Pediatrics Shah
Pediatrics Shah
Pediatrics Shah
at first relax with Syp pedichloryl
1. nasal congestiojn -snd
2. cry consolable-->no-->meningitis-fever, af bulge, no pulsation, lethargic
3. tragal tenderness -->ear infection-->snd, feed in sitting(in otitis media, moxclav at 40 mg
4. limbs moving-->no-->septic arthritis/osteomyelitis
5. chubby and weaning-->p/a examination-->intussuception
6. anus-->diaper rash-->rashfree for la
7. breast milk colic-->coloic aid drops(<6mnt 4*tid,<1yr 8*tid) + burping
8. svt-fever, hr>180-220-->picu-->adenosine
1. lateral position
2. o2 supply
3. pmol suppository-80/170/250 mg
4. tepid sponging
5. grbs <60-dextrose(10D-5 ml/kg and 25 D 2 ml/kg)
6. inj lorazepam 0.05mg/kg/dose stat IV(0.5 mg for 10 kg patient) rpt after 5 mnt--or---
7. diazepam per rectal 0.2-0.3 mg/kg through infant feeding tube(2-3 mg for 10 kg patient) rpt
after 5 mnt
8. inj phenetoin 20 mg/kg/dose in 100 ml ns over 20 mts—rpt at 10 mg/kg/dose--(200 mg for
10 kg patient)
9. phenetoin maintenance dose 5 mg/kg/day bd after 12 hrs, 2nd day od, stop on 3 rd day
10. if cerebral edema(long seizure)-mannitol 5 ml/kg/dose over 20 mts- rpt q8h
1. inj hydrocortisone 5mg/kg IV stat(50 mg for 10 kg patient)
2. inj avil 0.5 mg/kg IV stat(5 mg for 10 kg patient)
3. T wysolone 1 mg /kg/day in bd 5 days( 5mg bd for 10 kg patient)
4. adrenaline 1 in 1000—0.01 mg/kg & 1 in 10,000 – 0.1 ml/kg
1. plan A <2 yr 50-100 ml after stool
2. plan A 2-10 yr 100-200 ml after stool
3. plan A >10 yr as needed
4. danger sign- inc vol/frequency of sool, repeated vomiting,inc thirst, refuse feed, blood in
stool,fever,diarrhea >3 per day
5. plan B-daily requirement 10kg-100ml/kg+ 10-20kg-50 ml/kg +>20-20 ml/kg
6. plan B deficiency correction- 75 ml/kg over 4 hr
7. plan B maintenace – 10 ml/kg/stool
8. plan C- RL with 5D-30 ml/kg in 1 hr and 70 ml/kg in 5 hr
9. plan c -ng feeding-20 ml/kg/hr for 6 hrs
10. plan c-IV bolus 100 ml/kg
acyclovir 400/5 80 mg/kg/day in 150mg/dose varicellla
adrenaline 1mg/ml of 1 in 0.01ml/kg/dose s/c 0.1ml s/c Bronchospasm,
1000 anaphylais
adrenaline 1-5 ml ----- For nebulisation with 3
ml saline
amikacin 7.5 mg/kg/dose bd/tid 75 mg/dose Pseudo,kleb,ecoli,proteu
s,enterobac-ideal IV
ampicillin 125/250 in 5 ml 50-100mg/kg/day in 125-250 G + and g-
4 po mg/dose
dexamethasone T 0.5 mg/ inj 0.2 mg/kg/day 2 mg anaphylaxis
Diclofenac 25mg/ml inj 1mg/kg/dose 10mg
dicyclomine 10mg/5 ml 0.5mg/kg/dose tid in 5mg/dose Colic pain
>6mnths tid
domperidone T 5/10 mg ,1 0.2mg/kg/dose tid 2mg/dose Nausea and vomiting of
mg/ml Syp any cause
gentamycin Inj 10&40 5-7.5mg/kg/day in 25 mg/ dose Neonatal
mg/ml,0.3%eye bd/tid bd infection,septicemia, uti
haloperidol T 0.25,1,5 mg, inj Adult- 0.5-5 mg Antipsychotic,
5mg/ml bd/tid antikinetic
hydrocortisone T 20, inj 100 mg 10 mg/kg IV stat in
vial adults
ibuprofen T 200/400, 10mg/kg/dose tid/qid 100 pain
syp100/5 mg/dose
ipravent 250 mic/ml 25mcg/kg/dose tid 250 mcg For nebulisation
Levocetrizine 2.5 mg/ml Child-2.5 mg od antiallergic
levosalbutamol 1mg/5 0.05 mg/kg/dose qid 0.5 mg qid
Prednisolone T 5,10,20- Syp 5/5 0.5-1 mg/kg bd
promethazine 5/5ml 0.5-1 mg/kg/dose
theo/deryphylli 100/5 ml 5 mg/kg/dose bd