0.195 22.2 58.7
54 UB 305x165x40 40.3 303.4 165 6 10.2 8.9 265.2 8.09 44.2 8503 764 12.9 3.86 560 92.6 623 142 0.889 31 0.164 14.7 51.3
55 UB 305x127x48 48.1 311 125.3 9 14 8.9 265.2 4.47 29.5 9575 461 12.5 2.74 616 73.6 711 116 0.873 23.3 0.102 31.8 61.2
56 UB 305x127x42 41.9 307.2 124.3 8 12.1 8.9 265.2 5.14 33.1 8196 389 12.4 2.7 534 62.6 614 98.4 0.872 26.5 0.085 21.1 53.4
57 UB 305x127x37 37 304.4 123.4 7.1 10.7 8.9 265.2 5.77 37.4 7171 336 12.3 2.67 471 54.5 539 85.4 0.872 29.7 0.072 14.8 47.2
58 UB 305x102x33 32.8 312.7 102.4 6.6 10.8 7.6 275.9 4.74 41.8 6501 194 12.5 2.15 416 37.9 481 60 0.866 31.6 0.044 12.2 41.8
59 UB 305x102x28 28.2 308.7 101.8 6 8.8 7.6 275.9 5.78 46 5366 155 12.2 2.08 348 30.5 403 48.5 0.859 37.4 0.035 7.4 35.9
60 UB 305x102x25 24.8 305.1 101.6 5.8 7 7.6 275.9 7.26 47.6 4455 123 11.9 1.97 292 24.2 342 38.8 0.846 43.4 0.027 4.77 31.6
61 UB 254x146x43 43 259.6 147.3 7.2 12.7 7.6 219 5.8 30.4 6544 677 10.9 3.52 504 92 566 141 0.891 21.2 0.103 23.9 54.8
62 UB 254x146x37 37 256 146.4 6.3 10.9 7.6 219 6.72 34.8 5537 571 10.8 3.48 433 78 483 119 0.89 24.3 0.086 15.3 47.2
63 UB 254x146x31 31.1 251.4 146.1 6 8.6 7.6 219 8.49 36.5 4413 448 10.5 3.36 351 61.3 393 94.1 0.88 29.6 0.066 8.55 39.7
64 UB 254x102x28 28.3 260.4 102.2 6.3 10 7.6 225.2 5.11 35.7 4005 179 10.5 2.22 308 34.9 353 54.8 0.874 27.5 0.028 9.57 36.1
65 UB 254x102x25 25.2 257.2 101.9 6 8.4 7.6 225.2 6.07 37.5 3415 149 10.3 2.15 266 29.2 306 46 0.866 31.5 0.023 6.42 32
66 UB 254x102x22 22 254 101.6 5.7 6.8 7.6 225.2 7.47 39.5 2841 119 10.1 2.06 224 23.5 259 37.3 0.856 36.4 0.018 4.15 28
67 UB 203x133x30 30 206.8 133.9 6.4 9.6 7.6 172.4 6.97 26.9 2896 385 8.71 3.17 280 57.5 314 88.2 0.881 21.5 0.037 10.3 38.2
68 UB 203x133x25 25.1 203.2 133.2 5.7 7.8 7.6 172.4 8.54 30.2 2340 308 8.56 3.1 230 46.2 258 70.9 0.877 25.6 0.029 5.96 32
69 UB 203x102x23 23.1 203.2 101.8 5.4 9.3 7.6 169.4 5.47 31.4 2105 164 8.46 2.36 207 32.2 234 49.8 0.888 22.5 0.015 7.02 29.4
70 UB 178x102x19 19 177.8 101.2 4.8 7.9 7.6 146.8 6.41 30.6 1356 137 7.48 2.37 153 27 171 41.6 0.888 22.6 0.01 4.41 24.3
71 UB 152x89x16 16 152.4 88.7 4.5 7.7 7.6 121.8 5.76 27.1 834 89.8 6.41 2.1 109 20.2 123 31.2 0.89 19.6 0.005 3.56 20.3
72 UB 127x76x13 13 127 76 4 7.6 7.6 96.6 5 24.1 473 55.7 5.35 1.84 74.6 14.7 84.2 22.6 0.895 16.3 0.002 2.85 16.5
73 Additional sizes to BS4 available in UK
73.1 UB 1016x305x487 486.6 1036.1 308.5 30 54.1 30 867.9 2.85 28.9 1021400 26720 40.6 6.57 19720 1732 23200 2800 0.867 21.1 64.4 4299 620
73.2 UB 1016x305x437 436.9 1025.9 305.4 26.9 49 30 867.9 3.12 32.3 909900 23450 40.4 6.49 17740 1535 20760 2469 0.868 23.1 55.9 3185 557
73.3 UB 1016x305x393 392.7 1016 303 24.4 43.9 30 868.2 3.45 35.6 807700 20500 40.2 6.4 15900 1353 18540 2168 0.868 25.5 48.4 2330 500
73.4 UB 1016x305x349 349.4 1008.1 302 21.1 40 30 868.1 3.77 41.1 723100 18460 40.3 6.44 14350 1223 16590 1941 0.872 27.9 43.3 1718 445
73.5 UB 1016x305x314 314.3 1000 300 19.1 35.9 30 868.2 4.18 45.5 644200 16230 40.1 6.37 12880 1082 14850 1713 0.872 30.7 37.7 1264 400
73.6 UB 1016x305x272 272.3 990.1 300 16.5 31 30 868.1 4.84 52.6 554000 14000 40 6.35 11190 934 12830 1470 0.873 35 32.2 835 347
73.7 UB 1016x305x249 248.7 980.2 300 16.5 26 30 868.2 5.77 52.6 481300 11750 39 6.09 9821 784 11350 1245 0.861 39.9 26.8 582 317
73.8 UB 1016x305x222 222 970.3 300 16 21.1 30 868.1 7.11 54.3 408000 9546 38 5.81 8409 636 9807 1020 0.85 45.7 21.5 390 283
UC 356x406x634 633.9 474.6 424 47.6 77 15.2 290.2 2.75 6.1 274800 98130 18.4 11 11580 4629 14240 7108 0.843 5.46 38.8 13720 808

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UC Universal Columns to BS4 Part1 1993 - Dimensions & Properties
Mass Per Depth Width Thickness of Root Depth Ratios for Second Moment Radius Elastic Plastic Buckling Torsional Warping Torsional Area
metre of of Web Flange Radius between Local Buckling of Area of Gyration Modulus Modulus Parameter Index Constant Constant of
Designation Section Section fillets Flange Web Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Section
h b s t r d b/2t d/s Ix Iy rx ry Zx Zy Sx Sy u x H J A
Home kg/m mm mm mm mm mm mm cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 dm6 cm4 cm2
1 356x406x634 633.9 474.6 424 47.6 77 15.2 290.2 2.75 6.1 274800 98130 18.4 11 11580 4629 14240 7108 0.843 5.46 38.8 13720 808
2 356x406x551 551 455.6 418.5 42.1 67.5 15.2 290.2 3.1 6.89 226900 82670 18 10.9 9962 3951 12080 6058 0.841 6.05 31.1 9240 702
3 356x406x467 467 436.6 412.2 35.8 58 15.2 290.2 3.55 8.11 183000 67830 17.5 10.7 8383 3291 10000 5034 0.839 6.86 24.3 5809 595
4 356x406x393 393 419 407 30.6 49.2 15.2 290.2 4.14 9.48 146600 55370 17.1 10.5 6998 2721 8222 4154 0.837 7.86 18.9 3545 501
5 356x406x340 339.9 406.4 403 26.6 42.9 15.2 290.2 4.7 10.9 122500 46850 16.8 10.4 6031 2325 6999 3544 0.836 8.85 15.5 2343 433
6 356x406x287 287.1 393.6 399 22.6 36.5 15.2 290.2 5.47 12.8 99880 38680 16.5 10.3 5075 1939 5812 2949 0.835 10.2 12.3 1441 366
7 356x406x235 235.1 381 394.8 18.4 30.2 15.2 290.2 6.54 15.8 79080 30990 16.3 10.2 4151 1570 4687 2383 0.834 12.1 9.54 812 299
8 356x368x202 201.9 374.6 374.7 16.5 27 15.2 290.2 6.94 17.6 66260 23690 16.1 9.6 3538 1264 3972 1920 0.844 13.4 7.16 558 257
9 356x368x177 177 368.2 372.6 14.4 23.8 15.2 290.2 7.83 20.2 57120 20530 15.9 9.54 3103 1102 3455 1671 0.844 15 6.09 381 226
10 356x368x153 152.9 362 370.5 12.3 20.7 15.2 290.2 8.95 23.6 48590 17550 15.8 9.49 2684 948 2965 1435 0.844 17 5.11 251 195
11 356x368x129 129 355.6 368.6 10.4 17.5 15.2 290.2 10.5 27.9 40250 14610 15.6 9.43 2264 793 2479 1199 0.844 19.9 4.18 153 164
12 305x305x283 282.9 365.3 322.2 26.8 44.1 15.2 246.7 3.65 9.21 78870 24630 14.8 8.27 4318 1529 5105 2342 0.855 7.65 6.35 2034 360
13 305x305x240 240 352.5 318.4 23 37.7 15.2 246.7 4.22 10.7 64200 20310 14.5 8.15 3643 1276 4247 1951 0.854 8.74 5.03 1271 306
14 305x305x198 198.1 339.9 314.5 19.1 31.4 15.2 246.7 5.01 12.9 50900 16300 14.2 8.04 2995 1037 3440 1581 0.854 10.2 3.88 734 252
15 305x305x158 158.1 327.1 311.2 15.8 25 15.2 246.7 6.22 15.6 38750 12570 13.9 7.9 2369 808 2680 1230 0.851 12.5 2.87 378 201
16 305x305x137 136.9 320.5 309.2 13.8 21.7 15.2 246.7 7.12 17.9 32810 10700 13.7 7.83 2048 692 2297 1053 0.851 14.2 2.39 249 174
17 305x305x118 117.9 314.5 307.4 12 18.7 15.2 246.7 8.22 20.6 27670 9059 13.6 7.77 1760 589 1958 895 0.85 16.2 1.98 161 150
18 305x305x97 96.9 307.9 305.3 9.9 15.4 15.2 246.7 9.91 24.9 22250 7308 13.4 7.69 1445 479 1592 726 0.85 19.3 1.56 91.2 123
19 254x254x167 167.1 289.1 265.2 19.2 31.7 12.7 200.3 4.18 10.4 30000 9870 11.9 6.81 2075 744 2424 1137 0.851 8.49 1.63 626 213
20 254x254x132 132 276.3 261.3 15.3 25.3 12.7 200.3 5.16 13.1 22530 7531 11.6 6.69 1631 576 1869 878 0.85 10.3 1.19 319 168
21 254x254x107 107.1 266.7 258.8 12.8 20.5 12.7 200.3 6.31 15.6 17510 5928 11.3 6.59 1313 458 1484 697 0.848 12.4 0.898 172 136
22 254x254x89 88.9 260.3 256.3 10.3 17.3 12.7 200.3 7.41 19.4 14270 4857 11.2 6.55 1096 379 1224 575 0.85 14.5 0.717 102 113
23 254x254x73 73.1 254.1 254.6 8.6 14.2 12.7 200.3 8.96 23.3 11410 3908 11.1 6.48 898 307 992 465 0.849 17.3 0.562 57.6 93.1
24 203x203x86 86.1 222.2 209.1 12.7 20.5 10.2 160.8 5.1 12.7 9449 3127 9.28 5.34 850 299 977 456 0.85 10.2 0.318 137 110
25 203x203x71 71 215.8 206.4 10 17.3 10.2 160.8 5.97 16.1 7618 2537 9.18 5.3 706 246 799 374 0.853 11.9 0.25 80.2 90.4
26 203x203x60 60 209.6 205.8 9.4 14.2 10.2 160.8 7.25 17.1 6125 2065 8.96 5.2 584 201 656 305 0.846 14.1 0.197 47.2 76.4
27 203x203x52 52 206.2 204.3 7.9 12.5 10.2 160.8 8.17 20.4 5259 1778 8.91 5.18 510 174 567 264 0.848 15.8 0.167 31.8 66.3
28 203x203x46 46.1 203.2 203.6 7.2 11 10.2 160.8 9.25 22.3 4568 1548 8.82 5.13 450 152 497 231 0.847 17.7 0.143 22.2 58.7
29 152x152x37 37 161.8 154.4 8 11.5 7.6 123.6 6.71 15.5 2210 706 6.85 3.87 273 91.5 309 140 0.848 13.3 0.04 19.2 47.1
30 152x152x30 30 157.6 152.9 6.5 9.4 7.6 123.6 8.13 19 1748 560 6.76 3.83 222 73.3 248 112 0.849 16 0.031 10.5 38.3
31 152x152x23 23 152.4 152.2 5.8 6.8 7.6 123.6 11.2 21.3 1250 400 6.54 3.7 164 52.6 182 80.2 0.84 20.7 0.021 4.63 29.2

File: 766823027.xlsx Tab: UC Page 12/14 Date Printed: 06/24/2024

Steel Grade and Design Strength py (N/mm2)
S275 S355
235 245 255 265 275 315 325 335 345
30 235 245 255 265 275 315 325 335 345
40 229 238 246 254 262 294 302 309 317
50 210 217 224 231 238 265 272 279 285
60 189 195 201 207 213 236 241 246 251
70 169 174 179 184 188 206 210 214 218
80 150 154 158 161 165 178 181 184 187
90 132 135 138 141 144 153 156 158 160
100 116 118 121 123 125 132 134 136 137
110 102 104 106 107 109 115 116 117 119
120 90 91 93 94 96 100 101 102 103
130 80 81 82 83 84 88 89 90 90
140 71 72 73 74 75 78 78 79 80
150 64 64 65 66 67 69 70 70 71
160 57 58 59 59 60 62 62 62 63
170 52 52 53 53 54 56 56 56 57
180 47 47 48 48 49 50 51 51 51
190 43 43 44 44 44 46 46 46 46
200 39 39 40 40 40 42 42 42 42
210 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 38 39
230 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 33 33
250 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28
λL0 37 36 36 35 34 32 32 31 31

py 275 5
λlt Err:509

For Err:509 Err:509

For Err:509 Err:509
For Err:509 Err:509
30 <-- Limiting slenderness

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